VIDEO Court Hands Win To Conservative Father Who Accused Leftist Of Grooming Behavior – AL We Will Not Let ‘Out-of-State Liberals’ Tell Us What to Do – “Deeply Disturbing” Porn Pushed On Schoolchildren – AZ Grooming

By ProTrumpNews Staff April 9, 2022

Dr. Harry Jackson, a former Naval intelligence officer and father was being criminally prosecuted by the Fairfax County Commonwealth Attorney’s Office for accusing a leftist activist of grooming behavior.

The incident occurred after Jorge Torrico, a member of the TJ Alumni Action Group attended a TJ PTSA meeting.

Jorge interacted with the student government president, a high school senior during the meeting. After the meeting, Jackson took to Twitter and accused him of grooming behavior.

Jackson’s lawyer Marina Melvin wrote this about the case: 

TRENDING: LAWRENCE SELLIN: The Second American Civil War is Underway

Dr. Harry Jackson is the former president of the Parent Teacher Student Association at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, current Vice President of the Fairfax County Association for the Gifted, and host of the streaming show Education Matters

Dr. Jackson is a professor at numerous colleges and universities and an education activist in Fairfax County, Virginia. He is also the African American Community Liaison for Fairfax GOP and campaigned for Governor Youngkin as part of Educators for Youngkin. Dr. Jackson retired from the U.S. Navy after honorably serving our country.

Dr. Harry Jackson is being criminally prosecuted by the Fairfax County Commonwealth Attorney’s Office for exercising his First Amendment rights as a conservative.

Harry Jackson is being unconstitutionally prosecuted for the allegedly offensive content of his tweets and a YouTube video – criminal persecution in violation of Dr. Jackson’s First Amendment rights. Dr. Jackson is accused of voicing concerns about an adult who sought to spend time alone with minors at a local school.

Jackson was facing four Class 3 Misdemeanor charges over the accusation.

Now this: the motion to dismiss the case with prejudice was granted:

If you’d like to support Marina Medvin’s defense work for conservatives, the donation page for is here.

AL Gov. Ivey Responds to WH’s Psaki Threats over Transgender Bills — We Will Not Let ‘Out-of-State Liberals’ Tell Us What to Do

AP Photo/Butch Dill

JEFF POOR 8 Apr 2022

On Friday, Gov. Kay Ivey (R-AL) signed two bills passed by the Alabama Legislature into law related to the transgender issue.

One bill, deemed the Alabama Vulnerable Child Protection Act (SB184), prohibited the prescription of transgender conversion therapies for minors. The other piece of legislation, HB322, implements a restriction on discussions of sexual orientation at the K-5 grade-school level in Alabama public schools and institutes a biological sex bathroom requirement.

Those bills drew the ire of White House press secretary Jen Psaki, who spoke out against them during her press briefing a day earlier.

“Today in Alabama, instead of focusing on critical kitchen table issues like the economy, COVID, or addressing the country’s mental health crisis, Republican lawmakers are currently debating legislation that, among many things, would target trans youth with tactics that threaten to put pediatricians in prison if they provide medically necessary lifesaving health care for the kids they serve,” Psaki said. “Just like the extreme government overreach we’ve seen in Texas, where politicians have sent state officials into the homes of loving parents to investigate them for abuse just to harass and intimidate the LGBTQI+ community, today’s vote in Alabama will only serve to harm kids. But Alabama’s lawmakers and other legislators who are contemplating these discriminatory bills have been put on notice by the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services that laws and policies preventing care that health care professionals recommend for transgender minors may violate the Constitution and federal law.”

In comments given exclusively to Breitbart News late Friday, Ivey rejected Psaki’s statement and declared her state was “prepared to defend our values.”

“Alabama will continue protecting our kids and not letting out-of-state liberals like Jen Psaki and the Biden White House tell us what to do,” Ivey said. “Our state is prepared to defend our values. Like I said, we need to focus on properly developing our children into the adults God intended them to be.”

Despite Alabama’s in-state media coverage, which is decidedly against both bills that received overwhelming approval in the Republican-dominated Alabama Legislature, Ivey is not alone in her defiance against the Biden White House.

Alabama State Reps. Wes Allen (R) and Scott Stadthagen (R) spoke out against Psaki for her remarks aimed directly at them, as well.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

Alabama Lawmakers Reject Psaki Threats over Trans Conversion Therapy for Minors Ban — ‘Biden Administration Should Stay in Their Lane’

JEFF POOR 8 Apr 2022

During Thursday’s White House press briefing, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki threatened Alabama legislators behind a recently passed bill prohibiting transgender conversion therapy for minors under 19.

Alabama lawmakers passed the bill deemed the Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act (SB184) by a 66-28 vote.

Governor Kay Ivey (R-AL) signed the bill into law on Friday.

However, before the Governor’s signature, Psaki singled out Alabama lawmakers by declaring they had been “put on notice” by the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services.

She also pledged that President Joe Biden would hold them accountable.

Two of the lawmakers that led the way on this and other legislation passed to protect children responded to Psaki in statements given to Breitbart News.

Alabama State Rep. Wes Allen (R), a candidate for Alabama’s open Secretary of State office this election cycle, dismissed Psaki’s remarks.

“I have gotten calls today about the fact that Jen Psaki criticized my passage of the Vulnerable Child Protection Act in the Alabama legislature yesterday,” Allen said in a statement. “First and foremost, I was elected to represent my district, and Psaki has not been elected by anyone to represent anyone and secondly, I could not care less what Psaki and the Biden Administration think about me.”

The Alabama Legislature also passed legislation that required public school students use the bathroom assigned to the gender listed on their birth certificate. In addition to that provision, an amendment was added to that bill by Alabama State Sen. Shay Shelnutt (R) that mimics Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law.

The House sponsor of that bill, Alabama State Rep. Scott Stadthagen (R), also rejected the White House’s rhetoric and advised the Biden administration to “stay in their lane.”

“The Tenth Amendment is clear on the role of the federal government as opposed to the state government,” Stadthagen said to Breitbart News. “The federal government has no constitutionally defined role in this matter, so the Biden administration should stay in their lane and fix the messes they have caused at our border instead of focusing on legitimately passed bills in Alabama.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

Tucker Carlson: “Deeply Disturbing” Pornographic Content Being Pushed on Schoolchildren (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila April 9, 2022

How are these people not in jail?

Fox News host Tucker Carlson Friday night exposed, a far-left organization that has infiltrated schools and is disseminating “deeply disturbing” pornographic content to schoolchildren.

The video below, which is geared toward prepubescent children and teens, is so graphic that Twitter put a ‘warning’ on the tweet.

VIDEO (click on tweet to watch video):

TRENDING: LAWRENCE SELLIN: The Second American Civil War is Underway

Journalist Colin Wright has done a deep dive into and revealed how the organization is indoctrinating children.

Tucker Carlson with more on


By Alicia Powe April 9, 2022

Arizona Republican Rep. Jake Hoffman is urging the public to pressure lawmakers to advance HB 2495, a bill aimed at barring public schools from indoctrinating and grooming students with “sexually explicit materials” at taxpayer expense.

Hoffman crafted the measure after discovering books and other materials at school laden with sexual activity. Arizona congressman even uncovered drawings of children having sex or masturbating.

HB 2495 would ban schools from disseminating any materials that depict “sexual conduct” including “acts of masturbation, homosexuality (and) sexual intercourse.”

While the measure exempts “classical literature” and “early American literature,” it requires parents to provide approval allowing their children to read the materials that contain sexually explicit content.

Hoffman issued a statement calling on Americans to “HELP STOP SEXUAL GROOMING IN ARIZONA SCHOOLS” by sending an email “to every member of the Arizona Senate in less than 60 seconds” via the website Align Act.

“Hofstra University researcher Charol Shakeshaft studied the prevalence of sexual abuse in the public school system. Here is what she found: “The physical sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests,’” the Arizona congressman warned. “WE CANNOT ALLOW THE SEXUALIZATION AND SEXUAL GROOMING OF ARIZONA CHILDREN.”


The legislation is currently awaiting a vote by Arizona Senate. It would then head to Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey for his signature.

Democrats and LBGTQ activists are lobbying to scrap  HB 2495 arguing that the bill prohibits teachers from promoting homosexuality as a positive lifestyle.

“What this bill does is once again try and erase the LGBTQ community from Arizona public schools under the guise of protecting children,” Rep. Daniel Herandez, D-Tucson warned in a scathing rebuke of the measure on Tuesday. “Children keep getting used as footballs for politics.

“This is not an issue of homosexuality,” Hoffman shot back. “This is an issue of should sexually explicit materials which have been well documented in terms of medical science has an adverse effect on children, and whether or not it should be shown in K-12 classrooms.”

Controversy surrounding HB 2495 comes amid a concentrated effort from the Biden administration to promote transgenderism in the classrooms.

“I want you to know that your President sees you –Joe, Kamala, Doug, our entire administration — sees you for who you are … deserving of dignity, respect, and support. But we know it’s hard when there are those out there who don’t see you, don’t respect you,” the illegitimate president declared in commemorating his administration’s “Transgender Day of Visibility” last week.

“We’re committed to advancing transgender equality in the classroom, in the playing field, at work, in our military in our housing and health care systems — everywhere. Simply everywhere,” Biden said.

Author: Narrow Path Ministries

Non-denominational, Independent, Bible believing Church. You have to have “in” you what is “above” you; to “withstand” what is “around” you.

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