VIDEO True Evil of the World Economic Forum – Depopulation – Eat Bugs – Religious Liberty In Danger, What You Can Do

The True Evil of the World Economic Forum

By J.B. Shurk

Whenever I listen to Klaus Schwab and his Davos Death Cult buddies openly discuss their plans for world domination, I always think, “Are we really going to let another power-hungry German walk us into global conflagration?”  For a while there, I believed that Western allies had endured enough death and slaughter from the first two world wars to forge an informal understanding among themselves that uncontrolled German megalomania invariably leads to malignant outcomes for all.  Then came German reunification, and the nation’s inevitable economic dominance over all of Europe assured its status as the most powerful member of the European Union.  All that effort to constrain the German empire’s influence went up in smoke.  It turns out that it is far easier to conquer the European continent with flowery promises of “peace,” “economic integration,” and “international cooperation” than it is to send jackbooted shock troops marching past the Arc de Triomphe and down the Champs-Élysées.

Still, the Americans, Canadians, and Brits would never sit idly by while German powerbrokers remake the world in their image, right?  Wrong!  Just listen to Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, and Boris Johnson all parroting that same Build Back Better Boobery in unison, as if they operated under the influence of some nefarious hive mind.  At first, hearing world leaders squawk identical World Economic Forum talking points was disconcerting.  Then it was nauseating.  Now it just makes them sound like walking, talking robots all under the WEF’s control.  Is it possible that Ol’ Klaus already lobotomized the West’s putative leadership and replaced their neural CPUs with state-of-the-art, German-made “Great Reset” implants?  Curse you, German engineering!

That’s where we are today, as the world’s 1% of the 1% celebrate their own magnificence in Davos and plot mankind’s future without even the pretense of seeking mankind’s consultation, let alone permission.  “The future is not just happening,” Schwab proclaimed to his SPECTRE-like cabal in Switzerland.  “The future is built by us, by a powerful community such as you here in this room.”  “Good German” Klaus and his merry band of global gentry have decided to take over the planet, and they’re so confident in their endeavors that they no longer deign to pretend otherwise.  Yep, here are our New World Order master plans!  Yes, we know we’ve called you guys “conspiracy theory nuts” for forty years, but you were right.  In hindsight, wasn’t it obvious?  

So now the world waits in trepidation to discover just what Kaiser Klaus and his new nobility have in store for the rest of us.  Will another paralyzing round of viral pandemics bring a return of economic lockdowns, rigid population control, and injection mandates?  Will a global cyber-attack cut off the internet for billions and plunge the world into darkness?  Will Green New Steal socialism exacerbate global poverty, unleash famine, and trigger mass population die-offs?  Whatever happens next, the WEF has already gamed the situation and is ready to profit from the world’s pain.

In another era, World Economic Forum attendees would be rounded up and put on trial for undermining the health and security of sovereign nations.  Heck, if people properly understood the WEF as an evil engine for driving Marxist totalitarianism around the planet, they might skip the trials and go straight to the sentencing.  When so many of today’s leaders have already handed over their nation states’ keys to the aspiring dictators in Davos, however, ordinary people around the world have a real problem.

Kaiser Klaus does not hide his master plan to destroy national self-determination.  It’s a simple two-step process.  First, you capture political and economic leadership by bringing them into the WEF Club.  Then, by hook or by crook, you train those global leaders to “collaborate” for the benefit of the WEF’s members, rather than the national populations they ostensibly represent.  In my reckoning, that makes every WEF attendee committed to undermining national interests for those of Klaus’s Fourth Reich a double agent and saboteur.  No one can serve two masters; those who have pledged allegiance to Schwab’s global coalition of the wicked cannot be trusted to serve their homelands, too.

There’s an important lesson here for those who properly object to a bunch of unelected oligarchs manipulating world events for their own purposes.  When the wealthy and powerful sing the praises of “international cooperation,” they are almost always sticking it to ordinary people.  Rigorous competition, not cooperation, is the key to keeping power in check and providing ample opportunity for all.  Since WWII, the West has been brainwashed into accepting the opposite falsehood — that competition leads to tragedy and that only forced cooperation can foster long-term peace.  Nationalism is equated with racism.  Patriotism is derided as another civic opiate for the masses.  Free markets were long ago buried with byzantine domestic regulations and international trade agreements that protect multinational monopolies at the expense of aspiring start-ups lacking the resources to overtake companies with heavy political clout.  Just as American workers can’t compete against Chinese slave labor, and oppressively regulated American factories can’t compete against scarcely regulated foreign enterprises, American voters can’t find representation in Washington, D.C., when that town’s bureaucratic army works not for Americans, but rather for the interests of foreign governments, multinational corporate boards, international financial heavyweights, and Western military alliances.  As Biden hands the Chinese-aligned World Health Organization power over Americans’ health and delivers to the United Nations control over Americans’ future use of hydrocarbon energy, an ever-smaller group of global elites assumes greater control over everyone else.  As they do so, they glorify their efforts as a victory for a “rules-based international order.”

In reality, a “rules-based international order” is antithetical to American liberty and independence.  It undermines the power and self-determination of ordinary Americans and empowers the technocratic assembly of self-identified “experts.”  It disregards the democratic interests of Americans generally and imposes the will of the über-1% upon everyone else.  It sacrifices American law for international agreements.  It substitutes government-approved speech for free speech.  It destroys privacy while justifying mass surveillance.  It transfers Americans’ control over their personal wealth to the intermediary machinations of money-printing central banks.  It elevates the power of global governing bodies over the statutory authority of local jurisdictions.  It fortifies the intrusive reach of an unelected bureaucracy while weakening protections for individual rights.  It resurrects, in other words, a feudal system where a small number of lords and ladies hoard power over a borderless economic zone whose surviving serfs are expected to “own nothing and be happy” or else.

When “elites” cooperate among themselves, they take what they can, regulate what they can’t, and shiv everyone else.  That’s the World Economic Forum in a nutshell.

Davos Is Dangerous: The WEF Is Not Hiding Their Agenda Any More

The World Economic Forum, which takes place in Davos, has very little to do with economics. Unless, of course, you consider the multitudes of people who are desperate to destroy Capitalism.

Between the calls for upending the system that has provide the most wealth and opportunity the world has ever seen, and the fear-mongering over the climate to push oppressive agendas on all human life, the words and “leaders” speaking in Davos are simply dangerous.

And it should inform how people vote in the future.

Presented by Americans For Prosperity.



“🐛🇺🇸 Angelina Jolie, following the orders of Washington, whose face she is as a popular and authoritative figure, shows children the future menu for the rest of their lives. Teaches how to eat a spider and fry a scorpion.
Jolie herself, like many Hollywood actors, is included in a satanic sect through which topics pleasing to the globalists are promoted. After all, people so want to be like their idols.
If you are familiar with her biography, then you know that she also advocated for feminism, she adopted Africans, and she has children of different genders, and now here is a “dish” of insects.
Do you think she does this of her own free will from dementia? Not at all. You may think this is some crazy conspiracy theory if you are new to propaganda.”

The World Economic Forum’s Dangerous #Depopulation Agenda – International Reporters Roundtable

On the latest International Reporters Roundtable, Journalist and Author Michael Yon exposes the World Economic Forum’s depopulation agenda and the group’s hand in the worldwide #energycrisis under the guise of “sustainability” and “#climatechange

Listen to this WARNING about the dangers of the WEF agenda

The Top 10 Scariest Things to Come Out of the World Economic Forum (WEF)

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Global Research, June 19, 2022

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First published on June 19, 2022


The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) mission is to do away with the democratic process and give all ownership and control to the deep state

They openly share and promote this to the world, as if it’s inevitable that their plan for a Great Reset will one day come to fruition

The dystopian society that they envision strips individuals of their autonomy in favor of global, tyrannical control

From mind control using sound waves to smartphones built in to your clothing and body, WEF promotes widespread censorship and control

WEF plans to “recalibrate” free speech, education for children and the idea that individuals should own their own property; you’ll “own nothing and be happy” is one of their most popular dictums


If you’re not familiar with the World Economic Forum (WEF), prepare to be astounded. This international organization is run by German engineer and WEF founder Klaus Schwab and other members of the technocratic elite. Their mission is to do away with the democratic process and give all ownership and control to the deep state.

If this sounds far-fetched, like a conspiracy theory, you’ll be surprised to know that WEF doesn’t hide their agenda. On the contrary, they openly share it and promote it to the world, as if it’s inevitable that their plan for a Great Reset will one day come to fruition. The dystopian society that they envision strips individuals of their autonomy in favor of global, tyrannical control.

10 Creepy Dictates of the WEF

Just how chilling is WEF’s vision of the future? You’ve got to read their own words to find out. While few of their dictates are heavily picked up by the media, they have a way of infiltrating the collective psyche nonetheless. The Vigilant Citizen recently compiled 10 of the most incredulous — and scary — notions that WEF has championed, in no particular order.1

1. Infiltrating governments — It is WEF’s intention to penetrate and capture governments around the world in order to do away with democracy and establish a globalized world run by a “self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments (including through the UN system), and select civil society organizations (CSOs).”2 “This is the exact opposite of a democracy,” The Vigilant Citizen points out.3

Going even further, Schwab, WEF’s owner and chairman, told Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government in 2017, “What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders.”4 In fact, WEF maintains a “Young Global Leaders” program,5 a five-year indoctrination into their principles.

Its goal is to create world leaders who don’t answer to their people but to their bosses at WEF. Graduates of the program include world leaders who are “suspiciously in lockstep” with WEF’s Great Reset, such as:6

  • Justin Trudeau, prime minister of Canada
  • Emmanuel Macron, president of France
  • Mark Zuckerberg, cofounder and CEO of Facebook

Other Young Global Leader graduates include Germany’s Angela Merkel and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, along with at least half of Canada’s cabinet.7 Sponsors of WEF’s Young Global Leaders Program include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Google — “I wonder why Google censors and shapes information to be in exact support of the World Economic Forum’s narrative?” comedian JP Sears asked, satirically, in March 2022.8

2. Sound wave mind control — “Non-invasive neuromodulation” is touted as a “new era of healthcare” by WEF in a 2018 article that’s since been scrubbed from the internet, but is preserved by the Internet Archive.9 Initially discussed as a tool for managing Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, the article — titled “Mind control using sound waves?” — quickly takes a turn:10

“But what happens if this technique for altering our brain waves escapes regulation and falls into the wrong hands? Imagine a dictatorial regime with access to the tricks and tools to change the way its citizens think or behave.”

In an interview with Antoine Jerusalem, a professor of engineering science at Oxford University, the WEF article describes controlling neuronal activity in the brain by directing mechanical vibrations to a certain region.

While it’s stated that this process hasn’t yet been fine-tuned, Jerusalem said, “I can see the day coming where a scientist will be able to control what a person sees in their mind’s eye, by sending the right waves to the right place in their brain.”11

The article then makes the case that, since somebody is going to harness this form of mind control, it might as well be WEF — “If we want to lead that dance 10 years from now, we need to start researching today … Politicians should remember that if we don’t do it, then somebody somewhere will do it anyway … potentially unregulated.”12

3. Pills with microchips in them — At WEF’s 2018 meeting, Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla described the U.S. FDA’s approval of the first “electronic pill.” The tablet contains a biological chip that enters your stomach and is capable of sending signals that the pill was, in fact, taken — to ensure compliance. “So imagine the applications of that, the compliance.

The insurance companies would know that the medicines that patients should take, they do take them,” Bourla said.13

4. Praise for lockdowns

Public health policies that restrict movement, ban international travel and close schools and businesses, commonly known as lockdowns, were implemented in virtually every country around the globe during the pandemic, beginning in China, then Italy and spreading like wildfire from there.

Lockdowns caused immense human suffering in the form of job losses, social isolation and suicides, with little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality.14 WEF, however, “would love to see ‘covidian’ life become permanent,” The Vigilant Citizen reported,15 as evidenced by the video above, which WEF quickly deleted after backlash.

The video, titled “Lockdowns are quietly improving cities around the world,” praises lockdowns’ role in reducing human activity and leading to the “Earth’s quietest period in decades.”16

5. Dystopian plans for the future — WEF has also released videos showing a “peek at our future,” which include people in masks, plenty of hand sanitizer and QR codes, plus further adjustments away from society as we know it and toward an increasingly isolated, virtual world. In one of WEF’s examples of “how our lives could soon look,” it’s suggested that you could be identified by your heartbeat.17

This is necessary because facial recognition technology is often thrown off by face masks, but “your heartbeat is just as unique as your face.” NASA has invented a system using a laser that can identify people by heartbeat alone. WEF also promotes increasingly teaching children using digital technology and asks, while showing a photo of a person wearing a mask alone, outdoors, “What pandemic-era changes would you like to become permanent?”18

In terms of education, WEF also envisions a “reimagining” of current classrooms with a heavy focus on virtual reality and artificial intelligence technologies, along with investments in “reskilling and upskilling.”19

According to WEF, textbooks, notebooks and pencils should no longer be viewed as critical learning tools, due to “environmental pressures.” Instead, education should be digitalized and “coupled with the metaverse” so that students can learn in a virtual environment.20

6. The Great Reset — WEF’s Great Reset involves changing everything from future global relations and the direction of national economies to “the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons.”21

Part of the plan involves the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which Schwab has been discussing since at least 2016 and “is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological spheres.”22

In terms of government, the Revolution will bring new technological powers that allow for increased population control via “pervasive surveillance systems and the ability to control digital infrastructure.”23 It also intends to do away with capitalism. The Vigilant Citizen explains:24

“While capitalism is based on a self-regulating system of offer and demand, the Great Reset looks to redefine the way businesses are evaluated through new parameters. The main one: Compliance with the elite’s social and political agendas.”

A propaganda video released by WEF25 talks about their plan to usher in stakeholder capitalism, in which private corporations — not elected leaders — become trustees of society, putting your privacy and data, your food and your freedom at risk.

To get to this point, the video’s narrator states, is “all about getting the right people in the right place at the right time.”26 “In other words, the system would be rigged and compliance with a wider agenda would be mandatory in a new economy,” The Vigilant Citizen pointed out.27

7. Recalibration of free speech — The censorship and regulation of the internet is high on WEF’s agenda, as it would serve as a starting point to recalibrate free speech. This notion was introduced by Australian eSafety commissioner Julie Inman Grant at WEF’s 2022 Davos meeting, during which she called for a “recalibration of free speech” and a “recalibration of a whole range of human rights …”28

In saying this, they’re openly calling for censorship. “Free speech is, in fact, binary. Either it exists or it doesn’t. And they clearly don’t want it to exist,” The Vigilant Citizen explained.29

8. Digital passports in your clothing — While technology doesn’t appear to have advanced to the point that implantable microchips are being used as brain-machine interfaces to control your thoughts, what does exist today are vaccine passports, which can progress to digital IDs, which then lead to central bank digital currencies (CBDC) — the endgame.

CBDCs appear to be inevitable; it’s not a question of if they’re going to have them, but when. Once CBDCs become widespread, they’ll be able to control everything, as it will be difficult to survive without them. They don’t have to put a microchip into your arm to gain this immeasurable control — they’ll be able to track and control your every move via CBDCs.

To ensure that you can be traced and tracked at all times, WEF announced that clothing of the future will contain built-in digital passports — and they’re slated to reach the market in 2025.30

9. Smartphones in your body — By 2030, you won’t need to worry about carrying a cellphone or wearing clothing with a built-in digital passport, because WEF is planning to launch smartphones that will be implanted directly into your body. This information was released by Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark at the 2022 Davos meeting and coincides with the rollout of 6G technology.31

While 6G networks are still in their infancy, Lundmark stated that they will make smartphones as we know them today obsolete while “physical and digital worlds will grow together.”32 “Many of these things will be built directly into our bodies,” he added,33 echoing the transhumanism movement, which has an ultimate goal of controlling the human population.

Many people regard transhumanism as turning human beings into robots, but it actually describes a social and philosophical movement that involves the development of human-enhancement technologies.34

Elon Musk’s company Neuralink involves a surgically implanted microchip that’s connected to your brain and synced with AI, with the goal of one day allowing humans to control artificial limbs or even engage in telepathy. Musk described it as “a Fitbit in your skull with tiny wires,”35and, according to India Today, the company “released a video where a macaque was seen playing Ming Pong.”36

While transhumanism may one day use technologies that are physically embedded in the human body or brain to offer superhuman cognition or forms of mind control, keep in mind that at this time transhumanism is already occurring, not from an implantable device but through mass formation psychosis and the manipulation of information.

10. You will own nothing and be happy — One of the Great Reset’s “new normal” dictums is that you’ll own nothing and be happy. This is part of WEF’s 2030 agenda,37 and a plan is already in place to make it happen. In their “8 predictions for the world in 2030,” WEF stated:38

“‘I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes,’ writes Danish MP Ida Auken. Shopping is a distant memory in the city of 2030, whose inhabitants have cracked clean energy and borrow what they need on demand.

It sounds utopian, until she mentions that her every move is tracked and outside the city live swathes of discontents, the ultimate depiction of a society split in two.”

Part of the plan to do away with autonomy is that all products become services. The Vigilant Citizen reported:39

“In this dystopian future, there are no products you can own. Only “services” that are rented and delivered using drones. This system would make all humans completely dependent on WEF-controlled corporations for every single basic need. There would be absolutely no autonomy, no freedom, and no privacy. And you’ll be happy.”

A Theme of Ultimate Control

One theme that runs through WEF’s multiple agendas is control. “They want to control what we think, where we go, what we say, what we eat, and what we wear,” The Vigilant Citizen reported, adding:40

“Do you know who agrees with the WEF? China. Censorship is widespread, a social credit system controls people’s behaviors and COVID is still used as an excuse for massive lockdowns and total population control. Not to mention the literal concentration camps. Despite all of this, Chinese officials are constantly present at WEF meetings. Why? Because China is basically a laboratory for the WEF’s policies.”

If you want to fight back and opt out, choose elected officials who do not support WEF, and boycott companies — like Google — that are intertwined with it. It’s also urgent that we all take steps to remain free, sovereign individuals, which can be as straightforward as:41

  • Be guided by your own critical thinking and what your heart and soul know is right
  • Choose bravery over obedience


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1 The Vigilant Citizen June 1, 2022

2, 3, 7 The Vigilant Citizen June 1, 2022, #10

4 Twitter, TamiCam January 24, 2022

5 WEF, Young Global Leaders

6 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 7:16

8 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 7:38

9, 10, 11, 12 Internet Archive November 7, 2018

13 The Vigilant Citizen June 1, 2022, #8

14 Studies in Applied Economics January 2022 No. 200, Abstract

15, 16 The Vigilant Citizen June 1, 2022, #7

17, 18 The Vigilant Citizen June 1, 2022, #6

19, 20 Children’s Health Defense June 6, 2022

21 WEF, The Great Reset, The Opportunity

22, 23 World Economic Forum January 14, 2016

24, 27 The Vigilant Citizen June 1, 2022, #5

25, 26 YouTube, WEF, What is the Great Reset, Davos Agenda 2021 January 25, 2021

28, 29 The Vigilant Citizen June 1, 2022, #4

30 The Vigilant Citizen June 1, 2022, #3

31 The Vigilant Citizen June 1, 2022, #2

32, 33, 36 India Today May 30, 2022

34 Britannica Transhumanism

35 Business Insider August 28, 2020

37 Forbes November 10, 2016

38 WEF November 12, 2016

39 The Vigilant Citizen June 1, 2022, #1

40 The Vigilant Citizen June 1, 2022, In Conclusion

41 YouTube, Awaken With JP March 5, 2022, 12:30

Featured image is from Mercola

The original source of this article is Mercola

Copyright © Dr. Joseph MercolaMercola, 2022

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Religious Liberty in Danger in the U.S.? Why Americans Must Be ‘Vigilant’

Five Ways Pastors Can Encourage Their Members to Vote

Among the many gifts and resources God gives to a pastor is that of influence. It has been said that what a pastor does with that influence is his gift to God. In Matthew 25, Jesus shares the parable of the wise and foolish stewards. The wise stewards were blessed for actively investing the resources given to them by their master, while the foolish steward, frozen by fear, hid his gifts and limited his influence (and blessing). 

This parable provides a reminder of the reality that we will all stand before God and give an account for how we have managed and invested the resources He’s given to us. And for pastors, after sharing the Gospel, one of the most unique and helpful ways to steward influence is by encouraging Christians to exercise their right to vote. This investment of influence has a multiplying and far-reaching impact in local communities and beyond. In fact, someone once said, “To fail to vote is to cast a vote toward tyranny. But to vote biblical values is to potentially impact eternity.” 

So, how can a pastor use his influence to encourage his members to vote and thereby impact our country for eternal purposes? Consider these five approaches: 

Emphasize Biblical principles.

A pastor’s primary role is to teach God’s Word (Matthew 28:19-20), and this emphasis must remain the highest priority. The Bible is still the most practical and relevant Book for the issues of our day, and only this Book has the power to bring lasting change. It is imperative then, that church members are led by their pastors to discern the particular current day issues the Bible addresses. Encouraging members to vote while in a small group or service setting does not need to be a high pressured persuasive rant, but rather, a practical outflow and application of the biblical principles being lovingly communicated on a weekly basis.

Focus on equipping members.

Ephesians 4:12 reminds us of another role the pastor is to fulfill—and that is to equip the saints. A primary way to equip members for the work of ministry in our communities is by sharing practical, non-partisan information about candidates, legislation, and local measures on which they can vote. It is completely lawful and appropriate, for instance, for a pastor to make non-partisan voter guides available in an effort to equip their members with specific information they need to make well-informed, Bible-based decisions. Commit to providing tools and updates that will help your congregation engage the culture and make a difference.

Promote Biblically-minded leaders.

In the poetic book of Lamentations, the prophet Jeremiah, lamenting the deteriorating state of his own nation, wrote that his eye affected his heart—what he saw moved him. As our congregations are exposed to the wickedness of society on a daily basis, it is important for pastors to allow their congregations to also be exposed to leaders who stand for truth and justice. While the state of our nation may leave some discouraged, or outraged or even apathetic—leaders who align with biblical values provide a moving and powerful challenge to compassionately stand for (and act on) biblical convictions. Pastors can invite these public servants to their churches without endorsing them or their political parties, yet still provide an opportunity to be moved to action on behalf of their communities.

Be willing to take a stand.

It goes without saying that in today’s culture, true courage is required to take a stand for what Scripture teaches. At some point, pastors will face ridicule, pressure, and mockery for aligning with biblical truths. The temptation to back down or withdraw from the fight is understandable. Yet, in the midst of the battle, congregations are longing for their pastors to engage—to provide leadership to help them navigate the tumultuous waters of culture. How churches would be helped by pastors who aren’t worried about being liked, but are rather focused on providing bold and loving direction for their flock! The psalmist asked the question in Psalm 19, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Pastors must stand and build on the biblical foundations that provide stability and certainty in difficult times—boldly proclaiming what the righteous can do to bring positive change.

Develop an action-oriented culture.

In an effort to steward God-given influence and leadership, effective pastors cultivate an environment that is focused on action. We see this exemplified by the Apostle Paul, who often engaged with political leaders and taught the church at Rome to lovingly “do good” in the midst of a hostile culture. (Romans 13) Meaningful impact happens as people live out their convictions and act on Bible principles. So, strive to equip your congregation for action! Structure time into your small groups or after service gatherings to help people register to vote. Text members a link for voter registration. Announce election days and encourage voter turnout. Most states will even allow churches to gather ballots from their congregants and deliver them to the polls! Consider what you can do to activate your church and propel them into the rewarding experience of making a difference.

America is in the middle of a hostile political climate. The tendency to play it safe is felt by many leaders in the faith community.  Yet, now is not the time to freeze in fear or hide what influence we have been given. As wise stewards and spiritual leaders, may we make eternal investments by using our influence to engage the culture, protect our freedoms, and boldly shine His light.

Author: Narrow Path Ministries

Non-denominational, Independent, Bible believing Church. You have to have “in” you what is “above” you; to “withstand” what is “around” you.

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