VIDEO FL Senator Rick Scott Attends Trump Trial in New York, Gives Press Conference – Judge Engoron Under Investigation

May 9, 2024 | Sundance

Florida Senator Rick Scott was seated in the front row of the courtroom gallery today as he showed support for President Trump in New York City.

Many of President Trump’s supporters in politics understand he is under a gag order and unable to speak in his own defense. It is good to see those who understand the dynamic show up in New York to say the things President Trump cannot.

In his media remarks the former Florida Governor and current Senator Rick Scott, outlined the background of the key participants who are targeting Trump via these ridiculous political Lawfare tactics.  Strong and truthful remarks by Senator Scott.  WATCH:

Judge Arthur Engoron Under Investigation for Allegedly Receiving Unsolicited Advice Before Fining Trump $454 Million

By Jim Hᴏft May. 9, 2024

Judge Arthur Engoron is now under investigation after claims surfaced that he received unsolicited advice from a prominent New York City real estate attorney, Adam Leitman Bailey, weeks before ordering former President Donald Trump to pay a hefty $454 million judgment.

This investigation by the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct seeks to determine whether Engoron violated judicial conduct rules, NBC New York reported.

In March, Engoron ordered Trump to pay more than a $355 million fine and barred Trump “from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation or other legal entity in New York for a period of three years.” Trump was also required to pay interest on the penalties, bringing the total amount to $454 million.

Engoron claimed Trump and each of the defendants “participated in aiding and abetting the conspiracy to commit insurance fraud by their individual acts in falsifying business records and valuations, causing materially fraudulent SFCs to be intentionally submitted to insurance companies.”

Eric Trump and Don Jr. were also ordered to pay $4,013,024 each.

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Letitia James sought $370 million in ‘damages’ when there was no victim in this fraud case, and she also sought to ban Trump and his sons from operating any businesses in New York. She accused Trump of inflating his assets and defrauding lenders and insurance companies, despite having no evidence or rationality.

A judge ruled that President Trump can post a $175 million bond to cover Letitia James’ $464 million judgment.

Bailey stated publicly that he spoke with Judge Engoron three weeks before the decision, advising him to “get it right.” Although Engoron has denied any influence from Bailey, the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct is reportedly investigating whether Engoron violated judicial conduct rules, according to NBC New York.

“I actually had the ability to speak to him three weeks ago,” Bailey told NBC New York on Feb. 16. “I saw him in the corner [at the courthouse] and I told my client, ‘I need to go.’ And I walked over and we started talking … I wanted him to know what I think and why…I really want him to get it right.”

Bailey maintains he has no personal connection to any lawsuits involving Trump and is not a fan of the former president. He claims to have advised Engoron that a ruling imposing such a substantial fine could damage New York’s economy. Bailey also mentioned that Engoron “had a lot of questions, you know, about certain cases” during their conversation.

In response, Judge Engoron’s spokesperson Al Baker vehemently denied any impropriety, stating that “No ex parte conversation concerning this matter occurred between Justice Engoron and Mr. Bailey or any other person. The decision Justice Engoron issued on February 16 was his alone, deeply considered, and wholly uninfluenced by this individual.”

The Latin term ex parte means “from one party”. In legal terms, it refers to a legal proceeding that is conducted without the presence or notice of the other party. It can also refer to improper contact between a judge or party and a lawyer.

New York State Rules of Judicial Conduct explicitly prohibit judges from engaging in ex parte communications, except when seeking advice from a disinterested expert.

According to New York law, “If a judge inadvertently receives an unauthorized ex parte communication bearing upon the substance of a matter, the judge shall make provision promptly to notify the parties of the substance of the communication and provide the parties with an opportunity to respond.”

More from NBC New York:

The New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct will now consider whether the rules of judicial conduct were violated in this instance, according to sources familiar with the matter.

The commission’s administrator, Robert Tembeckjian, declined to comment, citing a statute on confidentiality.

Christopher Kise, a member of the Trump defense team which has repeatedly criticized Engoron’s handling of the case, said if Bailey’s claims are true, it casts doubt on the integrity of the process.

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“The code doesn’t provide an exception for ‘well, this was a small conversation’ or ‘well, it didn’t really impact me’ or ‘well, this wasn’t something that I, the judge, found significant,” Kise said. “No. The code is very clear.”

Several experts consulted by NBC New York said the rules are meant not only to prevent outside influence, but also any appearance of outside influence.


VIDEO Covert Biden court protects Europeans, but not Americans – Biden Ignoring Intelligence Agencies and DHS Reports – Judge’s Family Getting Rich Attacking Trump, Waters, Smith, Weissmann

Executive order created surveillance procedure

By WND News Services January 18, 2024

By Jason Cohen
Daily Caller News Foundation

Joe Biden’s administration established a covert court that safeguards the privacy rights of Europeans under U.S. law, but not those of Americans, Politico reported.

The Biden administration created the Data Protection Review Court (DPRC) at an unspecified time and location after receiving authorization under an October 2022 executive order, which resolved a legal clash between European and American laws that hindered the profitable exchange of consumer data for three years, according to Politico. Europeans, however, have access to the DPRC while Americans do not, even if they think they are subject to inappropriate government surveillance.

Americans have the option to seek recourse for surveillance in federal court, but it is contingent on demonstrating tangible injury or wrongdoing, which is exceedingly difficult to prove, according to Politico.

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“We’re in an odd place when non-residents have easier access to a place to raise their concerns about U.S. government surveillance than Americans do,” former chair of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB) Adam Klein told Politico.

Attorney General Merrick B. Garland Announces Judges of the Data Protection Review Court

— U.S. Department of Justice (@TheJusticeDept) November 14, 2023

Europeans’ private data can legally be surveilled by United States intelligence agencies, but the DPRC gives them protection, according to Politico. European Commission (EC) officials expressed approval in July.

The DPRC received its panel of eight judges in November, but there is not much else known about the court, according to Politico. Its location is unknown and the Department of Justice (DOJ) has not acknowledged any details about its caseload, nor will the court disclose its decisions.

Plaintiffs are prohibited from showing up to the court in person and, instead, have legal representation through a designated special advocate appointed by the United States attorney general, according to Politico.

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A DOJ official conceded the secretive nature of the DPRC, but emphasized to Politico the need for tackling government surveillance issues in a covert manner.

“There’s actual honest-to-goodness, something going on behind that, which is the investigation the [Office of the Director of National Intelligence] does and the decision of the court,” the official told Politico.

The PCLOB will conduct oversight of the DPRC in a yearly review under the October executive order, which will lead to its transparency about caseloads, decisions and intelligence agency compliance, officials told Politico. A classified version of the yearly review will go to Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland, congressional intelligence committees and intelligence community leaders, while the public will receive an unclassified version.

“We’re going to try to make as much information public as possible, because the whole point is to inspire confidence that we’re conducting activities appropriately,” the DOJ official told Politico.

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The White House and DOJ did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

Biden Is Ignoring Intelligence Agencies and DHS Reports

By Antonio Graceffo Apr. 4, 2024 

By U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement –, Public Domain,

White Christians Not a Threat, Border Not Secure

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claims, “The border is secure,” and President Joe Biden said, “The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy.” Not only are they both lying, but they are also ignoring the reports produced by the US Intelligence Community, including the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Defense (DoD).

Biden appointees, including the president himself, have claimed that the border is secure and that white Christian nationalists are the greatest threats to national security. These statements weaken our ability to address real threats. If the border is secure, then funding for additional security would be unjustified. And if Biden starts wasting public funds and security resources to hunt down white Christians, he will be leaving the country open to attacks from the real threats: China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and Islamic extremists.

As Central Banks Stockpile Gold, a Christian Company Works To Help Americans Get Ahead of the “Retirement Bubble”

President Trump said he would deport illegal aliens. Kamala Harris went on TV and said that she would “fight for their rights.” This statement presumes that illegal aliens have a right to stay in the United States. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas actually said, “From day one, this Administration has made clear that a border wall is not the answer.” And certainly, no wall is needed if you do not wish to keep people out.

While the Biden White House and many of his appointees are misrepresenting reality, the intelligence agencies, Department of Defense (DoD), and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), apart from Mayorkas, are doing their duty by identifying the real threats. The Annual Threat Assessment of the United States Intelligence Community identifies the greatest national security threats as China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. The term “white supremacy” is mentioned only once, on page 30. By contrast, the word China appears 91 times and has its own entry in the table of contents. White Supremacy is listed as one of many racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVE). The report does not say that it is a primary threat. In fact, it reports that, across the entire globe, only 27 people, most of whom were not American, were killed by RMVE since 2022.

The Department of Defense (DoD) National Defense Strategy Report similarly recognizes China and Russia as the two largest threats, followed by North Korea and Iran. The report does not mention white supremacy at all.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recognizes terrorism, both foreign and domestic, as the primary threat. This includes radicalization by foreign entities and the rebuilding of al-Qa’ida and ISIS. After terrorism, DHS expects “illegal drugs produced in Mexico and sold in the United States will continue to kill more Americans than any other threat.” Last year, there was a record number of encounters with migrants at the southern border, including “a growing number of individuals in the Terrorist Screening Data Set (TSDS), also known as the ‘watchlist.’”

This brings us to the false claim that the border is secure.

Trump was attacked for allegedly saying that migrants are not human. What he was actually saying was that with open borders, we are allowing gang members to enter the country, and the gang members have committed such atrocities that they are not human. He was also attacked for saying that Mexico is not sending us their best and their brightest; they are sending us drug dealers and rapists. He did not claim that all migrants were criminals. He said that some were good people. But he was 100% correct in saying that some are gang members, drug dealers, and criminals.

The US permits about 770,000 immigrants to be naturalized each year, which is more than the rest of the world combined. By definition, those who do not qualify to be admitted legally are not the best and the brightest. Trump’s claims are not only supported by logic but also by the reports of U.S. authorities, including DHS, the Intelligence Community, local media along the border, and The Office of Justice Programs, among others.

FBI Director Wray confirmed that the border crisis is a national security threat. The DEA reported that “Fentanyl is the greatest threat facing Americans today.” Fentanyl is manufactured in Mexico by cartels, using chemicals from China. It is then smuggled over the border by illegal aliens and distributed through street gangs with ties to the cartel. Often, these gangs have members who are illegal aliens and have been trafficked to the United States to work in illicit businesses such as drug dealing, prostitution, and even murder.

The Annual Threat Assessment of the United States Intelligence Community states that Mexico-based Transnational Crime Organizations (TCOs) “are the dominant producers and suppliers of illicit drugs to the U.S. market, including fentanyl, heroin, methamphetamine, and South American-sourced cocaine.”

The Office of Justice Programs issued a report outlining the danger posed by cross-border gangs operating through the southern border. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement wrote, “Transnational criminal street gangs such as MS-13 represent a significant threat to public safety.” A report by the Air Command and Staff College Air University stated, “Mexican Cartels along our Southern border pose a serious threat to our national safety and public health.” Furthermore, the report explained why the cartel threat is increasing: “As their influence and sophistication grow and the connection between them and terrorist organizations increases, the cartels become a larger threat to our national security.”

In conclusion, apart from Biden, neither the intelligence community, DEA, DHS, FBI, ICE, nor the DoD identified white supremacists as the greatest threat to national security. Additionally, no one other than Mayorkas claimed that the border was secure. By ignoring the reports of our intelligence and security agencies, the administration is increasing the threat to our national security.

Jesse Watters Summarizes Judicial Bias/Corruption in the New York ‘Hush Money’ Case

April 3, 2024 | Sundance 

Jesse Watters ran a devastating segment last night on radical Judge Juan Merchan who silenced President Donald Trump from talking about his family’s financial ties to the current junk case he is presiding over against Donald Trump in New York City. Judge Merchan should be removed for his conflicts. This is peak corruption and cannot stand.

As Jesse Watters outlined succinctly in his monologue, “Trump is banned from talking about the judge’s family. Why? Because the judge’s family was paid by the Biden campaign. The judge’s family is currently being paid by Adam Schiff over $10 million.”

“The judge is threatening to put Trump in jail for pointing out that his liberal family is getting rich off this trial and richer if he’s convicted.” “The judge’s daughter isn’t seven. She’s 34. He’s not attacking her. He’s just saying what she does for a living. How’s that an attack? He just wants a new judge. One whose family isn’t funded by Democrats.” WATCH:

Jack Smith, Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen Are Big Mad at Judge Aileen Cannon Overseeing the Trump Documents Case

April 3, 2024 | Sundance | 219 Comments

Before getting into the weeds, here’s the big picture baseline.  All documents and records created within the executive branch are created for the benefit of the head of the Executive Branch, the president.

There is no entity, organization, assembly, institution, person or individual, above the President of the United States. The president holds absolute power and absolute immunity. Everyone within the executive branch works at the pleasure of the president, and all work products are created for his administration. This is the plenary power of the president.

The entire documents case in Florida rests on the principle that another entity supersedes the president within the executive branch.  Some unknown, unnamed bureaucracy can override the president and decide for themselves what would be called a “presidential record” and what would be called “classified information.”

Jack Smith, Norm Eisen (pictured left, red tie) and Andrew Weissmann each argue that some other entity rests atop the president and can make this decision.

Judge Aileen Cannon has not determined which constitutional argument is correct, and has told the parties to create jury instructions both ways. The Lawfare crew of Smith, Eisen and Weissmann are going bananas.

[…] Cannon’s first scenario would allow the jury to make a factual determination about whether a former president deemed a record to be personal or official under the PRA. That is nonsensical – presidents are not allowed to designate official records as personal ones, so there is no factual issue for a jury to resolve.

A different set of laws govern the classification process and the rules for handling highly sensitive classified documents — not the PRA. They include Executive Order 13526. One of the authors of this column (Eisen) helped write that executive order. The 11th Circuit has already established that those rules fully apply to former presidents.

Cannon seems to think that the PRA somehow supersedes the executive order and the rest of federal law pertaining to the handling of classified materials. It does not. On the contrary, the PRA defines “personal records” as “all documentary materials … of a purely private or nonpublic character which do not relate to or have an effect upon the carrying out of the constitutional, statutory, or other official or ceremonial duties of the President.” That cannot possibly include highly classified battle plans, nuclear secrets and the other official documents at issue in this criminal prosecution.

That rules out Cannon’s first hypothetical. But as Smith points out in his filing, the second alternative is just as bad. She made up a legal standard, asking both sides to assume that Trump could have deemed a record personal by simply not including it with the records transmitted to the National Archives and Records Administration at the end of his term. If this were true, the mere fact that Trump took the documents with him from the White House would inherently turn them into personal records.

Of course, Trump leaped at this interpretation, fashioning proposed jury instructions that would inevitably result in his acquittal. But, as Smith noted, this approach has no basis in the law — or the facts. Even Trump himself does not seem to have considered classified documents personal after he left the White House, as evidenced in an audio recording CNN obtained last year in which Trump, during a conversation at his Bedminster, New Jersey, estate in 2021, discussed documents remaining classified even though he took them with him upon leaving office. Smith hits this point hard, arguing that Trump’s position that records are personal was “invented” when the controversy over the documents began to emerge in February 2022, over a year after Trump left the White House. (read more)


VIDEO West Knows Ukraine Weapons End Up on Black Market – Information War, CBDCs and a Metaphor – ‘Beginning of the End’ of USA

10:08 GMT 23.04.2023 (Updated: 10:51 GMT 23.04.2023) Sy Hersh

Ukrainian servicemen load a truck with the FGM-148 Javelins, American man-portable anti-tank missile provided by US to Ukraine as part of a military support, upon its delivery at Kiev's airport Borispol on February 11, 2022 - Sputnik International, 1920, 23.04.2023


Western countries’ weapon supplies to Ukraine show no sign of abating, with Russia warning that such deliveries will only prolong the conflict.

The West knows the weapons they deliver to Ukraine are being sold on the black market, something mainstream media has tried to hush up, US investigative journalist Seymour “Sy” Hersh has told Russian media.

He said that he had not written about the topic but he “obviously heard about it”.

Hersh added that “very early, Poland, Romania, [and] other countries on the border were being flooded with weapons we’d been shipping for the war to Ukraine,” where the Russian special military operation is underway.

“In other words, commanders of various […] levels – often they were generals or colonels and others – were given with shipments of some weapons [and] personally [they] re-sold or retailed them back to the black or dark market,” the Pulitzer Prize-winner stressed.

According to the journalist, the weapons included “hand missile guns” designed to down a warplane flying “at a considerable height.”

“There was a lot of concern about that and one time about six months ago, maybe more, CBS [News] wrote a story about it that they were forced to retract,” Hersh added.

He spoke after Russian Ambassador to the US Anatoly Antonov told reporters that Moscow has “serious concerns” that part of US military supplies to Ukraine will end up on the black market.

“Where will weapons pop up? Who will bear responsibility when the materiel falls into the hands of some terrorist groups and criminal organizations?” Antonov said, adding that such a policy jeopardizes the security of the entire Europe and increases the risk of a direct clash between Russia and NATO.

He was echoed by Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu who said that part of the weapons supplied by the West to Ukraine are already spreading across the Middle East region.

Denis Pushilin, acting head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), which became part of Russia last year, likewise told Sputnik that foreign weapons being supplied to Ukraine, including the Javelin anti-tank systems, are now being sold on the black market. He added that “this kind of weaponry is being moved in large quantities to African countries, too.”

The US and its allies ramped up their arms supplies to Kiev shortly after Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine. Moscow has repeatedly warned that the West’s military assistance to Kiev would prolong the Ukraine conflict and make Western countries direct parties to the standoff, thereby confirming accusations that NATO is waging a proxy war against Moscow.

From Beyond the Wire – The Information War, CBDCs and a Metaphor for Those Who Need

March 27, 2024 | Sundance 

After my latest outline, on the looming probability of a dollar based Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) {SEE HERE}, I found myself saying, “I hate to say this, but most people really don’t care. For some, the issue is esoteric, abstract, and difficult to comprehend. For others, there is a massive blanket of comfortable ambivalence until the consequences hit. For the few who understand, this is extremely troubling.”

Then I step back, breathe and reevaluate my ability to communicate.

A few recent comments have me looking for something, anything, that will help people understand the scope and breadth of what I am trying to communicate, and the challenge therein.  EXAMPLES:

[COMMENT #1] – I don’t know, this is way over my head, and I consider myself at least somewhat intelligent and informed. Other than a few twenties I keep in my wallet, all money of consequence in my life is already just digits in computer networks as far as I can perceive. I never actually see a check for my wages, much less any dead presidents.

[…] Not that I disagree, I just don’t understand. I’m at a loss as to why this is so qualitatively different as far as my financial security goes. Maybe it’s because I’m a resident of Illinois and have some sort of Stockholm Syndrome from knowing they can already, and do, raise my taxes – as much as they want, any time they want – and there is nothing to stop them. {link}

[COMMENT #2] I apologize for this stupid question, but I’m confused. How do the grey countries fit into this digital money and “world order” Pippa refers to?

Pippa states, “But what I see our superpowers introducing digital currency, the Chinese were the first the US is on the brink, I think of moving in the same direction the Europeans have committed to that as well.”

China is grey on the map, as is Russia. If we, the mapped yellow USA, are being boxed in by the Russian sanctions how is it China is grey yet they were the first to introduce a digital currency?  These insane, drunk with power “superpowers” – is their goal to color the entire world map yellow with the SWIFT network digital coin to control the entire world?  {link}

You come here for understanding the world that exists, not the one we may hope to exist.  If you are confused, I need to do a better job.

So, let me start.

I will start first with some information perhaps some do not know.

♦ Ever since the Western sanctions against Russia were created, an entire new black market of finance has been created in the “grey zone” that circumvents the sanctions and assists the people trapped by them.

Almost no one, sans a handful of people I have met, really have a full scope understanding of what is going on.

You cannot discover this information within the yellow zone.  You cannot get this level of comprehension from behind a keyboard safely in your home office or den.  You have to put your boots on the ground, take some risks and see exactly how it works. {Example Here}

The Russian sanctions were not created to block the Russians.  The Russian sanctions were created to wall-in the West.

There are now networks of people who operate in various places that create proactive financial mechanisms for what you might call, “financial preppers.”

These people and groups set up bank accounts in foreign countries for you; they organize addresses (needed), phone numbers (needed), and create accounts that you can access that are outside the control of the dollar-based financial system.  You can even get an official passport in the process.

These people also sell hardware [to support the phone numbers (really digital ids)] that is completely different from what exists behind the wall of the yellow zone.

How many Americans know that an iPhone-15 sold in the USA is completely different from an iPhone-15 sold outside the yellow zone? Meaning, the internal hardware is different.  How many Americans know that?

How many Americans know that an iPhone-15 sold inside the USA has different originating software than an iPhone-15 sold outside the USA?

How many people know that when you purchase one of these “ghost phones”, the data network automatically identifies the disparity when the phone crosses into the yellow zone, and shortly thereafter the cellular network transmits a software update to bring the “ghost phone” into USA (yellow zone) compliance?

How many Americans know phone apps and internal app functions can exist on phones outside the yellow zone that do not exist inside the yellow zone?

Example: use a ghost phone, and you can access a digital wallet in Telegram; you can transmit funds to other Telegram users. However, use a USA compliant phone and you cannot.  The function is there but the service is, “not available in your area.”


It’s about control.

If you don’t update the software, the function exists inside the yellow zone.  However, update the software and the function disappears.

This happens.

Another real-life example was recently missed by many people when the story of the Apple Watch Series 9 was found to have violated patent technology and was banned for sale in the USA. {STORY}

To get into legal compliance, Apple transmitted a remote software update disabling the function of the patent technology in the USA.  Again, for emphasis, only in the USA.   Bring your non-compliant Series-9 into the range of a wifi network, and bingo auto-compliance.  I mention this story only to highlight a modern compliance capability that many people do not know exists.

In essence, your tech devices -and the capability therein- are different than an identical tech device sold outside the Western control zone.

♦ Technology is intertwined with Central Bank Digital Currencies.  Tech companies are regulated by the U.S/Western government, and the tech companies have to comply.  The regulatory compliance is part of the process of control.  There are regulatory walls around us that most do not understand.  The same regulatory principle applies to finance and banking. Hence, the origination motive of the yellow zone wall, built under the auspices of Russian sanctions.

Let me make one big point resoundingly clear before moving on.  When the WESTERN Central Bank Digital Currency system begins, all forms of cryptocurrency will be blocked and made unlawful inside the Western zone – either by regulation or by legislation.

Let me repeat this.  Cryptocurrency in all forms will be banned.

Crypto is not technically a currency; it is a barter based on trust.  However, at a certain point (origination or end) crypto must have the ability to transfer into currency value. Dollars (or another currency) are needed to purchase BitCoin,…. or BitCoin eventually sold or exchanged for Dollars (or another currency).  [BitCoin only used as a familiar type of crypto.]  This process is where crypto gets blocked.

Ownership of Crypto may not be unlawful, but any effort to use Crypto as an alternate digital currency to exchange value will be unlawful once the dollar based CBDC is launched.

A fully implemented govt controlled central bank digital currency will not allow competition.  Alternate crypto currency will be banned.  Without any doubt!

Back to the original questions:

“China is grey on the map, as is Russia. If we, the mapped yellow USA, are being boxed in by the Russian sanctions, how is it China is grey yet they were the first to introduce a digital currency?”

The grey zone can trade amongst themselves however they want; the yellow zone (West) has no capability to stop them.  Ex. if Russia wants to trade 1,000 barrels of oil with China for 100 boxes of intel microchips, they can.  Or, if China and Russia want to exchange digital yen for digital rubles, they can; the West cannot stop them.  However, if China wants to interact with a yellow zone member, the yellow zone financial rule makers have rules.  China would have to be compliant with a dollar based CBDC to exchange value within the yellow zone.

Similarly, if you want to exchange a bushel of corn for 10 dozen eggs with your neighbor, you can; there is no mechanism to stop you.  However, if you need to pay your mortgage, you will have to be compliant with a dollar based CBDC to exchange value, ie pay your bill.

Which brings me to the next question:

“All money of consequence in my life is already just digits in computer networks as far as I can perceive. … I’m at a loss as to why this is so qualitatively different as far as my financial security.”

This is the common mistake that most people make.

There is a big difference between “electronic transactions” of dollars, and the existence of a “digital dollar.

Let me give you a metaphor using a casino as the reference.

♦ CURRENT – You go to the casino window and exchange $10,000 dollars for poker chips valued at $10,000.  You give the teller $10,000 in cash, bankers check, money order, a credit card or debit card transaction, and the teller gives you chips worth $10,000 in that casino.   You can use the chips gambling and perhaps win more chips.  Return to the window with $12,000 in casino chips, and the teller exchanges the chips for $12,000 dollars – cash or check or deposit into your electronic card.

You meet a man in the casino willing to give you his fancy Rolex watch in exchange for $5,000.  You give the man $5,000 worth of your poker chips and he gives you his Rolex watch.  That man can then go to the teller window and exchange the chips for $5,000 in cash.  You have the watch.

♦ DIGITAL DOLLAR – You go to the teller window and produce your bank card containing a digital dollar balance.  You exchange $10,000 worth of your digital dollars for $10,ooo dollars’ worth of poker chips.  Except this time, with a digital dollar, each poker chip has your fingerprint on it.  You spend or bet your poker chips, and each chip you win also arrives to you with your fingerprint on it.  You win $12,000 dollars.  You return to the window with $12,000 in chips, each with your fingerprint, and the teller uploads your card with $12,000 digital dollars.

You meet a man in the casino willing to give you his fancy Rolex watch in exchange for $5,ooo.  However, you cannot give the man your poker chips because they are unique to you and are carrying your fingerprint.  If he takes your fingerprint poker chips to the window, his fingerprint does not match the chip; his request for $5,000 in digital dollars would be denied.  He cannot sell you his watch. Your transactional capability is limited by the digital fingerprint.

[If he was planning to sell his watch for $5,000 in order to purchase a motorcycle worth $5,ooo, it is possible for you to purchase the motorcycle, exchange it for his watch and then carry on.  However, the motorcycle would be digitally registered to you, and you would be digitally registered to the motorcycle.  A reconciliation process is needed.]

A digital dollar creates a unique id attached to that digital dollar.  Ultimately, the central bank that issues the digital dollar controls what the digital id can do (that’s you), and what those digital dollars can be used for (what you can do).

Digital dollars can be blocked from gun purchases, and digital ids can be used to stop unapproved users from purchasing guns – or a gas guzzling suv, or a house that’s too big, or the non-compliant fridge, or whatever.

Sellers of goods (or information) can have their ids banned from receiving digital dollars, just as VISA and MasterCard blocked sellers of guns from accessing their electronic transaction system.  With digital dollars, “demonetization”, an alarmingly familiar modern term, can become a function of a financial regulation system.  “Debanking” another alarmingly familiar term, also becomes much easier.

Ultimately, a dollar-based US-Central Bank Digital Currency, ie a “digital dollar,” is about control.

Every transaction has a unique digital fingerprint, and every digital dollar can be traced by the IRS to the digital id associated with it.

There is a BIG difference between electronic funds (current), and a digital dollar (future).

I hope that helps.


Watch: Republican Gives Fiery Speech as Party Leadership Stabs Americans in the Back – ‘Beginning of the End’

By Samuel Short, The Western Journal Mar. 26, 2024 

Republican Rep. Tim Burchett of Tennessee isn’t holding back when it comes to the border.

In remarks made on C-SPAN2 and posted by Townhall to X, the Tennessee representative impressed upon the American people the dire circumstances of the border crisis and the inaction by Congress.

“When I first took office and this border issue was already an issue, I can remember we started talking then, and I said, ‘No border, no budget,’” he began his Monday remarks surrounded by Freedom Caucus members.

“That’s how important it is to the American people,” he continued before starting in on the $1.2 trillion dollar spending bill that was passed last week.

“If we lose our country, it’s not worth it. It is absolutely not worth it. … If we do not do the right thing in this occasion, we will lose our country. You are seeing the beginning of the end for the United States of America.”

As Gold Prices Hit Record Highs, One 12-Page Pamphlet Tells the Story of God, Gold and Glory

WARNING: The following video contains explicit language that may offend some readers.

“They are selling your country out for the uniparty, for these national chambers of commerce. … They want somebody on your roof that doesn’t speak the language, that is not from this country, that is not here legally because you know what happens when they fall off? They kick their a** out. They throw them to the curb. They’re in the emergency room. You and I are paying for their healthcare, and they don’t give a damn about them one bit.”

The Hill reported that the bill included “wins” for Republicans — like banning unofficial flags from being flown at U.S. embassies and blocking bans of gas stoves.

Sounds great.

I can use my gas stove and rest easy knowing the “pride” flag isn’t being flown at an embassy while illegals are overrunning the country and committing crimes, such as the murder of Laken Riley — allegedly by an illegal immigrant.

What a win.

Speaking of which, the Laken Riley Act did not make it into the bill.

The bill did provide funding for expanding detention centers’ bed capacity, technology, and 22,000 border agents, but nothing is a guarantee.

This is too little too late.

What about the countless number of illegals already here? What about taking steps to slow down the flow of illegal immigrants, stopping them before they get into the country — or at least having harsher penalties for those who do enter the country?

Burchett is rightfully enraged with his fellow congressmen who voted for this bill.

As far as pointing the finger goes, blame in the House seems to be put on Speaker Mike Johnson as GOP Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene of Georgia filed a motion to vacate the speakership after Johnson put the bill on the floor.

What’s Burchett’s answer to the uniparty and those who supported this bill?

“We’ve got to take our country back. Dagummit, if you don’t like the people in office, vote their a**es out. … Get ’em out of here. They are ruining your country,” he said.

Democrat or Republican, it’s hard to disagree with Burchett. Some of these folks need a hand finding a new career path.

Trending: Captain and Crew of DALI Cargo Ship Were Taken to Walmart Before Ship Crashed into Key Bridge

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.


VIDEO Fangs Out Targeting of US Citizen Donald Trump – Liberal Heads Are About to Explode – scariest, most important criminal case

New York State Targets U.S. Citizen Donald Trump with Unprecedented Lawfare Maneuver, Effectively to Place Him Under a Personal Consent Decree

March 22, 2024 | Sundance |

The Eighth Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishments, but also mentions “excessive fines” and bail. The “excessive fines” clause surfaces (among other places) in cases of civil and criminal forfeiture. [TEXT and SOURCE]

In New York state, Attorney General Letitia James, in coordination with New York Judge Arthur Engoron, are seeking to continue the targeting of President Donald Trump with a series of financial judgements, penalties and control mechanisms intended to isolate the leading 2024 Republican presidential candidate from his wealth.

As if something akin to the John Galt character in Atlas Shrugged was coming to life, no American individual has ever faced this level of intentional weaponization of power. If the state appellate court does not intervene, I predict a federal judge will have to get involved.  The reason is simple; the State of New York is clearly violating the 8th Amendment, and despite the compromised judiciary, the scale of overreach is even beyond the ability of the pretending judicial system to overlook it.

Perhaps, oddly, despite my intense anger toward these creatures of corruption, I fear not for the final outcome. I fully accept that a righteous and loving God has favor upon Mr. Trump, and there is a protection around him. It is a feeling, a sense about things, that is difficult to explain beyond, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.”

NEW YORK – The New York attorney general’s office has filed judgments in Westchester County, the first indication that the state is preparing to try to seize Donald Trump’s golf course and private estate north of Manhattan, known as Seven Springs.

State lawyers entered the judgments with the clerk’s office in Westchester County on March 6, just one week after Judge Arthur Engoron made official his $464 million decision against Trump, his sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, and the Trump Organization.

[…] Trump now has four days to satisfy the judgment or sway an appeals court to allow him to post a smaller amount or defer posting the payment until after the appeal.

[…] The attorney general’s office on Wednesday said that it’s common for large companies to post billion-dollar bonds and suggested Trump should have posted real estate with the court.

“The suggestion is both impractical and unjust. The Attorney General cites no New York case law to support this contention. In any event, from the perspective of risk, the Attorney General’s proposal of a ‘court-appointed officer’ to ‘hold real estate’ is functionally equivalent to what Supreme Court has already imposed through the requirement of a court-appointed monitor to oversee Defendants’ business operations,” Trump’s lawyers wrote.

[…] “By demanding an undertaking in the full amount of the judgment in order to appeal, the Attorney General and Supreme Court have sought to impose a patently unreasonable, unjust, and unconstitutional (under both the Federal and New York State Constitutions) bond condition,” they wrote.

[…] Thursday, Engoron expanded the role of the monitor overseeing the Trump Organization to include more expansive oversight of Trump’s real estate business’ internal financial practices.

[…] “The Trump Organization shall inform the monitor, in advance, of any efforts to secure surety bonds, including any financial disclosures requested or required, any information provided in response to such requests, any representations made by Trump Organization in connection with securing such bonds any personal guarantees made by any of the defendants, and any obligations of the Trump Organization required by the surety,” the judge ordered.

Engoron laid out a timeline of certain steps the Trumps must take within the next month, including providing the monitor, retired Judge Barbara Jones, with full access to its day-to-day financial operations. (more)

Keep in mind, the original civil charge against President Trump revolves around inverting a state statute intended to protect the consumer from predatory lending.  To construct her case, AG James had to reverse the statute and make President Trump a predatory borrower, despite the lenders saying they had no issue with the paperwork used by President Trump to secure reconciled bank loans.

All the banks and lenders did their own due diligence on the financing in question.  All operational loans and business loans were paid back.  There were no defaults or banking interests adversely impacted. There are no victims of what the State calls “fraud,” yet activist judge Engoron ruled against Donald Trump and triggered a fine of nearly half a billion dollars.

Additionally, New York Attorney General Latisha James campaigned for office with promises to target the Trump Organization and Donald Trump himself.  This is transparent and malicious Lawfare in the extreme, and every member of the legal profession, sans ideological leftists/communists, calls it exactly that.



JUST IN…President Trump: “I currently have almost $500 Million in CASH” For Bail….Liberal Heads Are About to Explode

By Patty McMurray Mar. 22, 2024

On February 16, President Donald J. Trump was ordered to pay $454 million in fines after the clown Judge Engoron found President Trump guilty of fraudulently inflating his assets to boost his net worth.

The Left, including the Trump-hating NBC host Katy Tur, have been absolutely jubilant over the unfair judgment against President Trump. In the video below, Tur, who is supposed to be an unbiased journalist, can’t stop smiling while she reports on the judgment against President Trump that every sane person around the world is calling ridiculous.

The fee Manhattan Judge Arthur Engoron ordered President Trump to pay (with no jury involved) included about $355 million in disgorgement and more than $98 million in prejudgment interest at a 9% annual rate. Additionally, the judge banned President Trump from business in NYC for three years as an officer or director and from applying for loans from any NY chartered or registered financial institution.

As NY AG Letitia James Launches the Globalist War on Beef, a Survival Company CEO Fights Back

AG Letitia James, who campaigned on “getting Trump,” has threatened to seize President Trump’s prized NY properties, including his Westchester golf course and Seven Springs estate, as he scrambled to secure the insane $464 million bond payment.

In a Truth Social post only one hour ago, President Trump lashed out at the “often overturned political hack judge (Engoron) on the rigged and corrupt AG case, where I have done nothing wrong.”

President Trump began, “Through hard work, talent, and luck, I currently have almost five hundred million dollars in cash, a substantial amount of which I intended to use in my campaign for President.”


On President Trump’s campaign page, President Trump who reminds Americans he “did nothing wrong,”  asks his supporters to DONATE to his campaign and help him raise the money he will need to win in the upcoming Nov. 2024 election. The Left is using every tactic in the book to destroy him and his chances of taking back America from those who want to make America into something we will no longer recognize; he will need the financial support of his followers now more than ever.

The Left thinks that if they bury me with enough witch hunts and intimidate my family and associates that I’ll eventually throw up my hands and give up on our America First movement.

Let me be as clear as possible:


As the never-ending witch hunts heat up, please make a contribution to defend the MAGA movement.

Shark Tank host and billionaire investor warns about the chilling effect the insane ruling against President Trump will have on both American and foreign investors, who will refuse to do business in America over fear of our weaponized court system who clearly has the ability to enact retribution against their enemies.


WATCH: Tucker Carlson: The scariest, most important criminal case you’ve never heard of

Biden administration is trying to send 82-year veteran to prison for life

By Around the Web March 22, 2024


China, Blackrock, and Biden: EPA Rolls Out USA Auto Mandates Forcing EVs to Make Up Two Thirds of Passenger Vehicles, Who Benefits? – GA Judge Allows Appeal of his Willis ruling

March 20, 2024 | Sundance 

The backstory is so transparently corrupt it requires an explanation, so we’ll go down the full rabbit hole and explain how China knew – to a demonstrable certainty – their multi-billion dollar investment in Mexican EV plants would be useful.

 Always remember, there are trillions at stake.

First, who was installed in the Biden White House in charge of all personnel and staffing?  Catherine Russell. {SEE HERE} Who is Catherine Russell?  She’s the wife of Tom Donilon, a long-time aid and advisor to Joe Biden who served in the Obama White House.

After serving as Obama’s National Security Advisor (prior to Susan Rice), Tom Donilon then went on to become “Chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute {SEE HERE}.”  His job was literally to “leverage the firm’s expertise and generate proprietary research to provide insights on the global economy, markets, geopolitics and long-term asset allocation.” 

In essence, the Donilon family represented the interests of Blackrock in the White House.

Second, Tom Donilon’s brother, Mike Donilon is a Senior Advisor to Joe Biden {link} providing guidance on what policies should be implemented within the administration.  Mike Donilon guides the focus of spending, budgets, regulation and white house policy from his position of Senior Advisor to the President.

In June of 2022, Blackrock’s Tom Donilon was then appointed to be co-chair of U.S. Department of State’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board {SEE HERE}, in charge of U.S-China policy.  Can you see where this is going?

Blackrock, a massive multinational investment firm with assets in the tens-of-trillions, was essentially guiding/constructing the policymaking of the White House, through Tom Donilon, Mike Donilon and Catherine Russell (Tom’s wife).  Blackrock then took out massive investment stakes in China, including in the Chinese auto-making industry, with specific focus on EVs.  Tom Donilon, now shifting to the State Dept and guiding US-China policy, was the Blackrock government embed, ensuring policy that would keep their investments lucrative.

Pictured above BlackRock Investment Institute Chairman Tom Donilon (former National Security Advisor to President Obama), celebrating an international collaboration with China’s Chairman Xi Jinping

Next up, in late 2023 the Chinese auto firms carrying the Blackrock investment money, then made big announcements. “BUSINESS INSIDER – Three major Chinese EV companies are planning to build new factories in Mexico, sparking concern among US officials, according to a new report.  MG, BYD, and Chery are all looking at sites to build new factories in the country, according to unnamed sources cited by The Financial Times, and this investment is causing angst in Washington.”

The total investment in Mexican auto plants, specifically to build Electric Vehicles (EVs) for the USA market, exceeds $5 billion.  A very big investment considering that EV sales in the U.S. were not going so well.

So, think about it, what did Blackrock know about the USA EV market: (a) that defied current market conditions; and (b) that would support such a move by the Chinese auto manufacturers they financially supported?

Today, we get the answer:

(Politico) – The Biden administration is unleashing a flurry of regulatory actions that aims to shift the nation toward electric vehicles — with the biggest rule coming Wednesday to set strict limits on climate pollution from passenger cars.

The regulation being announced by EPA Administrator Michael Regan, as POLITICO’s E&E News reported last week, would slash greenhouse gases from cars and light trucks in half, while pushing to have electric vehicles make up about two-thirds of new passenger vehicle sales by 2032. (read more)

As noted in a second Politico article:

The final version of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Cars rule is the strictest federal climate regulation ever issued for passenger cars and trucks — even though it offers manufacturers a slightly slower phase-in of pollution limits than the EPA had first proposed last spring.

The agency estimated a year ago that the rule could lead to two-thirds of new cars and passenger trucks being electric in 2032. Wednesday’s version says automakers could build a mix of vehicles to comply with the rule, including fully battery-powered vehicles, plug-in hybrids that run on electricity and gasoline, and more efficient conventional engines.

EPA Administrator Michael Regan’s official rolled out the rule on Wednesday at a Washington event attended by carmakers, environmentalists and other groups.

President Joe Biden said the rule fulfills his promise to cut the nation’s carbon pollution in half by the end of the decade while promoting American workers. “Together, we’ve made historic progress. Hundreds of new expanded factories across the country. Hundreds of billions in private investment and thousands of good-paying union jobs,” Biden said in a statement. (read more)

Biden is a blithering idiot, a pretense, a false target.  Biden reads what people tell him to read; he’s not the origin of the feces he spouts.  Silver Spoon, “lunch bucket” Biden has no clue, and his Blackrock handlers keep him that way.  Biden can tell the U.S. auto manufacturers anything; he has [¹]no clue what the actual policy being constructed is all about.  The Biden family will be paid handsomely, either by the Blackrock group or by the Chinese -as is the background record.

So, let’s encapsulate things so far.  (1) The interests of Blackrock determined the White House key staff and policy makers. (2) The Donilon clan represented those Blackrock interests and worked inside both the White House and State Dept to create and maintain policy favorable to Blackrock’s Chinese EV position.  (3) China/Blackrock invest massively in Mexican EV production. (4) White House/EPA generate policy to support the Blackrock investment.

That’s how the three Chinese auto firms could be so sure of their decision in 2023 to invest in the Mexican Blackrock EV plan.  The one that President Donald Trump rightly says will create a “bloodbath” in the U.S auto industry.

It is not the politicians; they are functionaries.

What I am saying directly is that Blackrock is the origin of the policy, and Blackrock is the beneficiary of the policy.

This is what I mean when I keep saying, “there are trillions at stake,” and “it’s not the politicians we should be looking at.”

In 2008, it was the SEIU who were the foot soldiers for Barack Obama.  In 2009, SEIU President Andy Stern was the #1 visitor to the White House.  The SEIU needed to get rid of the healthcare liability inside their pension plan because the union was about to go broke.  That’s the origin of Obamacare.  In 2024 Biden is manipulating the UAW leadership into the same position, looking for election help.

But wait, it gets worse…

Blackrock is in control of policy.  Now look at where Blackrock investment has been pre-deployed, and that’s where you see Biden policy coming into play. Blackrock and JPMorgan set up the Ukraine reconstruction bank {SEE HERE}.  That’s the core of the Ukraine issue.  It’s not ideological, it’s financial.  Follow the money.

But wait, it gets even worse….

Have you followed my research on the Russian sanctions?

2022 – NEW YORK, March 24 (Reuters) – BlackRock Inc’s (BLK.N) chief executive, Larry Fink, said on Thursday that the Russia-Ukraine war could end up accelerating digital currencies as a tool to settle international transactions, as the conflict upends the globalization drive of the last three decades.

In a letter to the shareholders of the world’s largest asset manager, Fink said the war will push countries to reassess currency dependencies, and that BlackRock was studying digital currencies and stablecoins due to increased client interest.

A global digital payment system, thoughtfully designed, can enhance the settlement of international transactions while reducing the risk of money laundering and corruption”, he said.

[…] In the letter on Thursday, the chairman and CEO of the $10 trillion asset manager said the Russia-Ukraine crisis had put an end to the globalization forces at work over the past 30 years.

[…] “While companies’ and consumers’ balance sheets are strong today, giving them more of a cushion to weather these difficulties, a large-scale reorientation of supply chains will inherently be inflationary,” said Fink.

He said central banks were dealing with a dilemma they had not faced in decades, having to choose between living with high inflation or slowing economic activity to contain price pressures.  (read more)

Now do you see the source, origin and beneficiary of the global cleaving? 

The U.S. government didn’t construct the Russian sanctions, Blackrock did! 

Blackrock lays the foundation for the Dollar-Based U.S. Digital Currency (USCBDC) with the construction of Russian sanction policy.  How is that US-CBDC process facilitated in real terms?  With the five big US banks controlling the flow of the digital funding mechanism.

RELATIONSHIPS – Larry Fink (Blackrock) and Jamie Dimon (JPMorgan) created the Ukraine Reconstruction Bank.  Now, there are only two real threats to the creation of a US-CBDC as it currently appears.  Threat #1 is Donald Trump.  Threat #2 is the way people would work around the dollar based CBDC, unregulated crypto currency.

Who opposes crypto currency?

  “I’ve always been deeply opposed to crypto, bitcoin, etc.,” Dimon said in response to a question from Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. “The only true use case for it is criminals, drug traffickers … money laundering, tax avoidance because it is somewhat anonymous, not fully, and because you can move money instantaneously.  “If I was the government, I would close it down.” (read more)

Can you see it now?

I’ll have much more on this issue soon, but its critical people start to understand what is going on.

We will win this battle and eventually this war, or I’ll die fighting it.

They are trying to move fast, because people are catching on now.

We are on the right side of every issue; we cherish liberty and individual freedom.  Our opposition is built upon a foundation of fraud and lies.  The politicians are corrupt, and their arguments collapse when put in the sunlight; but they are not the root of the problem. [²] They are vessels.  That’s why the multinationals like Blackrock need the rules and referees (politicians) slanted in their favor.  That’s why they need censorship, deplatforming, and beyond everything else…. they must control information.

The key battle right now is an information war.

Support Our Fight Here

[¹] [²] Now do you see why they built him a stage..

Judge McAfee Grants Trump Team Ability to Expedite Appellate Review of Decision Allowing Fani Willis to Remain on Case

March 20, 2024 | Sundance | 

Atlanta Judge Scott McAfee ruled today that President Trump and eight other co-defendants in the Georgia election fraud case can proceed with an emergency appeal of his decision last week. That decision allowed lying Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to stay on the prosecution despite her affair with the special prosecutor she hired to oversee it; and despite the lies she told trying to hide it.


In a brief order issued Wednesday, Judge Scott McAfee granted the certificate of immediate review requested by President Trump. They are now expected to ask the Georgia Court of Appeals to take up the disqualification battle before the case goes to trial. (media)

Elon Musk Issues Grave Warning for America: “The Groundwork is Being Laid for Something Far Worse than 9/11”

By Cullen Linebarger Mar. 5, 2024

X Owner Elon Musk has a dire warning for America following the news of the Biden regime secretly flying hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, as TGP reported this morning.

The Regime claims 320,000 unvetted aliens have been flown across the country to “reduce” the number of crossings across the border. This, of course, is an outright lie.

It is unknown where these migrants are arriving from. Information from The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reveals the Regime claims the locations are kept hidden because “bad actors” could inflict harm on public safety, and the information could potentially create law enforcement vulnerabilities.

In a post on X this morning, Musk revealed the REAL reason behind the Biden regime’s scheme: importing and spreading around new voters who will reliably vote Democrat to ensure a permanent majority.

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Musk notes the Regime’s selfish desire is creating a severe national security threat based on the sheer number of illegal aliens alone. Due to this, he warns, “the groundwork is being laid for something far worse than 9/11.

This administration is both importing voters and creating a national security threat from unvetted illegal immigrants.

It is highly probable that the groundwork is being laid for something far worse than 9/11. Just a matter of time.

Thanks to the intentional border crisis created by Biden, crimes committed by illegal aliens against American citizens have skyrocketed. The recent murder of promising Georgia college student Laken Riley by an illegal alien is a particularly glaring example.

Moreover, terrorists have already slipped across the porous Southern border. One was even allowed to roam free for almost a year.

One can argue this is an act of treason on the part of the Biden regime under Article III, Section 3, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution. Without border security, enemies of America have free reign to kill our citizens in a variety of ways.

Musk is correct that something far worse than 9/11 looms on the horizon as long as Biden remains in office. The only question is when.


“This Is a Movement, People are Tired of the Overreach, And We’re Pushing Back!”  “Take Our Border Back”  700,000 vehicle Convoy

By Jim Hoft Jan. 28, 2024

Rep. Keith Self (R-TX) joined FOX Business Network this week to discuss the upcoming ‘Take Our Border Back” Convoy planned for later this week along the open US southern border in Texas, Arizona, and California.

Rep. Self, who represents Texas’s Third Congressional District, predicted that 700,000 vehicles may participate in the trucker convoy this coming week!

Rep. Keith Self: Well, the people that have organized this are the same people that went from California to DC with the truckers. I understand we’re going to be joined by Canadian truckers. So these people are committed to a peaceful demonstration that we’ve had enough. The American people have had enough. We’re demanding that the Biden administration do its job, enforce the laws on the books, and secure our border.

8 million people during the Biden administration. That’s more than the population of Ohio. This is the time for us to rise up as the American people and demand that our president do his job. This should be a peaceful movement of the American people joined by other nations if they want to come. This is the Canadian truckers. This is the German farmers. This is the French farmers. This is the Dutch farmers. This is a movement well beyond the United States that people are simply tired of the overreach of their federal government, and we’re pushing back. Now is the time.

Rep. Self will be speaking at Eagle Pass, Texas during the trucker “Take Our Border Back” rally and protest.

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VIDEO Canadian Federal Court Rules Use of Emergency Powers to End Trucker Protests Was Unconstitutional – Tucker Carlson “Freedom” Speech in Canada

January 24, 2024 | Sundance |

Justin from Canada and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, used the invocation of the Canadian Emergency Powers Act to seize Truckers’ and their supporters bank accounts, block mortgages, eliminate loans and credit cards, seize personal assets and otherwise use financial mechanisms to target their political opposition.

Yesterday a federal judge in Canada ruled the use of the Emergency Powers Act was unconstitutional.

CANADA –  […] On Feb. 14, 2022, the federal government invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in its history, arguing at the time that the national security risks stemming from the protests justified its use.

The move allowed the federal government to enact wide-sweeping but temporary powers to help officials crack down on protesters’ access to funds, grant the RCMP jurisdiction to enforce local laws, designate critical infrastructure and services, and impose fines and imprisonment on participants who refused to leave the protest zone.

“I have concluded that the decision to issue the Proclamation does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness – justification, transparency and intelligibility – and was not justified in relation to the relevant factual and legal constraints that were required to be taken into consideration,” stated Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley.

Mosley added that “there can be only one reasonable interpretation” of the Emergencies Act and CSIS Act, and that he believes “the legal constraints on the discretion of the GIC to declare a public order emergency were not satisfied.”

Mosley also stated that, factoring for the definition of a “national emergency” under the Act, “there was no national emergency” to justify its use, and that “the decision to do so was therefore unreasonable” and beyond the powers of the law. (read more)

Tucker Carlson Gives “Freedom” Speech in Canada – Justin Not Happy with “Freedom” Propaganda

January 25, 2024 | Sundance |

Justin from Canada is oh not too happy with Tucker Carlson for traveling to Calgary (rebellious audience 4,000) and then stadium show for 8,000 rebels in Edmonton.  Apparently, Justin does not like it when Tucker comes to Canada.   WATCH:

[JUSTIN is Big Mad – Article Here]

VIDEO Same Gang: Robert Mueller Agents/Lawyers Are Jack Smith Agents/Lawyers – Clinton Foundation – SCOTUS Oral Arguments on Trump Colorado Ballot Inclusion

It’s the Same People – Politico Confirms Robert Mueller Agents/Lawyers Are Jack Smith Agents/Lawyers

January 4, 2024 | Sundance |

I have long been saying the Jack Smith special counsel team is the reassembly of the Robert Mueller team.  Today, inside an article {SEE HERE} outlining other ancillary matters about the 2020 election challenges, Politico inadvertently confirmed my suspicions.

First, the non-pretending BIG PICTURE.   The Clinton exoneration FBI Team became the Trump investigation FBI Team (Crossfire Hurricane) -which then became the Robert Mueller FBI Team (exact same people, plus some additions) – which then became the J6 Investigation FBI Team (exact same people, plus some additions) – which then became the Jack Smith FBI Team (same exact people).  Not only is it one long continuum, but it’s also the EXACT SAME PEOPLE.

So, the Politico Article, discussing the FBI Agents and the DOJ officials who signed the subpoena that stemmed from Jack Smith, is not really surprising other than the confirmation of the same DC-based FBI agents and DC-based Lawfare operatives.

POLITICO – […] During a tense confrontation with FBI agents who were trying to serve a subpoena, Harrison Floyd — a 2020 Trump campaign aide — considered grabbing one of the agents’ guns, Floyd told local police officers who arrived at his door shortly afterward.

[…] The subpoena and its accompanying letter were signed by assistant special counsel Jonathan Haray, a veteran federal prosecutor who once worked closely with Washington, D.C.’s U.S. attorney, Matthew Graves, who now leads the massive Justice Department probe of the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

The presence on Smith’s staff of Haray, who once served as the deputy chief of the fraud and public corruption section at the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, has not been previously reported. Haray joined law firm DLA Piper in 2014 after a job at the Securities and Exchange Commission. He appears to have returned to government service about a year ago, around the time Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Smith to the special counsel post in November 2022.

[…] While the federal court filings don’t name the FBI agents, a police report released to POLITICO this week with the video under the Maryland Public Information Act identifies them as Walter Giardina and Christopher Meyer. Meyer’s name is also visible in the paperwork accompanying the subpoena seen in the bodycam video.

Giardina, who is assigned to the FBI’s Washington Field Office and like Floyd is a former Marine and an Iraq War veteran, has had roles in a number of high-profile, politically charged cases in recent years. He worked with special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, including on aspects of the investigation of potential foreign influence on Trump 2016 campaign adviser Michael Flynn, who briefly served as national security adviser in the first weeks of Trump’s administration.

Giardina also took part in the arrest of another former Trump aide, Peter Navarro, in a Reagan National Airport jetway in 2022 on charges of defying subpoenas from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 riot and Trump’s broader efforts to overturn the 2020 election. (read more)

This article comes on the heels of another confirmation that is even more critical in context.

I have been sounding the alarm about Mary McCord for a long time.  A few days ago, Andrew Weissmann, who together with Norm Eisen created the Lawfare arguments that Jack Smith is using {GO DEEP}, confirmed that he is working with Mary McCord.

Veteran prosecutors Andrew Weissmann and Mary McCord discuss and dissect the cases against former President Donald Trump, including the historic indictments from the Manhattan D.A., Special Counsel Jack Smith and Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis. {SOURCE}


Last month I said, “[…] Remember the stories of the J6 investigative staff all going to work for Jack Smith on the investigation of Donald Trump?   Well, Mary McCord was a member of that team [citation]; all indications are that her background efforts continue today as a quiet member of the Special Counsel team that is still attacking Donald Trump.  READ MORE HERE

This is one long continuum of the same Lawfare activity by the same core group of people.

Bombshell Just Dropped On Who Jack Smith Is Tied Directly To – Plan Exposed!

According to a story by Fox News, a prominent prosecutor on Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team protected the Clinton Foundation from being investigated by the federal authorities.

Pursuant to the assessment by former Special Counsel John Durham, Ray Hulser, who previously held the position of the chief of the Department of Justice’s Public Integrity Section (PIN), has been identified as the DOJ officer who chose not to pursue legal action against the Clintons in 2016.

The Durham report disclosed that despite three separate FBI field offices initiating probes into the Clinton Foundation, Hulser terminated the inquiries by means of the PIN. Nevertheless, Hulser asserted in a 2016 interview with Durham that the decision to stop the investigations made by his office was simply a recommendation.

The probes focused on the foundation’s numerous Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs), that financial institutions are obligated to divulge.

According to Fox News:

Meanwhile, the Durham report states that during the February 2016 meeting, Hulser “declined prosecution” of the Clinton Foundation on behalf of the DOJ’s Public Integrity Section.

Hulser told Durham during his interview, though, that he “made it clear” that “his decision was not binding on the various U.S. Attorneys’ Offices or FBI field divisions.”

In interviewing another individual present for the meeting, Durham learned that the Justice Department’s reaction to the Clinton Foundation briefing was “hostile.”

“There are mega indications that the Obama Justice Department slow-walked and discouraged the Clinton Foundation investigation, including discouraging the FBI from pursuing it,” former federal prosecutor and Fox News contributor Andy McCarthy said.

Durham discovered the fact that it was a “perceived need” for the Department of Justice to collaborate with and provide assistance to its FBI field office’s inquiries into the Clintons, given the available information at that time. However, Hulser and the PIN successfully managed to deactivate them.

Durham conducted an interview with Hulser as a component of his investigative expedition. Hulser informed Durham that the FBI information regarding the Clinton Foundation was “poorly presented and that there was insufficient predication for at least one of the investigations due to its reliance on allegations contained in a book”:

“Hulser downplayed information provided by the New York Field Office CHS [confidential human source] and recalled that the amount involved in the financial reporting was ‘de minimus,’” the report states.

However, Durham’s team reviewed the financial reporting to better “understand the allegations.”

“The reporting, which in itself is not proof of wrongdoing, was a narrative describing multiple funds transfers, some of which involved international bank accounts that were suspected of facilitating bribery or gratuity violations,” the Durham report states in a footnote. “The transactions involved occurred between 2012 and 2014, and totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

Currently, Smith’s team, under the leadership of Hulser, is actively pursuing legal action against Trump, who was Hillary Clinton’s opponent in the 2016 election. They are accusing him of obstruction, mishandling classified information, and other related allegations.

Source: Fox News

US Supreme Court Will Hear Oral Arguments in President Trump’s Colorado Ballot Access Appeal

By Brian Lupo Jan. 5, 2024

Last month, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled in a 4-3 decision to keep President Trump off the 2024 Primary ballot in the state.  The Colorado high court has been the only court to rule this way out of several decided or dismissed in other states.

The case was initially dismissed in November by Colorado District Court Judge Sarah Wallace, but was later appealed both by the plaintiffs and Donald Trump.

The Colorado Supreme Court decision left President Trump the opportunity to stay the decision if he chose to appeal to the US Supreme Court before January 4th, which his legal team did.  This would ensure that he was eligible to be on the ballot at the time Colorado requires ballots be printed for the primary races.

A week later, the Maine Secretary of State ruled that President Trump was ineligible from her state’s ballot but conceded that the US Supreme Court will likely have to interpret the 14th Amendment and its application.

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Now, the US Supreme Court has agreed to hear oral arguments in the case regarding the implementation of the 14th Amendment in this situation.  The hearing is set for February 8th.

In a petition for Writ of Certiorari, Trump’s legal team argued the implications of leaving the interpretation of the 14th Amendment to the States, stating:

Vice President Harris, President Biden, and their staffs advocated for, marched with, and provided material support to rioters in the wake of George Floyd’s death in 2020.  These rioters stormed the White House, injuring police officers and forcing the President, his family, and his staff to shelter in a bunker.  They also killed people, took over government buildings, caused extensive property damage, and sought to establish alternative “governments” in the form of so-called “autonomous zones.”  If a state official believes that President Biden or Vice President Harris aided these efforts, he may eliminate President Biden and Vice President Harris from the ballot.  And all their past actions can be nullified as “ultra vires.”

The petition went on to cite Congresswoman Maxine Waters saying “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and create a crowd and you push back on them.”  It then mentions that then-House Whip Steve Scalise was in-fact confronted at a Congressional softball game and shot by the attacker.

More to come as this story develops…

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VIDEO David Axelrod: Keeping Trump Off Ballot “Would Rip Country Apart”… – Next Trump DefSec Would Be Loyal to America and Commander in Chief – VA Judge Keeps Trump On Ballot – Intellectual Froglegs – “J6: A True Timeline”

David Axelrod Says Keeping Trump Off Ballot “Would Rip Country Apart”…

December 30, 2023 | Sundance |

Former Obama top advisor, David Axelrod, appeared with the sanctimonious CNN crew to discuss the political efforts by Democrats in Maine to keep President Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot, and as a consequence try to stop people from voting for him.

“I have very, very strong reservations about all of this,” Axelrod said in an “Erin Burnett OutFront” interview on CNN. “I do think it would rip the country apart if he were actually prevented from running, because tens of millions of people want to vote for him.”  “I think if you’re going to beat Donald Trump, you’re going to probably have to do it at the polls,” he continued.

Keep in mind that only three months ago, this is the same David Axelrod who said Joe Biden should do the right thing for the Democrat Party and step aside from trying to win reelection.  WATCH:


As a random sidenote… Did you ever notice that CNN is dependent on Donald Trump for more than 70% of their total broadcast TV subject matter?  I check their overall TV coverage quickly a few times a week, and it’s funny, because without stories about President Trump CNN would literally lose about three quarters of their content.

8 out of 12 CNN videos are Trump-centric. This 70 to 75% ratio has been happening for years. It’s a little funny.

Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper Very Concerned Next Trump DefSec Would Be Loyal to America and Commander in Chief

December 30, 2023 | Sundance |

These guys keep providing me super timely and apropos fuel for my arguments about the structure of the next Trump administration.

Appearing on CNN, former Defense Secretary Mark Esper outlines his greatest concern that within our constitutionally provided civilian-led military structure, a President Trump Defense Secretary might actually be loyal to the Commander in Chief.

In his own words, Mark Esper views this possibility as a very serious problem.  I’m not kidding, WATCH (prompted):


Perhaps people might understand why I wrote:

[…] “Many people understandably freak out with a Def Sec with no experience in military.  However, the Def Sec is designed to be civilian led military; the President is the commander in chief.  The Def Sec executes military efforts to support the President.  This is the problem with having career military as Def Sec, they regard the institution as more important than the instructions they receive. [See Mark Milley and/or James Mattis and/or Alexander Vindman, they go rogue.]  The U.S. military needs to be managed now, brought to heel and Wokeism removed.” (MORE)

Mike Pompeo, Mark Esper and Mark Milley worked unilaterally, without President Trump’s authority, on at least one situation during the winter of 2019 when U.S. strikes took place. 👀  [Background Here] [Background Here]    President Trump made Esper, Milley and Pompeo hold a press conference without Trump supporting them; then President Trump remained silent on the issue for days. 

Virginia Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Intended to Keep Donald Trump from Virginia Ballot

December 31, 2023 | Sundance |

The leftist LAWFARE effort to use the federal and state court system to keep President Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot continues. However, in the most recent example, a Democrat appointed federal judge in Virginia has dispatched the effort.

(New York Post) – A federal judge in Virginia on Friday dismissed a lawsuit aimed at removing former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 primary ballot citing the insurrection clause of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment.

The complaint, filed by activists Roy Perry-Bey and Carlos Howard, alleged that Trump “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the US and should therefore be disqualified from seeking the office he once occupied.

Judge Leonie Brinkema of the Eastern District of Virginia, an appointee of former President Bill Clinton, found that the plaintiffs lacked standing to sue to get Trump, 77, off the state’s primary ballot.

“At least five additional federal courts have concluded that citizens attempting to disqualify individuals — including former President Trump — from participating in elections or from holding public office based on the January 6, 2021 attack on the United States Capitol lacked standing,” Brinkema wrote in her 13-page ruling.

“Plaintiffs have totally failed to demonstrate how their alleged injuries are traceable to the conduct of defendants,” the judge added. (read more)

No doubt the Lawfare effort will continue, as the predicate reason for the January 6th “insurrection” narrative continues to surface.

Behind the scenes names like Norm Eisen, Barry Berke, Mary McCord, Andrew Weissmann, David Laufman and Benjamin Wittes continue promoting the Lawfare approach.

Just as the DOJ and FBI were seeded with ideological lawyers intending to use the national security state and justice system to target their political opposition, the aligned private sector partners and activist groups continue the same effort from outside government.

Big Tech, social media companies, DHS, the DOJ and FBI are all deploying a comprehensive strategy to attack the foundation of our constitutional republic and replace it with a totalitarian dictatorship run by financial interests and collaborators inside government.   It is going to get a lot uglier before the final conflict is resolved.

Unfortunately, the professional Republican apparatus is a willful participant in the effort.  Just as the Tea Party was targeted by Eric Holder and Barack Obama, using weaponized government (DOJ/IRS) with the support and willful blindness of the Republican political apparatus, so too is the America-First movement under constant attack by the same ideologues.

The rRpublican politicians who remain in the primary race are not stupid, blind or naive.  They are active and financially rewarded participants in the overall effort.

Intellectual Froglegs – Year End Edition

December 30, 2023 | Sundance | 

Legend tells us that Alexander the Great gave his generals three final commands as he lay dying.  #1 Only the best doctors should carry his coffin.  #2 All of his wealth should be scattered during the funeral procession.  #3 His arm and hand should remain unwrapped, hanging from his coffin and highly visible.

When questioned about those instructions the 33-year-old King of Macedonia and conqueror of Achaemenid Persia explained his three reasons.  First, every soul should know that even the best doctors of Kings cannot defeat death.  Second, the riches we accumulate mean nothing, they remain of no value as we leave.  Third, and most importantly, our hands leave this life as empty they came in, with truest treasure being time.

Alexander’s final orders are an apt reminder to each live our best life.  The moments we create with our time are the value of life.

Comrades, the rebellious messenger Joe Dan Gorman has transmitted again in a coded frequency only receivable by patriots with a funny bone. The secret message uses humor thereby ensuring communists and leftists, aka ‘democrats’, are incapable of receiving or deciphering it.

The subversive end of year transmission comes from deep in the underground bunker of the Rebel Alliance. Pull out those super-secret decoder rings, smile and enjoy the broadcast moment before the deep state satellite interception trucks show up on your driveway…

RINO SEASON – New Intellectual Froglegs

Caution for Language

[Direct Rumble Link] – [Website Here]

EXCLUSIVE: Open.Ink Project Releases Their Latest Production — “J6: A True Timeline” on the Real Story Behind the J6 Protests that They Won’t Tell You

By Jim Hᴏft Dec. 31, 2023

Open.Ink project presents…

J6: a True Timeline

The Open.Ink Project is set to release its latest documentary, “J6: A True Timeline,” on January 1, 2024. This film aims to provide a thorough investigation into the events of January 6.

The Gateway Pundit posted the trailer for this important film here.

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J6: A True Timeline gives the audience a never-before-seen timestamped blueprint for the events of January 6, 2021, as they unfolded in real-time. No other film to date fills the gaps or tells the story chronologically the way this film does.

The film is also different from anything produced to date because a small group of protestors, some who are J6 defendants, have been the ones to collect hours of footage to help contextualize the events of the day. The film was funded and produced entirely through small donations and tens of thousands of volunteer man hours. The hope is that the film will provoke all Americans to be more curious about the true timeline of January 6.

The creator and producer of the documentary is AJ Fischer of InvestigateJ6. AJ is a J6 defendant who knows more than most about what transpired on the West side of the Capitol; circumstances that led to the declared riot and Capitol building entry. In January 2023, Fischer began to make the film a reality. He lined up funding for the project and hired professional producer Jason Rink to help. Rink is the Executive Producer for the project. Paul Escandon is both director and editor.

Fischer’s Less Lethal timeline was featured in an article written by Journalist Wendi Strauch Mahoney with UncoverDC.

“I then followed the facts, reviewed evidence from hundreds of J6 trials, as well as evidence from bodycam footage, radio communications, and police officer testimony. It became definitively clear the police disregarded protestor safety and well-established DC protest crowd clearing laws, said Fischer. “Law enforcement failed to give proper, required warnings prior to launching munitions. In some cases, police are heard admitting they were hurting and inciting innocent people.”

It became even more clear that there have been disparities between the way Congress investigated these illegal police actions when BLM protestors were involved,” Fischer continued. “Those same illegal police actions have been ignored or buried when J6 protestors were targeted by police. In fact, the objective observer will tell you the J6 Select Committee ignored the facts to push a certain political narrative.”

“J6 A True Timeline is a result of hours of investigation into the facts of J6. The purpose of this film is to set the record straight without favor to one side or another. January 6 is a dark day in American history, but not in the way it has been portrayed. The American people deserve the whole, uncut truth of what transpired minute by minute. In reality, J6 was a complex human event; one where a peaceful, joyous morning of First Amendment assembly became a riot for reasons that are much more nuanced than most want you to believe.”

The seeds of this documentary were planted as far back as January 2021, with Dave Sumrall and Daniel Goodwyn of, who provided much of the research for the film. Goodwyn, the archival producer of J6 A True Timeline, played a major role in researching and archiving media. Sumrall was J6 A True Timeline’s consulting producer, helping with production and key research.

According to J6 A True Timeline Executive Producer, Jason Rink,

“The small group of collaborators have collected one of the largest repositories of J6 footage in private hands. When the government continued to drag its feet on the release of footage, this group decided to take matters into their own hands. They went about the task of laying out every angle of body cam footage, security footage and footage filmed by citizens, and compiled it in a timeline using metadata and timecode. The result is a view of January 6 from almost every angle, simultaneously, providing a much different story than previously known. Over the past year the filmmakers worked to edit the footage into a concise but accurate documentary which allows people to see the events of the day as they unfolded.”

The creators hope the film will provoke all Americans to ask questions based on what they see and hear.

  • How did these protestors die and why?
  • How is the government misrepresenting “restricted area” to convict Americans?
  • How many protestors really knew they were entering restricted areas on the Capitol grounds?
  • Do Americans know the flexible fencing was placed on the Capitol grounds for the purpose of constructing the inaugural stage?
  • Do Americans know the Capitol police were told prior to Jan. 6 not to use munitions on the crowds.
  • Why was there so much chaos? Why did people riot?
  • Were the police prepared to handle the crowds that day? Why didn’t the police arrest individuals before the violence escalated?
  • What really happened at the “tunnel” on Jan. 6. and how did Roseanne Boyland die?
  • Why did Officer Byrd shoot Ashli Babbitt when she was flanked from behind by Metro police?
  • What were the communications between Mayor Bowser, members of Congress, Chief Sund, and Yogananda Pittman?
  • Why are police heard saying they were “set up?”
  • Why does former Capitol Police officer Tarik Johnson continue to say that former Assistant Chief of USCP Intelligence Yogananda Pittman is largely responsible for the chaos on Jan. 6, not former President Donald J. Trump.

These and many other questions remain unanswered and should provoke Americans to think more critically about why the day unfolded the way it did.

The goal of this film was not to editorialize but to chronologically recount the significant events of the day as they unfolded. Viewers will also see events in synchrony throughout the film. The creators also wanted to highlight the circumstances of the protestors who lost their lives. The Jan. 6 deaths have either been minimized, manipulated, misunderstood, or entirely overlooked by our government, the judicial system, and the mainstream media.

The mainstream media and our government have shown almost zero interest in truthful, unbiased reporting of Jan. 6, to the detriment of so many. Sumrall says that he and the other creators “have brought more evidence to light than the government or media ever did.” He has personally testified on behalf of Jers even while under threat of imprisonment. He, like many J6 defendants, has also been visited multiple times at his home where he has been interrogated by the FBI. He and others have invested thousands of dollars in expenses for research, travel, publicity, and awareness on behalf of J6 defendants, many of whom have already been sentenced to years in Federal prison.

Daniel Goodwyn, J6 A True Timeline archival producer, has worked tirelessly to document the events of the day. His and Sumrall’s work will be featured on Open.Ink in hopes of preserving their years of dedication to getting the truth of J6 to the American public. Goodwyn worked behind the scenes over a period of three years compiling original information, data, and footage for the StopHate website. Goodwyn is on the autistic spectrum. His superpower is his ability to research and collate massive amounts of data accurately. Goodwyn’s work is one of the main reasons such a large collection of video and audio has been compiled in the first place.

As with so many J6 defendants, Goodwyn was targeted unfairly by the Department of Justice. Goodwyn walked in an open door in the Capitol for under 40 seconds and walked back out. He never stole, broke, or touched a single object in the Capitol nor did he hurt anyone. For that, the government wanted 20-plus years in federal prison. He was sentenced to 60 days in federal prison but his jail time was applied to some of his prison sentence. Still on supervised release, Goodwyn is not able to move freely. He is also regularly submitted to drug testing.

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Fischer, also a defendant who has lost everything and who also potentially faces years in federal prison, speaks to why this film needed to be made. He is the defendant whose UncoverDC news story went viral because his infant son was placed on the Quiet Skies suspected terrorist watchlist:

“The idea for the film was simple. Those of us with our own unique perspective as eyewitnesses, investigators and as observers of the trials and the congressional j6 committee knew that the American public had been purposefully misled about the timeline of events on January 6th.”

“A narrative was created that pieced together events throughout the day to manufacture an explanation for the day that placed the blame directly at Trump’s feet that was not based in fact at all. It was clear that they cherry-picked footage and evidence to explain the story they wanted to tell and lay the groundwork for the prosecution and removal of President Trump from presidential contention.”

“We knew that the peaceful protest outside the Capitol was incited into a riot long before a single protestor entered the building,” Fischer continues. “We knew there was more to the 4 protester deaths than had been previously told. And we knew the American people knew none of these things.”

While not involved in the production or content of the film, Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, made it possible to showcase the film on Open.Ink as a part of its J6 Collection. Open.Ink will feature other historical collections that have been heavily censored by the mainstream media and the American government. The idea is to preserve important historical events in perpetuity. The creators of the film will continue to investigate J6 to help with legal defense and to ensure the American public knows the truth about January 6.

Open.Ink is a revolutionary platform designed to bring you the most comprehensive and curated information from open records, research, and archival writings.

Our mission is to provide an unparalleled experience for readers, writers, researchers; preserving important historical information that you may not find anywhere else.

Open.Ink‘s powerful indexed search engine is specifically trained to help you access curated content from diverse sources.

Our aim is to shed light on people and events of historical significance, ensuring the authenticity and relevance of the information presented.
