What Is The Legacy You Want To Leave Behind?

MAY 21, 2024 BY: IRENE FES

“She was a great teacher, an encourager and a woman of faith. Through her works, she inspired people to realize their full potential and live upto their God-given purpose”

That’s a lot right? I can only pray and hope that I will be able to touch a life, elevate and inspire someone to evolve into all that God created them to be.

Legacy is not a one time thing but a life time thing. It is a journey of realizing your gifts, talents and abilities then using them to make an impact in life. It’s not about how much money you leave in the bank but about the impact you leave in people’s lives. If you touch a life and impact them positively, then that is more than enough for this generation.

Many people have had tremendously huge impact in the country and even the world but that does not mean your input is invalid. Your legacy counts too; you never know even the smallest efforts can be life changing to someone else.

There has been great business people, teachers, lawyers, doctors, writers, nurses, authors, speakers and many more but that does not invalidate the work of other people; the only chosen few at the top can not reach everyone, but with our little efforts we are someone’s best nurse etc.

You are enough and your legacy matters!!

‘What you leave behind is not what is left on stone monuments,  but what is woven into the lives of others.’ Pericles

Author: Narrow Path Ministries

Non-denominational, Independent, Bible believing Church. You have to have “in” you what is “above” you; to “withstand” what is “around” you. http://narrowpathministries.org

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