VIDEO Judge Chutkan, Hunter Biden Same Law Firm – Tucker interviews Devon Archer, Tony Bobilinski – Message from Rush Limbaugh – Kash Patel – Alan Dershowitz – Steven Sund

Judge Overseeing Trump’s J6 Case Previously Donated to Obama Campaign and Worked at Same Law Office as Hunter Biden

By Anthony Scott Aug. 2, 2023

As The Gateway Pundit reported on Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan who was appointed by Obama will be the judge overseeing Trump “January 6th” case in DC.

Chutkan has a long history of ruling against conservatives and according to NBC “She is the only federal judge in Washington, D.C., who has sentenced Jan. 6 defendants to sentences longer than the government had requested.”

A quick look into Chutkan’s political donation records reveals she donated over $3,000 dollars to Barack Obama from 2008-2012.

Here are some of her donation records according to Open Secret:

Dr. McCullough on New Studies: “The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients”

Former Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs for the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Monica Crowley, pointed out on Twitter that Chutkan also worked at the same law office as Hunter Biden.


The judge in the Trump J6 case – an Obama appointee and donor – worked at the same law firm as Hunter Biden.

This is the level of contempt they have for the Constitution, the rule of law – and YOU.

— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley) August 2, 2023

According to Open Secrets, Hunter Biden worked as an attorney for Boies Schiller & Flexner LLP from 2009-2014.

Chutkan also worked as attorney at Boies, Schiller & Flexner, and became a partner in 2007.

She left the law firm in 2014 after being appointed by Obama as the United States district judge for the US District Court for the District of Columbia.

It’s worth noting that both Hunter Biden and judge Chutkan both left the law firm in 2014.

Hunter Biden’s work history per Open Secret:

Chutkan’s work history according to answers on her Senate judicial nominee questionnaire:

The swamp just got swampier.

Judge Presiding Over Jack Smith’s Case Previously Recused Self Over Connections To Democratic Leader

Tucker Carlson Interviews Devon Archer about Hunter and Joe Biden Selling Influence to Foreign Businesses

August 2, 2023 | Sundance |

Tucker Carlson sad down with Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer following Mr. Archer’s testimony to a House Oversight Committee. {Direct Rumble Link}.  The first part of that interview was broadcast by Tucker Carlson via Twitter.

Within this part of the interview Tucker Carlson asks Devon Archer about the overall business model Archer and Biden formed in Burisma and what was the specific set of skills that Hunter brought to the enterprise.  As noted by Mr. Archer, the relationship and purpose of Hunter Biden was entirely about access to government systems that could benefit the businesses who hired their firm.  They were selling influence as a business model and Joe Biden was part of the process.  WATCH:

Tucker Carlson Sits Down With Ex- Hunter Biden Biz Partner Devon Archer for EXPLOSIVE Interview


There are many people rightly demanding Joe Biden be impeached for selling his office and influence, as exhibited in the examples of Hunter Biden.  However, I would temper any expectations in that direction by noting this “influence selling” is the currency of the entire system.  Democrats and Republicans both have family members and businesses based on this system.

Additionally, as we have written in these pages for many years, the entire purpose of the House and Senate Foreign Relations Committee is to sell political policy influence to foreign governments.  Seats on committees are assigned to politicians based on their status within the hierarchy.  The example of Hunter Biden and Devon Archer via Burisma is one of hundreds of similarly constructed mechanisms.

Joe Biden will never be impeached for selling his office to foreign governments.  It will never happen.  Senator Joe Biden was Chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee for exactly this reason.

Tony Bobilinski Interview With Tucker Carlson

Alan Dershowitz Says It’s Unlikely Jack Smith’s Jan. 6 Indictment Against Trump Will ‘Survive’

A Message From Rush Limbaugh

August 2, 2023 | Sundance | 

Wow, does this message from Rush Limbaugh ring true today. {Direct Rumble LinkWATCH:

Rush Knew

God Bless Him – We all miss Rush Limbaugh.

Before Donald Trump entered politics there was no home for people voting on the issues of a national economic agenda. Both Democrat and Republican candidates had essentially the same worldview on national economic policy because they are all getting money from the same multinational corporate trough.  However, President Trump changed that dynamic by presenting an alternative national economic policy called America-First.

For decades middle America was begging the McConnell’s, Ryans, Boehners, Romney’s, McCain’s, Bushes, et al, to make America-Fist economic policies their priority.  All of our shouts for help fell upon deaf political ears plugged by corporate donations and influence.  Our communities were literally collapsing around us (see rust belt), and yet no national politician would do anything of consequence.

By the time Donald Trump arrived decades of frustration exploded in an eruption of massive applause because he was articulating the central economic issue that was being ignored by the professional political class.  The America-First agenda is the restoration agenda.  From Trump’s national economic policy, the middle-class erosion stopped. Economic security, specifically U.S. employment stability and wage rates, goes hand in glove with border security and immigration controls.

MAGAnomics is the core of the great MAGA republican coalition, a working-class coalition that cuts through all other distinctions and divisions.  It is not republican because of political affiliation, it is “MAGA republican” only because the republican party was the political vehicle selected by Donald Trump to install the policy.

This reality creates a problem for the DC professional political class and the corporate media. Because MAGAnomics is the fundamentally binding principle there is no way to fracture the Trump supporter coalition.

I am a “MAGA republican” by default of my wanting a national economic agenda that looks out for the economic interests of American’s first.

Donald Trump is the irreplaceable Great MAGA King because Donald Trump is the only one who holds that same outlook.

It ‘seems’ chaotic and mad because it has been created to appear that way.  There are more of us than them; they just control the systems that allow us to connect, share messages and recognize the scale of our assembly.

And here we are… divided by a network of seemingly intoxicating systems; many purposefully driven by the modern dynamic of social media, steering a tribal outcome we are only now just beginning to fathom.

Ultimately the collective weight of progressive leftism is putting us is isolation. There are many historic references to this disconcerting sentiment to review with hindsight. However, ultimately the feeling of isolation first begins with a rejection of God.  Defeat it by embracing Him.

Our nation needs more people like you, right now. Don’t wait… engage life, get optimistic however you need to do it. Then let that part of you shine right now… This is how we fight. Hold up that flag; give the starter smile… rally to the standard you create and spread fellowship again.

Once restored, fight these bast^^^s!

The only insurrection was election interference…

EXCLUSIVE: Capitol Police Chief Called Jan 6 Events ‘A Cover Up’ in Tucker Carlson Interview HIDDEN By Fox News.

Aug 3, 2023

Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund told then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson that events surrounding the January 6th riots at the U.S. Capitol appear to have been a “cover up,” in never-seen-before footage published exclusively by The National Pulse. 

In the hour-long interview, Sund laments the behaviors of then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as well as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, who he says had intelligence to suggest problems on Capitol Hill, which they failed to communicate with Sund and his cops on the ground. 

“If I was allowed to do my job as the chief we wouldn’t be here, this didn’t have to happen,” Sund begins, around 19 minutes into the conversation, during which he describes himself as “pissed off” about being “lambasted in public” over the events. Sund has written a bookCourage Under Fire, about his experiences. 

Having served as a police officer for over 30 years, including taking over as Chief of the United States Capitol Police in 2019, Sund explains the events leading up to January 6th, including prior to the incident at the Capitol itself, and the aftermath, appeared to be a “cover up.” 

“Everything appears to be a cover up,” says the decorated police chief, explaining that most things to do with his department were political, specifically because he reported to politicians including then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. 

“Like I said, I’m not a conspiracy theorist,” Sund explains, “…but when you look at the information and intelligence they had, the military had, it’s all watered down. I’m not getting intelligence, I’m denied any support from National Guard in advance. I’m denied National Guard while we’re under attack, for 71 minutes…” 

The full interview has thus far been hidden from the public at the behest of Rupert Murdoch’s increasingly left-wing Fox News channel, which unceremoniously fired its prime time host Tucker Carlson allegedly as part of a private settlement with Dominion Voting Systems. 

“It sounds like they were hiding the intelligence,” Carlson quizzed, to which Sund stunningly responds: “Could there possibly be actually… they kind of wanted something to happen? It’s not a far stretch to begin to think that. It’s sad when you start putting everything together and thinking about the way this played out… what was their end goal?” 

The next portion of the interview, featuring a stunning conversation about Capitol riot “orchestrator” Ray Epps, will be released on on Thursday morning. 

Sign up to the Pulse+ today to support radically independent journalism. 


Fmr Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund blasts bureaucracy that favored ‘optics’ over response on Jan 6

Tucker Carlson Reveals Details of Interview With January 6th Capitol Police Chief Stev

Steven Sund: former capital police chief

Former Capitol Police Chief: Alexandra Pelosi prioritized footage over safety

Tucker Carlson: Capitol Hill Police Chief Says J6 Crowd Filled with Federal Agents

Ex-Capitol Police Chief: I’ve Never Seen A Protest Turn That Violent That Quickly

Former Capitol Police Chief explains the chain of communication to Pelosi


Prepare for Big Distraction: IRS Whistleblowers Scheduled for Public Testimony in Biden Bribery Scandal

July 18, 2023 | Sundance 

Tomorrow (Wednesday), the House Oversight Committee will hold a public hearing at 1pm ET, gathering information from two IRS whistleblowers who have come forward with evidence the DOJ and FBI pressured them to stop the investigation of Hunter and Joe Biden and their alleged bribery schemes.

Essentially, large payments were made by foreign governments, and affiliated businesses within China and Ukraine, to Joe and Hunter Biden in exchange for political policy.  The IRS agents investigating the case were blocked by DOJ and FBI officials during their investigation of the criminal activity.  Both IRS agents are going to testify publicly.

In advance of the testimony, a senior FBI supervisory special agent has now corroborated the claims made by both whistleblowers.

“Today, a former FBI supervisory special agent assigned to the FBI’s Wilmington office and the Biden criminal investigation confirmed key portions of the IRS whistleblower’s testimony. The night before the interview of Hunter Biden, both Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were tipped off about the planned interview. On the day of the Hunter Biden interview, federal agents were told to stand by and could not approach Hunter Biden—they had to wait for his call. As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation.”

“The Justice Department’s efforts to cover up for the Bidens reveals a two-tiered system of justice that sickens the American people. The Oversight Committee, along with the Judiciary Committee and Ways and Means Committee, will continue to seek the answers, transparency, and accountability that the American people demand and deserve.” (more)

In addition to officials from the DOJ serving in both the Trump and Biden administrations, AG Bill Barr and AG Merrick Garland respectively, the US attorney in Delaware is also now implicated in a cover-up effort to protect the Biden family.

With corrupt officials inside federal Law (DOJ) and Order (FBI) now accused of participating in the criminal conduct and coverup, congress remains the only viable mechanism for evidence and information to reach the public.

[Via Daily Mail] – […] The House Oversight Committee, led by James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, said the FBI agent’s testimony was shocking.

They said the Biden transition team was given advance warning that Hunter Biden was about to be interviewed regarding his tax affairs and the gun charge, and Hunter then refused to speak to them.

He was charged with possessing a handgun, a Colt Cobra .38 Special, for 11 days in October 2018 despite knowing he was a drug user. 

Last month Hunter agreed a plea deal on both separate charges, and will appear in court at the end of this month. 

‘Today, our committee staff conducted a transcribed interview with a former FBI supervisory special agent assigned to the FBI’s Wilmington office and the Biden criminal investigation,’ the Committee tweeted.

‘The agent CONFIRMED key portions of the IRS whistleblowers’ testimony, including that both Secret Service headquarters and the Biden transition team were TIPPED OFF about the planned Hunter Biden interview.

‘In fact, on the day of the Hunter Biden interview, FEDERAL AGENTS WERE TOLD TO STAND BY AND TO NOT APPROACH HUNTER BIDEN— they had to wait for his call. As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation.

‘The former FBI supervisory special agent told committee investigators he had never been told to wait outside to be contacted by the subject of an investigation.

‘The agent’s testimony is sickening and reveals the lengths to which the DOJ is willing to go to cover up for the Bidens. The Oversight Committee, along with the @JudiciaryGOP and @WaysandMeansGOP, will continue to seek the answers, transparency, and accountability that the American people demand and deserve.’ (read more)

Obviously, we are at an inflection point within our Republic.  The corruption is visible and well documented, yet the gatekeeper media are trying to protect their allied Biden administration.

WASHINGTON—The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability today released a timeline of the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes. The timeline includes significant dates beginning in the Obama-Biden Administration, including when then-Vice President Biden traveled to Ukraine, Romania, and China on official business and Biden family influence peddling schemes in those countries. President Biden has repeatedly denied knowing anything about his family’s business dealings despite evidence to the contrary. The timeline contains important dates as to when Joe Biden knew and lied to the American people about his family’s business schemes.

  • The Complicated Web of Biden Family and Associates’ Companies:  Biden family members and business associates created a web of over 20 companies—most were limited liability companies formed after Joe Biden became Vice President.
  • The Biden Family Received Millions of Dollars from Foreign Sources:  Bank records so far show the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals and their related companies. The Committee has identified payments to Biden family members from foreign companies while he served as Vice President and after he left public office.
  • The Biden Family Used Business Associates’ Companies to Receive Foreign Funds:  Despite creating many companies after Vice President Biden took office, the Biden family used business associates’ companies to receive millions of dollars from foreign companies.
  • Attempts to Conceal Large Financial Transactions:  After foreign companies sent money to business associates’ companies, the Biden family received incremental payments over time to different bank accounts. These complicated financial transactions appear to be meant to conceal the source of the funds and reduce the conspicuousness of the total amounts made into the Biden bank accounts.
  • CCP-Linked Chinese Nationals Hid the Source of the MoneyCCP-linkedChinese nationals and companies with significant ties to Chinese intelligence and the Chinese Communist Party hid the source of the funds paid out to the Bidens by layering domestic limited liability companies. The Biden family and associates’ activities, in coordination with Chinese nationals and their corporate entities, appear to be an attempt to engage in financial deception. Multiple Biden family members received money from the Chinese after it passed through an associate’s account. Additionally, Hunter Biden received money directly into his company’s account from a Chinese-controlled entity.
  • Biden Family and Associates’ Activities in Romania Indicate Influence Peddling Scheme:  The Biden family and associates’ activities in Romania bear clear indicia of a scheme to peddle influence from 2015 to 2017. While Vice President Biden lectured Romania on corruption and ethics, the Bidens received over a million dollars from a company controlled by a Romanian individual accused of corruption, Gabriel Popoviciu, through a Biden family associate.
  • FBI’s Biden Bribery Record Mirrors Evidence Obtained by the Oversight Committee: The Oversight Committee has reviewed the FBI’s unclassified FD-1023 form that memorialized a trusted confidential human source’s conversations with a Burisma executive who claims Joe Biden demanded $5 million and then was paid in exchange for certain actions. The Burisma executive stated that he did not pay “the big guy” directly but used so many bank accounts to hide the money. It is unclear what, if anything, the FBI has done to verify the allegations contained within this. (link)

I think it is safe to assume the Biden administration will deploy a big distraction to take attention away from the hearing Wednesday at 1pm ET.


VIDEO Crowd Roars After Tucker Carlson Gloats Over Savaging Mike Pence and Ending His Political Career

By Cristina Laila Jul. 15, 2023 

President Trump spoke at the Turning Point Action Conference on Saturday night in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Tucker Carlson delivered remarks as keynote speaker shortly before Trump took the stage Saturday night.

The crowd went wild as soon as Tucker took the stage.

“I don’t think most unemployed people get a reception like that!” Tucker said.

As Central Banks Stockpile Gold, a Christian Company Helps Americans Get Ahead of the “Retirement Bubble”


Tucker gloated over savaging Mike Pence during Thursday night’s presidential primary forum in Iowa.

Tucker ended Pence’s career in 60 seconds.

“You’re running for President. You are distressed that Ukrainians don’t have enough American tanks?! EVERY city in the U.S. has become much worse over the past three years…and it’s VISIBLE. Our economy has degraded…suicide rate has jumped…crime has exponentially increased and yet your concern is that the Ukrainians – country that most people can’t find on a map who’ve received tens of billions of US tax dollars don’t have enough tanks!” Tucker said.

Tucker continued, “I think it’s a fair question to ask, where’s the concern for the United States?”

“That’s not my concern,” Pence said. “Tucker, I’ve heard that routine from you before but that’s not my concern!”

The Turning Point Action crowd roared as Tucker gloated over ending Mike Pence’s career.


Tucker Carlson with Mike Pence | “Every City Has In the United States Has Become Much Worse Over the Past 3 Years And It’s Visible…Crime Has Exponentially Increased & Yet Concern Is That Ukrainians Don’t Have Enough Tanks.” 

Ironically Pence could have prevented the disaster we find ourselves in.


LIVE : President Trump Speaks at TurningPointAction! #ACTCON2023


VIDEO Russia finds WMD in Ukraine Discussion – UN Hearing, Docs Presented

True story: Russia finds WMD in Ukraine!

Ilana Mercer drubs ‘this angels-and-demons Disneyfied storyline’ about a new Soviet Empire

By Ilana Mercer March 10, 2022

The masses crave an opiate. Their political overlords know how to exploit the attendant and innate tendency for groupthink. As soon as the usefulness of one faith (COVID) expires, another takes its place (Ukraine), courtesy of the ruling elites and with the complicity of the crowds. Now that COVID conformity has been replaced with the requirement that we all find religion on Ukraine, debunking the bunk becomes all the more important.

The finding of American-installed WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) laboratories located in Ukraine, near the Russian border, is certainly a reminder of the extent, the depth and the gravity of the American State’s lies about this conflict and its genesis. Put it this way: If Russia had American privileges, namely the right to invade sovereign countries while retaining its virtue, these biowarfare facilities – copped to by Victoria Nuland, one of the American architects of the February 2014 coup in Ukraine – would have served as casus belli (provocation) for war.

I abhor what is, on its face, a Russian war of aggression. However, knowing the history of the conflict leaves no room for doubt: The Russian Bear was poked, and poked and then some.

I had framed the duty of diplomacy and statesmanship at which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has failed so miserably and with such grave consequences for his countrymen as realpolitik.

Realpolitik is practical politics, the art of getting along, differences and all, in a real world in which reality, especially power differentials, is accepted and dealt with. The onus was on the Ukrainian president to practice realpolitik with his powerful neighbors, the Russians, I argued. Zelensky ought to have shown Putin respect and negotiated an agreement with him, one that would have appeased Russia with respect to Ukraine’s outsized, idiotic NATO and EU aspirations. Promise the Russians “a non-aligned, neutral Ukraine,” is how Col. Doug McGregor put it.

What I call realpolitik, political scientist John Mearsheimer terms “great-power politics.”

“When you’re a country like Ukraine and you live next door to a great power like Russia,” he posits, “you have to pay careful attention to what the Russians think, because if you take a stick and you poke them in the eye, they’re going to retaliate. … States in the Western hemisphere understand [great-power politics] full well with regard to the United States.”

With his fatigues, simplistic jingoism and facility with TV optics and social media – Zelensky certainly appeals to the war channel females (Fox News) and to distaff worldwide. But he has been worse than useless in the grander scheme of things. As Mearsheimer points out, matter-of-fact, Ukraine is going to lose more territory; its economy has been wrecked as are its cities and infrastructure in ruins. Eastern Europe is becoming more unstable. China and Russia have been thrust into each other’s arms.

The West claims the blame lies solely with Putin, to whom are attributed assorted phantasmagoric expansionist programs and projects. According to this angels-and-demons Disneyfied storyline, Putin plans on claiming the Baltic states of Eastern Europe “out of a longstanding desire to resuscitate the Soviet Empire,” even though the Russian president has disavowed the creation of a greater Russia and certainly doesn’t have the economic wherewithal to mount protracted invasions and occupations.

The truth is that, starting in 2006, the West made the decision to continue to expand NATO to the Baltic states and eventually to Ukraine. Russia had “swallowed” this initial NATO expansion, but made it clear as early as 2008, that thereafter, expansion would constitute an existential threat to it. But the West had always intended to include the former USSR territories within NATO and the EU and turn them into what Mearsheimer dubs “pro-American liberal democracies” in the (miserable) mold of the USA, usually nudging them in that direction rather energetically and certainly manipulatively via color-coded revolutions.

To all intents and purposes, America had made Ukraine a de facto NATO member, arming and training its military, explains Mearsheimer. So it was that in February of 2014, a coup, supported by the USA, in Ukraine, saw a pro-Russian president being replaced by a pro-American prime minister.

Indeed, prior to Russia’s invasion, the U.S. had been arming the very Ukrainians who had been clashing regularly with the Russians in the Donbass region. And while by necessity “America has [in recent weeks] rushed to reinforce eastern Europe with thousands of troops and dozens of warplanes” – still more revealing is that, “American special forces had been training potential partisans in eastern Ukraine” for some time now.

Come 2021, in what was the height of provocation, the U.S. flew strategic bombers over the Black Sea, forcing Russia to scramble its fighter jets. There were other such showy provocations along “the NATO-Russia frontier,” performed with U.S. Air Force B-1 bombers. For their part – also in 2021 – the British set sail in destroyer vessels in Russian territorial waters. “Innocent passage” they called it. However, the Black Sea incident, “[a]ccording to leaked classified documents,” “was a calculated decision by the British government. …”

Said a Russian military official:

“We don’t have a border with Ukraine. It is America’s border, because they are the masters there, and all these … are vassals. And the fact that they are pumping them up full of arms and are trying to create nuclear arsenals – all this will cost us in future. …”

WATCH: David Vance and I discuss further on “HARD TRUTH” – “True Story: Russia Finds WMD In Ukraine!” PLEASE SUBSCRIBE HERE:

LAWRENCE SELLIN: Level-Setting the Ukraine Biolab Controversy

By Joe Hoft March 10, 2022

Guest post by Lawrence Sellin

Level-Setting the Ukraine Biolab Controversy

Over the last day, the Gateway Pundit has published several informative articles related to the controversy surrounding a number of Ukrainian microbiological laboratories funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, see herehereherehere and here.

Unfortunately, the facts concerning the laboratories in question have been obscured by propaganda from the United States, Russia, China and the European Union, as well as efforts by news organizations and individuals to either downplay or exaggerate those facts.

TRENDING: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Firm Rosemont Seneca Invested in Firm Tied to Ukrainian Biolabs

Bottom line up front – So far, there is no evidence that offensive biological weapons have been produced by U.S. government-funded laboratories in Ukraine.

According to deleted, but internet-archived U.S. Department of State documents, there are at least 11 microbiology laboratories in Ukraine for which the U.S. Department of Defense paid construction or renovation costs.

It is unclear if the U.S. government is paying for the operational costs of those eleven laboratories.

The documents published by Russia contained in a March 6, 2022 Tweet do not mention anthrax or plague as claimed, but call for the destruction of bacteria which cause common infectious diseases, none of which are considered biological weapons.

There are no registered high containment Biosafety Level-4 facilities in Ukraine.

Ukraine has four Biosafety Level-3 facilities, one of which, the Ukrainian I. I. Mechnikov Anti-Plague Research Institute in Odessa, was described in a 2010 media article as a center capable of conducting research on “dangerous pathogens used by bioterrorists” such as “anthrax, tularemia and Q fever as well as other dangerous pathogens.”

The following figure lists the four Biosafety Level-3 facilities in Ukraine, their locations, size and activities, which are primarily for the detection and identification of dangerous pathogens.

As one who worked in a Biosafety Level-3 facility at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, Fort Detrick, Maryland, I can attest that there are distinct differences in methodologies between detection and identification of pathogens or research related to medical defenses for such pathogens and bioweapon development.

The presence of dangerous pathogens in laboratories or the fact that experiments are being conducted with them are not necessarily violations of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention, which allows defensive research.

Yes, the U.S. government has been deceptive and incompetent in addressing the questions related to the Ukraine biolab controversy.

Nevertheless, at present, no scientific evidence exists directly demonstrating bioweapon development by U.S.-funded research laboratories in Ukraine.

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is retired U.S. Army Reserve colonel and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. He had a civilian career in international business and medical research. His email address is

NOT JUST WUHAN: Document Shows US Military Was Funding Bioresearch on Coronavirus in Insectivorous Bats in Ukraine

By Jim Hoft March 11, 2022

As The Gateway Pundit reported last night — Russia called to convene the United Nations Security Council this morning to present evidence of military biological activities by the United States in Ukraine.

** The presentation will start at 11 AM ET on Friday morning.

US officials offered varying responses to Russia’s claims on the Biolabs in Ukraine. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland, for example, told lawmakers on Tuesday that Ukraine does, in fact, have “biological research facilities” in the country.

Russian officials released a preliminary report before the hearing today.

TRENDING: Breaking: Russia Convenes UN Security Council Meeting to Present BioLab Evidence — Friday at 11 AM

The documents included one study that listed CDC official Andres Velasco-Villa listed by name.

The study shows US and Ukrainian officials studying insectivorous bats in Ukraine and detection of emerging viral and baterial pathogens including coronavirus.

So it wasn’t just Wuhan.

The US was also funding bat research on coronavirus in Ukraine too!

You can find more documents in the link provided by Russian officials.

Of course, at this time it is not clear if this is Russian propaganda or actual captured documents.

LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: Russia Convenes UN Security Council to Present Evidence of US Military Biological Activities in Ukraine — 11 AM ET — LIVE NOW!

By Jim Hoft March 11, 2022

As The Gateway Pundit reported last night — Russia called to convene the United Nations Security Council this morning to present evidence of military biological activities by the United States in Ukraine.


** The presentation will start at 11 AM ET on Friday morning.
We plan on posting the video from the UN Security Council webpage.

The Security Council live feed is below.

Google Deletes Oliver Stone Documentary “Ukraine on Fire”, Western Government and NATO Afraid of Truth?

March 9, 2022 | Sundance 

In a remarkable display of propaganda and Big Tech effort to erase history, thereby shaping public opinion, YouTube, which is owned by Google Inc, has deleted the award-winning Oliver Stone documentary “Ukraine on Fire.”  Apparently, the truth about the history of Ukraine is against the interests of the current global order who are seeking to exploit the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

In response to the effort by Big Tech, NATO, the collective western governments and World Economic Forum, the producer, director and copyright owner Igor Lopatonok has released the copyright and made the documentary available for open download [Vimeo LINK].  It is also now available for viewing on this {Direct Rumble Link} and shared below.

It is in the interest of NATO and the current Biden Administration, that people do not fully understand the Nazi history of Ukraine.  The Oliver Stone documentary is well sourced and cited, and apparently a concern for the collective west.

The solution to Big Tech control efforts, is a wider distribution.

Brit travels to Ukraine, finds Kiev quiet with staged media scenes everywhere…


Pentagon contractors worked in Ukrainian biolabs under $80 million program

Declaration from Italy’s Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Regarding the Russia, Ukraine Crisis – EcoHealth Alliance Bioweapon Lab

By Joe Hoft March 7, 2022 – updated

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano shared the message with The Gateway Pundit this morning.  We include his message in full below. 

Archbishop Vigano has been a voice for justice around the world.  Today he sent us a message regarding the Russia – Ukraine crisis.  In his message, Vigano shares the following:

If we look at what is happening in Ukraine, without being misled by the gross falsifications of the mainstream media, we realize that respect for each other’s rights has been completely ignored; indeed, we have the impression that the Biden Administration, NATO and the European Union deliberately want to maintain a situation of obvious imbalance, precisely to make impossible any attempt at a peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian crisis, provoking the Russian Federation to trigger a conflict…

…It should not surprise us that pluralism and freedom of speech, so praised in countries that claim to be democratic, are daily disavowed by censorship and intolerance towards opinions not aligned with the official narrative. Manipulations of this kind have become the norm during the so-called pandemic, to the detriment of doctors, scientists and dissenting journalists, who have been discredited and ostracized for the mere fact of daring to question the effectiveness of experimental serums. Two years later, the truth about the adverse effects and the unfortunate management of the health emergency has proven them right, but the truth is stubbornly ignored because it does not correspond to what the system wanted and still wants today.

If the world media have so far been able to lie shamelessly on a matter of strict scientific relevance, spreading lies and hiding reality, we should ask ourselves why, in the present situation, they should suddenly rediscover that intellectual honesty and respect for the code of ethics widely denied with Covid.

But if this colossal fraud has been supported and disseminated by the media, it must be recognized that national and international health institutions, governments, magistrates, law enforcement agencies and the Catholic Hierarchy itself all share responsibility for the disaster – each in its own sphere by actively supporting or failing to opposethe narrative – a disasterthat hasaffected billions of peoplein their health, their property, theexercise of their individual rightsand even their very lives. Even in this case, it is difficult to imagine that those who have been guilty of such crimes in support ofa pandemic that was intended and maliciously amplified could suddenly have a jolt of dignity and show solicitude for their citizens and their homeland when a war threatens their security and their economy…

…NATO has failed to keep its commitments to Russia, or has at least forced the situation at a very delicate moment for geopolitical balances. We should ask ourselves why the United States – or rather the American deep state which regained power after the electoral fraud that brought Joe Biden to the White House – wants to create tensions with Russia and involve its European partners in the conflict, with all the consequences we can imagine.

Please read the full document.  There is a lot here.

Statement on Russian-Ukrainian Crisis Vigano Mar 7 2022 by Jim Hoft on Scribd

EcoHealth Alliance: Whistleblower Exposes Corruption

I’m just finding out now that the US Military Bio-labs that Putin ‘Bunker Bustered’ in Ukraine were being run by none other than the CIA front company ‘EcoHealth Alliance’.

YEP!.. the same company who did ‘function gain’ modifications on the Coronavirus for FAUCI (NIAIDS) & COLLINS (NIH) in WUHAN!!!!

AND, whose CEO is none other than Peter Daszak – the same guy who just admitted he’s a CIA operative to one of his employees, who just went public two weeks ago as a Whistleblower for EcoHealth-Alliance!

That explains a lot of reactions we are seeing from the west. Their p***d, because Putin just ‘blew’ any chance of them fielding another pandemic on us – a final nail in the coffin of the cabal.

Biological Threat Reduction Program


As Russia Invades Ukraine, Pastors Stay to Serve, Pray … and Resist

Two prayer requests from Donetsk: “First, to stop the aggressor. But then for peace of mind, to respond with Christian character and not from human hate.”


Image: Chris McGrath / Getty Images

The body of Captain Anton Olegovich Sidorov, recently killed in Donetsk, is seen during his funeral on February 22, 2022 in Kyiv, Ukraine.

As Russian invaded Ukraine today, a Baptist home was destroyed and a seminary shaken by nearby blasts, though local sources told CT that no churches or Christian buildings have been attacked so far.

President Vladimir Putin announced his forces were targeting only military installations. He also asserted that Ukraine does not truly exist as a nation.

Igor Bandura, vice president of the Baptist Union, the largest Protestant body in Ukraine, heard about collateral damage to the home of a Baptist in Donetsk during a Zoom call with his 25 regional superintendents.

Minus one. On the front lines of the eastern Donbas region, the Baptist leader from the occupied territory of Luhansk was unable to join.

But from the town of Chasov Yor on the front lines in neighboring Donetsk—in an area then still under Ukrainian government control—Bandura learned the local assessment.

“People don’t want to be under Russian control,” he was told. “But they feel helpless. What can ordinary people do?”

Pray. And remain calm.

This was the message put out by the Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations (UCCRO), a day after its appeal to Putin went unanswered.

Ukraine’s chief rabbi invited Christian leaders to recite Psalm 31 together.

“We urge you to remain calm, not to give in to panic, and to comply with the orders of the Ukrainian state and military authorities,” stated the UCCRO. “The truth and the international community are on the Ukrainian side. We believe that good will prevail, with God’s help.”

Thousands of Ukrainians fled west as Russian missiles hit targets throughout the nation. Ukraine’s Ministry of Internal Affairs reported nearly 400 instances of shelling.

As he called for an international no-fly zone to be established over Ukraine, Yuriy Kulakevych, foreign affairs director of the Ukrainian Pentecostal Church, echoed the interfaith statement.

“I and all ministers stay in Kyiv,” he said. “We continue our intercessory prayers, talk to people to reduce panic, and help those in need.”

In Kamyanka, 145 miles south, Vadym Kulynchenko of Our Legacy Ukraine reported that his church had already started to receive refugees from the east. Temporary shelter will be provided, and the main needs are food, medicine, fuel, hygiene products, and air mattresses.

Bombs hit three infrastructure centers in his city.

“Please pray for disciple-making in the country, safety for our people, and generosity in the midst of war,” Kulynchenko asked. “And also for discernment, as there is a lot of fake news.”

Kyiv Theological Seminary (KTS) issued a general warning.

“Generating panic through the spread of manipulative false information is exactly what the enemy seeks,” it said. “This war is not as much for our territories, as it is for our soul and our mind.”

Students at Ukraine Evangelical Theological Seminary outside Kyiv were instructed to shelter in place as military battled at a nearby airport, according to the school’s director of English language services, Josh Tokar. Those on campus are scared but not panicked, he said. The seminary president sent out a message from Psalm 27: “The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear?”

Bandura did not resonate with the call for calm.

“Who are you to say our nation doesn’t exist?” he said of Putin’s rhetoric. “The truth is with us, and God is with us. We want to live in peace, but if Russia wants to take this from us, let’s fight.”

While some Ukrainians favor Russia, he said, half the population is ready to personally defend their nation.

Pictures have circulated of grandmothers with guns.

The Russian Evangelical Alliance (REA) conveyed its support to the UCCRO’s appeal for peacemaking initiatives.

“All evangelical Christians pray every day and ask the Almighty to give wisdom to all,” stated Vladimir Vlasenko, REA general secretary, “to preserve the fragile peace and not to plunge our countries into fratricidal conflict.”

In Rivne in western Ukraine, local officials directed all churches to remain open, with church leaders staying in touch with residents to help coordinate aid as well as military equipment as needed.

Many in Ukraine are showing resilience.

Staff at New Life Radio in Odessa, on the Black Sea coast, watched missiles fly past their homes. They are taking actions to hide equipment and preserve broadcasting, in case the station is raided in the near future.

Vasyl Ostryi, pastor at Irpin Bible Church, 18 miles northwest of Kyiv, has also decided to stay.

“When this is over, the citizens of Kyiv will remember how Christians have responded in their time of need,” he stated. “We will shelter the weak, serve the suffering, and mend the broken. And as we do, we offer the unshakable hope of Christ and his gospel.”

Photos have circulated showing Ukrainians kneeling in prayer in city streets.

Rick Perhai, director of advanced degrees at KTS, said the international church he pastors in Kyiv has several leaders recommending the congregation continue its worship this coming Sunday. Some of their expat members have fled; others want to stay and join the fight.

He laments that the enemy is seeking to destroy Ukraine as its Christians grow more and more poised to carry the gospel to surrounding nations. Nonetheless, he is praying for the Russians, asking for God to grant them repentance.

But his petition is also imprecatory.

“Pray that the nation of Russia would tire of their tyrant’s rantings at home and abroad,” Perhai said, “and that they would remove him.”

Western nations have roundly condemned Putin, and readied sanctions. Reports circulated of Russians lining up at ATMs to withdraw their cash, fearful the nation would be cut off from the international banking system.

Meanwhile in Donetsk, where 25 missionary teams have been working to establish churches, gas lines require a wait of hours for a rationed supply of five gallons. Grocery stories suffer empty shelves, as Ukrainians stock up on emergency food and water.

Bandura conveys his supervisor’s two main prayer requests.

“First, to stop the aggressor,” he said. “But then for peace of mind, to respond with Christian character and not from human hate.”

Editor’s note: This article is still being actively reported and will be regularly updated. With reporting by Rachel Pfeiffer.