VIDEO Anti Trafficking Advocate Concerned Success of ‘Sound of Freedom’ Will Lead to Christians Who are Informed, But Who Don’t Act

By Jesse T. Jackson September 20, 2023

Victor Marx
Photos courtesy of Victor Marx

All Things Possible Ministries founder Victor Marx was severely abused and tortured as a child. Now he rescues children around the world who are experiencing the abuse he once endured.

In a video testimony, Marx shared how the trauma of abuse led him to a lifestyle filled with drugs, fights, and other sins but that the discipline of the military and his faith in God has helped him recover, become a husband and father, and fight to help others.

According to his website, “Victor focuses his attention to the plights of those affected by ISIS, troubled juvenile offenders, and supporting military personnel from all branches including the special operations community.” Throughout his career, Marx has helped more than 45,000 children.

ChurchLeaders reached out to Victor Marx and asked him to share how the success of Angel Studios‘ “Sound of Freedom,” which has gross more than $210 million worldwide and over $183 million in the United States alone, has impacted the fight against child trafficking.

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“God used Tim’s story to put this in front of the Christian Church to say, now you know, what are you going to do? So the success of the film has really forced the conversation,” Marx said.

Marx said that it’s “exciting, but it’s also concerning, because the [American] church is a reflection, sadly, of our culture, not the other way around.”

“And as quick as things come and go on social media newsfeeds, the danger is that people will get lathered up and emotional in the moment and then move on—and it becomes a fad,” Marx expressed.

“Therefore, what happens is those of us who have been laboring in this field for decades are left with people who know enough verbiage to now not be responsible,” Marx added.

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Viewers of the film may support an organization by praying for them or sending them money, but the support tends not to be long-term. “They just kind of pay their token, get on the ride, take a picture, and then they’ll always refer to the picture” to remind themselves or someone else that they helped.

Marx said that he believes one of the reasons churches haven’t stepped up more to help fight human trafficking, especially when it comes to children, is because “the current day church, they’re not keen on suffering.”

As someone who could be perceived as a real-life Rambo character who repels down from Blackhawk helicopters with a knife in his mouth to rescue children from the cells of an evil Hollywood villain, Marx shared what the “secret sauce” of his organization is.

“It’s prayer,” Marx said. “We have thousands of prayer partners, I mean, people that nobody sees, who pray for us using real faith.

Marx told ChurchLeaders that these prayer partners are not only faithful but diligent and they are “looking for a return.”

“They watch our posts, they watch our emails, and you better believe that if we ask for prayer, they’re looking for results. Just like an investor would do. And I love it,” he added

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Marx shared the story of a recent rescue he and his wife did across the border. He credits their prayer partners with the successful rescue of a young girl. “Their prayers open doors for relationships with people we need to pass through areas that ordinarily wouldn’t be accessible,” Marx said.

The American church is “majorly lacking” in the area of prayer, Marx said. He believes that this lack of prayer is not due a lack of faith in God but a lack of belief in spiritual warfare.

“They just don’t believe there’s a little devil with demons that will manifest through and in people,” Marx said. “We encounter this stuff on a weekly basis here in the U.S.”

“The most effective thing we do, out of everything we do, is simply pray for people to be set free from demonic strongholds. I do that more than anything,” he added. “This is the weakness of the church today—not their ability to teach or preach or do worship. It’s their inability to face with authority demonic forces to set people free.”

Marx said that he has witnessed pastors he’s personally prayed for who were delivered from the bondage of demonic oppression but that never went on to tell anyone about it, nor did they share the power they have in God’s name to release others from similar types of suffering.

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He believes that it is due to a lack of faith and that they fail to recognize the affliction of demons. “The opposite of faith is fear and pastors are so full of fear these days.”

Marx warned the American church that the “biggest issue in America as regards to children and pedophilia and being trafficked is child pornography. Regular porn is just the gateway.”

Marx said that it’s not old men who are watching and creating a demand for abusive content. Rather, it is men in their 20s. “Because the church failed to stand and fight against porn, adultery, and fornication.”

Many men who have been watching pornography since they were young begin requiring more perverse media to be stimulated. “I guarantee you, I could go to any church in America—any church. And let me polygraph [test] every staff member. Every staff member—nobody escapes. And after three simple questions, you’ll find just in the staff that people are struggling with porn.”

Marx said that if he were to polygraph test an entire congregation, “I guarantee you will find at least one or two people struggling with child porn. I guarantee it.”

You can help catch pedophiles by supporting All Things Possible Ministries here.


Author: Narrow Path Ministries

Non-denominational, Independent, Bible believing Church. You have to have “in” you what is “above” you; to “withstand” what is “around” you.

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