VIDEO Watch Hearing Runbeck Inserted 35K Ballots – Trump Russia Conspiracy Agents as DHS “Expert Group” – AG Garland USSR Testimony

WATCH LIVE – 12:30 PM ET: Hearing in We The People AZ Alliance’s Lawsuit Against Runbeck Election Services to Obtain Evidence that OVER 35,000 Ballots Were Inserted into Maricopa County 2022 Vote Count

By Jordan Conradson Sep. 20, 2023

Arizona election integrity nonprofit We The People AZ Alliance will appear in court today for a hearing in a public records lawsuit against Runbeck Election Services in Phoenix. 

Watch live at 9:30am PT below.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on this shady private entity that transports and scans Maricopa County mail-in ballots with no oversight or chain of custody before they are processed and counted by the County.

Roughly 81% of the 1,311,734 Maricopa County 2022 election voters voted by mail and had their ballot sent to Runbeck for signature verification with massive discrepancies in ballot chain of custody documentation.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, We The People AZ Alliance filed their Special Action Complaint against Runbeck and Maricopa County for public records relating security camera footage of ballot receipts at the Runbeck facility in Phoenix.

The footage from Runbeck’s facilities could prove claims by Kari Lake’s attorneys, for which they were sanctioned in the Arizona Supreme Court, that over 35,000 ballots sent between Runbeck’s warehouse and Maricopa County are missing chain of custody documentation. The record supported the claims by Lake’s attorneys; the Arizona Supreme Court just ignored their argument and the math.

On August 30, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Bradley Astrowsky released a minute entry ordering an Oral Argument hearing for today at 9:30 am PT in the case for this footage from Runbeck, a public vendor for elections.

“This is a big week,” said We The People AZ Alliance on X. Kari Lake’s lawsuit against Stephen Richer for evidence of mail-in ballot fraud is also going to trial tomorrow!

The Gateway Pundit recently reported that Kari Lake’s lawsuit for public 2022 voter signature records is going to trial on September 21 and September 25. Maricopa County refuses to be transparent with elections. What are they hiding?

Lake later released a statement highlighting a recent court order related to Maricopa County’s fraudulent signature verification and telling Americans she has the “utmost confidence” that she will win her lawsuit. Earlier this month, a ruling in a separates Yavapai County Court case confirmed that Maricopa County has been incorrectly defining “voter registration record” and unlawfully verifying mail-in ballot signatures.

The Gateway Pundit inspected hundreds of illegally verified 2022 mail-in ballot signatures and corresponding voter registration records in Maricopa County through a public records request and reported on the clear fraud involved. See the obviously mismatched signatures here:

Tomorrow’s trial in Lake’s lawsuit will be held at 101 West Jefferson St. Phoenix, 85003, in Courtroom 811 at 9:00 am PT. The Gateway Pundit will provide a livestream.

Both lawsuits are for the public records that are being withheld by parties involved in conducting elections in Arizona.

Watch the Oral Arguments in We The People AZ Alliance v. Runbeck Election Services on the court’s webpage under Case Number CV2023-051714 or below:

Support We The People AZ Alliance’s election integrity efforts here.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas Appoints Primary Trump-Russia Conspiracy Agents as “Expert Group” to Identify Domestic Terrorism and Disinformation

September 19, 2023 | Sundance |

If you put the individual names within this group in the search bar, you will discover their connection.  Most of them were the primary background operatives who pushed the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy in ’16, ’17, ’18 and ’19.

With names like James Clapper (DNI), John Brennan (CIA), Tashina Gauhar (DOJ-NSD), David Kris (DOJ-NSD, FISA), Paul Kolbe (CIA) and Benjamin Wittes (Lawfare), what you will find is that this specific group are functionaries of the corrupt intelligence apparatus that framed the Trump-Russia collusion nonsense.  This is the team now that will define for DHS how to focus their future targeting efforts.

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas, Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) Ken Wainstein, and Counterterrorism Coordinator Nicholas Rasmussen announced the establishment of the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group (Experts Group). The group is comprised of private sector experts who will provide their unique perspectives on the federal government’s intelligence enterprise to DHS’s I&A and the Office of the Counterterrorism Coordinator.

“The security of the American people depends on our capacity to collect, generate, and disseminate actionable intelligence to our federal, state, local, territorial, tribal, campus, and private sector partners,” said Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas. “I express my deep gratitude to these distinguished individuals for dedicating their exceptional expertise, experience, and vision to our critical mission.”

“The Homeland Intelligence Experts Group is being formed at a time of unprecedented challenge, with the U.S. intelligence enterprise facing threats from a range of malign actors, to include foreign nation-state adversaries, domestic violent extremists, cyber criminals, drug-trafficking cartels and other transnational criminal organizations,” said Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis Ken Wainstein. “The Experts Group will be an invaluable asset as we navigate through this evolving threat and operating environment and continue to strengthen our efforts to protect the Homeland.”

“The homeland threat environment is more diverse, dynamic, and challenging than at any point in our post 9/11 history, with threats tied to an array of different terrorist and violent extremist ideologies and narratives,” said Counterterrorism Coordinator Nicholas Rasmussen. “The experience, expertise, and perspective offered by Experts Group members will undoubtedly put the Department in a strong position to confront this threat landscape, and we are grateful for the willingness of the Experts Group members to serve in this important capacity.”

The Experts Group will provide DHS with a wide range of views and perspectives, with a membership that includes former senior intelligence officials, journalists, and prominent human rights and civil liberties advocates. (read more)

Keep in mind, the organization of this group follows the announcement that DHS will be launching online “Enhanced AI” to assist the government in combating  information they deem dangerous to national security.   Put the two together, and I think we can see who will be doing the “defining” of what constitutes “dangerous”.

You will notice I use the term “definition” quite often.  That is because the root of every control mechanism is grounded upon defining things.  When you accept the terms ‘disinformation’, ‘misinformation’, and/or ‘malinformation’, you are buying into the process that permits definitions to determine your travel. Those who define both you and your destination, ultimately control your online experience.

Pay very, very close attention to the two underlined words in the following paragraph:

[SOURCE pdf, Page 3]

Take out the word “improper” and the admission is, DHS uses AI to profile, target and discriminate.  In the second sentence, DHS currently participates in systemic, indiscriminate and/or large-scale monitoring, surveillance, or tracking of individuals.  The only thing those sentences in the paragraph say, is that DHS will not allow AI to create improper outcomes within a system that already exists.

The assembly of a Homeland Intelligence Experts Group gives us the names of those who will be organizing the definitions.

Do not get alarmed, get informed.


Using AI for Content Moderation

Facebook / META / Tech joining with DHS

Zoom will allow Content Scraping by AI 

AI going into The Cloud

U.S. Govt Going into The Cloud With AI

Pentagon activates 175 Million IP’s 👀**ahem**

Big Names to Attend Political AI Forum

DoD to use AI to monitor U.S. Internet for Disinformation

DHS Announces Guidelines for Using AI to monitor Americans.

DHS Announces “Expert Group”

Can you see how this is coming together? 

GOP Rep Raised in USSR Grills Garland: DOJ Acting ‘Like KGB’

By Randy DeSoto  September 20, 2023

GOP Rep. Victoria Spartz of Indiana accused Attorney General Merrick Garland during a congressional hearing Wednesday of allowing his department to scare Americans like the KGB did in the former Soviet Union.

Spartz began her questioning of Garland, who was testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, by noting how moving she found his opening statement.

In it, the attorney general recounted how his grandparents came to the United States from Belarus early in the 20th century to escape religious persecution.

Garland shared with emotion how two of his grandmother’s siblings did not make it to America and died in the Holocaust.

However with his grandmother, “Under the protection of our laws, she was able to live without fear of persecution.”


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“That protection is what distinguishes this country from so many others,” Garland said. “The protection of law — the rule of law — is the foundation of our system of government.”

Spartz told Garland that she immigrated from Ukraine, which, like Belarus, was also part of the former Soviet Union.

“When I came here as a young person I believed in the value as an American not to be afraid of my government,” Spartz said.

According to her congressional bio, the lawmaker moved to the U.S. in 2000, when she was in her early 20s, having been born in Ukraine in 1978.

“Are you aware that a lot of Americans are now afraid of being prosecuted by your department?” Spartz questioned Garland.

“Are you aware of that? … Are you aware or not?” she asked again, when he did not initially respond.

Garland then answered: “I think that constant attacks on the Department and saying –“

Spartz interjected, “It’s not attacks. Let me give you an example,” pointing to the January 6, 2021 protesters that came to the U.S. Capitol to voice their concerns about the integrity of the 2020 election.


AG Merrick Garland Goes Quiet, Then Gives Fumbling Answer When Asked About Hunter Biden at Hearing

“There probably were some people that came on January 6 here that had bad intent,” the congresswoman acknowledged. “But a lot of good Americans from my district came here because they are sick and tired of this government not serving them.”

She said the situation at the Capitol became chaotic because the proper security was not in place.

In response to the incursion, the FBI launched the largest federal investigation in U.S. history to round up protesters who had been on the Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, The Washington Post reported in March.

Spartz pointed out that there were FBI notices posted throughout her district northeast of Indianapolis, and the agency conducted raids into people’s homes.

“People are truly afraid,” she said. “And this is a big problem, when people are afraid of their own government.”

Spartz then raised the issue of U.S. Attorney John Durham’s report released in May that found the FBI and DOJ had no justifiable predicate to launch an investigation of then-Republican candidate Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016 for alleged ties to Russia.

It was based primarily on Steele dossier provided to the FBI by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

“It’s like KGB,” Spartz said of the whole “Russiagate” investigation into Trump.

Rather than having equal treatment under the law, which Garland said the U.S. stands for, investigations into Clinton and Hunter Biden have been slow-walked, running out the statute of limitations on various crimes, Spartz contended.

“We move very quick on Donald Trump, but very slow-walked on others,” she said, referring to the DOJ.

“I couldn’t believe it happened in the United States of America. This is my frustration,” Spartz told Garland.

The lawmaker argued the overall effect of it is to give Russia and China fodder for propaganda aimed at destabilizing the U.S.

“That is danger to our republic,” she said. “It is significant danger.”

“Pay Attention!” – Rep. Troy Nehls Forces AG Garland to Watch ‘Son of a B*tch’ Video of Joe Biden Bragging About Threatening Ukraine to Fire Viktor Shokin (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila Sep. 20, 2023

Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) RIPPED US Attorney General Merrick Garland during a House Judiciary Committee hearing to “examine how the Justice Department has become politicized and weaponized under the leadership of Attorney General Merrick Garland.”

Garland is the most corrupt Attorney General in US history ripping apart our God-given constitutional rights one day at a time.

Rep. Nehls let Garland have it and forced him to watch the video of Joe Biden bragging about threatening Ukraine to fire Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor general who was investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden.

Recall, Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was investigating Burisma and its CEO Mykola Zlochevsky for corruption and several homes and vehicles belonging to the oligarch were seized.

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Viktor Shokin

A month later Viktor Shokin was fired after Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine.

Joe Biden publicly bragged about bribing Ukraine with $1 billion to fire Viktor Shokin.

“I looked at him and I said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired,” Biden said in 2018.

Hunter’s business partner Devon Archer told Congress that Burisma execs, including Hunter Biden, Mykola Zlochevsky and Vadym Pozharski, convened a meeting and ‘called DC’ to get Viktor Shokin fired.

A few days later Joe Biden forced Ukrainian officials to fire Viktor Shokin, or else!

Rep. Nehls played the video of Joe Biden publicly bragging about threatening Ukraine if they didn’t fire Viktor Shokin.

“Play the clip!” Nehls shouted before Merrick Garland had a chance to dispute the quid pro quo.

“Pay attention, sir!” Nehls shouted at Garland as he played the ‘quid pro quo’ video of Joe Biden.

“Mr. Attorney General, what you just saw was Joe Biden, in his arrogance and his role as the Vice President…saying if you don’t fire Shokin, the United States is not giving the $1 billion loan. Why would Joe Biden say that?” Nehls said. “Was it policy? Was it our policy at the time? Yes, or no?”

“It wasn’t!” Nehls shouted before Merrick Garland was even able to answer.

Rep. Nadler tried to interrupt Nehls but Nehls wasn’t having it: “Pipe down!”

Nehls continued, “Joe Biden threatened the Ukrainian President and Prime Minister – to fire Shokin – if that is not quid pro quo, sir, what is? – It’s bribery, and it’s impeachable. Are you gonna do something about it?”

Before Merrick Garland was able to answer, Nehls interrupted him again, “I bet not, which is why you, sir, also need to be impeached!”


Chairman Jordan Discusses AG Garland’s Testimony to Judiciary Committee


VIDEO Plainclothes cops at Capitol during Jan. 6 riot instigators – Transcript of Tucker’s Final Unaired Monologue

Plainclothes cops at Capitol during Jan. 6 riot, one on video exhorting crowd, key lawmaker says

According to Loudermilk, a body cam video that leaked onto the video platform Rumble is authentic and confirms that officers in plain clothes were at the riot.

By John Solomon and Nicholas Ballasy June 8, 2023

The Metropolitan Police Department in Washington D.C. has confirmed to Congress that it had plainclothes officers at the Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot and that at least one was captured on video exhorting the crowd, a key House investigator told Just the News.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., the chairman of the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight, said in wide-ranging interview Wednesday night that MPD body cam video that leaked onto the video platform Rumble is authentic and confirms that officers in plainclothes were at the riot.

You can view that video here.

“We know that it is one of their officers and at one point he is encouraging, and it appears he’s encouraging, he’s definitely helping people climb the scaffolding, and he’s telling them go, go, go,” Loudermilk told the Just the News, No Noise television show.

“Why is an officer encouraging people to climb the scaffolding and go into the Capitol? And secondly, why did the MPD Metropolitan Police support department decide to put undercover officers in the crowd? Was there intelligence that they had that was or was not passed on to the Capitol Police and what did the Capitol police do with that evidence, if they got it?” he added. 

On May 16, Loudermilk wrote a letter to the MPD police chief requesting additional information about the officers that were present including the original body cam footage from all officers that were on-site at the Capitol that day and “all officer and department after action reports and after incident reports concerning the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021.”

He also requested “a list identifying all MPD officers on duty on January 6, 2021, who were engaged in activities concerning the restoration of civil order at or concerning the U.S. Capitol Complex, including their unit and any information on their assignment, and whether they were in uniform or plain clothes in their role as a law enforcement officer on January 6, 2021.”


 Loudermilk Oversight Letter to MPD 5.16.23.pdf

According to committee staff, the MPD is cooperating with Loudermilk’s requests but additional details about the presence of the officers is not yet available for public disclosure.

Just the News reported in late March that federal prosecutors divulged in the case of one Jan. 6 defendant, William Pope, that there is police body-cam footage they don’t want to make public that shows D.C. Metropolitan Police officers — some in plain clothes — consorting with the protesters and even exhorting “Go! Go! Go!” as the protesters are trying to penetrate the Capitol.

In a brief filed late by the U.S. Attorney’s office in Washington, D.C., prosecutors wrote: “The specific footage, GoPro video recorded by an MPD Police Officer who was stationed at the Capitol in an evidence-gathering capacity, captures the officer shouting words to the effect of ‘Go! Go! Go!’ (MPD-005-000035 at time stamp 2:37), ‘Go! Go! Go!’ (MPD-005-000035 at time stamp 7:23), and ‘Keeping going! Keep going!’ (MPD-005-000035 at time stamp 8:16) apparently to the individuals in front of him on the balustrade of the U.S. Capitol’s northwest staircase around 2:15 p.m.

“At other times in these videos, the officer and the two other plain clothes officers with him appear to join the crowd around them in various chants, to include ‘drain the swamp,’ ‘U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!’, and ‘Whose house? Our house!'” 

You can read that court filing here:



Pope’s defense team has asked for permission to make the video footage public, but federal prosecutors told the court they want the trial judge’s protective order to remain in place to keep the video from becoming public.

“To do so would be like using a hammer when only a scalpel is needed,” the government argued in opposing the release of the tapes, adding they believed Pope’s “desire to try his case in the media rather than in a court of law is illegitimate.”

Loudermilk said he also was deeply concerned by video footage aired Monday by Just the News showing a door on the Upper West Terrace of the Capitol was unlocked and left open for a lengthy period of time, allowing 309 people to enter the Capitol on Jan. 6 mostly uncontested.

“This is something that the Jan. 6 select committee chose not to look at: a security breach. And that’s something we started looking at and it raised a lot of questions with us,” Loudermilk said. “So through interviews and doing a lot of research, at least we have found out that there’s an issue with those doors.

“You hit one of those doors, that alarm goes off, all right, and it unlocks that door because it’s a fire door. The only way that that door can be secured is someone has to go to an office within the Capitol, get the key for that particular door and go back and then secure that door,” he said.

BREAKING: Journalist Emerald Robinson Releases Transcript of Tucker’s Final Unaired Monologue, Where He Discusses Ray Epps, AOC and Jen Psaki, Twitter Censors the Report!

By Jim Hoft Jun. 8, 2023 

Emerald Robinson, the host of “Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson” at Frank Speech was able to obtain a copy of Tucker Carlson’s final monologue for his canceled show on FOX News.

Emerald posted the transcript from Tucker’s final monologue at Emerald.TV.

Tucker starts out by blasting Jen Psaki, a top Democrat and totalitarian who believes freedom of speech is a thing of the past.

Members of Congress aren’t allowed to talk like this. The Constitution of the United States prohibits it. American citizens have an inalienable right to critique and criticize their political leaders. Our politicians are not gods. They’re instruments of the public’s will. They serve the rest of us, not the other way around. For that obvious reason, politicians can never censor our speech or try to control what we think. That unchanging fact is the basis of our founding documents, of our political system and our personal freedoms. As a former government official who claims now to be a journalist, Jen Psaki should know this, and defend America’s foundational principle. She refuses. Instead, Psaki nods along like a fan as Sandy Cortez calls for law enforcement to shut down news programming. The White House Correspondents Association and various other self-described advocates of press freedom stay silent too. Apparently they agree with Ocasio-Cortez, or they’re too afraid to say otherwise.

Tucker then goes on to discuss how Congresswoman and open Marxist AOC wants his show canceled.

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She’s demanding that our show be canceled because the things we’re saying are quote, “very clearly an incitement to violence.” Is this true? Even accounting for the fact that people tend to hear what they want to hear, it is not true. It’s a lie, as anyone who watches this show knows. We are opposed to violence, not just philosophically but in practical terms. We’re against violent crime — the strong oppressing the weak. We’re against the horrors of late-term abortion and state-encouraged euthanasia. And above all we’re passionately opposed to the violent and pointless cruelty of the war in Ukraine, which the Biden Administration could end at any moment, thus saving the lives of innocents, but is instead prolonging purely for ideological reasons. Those are the things we dislike the most — the acts of violence our leaders endorse. Ocasio-Cortez is one of those leaders. She supports every one of those indefensible things, from abortion in the ninth month of pregnancy to extending the carnage in Ukraine. Who, honestly, is on the side of violence?

And Tucker Carlson then revisits the quandary of Ray Epps.

And where, we wonder, is Ocasio-Cortez on the question of Ray Epps? January 6th was a violent insurrection they tell us — and on the basis of that claim, they’ve turned the war on terror against America’s own citizens. We believe that is a false characterization. As we’ve said many times January 6th was not an insurrection, which is why no one has been charged for that crime. No guns were brought into the Capitol. No plans to overthrow the government have ever been found. It was not an insurrection. But there was violence. A Capitol police officer called Michael Byrd executed Ashli Babbit, an unarmed protestor, and was praised for doing it by politicians in both parties. Outside the building, a riot broke out. Windows were smashed; cops were assaulted. We were offended by this on the day it happened, and we said so. We still are. We’re against violence, whether it’s in Chicago, Ferguson, downtown Kenosha or on the west steps of the Capitol building in Washington. The main question from January 6th is, how did the violence start? Nearly two and a half years later, we still can’t say with certainty, but there are clues in the contemporaneous video tape. The night before the riot, for example, a man called Ray Epps was caught on camera encouraging protestors to breach the capitol.

The next day, as the violence began, Epps was filmed again doing the same.

You can read Tucker’s entire monologue here.

Earlier today Emerald Robinson informed The Gateway Pundit that Twitter was messing with her report on Tucker’s final monologue.

Twitter is censoring the tweet and taking away follows!

She even recorded this for proof!

Hey @elonmusk why is Twitter removing view numbers from my exclusive on @TuckerCarlson unaired last monologue?

— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) June 8, 2023

And for the record – TGP’s Jim Hoft was on her show yesterday to discuss the ERIC System. You can catch that here.

NPR issued a pathetic attempt to try and discredit the @gatewaypundit‘s reporting on the ERIC system.

Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft joined @EmeraldRobinson to discuss.


— The Absolute Truth with @EmeraldRobinson (@AbsoluteWithE) June 7, 2023
