VIDEO Get Up, Stand Up, Don’t Give Up the Fight: Know Your Rights or You Will Lose Them – Chief Justice for 11th Circuit on Complaints Against Judge Cannon – President Trump 3 million TikTok Followers in 24 Hours – Dems Taste Of Own Medicine?

By John & Nisha Whitehead May 29, 2024

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.”—Thomas Jefferson

If America’s schools are to impart principles of freedom and democracy to future generations, they must start by respecting the constitutional rights of their students

Take the case of Lucas Hudson.

With all the negative press being written about today’s young people, it’s refreshing to meet a young person who not only knows his rights but is prepared to stand up for them. 

Lucas is a smart kid, a valedictorian of his graduating class at the Collegiate Academy at Armwood High School in Hillsborough County, Fla.

So, when school officials gave Lucas an ultimatum: either remove most of his speech’s religious references from his graduation speech—in which he thanked the people who helped shape his character, reflected on how quickly time goes by, and urged people to use whatever time they have to love others and serve the God who loves us—or he would not be speaking at all, Lucas refused to forfeit his rights.

That’s when Lucas’s father turned to The Rutherford Institute for help.

In coming to Lucas’ defense, attorneys for The Rutherford Institute warned school officials that their attempts to browbeat Lucas into watering down his graduation speech could expose the school to a First Amendment lawsuit.

Thankfully for Lucas, the school backed down, and he was able to deliver his speech as written.

It doesn’t always work out so well, unfortunately.

Over the course of The Rutherford Institute’s 42-year history, we have defended countless young people who found themselves censored, silenced and denied their basic First Amendment rights, especially when they chose to exercise their rights to free speech and religious freedom.

In case after case, we encounter an appalling level of ignorance on the part of public school officials who mistakenly believe that the law requires anything religious be banned from public schools.

Here’s where government officials get it wrong: while the government may not establish or compel a particular religion, it also may not silence and suppress religious speech merely because others might take offense.

People are free to ignore, disagree with, or counter the religious speech of others, but the government cannot censor private religious speech.

Unfortunately, you can only defend your rights when you know them, and the American people—and those who represent them—are utterly ignorant about their freedoms, history, and how the government is supposed to operate.

As Morris Berman points out in his book Dark Ages America, “70 percent of American adults cannot name their senators or congressmen; more than half don’t know the actual number of senators, and nearly a quarter cannot name a single right guaranteed by the First Amendment. Sixty-three percent cannot name the three branches of government. Other studies reveal that uninformed or undecided voters often vote for the candidate whose name and packaging (e.g., logo) are the most powerful; color is apparently a major factor in their decision.”

More than government corruption and ineptitude, police brutality, terrorism, gun violence, drugs, illegal immigration or any other so-called “danger” that threatens our nation, civic illiteracy may be what finally pushes us over the edge.

As Thomas Jefferson warned, no nation can be both ignorant and free.

Unfortunately, the American people have existed in a technology-laden, entertainment-fueled, perpetual state of cluelessness for so long that civic illiteracy has become the new normal for the citizenry.

In fact, most immigrants who aspire to become citizens know more about national civics than native-born Americans. Surveys indicate that half of native-born Americans couldn’t correctly answer 70% of the civics questions on the U.S. Citizenship test.

Not even the government bureaucrats who are supposed to represent us know much about civics, American history and geography, or the Constitution although they take an oath to uphold, support and defend the Constitution against “enemies foreign and domestic.”

For instance, a couple attempting to get a marriage license was recently forced to prove to a government official that New Mexico is, in fact, one of the 50 states and not a foreign country.

You can’t make this stuff up.

Those who gave us the Constitution and the Bill of Rights believed that the government exists at the behest of its citizens. The government’s purpose is to protect, defend and even enhance our freedoms, not violate them.

It was no idle happenstance that the Constitution opens with these three powerful words: “We the people.”

Those who founded this country knew quite well that every citizen must remain vigilant or freedom would be lost. As Thomas Paine recognized, “It is the responsibility of the patriot to protect his country from its government.”

You have no rights unless you exercise them.

Still, you can’t exercise your rights unless you know what those rights are.

“If Americans do not understand the Constitution and the institutions and processes through which we are governed, we cannot rationally evaluate important legislation and the efforts of our elected officials, nor can we preserve the national unity necessary to meaningfully confront the multiple problems we face today,” warns the Brennan Center in its Civic Literacy Report Card. “Rather, every act of government will be measured only by its individual value or cost, without concern for its larger impact. More and more we will ‘want what we want, and [will be] convinced that the system that is stopping us is wrong, flawed, broken or outmoded.’”

Education precedes action.

As the Brennan Center concludes “America, unlike most of the world’s nations, is not a country defined by blood or belief. America is an idea, or a set of ideas, about freedom and opportunity. It is these ideas that bind us together as Americans and have kept us free, strong, and prosperous. But these ideas do not perpetuate themselves. They must be taught and learned anew with each generation.”

There is a movement underway to require that all public-school students pass the civics portion of the U.S. naturalization test100 basic facts about U.S. history and civics—before receiving their high-school diploma, and that’s a start.

Lucas Hudson would have passed such a test with flying colors.

On graduation day, Lucas stepped up to the podium and delivered his uncensored valedictorian speech as written, without any interference by school censors.

As Lucas’s father relayed to The Rutherford Institute:

“In the end, Lucas got to give his entire speech the way he wanted to give it, and everybody was paying attention.  Nobody got hurt.  Nothing bad happened.  It was just a young man using the First Amendment rights to speak his mind regarding his personal beliefs. [Lucas] never thought a few sentences in a speech would create such a controversy in his world, but this speech turned into a defining moment for him.  He will never be the same after this experience, but this permanent change is a good thing.  When it mattered, Lucas stood up for himself, and when those he stood up against tried to push him down, [The Rutherford Institute] came to his aide and backed him up to make it a fair fight. I am comforted to know you are defending the rights of the people.  These fights matter.  Every time you defend the rights of one person, you defend the rights of every person.  You helped my son fight for his rights against the school, and, in doing so, Hillsborough County Public Schools will think twice before infringing on the rights of future students. Your defense of Lucas became an inspiration for the students in his school and sparked a healthy and meaningful debate among the teachers, students, and parents about the value of the First Amendment and the need for limits on government control over our personal beliefs.  You are fighting for good and doing important work.  Don’t ever stop. Thank you, Rutherford Institute, for being there for my son when he needed you most.”

America needs more freedom fighters like Lucas Hudson and The Rutherford Institute.

It’s up to us.

We have the power to make and break the government.

We the American people—the citizenry—are the arbiters and ultimate guardians of America’s welfare, defense, liberty, laws and prosperity.

We must act—and act responsibly.

A healthy, representative government is hard work. It takes a citizenry that is informed about the issues, educated about how the government operates, and willing to make the sacrifices necessary to stay involved.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, it’s our job to keep freedom alive using every nonviolent means available to us.

As Martin Luther King Jr. recognized in a speech delivered on December 5, 1955, just four days after Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to relinquish her seat on a Montgomery city bus: “Democracy transformed from thin paper to thick action is the greatest form of government on earth.”

Know your rights. Exercise your rights. Defend your rights. If not, you will lose them.


Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at

Chief Justice for 11th Circuit Court of Appeals Tells Clerk to Trash All Further Complaints Against Judge Cannon and Make it Public

June 3, 2024 | Sundance 

When the extreme leftists cannot get their way by manipulating the legal system through Lawfare, they come unglued.

The tribal leadership of Norm Eisen, Mary McCord, Andrew Weissmann and the larger Lawfare community have been waging an open media campaign against Florida Judge Aileen Cannon because in the Jack Smith documents case Judge Cannon is not giving them what they want.

It’s somewhat personal to the Lawfare crew because from the outset it has appeared that Eisen, McCord and Weissmann write the briefs and motions that Jack Smith files with the court.  If the Lawfare effort is being rejected, dismissed or diluted by Judge Cannon, the Lawfare tribe takes it personal and make appearances on leftist media networks, broadcasts and social media telling their followers to file judicial complaints against her.

In response to what the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals calls an “orchestrated campaign,” Chief Judge William Pryor of the 11th CCA has published a blistering order [SEE HERE], informing the clerk of the court not to accept any more complaints and to trash them.

[SOURCE pdf]

Making matters worse for the Lawfare pearl clutchers, Chief Justice Pryor tells the court’s clerk not to even respond to the complaints, just publish this order.  In the larger message the 11th CCA is essentially telling the Lawfare activists to knock it off, and this approach can have profoundly negative implications for Jack Smith’s ability to use the appeals court as a tool to target Judge Cannon.

“The Chief Judge for the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals is putting an official end to the THOUSANDS OF COORDINATED COMPLAINTS against Judge Aileen Cannon. Democrats are totally hysterical when they can’t control a courtroom (or a SC Justice like Alito).”  ~ Mark Mendlovitz

President Trump Gains 3 million TikTok Followers in 24 Hours – Raises Quarter Billion Dollars in Three Days

June 3, 2024 | Sundance 

After we checked on Sunday following President Trump announcing his TikTok account he had 800,000 followers.  Today at the same time he has over 3.8 million followers; that is a gain of approximately 3 million followers in the past 24 hours and growing.

Additionally, according to the Trump campaign and Eric Trump, donations have flooded into the campaign as the American public show their contempt for the judicial Lawfare with their wallets and support.  As noted by Eric Trump approximately 30% of the donations came from people who had never donated to a political campaign before, and $70 million of the initial funds raised were small donors (under $250).

After Trump Verdict, Megyn Kelly Urges Republicans to Give Democrats “a Taste of Their Own Medicine”

Theme joined by others, including John Hinderaker at Powerline: “If Trump wins in November, his Department of Justice should immediately indict Biden, and Biden should be hounded until the day he dies or goes to prison, whichever happens first.”

Posted by Mike LaChance Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Trump guilty verdict has got many people on the right very angry and for good reasons. Some prominent voices are even calling for payback.

Now that Democrats believe this tactic is working, they will keep using it until it doesn’t work anymore. One of the only ways to make them understand why this is a bad thing, is to make it hurt for them.

Megyn Kelly understands this. She recently spoke about it on her podcast.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

MEGYN KELLY: This whole scheme, and here it is the proper word is corrupt. It’s a before and after moment for America. What just happened today is a line we can’t uncross, and these Democrats will rue the day they decided to use lawfare to stop a presidential candidate.

I’m not talking about violence; I’m talking about tit for tat. You just wait, and it won’t be Hunter Biden next time; it’s going to be Joe Biden. It could potentially still be Barack Obama. It could still potentially be Hillary Clinton. We’re going to have to look at what the statutes of limitations are on the various crimes they surely committed.

We’re going to have to look at passing laws to revive those dead crimes, felonies, or misdemeanors so that those cases can be brought out of time. That’s what may be in the interest of justice, just like they did for E.J. Carroll with the New York State law that was passed so that she could sue him. That’s what happened.

Turnabout is fair play. And John Yoo, an amazing lawyer who worked in the Bush administration Department of Justice, has a great piece out today talking about how that’s the only way they’ll learn.

The only way to save the Republic now is to give them a taste of their own medicine. That’s it. That’s it. They tasted blood today. They’re the wolves with the bloody piece of meat in their mouths. That doesn’t stop the wolf from coming back for more. The only thing that will stop him is if he loses a limb of his own.

Watch the clip below:

Sean Davis, the CEO of The Federalist, says it’s time for Republicans to start making lists of Democrats to prosecute and put in prison.

Mediaite reported:

The Federalist CEO Calls For Republicans to Draw Up Lists of Democrats to ‘Put in Prison’ After Trump Verdict

Sean Davis, the CEO and co-founder of the the right-wing website The Federalist, called on Republicans to draw up lists of Democrats to “put in prison” in a social media post reacting to Donald Trump’s conviction on Thursday evening.

“In 2016, the presidential race was decided based on candidates releasing lists of potential Supreme Court nominees,” wrote Davis. “In 2024, I want to see lists of which Democrat officials are going to be put in prison.”

“This is what happens when you cross the Rubicon,” he added.

Even John Hinderaker over at Powerline is talking this way:

What to do now? First, it is now absolutely essential that Trump be elected president. The Democrats cannot be allowed to get away with this effort to turn America into a banana republic.

Second, the Democrats understand nothing except the raw exercise of power. Therefore, Republican attorneys general and district attorneys should bring criminal charges against Democratic officeholders wherever possible. No Democratic officeholder should be allowed to retire, in any jurisdiction with Republican law enforcement, without facing criminal charges. There can’t be a single Democratic official in America against whom a criminal case can’t be brought that is better than this case against Trump. It should be open season on Democrats in the criminal courts.

Third, the criminal prosecutions should begin with Joe Biden. Unlike Trump, Biden is actually a criminal. He is already known to be guilty under the federal bribery statute, to the tune of at least $20 million. If Trump wins in November, his Department of Justice should immediately indict Biden, and Biden should be hounded until the day he dies or goes to prison, whichever happens first.

We are no longer in the realm of William F. Buckley and intellectual discussions.

The Democrats have crossed a line, and they will not stop until they are forced to do so.

Featured image via YouTube.


VIDEO O’Keefe Uncovers Who Is Really Running The White House: ‘Whatever This Guy Says, It’s What The President Says’ – Trump On Day #1

 by Jordyn M. April 22, 2024

An undercover video by O’Keefe Media shows a special advisor for The United States Small Business Administration providing insights into the intricate dynamics of President Joe Biden’s inner circle.

The advisor, Tyler Robinson, engaged in conversation with an undercover reporter, and he pulled back the curtain on the significant clout wielded by Jeff Zeints, the current White House chief of staff and former Facebook board member.

Robinson asserted that Zeints commands immense influence, going as far as labeling him the “second most powerful person in Washington.” He also shared some of the strategies employed to sway his decision-making.

“By getting Jeff to sign off, you’re getting the president to sign off… whatever this guy says, it’s what the President says,” Robinson asserted.

Robinson was also pressed on whether Zeints holds more power than Vice President Kamala Harris, to which he affirmed, “Yeah,” and that he is more powerful “in some ways” but “not legally.”

The White House insider also openly acknowledged the enduringly close relationships former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Hillary Clinton have with the current Biden administration.

Robinson later delved into the strategies employed by the establishment to marginalize GOP politicians, effectively excluding them from crucial negotiations and policy-making processes

He disclosed the activities of his boss, Isabel Casillas Guzman, alleging that she is dispatched by the Biden administration under the pretext of visiting small businesses while covertly aiding Democratic election campaigns.

“Pretty much every week, she goes somewhere in the country… We can tell their accomplishments; she can’t like go on a stage and be like, ‘Hey, vote for Joe Biden.’ Like that’s illegal,” said Robinson.

“Any time we go [to a state], we try to visit with a Member of Congress, if they’re a Democrat… because then we can help them get reelected as well,” the insider added “So we’re going to Montana because Senator Tester, he’s the Democratic Senator from Montana, like he’s in a tough reelection race, and that’s like a seat we need in the Senate to maintain a majority.”

“We all, like as an office, were going, and the White House was like, ‘yes, go. Invite Senator Tester. Don’t invite the other Senator because he’s a Republican, and don’t invite the two members of Congress because they’re Republicans,’” he continued.

Resist The Mainstream reported last month on another undercover video from O’Keefe Media that showed a Department of Defense employee advocating for the repeal of the Second Amendment and endorsing government-exclusive firearm ownership.

Jason Beck, identified as a member of Total Force Requirements & Sourcing Policy within Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s office, boldly stated to a disguised O’Keefe, “I think we should repeal the Second Amendment and take the guns all away.”

Beck also challenged immigration policies suggesting an open border approach and condemning recent legislation as “almost unbelievable” and “really racist.”

He criticized border security measures as ineffective, dismissing them as futile efforts to address a non-existent problem.

Beck asserted, expressing skepticism about the security threat posed by undocumented immigrants, “There’s no Taliban coming in through Mexico like that’s, they just make that stuff out of whole cloth. Like when has a terrorist ever come in?”

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President Trump Delivers Remarks to Media Pool Following Day #1 of “Hush Money” Trial

April 22, 2024 | Sundance | 

The “hush money” case in New York City is perhaps the stupidest of the Lawfare cases launched against President Trump.  The premise is that President Trump tried to “influence the 2016 election” by paying people not to besmirch his reputation with negative stories about him.  This is the basis of the “hush money” claim by state prosecutors.

The Federal Election Commission reviewed the details and found no merit to the claims of illegality, but the state of New York twisted the legal interpretation of “honest services” to make a claim that President Trump paid his attorney Michael Cohen and labeled the payments “legal services.”  The state case is dependent on a logical fallacy that paying your attorney and designating the payment as ‘legal services’ is a fraudulent business practice.  It really is nonsense Lawfare.

President Trump delivered remarks to the media after the first day of trial where his defense team said to the jury, “use your common sense. We’re New Yorkers, It’s why we’re all here.”  WATCH:


Politico has a breakdown of the day one activity – HERE.


President Trump Notes the Double Standard of Protests

Good Grief, Worse than Warner – Unhinged Senator Lindsey Graham Loses His Marbles Over FISA-702

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Blasts Joe Biden for False Claims About His Uncle Being Eaten by Cannibals During WWII

VIDEO Covert Biden court protects Europeans, but not Americans – Biden Ignoring Intelligence Agencies and DHS Reports – Judge’s Family Getting Rich Attacking Trump, Waters, Smith, Weissmann

Executive order created surveillance procedure

By WND News Services January 18, 2024

By Jason Cohen
Daily Caller News Foundation

Joe Biden’s administration established a covert court that safeguards the privacy rights of Europeans under U.S. law, but not those of Americans, Politico reported.

The Biden administration created the Data Protection Review Court (DPRC) at an unspecified time and location after receiving authorization under an October 2022 executive order, which resolved a legal clash between European and American laws that hindered the profitable exchange of consumer data for three years, according to Politico. Europeans, however, have access to the DPRC while Americans do not, even if they think they are subject to inappropriate government surveillance.

Americans have the option to seek recourse for surveillance in federal court, but it is contingent on demonstrating tangible injury or wrongdoing, which is exceedingly difficult to prove, according to Politico.

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“We’re in an odd place when non-residents have easier access to a place to raise their concerns about U.S. government surveillance than Americans do,” former chair of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB) Adam Klein told Politico.

Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Announces Judges of the Data Protection Review Court

— U.S. Department of Justice (@TheJusticeDept) November 14, 2023

Europeans’ private data can legally be surveilled by United States intelligence agencies, but the DPRC gives them protection, according to Politico. European Commission (EC) officials expressed approval in July.

The DPRC received its panel of eight judges in November, but there is not much else known about the court, according to Politico. Its location is unknown and the Department of Justice (DOJ) has not acknowledged any details about its caseload, nor will the court disclose its decisions.

Plaintiffs are prohibited from showing up to the court in person and, instead, have legal representation through a designated special advocate appointed by the United States attorney general, according to Politico.

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A DOJ official conceded the secretive nature of the DPRC, but emphasized to Politico the need for tackling government surveillance issues in a covert manner.

“There’s actual honest-to-goodness, something going on behind that, which is the investigation the [Office of the Director of National Intelligence] does and the decision of the court,” the official told Politico.

The PCLOB will conduct oversight of the DPRC in a yearly review under the October executive order, which will lead to its transparency about caseloads, decisions and intelligence agency compliance, officials told Politico. A classified version of the yearly review will go to Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland, congressional intelligence committees and intelligence community leaders, while the public will receive an unclassified version.

“We’re going to try to make as much information public as possible, because the whole point is to inspire confidence that we’re conducting activities appropriately,” the DOJ official told Politico.

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The White House and DOJ did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

Biden Is Ignoring Intelligence Agencies and DHS Reports

By Antonio Graceffo Apr. 4, 2024 

By U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement –, Public Domain,

White Christians Not a Threat, Border Not Secure

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claims, “The border is secure,” and President Joe Biden said, “The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy.” Not only are they both lying, but they are also ignoring the reports produced by the US Intelligence Community, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Defense (DoD).

Biden appointees, including the president himself, have claimed that the border is secure and that white Christian nationalists are the greatest threats to national security. These statements weaken our ability to address real threats. If the border is secure, then funding for additional security would be unjustified. And if Biden starts wasting public funds and security resources to hunt down white Christians, he will be leaving the country open to attacks from the real threats: China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and Islamic extremists.

As Central Banks Stockpile Gold, a Christian Company Works To Help Americans Get Ahead of the “Retirement Bubble”

President Trump said he would deport illegal aliens. Kamala Harris went on TV and said that she would “fight for their rights.” This statement presumes that illegal aliens have a right to stay in the United States. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas actually said, “From day one, this Administration has made clear that a border wall is not the answer.” And certainly, no wall is needed if you do not wish to keep people out.

While the Biden White House and many of his appointees are misrepresenting reality, the intelligence agencies, Department of Defense (DoD), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), apart from Mayorkas, are doing their duty by identifying the real threats. The Annual Threat Assessment of the United States Intelligence Community identifies the greatest national security threats as China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. The term “white supremacy” is mentioned only once, on page 30. By contrast, the word China appears 91 times and has its own entry in the table of contents. White Supremacy is listed as one of many racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVE). The report does not say that it is a primary threat. In fact, it reports that, across the entire globe, only 27 people, most of whom were not American, were killed by RMVE since 2022.

The Department of Defense (DoD) National Defense Strategy Report similarly recognizes China and Russia as the two largest threats, followed by North Korea and Iran. The report does not mention white supremacy at all.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recognizes terrorism, both foreign and domestic, as the primary threat. This includes radicalization by foreign entities and the rebuilding of al-Qa’ida and ISIS. After terrorism, DHS expects “illegal drugs produced in Mexico and sold in the United States will continue to kill more Americans than any other threat.” Last year, there was a record number of encounters with migrants at the southern border, including “a growing number of individuals in the Terrorist Screening Data Set (TSDS), also known as the ‘watchlist.’”

This brings us to the false claim that the border is secure.

Trump was attacked for allegedly saying that migrants are not human. What he was actually saying was that with open borders, we are allowing gang members to enter the country, and the gang members have committed such atrocities that they are not human. He was also attacked for saying that Mexico is not sending us their best and their brightest; they are sending us drug dealers and rapists. He did not claim that all migrants were criminals. He said that some were good people. But he was 100% correct in saying that some are gang members, drug dealers, and criminals.

The US permits about 770,000 immigrants to be naturalized each year, which is more than the rest of the world combined. By definition, those who do not qualify to be admitted legally are not the best and the brightest. Trump’s claims are not only supported by logic but also by the reports of U.S. authorities, including DHS, the Intelligence Community, local media along the border, and The Office of Justice Programs, among others.

FBI Director Wray confirmed that the border crisis is a national security threat. The DEA reported that “Fentanyl is the greatest threat facing Americans today.” Fentanyl is manufactured in Mexico by cartels, using chemicals from China. It is then smuggled over the border by illegal aliens and distributed through street gangs with ties to the cartel. Often, these gangs have members who are illegal aliens and have been trafficked to the United States to work in illicit businesses such as drug dealing, prostitution, and even murder.

The Annual Threat Assessment of the United States Intelligence Community states that Mexico-based Transnational Crime Organizations (TCOs) “are the dominant producers and suppliers of illicit drugs to the U.S. market, including fentanyl, heroin, methamphetamine, and South American-sourced cocaine.”

The Office of Justice Programs issued a report outlining the danger posed by cross-border gangs operating through the southern border. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement wrote, “Transnational criminal street gangs such as MS-13 represent a significant threat to public safety.” A report by the Air Command and Staff College Air University stated, “Mexican Cartels along our Southern border pose a serious threat to our national safety and public health.” Furthermore, the report explained why the cartel threat is increasing: “As their influence and sophistication grow and the connection between them and terrorist organizations increases, the cartels become a larger threat to our national security.”

In conclusion, apart from Biden, neither the intelligence community, DEA, DHS, FBI, ICE, nor the DoD identified white supremacists as the greatest threat to national security. Additionally, no one other than Mayorkas claimed that the border was secure. By ignoring the reports of our intelligence and security agencies, the administration is increasing the threat to our national security.

Jesse Watters Summarizes Judicial Bias/Corruption in the New York ‘Hush Money’ Case

April 3, 2024 | Sundance 

Jesse Watters ran a devastating segment last night on radical Judge Juan Merchan who silenced President Donald Trump from talking about his family’s financial ties to the current junk case he is presiding over against Donald Trump in New York City. Judge Merchan should be removed for his conflicts. This is peak corruption and cannot stand.

As Jesse Watters outlined succinctly in his monologue, “Trump is banned from talking about the judge’s family. Why? Because the judge’s family was paid by the Biden campaign. The judge’s family is currently being paid by Adam Schiff over $10 million.”

“The judge is threatening to put Trump in jail for pointing out that his liberal family is getting rich off this trial and richer if he’s convicted.” “The judge’s daughter isn’t seven. She’s 34. He’s not attacking her. He’s just saying what she does for a living. How’s that an attack? He just wants a new judge. One whose family isn’t funded by Democrats.” WATCH:

Jack Smith, Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen Are Big Mad at Judge Aileen Cannon Overseeing the Trump Documents Case

April 3, 2024 | Sundance | 219 Comments

Before getting into the weeds, here’s the big picture baseline.  All documents and records created within the executive branch are created for the benefit of the head of the Executive Branch, the president.

There is no entity, organization, assembly, institution, person or individual, above the President of the United States. The president holds absolute power and absolute immunity. Everyone within the executive branch works at the pleasure of the president, and all work products are created for his administration. This is the plenary power of the president.

The entire documents case in Florida rests on the principle that another entity supersedes the president within the executive branch.  Some unknown, unnamed bureaucracy can override the president and decide for themselves what would be called a “presidential record” and what would be called “classified information.”

Jack Smith, Norm Eisen (pictured left, red tie) and Andrew Weissmann each argue that some other entity rests atop the president and can make this decision.

Judge Aileen Cannon has not determined which constitutional argument is correct, and has told the parties to create jury instructions both ways. The Lawfare crew of Smith, Eisen and Weissmann are going bananas.

[…] Cannon’s first scenario would allow the jury to make a factual determination about whether a former president deemed a record to be personal or official under the PRA. That is nonsensical – presidents are not allowed to designate official records as personal ones, so there is no factual issue for a jury to resolve.

A different set of laws govern the classification process and the rules for handling highly sensitive classified documents — not the PRA. They include Executive Order 13526. One of the authors of this column (Eisen) helped write that executive order. The 11th Circuit has already established that those rules fully apply to former presidents.

Cannon seems to think that the PRA somehow supersedes the executive order and the rest of federal law pertaining to the handling of classified materials. It does not. On the contrary, the PRA defines “personal records” as “all documentary materials … of a purely private or nonpublic character which do not relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President.” That cannot possibly include highly classified battle plans, nuclear secrets and the other official documents at issue in this criminal prosecution.

That rules out Cannon’s first hypothetical. But as Smith points out in his filing, the second alternative is just as bad. She made up a legal standard, asking both sides to assume that Trump could have deemed a record personal by simply not including it with the records transmitted to the National Archives and Records Administration at the end of his term. If this were true, the mere fact that Trump took the documents with him from the White House would inherently turn them into personal records.

Of course, Trump leaped at this interpretation, fashioning proposed jury instructions that would inevitably result in his acquittal. But, as Smith noted, this approach has no basis in the law — or the facts. Even Trump himself does not seem to have considered classified documents personal after he left the White House, as evidenced in an audio recording CNN obtained last year in which Trump, during a conversation at his Bedminster, New Jersey, estate in 2021, discussed documents remaining classified even though he took them with him upon leaving office. Smith hits this point hard, arguing that Trump’s position that records are personal was “invented” when the controversy over the documents began to emerge in February 2022, over a year after Trump left the White House. (read more)


Trump Sounds Off After Special Prosecutor Resigns from Case: ‘BIG STUFF’ – Gems In Judge Cannon Denial

By Jack Davis, The Western Journal Mar. 15, 2024 

After an enforced divorce that left former special prosecutor Nathan Wade out in the cold, former President Donald Trump celebrated the development.

Wade’s resignation from the Fulton County, Georgia, prosecution of Trump and multiple co-defendants came after weeks of testimony indicating that Wade and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis had a romantic relationship that some witnesses said began before she hired him.

“The Fani Willis lover, Mr. Nathan Wade Esq., has just resigned in disgrace, as per his and her reading of the Judge’s Order today,” Trump posted on Truth Social.

Nathan was the “Special,” in more ways than one, Prosecutor “engaged” by Fani (pronounced Fauni!) Willis, to persecute TRUMP for Crooked Joe Biden and his Department of Injustice, for purposes of Election Interference and living the life of the Rich & Famous,” Trump wrote.

Trump wanted the impact of the move to be clear to everyone.

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“This is the equivalent of Deranged Jack Smith getting “canned,” BIG STUFF, something which should happen in the not too distant future!!!” he wrote.

Trump and other defendants sought to have Willis dismissed on the grounds that her romantic relationship with Wade represented a conflict of interest and to have the indictment against them dismissed. Judge Scott McAfee ruled against those requests, but made it clear he did not approve of Willis and Wade’s conduct.

“However, the established record now highlights a significant appearance of impropriety that infects the current structure of the prosecution team — an appearance that must be removed through the State’s selection of one of two options,” he wrote in his decision.

McAfee said the way Wade and Willis acted made a conflict of interest appear to be taking place.

“Even if the romantic relationship began after … Wade’s initial contract in November 2021, the District Attorney chose to continue supervising and paying Wade while maintaining such a relationship,” he said.

Wade got low marks from the judge for honesty.

“Wade’s patently unpersuasive explanation for the inaccurate interrogatories he submitted in his pending divorce indicates a willingness on his part to wrongly conceal his relationship with the District Attorney. As the case moves forward, reasonable members of the public could easily be left to wonder whether the financial exchanges have continued resulting in some form of benefit to the District Attorney, or even whether the romantic relationship has resumed.”

McAfee said an average citizen “could reasonably think that the District Attorney is not exercising her independent professional judgment totally free of any compromising influences. As long as Wade remains on the case, this unnecessary perception will persist.”

He gave Willis and Wade the option of either removing Wade or “The District Attorney may choose to step aside, along with the whole of her office, and refer the prosecution to the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council for reassignment.”

McAfee said a speech Willis gave in January that accused her critics of racist motives in questioning her hiring of Wade crossed a line, but not enough to disqualify her.

“The effect of this speech was to cast racial aspersions at an indicted Defendant’s decision to file this pretrial motion.”

“The Court cannot find that this speech crossed the line to the point where the Defendants have been denied the opportunity for a fundamentally fair trial, or that it requires the District Attorney’s disqualification. But it was still legally improper,” he wrote.

Steve Sadow, Trump’s attorney, said he was not done trying to dismiss the case, according to CBS.

Trending: BREAKING: Georgia Judge McAfee Rules Fani Willis Can Continue Her Racketeering Case Against President Trump Despite Lying in Court About Her Affair – Must Sever Ties with Her Lover on the Case

“While respecting the court’s decision, we believe that the court did not afford appropriate significance to the prosecutorial misconduct of Willis and Wade, including the financial benefits, testifying untruthfully about when their personal relationship began, as well as Willis’ extrajudicial MLK ‘church speech,’ where she played the race card and falsely accused the defendants and their counsel of racism,” he said.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Judge Cannon Denies, for Now, the Trump Motion to Dismiss Classified Documents Case

March 14, 2024 | Sundance |

Earlier today in Florida, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon carefully listened to lengthy oral arguments about the initial charges brought against President Donald Trump in the classified documents case.

While listening to a debate on terminology and odd interpretation of application to the statute of the Espionage Act, a case study in Lawfare as presented, Judge Cannon decided in a later ruling to defer the nuances of legislative interpretation until later in the trial pleadings.  Her 2-page Ruling is here.

While many voices say this initial motion to dismiss failed, there are several indications the ruling was more about targeting the issue of statutory definitions to latter phases in the pretrial legal process.  Essentially, allowing the DOJ to try and square the circles that are seemingly unsquarable.

Cannon is avoiding the trap of removal from the case by carefully and meticulously following a very routing process to allow the full sunlight of judicial consideration to apply at the moment when the interpretation has the greatest importance.  Despite ruling against dismissal, this is not a loss for the Trump legal team, as the issues behind the dismissal motion have not been rectified.  These issues will surface again at more critical moments.

If the Lawfare case is going to be dismissed in whole, as opposed to part by part, Julie Kelly was present in the court and also noticed that Judge Cannon appears to be positioning herself to dismiss the case on “selective prosecution” grounds. See this Great Thread HERE.


While Cannon did not accept the Trump motion to dismiss today, the elements of today’s motion will face strong scrutiny as the case progresses.  Additionally, if the case is to be dismissed, the technical definitions could be moot if the judge uses another more transparently obvious context, “selective prosecution,” to dismiss the case.


VIDEO Biden “Willfully Retained Classified Materials After the End of His Vice Presidency, as a Private Citizen” – Tried To Change Report – Two Tier Justice

LIVE STREAM VIDEO: Special Counsel Robert Hur – Joe Biden “Willfully Retained Classified Materials After the End of His Vice Presidency, as a Private Citizen”

By Jim Hoft Mar. 12, 2024

Special Counsel Robert Hur is testifying before Congress today.

Hur was subpoenaed in February to testify before Congress regarding his findings in the Joe Biden classified documents case.

Special Counsel Robert Hur last month released a 345-page report on his investigation of the stolen classified documents.

Biden’s stolen classified documents were scattered all over the place in damaged cardboard boxes and unlocked drawers at the Penn Biden Center. The documents were also easily accessible in Biden’s Delaware garage and basement den.

Robert Hur found that Joe Biden “willfully retained” classified information, however, he decided not to charge him. Hur said there is evidence Biden retained classified notebooks, “knowing he was not allowed to do so.”

The Justice Department defended not bringing charges against Biden because he’s a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Here is a transcript of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s opening statement.,-11,849,-4,529

Joe Biden forgot when he was Vice President and also couldn’t remember when his son Beau died.

This will not be a good day for Old Joe.

Hur Admits Biden Tried to Change Classified Documents Scandal Report Before it Was Publicly Released (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila Mar. 12, 2024

Special Counsel Robert Hur on Tuesday testified before Congress on Biden’s interview on his stolen classified documents scandal that spanned two days.

Robert Hur last month released a 345-page report on his investigation of the stolen classified documents.

Biden’s stolen classified documents were scattered all over the place in damaged cardboard boxes and unlocked drawers at the Penn Biden Center. The documents were also easily accessible in Biden’s Delaware garage and basement den.

Joe Biden was not charged even though he stole SCIF-designated documents and stored them all over the place in unlocked drawers.

Robert Hur admitted Joe Biden tried to change his report before it was publicly released.

Last month it was reported Joe Biden’s lawyers attacked Robert Hur one day before the special counsel released publicly his report on Biden’s stolen classified documents scandal.

According to Politico, in a letter to US Attorney General Merrick Garland, Biden’s lawyers lashed out at the Justice Department for depicting Biden as a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Joe Biden’s legal team was furious over the special counsel’s report highlighting Biden’s dementia and poor memory.

Biden’s legal team also accused Robert Hur of “openly, obviously and blatantly” breaking DOJ policies by releasing the full report rather than a confidential write-up.

Additionally, Biden’s lawyers accused Hur of smearing Biden by releasing a report on “uncharged conduct.”

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan got Hur to admit the Biden White House tried to edit his report before it was publicly released.

“Did the White House get the report before the report was made public?” Jim Jordan asked Hur.

“We did provide a draft of the report to the White House Counsel’s office and members of the president’s personal counsel team for review,” Hur said.

“Once they got the report before it went public, did the White House try to weigh in with your investigation on elements in that report and frankly get the report changed?” Jim Jordan asked Hur.

“They did request certain edits and changes,” Hur said.


Special Counsel Robert Hur Testifies Elements of Biden and Trump Classified Documents Cases are Identical, But Biden Mental Acquity Made “Intent” Element Difficult

March 12, 2024 | Sundance | 

Regarding the handling of ‘classified documents’ Special Counsel Robert Hur testified today that President Trump and Vice-President Biden had identical outcomes.  However, whereas Donald Trump is cognitively normal, Joe Biden is suffering from a diminished mental state, frequent confusion and absent remembering.  Therefore, the elements needed for “intent” in the criminal statute did not apply to Biden.

Donald Trump is fine; Joe Biden has lost his marbles.  According to prosecutor Robert Hur, that explains why there are two tiers of justice amid an identical set of infractions.  As a consequence, the American people are expected to be okay with the reasoning for a DOJ double-standard.  WATCH:


The full hearing video is below, but the essential element is just repeated.   (1) Biden lied or could not remember on purpose; and (2) there are two tiers of justice, and the DOJ is prepared to defend their non-prosecution decision based entirely on cognitive “intent.”




ps. People might be critical of CTH not necessarily posting some of the relevant material of any specific news day.  The criticism is fair and well received.  Thank you. However, please understand that while I never talk about what is happening behind the scenes, more than 50% of my daily awake time is now spent in consultant conversation with those in positions of influence who need their spear tips sharpened.  I am happily and purposefully breaking down the silo walls.  All good is happening according to His plan, not mine.

Love to all,

~ Sundance


VIDEO Senate Border Bill is Worse Than Existing Immigration Law – List of Opposition – Schumer Threat – Chinese Migrant Invasion


February 5, 2024 | Sundance | 

The Senate immigration bill, aka border security bill, is only designed as the cover for the Senate to send $60 billion more to Ukraine.  The Ukraine money is the priority (corps/lobbyists) the border “security” bill is the technique to create and spend it.

That said, they certainly would not want to let a created and purposeful border crisis go to waste, and they didn’t.  The latest version of the Senate Immigration Reform Bill is now public [SEE HERE].  The proposed Senate border security bill provisions are actually worse than existing non-secure border provisions.


America First Legal did a great job hitting on the top-line issues created by this new bill.  In many ways, multiple ways, this supplemental “border security” bill makes things worse.  The bill codifies into law the loopholes currently being used to increase the number of illegal aliens.  By this design the bill makes things worse.

Link to thread taking the bill apart section by section – SEE HERE

Here is the Full Roster of Senate Republicans Aiming to Block the Uniparty Bill Proposed by RINO Sen. Lankford

By Jim Hᴏft Feb. 5, 2024

Oklahoma Republican Senator cuts deal with Democrats and Schumer to allow 1.8 million illegals to walk into US each year.

A coalition of Senate Republicans has firmly positioned themselves against a controversial piece of legislation spearheaded by Senator James Lankford (R-OK).

The bill, developed in collaboration with Senators Krysten Sinema (I-AZ) and Chris Murphy (D-CT), has ignited a firestorm of criticism from conservative ranks, as it failed to adequately secure the U.S. southern border while allocating excessive funds to foreign aid.

The comprehensive $118.28 billion national security supplemental package bill, totaling $118.28 billion, allocates a staggering $60.06 billion to Ukraine in response to Russia’s aggressive military actions.

In contrast, U.S. border security efforts are earmarked to receive $20.23 billion.

According to Democrat Senator Patty Murray, the $118.28 billion national security supplemental package includes:

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  • $60.06 billion to support Ukraine as it fights back against Putin’s bloody invasion and protects its people and sovereignty.
  • $14.1 billion in security assistance for Israel.
  • $2.44 billion to support operations in the U.S. Central Command and address combat expenditures related to conflict in the Red Sea.
  • $10 billion in humanitarian assistance to provide food, water, shelter, medical care, and other essential services to civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, Ukraine, and other populations caught in conflict zones across the globe.
  • $4.83 billion to support key regional partners in the Indo-Pacific and deter aggression by the Chinese government.
  • $2.33 billion to continue support for Ukrainians displaced by Putin’s war of aggression and other refugees fleeing persecution.
  • The bipartisan border policy changes negotiated by Senators Chris Murphy (D-CT), Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), and James Lankford (R-OK).
  • $20.23 billion to address existing operational needs and expand capabilities at our nation’s borders, resource the new border policies included in the package, and help stop the flow of fentanyl and other narcotics.
  • The Fentanyl Eradication and Narcotics Deterrence (FEND) Off Fentanyl Act.
  • $400 million for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program to help nonprofits and places of worship make security enhancements.

The bill will also:

  • If, over a week, the average number of people showing up at the border without the right to enter is between 4,000 and 5,000 each day, the government can decide to use this special tool.
  • If the average number goes above 5,000 people per day, then the government has to use it.
  • Also, if on any single day more than 8,500 people show up without permission, the government must use this tool right away.
  • But there’s an exception: kids who come to the border alone from countries that are not next to the US don’t count in these numbers.
  • Bill will also give immediate work authorization to “asylum seeker”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has issued an ultimatum, suggesting that failure to pass the bill could lead to American involvement in war, a claim that has been met with criticism, especially given that Ukraine is not a NATO member and therefore not under U.S. protection.

While RINO Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is reportedly in favor of the bill, a cohort of Republican senators are stepping forward in opposition, determined to block the ‘uniparty bill.’

Below is the full list of these senators who are publicly committing to oppose the bill, so far:

  1. Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN)
  2. Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-MO)
  3. Sen. JD Vance (R-OH)
  4. Sen. Jim Risch (R-ID)
  5. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO)
  6. Sen. Katie Boyd Britt (R-AL)
  7. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
  8. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
  9. Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)
  10. Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN)
  11. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)
  12. Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL)
  13. Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS)
  14. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI)
  15. Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT)
  16. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
  17. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR)
  18. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL)
  19. Sen. Ted Budd (R-NC) just announced his opposition to the bill

The Republican opposition appears unified in its stance against the uniparty bill, signaling tough negotiations ahead as the legislation makes its way through the Senate.

We will update this post once more senators have publicly refused to vote on this bill.

Schumer Threatens to Send US Troops to Fight Russia Unless Republicans Agree to His $100 Billion World Aid Bill (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila Feb. 5, 2024

Democrat Schumer: Give me money or else your sons will die in war.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Monday threatened to send US troops to fight Russia unless Republicans agree to his $100 billion world aid bill currently stalled in Congress.

The Senate’s $118.28 billion national security supplemental package allocates $60 billion in military aid to Ukraine.

Schumer said the first vote on the bill is scheduled for Wednesday.

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Of course, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is on board with this bill.

Only $20.23 billion was allocated to secure the US border amid an unprecedented invasion of military-age males from Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, and China.

Illegals invade Lukeville, AZ port of entry

According to Democrat Senator Patty Murray, the $118.28 billion national security supplemental package includes:

  • $60.06 billion to support Ukraine as it fights back against Putin’s bloody invasion and protects its people and sovereignty.
  • $14.1 billion in security assistance for Israel.
  • $2.44 billion to support operations in the U.S. Central Command and address combat expenditures related to conflict in the Red Sea.
  • $10 billion in humanitarian assistance to provide food, water, shelter, medical care, and other essential services to civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, Ukraine, and other populations caught in conflict zones across the globe.
  • $4.83 billion to support key regional partners in the Indo-Pacific and deter aggression by the Chinese government.
  • $2.33 billion to continue support for Ukrainians displaced by Putin’s war of aggression and other refugees fleeing persecution.
  • The bipartisan border policy changes negotiated by Senators Chris Murphy (D-CT), Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), and James Lankford (R-OK).
  • $20.23 billion to address existing operational needs and expand capabilities at our nation’s borders, resource the new border policies included in the package, and help stop the flow of fentanyl and other narcotics.
  • The Fentanyl Eradication and Narcotics Deterrence (FEND) Off Fentanyl Act.
  • $400 million for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program to help nonprofits and places of worship make security enhancements.

Schumer told “Morning Joe’s” Mika Brzezinski that American men will die in war if Republicans don’t agree to his $100 billion bill.

“We’re at a turning point in America. This bill is crucial and history will look back on it and say did America fail itself,” Schumer said.

“If we don’t aid Ukraine, Putin will be walk all over Ukraine, we will lose the war and we could be fighting in eastern Europe and a NATO ally in a few years. Americans won’t like that,” Schumer said.

Ukraine is NOT a member of NATO. Ukraine does not have the protection of US troops.


UPDATE: ‘San Judas Break’: Stunning 60 Minutes Report on Chinese Migrant Invasion of Southern California Through Tiny Gap in Border Wall Promoted on TikTok

By Kristinn Taylor Feb. 5, 2024

60 Minutes correspondent Sharyn Alfonsi reported Sunday night on a tiny gap in the border wall in southern California near the town of Jacumba located about sixty miles east of San Diego where thousands of Chinese migrants illegally enter the United States every week, are processed by Border Patrol and then shipped off to San Diego where a well-funded NGO helps the migrants make connections to move further into the U.S.

The gap is promoted on TikTok with ‘step-by-step’ instructions on how to get there. Migrants showed Alfonsi the TikTok videos on their smartphones.

The timing of the stunning report does not bode well for the controversial Senate border-Ukraine bill that dropped Sunday night.

(UPDATE at end of article, Mexico blocks access to the San Judas Break.)

Illegal alien Chinese migrants walk through the San Judas Break in the border wall in southern California, screen image via 60 Minutes Overtime/YouTube.

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The land where the migrants enter is owned by a legal immigrant from Yugoslavia who was arrested last year for firing a warning shot because a group of migrants camping on his land were knocking down and burning his trees for warmth. He was not charged but his gun was confiscated. He says about 3,000 migrants a week enter his property through the wall break. Video shows his property looks like a homeless camp with tents and trash everywhere.

Two segments were run by 60 Minutes, a broadcast report that focused on interviewing the Chinese migrants just after they crossed through the gap and the landowner; and a 60 Minutes Overtime report posted online that focused on the illegal entry point known as the San Judas Break, named after a nearby Mexican town, and the NGO processing center in San Diego.

60 Minutes reports they witnessed about 600 migrants, adults and children, enter over four days. Migrants from India, Vietnam and Afghanistan were also encountered.

A local man says the wall was built under Obama and the gap was blocked with concertina wire under President Trump. The concertina wire is still there but pushed aside. The local man says no one has told him why the gap is allowed to exist. He says at times he has stood in the gap and told the migrants not to enter as a joke–and they obeyed!–and wonders why the government doesn’t shut the gap down. The man, a Quaker, helps the migrants with food and clothing while they wait for Border Patrol.

The man says the Chinese migrants tell him they mainly come via two routes: They either fly to Ecuador and then make their way north, while others fly to Mexican resort cities on “all inclusive” packages that get them to Tijuana and on to the San Judas Break. (One Chinese woman told 60 Minutes broadcast she sold her home to pay the $14,000 fee for smuggling her to the U.S.)

The Overtime episode also reports on a taxpayer funded NGO in San Diego that sprung up last year in response to Border Patrol dumping the migrants on the city. The goal is to get the migrants out of San Diego. The plan is working as only 0.5 percent of the migrants remain in the Democrat run city.

The broadcast episode is titled “Chinese migrants are fastest growing group crossing into U.S. from Mexico” 60 Minutes reporter Sharyn Alfonsi interviews migrants and watches in astonishment as cartel smugglers driving SUVs routinely deposit their human cargo by the wall and the migrants then scurry through the gap, often under the watch of “well armed” Border Patrol agents who do nothing. The migrants reportedly pay the smugglers $400 for the trip from Tijuana to the border gap. Border Patrol agents play recorded instructions in Mandarin while NGO staff rely on translation apps to deal with the migrants.

Customs and Border Patrol told 60 Minutes they do not have the authority to stop the illegal aliens from entering through the gap in the wall. They also said fixing the gap is a “priority” but is waiting on funding from Congress.

Excerpt from the 60 Minutes transcript:

We wondered how all of these migrants…knew about this particular entryway into California.

The answer was in their hands.

Translator: TikTok, TikTok.

Sharyn Alfonsi: Oh you learned on TikTok.

TikTok is a social media platform created in China. The posts we found had step-by-step instructions for hiring smugglers and detailed directions to that hole we visited.

We were struck by just how orderly and routine it all seemed. The migrants walked about a half mile down a dirt road and waited in line for U.S. Border Patrol to arrive so they could surrender.

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The land they are waiting on is owned by 75-year-old Jerry Shuster, a retiree.

Sharyn Alfonsi: The whole world seems to know there’s a way in. And it’s on your property.

Jerry Shuster: They’re all doing this. They’re all doing this. when they come over here, they come with the suitcases. They come prepared with the computers just like they got off on a Norwegian cruise ship yesterday.

Shuster owns 17 acres…just north of the border fence and a quarter mile outside of Jacumba Hot Springs, California. Population 540.

Sharyn Alfonsi: You’re an immigrant yourself.

Jerry Shuster: Yes.

Sharyn Alfonsi: Where did you come from?

Jerry Shuster: I come from Yugoslavia. And I left Yugoslavia, I went to Austria. I stayed there eight month. And I knock on this door. I didn’t bust the door down to come over here.

Sharyn Alfonsi: You came through the front door.

Jerry Shuster: I came through the front door.

Sharyn Alfonsi: And what do you think about this?

Jerry Shuster: They– they don’t care. They– they– they– they come through the hole like they’re comin’ to their own country over here. And nobody do nothin’ about it.

Shuster says it all started in May. He went to investigate some smoke coming from his property and found migrants burning trees to stay warm.

Today, his property looks like a messy moonscape…littered with the trash and tents migrants have left behind.

Freelance reporter Anthony Aguero has been reporting from Jacumba for several days. This video was posted overnight and shows the migrants with campfires in 32 degree weather. Many of these migrants were military age men from countries in Central and South America, as well as Korea, China and India:

Video posted by Aguero earlier on Sunday:


VIDEO President Trump Special Counsel “Election Interference Case” in DC Suspended Indefinitely – Invasion at Our Southern Border

President Trump Special Counsel “Election Interference Case” in DC Suspended Indefinitely

February 2, 2024 | Sundance |

In the ridiculous federal election interference case in D.C., President Trump’s attorneys argued to the DC Circuit appellate court that President Trump holds inherent constitutional immunity. In essence, because President Trump was acquitted by the Senate of claims he incited or instigated the January 6, 2021, events, lawyers arguing under the constitution that only impeached and removed presidents can be criminally prosecuted.

The initial 3-judge panel of the court has taken up the appeal, and all subsequent lower court activity was suspended until the constitutional issue is resolved. Again, if President Trump does not have immunity, then all preceding and future presidents can be criminally prosecuted for any/all events and decisions while holding office. This is a core issue, and the DC Circuit Court of Appeals has to tread very carefully with these ramifications at the forefront.

The decision of the 3-judge panel could also be followed by a full en-banc review by all judges in the circuit. Then, depending on their decision, it could -likely will- go even higher to the U.S. Supreme Court. All of this takes time, and the initial 3-judge appeals court have not provided any hints on their timeline.

Apparently, as a consequence, the entire trial of the case has been removed from the lower DC court docket. The removal took place within the last few days, and the Washington Post noticed the removal. This removal means the timing of the case, if at all, is completely unknown now.

WASHINGTON – Former president Donald Trump’s March 4 trial date on charges of plotting to overturn the results of the 2020 election has been dropped from the public calendar of the federal court in Washington, a sign of what has long been anticipated — that his claim of presidential immunity from criminal prosecution would delay his trial while it remains on appeal.

The change did not appear on the official criminal case docket before U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, who has made clear since Trump filed his appeal on Dec. 7 that all trial deadlines would be suspended while he challenges the case. On appeal, Trump is arguing that the government does not have authority under the Constitution to bring charges against him for actions he took while president after the 2020 election through the Jan. 6, 2021. (read more)

In addition to the challenges within these core issues, the Lawfare approach by Jack Smith, Mary McCord and Andrew Weissmann, faces multiple additional hurdles.  These are all issues that surface when Lawfare, the application of twisted legal theory intended to manipulate public opinion, runs into the reality of ever-increasing scrutiny from courts.

Combine these fraudulent legal theories with the reality that President Trump’s status is almost certainly “presumptive presidential nominee” in the eyes of the entire judicial branch, and things change.  The pretending justification for the Lawfare claims now hit the non-pretending and visible reality of political intent.

The judicial scrutiny gets even more focused, and the explanations demanded as justifications to target President Trump increase.  As the calendar of the November election gets closer Jack, Mary and Andrew will have to rely on ideologically aligned black robes to maintain their Lawfare pretense.  Some of the robes will not be comfortable with the demands of Jack, Mary and Andrew.

Some of the robes may not pretend, and that poses a problem for Jack, Mary and Andrew.


Bret Weinstein Discusses the Possibilities Behind the Invasion at Our Southern Border

February 1, 2024 | Sundance |

Tucker Carlson interviews Bret Weinstein who traveled to the Darien Gap to understand who’s behind the invasion of our country. His conclusion: “it’s not a friendly migration.” He sits down with Tucker Carlson for an in-depth review and analysis.

Weinstein is perplexed, albeit with various theories about the origination and motives behind the mass invasion, however, if you have followed the issue closely since the first rendition during the Obama era in January 2011, the entire “crisis” is nothing more than one growing continuum of the fundamental change.  {Go Deep on Timeline} Obama originated the UAC Central American migration.  The additional arrivals are a confluence of natural opportunists facilitated by various leftist orgs and countries.

The interview itself is very interesting, including how the Chinese saw the opportunity created by the Obama effort and started taking advantage of it.  WATCH:


“This Is a Movement, People are Tired of the Overreach, And We’re Pushing Back!”  “Take Our Border Back”  700,000 vehicle Convoy

By Jim Hoft Jan. 28, 2024

Rep. Keith Self (R-TX) joined FOX Business Network this week to discuss the upcoming ‘Take Our Border Back” Convoy planned for later this week along the open US southern border in Texas, Arizona, and California.

Rep. Self, who represents Texas’s Third Congressional District, predicted that 700,000 vehicles may participate in the trucker convoy this coming week!

Rep. Keith Self: Well, the people that have organized this are the same people that went from California to DC with the truckers. I understand we’re going to be joined by Canadian truckers. So these people are committed to a peaceful demonstration that we’ve had enough. The American people have had enough. We’re demanding that the Biden administration do its job, enforce the laws on the books, and secure our border.

8 million people during the Biden administration. That’s more than the population of Ohio. This is the time for us to rise up as the American people and demand that our president do his job. This should be a peaceful movement of the American people joined by other nations if they want to come. This is the Canadian truckers. This is the German farmers. This is the French farmers. This is the Dutch farmers. This is a movement well beyond the United States that people are simply tired of the overreach of their federal government, and we’re pushing back. Now is the time.

Rep. Self will be speaking at Eagle Pass, Texas during the trucker “Take Our Border Back” rally and protest.

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VIDEO Tucker Carlson Interviews Texas Governor Greg Abbott, “We are Prepared for Conflict with Federal Authorities” – Rudy and VDH Debrief New Lawfare – Sen Kennedy

January 26, 2024 | Sundance |

Texas Governor Greg Abbott calls in for an interview about the federal -vs- state conflict on border security.  Gov. Greg Abbott says ten other states have already sent national guard to the Texas border, and others will follow. Abbott says he is “prepared” for a conflict with federal authorities.

Following the Abbott interview, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton joins Carlson in the larger legal discussion. WATCH:

Rudy and VDH Debrief on the New Lawfare Era Showcased by the E Jean Carroll Nonsense

January 27, 2024 | Sundance | 

Rudy Giuliani brought up some good points that were surreptitiously also noted by Victor Davis Hanson.   As Giuliani noted in an interview with Newsmax, the core elements of the E Jean Carroll claims never made any sense.

Specifically, Carroll couldn’t even put a date or YEAR on her claims against Donald Trump, but that really didn’t matter in a civil case where the New York state legislature literally wrote a new law that permitted the lawsuit against Donald Trump.  WATCH:

Victor Davis Hanson makes some of the same points, only with a little more detail:

VDH – […] “The civil suit serves as a mere preview of four additional leftwing criminal prosecutions, leftwing judges, and leftwing juries to come—all on charges that would never had been filed if Trump either had not run for president or been a liberal progressive.

Yet here we are.

The E. Jean Carroll case is the most baffling of all five. She, the alleged victim, did not remember even the year in which the purported sexual assault took place, nearly three decades ago. Observers have pointed out dozens of inconsistencies in her story.

It was never clear what were the preliminaries that supposedly (Trump denies meeting her) led both, allegedly, willingly to retreat together to a department store dressing room, where during normal business hours the alleged violence took place.

Moreover, the sexual assault complaint came forward decades post facto—and only after Trump was running for and then president.

Carroll eventually sued him for battery, but well after the statute of limitations had expired and thus the case seemed defunct.

Her claims of defamation injuries arise from being fired from her advice column job at ELLE magazine.

She claimed that Trump’s sharp denials and ad hominem retorts led to her career ruin. But the loss for anyone of a column at 76 does not seem such a rare occurrence, and the absence of a salaried job in one’s late seventies for four years does not seem to equate to a $83 million hit.

And note the allegation that her dispute with Trump led to her firing was strongly denied by the very magazine that cut her loose.

But then another strange thing happened. In 2022, a new law (“The Adult Survivors Act”) was passed in the New York legislature. It also post facto established a twelve-month window (beginning six months from the signing of bill) that permitted survivors of long ago alleged sexual assaults suddenly to sue the accused long-ago perpetrator—regardless of the previous statute of limitations.

That unexpected opening suddenly gave Carroll’s prior unsuccessful efforts a rebirth. And she quickly refiled with the help of arch-Trump hating billionaire Hoffman.

Yet the bill may have been introduced with Trump particularly in mind—given the legislator who introduced it, Brad Hoylman-Siga, was known as another Trump antagonist.

More interestingly, he had earlier introduced and had passed another Trump-targeted bill. That “TRUST” act had empowered particular federal Congressional committees to have access to the New York State once sealed tax returns of high-ranking government officials—such as Trump.

That bill’s generally agreed subtext was a green light for anti-Trump members of Congress to obtain legal access to Donald J. Trump’s tax returns.

So there is an eerie feeling that the New York legislature may have abruptly passed legislation that was aimed at the past conduct of Donald Trump but only after he entered the political arena.

While these are not quite bills of attainder, there is something unsettling if they are post facto laws aimed at targeting the most famous and controversial man in America and the leading candidate for the presidency.

In essence they were targeted statutes designed to make Trump’s prior legally unactionable behavior suddenly quite legally actionable.

Trump will be subject to such special treatment all summer and fall.

Prosecutors Bragg, James, Smith, and Willis will synchronize their court business for maximum effect.

Trump again will face leftwing prosecutors, judges, and juries on charges that are politically driven, involving alleged behavior that is either usually not criminalized or not to the same degree as Trump’s case. (Do we remember the nearly $375,000 federal fine belatedly leveled at an exempt Obama but only five years after his 2008 illegal garnering of, and not reporting, foreign campaign contributions?)

The stakes are higher each day as Trump closes in on the nomination and thus becomes the hope of half the country to end the Biden madness.

Somehow Trump will have to stay calm, give no opening to his legion of hostile prosecutors, while conducting a nonstop campaign against Biden (and for a while Hayley), and while fighting to keep his name on various state ballots.

So what we are witnessing is not even the extralegal efforts of Steele/Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie/DNC/Hillary Clinton in 2016, or the 2020 “Russian disinformation” ruse/change the voting laws/infuse half a billion dollars to absorb the work of the registrar machinations against Trump.

We are way beyond all that. The legal system itself, hand-in-glove with leftwing politicos (compare campaign boasts of James and Willis, or prosecutorial visits to the January 6 committee and the White House) is turning the process of balloting and elections into an embarrassing farce.

Still, Trump will have to soldier on. He must stay controlled amid the tsunamis, not play into the hands of his accusers, and remember that he may soon be the only eleventh-hour hope to stop this mockery of American law, customs and traditions.” (link)

“John Kennedy Issues Shocking Warning About Threat Of Terrorism Due To State Of U.S. Border


VIDEO NBC Admits Deep State Exists, Mary McCord – GHA moves to REMOVE Dirty Brad Raffensperger – Hearing on Willis ‘Improper Use of Funds’, ‘Scandalous’ Affair – Dems Plan Coup for Trump 47 – PROOF of Election Fraud in 2020

NBC Admits Deep State Exists – Key Operative, Mary McCord

January 14, 2024 | Sundance 

NBC published an extensive article outlining how the DC administrative state is responding to the potential for another President Trump victory [SEE HERE].

Once again, a very specific name surfaces who is part of the organizational effort to stop Donald Trump.  {EMPHASIS mine}

(NBC) – […]  Now, bracing for Trump’s potential return, a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers is quietly devising plans to try to foil any efforts to expand presidential power, which could include pressuring the military to cater to his political needs.

Those taking part in the effort told NBC News they are studying Trump’s past actions and 2024 policy positions so that they will be ready if he wins in November. That involves preparing to take legal action and send letters to Trump appointees spelling out consequences they’d face if they undermine constitutional norms.

“We’re already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits if we have to,” said Mary McCord, executive director of the Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law.

Part of the aim is to identify like-minded organizations and create a coalition to challenge Trump from day one, those taking part in the discussions said. Some participants are combing through policy papers being crafted for a future conservative administration. They’re also watching the interviews that Trump allies are giving to the press for clues to how a Trump sequel would look. (more)

There she is again, Mary McCord, the former head of the DOJ National Security Division, and the one specific functionary that is found at the epicenter of every single deep state Lawfare operation against President Trump.   However, that citation is not the biggest reveal in the past several days….

Pay very close attention to these next two citations:

November 3, 2021 – In Washington DC – “Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and the House Jan. 6 Select Committee has tapped Mary McCord, who once ran the Justice Department’s National Security Division, for representation in its fight to obtain former President Donald Trump’s White House records. (read more)

Then consider:

January 10, 2024 –  Georgia prosecutors probing Donald Trump’s effort to subvert the 2020 election got an early boost in the spring of 2022. It came from another set of investigators who were way ahead of them: the House Jan. 6 select committee.

Committee staff quietly met with lawyers and agents working for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in mid-April 2022, just as she prepared to convene a special grand jury investigation. In the previously unreported meeting, the Jan. 6 committee aides let the district attorney’s team review — but not keep — a limited set of evidence they had gathered. (read more)

The “J6 committee staff” that led the conversations with Fani Willis is a person, and that person’s name is Mary McCord.  As the lead in the J6 staff effort, there is simply no way to believe the committee staff that met with Fani Willis did not include McCord.

You know what seems bizarre to me?

What seems bizarre is how I began writing about the detailed activity of Mary McCord FOUR YEARS AGO.  Literally four years ago last Friday, and everything that has followed from her activity in October 2016 through to the present day is singularly focused on the removal of President Trump.  Yet, almost no one seems to connect the obvious dots.  Why?

What is it about Mary McCord and Washington DC circles that pundits and political researchers fear?

You read me writing about the key functionaries inside the system.  To give you an idea of the scope of influence of Mary McCord as a key functionary, consider what we can document.

♦ McCord submitted the fraudulent FISA application to spy on Trump campaign.

♦ McCord created the “Logan Act” claim used against Michael Flynn and then went with Sally Yates to confront the White House.

♦ McCord then left the DOJ and went to work for Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler.

♦ McCord organized the CIA rule changes with Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson.

♦ McCord led and organized the impeachment effort, in the background, using the evidence she helped create.

♦ McCord joined the FISA Court to protect against DOJ IG Michael Horowitz Atkinson oversight and FISA review.

♦ McCord joined the J6 Committee helping to create all the lawfare angles they deployed.

♦ McCord then coordinated with DA Fani Willis in Georgia.

♦ McCord is working with Special Prosecutor Jack Smith to prosecute Trump.

In short, Mary McCord is the lawfare string that winds through every legal ‘stop Trump’ effort; yet no one ever calls her out?

 Georgia State Senators Introduce Legislation to REMOVE Dirty Brad Raffensperger from State Election Board and Open Up Investigations Into His Alleged Violations

By Jim Hoft Jan. 14, 2024 

Georgia State Senators introduced a bill to remove Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger from the State Election Board, and grant the board authority to investigate him and his office for election law violations.

Via George Behizy.

According to George Behizy:

Sponsors of the bill include Majority Leader Steve Gooch, Senator Greg Dolezal and others

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This situation started when Raffensperger failed to investigate the 2020 election fraud discovered by citizen election integrity advocate Joseph Rossi. “These initial findings and an inability to obtain explanations from Raffensperger’s office led Rossi to provide the evidence to Governor Brian Kemp’s office which performed its own independent analysis and then issued a written finding saying that Rossi’s results were factual.” Per

In other words, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger worked to cover up 2020 election fraud instead of doing something about it.

During the December 19th SEB testimony, Rossi also reported that since the time of Kemp’s report in last 2021, investigators, assistant AG Charlene McGowan (who now works in Rannfesperger’s office) , and even certain members of the State Election Board appeared to have attempted to block investigations or divert attention from the mounting stack of evidence.

Here is a copy of the legislation.

The Gateway Pundit has recently highlighted Raffensperger’s curious actions as the Georgia Republican Secretary of State.

Judge Schedules Hearing on Allegations of DA Fani Willis’ ‘Improper Use of Funds’ and ‘Scandalous’ Affair with Trump Investigation Prosecutor

By Jim Hᴏft Jan. 14, 2024

On Friday, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee has slated a mid-February hearing to address explosive allegations against Soros-funded District Attorney Fani Willis, The Epoch Times reported.

The court acknowledged the need to deliberate on claims that Willis engaged in an “improper” use of funds and maintained an alleged “scandalous” affair with Nathan Wade, the prosecutor Willis hired to lead Trump’s investigation.

Michael Roman, a former Trump campaign official and co-defendant in the racketeering case led by Willis, moved to accuse both Willis and Wade of misconduct.

The motion, spearheaded by Roman’s attorney, Ashleigh Merchant, alleges an “improper, clandestine personal relationship” between Willis and Wade, potentially undermining the integrity of the prosecution against Trump and others.

According to the court document:

“The district attorney chose to appoint her romantic partner, who at all times relevant to this prosecution has been a married man. Admittedly, this is a bold allegation considering it is directed to one of the most powerful people in the State of Georgia, the Fulton County District Attorney.

Nevertheless, the district attorney’s fame and power do not change the fact that she decided to appoint as the special prosecutor a person with whom she had a personal relationship and who is now leading the day-to-day prosecution of this case.

Even assuming this type of nepotism might be forgiven in the abstract, a review of the amount of money that the special prosecutor has been paid by the district attorney and the personal activities of the district attorney and the special prosecutor during the pendency of this prosecution shed light on just how self-serving this arrangement has been.”

The motion filed also suggests that Wade financed luxury vacations with Willis using funds from Fulton County.

“Information obtained outside of court filings indicates that the district attorney and special prosecutor have traveled personally together to such places as Napa Valley, Florida and the Caribbean and the special prosecutor has purchased tickets for both of them to travel on both the Norweigan and Royal Carribean cruise lines. Traveling together to such places as Washington, D.C. or New York City might make sense for work purposes in light of other pending litigation, but what work purpose could only be served by travel to this traditional vacation destinations?

“The district attorney and the special prosecutor have been seen in private together in and about the Atlanta area and believed to have co-habited in some form or fashion at a location owned by neither of them.”

The controversy is further stoked by the fact that Wade, who has argued at every hearing, is a partner at a private law firm and was set to receive close to $1 million in legal fees for his role as a special prosecutor.

“Since being appointed as special prosecutor, the special prosecutor has been paid an estimated almost $1,000,000.00 in legal fees. Of course, additional fees would be expected when private counsel is hired, but that would assume they are not in a relationship with the district attorney and they were qualified to do the work they were hired to do.”

Roman’s allegations extend to claims that funds earmarked to alleviate the COVID backlog were instead misappropriated.

“The special prosecutor’s fees have been lucrative in comparison by any reasonable measure. The district attorney’s yearly salary, including state and county supplements, is $ 198,266.66 and the total annual budget for the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office for fiscal year 2022 was $31,541,968.00. The district attorney lobbied for additional money from Fulton County to hire lawyers and staff to clear the backlog after Covid. Why didn’t she use that money to hire qualified in-house staff to try this case? Why did she, instead, use that money to retain the special prosecutor?”

In a comprehensive 100-plus page filing, Roman has sought the dismissal of his charges and the removal of the district attorney and her team from the case.

Prosecutors have yet to respond to these claims, but Judge McAfee has stated that a hearing on this motion will be scheduled after their response, likely in mid-February.

Steve Sadow, representing President Trump, expressed interest in potentially adopting Roman’s motion, pending the district attorney’s response to these allegations.

Trending: Biden: “If My Republican Colleagues Don’t Fund Ukraine, They’re Gonna Have an Awful Lot to Pay For” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Fani Willis has been subpoenaed to testify in the divorce proceedings of Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor she appointed to go after former President Donald Trump and his associates.

According to a court filing obtained by The Wall Street Journal, Willis was served a subpoena at her Atlanta office for her testimony in the divorce case of Nathan Wade and his wife, Joycelyn Wade.

According to Roman’s motion, “Sources close to both the special prosecutor and the district attorney have confirmed they had an ongoing, personal relationship during the pendency of the special prosecutor’s divorce proceedings. According to these sources, the personal relationship between the district attorney and the special prosecutor began before this prosecution was initiated and before the district attorney appointed the special prosecutor.”

On Friday, the House Judiciary Committee launched an investigation into Fani Willis’s love interest and associate Nathan Wade.

House Judiciary Committee, led by Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), sent a comprehensive letter to Nathan Wade, scrutinizing the coordination between the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office (FCDAO) and other politically motivated investigations. This letter also raises questions about the potential misuse of federal funds.

“The Committee has serious concerns about the degree of improper coordination among politicized actors—including the Biden White House—to investigate and prosecute President Biden’s chief political opponent. This new information released recently only reinforces the Committee’s concerns about politically motivated prosecutions by state and local officials. To advance our oversight, we ask that you please produce the following documents and information for the period of November 1, 2021.”

BREAKING REPORT: Democrats already planning military coup of sorts if Trump wins again in November

JAN. 14, 2024 2:20 PM BY THE RIGHT SCOOP

NBC News has written a report today detailing how Democrat leftist groups are planning a quasi military coup if Trump wins again in November. The report claims they are scared that Trump will use his power to assassinate political rivals or something.

So these groups are going to try and coerce military officials not to obey Trump’s orders and they are planning to file lawsuits to challenge Trump to try and hamstring him from day one.

Here’s more on this leftist lunacy:

Donald Trump is sparking fears among those who understand the inner workings of the Pentagon that he would convert the nonpartisan U.S. military into the muscular arm of his political agenda as he makes comments about dictatorship and devalues the checks and balances that underpin the nation’s two-century-old democracy.

A circle of appointees independent of Trump’s political operation steered him away from ideas that would have pushed the limits of presidential power in his last term, according to books they’ve written and testimony given to Congress. Most were gone by the end. In a new term, many former officials worry that Trump would instead surround himself with loyalists unwilling to say no.

Trump has raised fresh questions about his intentions if he regains power by putting forward a legal theory that a president would be free to do nearly anything with impunity — including assassinate political rivals — so long as Congress can’t muster the votes to impeach him and throw him out of office.

Now, bracing for Trump’s potential return, a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers is quietly devising plans to try to foil any efforts to expand presidential power, which could include pressuring the military to cater to his political needs.

Those taking part in the effort told NBC News they are studying Trump’s past actions and 2024 policy positions so that they will be ready if he wins in November. That involves preparing to take legal action and send letters to Trump appointees spelling out consequences they’d face if they undermine constitutional norms.

“We’re already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits if we have to,” said Mary McCord, executive director of the Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law.

Part of the aim is to identify like-minded organizations and create a coalition to challenge Trump from day one, those taking part in the discussions said. Some participants are combing through policy papers being crafted for a future conservative administration. They’re also watching the interviews that Trump allies are giving to the press for clues to how a Trump sequel would look.

Other participants include Democracy Forward, an organization that took the Trump administration to court more than 100 times during his administration, and Protect Democracy, an anti-authoritarian group.

“We are preparing for litigation and preparing to use every tool in the toolbox that our democracy provides to provide the American people an ability to fight back,” said Skye Perryman, president of Democracy Forward. “We believe this is an existential moment for American democracy and it’s incumbent on everybody to do their part.”

These people claimed the same thing in 2016 when Trump was first running for office. They claimed he’d be a dangerous dictator or something and it NEVER HAPPENED. And now they are up to the same crap again.

The left is basically admitting they are going to attempt a military coup of their own – you know, to save to democracy or something. It’s so ridiculous and anti-democratic. But these radicals will go to whatever efforts they can to defeat their enemies.

And honestly, I also hate that Trump is so divisive at times that he makes people hate him so much that they would go to these efforts. But if he wins we’ll just have to deal with it and hope he can defeat them and not be hamstrung by their efforts.

PROOF of Election Fraud in 2020

Something happened this month that I want to make sure that people do not miss. Donald Trump posted on Truth Social a 32-page document containing all the latest information about what has been exposed about fraud in the 2020 election. We are going to walk through this document this week on Wolves and Finance.
