VIDEO “Case Killing …picture that launched a thousand pearl clutching articles.” – Mueller’s Corrupt Prosecutor Believes President Trump Must Prove His Innocence” -FL Trial Indefinitely Postponed – House Investigation Into Smith – On Notice

‘Potentially case-blowing mistake’: Jack Smith deception exposed

‘Snapped a picture for political posterity’ against Trump

By Bob Unruh May 7, 2024

President Donald J. Trump arrives on stage at the Protecting America's Seniors event Friday, Oct. 16, 2020, at the Caloosa Sound Convention Center & Amphitheater in Fort Myers, Florida. (Official White House photo by Shealah Craighead)

A true courtroom stunner came just days ago when Jack Smith, prosecuting President Trump for having government documents from his presidency in his home, admitted his team lied to the public and the court in the case.

Regarding the evidence.

Trump turned blunt, calling for Smith to be arrested over his admission, in a court filing, that he lied to the court about the documents seized from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home.

“ARREST DERANGED JACK SMITH. HE IS A CRIMINAL!” Trump said in a Truth Social post this weekend.

The issue is that in a court filing, prosecutors admitted thee lied to the court, confessing that the FBI messed with the boxes containing those materials, and now not even Smith can be sure of the order or placement of the documents, which could be a critical factor in the case.

Now a Declassified report from famed investigative journalist Julie Kelly notes that the situation is “potentially case-killing.”

FBI photo of documents seized in the raid of former President Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate.

FBI photo of documents seized in the raid of former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

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She explained, “New court filings in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s espionage and obstruction case against Trump and two co-defendants conclusively demonstrate that the government used the cover sheets to deceive the public as well as the court. The photo was a stunt, and one that adds more fuel to this dumpster-fire case.”

She noted Jay Bratt, who is assigned to Smith’s team, earlier claimed: “[Thirteen] boxes or containers contained documents with classification markings, and in all, over one hundred unique documents with classification markings…were seized. Certain of the documents had colored cover sheets indicating their classification status.”

The FBI staged a photograph of documents, and released it to the public to create public interest in the case.

But Kelly continued, “The DOJ’s clever wordsmithing, however, did not accurately describe the origin of the cover sheets. In what must be considered not only an act of doctoring evidence but willfully misleading the American people into believing the former president is a criminal and threat to national security, agents involved in the raid attached the cover sheets to at least seven files to stage the photo.”

She explained, “Classified cover sheets were not ‘recovered’ in the container, contrary to Bratt’s declaration to the court. In fact, after being busted recently by defense attorneys for mishandling evidence in the case, Bratt had to fess up about how the cover sheets actually ended up on the documents.”

She said his latest explanation is: “[If] the investigative team found a document with classification markings, it removed the document, segregated it, and replaced it with a placeholder sheet. The investigative team used classified cover sheets for that purpose.”

Kelly noted that the FBI’s use of those “cover sheets” just before they were used as placeholders.

“Agents apparently used them as props. FBI agents took it upon themselves to paperclip the sheets to documents—something evident given the uniform nature of how each cover sheet is clipped to each file in the photo—laid them on the floor, and snapped a picture for political posterity,” she noted.

The immediate result was that Judge Aileen M. Cannon has further delayed the next steps in the case, meaning it might not even come to trial until after the November election, which polls show Trump is likely to win.

Kelly called the FBI’s staged photograph the “the picture that launched a thousand pearl-clutching articles.”

She suggested that the behavior of the investigators raises “many troubling questions … about the FBI’s handling of the alleged incriminating documents.”

“For example, who made the on-site determination as to the classification level appropriate for each document? Did agents have security clearance and expertise related to classification? Did the agents know whether the document had been declassified by Trump while still in office?”

And she noted that defense lawyers have pointed out Smith’s office handed out inaccurate information about the evidence.

And Bratt conceded that was correct, confessing the FBI has not been able to determine which document “with classification markings” goes with which placeholder.

“This is a potentially case-blowing mistake, particularly if the document in question is one of the 34 records that represents the basis of espionage charges against Trump,” Kelly charged.

Bratt also had confirmed to the judge that the boxes of documents are “in their original, intact form as seized,” citing only that classified docs were replaced with placeholders.

Andrew Weissmann, Mueller’s Corrupt Prosecutor Believes President Trump Must Prove His Innocence in Bogus Bragg Case

By Jim Hoft May. 7, 2024

Guest post by Joe Hoft at – republished with permission

Andrew Weissmann led the Mueller sham investigation against President Trump. Now he’s a top Deep State player behind DA Bragg’s bogus Manhattan case against President Trump.

Andrew Weissmann is the face of DOJ corruption. He has been overturned by the Supreme Court and he’s been behind most all the efforts to attack President Trump through lawfare.

DA Bragg’s case against President Trump is a mess. There is no crime and yet the DA charged President Trump for 34 felonies that were all made up. The crimes aren’t even clear. It’s a total disaster which is why it is likely a plot by leftist mastermind Andrew Weissmann.

Survival Beef Company CEO: “No Lab-Grown Meat, No mRNA Jabs, and No ‘Beef Crumbles’ Ever”

In a tweet this pst weekend, Weissmann shares that he believes that a defendant in the US must prove their innocence. This is third world communist stuff.

He was quickly outed as a moron for his ignorance of the law.

Shipwreckedcrew tweeted: You are a moron. Trump doesn’t have to prove anything tor the jury to acquit. You repeatedly mis-state fundamental premises of the criminal justice system.

Attorney Jeff Clark points out that “enough to acquit” is not a legal principal in the US.

Can we make sure “enough to acquit” is a phrase forever associated with Andrew Weissmann? It’s right from the lips of a government statist whose baseline is not liberty and thus the presumption of innocence but instead subjection to raw government power and a presumption that prosecutors are always right. He’s a walking-talking evil inversion.

See below for a list of articles about Weissmann posted at The Gateway Pundit:

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMAN PART I: The Many Corrupt Acts of Former DOJ Attorney and Mueller “Pitbull” Andrew Weissmann

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART II: 80,000 Innocent Professionals Lost Their Jobs Due to a Weissmann Indictment that Was Ultimately Overturned by Supreme Court

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART III: For 30 Years a Condemned Man Sits in Prison Because of Weissman’s Actions in the Most Corrupt Prosecution in DOJ History

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART IV: “I Consider Andrew Weissmann to be the Most Ethically Bankrupt Prosecutor I Have Ever Encountered” – Attorney David Schoen (VIDEO)

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART V: Weissmann Concealed the FBI’s Source Used in Indictments in the Early 1990’s Was Mafia Hitman Responsible for 50 Murders

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART VI: Exclusive Interview with Attorney Sidney Powell – “I’m Very Concerned About the State of the Country Right Now” – (VIDEO)

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART VII: Weissmann Used a Corrupt FBI Agent as a Witness Who Later Was Charged with Several Murders Related to Case

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART VIII: Weissmann and the Mueller Gang “Accidentally” Wiped 31 Phones Clean After DOJ IG Requested Phones

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART IX: Weissmann Covered Up Russian, Clinton and Obama Actions Related to the Sale of Uranium One to Russia

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART X: “There Is a Special Place in Hell for Andrew Weissmann” – Exclusive Interview with Roger Stone

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART XI: To Tie the Trump-Russia Collusion Lie to Russia, Weissmann Indicted 13 Russians, Most Were Entirely Made Up

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART XII: Weissmann Placed Paul Manafort in Solitary Confinement for 11 Months in Effort to Get Him to Lie About President Trump

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART XIII: Weissmann and the Mueller Gang Made Up Charges Against 11 Mystery Russians in Effort to Claim Russia Hacked the DNC – It Was All a Lie

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART XIV: “A Desecration of a Prosecutor… Has Disgraced Every Single Ethical Tenet that Prosecutors Hold Dear” – Rudy Giuliani on Weissmann

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART XV: Judge Sullivan’s “Appointed Judge” in Flynn Case Was an Old Weissmann Colleague at DOJ

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan Launches Investigation into Special Counsel Jack Smith’s Admission of FBI Evidence Tampering in Trump Mar-a-Lago Case

By Jim Hᴏft May. 7, 2024 

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) has launched an investigation into Special Counsel Jack Smith following recent admission that some of the evidence in President Trump’s ‘classified’ documents case was altered or manipulated after being seized by the FBI during its raid on Mar-a-Lago.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Jack Smith’s admission came in response to Trump’s co-defendant, Walt Nauta’s, legal team’s concerns about discrepancies in the evidence’s organization.

Walt Nauta, a former White House valet and Navy veteran who later served as a personal staffer at Mar-a-Lago and was indicted alongside Trump last year, claimed through his attorney that the order of items in the seized boxes did not match their scans provided during discovery.

In a late Friday filing, Smith conceded that the FBI had indeed moved documents around within the boxes that contained ‘classified’ information. This directly contradicts earlier Department of Justice (DOJ) assurances to the court that the contents’ arrangement had been preserved intact.

According to a footnote in the motion reviewed by The Gateway Pundit, the FBI messed with the boxes containing the ‘classified’ documents they seized from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

Footnote 3The Government acknowledges that this is inconsistent with what Government counsel previously understood and represented to the Court. See, e.g., 4/12/24 Hearing Tr. at 65 (Government responding to the Court’s question of whether the boxes were “in their original, intact form as seized” by stating “[t]hey are, with one exception; and that is that the classified documents have been removed and placeholders have been put in the documents.”

In August 2022, the DOJ lied to the Court by asserting that the red, blue, and yellow sheets displayed in the widely circulated photo of the ‘classified’ documents indicated their classification status. It turns out they were “slip sheets” the FBI used to replace the so-called classified documents.

The DOJ lied, claiming, “Evidence, thirteen boxes or containers contained documents with classification markings, and in all, over one hundred unique documents with classification markings-that is, more than twice the amount produced on June 3, 2022, in response to the grand jury subpoena were seized. Certain of the documents had colored cover sheets indicating their classification status. See, e.g., Attachment F (redacted FBI photograph of certain documents and classified cover sheets recovered from a container in the “45 office”). The classification levels ranged from CONFIDENTIAL to TOP SECRET information, and certain documents included additional sensitive compartments that signify very limited distribution.”

The FBI admitted they messed with Trump’s documents! The FBI used cover sheets as placeholders for the classified documents.

“After the boxes were brought to WFO, the FBI created an index to correlate the documents with classification markings to codes (e.g., document “bb”) and labeled the classified cover sheets in the boxes with the codes for the seized documents. The FBI also generally replaced the handwritten sheets with classified cover sheets annotated with the index code, but regardless, any handwritten sheets that currently remain in the boxes do not represent additional classified documents—they were just not removed when the classified cover sheets with the index code were added. In many but not all instances, the FBI was able to determine which document with classification markings corresponded to a particular placeholder sheet.”

Jack Smith also claimed the FBI found so many classified documents that they ran out of ‘slip sheets.’

“The investigative team used classified cover sheets for that purpose, until the FBI ran out because there were so many classified documents, at which point the team began using blank sheets with handwritten notes indicating the classification level of the document(s) seized,” Jack Smith laughably claimed.

In response to these revelations, President Trump took to Truth Social, calling for the arrest of Jack Smith, labeling the prosecution a “sham.”

“ARREST DERANGED JACK SMITH. HE IS A CRIMINAL!” Trump said in a Truth Social post this weekend.

Chairman Jim Jordan expressed grave concern about the justice system’s impartiality and adherence to professional standards within the DOJ.

In a letter addressed to Jeffrey Ragsdale, Counsel of the Department of Justice’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), Jordan stated, “This acknowledgment presents grave concerns about the Department’s commitment to impartial justice, whether the Special Counsel’s Office misled a federal court, and whether the Special Counsel’s Office strenuously upheld the highest professional standards of the Department of Justice.”

Jordan demanded that the OPR investigate Jack Smith, Jay Bratt (a senior member of Smith’s office), and other attorneys involved, citing serious ethical lapses in the prosecution.

The House Judiciary Committee has demanded to produce the following documents and information:

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  • All documents and communications referring or relating to any allegation of ethical impropriety or any OPR investigation concerning the conduct of Jack Smith, Jay Bratt, or any other attorney assigned to work with the Office of Special Counsel Jack Smith;
  • All documents and communications referring or relating to the manipulation of documents seized from President Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago; and
  • All documents and communications referring or relating to Jay Bratt interactions with Walt Nauta’s defense counsel, including allegations that Bratt attempted to coerce Mr.
Nauta’s cooperation with the government by leveraging the prosect of a judgeship for his counsel.

The deadline set for the DOJ to respond to the Committee’s demands for information and a briefing is 5:00 p.m. on May 20, 2024.

BREAKING: Judge Cannon Indefinitely Postpones Jack Smith’s Classified Documents Trial After Special Counsel Admits to Evidence Tampering

By Cristina Laila May. 7, 2024

Judge Aileen Cannon on Tuesday afternoon indefinitely postponed Jack Smith’s classified documents trial against Trump.

As previously reported, Judge Cannon on Monday night postponed a key deadline in the classified documents case after Special Counsel Jack Smith admitted to tampering with evidence.

Cannon on Monday evening temporarily stayed a May 9 deadline for President Trump and his co-defendants Walt Nauta and Carlos de Oliveira related to CIPA.

On Tuesday afternoon, Judge Cannon set a second set of pre-trial deadlines to manage pending discovery and disclosure matters.

The Judge vacated the May 20, 2024 trial date. It may be several months until Judge Cannon sets a new trial date.

“The Court also determines that finalization of a trial date at this juncture—before resolution of the myriad and interconnected pre-trial and CIPA issues remaining and forthcoming—would be imprudent and inconsistent with the Court’s duty to fully and fairly consider the various pending pre-trial motions before the Court, critical CIPA issues, and additional pretrial and trial preparations necessary to present this case to a jury. The Court therefore vacates the current May 20, 2024, trial date (and associated calendar call), to be reset by separate order following resolution of the matters before the Court, consistent with Defendants’ right to due process and the public’s interest in the fair and efficient administration of justice,” Cannon wrote in an order reviewed by The Gateway Pundit.

In a motion filed late Friday, Jack Smith admitted the FBI messed with the boxes containing “classified” documents they seized from Trump and can’t be sure the order or the placement of the documents.

Jack Smith in his Friday night response admitted the FBI moved the classified documents around.

According to a footnote in the motion reviewed by The Gateway Pundit, the FBI messed with the boxes containing the ‘classified’ documents they seized from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

The DOJ previously assured the Court that the placement of classified documents as originally found had been maintained – THEY LIED!

Footnote 3The Government acknowledges that this is inconsistent with what Government counsel previously understood and represented to the Court. See, e.g., 4/12/24 Hearing Tr. at 65 (Government responding to the Court’s question of whether the boxes were “in their original, intact form as seized” by stating “[t]hey are, with one exception; and that is that the classified documents have been removed and placeholders have been put in the documents”

The DOJ in August 2022 lied to the Court when they claimed the red, blue and yellow sheets shown in the viral photo of the classified documents indicated their classification status.

The FBI admitted they messed with Trump’s documents! The FBI used cover sheets as placeholders for the classified documents.

“After the boxes were brought to WFO, the FBI created an index to correlate the documents with classification markings to codes (e.g., document “bb”) and labeled the classified cover sheets in the boxes with the codes for the seized documents. The FBI also generally replaced the handwritten sheets with classified cover sheets annotated with the index code, but regardless, any handwritten sheets that currently remain in the boxes do not represent additional classified documents—they were just not removed when the classified cover sheets with the index code were added. In many but not all instances, the FBI was able to determine which document with classification markings corresponded to a particular placeholder sheet.”

Judge in Trump Classified Documents Case Suspends Trial Indefinitely

May 7, 2024 | Sundance |

Judge Aileen Cannon has issued an order [SEE HERE] canceling the original trial date and suspending the trial proceedings pending resolution of multiple pre-trial issues.  Lawfare is big mad.


(Via Politico) – […] The date had been widely expected to move amid a tangle of pretrial conflicts between special counsel Jack Smith and Trump’s attorneys. Smith had urged Judge Aileen Cannon to reschedule the trial to begin on July 8, but an order from the judge on Tuesday afternoon suggested that she is unlikely to even decide on a new trial date before late July.

[…] “[F]inalization of a trial date at this juncture — before resolution of the myriad and interconnected pre-trial and [classified evidence] issues … would be imprudent and inconsistent with the Court’s duty to fully and fairly consider the various pending pre-trial motions,” Cannon wrote in the five-page order.

That reshuffling further clouds the picture for Smith, who is also awaiting a Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity that could determine whether his other case against Trump — charges in Washington D.C. for attempting to subvert the 2020 election — can move forward this year. (read more

Trump Drops Ad Putting University Presidents ‘On Notice,’ Pledges to Deal with Pro-Palestinian Protests


VIDEO Ideology expressed by ex-justice on Supreme Court blasted as ‘bunk’ – Trump gets message through Hewitt “bait & shaping” -Here’s the bright side of a dark time

Accused of wanting ‘philosopher kings’ to be ruling

By Bob Unruh March 29, 2024

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer at the State of the Union address on Tuesday, March 1, 2022. (Video screenshot)

Ex-U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer at the State of the Union address on Tuesday, March 1, 2022.

Stephen Breyer, who sat on the U.S. Supreme Court for nearly three decades before resigning in 2022, has written a book, like so many others who come out of the Washington, D.C., swamp, and is on a tour promoting it.

As part of those interviews, he’s lashed out at the rest of the court for overturning the faulty and unconstitutional Roe v. Wade decision that created a “right” to abortion, and also promoted his personal ideology of a changeable U.S. Constitution.

And he’s getting blasted, in a house editorial at the Washington Examiner, for his warping of the nation’s foundation document.

“The learned justice says his method of judging is needed as a model for successors because ‘the world does change,’ so if the court doesn’t interpret the Constitution as evolvable, too, ‘we will have a Constitution that no one wants.’ Therefore, he says repeatedly, his method ‘involves purposes, consequences, values, and sometimes much more.’

“This sounds high-minded and reasonable, but it is bunk. Even worse, it is a power grab subject to no limiting principle, especially when he goes into an open-ended ‘much more’ phase. Breyer treats as paramount the jurist’s subjective assessment of ‘values and sometimes much more,’ as if he possesses Olympian wisdom about such matter above that of mere mortals. This would turn representative democracy into an elitist oligarchy, a rule by nine supposedly wise men and women, against America’s constitutional design that deliberately separates, disperses, and blends power in multitudinous ways intended to safeguard liberty.”

Breyer quit the court at a time when Joe Biden was able to push Ketanji Jackson, a far-left ideologue adored by leftists, onto the bench.

The Examiner noted that Breyer’s comments suggest he basically puts judges “above the law.”

Breyer’s writings claim to make a case for using “pragmatism,” or adjusting the Constitution to circumstances, rather than reading it as it was originally written.

“What Breyer’s suggestion amounts to is the anti-democratic idea that judges should be free to twist what the law says to suit their own prejudices — that is, they should be above the law rather than servants of it.”

The piece explained what America’s founders set up: “In a republic, applying ‘values’ and trying to create the right ‘consequences’ is the job not of judges but of the people’s elected representatives, or of the people themselves. The Constitution, as fundamental law enacted by the people, is supreme. Statutes written via representative procedures are next. The reason judges, ultimately Supreme Court justices, are final arbiters of what the law means is not because they possess superior moral or value-based perspicacity, but because they are supposed to be the most learned in parsing the words of laws to ensure they are applied faithfully. Jurists are supposed to be guided and humbly governed by the words of the law, not by willful masters over them.”

It continued, “Breyer’s ‘pragmatism’ … invites the mischief of judicial willfulness, unmoored from objective restraints, applied by nine people acting as philosopher kings.”

Hugh Hewitt Interviews President Trump on Current Events

April 5, 2024 | Sundance | 

Hugh Hewitt (Salem Media) is one of the key media control operatives on the right, fully controlled by the multinationals who organize controlled Republican politics, who attempts to manipulate political outcomes through the pressure of his platform.  Why any conservative would appear on the Hugh Hewitt broadcast is beyond my understanding.

In this interview, Hewitt starts shaping the conversation based on the editorial priorities handed to him by his benefactors.  However, that said, President Trump does a great job cutting through the majority of the Hewitt bait & shaping and he finds a way to explain his message despite Hewitt’s interventions.  


Hugh Hewitt, on behalf of the corporations and banking interests who organize their insurance policies, would love to influence the vice presidential selection.

WATCH: Tucker Carlson: Here’s the bright side of a dark time

People are starting to notice the lies

By Tucker Carlson April 6, 2024

Tucker Carlson (Video screenshot)

Tucker Carlson


VIDEO Covert Biden court protects Europeans, but not Americans – Biden Ignoring Intelligence Agencies and DHS Reports – Judge’s Family Getting Rich Attacking Trump, Waters, Smith, Weissmann

Executive order created surveillance procedure

By WND News Services January 18, 2024

By Jason Cohen
Daily Caller News Foundation

Joe Biden’s administration established a covert court that safeguards the privacy rights of Europeans under U.S. law, but not those of Americans, Politico reported.

The Biden administration created the Data Protection Review Court (DPRC) at an unspecified time and location after receiving authorization under an October 2022 executive order, which resolved a legal clash between European and American laws that hindered the profitable exchange of consumer data for three years, according to Politico. Europeans, however, have access to the DPRC while Americans do not, even if they think they are subject to inappropriate government surveillance.

Americans have the option to seek recourse for surveillance in federal court, but it is contingent on demonstrating tangible injury or wrongdoing, which is exceedingly difficult to prove, according to Politico.

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“We’re in an odd place when non-residents have easier access to a place to raise their concerns about U.S. government surveillance than Americans do,” former chair of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB) Adam Klein told Politico.

Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Announces Judges of the Data Protection Review Court

— U.S. Department of Justice (@TheJusticeDept) November 14, 2023

Europeans’ private data can legally be surveilled by United States intelligence agencies, but the DPRC gives them protection, according to Politico. European Commission (EC) officials expressed approval in July.

The DPRC received its panel of eight judges in November, but there is not much else known about the court, according to Politico. Its location is unknown and the Department of Justice (DOJ) has not acknowledged any details about its caseload, nor will the court disclose its decisions.

Plaintiffs are prohibited from showing up to the court in person and, instead, have legal representation through a designated special advocate appointed by the United States attorney general, according to Politico.

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A DOJ official conceded the secretive nature of the DPRC, but emphasized to Politico the need for tackling government surveillance issues in a covert manner.

“There’s actual honest-to-goodness, something going on behind that, which is the investigation the [Office of the Director of National Intelligence] does and the decision of the court,” the official told Politico.

The PCLOB will conduct oversight of the DPRC in a yearly review under the October executive order, which will lead to its transparency about caseloads, decisions and intelligence agency compliance, officials told Politico. A classified version of the yearly review will go to Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland, congressional intelligence committees and intelligence community leaders, while the public will receive an unclassified version.

“We’re going to try to make as much information public as possible, because the whole point is to inspire confidence that we’re conducting activities appropriately,” the DOJ official told Politico.

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The White House and DOJ did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

Biden Is Ignoring Intelligence Agencies and DHS Reports

By Antonio Graceffo Apr. 4, 2024 

By U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement –, Public Domain,

White Christians Not a Threat, Border Not Secure

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claims, “The border is secure,” and President Joe Biden said, “The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy.” Not only are they both lying, but they are also ignoring the reports produced by the US Intelligence Community, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Defense (DoD).

Biden appointees, including the president himself, have claimed that the border is secure and that white Christian nationalists are the greatest threats to national security. These statements weaken our ability to address real threats. If the border is secure, then funding for additional security would be unjustified. And if Biden starts wasting public funds and security resources to hunt down white Christians, he will be leaving the country open to attacks from the real threats: China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and Islamic extremists.

As Central Banks Stockpile Gold, a Christian Company Works To Help Americans Get Ahead of the “Retirement Bubble”

President Trump said he would deport illegal aliens. Kamala Harris went on TV and said that she would “fight for their rights.” This statement presumes that illegal aliens have a right to stay in the United States. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas actually said, “From day one, this Administration has made clear that a border wall is not the answer.” And certainly, no wall is needed if you do not wish to keep people out.

While the Biden White House and many of his appointees are misrepresenting reality, the intelligence agencies, Department of Defense (DoD), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), apart from Mayorkas, are doing their duty by identifying the real threats. The Annual Threat Assessment of the United States Intelligence Community identifies the greatest national security threats as China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. The term “white supremacy” is mentioned only once, on page 30. By contrast, the word China appears 91 times and has its own entry in the table of contents. White Supremacy is listed as one of many racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVE). The report does not say that it is a primary threat. In fact, it reports that, across the entire globe, only 27 people, most of whom were not American, were killed by RMVE since 2022.

The Department of Defense (DoD) National Defense Strategy Report similarly recognizes China and Russia as the two largest threats, followed by North Korea and Iran. The report does not mention white supremacy at all.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recognizes terrorism, both foreign and domestic, as the primary threat. This includes radicalization by foreign entities and the rebuilding of al-Qa’ida and ISIS. After terrorism, DHS expects “illegal drugs produced in Mexico and sold in the United States will continue to kill more Americans than any other threat.” Last year, there was a record number of encounters with migrants at the southern border, including “a growing number of individuals in the Terrorist Screening Data Set (TSDS), also known as the ‘watchlist.’”

This brings us to the false claim that the border is secure.

Trump was attacked for allegedly saying that migrants are not human. What he was actually saying was that with open borders, we are allowing gang members to enter the country, and the gang members have committed such atrocities that they are not human. He was also attacked for saying that Mexico is not sending us their best and their brightest; they are sending us drug dealers and rapists. He did not claim that all migrants were criminals. He said that some were good people. But he was 100% correct in saying that some are gang members, drug dealers, and criminals.

The US permits about 770,000 immigrants to be naturalized each year, which is more than the rest of the world combined. By definition, those who do not qualify to be admitted legally are not the best and the brightest. Trump’s claims are not only supported by logic but also by the reports of U.S. authorities, including DHS, the Intelligence Community, local media along the border, and The Office of Justice Programs, among others.

FBI Director Wray confirmed that the border crisis is a national security threat. The DEA reported that “Fentanyl is the greatest threat facing Americans today.” Fentanyl is manufactured in Mexico by cartels, using chemicals from China. It is then smuggled over the border by illegal aliens and distributed through street gangs with ties to the cartel. Often, these gangs have members who are illegal aliens and have been trafficked to the United States to work in illicit businesses such as drug dealing, prostitution, and even murder.

The Annual Threat Assessment of the United States Intelligence Community states that Mexico-based Transnational Crime Organizations (TCOs) “are the dominant producers and suppliers of illicit drugs to the U.S. market, including fentanyl, heroin, methamphetamine, and South American-sourced cocaine.”

The Office of Justice Programs issued a report outlining the danger posed by cross-border gangs operating through the southern border. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement wrote, “Transnational criminal street gangs such as MS-13 represent a significant threat to public safety.” A report by the Air Command and Staff College Air University stated, “Mexican Cartels along our Southern border pose a serious threat to our national safety and public health.” Furthermore, the report explained why the cartel threat is increasing: “As their influence and sophistication grow and the connection between them and terrorist organizations increases, the cartels become a larger threat to our national security.”

In conclusion, apart from Biden, neither the intelligence community, DEA, DHS, FBI, ICE, nor the DoD identified white supremacists as the greatest threat to national security. Additionally, no one other than Mayorkas claimed that the border was secure. By ignoring the reports of our intelligence and security agencies, the administration is increasing the threat to our national security.

Jesse Watters Summarizes Judicial Bias/Corruption in the New York ‘Hush Money’ Case

April 3, 2024 | Sundance 

Jesse Watters ran a devastating segment last night on radical Judge Juan Merchan who silenced President Donald Trump from talking about his family’s financial ties to the current junk case he is presiding over against Donald Trump in New York City. Judge Merchan should be removed for his conflicts. This is peak corruption and cannot stand.

As Jesse Watters outlined succinctly in his monologue, “Trump is banned from talking about the judge’s family. Why? Because the judge’s family was paid by the Biden campaign. The judge’s family is currently being paid by Adam Schiff over $10 million.”

“The judge is threatening to put Trump in jail for pointing out that his liberal family is getting rich off this trial and richer if he’s convicted.” “The judge’s daughter isn’t seven. She’s 34. He’s not attacking her. He’s just saying what she does for a living. How’s that an attack? He just wants a new judge. One whose family isn’t funded by Democrats.” WATCH:

Jack Smith, Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen Are Big Mad at Judge Aileen Cannon Overseeing the Trump Documents Case

April 3, 2024 | Sundance | 219 Comments

Before getting into the weeds, here’s the big picture baseline.  All documents and records created within the executive branch are created for the benefit of the head of the Executive Branch, the president.

There is no entity, organization, assembly, institution, person or individual, above the President of the United States. The president holds absolute power and absolute immunity. Everyone within the executive branch works at the pleasure of the president, and all work products are created for his administration. This is the plenary power of the president.

The entire documents case in Florida rests on the principle that another entity supersedes the president within the executive branch.  Some unknown, unnamed bureaucracy can override the president and decide for themselves what would be called a “presidential record” and what would be called “classified information.”

Jack Smith, Norm Eisen (pictured left, red tie) and Andrew Weissmann each argue that some other entity rests atop the president and can make this decision.

Judge Aileen Cannon has not determined which constitutional argument is correct, and has told the parties to create jury instructions both ways. The Lawfare crew of Smith, Eisen and Weissmann are going bananas.

[…] Cannon’s first scenario would allow the jury to make a factual determination about whether a former president deemed a record to be personal or official under the PRA. That is nonsensical – presidents are not allowed to designate official records as personal ones, so there is no factual issue for a jury to resolve.

A different set of laws govern the classification process and the rules for handling highly sensitive classified documents — not the PRA. They include Executive Order 13526. One of the authors of this column (Eisen) helped write that executive order. The 11th Circuit has already established that those rules fully apply to former presidents.

Cannon seems to think that the PRA somehow supersedes the executive order and the rest of federal law pertaining to the handling of classified materials. It does not. On the contrary, the PRA defines “personal records” as “all documentary materials … of a purely private or nonpublic character which do not relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President.” That cannot possibly include highly classified battle plans, nuclear secrets and the other official documents at issue in this criminal prosecution.

That rules out Cannon’s first hypothetical. But as Smith points out in his filing, the second alternative is just as bad. She made up a legal standard, asking both sides to assume that Trump could have deemed a record personal by simply not including it with the records transmitted to the National Archives and Records Administration at the end of his term. If this were true, the mere fact that Trump took the documents with him from the White House would inherently turn them into personal records.

Of course, Trump leaped at this interpretation, fashioning proposed jury instructions that would inevitably result in his acquittal. But, as Smith noted, this approach has no basis in the law — or the facts. Even Trump himself does not seem to have considered classified documents personal after he left the White House, as evidenced in an audio recording CNN obtained last year in which Trump, during a conversation at his Bedminster, New Jersey, estate in 2021, discussed documents remaining classified even though he took them with him upon leaving office. Smith hits this point hard, arguing that Trump’s position that records are personal was “invented” when the controversy over the documents began to emerge in February 2022, over a year after Trump left the White House. (read more)


Trump Sounds Off After Special Prosecutor Resigns from Case: ‘BIG STUFF’ – Gems In Judge Cannon Denial

By Jack Davis, The Western Journal Mar. 15, 2024 

After an enforced divorce that left former special prosecutor Nathan Wade out in the cold, former President Donald Trump celebrated the development.

Wade’s resignation from the Fulton County, Georgia, prosecution of Trump and multiple co-defendants came after weeks of testimony indicating that Wade and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis had a romantic relationship that some witnesses said began before she hired him.

“The Fani Willis lover, Mr. Nathan Wade Esq., has just resigned in disgrace, as per his and her reading of the Judge’s Order today,” Trump posted on Truth Social.

Nathan was the “Special,” in more ways than one, Prosecutor “engaged” by Fani (pronounced Fauni!) Willis, to persecute TRUMP for Crooked Joe Biden and his Department of Injustice, for purposes of Election Interference and living the life of the Rich & Famous,” Trump wrote.

Trump wanted the impact of the move to be clear to everyone.

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“This is the equivalent of Deranged Jack Smith getting “canned,” BIG STUFF, something which should happen in the not too distant future!!!” he wrote.

Trump and other defendants sought to have Willis dismissed on the grounds that her romantic relationship with Wade represented a conflict of interest and to have the indictment against them dismissed. Judge Scott McAfee ruled against those requests, but made it clear he did not approve of Willis and Wade’s conduct.

“However, the established record now highlights a significant appearance of impropriety that infects the current structure of the prosecution team — an appearance that must be removed through the State’s selection of one of two options,” he wrote in his decision.

McAfee said the way Wade and Willis acted made a conflict of interest appear to be taking place.

“Even if the romantic relationship began after … Wade’s initial contract in November 2021, the District Attorney chose to continue supervising and paying Wade while maintaining such a relationship,” he said.

Wade got low marks from the judge for honesty.

“Wade’s patently unpersuasive explanation for the inaccurate interrogatories he submitted in his pending divorce indicates a willingness on his part to wrongly conceal his relationship with the District Attorney. As the case moves forward, reasonable members of the public could easily be left to wonder whether the financial exchanges have continued resulting in some form of benefit to the District Attorney, or even whether the romantic relationship has resumed.”

McAfee said an average citizen “could reasonably think that the District Attorney is not exercising her independent professional judgment totally free of any compromising influences. As long as Wade remains on the case, this unnecessary perception will persist.”

He gave Willis and Wade the option of either removing Wade or “The District Attorney may choose to step aside, along with the whole of her office, and refer the prosecution to the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council for reassignment.”

McAfee said a speech Willis gave in January that accused her critics of racist motives in questioning her hiring of Wade crossed a line, but not enough to disqualify her.

“The effect of this speech was to cast racial aspersions at an indicted Defendant’s decision to file this pretrial motion.”

“The Court cannot find that this speech crossed the line to the point where the Defendants have been denied the opportunity for a fundamentally fair trial, or that it requires the District Attorney’s disqualification. But it was still legally improper,” he wrote.

Steve Sadow, Trump’s attorney, said he was not done trying to dismiss the case, according to CBS.

Trending: BREAKING: Georgia Judge McAfee Rules Fani Willis Can Continue Her Racketeering Case Against President Trump Despite Lying in Court About Her Affair – Must Sever Ties with Her Lover on the Case

“While respecting the court’s decision, we believe that the court did not afford appropriate significance to the prosecutorial misconduct of Willis and Wade, including the financial benefits, testifying untruthfully about when their personal relationship began, as well as Willis’ extrajudicial MLK ‘church speech,’ where she played the race card and falsely accused the defendants and their counsel of racism,” he said.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

Judge Cannon Denies, for Now, the Trump Motion to Dismiss Classified Documents Case

March 14, 2024 | Sundance |

Earlier today in Florida, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon carefully listened to lengthy oral arguments about the initial charges brought against President Donald Trump in the classified documents case.

While listening to a debate on terminology and odd interpretation of application to the statute of the Espionage Act, a case study in Lawfare as presented, Judge Cannon decided in a later ruling to defer the nuances of legislative interpretation until later in the trial pleadings.  Her 2-page Ruling is here.

While many voices say this initial motion to dismiss failed, there are several indications the ruling was more about targeting the issue of statutory definitions to latter phases in the pretrial legal process.  Essentially, allowing the DOJ to try and square the circles that are seemingly unsquarable.

Cannon is avoiding the trap of removal from the case by carefully and meticulously following a very routing process to allow the full sunlight of judicial consideration to apply at the moment when the interpretation has the greatest importance.  Despite ruling against dismissal, this is not a loss for the Trump legal team, as the issues behind the dismissal motion have not been rectified.  These issues will surface again at more critical moments.

If the Lawfare case is going to be dismissed in whole, as opposed to part by part, Julie Kelly was present in the court and also noticed that Judge Cannon appears to be positioning herself to dismiss the case on “selective prosecution” grounds. See this Great Thread HERE.


While Cannon did not accept the Trump motion to dismiss today, the elements of today’s motion will face strong scrutiny as the case progresses.  Additionally, if the case is to be dismissed, the technical definitions could be moot if the judge uses another more transparently obvious context, “selective prosecution,” to dismiss the case.


VIDEO President Trump Special Counsel “Election Interference Case” in DC Suspended Indefinitely – Invasion at Our Southern Border

President Trump Special Counsel “Election Interference Case” in DC Suspended Indefinitely

February 2, 2024 | Sundance |

In the ridiculous federal election interference case in D.C., President Trump’s attorneys argued to the DC Circuit appellate court that President Trump holds inherent constitutional immunity. In essence, because President Trump was acquitted by the Senate of claims he incited or instigated the January 6, 2021, events, lawyers arguing under the constitution that only impeached and removed presidents can be criminally prosecuted.

The initial 3-judge panel of the court has taken up the appeal, and all subsequent lower court activity was suspended until the constitutional issue is resolved. Again, if President Trump does not have immunity, then all preceding and future presidents can be criminally prosecuted for any/all events and decisions while holding office. This is a core issue, and the DC Circuit Court of Appeals has to tread very carefully with these ramifications at the forefront.

The decision of the 3-judge panel could also be followed by a full en-banc review by all judges in the circuit. Then, depending on their decision, it could -likely will- go even higher to the U.S. Supreme Court. All of this takes time, and the initial 3-judge appeals court have not provided any hints on their timeline.

Apparently, as a consequence, the entire trial of the case has been removed from the lower DC court docket. The removal took place within the last few days, and the Washington Post noticed the removal. This removal means the timing of the case, if at all, is completely unknown now.

WASHINGTON – Former president Donald Trump’s March 4 trial date on charges of plotting to overturn the results of the 2020 election has been dropped from the public calendar of the federal court in Washington, a sign of what has long been anticipated — that his claim of presidential immunity from criminal prosecution would delay his trial while it remains on appeal.

The change did not appear on the official criminal case docket before U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, who has made clear since Trump filed his appeal on Dec. 7 that all trial deadlines would be suspended while he challenges the case. On appeal, Trump is arguing that the government does not have authority under the Constitution to bring charges against him for actions he took while president after the 2020 election through the Jan. 6, 2021. (read more)

In addition to the challenges within these core issues, the Lawfare approach by Jack Smith, Mary McCord and Andrew Weissmann, faces multiple additional hurdles.  These are all issues that surface when Lawfare, the application of twisted legal theory intended to manipulate public opinion, runs into the reality of ever-increasing scrutiny from courts.

Combine these fraudulent legal theories with the reality that President Trump’s status is almost certainly “presumptive presidential nominee” in the eyes of the entire judicial branch, and things change.  The pretending justification for the Lawfare claims now hit the non-pretending and visible reality of political intent.

The judicial scrutiny gets even more focused, and the explanations demanded as justifications to target President Trump increase.  As the calendar of the November election gets closer Jack, Mary and Andrew will have to rely on ideologically aligned black robes to maintain their Lawfare pretense.  Some of the robes will not be comfortable with the demands of Jack, Mary and Andrew.

Some of the robes may not pretend, and that poses a problem for Jack, Mary and Andrew.


Bret Weinstein Discusses the Possibilities Behind the Invasion at Our Southern Border

February 1, 2024 | Sundance |

Tucker Carlson interviews Bret Weinstein who traveled to the Darien Gap to understand who’s behind the invasion of our country. His conclusion: “it’s not a friendly migration.” He sits down with Tucker Carlson for an in-depth review and analysis.

Weinstein is perplexed, albeit with various theories about the origination and motives behind the mass invasion, however, if you have followed the issue closely since the first rendition during the Obama era in January 2011, the entire “crisis” is nothing more than one growing continuum of the fundamental change.  {Go Deep on Timeline} Obama originated the UAC Central American migration.  The additional arrivals are a confluence of natural opportunists facilitated by various leftist orgs and countries.

The interview itself is very interesting, including how the Chinese saw the opportunity created by the Obama effort and started taking advantage of it.  WATCH:


VIDEO Alright, Alright, Alright – Left’s Lawfare Will Destroy America – Wayne Allyn Root’s Speech – Victor Davis Hanson – AZ Not Out Of Woods

Alright, Alright, Alright: Carlson and Peterson Agree on the Foundational Principle, STOP PRETENDING, SPEAK TRUTH

January 29, 2024 | Sundance | 

They don’t say it the same way as me, because they are far more articulate and eloquent, but boy howdy have Carlson and Peterson come to the same conclusion.

Four years ago, you heard me say it loud, “Stop Pretending and Live Your Best Life.”  The first time I realized this was the best and truest hope for our restoration was after holding years of empirical, undeniable research in my hands and finding nothing but willfully blind, isolated and siloed deaf ears in DC.  What Tucker Carlson describes below is the disconnect between the people and those who hold power.

In this joint discussion about the future and possibility within this year 2024, both Jordan Peterson and Tucker Carlson take the first part of that framework, “stop pretending”, and turn the phrase into “speak truth.”  Yes, yes, yes, THIS.  When I have been asked for the past several years about what needs to be done, what can we do, my answer to every voice, influential and comfortably invisible alike, has been ‘STOP PRETENDING’ – just stop pretending.  WATCH:

Stop pretending the gaslighting narrative is real.  Just stop pretending.  Stop ignoring the lies, and start confronting the liars directly. Look at the other voice, regardless of who they are, stare boldly directly into their eyes and speak the truth of the thing. Just stop pretending.  If we all stop pretending, the narrative engineers will find no one to purchase their bulls**t anymore.  At the same time, speak the truest thing as loudly as you can to confront those who use pretense as a shield to retain comfort and influence.

EXAMPLE:  Mary McCord sits at the epicenter of every single Lawfare machination deployed against President Trump.  This is a demonstrably true and factual reality.  Yet, how many allied voices do we see publicly making her known and as a consequence uncomfortable?  No one. Why?  Why isn’t every person of influence talking about the true thing?  Why hide behind “they” and “them” or some bland, undefined, esoteric blame-casting toward an irrelevant institution.  We may not know the name of every person, but we know the name of the one single thread that unites all of the effort, Mary McCord.  Why is it so hard for allies to factually identify her and the corrupt behavior she is engaged in?

I no longer stare at the absence with a side eye of suspicion, I now glare knowingly and angrily at the face behind the willful omission.  “You know, and I know you know,” is what that stare represents.  None of those popular and influential allies on our side can ever answer the question about their silence.  None of them can.  Why?

The second aspect, “living your best life”, is a natural outcome of living the truth of the thing without apology.

Fearless adherence to the undeniable truth, and a ferocious rejection of the demanded obtuse labeling like, “disinformation, misinformation or malinformation.”   Horsepucky on that nonsense, there’s true and not true; that’s it. Full effen’ stop.

Living your best life is living in the truest place physically, emotionally and spiritually.  A faithful adherence to the purest truth, the gospel of faith.  Fellowship strengthens this critical bonding and reminds us we are not alone.

No manipulative construct can stop you from living your best life; the choice is always yours even if it means you do not participate.  Not pretending is an expression of strength; it is the one single action that everyone can participate in with individual purpose and intensity.  We cannot pretend and simultaneously live our best life.   We can only live our best life if we stop pretending.

We are not fleas looking into a furnace.  We are an assembly of unique and strong individuals with the ability to choose, act, express freewill – and/or ultimately, we can choose to be acted upon. There are more of us than them!

There are many conservative ushers, many paid for their job in the business theater of politics who would prefer we do not question our seating assignment – let alone challenge the scripted performance we are told to watch on the stage. Understanding this facet is going to become increasingly important, as the specific people who control the mechanisms of power become ever more exposed.

A comment by Gemstone aligns with a current communication question I am seeking to solve. I also remind myself that when I find difficulty in solution, you guys – the smartest and most aware group of our nation – always have exceptional insight that can help me. Here’s the comment:

…”Sundance, When I attempt to inform the not so informed around me with the information that I read every morning on your pages I receive looks of “no way”, “seriously”, and “why is this the first time that I am hearing about this corruption”. I don’t know how people can be so ill informed. Well, we know as it is easier for Americans to keep this corruption at arm’s length until if finally slaps them upside the head.”… [link]

My questions:

♦ What is the average knowledge of the scale of government corruption within your network (family, friends, community)?

♦ Has their perception, perhaps as well as your own, become more awakened in the past few years?  Why?

♦ What communication tools do you think are needed, or would be of value, in order for more people to understand what you are aware of?

Trust me when I say this discussion, while extremely important now, is going to become even more important in the next several months.

I am distinctly aware, perhaps uniquely aware of the information control actions that will take place in 2024.

They will be very intense and very targeted.

In 2020, they locked down voters to create the mechanism of control (ballots). In 2024, I can already see the control approach looming; they will lock down voices. Very specific voices.

If you are a regular reader of this site, you are generally a person who engages in intellectual discussion on daily events and more than likely a root cause thinker. Meaning, you are able to grasp events at their actual cause and not at their highly discussed outcome or consequence.

The challenge is getting those who understand the big picture dynamics to stop being comfortable and sticking their heads in the sand about “motive”. Most people are still clinging to beliefs around a principle of ‘rule of law’ that applies to national leadership writ large.   We need to change that thinking quickly – or we will be left explaining ‘what happened’ far too late.

There is also a major issue with conservative “ushers” guiding the audience into a state of tactical numbness.  A willful blindness within part of the American electorate, a chosen refusal to acknowledge the implications of the unAmerican and unconstititional actions we are seeing on a daily basis.

It can no longer be presumed to be a matter of, “I can’t see what’s happening”, because a whole lot of normal Americans really are clean and articulate.  “I can’t see it”, just doesn’t cut it.

It’s more along the lines of, “I see what’s happening, but it’s scary and complicated and confusing, and if I admit that I see it, I will become responsible in a way that I am not if I keep pretending; I can’t see it or hear it, or maybe I don’t understand it.”

Why don’t we dare say what is so? Are we a bit afraid that if we give up the willful blindness we will perhaps start screaming and not be able to stop? Do we think we have so little courage? Do we really believe that we have no resources to bring to the battle – or nothing more to contribute to the turning of the battle?

There are patriots who some might say resemble one of those slightly mad orchestra conductors who keep yelling, “More trumpet! More TRUMPET!”  Many of you are such slightly mad orchestra leaders.  Do not be alarmed by some of the strange looks you are getting these days.

My questions:

♦ What is the average knowledge of government corruption within your network (family, friends, community)?

♦ Has their perception, perhaps as well as your own, become more awakened in the past several years?

♦ What communication tools do you think are needed, or would be of value, in order for more people to understand what you are aware of?

Trust me when I say this discussion, while extremely important now, is going to become even more important in the next several months.

If you are going to enter this battle, believe me – no one is going to get to avoid this one; you are going to need to fight like the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s ark, and brother, it’s starting to rain! 

The Left’s Lawfare Will Destroy American Republic

By Paul Ingrassia Jan. 30, 2024

The idea that a rogue judge can exploit a rarely-used statute intended to prosecute real-life cases of fraud in order to bring down the leading presidential candidate should outrage all Americans, regardless of party affiliation.

New York’s anti-fraud statute in question, Executive Law 63(12), will be front and center in Judge Engoron’s decision this week.  The statute is one of the most severe anti-fraud statutes in the country because it notably does not require a showing of intent to deceive to prove fraud.

That said, however, the few instances of case law on the books since the late 1950s, when the statute was first adopted, show how courts have interpreted the statute.

In every single case save one, courts have only ever found fraud where actual victims suffered from provable harms as a result of the fraud.  (The lone exception was a business that wrote college admissions essays for students, in which the victim was “the integrity of the educational process.”)

In the Trump case, by sharp contrast, not only were there no victims – there was no fraud.  This is most blatantly seen by the fact that Trump’s lender, Deutsch Bank, never so much as complained – let alone, even noticed – that it had been defrauded of the asserted $168 million that Letitia James absolutely insists it had lost in an otherwise very profitable business relationship with the Trump organization.

No matter how rich and powerful the lending organization, any bank that was supposedly defrauded nearly two hundred million dollars would notice and would have brought a lawsuit years before Letitia James developed a savior complex for big banks.

That New York State would pursue multiple investigations at the same time against the same man who also happens to be the presidential frontrunner reeks of banana republicanism.

It is not like Donald Trump is some private businessman, and this case transpired in the normal course of business.  He is the current frontrunner to be the next President of the United States.

This is all part of a multipronged hatchet job against a man considered to be a threat to the ruling elites, many of whom – like Reid Hoffman and Norm Eisen – are some of the biggest financial backers of these lawsuits.

For Judge Engoron to pretend like he is administering the rule of law fairly and faithfully is an affront to everything our justice system once stood for.  This is not due process; what is unfolding in his courtroom is nothing short of a vindictive power grab by a despotic judge, so clearly envious of Trump’s success in politics and business.

If Engoron orders for President Trump’s business empire to be dissolved, a step notably beyond what even Letitia James advised, then he will destroy the prospect of doing business in New York State for good, and likely throughout the country — a devastating outcome, that nobody should desire, given that it would surely bring the American Dream to an end.

Do New Yorkers understand what is at stake?  Have they totally abandoned belief in capitalism, free enterprise, the American Dream?  Do they realize their city will fail without visionary men doing business like Donald Trump?

There is no chance, after this chilling precedent, that any business would ever want to step foot in New York State again, a state that is already being bled dry by Albany of what little enterprising talent it has left between draconian taxes, regulations, DEI-requirements, and incubating a climate of rampant lawlessness.

Trump did not harm anyone, nor did he deceive anyone in his business dealings – the only crime he ever committed was running for President and speaking the truth. Full disclosure: both those things happen to be rights protected under the Constitution.

But Judges Engoron and Kaplan, and Attorney General James — aided by her lapdog D.A. Alvin Bragg — are letting their all-consuming hate for a single man literally destroy the country.

No sane society would let any one of them occupy their positions of authority – they have completely abandoned the Constitution and rule of law and must pay the price for the irreversible havoc they have wrought.

A sane court system would never in a million years lodge an $83 million damages award upon a washed-up, octogenarian sex columnist for defamation arising from an alleged rape in which the claimant could not even recall the most basic details, such as the year it took place, and waited nearly thirty years before filing a lawsuit once it became politically expedient to do so.

It is interesting that the recent change in New York State law that allowed E. Jean Carroll to bring her lawsuit beyond the normal statute of limitations was done by a rabid anti-Trump state legislator.

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It is also interesting that the same financial backer of the Carroll lawsuit, Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn, is a major Democratic donor, who also happens to be bankrolling Nikki Haley’s sorry excuse for a campaign at the same time.

These are not coincidences: this is clearcut election interference, brought to you by the same forces that orchestrated the covid lockdowns, the George Floyd-riots, and the myriad attendant rule changes to election law in the lead-up to 2020 election that made Biden’s heist, somehow both the most unpopular president in American history despite being the “president” to receive the most number of votes ever, inevitable.

A system of “justice” that values E. Jean Carroll’s reputation at $83 million, would, under normal circumstances, trigger immediate calls for tort reform.  In what universe is E. Jean Carroll’s life and work, who is now in her eighties — and thus has little of both remaining — even close to being valued at $83 million?

Her allegations are completely without merit, which is the reason why she delayed filing a lawsuit for thirty years until she found the political and financial support she needed from the Left.

But such an egregious figure is typical for a system that would also value Mar-a-Lago at $18 million.  The rot in the New York judicial system is deep, emblematic of the rot afflicting our society’s justice system writ large, but there the rule of law is being flouted in a particularly flagrant display.

These judges, district attorneys, and special prosecutors run roughshod over every last judicial norm because they think they can get away with it. They sneer at the rest of us with scornful derision because they think we will not stand up for our rights.

Let the clown show that Leftists has made of the New York justice system be an omen for what can and will happen to the rest of the nation without a powerful response by those on the Right who wish to preserve our Constitution and the rule of law in their true, original meanings.

Government of the people, by the people, for the people has become government of the lawyer, by the lawyer, for the lawyer – and in New York, that recipe now threatens to destroy what remnants of a once free and just country remain.

Paul Ingrassia is a Constitutional Scholar; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights LeagueHe writes a widely read Substack that is regularly posted on Truth Social by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassiaSubstackTruth SocialInstagram, and Rumble.

Victor Davis Hanson Slams the ‘Baffling’ Ruling in the E. Jean Carroll Case Against Trump

By Mike LaChance Jan. 29, 2024

Conservative historian and scholar Victor Davis Hanson recently wrote about the E. Jean Carroll ruling against Trump, taking special aim at changes in New York law that took place prior to the case and pointing out that this is just one piece of the endless lawfare the left is aiming at Trump.

Hanson calls the case ‘baffling’ and notes the inconsistencies in Carroll’s story.

Hanson put his thoughts in a lengthy post on Twitter/X:

The civil suit serves as a mere preview of four additional leftwing criminal prosecutions, leftwing judges, and leftwing juries to come—all on charges that would never had been filed if Trump either had not run for president or been a liberal progressive.

Yet here we are.

The E. Jean Carroll case is the most baffling of all five. She, the alleged victim, did not remember even the year in which the purported sexual assault took place, nearly three decades ago. Observers have pointed out dozens of inconsistencies in her story.

It was never clear what were the preliminaries that supposedly (Trump denies meeting her) led both, allegedly, willingly to retreat together to a department store dressing room, where during normal business hours the alleged violence took place.

Moreover, the sexual assault complaint came forward decades post facto—and only after Trump was running for and then president.

Hanson gets into the background of how we got here:

Before The Next Crisis Hits – Prepare With A Medical Emergency Kit (Includes Ivermectin and Z-Pak)

In 2022, a new law (“The Adult Survivors Act”) was passed in the New York legislature. It also post facto established a twelve-month window (beginning six months from the signing of bill) that permitted survivors of long ago alleged sexual assaults suddenly to sue the accused long-ago perpetrator—regardless of the previous statute of limitations.

That unexpected opening suddenly gave Carroll’s prior unsuccessful efforts a rebirth. And she quickly refiled with the help of arch-Trump hating billionaire Hoffman.

Wayne Allyn Root opening speech for President Trump in Vegas brings down the house!

caution for language

Just because @AZGOP Chairman @JeffDeWitAZ has resigned doesn’t mean things are ok in Arizona.



While President Trump is his own get out the vote (GOTV) machine, we still need to have exceptional GOTV efforts to overcome the expected margin of cheating in key states like Arizona. Like

@Peoples_Pundit often says, “Democrats are going to Democrat”. I have been paying very close attention and keeping receipts for years, and as you all know, 2 of the key states are Arizona and Pennsylvania, where

@TPUSA is currently contacting voters by using an app that was built and maintained by

@JeffDeWitAZ… Yes, the same guy who resigned as chair of the AZ GOP this week after he was exposed on audio for trying to bribe

@KariLake to stay out of politics and not run for the US Senate. The app that was designed is called “Early Vote Action”. It was designed by a company called Superfeed Technologies Inc, and the CEO of SuperFeed Technologies is Jeff Dewitt. Early Vote Action is collecting voter data that will be key in helping Republicans get out the vote….if it’s not leaked, sold, or composed by the highest bidder. A leak of that data could jeopardize Republican wins down ballot all over the country. If this data gets into the hands of the wrong person, like a David Becker or a Marc Elias, they could literally destroy President Trump GOTV efforts and his ground game.

@TylerBowyer, knowing what we now know about Jeff DeWitt, do you think it’s wise for TPUSA to be sharing voter outreach data with a guy who’s clearly going to use it to help defeat President Trump if he can make money doing so? DeWitt’s actions have shown that he’s not aligned with America First. It’s imperative that

@ScottPresler and Early Vote Action users STOP using that app and find an alternative to it for the sake of data integrity. I am exposing this so that we can get MAGA victories. I appreciate the work TPUSA is trying to do to collect this information, but it will do more harm than good if it remains tied to Jeff DeWitt, who is the CEO of Superfeed Technologies Inc, the group that designed the app used by TPUSA and

@AZGOP. If Jeff DeWitt is willing to bribe Kari Lake so she doesn’t run for the US Senate, what’s to say he won’t try to also engage in a bribe to give sensitive and strategic voter data in key states to the Democrats or anti-MAGA PACs? This is why your door knocking data shouldn’t be shared with anyone. It can ruin a campaign overnight. Especially if someone gets access to the data for undecided voters in a key state. Cc:





President Trump Calls on ‘All Willing States’ to Deploy Their National Guards to Texas to Defend U.S-Mexico Border as Red State Alliance Grows to 25

By Cullen Linebarger Jan. 25, 2024

As the Gateway Pundit reported earlier, several Republican governors are uniting in support of Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s challenge against the Biden regime to defend the southern border. Now, President Trump is voicing his support and calling on them to raise the bar further.

Trump, a short time ago, called on ‘all willing states’ to send their national guards to Texas to defend the U.S.-Mexico border. He also vowed to work with Governor Abbott to stop the invasion on Day One of his Presidency.

We encourage all willing States to deploy their guards to Texas to prevent the entry of Illegals, and to remove them back across the Border,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

All Americans should support the commonsense measures by Texas authorities to protect the Safety, Security, and Sovereignty of Texas, and of the American people.”

When I am President, on Day One, instead of fighting Texas, I will work hand in hand with Governor Abbott and other Border States to Stop the Invasion, Seal the Border, and Rapidly Begin the Largest Domestic Deportation Operation in History.

Credit: Trump Truth Social Screenshot
Credit: Trump Truth Social

Even before Trump’s announcement, the number of states supporting Texas putting up razor wire and deploying other measures to seal the border grew from 14 to 25.

25 Republican governors just signed a joint letter in support of the TX Resistance.

The states now backing Texas are Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem: “If Greg Abbott Needs More Razor Wire, I’ll Load It into a Pickup, Myself” (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Jan. 25, 2024

Governor Kristi Noem joined FOX News to discuss the Texas Governor’s battle with the Biden regime to protect the people of Texas.

The Biden regime on Thursday warned Greg Abbott and Texas lawmakers that they have until Thursday to take down their razor wire and allow their state to be invaded by millions of illegal aliens.

This is the Democrat position.

On Thursday, Kristi Noem told FOX News host Martha MacCallum, “If Greg Abbott needs more razor wire, I’ll load it into a pickup, myself!”

Kristi Noem joined 24 fellow Republican governors to stand with Texas Governor Abbott against the invasion.

Letter From Former Homeland Security Officials Warns of Terror Attacks in America Because of Biden’s Open Border

By Mike LaChance Jan. 25, 2024

Former national security experts and federal law enforcement officials sent a letter to Congress this month warning of possible terrorist attacks in the United States due to Joe Biden’s open border.

This is a point that has been made by many people, especially since the terror attacks in Israel on October 7th.

There could be terrorist sleeper cells in the U.S. right now made up of people who walked right across our border. How would we even know?

Townhall reports:

As Americans Scramble to Protect Retirement Accounts With Physical Gold and Silver, A Faith-Based Company Shows Them How

Chilling Letter Warns of 10/7-Style Attack by Illegal Immigrants Inside the United States

In a chilling letter to congressional leaders dated January 17, former federal law enforcement and national security officials spell out the danger of Biden’s open border that “arises from the nature of the threat itself.”

“Wars and espionage and bombings and riots are sadly familiar delivery systems of instability, intimidation and insecurity,” write the former senior FBI executives. “The country has faced these and more throughout its history and has held together, though not without struggle. The threat we call out today is new and unfamiliar,” the veterans of federal law enforcement explain. “In its modern history the U.S. has never suffered an invasion of the homeland and, yet, one is unfolding now.”

“Military aged men from across the globe, many from countries or regions not friendly to the United States, are landing in waves on our soil by the thousands — not by splashing ashore from a ship or parachuting from a plane by rather by foot across a border that has been accurately advertised around the world as largely unprotected with ready access granted,” the letter states of this new threat…

“It would be difficult to overstate the danger represented by the presence inside our borders of what is comparatively a multi-division army of young single adult males from hostile nations and regions whose background, intent, or allegiance is completely unknown,” the former FBI officials emphasize in their letter.

Senator Ron Johnson mentioned this on Twitter/X:

The Biden administration knows all of this is true. They are putting the power of the Democrat party above national security.


VIDEO NBC Admits Deep State Exists, Mary McCord – GHA moves to REMOVE Dirty Brad Raffensperger – Hearing on Willis ‘Improper Use of Funds’, ‘Scandalous’ Affair – Dems Plan Coup for Trump 47 – PROOF of Election Fraud in 2020

NBC Admits Deep State Exists – Key Operative, Mary McCord

January 14, 2024 | Sundance 

NBC published an extensive article outlining how the DC administrative state is responding to the potential for another President Trump victory [SEE HERE].

Once again, a very specific name surfaces who is part of the organizational effort to stop Donald Trump.  {EMPHASIS mine}

(NBC) – […]  Now, bracing for Trump’s potential return, a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers is quietly devising plans to try to foil any efforts to expand presidential power, which could include pressuring the military to cater to his political needs.

Those taking part in the effort told NBC News they are studying Trump’s past actions and 2024 policy positions so that they will be ready if he wins in November. That involves preparing to take legal action and send letters to Trump appointees spelling out consequences they’d face if they undermine constitutional norms.

“We’re already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits if we have to,” said Mary McCord, executive director of the Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law.

Part of the aim is to identify like-minded organizations and create a coalition to challenge Trump from day one, those taking part in the discussions said. Some participants are combing through policy papers being crafted for a future conservative administration. They’re also watching the interviews that Trump allies are giving to the press for clues to how a Trump sequel would look. (more)

There she is again, Mary McCord, the former head of the DOJ National Security Division, and the one specific functionary that is found at the epicenter of every single deep state Lawfare operation against President Trump.   However, that citation is not the biggest reveal in the past several days….

Pay very close attention to these next two citations:

November 3, 2021 – In Washington DC – “Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and the House Jan. 6 Select Committee has tapped Mary McCord, who once ran the Justice Department’s National Security Division, for representation in its fight to obtain former President Donald Trump’s White House records. (read more)

Then consider:

January 10, 2024 –  Georgia prosecutors probing Donald Trump’s effort to subvert the 2020 election got an early boost in the spring of 2022. It came from another set of investigators who were way ahead of them: the House Jan. 6 select committee.

Committee staff quietly met with lawyers and agents working for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in mid-April 2022, just as she prepared to convene a special grand jury investigation. In the previously unreported meeting, the Jan. 6 committee aides let the district attorney’s team review — but not keep — a limited set of evidence they had gathered. (read more)

The “J6 committee staff” that led the conversations with Fani Willis is a person, and that person’s name is Mary McCord.  As the lead in the J6 staff effort, there is simply no way to believe the committee staff that met with Fani Willis did not include McCord.

You know what seems bizarre to me?

What seems bizarre is how I began writing about the detailed activity of Mary McCord FOUR YEARS AGO.  Literally four years ago last Friday, and everything that has followed from her activity in October 2016 through to the present day is singularly focused on the removal of President Trump.  Yet, almost no one seems to connect the obvious dots.  Why?

What is it about Mary McCord and Washington DC circles that pundits and political researchers fear?

You read me writing about the key functionaries inside the system.  To give you an idea of the scope of influence of Mary McCord as a key functionary, consider what we can document.

♦ McCord submitted the fraudulent FISA application to spy on Trump campaign.

♦ McCord created the “Logan Act” claim used against Michael Flynn and then went with Sally Yates to confront the White House.

♦ McCord then left the DOJ and went to work for Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler.

♦ McCord organized the CIA rule changes with Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson.

♦ McCord led and organized the impeachment effort, in the background, using the evidence she helped create.

♦ McCord joined the FISA Court to protect against DOJ IG Michael Horowitz Atkinson oversight and FISA review.

♦ McCord joined the J6 Committee helping to create all the lawfare angles they deployed.

♦ McCord then coordinated with DA Fani Willis in Georgia.

♦ McCord is working with Special Prosecutor Jack Smith to prosecute Trump.

In short, Mary McCord is the lawfare string that winds through every legal ‘stop Trump’ effort; yet no one ever calls her out?

 Georgia State Senators Introduce Legislation to REMOVE Dirty Brad Raffensperger from State Election Board and Open Up Investigations Into His Alleged Violations

By Jim Hoft Jan. 14, 2024 

Georgia State Senators introduced a bill to remove Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger from the State Election Board, and grant the board authority to investigate him and his office for election law violations.

Via George Behizy.

According to George Behizy:

Sponsors of the bill include Majority Leader Steve Gooch, Senator Greg Dolezal and others

As Americans Scramble to Protect Retirement Accounts With Physical Gold and Silver, A Faith-Based Company Shows Them How

This situation started when Raffensperger failed to investigate the 2020 election fraud discovered by citizen election integrity advocate Joseph Rossi. “These initial findings and an inability to obtain explanations from Raffensperger’s office led Rossi to provide the evidence to Governor Brian Kemp’s office which performed its own independent analysis and then issued a written finding saying that Rossi’s results were factual.” Per

In other words, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger worked to cover up 2020 election fraud instead of doing something about it.

During the December 19th SEB testimony, Rossi also reported that since the time of Kemp’s report in last 2021, investigators, assistant AG Charlene McGowan (who now works in Rannfesperger’s office) , and even certain members of the State Election Board appeared to have attempted to block investigations or divert attention from the mounting stack of evidence.

Here is a copy of the legislation.

The Gateway Pundit has recently highlighted Raffensperger’s curious actions as the Georgia Republican Secretary of State.

Judge Schedules Hearing on Allegations of DA Fani Willis’ ‘Improper Use of Funds’ and ‘Scandalous’ Affair with Trump Investigation Prosecutor

By Jim Hᴏft Jan. 14, 2024

On Friday, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee has slated a mid-February hearing to address explosive allegations against Soros-funded District Attorney Fani Willis, The Epoch Times reported.

The court acknowledged the need to deliberate on claims that Willis engaged in an “improper” use of funds and maintained an alleged “scandalous” affair with Nathan Wade, the prosecutor Willis hired to lead Trump’s investigation.

Michael Roman, a former Trump campaign official and co-defendant in the racketeering case led by Willis, moved to accuse both Willis and Wade of misconduct.

The motion, spearheaded by Roman’s attorney, Ashleigh Merchant, alleges an “improper, clandestine personal relationship” between Willis and Wade, potentially undermining the integrity of the prosecution against Trump and others.

According to the court document:

“The district attorney chose to appoint her romantic partner, who at all times relevant to this prosecution has been a married man. Admittedly, this is a bold allegation considering it is directed to one of the most powerful people in the State of Georgia, the Fulton County District Attorney.

Nevertheless, the district attorney’s fame and power do not change the fact that she decided to appoint as the special prosecutor a person with whom she had a personal relationship and who is now leading the day-to-day prosecution of this case.

Even assuming this type of nepotism might be forgiven in the abstract, a review of the amount of money that the special prosecutor has been paid by the district attorney and the personal activities of the district attorney and the special prosecutor during the pendency of this prosecution shed light on just how self-serving this arrangement has been.”

The motion filed also suggests that Wade financed luxury vacations with Willis using funds from Fulton County.

“Information obtained outside of court filings indicates that the district attorney and special prosecutor have traveled personally together to such places as Napa Valley, Florida and the Caribbean and the special prosecutor has purchased tickets for both of them to travel on both the Norweigan and Royal Carribean cruise lines. Traveling together to such places as Washington, D.C. or New York City might make sense for work purposes in light of other pending litigation, but what work purpose could only be served by travel to this traditional vacation destinations?

“The district attorney and the special prosecutor have been seen in private together in and about the Atlanta area and believed to have co-habited in some form or fashion at a location owned by neither of them.”

The controversy is further stoked by the fact that Wade, who has argued at every hearing, is a partner at a private law firm and was set to receive close to $1 million in legal fees for his role as a special prosecutor.

“Since being appointed as special prosecutor, the special prosecutor has been paid an estimated almost $1,000,000.00 in legal fees. Of course, additional fees would be expected when private counsel is hired, but that would assume they are not in a relationship with the district attorney and they were qualified to do the work they were hired to do.”

Roman’s allegations extend to claims that funds earmarked to alleviate the COVID backlog were instead misappropriated.

“The special prosecutor’s fees have been lucrative in comparison by any reasonable measure. The district attorney’s yearly salary, including state and county supplements, is $ 198,266.66 and the total annual budget for the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office for fiscal year 2022 was $31,541,968.00. The district attorney lobbied for additional money from Fulton County to hire lawyers and staff to clear the backlog after Covid. Why didn’t she use that money to hire qualified in-house staff to try this case? Why did she, instead, use that money to retain the special prosecutor?”

In a comprehensive 100-plus page filing, Roman has sought the dismissal of his charges and the removal of the district attorney and her team from the case.

Prosecutors have yet to respond to these claims, but Judge McAfee has stated that a hearing on this motion will be scheduled after their response, likely in mid-February.

Steve Sadow, representing President Trump, expressed interest in potentially adopting Roman’s motion, pending the district attorney’s response to these allegations.

Trending: Biden: “If My Republican Colleagues Don’t Fund Ukraine, They’re Gonna Have an Awful Lot to Pay For” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Fani Willis has been subpoenaed to testify in the divorce proceedings of Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor she appointed to go after former President Donald Trump and his associates.

According to a court filing obtained by The Wall Street Journal, Willis was served a subpoena at her Atlanta office for her testimony in the divorce case of Nathan Wade and his wife, Joycelyn Wade.

According to Roman’s motion, “Sources close to both the special prosecutor and the district attorney have confirmed they had an ongoing, personal relationship during the pendency of the special prosecutor’s divorce proceedings. According to these sources, the personal relationship between the district attorney and the special prosecutor began before this prosecution was initiated and before the district attorney appointed the special prosecutor.”

On Friday, the House Judiciary Committee launched an investigation into Fani Willis’s love interest and associate Nathan Wade.

House Judiciary Committee, led by Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), sent a comprehensive letter to Nathan Wade, scrutinizing the coordination between the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office (FCDAO) and other politically motivated investigations. This letter also raises questions about the potential misuse of federal funds.

“The Committee has serious concerns about the degree of improper coordination among politicized actors—including the Biden White House—to investigate and prosecute President Biden’s chief political opponent. This new information released recently only reinforces the Committee’s concerns about politically motivated prosecutions by state and local officials. To advance our oversight, we ask that you please produce the following documents and information for the period of November 1, 2021.”

BREAKING REPORT: Democrats already planning military coup of sorts if Trump wins again in November

JAN. 14, 2024 2:20 PM BY THE RIGHT SCOOP

NBC News has written a report today detailing how Democrat leftist groups are planning a quasi military coup if Trump wins again in November. The report claims they are scared that Trump will use his power to assassinate political rivals or something.

So these groups are going to try and coerce military officials not to obey Trump’s orders and they are planning to file lawsuits to challenge Trump to try and hamstring him from day one.

Here’s more on this leftist lunacy:

Donald Trump is sparking fears among those who understand the inner workings of the Pentagon that he would convert the nonpartisan U.S. military into the muscular arm of his political agenda as he makes comments about dictatorship and devalues the checks and balances that underpin the nation’s two-century-old democracy.

A circle of appointees independent of Trump’s political operation steered him away from ideas that would have pushed the limits of presidential power in his last term, according to books they’ve written and testimony given to Congress. Most were gone by the end. In a new term, many former officials worry that Trump would instead surround himself with loyalists unwilling to say no.

Trump has raised fresh questions about his intentions if he regains power by putting forward a legal theory that a president would be free to do nearly anything with impunity — including assassinate political rivals — so long as Congress can’t muster the votes to impeach him and throw him out of office.

Now, bracing for Trump’s potential return, a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers is quietly devising plans to try to foil any efforts to expand presidential power, which could include pressuring the military to cater to his political needs.

Those taking part in the effort told NBC News they are studying Trump’s past actions and 2024 policy positions so that they will be ready if he wins in November. That involves preparing to take legal action and send letters to Trump appointees spelling out consequences they’d face if they undermine constitutional norms.

“We’re already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits if we have to,” said Mary McCord, executive director of the Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law.

Part of the aim is to identify like-minded organizations and create a coalition to challenge Trump from day one, those taking part in the discussions said. Some participants are combing through policy papers being crafted for a future conservative administration. They’re also watching the interviews that Trump allies are giving to the press for clues to how a Trump sequel would look.

Other participants include Democracy Forward, an organization that took the Trump administration to court more than 100 times during his administration, and Protect Democracy, an anti-authoritarian group.

“We are preparing for litigation and preparing to use every tool in the toolbox that our democracy provides to provide the American people an ability to fight back,” said Skye Perryman, president of Democracy Forward. “We believe this is an existential moment for American democracy and it’s incumbent on everybody to do their part.”

These people claimed the same thing in 2016 when Trump was first running for office. They claimed he’d be a dangerous dictator or something and it NEVER HAPPENED. And now they are up to the same crap again.

The left is basically admitting they are going to attempt a military coup of their own – you know, to save to democracy or something. It’s so ridiculous and anti-democratic. But these radicals will go to whatever efforts they can to defeat their enemies.

And honestly, I also hate that Trump is so divisive at times that he makes people hate him so much that they would go to these efforts. But if he wins we’ll just have to deal with it and hope he can defeat them and not be hamstrung by their efforts.

PROOF of Election Fraud in 2020

Something happened this month that I want to make sure that people do not miss. Donald Trump posted on Truth Social a 32-page document containing all the latest information about what has been exposed about fraud in the 2020 election. We are going to walk through this document this week on Wolves and Finance.


VIDEO Fani Willis’, Met with WH to Plot Trump GA Indictments, then Billed the State for the Hours Exposing Biden Regime to Plot to Indict Trump – Largest Terror Attack in U.S. History Is Here

UPDATE: Fani Willis’ Buffoon Lover Boy Met with White House to Plot Trump Georgia Indictments – Then Billed the State for the Hours Exposing Biden Regime to Plot to Indict Trump (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Jan. 9, 2024

Atlanta DA Fani Willis with main squeeze and Attorney Nathan Wade – screengrab

Attorney Mike Davis, the founder of the Article III Project, joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Tuesday to discuss the explosive revelations that Atlanta DA Fani Willis’s lover boy and personal attorney was was meeting with meeting with the Biden White House to plot their strategy to bring down Trump with their bogus Georgia RICO case.

As previously reported, crooked Soros-funded Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis had an ‘improper’ romantic relationship with a top Trump prosecutor in her office, according to a filing.

According to the AJC, Fani Willis “financially benefited” from a romantic relationship with Nathan Wade, a top prosecutor she hired to go after President Trump.

As Cristina Laila reported on Monday – In August Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis hit President Trump and 18 others with RICO and conspiracy charges for daring to challenge the 2020 election.

Last night news broke that defendant Michael Roman dismissed and for Fani Willis, Nathan Wade and everyone in the DA’s office to be disqualified from the RICO case against Trump.

As Americans Scramble to Protect Retirement Accounts With Physical Gold and Silver, A Faith-Based Company Shows Them How

His filing claims Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor hired to go after Trump, paid for luxury vacations he took with Fani Willis to Napa Valley and a cruise in the Caribbean – and used money from Fulton County to pay for their out-of-town escapades.

As Cristina reported – Nathan Wade was brought in as a special prosecutor by Fani Willis in November 2021. He met with Biden’s White House Counsel at least twice in 2022 leading up to Trump’s indictment – once in May 2022 and another time in November 2022.

courtesy of Marco Polo

courtesy of Marco Polo

On Tuesday Mike Davis broke down how Fani’s buffoon boyfriend who was paid over $600,000 in taxpayer funds over the past year thanks to his girlfriend, met with White House officials to plot the Trump indictments and put this on his expense report!

Steve Bannon: Her alleged boyfriend – He bills meetings at the White House. Let’s see, he’s working for Fanny Willis. He’s the head guy on the RICO charge. He flies to Washington, DC, on two separate occasions, bills him for it. I guess, unless he’s a criminal, that’s billing for stuff he’s not doing. Help me out here, Davis. I’m not too familiar with how you lawyers work. Doesn’t that mean that he’s there to talk to the White House counsel’s office about the prosecution of Trump in Atlanta? Sir. Yeah.

Mike Davis: He has two bills, one on May 23, 2022, for $2,000 for travel to Athens. I presume that’s Athens, Georgia, conference with White House counsel. So we have to look, was Biden down in Athens, Georgia on May 23, 2022, or did this White House counsel make a trip down there? What was the purpose of this trip? Obviously, this meeting is about Trump’s case, this unprecedented prosecution of Trump by Fannie Willis and her alleged boyfriend, Nathan Wade. Because Nathan Wade billed for $2,000 of his time for this meeting with the White House counsel. So the White House can’t say that this meeting was not related to Trump.

Wade is stupid enough to put in his billing, that’s publicly disclosed, that he met with the White House counsel related to President Trump’s prosecution. Like you said, not Brandeis, not even close. And I can’t believe that Fannie Willis would bring in this unqualified clown, even if it’s her boyfriend, even if this clown takes her on trips around the world to run the most important case of her career. She’s just a total buffoon. And then there’s the second meeting. Interview with DC White House counsel on November 18, 2022, again, a block billing for 2000 hours. I’m looking at this, Nathan Wade’s bills. He doesn’t have a lot of specifics in these bills. They’re block bills for $2,000 a pop each day.

So there’s clear coordination. There’s clear coordination between Biden and these prosecutors. Remember, it was deputy White House counsel Jonathan’s suit who waived President Trump’s claim of executive privilege on behalf of President Trump that led to the unprecedented, unnecessary, unlawful home raid on President Trump for the presidential records he’s allowed to have in the office of former president under the Presidential Records act.

It was Matthew Colangelo who got sent as a senior political appointee in the Biden Justice Department. The number two to the number three, who got sent to Manhattan Da Alvin Bragg’s office. The Soros funded Manhattan DA to resurrect this zombie case against Trump that the prior Manhattan DA, the Manhattan U. S. Attorney, the Federal Election Commission, and Alvin Bragg himself passed on until this Biden official went to Bragg’s office and brought the first indictment ever against a former president.

And now we have this Nathan Wade, Fanny Willis’s alleged boyfriend, who had these meetings with the White House, including a meeting with the White House counsel before the indictment of President Trump.

Via The War Room.

Mike Davis Obliterates Fani Willis and Buffoon Lover Boy for Exposing Biden Regime for Plotting Trump

WAYNE ROOT: Because of Open Borders, Are You Waiting for a Terrible Terrorist Attack Any Day Now? Your Wait is Over. The Largest Terror Attack in U.S. History Has Already Happened. Here It Is.

By Assistant Editor Jan. 9, 2024

By Wayne Allyn Root

Have you seen the polls? Most Americans are angry and shocked about our open borders. They are literally in shock that any U.S. President would allow this to happen. A huge majority defines this as an “invasion.” A huge majority says this is a national security crisis.

Here is what most Americans can see and understand…

Open borders are leading to massive increases in spending…welfare…food stamps…national debt…the bankruptcy of America.

Skyrocketing Food Prices Are Prompting Many Americans to Stock Up on Long-Term Storage Beef

And of course, a massive decline in our quality of living.

Open borders are overwhelming the system and will inevitably lead to the collapse of our economy, civil society, and eventually our entire country. A country without borders is no longer a country.

Open borders have produced an unprecedented crime epidemic. We are letting in all the world’s violent criminals, murderers, rapists, robbers, drug dealers and deadly MS-13 gangbangers. All combined with a dramatic shortage of police.

Open borders will lead to the implosion of our public school system and disaster for our children’s future. Classrooms will be overcrowded; there aren’t enough teachers; schools will be overwhelmed with crime, gangs, drugs and teen pregnancy.

Open borders will lead to a national security catastrophe- because we have no idea why countless military age males from China are pouring across our border. But we can guess- to create crisis and confusion, and attack America and our infrastructure from within, if China invades Taiwan.

Open borders are leading to the death of America’s cities- now filled with crime, drugs, homeless, needles, poop and pee.

Open borders will lead to third world disease and new deadly pandemics.

Open borders will lead to bankruptcy of the healthcare system- because where will we get the money to pay for all the world’s sick…and for ordinary medical care for tens of millions of new illegal aliens and their children?

I think every normal, non-brainwashed, non-communist American gets all of this.

And I believe most Americans are scared to death of a terrorist attack upon our homeland any day now.

But what most people don’t understand yet, is the

REAL terrorist attack has already happened…

We are experiencing a massive terrorist attack on the health and healthcare options of every American citizen.

The REAL terrorist attack is that Biden, his boss Obama (the real President), and the Democrat Party have opened the borders and welcomed in 10 million (or more) illegal aliens…

That’s 10 million new mouths to feed inside America. Add in “got aways” and the true number may be 20 million. In only 3 years.

Trending: REPORT: Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Slave Turned Accomplice ‘Missing’ Following Release of Documents

But there aren’t any new doctors.

Doctors don’t grow on trees. It takes a decade to educate a doctor. So, who will take care of 20 million (or more) new patients? Who will take care of you, your spouse, your children, your elderly mom and dad? And you don’t have to wait for this tragic healthcare catastrophe….

It’s happening right now in my hometown of Las Vegas.

There are just not enough doctors. Some of my friends are sick and in pain. These aren’t bums on welfare. These are middle class and upper middle class Americans. People who have worked and paid taxes their whole lives. Yet they can’t find a doctor.

My friends spend hours making calls. Many doctors are taking no new patients. If they find one, they are told they have to wait 6 months for an appointment. Then it may take another 6 months for specialized treatment. They’re in pain. What if this long wait leads to permanent lifetime damage? What if they die before getting necessary treatment?

Why would anyone do this to the American people?

This is about to get much worse. More illegal alien invaders pour through our porous open borders every day. Millions more. And still, there are no new doctors. No one can tell me who will take care of these people? And of course, who will take care of us- the American people? Where will the new doctors suddenly come from?

This means you, and me, and our children are screwed. In an emergency, you are going to wait hours, or days in a hospital waiting room, or a crowded hospital hallway.

You are going to wait weeks, or months, for a doctor appointment. You are going to wait months, or a year for treatment, or surgery. While in pain and misery. By the time you get treatment, you could be DEAD.

And the cost for healthcare will skyrocket. So will your health insurance. So will your taxes. All of this, so our own government can provide free healthcare for millions of poverty-stricken, illegal foreign invaders- who have no right to be here in the first place.

And what if these foreigners bring a new disease pandemic? Can you imagine the lines to see doctors? You’ll be deathly ill, or your child will be, waiting in line for days, or weeks to see a doctor.

It’s clear that Democrats hate you. They hate America. They hate American citizens. They want you to live in poverty and misery. They want you to suffer. Or they want you to die.

You know what you call people who would do this to their own citizens?

Communists, terrorists and traitors.

So, stop waiting for a terror attack in our homeland. Or waves of terror attacks. The wait is over. This nightmare is now reality.

Democrats are the terrorists. And the massive terror attack has happened- to your health and healthcare. We are all screwed.

I have only the following solutions: Pray to God. Pray for a miracle. Pray for the election in November of President Donald J. Trump.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Watch Wayne’s TV shows- “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Real America’s Voice TV Network on Saturdays at Noon ET…and Wayne’s daily TV show on Lindell TV 2 at 7 pm ET at He is also host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Audio Network, daily at 6 pm ET. Wayne’s latest book is a #1 bestseller, “The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book.” You can order here:

“Trump attorney: If this is true, the case is tainted”


VIDEO Dems’ Star Jan. 6 Witness Opens Path For New GOP Inquiry After Waiving Attorney Privilege – Tucker Carlson Interviews Clay Higgins About FBI Involvement in Fedsurrection Day ’

Jon Dougherty January 7, 2024

One of the Democrat-led January 6 Committee’s star witnesses, a former member of then-President Donald Trump’s administration whose testimony largely shaped the panel’s final report, could soon be deposed by House Republicans after she waived attorney-client privilege and after the discovery of a document indicating major changes in her story.

“As the Jan. 6 congressional investigation rushed to a close in 2022, one of the House Democrats’ star witnesses waived her attorney-client privilege with her first lawyer in a move that could now open the door for House Republicans to question both her and her attorney,” Just the News reported on Friday.

“Former Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony played a large role in shaping House Democrats’ final report sharply criticizing Donald Trump for the Capitol riot that ensued on Jan. 6, 2021, but Republicans on the House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight led by Chairman Barry Loudermilk recently discovered an errata sheet she submitted to Congress that made substantial changes to her account midway through the Democrat-led inquiry,” the report continued, added: “Errata sheets are routinely provided to deponents and witnesses by stenographers to allow for correction of typographic errors and dropped words.”

Before submitting the errata sheet in September 2022, correcting and modifying testimony she had provided since February of that year, she terminated her initial attorney, Stefan Passantino, and enlisted new legal representation from the prestigious firm of Alston & Bird. This firm has been home to numerous distinguished legal figures over the decades, including the late Senate Republican Leader and presidential candidate Bob Dole, the outlet reported.

Her new attorney at Alston & Bird, Joseph H. Hunt, sent a letter to the House Democrats’ J6 committee on September 12, 2022, relinquishing her privileges with Passantino. In this communication, she went beyond correcting typographical errors and provided new and substantive testimony to the committee.

“Pursuant to Federal Rule of Evidence 502(a)(1), this letter will confirm that our client, Cassidy Hutchinson, is waiving the attorney-client privilege regarding all communications with her previous counsel, Stefan Pasantino, between February 7, 2022, and June 8, 2022,” Hunt wrote the committee led by then-Chairman Bennie Thompson D-Miss.

“The scope of this waiver includes all communications related to Ms. Hutchinson’s interviews with and provision of information to the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol,” the letter added. “The waiver does not include communications with Alston & Bird attorneys.”

Now, Loudermilk says his panel is preparing to dig into Hutchinson’s change of story, and that could include interviewing her former attorney, Passantino.

“Cassidy Hutchinson tried to explain her dramatic changes in testimony by blaming her initial lawyer Stefan Passantino. Our discovery of Cassidy’s errata sheet showing just how substantially her story changed, raises serious concerns about her credibility. Until now, her version of the story was the only one,” Loudermilk told Just the News.

“Now we know Stefan is no longer prohibited from speaking about his interactions with Cassidy by attorney-client privilege. We look forward to hearing the truth from Stefan about his interactions with his then-client Ms. Hutchinson, and the Select Committee,” he added.

Jesse Binnal, an attorney for Passantino, said his client is ready to cooperate with the House inquiry.

“Mr. Passantino has been put in an awful position. But he is and has always been willing to cooperate with any effort to get at the truth,” Binnal told the outlet.

Last month, Passantino filed a lawsuit against Congress alleging that the House Democrat-led Jan. 6 probe imposed a “preordained political and legal narrative“ and thus violated his rights to due process.

According to a December report, Just the News noted that the suit also cites text messages indicating “that [Hutchinson] initially did not want to comply with the January 6 committee’s investigation and appeared to prepare to leak information about the committee’s proceedings to the media independently of her lawyer.”

These texts originate from just before her initial closed-door interview with the special committee investigating the January 6 riot. They precede her revision of the account of events that occurred after parting ways with Passantino. She claimed that Passantino had exerted pressure on her to remain “loyal” to former President Donald Trump.

Tucker Carlson Interviews Clay Higgins About FBI Involvement in Fedsurrection Day ’21

January 6, 2024 | Sundance |

According to Tucker Carlson, “This is the smartest, best-informed account of what actually happened on January 6th.”

At 03:15 of the video, the discussion between Tucker Carlson and Congressman Clay Higgins touches on terminology CTH readers may well be familiar with.  WATCH:

