VIDEO Ken Paxton Wins Restraining Order Halting Biden Regime,DHS and CBP from “Disassembling, Degrading, Tampering” TX Barbed Wire – more than populations of 41 states – Terror operations at the border?

Federal Judge Issues Emergency Restraining Order Against Biden Regime, Halting DHS and CBP from “Disassembling, Degrading, Tampering” with Texas Concertina Wire Barriers

By Jim Hᴏft Oct. 30, 2023

On Monday, a federal judge issued an emergency Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against the Biden regime. The order effectively prohibits the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) from “disassembling, degrading, or tampering” with concertina wire barriers along the Texas border.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit against the Biden regime’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS), DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, among other federal agencies and officials on Tuesday.

The lawsuit arises from a controversial federal practice—systematic destruction of Texas’s concertina wire deployed along the state’s border with Mexico to deter illegal migration.

“Today, I filed a lawsuit against the Biden Administration regarding their cutting razor wire at the border. Texas is and will continue to be America’s greatest backstop to the failures of the federal government,” Paxton wrote on X.

BREAKING: Today, I filed a lawsuit against the Biden Administration regarding their cutting razor wire at the border. Texas is and will continue to be America’s greatest backstop to the failures of the federal government.

— Attorney General Ken Paxton (@KenPaxtonTX) October 24, 2023

“By cutting Texas’s concertina wire, the federal government has not only illegally destroyed property owned by the State of Texas; it has also disrupted the State’s border deterrence efforts, leaving gaps in Texas’s border barriers and damaging Texas’s ability to effectively deter illegal entry into Texas,” according to the press release.

“With this lawsuit, Attorney General Paxton seeks to end this ongoing, unlawful practice which undermines Texas’s border security efforts. Texas is asking the court to enjoin the federal defendants from continuing to destroy and damage private property—without statutory authority and in violation of federal law,” it added.

In a statement, Ken Paxton said, “Texas has the sovereign right to construct border barriers to prevent the entry of illegal aliens. Americans across the country were horrified to watch Biden’s open-border policy in action: agents were physically cutting wires and assisting the aliens’ entry into our state. This is illegal. It puts our country and our citizens at risk. The courts must put a stop to it, or Biden’s free-for-all will make this crushing immigration crisis even worse.”

To read the filing, click here.

Federal operatives have been implicated in not just destroying the concertina wire but actively aiding thousands of undocumented aliens in their illegal crossing of the Rio Grande into Texas. Some agents have gone to the extent of facilitating these crossings by attaching ropes or cables to vehicles, effectively creating makeshift pathways up the riverbank into Texas. The agents have been cutting new openings in the wire fence, sometimes immediately after Texas officers have repaired previous breaches.

I like how you used a pic showing a Texas soldier and razor wire, While both were put there by Texas due to Joe Biden’s open Borders.

By the way, don’t forget this is what Joe Biden is instructing BP agents to do.

— rip240sx (@rip240sx) October 17, 2023

Another video shows a border patrol agent exchanging a fist bump with illegal aliens, moments after they managed to cut through Governor Greg Abbott’s border wire.

Illegals Fist Bump Border Patrol After They Cut Through Abbott’s Border Wire.

Why is this happening?

— I Meme Therefore I Am (@ImMeme0) September 29, 2023

Video obtained by Fox News reporter Bill Melugin shows more than a dozen men, women, children and infants are seen being let in the cut razor wire fence by the agent. A coyote can be seen turning back his fan motorboat after unloading his human cargo and heading unmolested back to Mexico.

NEW: Video from source in Eagle Pass shows Border Patrol cutting through razor wire placed by the state of TX to allow migrants to enter & be processed after crossing illegally. @TxDPS tells me this is the first time they know of this happening, and that it’s being looked into…

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) June 30, 2023

According to Texas Asst. Attorney General Robert Henneke, the Biden regime has doubled down on its efforts to remove border security measures in Texas in response to the lawsuit. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has used a forklift tractor to dismantle a razor-wire barrier along the Texas border. This action allowed 310 individuals to enter the U.S. illegally.

UPDATE: In response to our lawsuit, #BidenAdministration @DHSgov has doubled down using a forklift tractor to dismantle the #Texas razor wire barrier allowing 310 people to enter illegally. @TXAG & @TPPF have filed an immediate TRO motion seeking emergency relief from the…

— Robert Henneke (@robhenneke) October 27, 2023

In response, the Texas Attorney General and the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) have filed an immediate Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) motion on Friday, seeking emergency relief from the Court.

“Plaintiff the State of Texas respectfully requests the Court to enter an order temporarily restraining Defendants from damaging, destroying, or otherwise interfering with Texas’s concertina wire fence while it adjudicates the pending preliminary-injunction motion—or grant that motion due to Defendants’ escalation of its misconduct. Alternatively, the Court should issue a stay of Defendants’ policy doing the same, pending judicial review,” according to the court documents.

On Monday, Judge Alia Moses issued an emergency Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against the Biden regime, where the regime must immediately stop removing barbed wire on Texas borders.

The temporary restraining order will expire on November 13, 2023, at 9:30 a.m., unless a further order of this Court extends the time.

According to the court order, “Until November 13, 2023 at 9:30 a.m., the Defendants shall be enjoined from: (1) removing the property from its present location for any reason other than to provide or obtain emergency medical aid, as noted above; (2) concealing the property in any way; (3) offering the property for sale, rent, or use to any person, business, or entity; (4) selling or otherwise transferring the property in whole or in part; (5) encumbering the property in any way; (6) scrapping the property; (7) disposing of the property in any way; (8) disassembling, degrading, tampering with, or transforming the property in any way for any reason other than to provide or obtain emergency medical as noted in this order; and (9) failing to take all steps necessary to protect the property against damage or loss of any kind.”

Read the order here.

Ken Paxton Asks Court for Restraining Order to Stop Biden Administration from Cutting Down Border Barriers and Barbed Wire

October 27, 2023 | Sundance |

Earlier today Mike Lee sent this little bit of raw data from the border, “In the last 4 weeks alone (since the beginning of FY2024), the Border Patrol in the Rio Grande Sector has apprehended 5 illegal immigrants from Afghanistan, 19 from Syria, and 75 from China. It’s not a stretch—in fact, it’s putting it mildly—to say “they might not mean us well.” {link}  It is very concerning to think about who is walking into our country.

Earlier today, Texas AG Ken Paxton also asked the court for a restraining order against Joe Biden’s administration who are taking down border barriers and cutting through barbed wire in order to increase the flow of illegal aliens. [Court Filing Here] AG Paxton wants the court to stop Biden from opening the border.

TEXAS – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a motion for a temporary restraining order on an emergency basis after federal agents escalated their destruction of Texas’s barrier at the State’s border with Mexico. The federal government’s renewed effort to destroy Texas’s barrier and assist aliens’ entry into the country follows just days after Texas filed a lawsuit against the Biden Administration’s Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”), DHS Secretary Mayorkas, and other agencies for numerous documented incidents of barrier destruction and occasions on which federal agents facilitated aliens’ mass entry during a severe immigration surge in recent months. 

Texas is seeking an order that would enjoin federal agents from cutting, destroying, damaging, or otherwise interfering with Texas’s concertina wire fence. (link

Illegal border crossers surpass 10 million since Biden took office

Number totals more than the individual populations of 41 states.

By The Center Square Staff October 28, 2023

More than 10 million people have been reported illegally entering the United States since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, the largest number in American history.

The influx of illegal immigrants total more than the individual populations of 41 of the 50 states.

The number of people illegally entering the country surged after Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas halted many preexisting border security policies, advanced sweeping parole and other policies to release the greatest number of illegal foreign nationals into the country, encouraged people from all over the world to use a phone app to enter the U.S., and facilitated U.S. entry application processes in foreign countries, among others.

Official U.S. Customs and Border Protection data includes 3,201,144 apprehensions in fiscal 2023; 2,766,582 in fiscal 2022; 1,956,519 in fiscal 2021; and 471,954 in the nine months Biden was in office in fiscal 2020.

CBP’s fiscal year is from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

Combined, official apprehensions total 8,396,199.

They exclude gotaway data, which CBP does not report publicly. The Center Square has been reporting preliminary gotaway data solely reported by Border Patrol agents at the southwest border. The information is obtained from a Border Patrol agent who provides it and other information on condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation.

Since January 2021, a minimum estimate of nearly 1.7 million gotaways have illegally entered the U.S.

Based on earlier projections and including Office of Field Operations data, former CBP chief Mark Morgan told The Center Square the gotaway data is likely to reach or exceed one million for fiscal 2023 alone.

In fiscal 2021, there were at least 308,655 known, reported gotaways; in fiscal 2022, 606,150 were reported. According to preliminary data obtained by The Center Square, Border Patrol agents reported at least 769,174 gotaways at the southwest border alone.

This number excludes OFO data, gotaway data at the northern border and other CBP ports of entry nationwide. The Center Square has not yet received total internal gotaway numbers.

However, even those are considered a best estimate because they exclude unknown and unreported gotaways, those who illegally enter undetected – meaning, the number is likely much higher. Law enforcement officials have said they have no idea how many gotaways there are in the U.S., or who or where they are.

Combined, the minimum estimated known, reported gotaways from Jan. 1, 2021, to Sept. 30, 2023 is at least 1,678,979.

Since January 2021, total illegal border crossers apprehended nationwide were 8,396,198. Combined with at least 1,678,979 gotaways, the number increases to over 10 million (at least 10,075,177).

This is greater than the individual populations of 41 states.

The only states with an estimated population greater than the number of illegal border crossers are California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Georgia and North Carolina.

They edged ahead of Michigan’s estimated population of 10,030,722.

The total number of illegal border crossers during the period equates to 25% of California’s population, 33% of Texas’ population, 44% of Florida’s population and nearly 52% of New York’s population.

They’re equivalent to over 17 Wyomings; over 15 Vermonts; nearly 14 Alaskas; and nearly 13 North Dakotas. They total nearly ten Delawares, the home state of the president.

Among them are 1,586 known, suspected terrorists (KSTs) who were apprehended in fiscal years 2020-2023.

In fiscal 2023, CBP agents apprehended the greatest number of KSTs – 736 – in a single year in U.S. history.

They also apprehended the greatest number of criminal noncitizens in U.S. history, totaling nearly 50,000. This number excludes the tens of thousands of criminal noncitizens arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials and an unknown number arrested by local and state law enforcement officers.

Art Del Cueto talks about possible terror operations at the southern border


Author: Narrow Path Ministries

Non-denominational, Independent, Bible believing Church. You have to have “in” you what is “above” you; to “withstand” what is “around” you.

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