Declaration from Italy’s Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Regarding the Russia, Ukraine Crisis – EcoHealth Alliance Bioweapon Lab

By Joe Hoft March 7, 2022 – updated

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano shared the message with The Gateway Pundit this morning.  We include his message in full below. 

Archbishop Vigano has been a voice for justice around the world.  Today he sent us a message regarding the Russia – Ukraine crisis.  In his message, Vigano shares the following:

If we look at what is happening in Ukraine, without being misled by the gross falsifications of the mainstream media, we realize that respect for each other’s rights has been completely ignored; indeed, we have the impression that the Biden Administration, NATO and the European Union deliberately want to maintain a situation of obvious imbalance, precisely to make impossible any attempt at a peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian crisis, provoking the Russian Federation to trigger a conflict…

…It should not surprise us that pluralism and freedom of speech, so praised in countries that claim to be democratic, are daily disavowed by censorship and intolerance towards opinions not aligned with the official narrative. Manipulations of this kind have become the norm during the so-called pandemic, to the detriment of doctors, scientists and dissenting journalists, who have been discredited and ostracized for the mere fact of daring to question the effectiveness of experimental serums. Two years later, the truth about the adverse effects and the unfortunate management of the health emergency has proven them right, but the truth is stubbornly ignored because it does not correspond to what the system wanted and still wants today.

If the world media have so far been able to lie shamelessly on a matter of strict scientific relevance, spreading lies and hiding reality, we should ask ourselves why, in the present situation, they should suddenly rediscover that intellectual honesty and respect for the code of ethics widely denied with Covid.

But if this colossal fraud has been supported and disseminated by the media, it must be recognized that national and international health institutions, governments, magistrates, law enforcement agencies and the Catholic Hierarchy itself all share responsibility for the disaster – each in its own sphere by actively supporting or failing to opposethe narrative – a disasterthat hasaffected billions of peoplein their health, their property, theexercise of their individual rightsand even their very lives. Even in this case, it is difficult to imagine that those who have been guilty of such crimes in support ofa pandemic that was intended and maliciously amplified could suddenly have a jolt of dignity and show solicitude for their citizens and their homeland when a war threatens their security and their economy…

…NATO has failed to keep its commitments to Russia, or has at least forced the situation at a very delicate moment for geopolitical balances. We should ask ourselves why the United States – or rather the American deep state which regained power after the electoral fraud that brought Joe Biden to the White House – wants to create tensions with Russia and involve its European partners in the conflict, with all the consequences we can imagine.

Please read the full document.  There is a lot here.

Statement on Russian-Ukrainian Crisis Vigano Mar 7 2022 by Jim Hoft on Scribd

EcoHealth Alliance: Whistleblower Exposes Corruption

I’m just finding out now that the US Military Bio-labs that Putin ‘Bunker Bustered’ in Ukraine were being run by none other than the CIA front company ‘EcoHealth Alliance’.

YEP!.. the same company who did ‘function gain’ modifications on the Coronavirus for FAUCI (NIAIDS) & COLLINS (NIH) in WUHAN!!!!

AND, whose CEO is none other than Peter Daszak – the same guy who just admitted he’s a CIA operative to one of his employees, who just went public two weeks ago as a Whistleblower for EcoHealth-Alliance!

That explains a lot of reactions we are seeing from the west. Their p***d, because Putin just ‘blew’ any chance of them fielding another pandemic on us – a final nail in the coffin of the cabal.

Biological Threat Reduction Program


Author: Narrow Path Ministries

Non-denominational, Independent, Bible believing Church. You have to have “in” you what is “above” you; to “withstand” what is “around” you.

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