VIDEO ‘Tainted and corrupted’: GOP led House should ‘repudiate’ Jan. 6 Committee – Some House GOP and Perks -Logan Paul Interviews Trump –  Sting Proves How Right Justice Alito Is

Both former Trump advisors Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon have been convicted of contempt of Congress over their refusal to comply with subpoenas from the committee.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on Friday excoriated the now-defunct House Jan. 6 Committee, contending that its findings were based on a “false product” and urging Congress to repudiate its activities.

“This committee, the J6 committee, was so fraudulent, that the current House should repudiate it, define it as an illegal or unethical, runaway investigation of no standing,” Gingrich said on the John Solomon Reports podcast. “[A]nd [it] should send a letter to both the Department of Justice and to the appropriate judges, saying that any action based on the J6 committee should be considered null and void and that people like Steve Bannon should not be going to jail because they want to fight with a committee which was literally operating outside the law.”

The Jan. 6 panel was an investigative committee run by the then-Democratic House that investigated the events of and leading up to the disturbance of at the U.S. Capitol on that date. The committee included only two Republicans, former Wyoming GOP Rep. Liz Cheney and former Illinois GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger, both of whom voted to impeach former President Donald Trump.

Both former Trump advisors Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon have been convicted of contempt of Congress over their refusal to comply with subpoenas from the committee. Navarro is currently in custody at a Miami federal prison while Bannon has been ordered to report to prison next month.

“I think this is such a tainted and corrupted process,” he also said. “And I think it has to be repealed by the House, and repudiated by the House. And I think that the court and the Justice Department have to take into account that anybody who had a conflict with this committee was dealing with an out of control, illegal operation.”

“Their findings are based on a totally false product,” he said of the panel. “And the people who were subpoenaed by them who refused to agree, we now know, we’re on the right, that in fact, what you have here is a runaway select committee. That was totally dishonest.”

Gingrich took particular aim at Cheney, contending that she was motivated by her desire to take down the former commander-in-chief to such a degree, that she was willing to ignore the law to achieve that end.

“I mean, we’ve we’re in a period here where the establishment is just sick. And we have a chance to correct the record historically,” he said. “And I think people will be astonished at how bad was Cheney was, how much she broke the rules, and how basically, she wanted to destroy Trump so badly, that she didn’t care that in the process, she was breaking the laws.”

“This committee destroyed all of its records. Now. That is, that is totally illegal, because we have others talk about Trump and Biden and their records. While I tell you what the J6 committee did, deliberately and methodically, was 1000 times worse than anything either Trump or Biden had done in terms of records,” he contended.

“They did it deliberately. And they did it because they didn’t want other people to figure out what they’ve been doing,” he concluded.

House Republicans Furious with Way Speaker Johnson Distributes Tenured Perks

June 14, 2024 | Sundance

On the day after the Mar-a-Lago raid in 2022, the FBI raided the home of Pennsylvania Representative Scott Perry. {DETAILS}  Factually, there were a series of coordinated FBI raids and targeted inquisitions that were intentionally timed to trigger immediately after the August ’22 Trump raid.

What most people do not know was that President Trump’s former Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows essentially set up Scott Perry.   After the DOJ framed the J6 events as a “national security threat,” Mark Meadows was essentially a walking FISA virus.  Meadows sent Perry text messages via an encrypted Signal app, however, Signal was cooperating with the DOJ/FBI to give all communication to the targeting units of a weaponized surveillance state.

SIDEBAR: I believe Meadows knew his communication with Perry would be intercepted, because Meadows was an ¹operative for the Intelligence Community. I have pointed out the Meadows issues before.  Additionally, Meadows was absolutely confirmed as John Solomon’s source from Congress and likely from the Oval Office.  Meadows consistently leaked information to Hannity’s Tick Tock buddy, that the DOJ/FBI and IC wanted to see distributed.

¹Mark Meadows is a confirmed Deep State operative, and I would not bet against Solomon being a willing assistant and operative himself. [Chase his current storyline with that qualifier in mind, and you might have a different perspective. Seven years of “Breaking”, “Explosive”, “Game Changing”, “Exclusive”, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.  All of it with ZERO “big boom” accountability outcomes – exactly as designed.]

SIDEBAR OVER – Back to Perry.  Pennsylvania Representative Scott Perry became an FBI target in part because of his proximity to the epicenter of the AME church network voting fraud in Philadelphia [there’s a reason Biden goes there all the time], and in part because Perry was a supporter of President Trump and didn’t buy the illogical 2020 election outcome narrative. {NYT Link}

Well, last week House Speaker Mike Johnson appointed Scott Perry to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, or HPSCI as it is known.  Despite the MAGA reps supporting this selection, my hunch is that President Trump was the voice who leveraged Johnson to make this happen.  Now, the non-MAGA professional Republicans in the House are going bananas.

The backlash against the appointment of Perry to the HPSCI is a remarkable dose of sunlight upon all of the Republican deep state operatives in the House of Representatives.  Texas Rep Dan Crenshaw is so filled with rage he can’t see straight.

WASHINGTON DC – […] Crenshaw, a member of the Intelligence panel, added: “The speaker needs to remember that there isn’t only one group that can threaten them. … Just do not teach the lesson that the only way for us to be effective here is threatening, because I’ll take the lesson and I’ll do it.”

[…]  Beyond Crenshaw, a person familiar with the sitdowns said two separate groups of Republicans met with Johnson this week to share their frustrations about Perry’s appointment. That includes members of the Intelligence Committee who plan to meet with him on Thursday.

One Republican, who was granted anonymity to speak candidly, said no previous committee assignment has sparked as much internal anger as Johnson’s decision about Perry.

Another GOP member added that Perry’s appointment “was the talk for a day or two” among Republicans during their recent trip to France because of how “angry” lawmakers are.

“There’s a lot of pissed people. A lot of angry people. (read more)

Pour in the sunlight…. This is good stuff.   We need to find out exactly which Republicans are angered by the appointment of Perry to the HPSCI.  The problem is much bigger than the insufferable Dan Crenshaw.

Beyond the details of this story, stand back and look at the larger picture of how the HPSCI seats were historically assigned, against the background of how stunningly bad the HPSCI has been at holding the HPSCI Democrats like Adam Schiff to account.   Let yourself think about this.

Everyone gets frustrated by the insufferable ineptitude of the House Republicans who appear on committees, and as a consequence appear on television asking the wrong questions.   Well, overlay the silo problem with the reality that Republican House accountability processes (committee assignments) are determined by seniority and who plays nicely in DC.

…”a lot of people who have worked hard to be good team players feel like they are getting passed over,” (link)

PICTURED: ~ The Average DC Republican ~

Things make sense now? 

The Big Ugly needs to get BIGGER and UGLIER before the boil can be lanced and the puss drained.

The Truth Has No Agenda.  However, this sunlight is progress.


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Logan Paul Interviews President Donald J Trump

June 14, 2024 | Sundance

Say what you want about Trump’s political instincts, but his new-age media savvy is excellent.  President Trump continues giving long-format podcast interviews to some of the most watched independent channels on the internet.

In this relaxed and informal interview, President Trump again connects to an audience in a way that is direct, conversational and relatable.  The topics with Logan Paul include debating Joe Biden in the 2024 election, raising $140M as a convicted felon, the Paul Brothers fighting each other, friendship with Vladimir Putin & Kim Jong Un, Logan Paul Vs Bradley Martyn, brutally honest thoughts on Dana White & Elon Musk, Trump deepfakes, if he believes in aliens & more.  WATCH:

Timestamps0:00 Welcome Donald Trump!  0:55 Jake Paul Vs Mike Tyson!  1:50 Trump Gives Logan a Gift..  2:35 Felony Conviction & Raising $140M  7:47 Joe Biden Debate!  11:01 Jake Paul Vs Logan Paul?  12:27 Logan Paul Vs Bradley Martyn (Who won?)  16:13 Dana White & Khabib Relationship!  19:05 Vladimir Putin Friendship & Russia Vs Ukraine War  27:21 Gaza Conflict  31:03 Trump’s Advice for People  33:39 Drug Crisis & Trump Plugs Mike’s Book  39:15 Logan Invites Biden on the Podcast in Front of Trump!  41:11 Does Trump Believe in Aliens?  44:40 Elon Musk & Trump’s Relationship..  45:41 Trump Getting Deepfaked  50:24 “You’re Fired!”  51:53 Trump’s Viral TikTok! 

Left’s Latest ‘Sting’ Against Supreme Court Justice Alito Backfires, Proves How Right He Is

By Joe Saunders, The Western Journal Jun. 13, 2024

When it comes to smearing Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, the liberals have already lost.

With major court decisions due to drop any day now — from former President Donald Trump’s immunity claims to abortion and gun rights cases to other huge issues — liberal attacks are piling on with the publication of undercover recordings of Alito speaking in what were supposed to be private conversations.

But as “sting” videos making the news this week show, the leftists are only proving how right Alito is.

As National Review senior writer Dan McLaughlin pointed out in a column published Tuesday, the recordings, made by a liberal documentary maker posing as a conservative to try to lure Alito into some click-bait stupidity, ended up doing the opposite: Alito comes across as a man of acumen and honesty — and humility.

His questioner, on the other hand, is clearly a lying grifter.

How to Get the Prescription McCullough Protocol Before the Government Bans It

The “sting” videos are below. The conversation is well worth hearing:

The documentary maker in question — identified by a cheerleading Rolling Stone piece as Lauren Windsor — approached Alito at a fundraising event for the Supreme Court Historical Society.

Her language was appallingly dishonest — she pretended sympathy for the public pressures Alito has been undergoing, especially concerning the groundbreaking Dobbs decision last year that overturned the legal and moral monstrosity of Roe v. Wade.

It was clearly designed to elicit some emotional response from the justice, one that could be twisted to prove the court is only one good abortion case from pushing the country into the “Handmaid’s Tale” nightmare of the left’s most fetishistic fantasies.

“As a Catholic and as someone who, like, really cherishes my faith, I just don’t, I don’t know that we can negotiate with the left in the way that, like, needs to happen for the polarization to end,” she said. “I think that it’s a matter of, like, winning.”

Alito, like, agreed. But not, like, in a way that any, like, mature person could, like, disagree with.

“I think you’re probably right.” he said. “On one side or the other — one side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of working — a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. They really can’t be compromised. So it’s not like you are going to split the difference.”

Is there any honest American who could disagree with that?

One side or the other is going to win — because when two irreconcilable forces are in active conflict, one or the other will eventually win. Alito didn’t predict which side it would be. He didn’t even, strictly speaking, state a preference (though his authorship of the Dobbs decision — and its tone — make that pretty clear).

He merely stated a fact.

It’s also important to point out that there is a way of “living together peacefully” — more or less in the state of the country as it is — but in the long term, something is going to give.

And then, playing her role to the hilt, Windsor went as far as to invoke “godliness” (the judgmentally minded might call it a kind of blasphemy, considering she was lying through her leftist teeth).

“I think that the solution really is, like, winning the moral argument,” she said. “Like, people in this country who believe in God have got to keep fighting for that, to return our country to a place of godliness.”

Trending: Smoking Gun: Rep. Andy Biggs Releases Timeline Proving Biden’s Direct Collusion with Prosecutors to Take Down Trump (VIDEO)

“I agree with you,” Alito said.

“Bingo!” cried the editors at Rolling Stone, slapping a summary headline on the piece: “Supreme Court justice says he ‘agrees’ that the U.S. should return to a place of godliness.”

If wishing a county to be in a state of “godliness” isn’t damning, what is?

But Alito also knows it isn’t the court’s job to determine whether the United States is a place of godliness — that’s up to Americans and the representatives they elect.

In a video from 2023 Windsor intercut, she recorded Alito describing his view of the Supreme Court. Again, it was exactly what a normal American would want to hear:

In that portion of the video, in where Windsor again cited the “polarization” of the country and what can be done about it, Alito lamented the role of “the media” in eroding the public trust in the court (like Eve lamenting the serpent, under the circumstances), but also made it clear the court has limits that are inherent in its creation.

“We [the justices] have a very defined role, and we need to do what we’re supposed to do,” he said.

“But this is a bigger problem. This is way above us. So I wish I knew the answer. I do.”

The humility of the words “way above us” is not in any liberal politicians’ makeup — whether they’re on or off the court.

What Alito was describing was the will of the American people and — probably — the will of God.

The Democratic Party and the American left in general have spent decades proving they have scant respect for either. But it’s exactly the kind of humility the country needs from the men and women on the highest court in the land.

In another video, a Windsor colleague identified as Ally Sammarco — “who identifies as a former Republican turned Democratic strategist,” according to The Washington Times — expresses crocodile tears of sympathy to Alito for the “attacks” he’s facing in the media. Then she asks him what he thinks is behind it.

Again, Alito’s response defied the desires of Democrats for clickbait quotes.

“I think it’s for a simple reason. They don’t like our decisions,” he said. “And they don’t like how they anticipate we’ll decide some cases that are coming up. That’s the beginning and the end of it.”

Again, is there an honest American who can disagree? The fact that these recordings even exist proves his point.

Alito is a target of the attacks, especially the ongoing faux fight over flags outside his homes.

Justice Clarence Thomas, a man whose public rectitude is irreproachable, is another constant target — as a black conservative with a towering intellect, even his existence is an insult to the fringe left.

And now the leftist assault on the Supreme Court is reaching its peak for the session, as the justices ready the release of opinions on Trump immunity, charges related to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion, the abortion drug mifepristone, the Second Amendment and curbing the power of the administrative state.

It’s going to be a massive final sprint for the conservative-majority court, and liberals are already launching preemptive attacks, with Alito in the crosshairs.

Every Supreme Court justice makes history with every day on the job, of course. But Alito is different. His authorship of the Dobbs decision puts him in the rarefied company of Supreme Court justices whose landmark decision have etched a place in the chronicles of the country. (For good or ill: Chief Justice Earl Warren, author of the Brown v. Board of Education decision is in that group, along with Roger Taney of Dred Scott and Harry Blackmun or Roe v. Wade.)

He knows what place he has; he knows the power that he has, but he also knows that that power is sharply limited by the very Constitution that created it.

That’s a lesson every American politician should learn and live by. It’s a lesson most sorely needed by big-government, Democratic politicians from President Joe Biden on down to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her squad.

Liberals trying to smear Sam Alito might think they’re hurting him and the court, but all they’re really doing is showing how much he belongs there.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.


Brat: Globalists Want To Tear Down The Judeo-Christian West With No Alternative


VIDEO Sebastian Gorka: Making MAGA a Crime – Trump Interview – 34 REASONS the Bragg Biden Show Trial Should Have Been TOSSED OUT

Amanda House/Breitbart News


Yes the trial was rigged.

From Judge Merchan reversing the order of final arguments before the jury, so the prosecution went last and could not be rebutted by the defense, to the outrageous and unprecedented instructions that all 12 of the jury need not agree on the guilt of the defendant, the fix was in from the moment the Biden Administration’s No. 3 man at the DoJ magically appeared as a line prosecutor working for Alvin Bragg in New York.

Add to that the judge illicitly donating to the Biden campaign and an anti-Trump PAC, and his daughter raising $93 million dollars off her father’s trial for the Democrats, this was a political operation not even thinly veiled as a judicial proceeding. A dark day indeed. (For my eye witness story from how it looked on the inside see the account of my day in court with the President).

Judge Juan Merchan poses for a picture in his chambers in New York, Thursday, March 14, 2024. Merchan could become the first judge ever to oversee a former U.S. president’s criminal trial. He’s presiding over Donald Trump’s hush money case in New York. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

On the obverse, there are several conclusions which are also already clear but which bode very well for the President, his supporters and all Patriots.

After the the verdict was reached, within minutes the Trump website crashed and stayed crashed for hours. Why? Was is hacked? Hardly. It crashed because of the overwhelming numbers of Americans who have had enough and wanted to donate to the President’s re-election campaign.

It is likely that in those few hours, the total amount he garnered will exceed his previous historic record of $54 million raised in one day. Strikingly as well, as you can see on my X feed, there are countless Democrats who have publicly stated that they too have donated to the Republican candidate and have decided to vote for President Trump on November 5th.

At the moment the President remains a free man who left the courtroom in his armored Secret Service SUV and motorcade and slept in his own bed last night and will remain free until his sentencing, which will occur, of course, just four days before the Republican Convention. Politics again.

But whatever Juan Merchan doles out matters on sentencing – matters not in any Constitutional sense, since the Democrat Party may be fueled by hatred and be well-organized, but they seem not to have done their homework.

There are only three requirements for any American to become President, beyond obviously winning the Electoral College vote, they are: 35 years or older, natural born citizen, and 14 years a resident of the United States. There is no exclusion based upon having a criminal record. So, yes a felon can be the President. (Sadly many Conservative voters don’t know this. Please educate them).

In this April 21, 2017, file photo, President Donald Trump poses for a portrait in the Oval Office in Washington after an interview with The Associated Press.Andrew Harnik / AP

So, the President is politically rich and more powerful than he has ever been since he came down the escalator in Trump Tower all those years ago. If the election were today, and if we were to have a free and fair election, he would win. But five months is a long time in politics and we must take nothing for granted.

These are all the obvious consequences of what happened yesterday, but that misses the real historic consequence of what we witnessed less than 24 hours ago. Yesterday isn’t about one man, one party, or even one election. It’s about the very fabric of our very system, the compact of the people and their political elite, judiciary and organs of state.

Yes, the President will appeal the decision, but appeals are designed to correct mistakes. Yesterday was no mistake. It was deliberate in every minute detail. The system was deliberately perverted. As a result America was changed.

Our society is predicated on our differences being settled in a civilized fashion. What happens when the citizens of a nation have no trust in the justice system? Even if the innocent man wins the 2024 Presidential election, millions of people will never trust the legal system that has power over them. How does a nation ever fix that?

In the meantime, when it comes to President Trump, the real verdict will come on November 5th.

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.

ArtII.S1.C5.1 Qualifications for the Presidency

Article II, Section 1, Clause 5:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

The Qualifications Clause set forth in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 requires the President to be a natural-born citizen, at least thirty-five years of age, and a resident of the United States for at least fourteen years.1

Like the age requirements for membership in the House of Representatives2 and the Senate,3 the age requirement for the presidency set forth at Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 ensures that persons holding the office of President will have the necessary maturity for the position as well as sufficient time in a public role for the electorate to be able to assess the merits of a presidential candidate.4 In his Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, Justice Joseph Story stated: Considering the nature of the duties, the extent of the information, and the solid wisdom and experience required in the executive department, no one can reasonably doubt the propriety of some qualification of age.5

The Framers appear to have adopted the requirement that citizens be natural born citizens to ensure that the President’s loyalties would lie strictly with the United States. By barring naturalized citizens from the presidency, the requirement of being a natural born citizen, as Justice Story explained, protects the United States from ambitious foreigners, who might otherwise be intriguing for the office; and interposes a barrier against those corrupt interferences of foreign governments in executive elections, which have inflicted the most serious evils upon the elected monarchies of Europe.6 Article II, however, provided an exception for foreign-born persons who had immigrated to the colonies prior to the adoption of the Constitution.7 Justice Story explained that this was done out of respect to those distinguished revolutionary patriots, who were born in a foreign land, and yet had entitled themselves to high honors in their adopted country.8

While the Constitution does not define natural born Citizen, commentators have opined that the Framers would have understood the term to mean someone who was a U.S. citizen at birth with no need to go through a naturalization proceeding at some later time.9 British statutes from 1709 and 1731 expressly described children of British subjects who were born outside of Great Britain as natural born citizens and provided that they enjoyed the same rights to inheritance as children born in Great Britain.10 In addition, in the Naturalization Act of 1790, the First Congress provided that children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond the sea, . . . shall be considered as natural born citizens . . . .11 Consequently, under the principle that British common law and enactments of the First Congress are two particularly useful sources in understanding constitutional terms,12 it would appear likely that the Framers would have understood natural born citizen to encompass the children of United States citizens born overseas.13 Such an interpretation is further supported by the presidential candidacies of Senator John McCain of Arizona, who was born in the Panama Canal Zone; Governor George Romney of Michigan, who was born in Mexico, and Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona, who was born in Arizona before it became a state.14

The Framers appear to have adopted the fourteen-year residency requirement to ensure that the people may have a full opportunity to know [the candidate’s] character and merits, and that he may have mingled in the duties, and felt the interests, and understood the principles, and nourished the attachments, belonging to every citizen in a republican government.15 Justice Story further explained that the fourteen-year residence requirement is not an absolute inhabitancy within the United States during the whole period; but such an inhabitancy as includes a permanent domicil in the United States.16

Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Sunday Talks – President Trump Fox and Friends Weekend Interview

June 2, 2024 | Sundance 

President Trump is running a smart media blitz approach following the ridiculous guilty verdict from New York City.  The Trump campaign is visibly hitting multiple vote demographics simultaneously by targeting communications, appearances, advertising and interviews through platforms primarily used by those demographics.

Despite personally considering Ruper Murdoch an adversary, President Trump appears on Fox and Friends Weekend show to deliver his message to the segment of the GOP base that still review traditional cable media.  This is the same network anchored around Brett Baier, who is one of the most Machiavellian anti-Trump pundits (perhaps only eclipsed in slime level duplicity by Salem’s Hugh Hewitt).

President Trump discusses the outcome of the trial with the Fox News Weekend team. WATCH:

34 REASONS the Bragg-Biden Show Trial Should Have Been TOSSED OUT — Each One Alone Providing Grounds for a Mistrial

By Paul Ingrassia Jun. 2, 2024

1. Unconstitutional Gag Order that prevented President Trump from criticizing the trial, exposing the many conflicts that should have forced the judge to recuse himself, and the railroading of his fundamental due process rights.

2. Judge Merchan’s many, many conflicts of interests – all of which were disqualifying. His daughter, Loren Merchan, is President of Authentic Campaigns, a political consulting firm that hires the likes of the Biden-Harris Campaign, Adam Schiff, Ilhan Omar, and many other far left Democratic lawmakers. Loren’s firm has made tens of millions off these clients – Juan Merchan, through his daughter, had a direct financial stake in the outcome of this trial, a flagrant breach of the canons of legal ethics, both under the ABA and NY State, that under any other judge would have been grounds for a recusal.

3. Judge Merchan’s wife was previously employed by Letitia James, the Attorney General of New York State who campaigned on “getting” Donald Trump.

4. Bragg’s Lead Prosecutor was Matthew Colangelo, the former #3 official at the DOJ. We are told Colangelo graciously decided to step down from his prestigious office to work for a lowly state DA’s office – of course, a reasonable inference would be that he was directed to do so by the Biden Regime to persecute his leading political opponent in Donald John Trump.

5. Statute of Limitations (2 years, NY State) had long expired for the business records falsification scheme that served as the primary charge brought against Trump. For this reason, the case was passed over by the DOJ and even Alvin Bragg over seven years because it was so weak. Only once Bragg felt political pressure, externally via Clinton attorney Mark Pomerantz, who previously worked in Bragg’s office, and internally via Colangelo, a Biden lackey, did Bragg buckle under the political weight and press charges.

6. Venue in bright-blue Manhattan, a borough that voted for Joe Biden over Donald Trump at almost a 9 to 1 clip, prevented the President from ever getting a fair trial, because the pool of jurors was naturally biased against the 45th President, and could not possibly rule fairly and impartially (8 of the 12 cited the NY Times as their main source of news). Any pro-Trump jurors who were considered chose to self-select out themselves because they claimed they “could not rule fairly.” Case in point: no way in hell is the burden of proof met on any of these charges, and yet the jury pool consisted of two lawyers, who evidently believed just that. No reasonable juror, and especially no reasonable lawyer-juror, would have found that the elements of every single crime brought against Trump met the burden of proof of beyond a reasonable doubt.

7. Election Interference: This was not a new case: it had been circulating in various court systems, federal and state, for years. These charges were only brought this year to interfere with the 2024 presidential race, period. President Trump is now the leading presidential candidate, by every reputable poll, and the frontrunner by significant margins, a gap that has only expanded over time. There is no reason why this case should be brought now, six months before Election Day, unless there was a conspiracy to prevent President Trump from being on the campaign trail in key swing states, like PA, MI, AZ, and GA, which is exactly what occurred.

8. Stormy Daniels’ Testimony was unnecessarily detailed and flagrantly prejudicial against President Trump. Bragg’s Prosecutors asked her about her impressions on the Access Hollywood Tape, which should have never been allowed and have absolutely no bearing on anything. They also probed her on intimate, irrelevant details about her alleged affair with the President, including such inappropriate, salacious, and prejudicial questions as whether he wore protection, and where she testified to a “power imbalance” – all part of a character assassination campaign to smear his image before the jury.

9. Greatest Liar of All Time Michael Cohen’s Testimony, on which the entirety of the Prosecutor’s case was based, was unreliable, prejudicial, and grounds for reversible error; he contradicted himself and committed perjury on the stand in this proceeding. He admitted to lying and committing perjury in the past, which resulted in his prosecution and imprisonment. He admitted to waging a political vendetta against Donald Trump because of his previous conviction; he admitted to stealing tens of thousands of dollars from the Trump Organization, lying before a Congressional Committee, and financially profiting off this ongoing trial – and verdict, among other serious crimes.

10. Bragg’s Theory of The Case was flawed from start to finish – and unconstitutional. He claimed, under NY state law, that ordinarily the business falsification charge is deemed a Class A misdemeanor under the State penal code, which had expired by the SOL. However, by combining that misdemeanor with another misdemeanor, under the same law, Bragg claimed you can elevate the underlying crime to a felony, which has a longer statute of limitations than a misdemeanor and thus, in his view, is still actionable. The problem is that nothing in the NY State penal code spells this out expressly, or even implicitly: there is nothing that says combining two misdemeanors is sufficient to contrive a felony. This is a bespoke crime intended to fit a one defendant and one defendant only: Donald John Trump.

11. Several other problems persist with the above: 1) whether combining two class A misdemeanors to create a class E felony is supported by any legal precedent at all, or logically makes sense (it doesn’t);

12. 2) whether combining two misdemeanors to contrive a felony is constitutionally lawful – i.e., does not violate due process or is constitutionally operative as an unlawful bill of attainder, etc.; and

13. 3) even if that combination establishes a theory of liability to raise a misdemeanor into a felony, whether doing so to circumvent a long-expired SOL does not also violate due process?

14. The Second alleged crime, that Bragg combined with the business falsification crime, to contrive a felony, is inapplicable to President Trump. Bragg maintained that President Trump violated state campaign law. But that is problematic for at least two reasons:

15. 1) President Trump ran for President, a federal office, and not state office – and thereby, state campaign law does not apply to him;

16. 2) to the extent state campaign law does apply or is controlling, it is preempted (i.e., barred) – based on President Trump’s office and acts – by federal campaign law. In short, this matter should have been brought under the FEC or DOJ, not state court. Merchan’s court had no jurisdiction whatsoever to prosecute the matter.

17. The State Election Law, to the extent it was lawfully controlling, established a predicate crime scheme that is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court ruled in Ramos v. Louisiana that non-unanimous jury verdicts are a violation of fundamental due process rights. This is well-settled law.  Federal precedent applies with equal force to state criminal court proceedings. Thus, the “mix and match” or “buffet” scheme that Merchan laid out, allowing the jury to select one of three predicate crimes under the relevant statute to reach a guilty verdict, is a flagrant violation of President Trump’s due process rights.

18. The three predicate crimes that Bragg’s theory of the case lays out: FECA violation, tax law violation, or record-keeping violation, each cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

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19. The FECA violation should’ve been tossed out immediately, because a state court has no jurisdiction over the matter. The Federal Election Commission (“FEC”) has its own rules and procedures for administering election law violations, as well as a doctrine of sequencing that it is required to employ to administer disputes. This sequencing doctrine would require that Merchan refer any such FECA allegations to, for instance, the Federal Election Commission first, which might have primary jurisdiction over the matter, and then from there, the FEC might coordinate with the DOJ to prosecute any potential crimes. The point is: order matters; a rogue state court judge cannot unilaterally take up an issue belonging in federal court.

20. To the extent an alleged FECA violation controls here, there are a number of problems: 1) what statute are we talking about;

21. 2) how do we know that the alleged violation can be prosecuted as a crime, and isn’t just a civil matter;

22. 3) even if the alleged violation is a crime, how do we know

23. 1) such crime is a felony; and

24. 2) that crime can be adjudicated independently by an independent agency of the United States? In other words, does the FEC have the power to prosecute crimes unilaterally, and independently of the DOJ? That alone is sufficient grounds for a due process violation.

25. Again, we run into the issue of how 2 misdemeanor crimes mysteriously turn into an underlying felony. Is the law that any two misdemeanors creates a felony? Does it matter if the misdemeanor is a state crime versus an alleged federal crime? It cannot possibly be the case that all misdemeanors are created equal – nor can it be the case that if a jury found President Trump guilty of the predicate FECA misdemeanor, that the business falsification statute incorporates a federal misdemeanor to contrive a Class E felony. When has that ever been done before? Never!

26. Merchan has no knowledge of Federal Election Law. Typically, federal election law issues (FECA issues) are preempted by federal court. Putting all that to one side, however, considering that Merchan ignored all of that, and was hellbelt on prosecuting this nebulous crime in state court, he should have at least allowed an expert witness to opine on federal election law-related matters. That expert witness, former FEC Commissioner and government lawyer, Brad Smith, should have been allowed to testify on federal election law, a notoriously complex and highly specialized area of law. But Smith was not permitted to testify, because Merchan did not want the jury to hear expert testimony from someone competent in the relevant body of law. That prohibition of Smith’s testimony is prejudicial, and grounds for reversible error.

27. In addition to the FECA predicate crime issue, which is teeming with due process and other constitutional violations, both the alleged tax law violation, and general bookkeeping violation are also laden with due process problems.

28. Merchan has absolutely no authority to say that President Trump can be found guilty of violating “tax laws” or erroneously reporting a tax filing as a legal expense (when in fact, legally and definitionally, it was a “legal expense”); these two miscellaneous predicate crimes are constitutionally overbroad and cannot for those reasons alone satisfy the requisite burden of proof – due to concerns of being overbroad, Bragg’s theory of criminal liability violates due process as well.

29. Nondisclosure Agreements, Hush Money Payments, and “Catch and Kill” schemes are and have always been perfectly lawful; none of these things can serve as a basis for criminal liability, however controversial they might sound – nor too does consensual sexual activity, including out of wedlock sex, even with a pornstar, ever, ever impute criminal liability or the pretext of criminal liability upon the one doing the act. All of these acts are lawful, case closed.

30. Running for President of the United States, even if your name is Donald Trump, is lawful. It is not a “conspiracy” to run a presidential campaign, nor is it conspiratorial – let alone criminal – to take lawful measures to win a campaign. Under Bragg’s twisted theory, however, every single political campaign ever carried out in the history of the United States would be considered unlawful – including the presidential campaigns of Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama.

31. Stormy Daniels denied an affair with Donald Trump, in writing, multiple times over many years. That said, the Daniels-Trump story had long been in the public domain years before the 2016 presidential election. The NDA at issue was formalized in 2011, five years before the 2016 presidential election. How it is even possible that a 2011 NDA can be a component of a larger conspiracy to criminally manipulate the results of the 2016 race was never addressed. At trial, through the testimony of Hope Hicks and Madeleine Westerhout, what became crystal clear was that any such nondisclosure agreements were to protect President Trump’s family and had no bearing on the 2016 election.

32. Indeed, it is unclear just how the dissemination of the Daniels story, which was already widely distributed in the public domain by the time President Trump launched his 2016 campaign, would have impacted the race. By conflating the Daniels story with the Access Hollywood Tape, which was frequently referenced in the examinations of several key witnesses, Merchan allowed undue prejudice into his courtroom – providing a basis for reversible error. Stormy Daniels and Access Hollywood have absolutely nothing to do with one another; Access Hollywood had no bearing on any NDA agreements signed between President Trump’s counsel, and Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal, or anyone else. Asking Daniels, during her testimony, about her impressions of the Access Hollywood Tape was completely inappropriate for a courtroom and prejudicial.  Conflating these facts, many of which were wholly inappropriate to bring into the courtroom, unfairly prejudices the jurors – because they serve no other purpose than to smear President Trump’s character.

33. The alleged bookkeeping error that was the basis for this entire criminal trial – marked as “legal expenses” – of which the President had no knowledge, as revealed in the testimony of Robert Costello and others, occurred after the President won the 2016 presidential election! How could the President unlawfully conspire to promote or prevent his election after he had already been elected to federal office? This entire trial operated like a bill of attainder, unlawful to the core.

34. The judge conducted this trial unfairly from start to finish, and treated the defendant, his attorneys, and his witnesses horrendously.  He prevented President Trump and his lawyers from bringing in key expert witnesses. He admonished President Trump’s lead attorney, Todd Blanche, on the stand, and cast multiple, unnecessary wanton barbs at him. He excoriated the only pro-Trump witness he allowed to testify, Robert Costello, an experienced lawyer of the SDNY; at one dramatic point, in a complete and unprecedented breach of the code of judicial ethics, Merchan lost his composure and vacated the entire courtroom, press included, because he did not like Costello’s “tone” and “mannerisms” from the witness stand. Merchan allowed Bragg Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass to go on for hours in his summations – allowing Steinglass to explain fundamental aspects of the law, including the burden of proof, for the jury, even though he previously admonished President Trump’s lawyers from making even the slightest reference to the law. He also allowed Steinglass to go on wild tangents unrelated to anything having to do with the alleged crime, allowing discussions of “Bill Clinton” and “Monica Lewinsky” to enter the courtroom.  Merchan had previously declared, like a tyrant, that only he can interpret the law in his courtroom.  But then he allowed Steinglass to explain the law at great length, over and above the objections of President Trump’s attorneys. Merchan also buttered up the jurors to win over their sympathy, complimenting random things like their “note-taking” skills, attention, and timeliness. All these factors, in addition to everything stated above, are egregious breaches of professional and judicial ethics and serve as grounds for a mistrial.

Sabotage SitRep – General Vallely – How To Prepare And Protect Your Community 6/1/24


VIDEO O’Keefe Uncovers Who Is Really Running The White House: ‘Whatever This Guy Says, It’s What The President Says’ – Trump On Day #1

 by Jordyn M. April 22, 2024

An undercover video by O’Keefe Media shows a special advisor for The United States Small Business Administration providing insights into the intricate dynamics of President Joe Biden’s inner circle.

The advisor, Tyler Robinson, engaged in conversation with an undercover reporter, and he pulled back the curtain on the significant clout wielded by Jeff Zeints, the current White House chief of staff and former Facebook board member.

Robinson asserted that Zeints commands immense influence, going as far as labeling him the “second most powerful person in Washington.” He also shared some of the strategies employed to sway his decision-making.

“By getting Jeff to sign off, you’re getting the president to sign off… whatever this guy says, it’s what the President says,” Robinson asserted.

Robinson was also pressed on whether Zeints holds more power than Vice President Kamala Harris, to which he affirmed, “Yeah,” and that he is more powerful “in some ways” but “not legally.”

The White House insider also openly acknowledged the enduringly close relationships former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Hillary Clinton have with the current Biden administration.

Robinson later delved into the strategies employed by the establishment to marginalize GOP politicians, effectively excluding them from crucial negotiations and policy-making processes

He disclosed the activities of his boss, Isabel Casillas Guzman, alleging that she is dispatched by the Biden administration under the pretext of visiting small businesses while covertly aiding Democratic election campaigns.

“Pretty much every week, she goes somewhere in the country… We can tell their accomplishments; she can’t like go on a stage and be like, ‘Hey, vote for Joe Biden.’ Like that’s illegal,” said Robinson.

“Any time we go [to a state], we try to visit with a Member of Congress, if they’re a Democrat… because then we can help them get reelected as well,” the insider added “So we’re going to Montana because Senator Tester, he’s the Democratic Senator from Montana, like he’s in a tough reelection race, and that’s like a seat we need in the Senate to maintain a majority.”

“We all, like as an office, were going, and the White House was like, ‘yes, go. Invite Senator Tester. Don’t invite the other Senator because he’s a Republican, and don’t invite the two members of Congress because they’re Republicans,’” he continued.

Resist The Mainstream reported last month on another undercover video from O’Keefe Media that showed a Department of Defense employee advocating for the repeal of the Second Amendment and endorsing government-exclusive firearm ownership.

Jason Beck, identified as a member of Total Force Requirements & Sourcing Policy within Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s office, boldly stated to a disguised O’Keefe, “I think we should repeal the Second Amendment and take the guns all away.”

Beck also challenged immigration policies suggesting an open border approach and condemning recent legislation as “almost unbelievable” and “really racist.”

He criticized border security measures as ineffective, dismissing them as futile efforts to address a non-existent problem.

Beck asserted, expressing skepticism about the security threat posed by undocumented immigrants, “There’s no Taliban coming in through Mexico like that’s, they just make that stuff out of whole cloth. Like when has a terrorist ever come in?”

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President Trump Delivers Remarks to Media Pool Following Day #1 of “Hush Money” Trial

April 22, 2024 | Sundance | 

The “hush money” case in New York City is perhaps the stupidest of the Lawfare cases launched against President Trump.  The premise is that President Trump tried to “influence the 2016 election” by paying people not to besmirch his reputation with negative stories about him.  This is the basis of the “hush money” claim by state prosecutors.

The Federal Election Commission reviewed the details and found no merit to the claims of illegality, but the state of New York twisted the legal interpretation of “honest services” to make a claim that President Trump paid his attorney Michael Cohen and labeled the payments “legal services.”  The state case is dependent on a logical fallacy that paying your attorney and designating the payment as ‘legal services’ is a fraudulent business practice.  It really is nonsense Lawfare.

President Trump delivered remarks to the media after the first day of trial where his defense team said to the jury, “use your common sense. We’re New Yorkers, It’s why we’re all here.”  WATCH:


Politico has a breakdown of the day one activity – HERE.


President Trump Notes the Double Standard of Protests

Good Grief, Worse than Warner – Unhinged Senator Lindsey Graham Loses His Marbles Over FISA-702

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Blasts Joe Biden for False Claims About His Uncle Being Eaten by Cannibals During WWII

VIDEO Inside Baseball Stuff on FISA 702 Reauthorization, Stuff You Never See Explained – Surveillance bill, like herpes, it’ll be back – Pragmatic, Always Seeking Optimal Solutions

April 10, 2024 | Sundance |

Before getting into bigger picture analysis and intellectual discussion about FISA and the 702 reauthorizations, let me just reveal some inside DC crap that drives me nuts and at the same time will help y’all understand the nonsense.

First, the Intelligence Community (IC) tells congress, particularly the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, that all hell will break loose if they don’t reauthorize full electronic surveillance of Americans.  Congress is petrified of the IC.

Speaker Johnson and all of the key participants are totally siloed from understanding that 702 has nothing to do with incidental collection of American data whilst the honorable IC were doing foreign intercepts.   Johnson and most republicans believe the IC nonsense. They really do.

The politicians and their key staff cannot fathom how the FBI, DOJ, NSD, DHS and Contractors use this database to conduct political and “other” (think corporate espionage for sale) surveillance.  They really do think the IC is full of honorable rank-and-file.  They are inside a DC bubble.

Second, the IC argument is now something akin to we have let thousands of terrorists into the country through the southern border crisis.  They say:  “my god, we need to monitor the terrorists, and if you take away 702 the foreign terror cells will activate and start killing us all.  Do you want that blood on your hands?”   You cannot take away surveillance tools.

Third, FISA 702 reauthorization is used as a bargaining chip by people who don’t want to get caught up in the surveillance.

The DC conversations are something like, “ok, we’ll reauthorize it, but you cannot use it against us – and all the sex parties and perverted stuff we do when no one is around, you must promise to keep our secrets hidden“…  Yes, this is why the IC agree to accept a reauthorization that exempts congress.   The IC keep the blackmail, just promise not to use it.

We The People do not have any friends in DC on this issue.  The democrats will reauthorize 702 to continue exploiting surveillance authority – don’t forget over 10,000 log-in portals with access to the NSA database exist, including the workstation at Perkins Coie that ties into the NSA database {GO DEEP}.

President Trump finally opposes the FISA system – writ large – and THAT is progress.

More soon….

(An Accurate Depiction )House Speaker Mike Johnson 👇

WATCH: Tucker: Surveillance bill is dead but, like herpes, it’ll be back

‘It’s important to punish the people that pushed it,’ including one powerful Republican

By Tucker Carlson April 10, 2024

Pragmatic, Always Seeking Optimal Solutions

April 10, 2024 | Sundance | 

President Donald J Trump seeks optimal solutions for all challenges.  Internally he has his own set of standards and crystal-clear understanding of what he would want in any given situation; this is not difficult for a clear brain to accomplish.

However, in the world of multi-interests and larger group needs, in this case an entire nation of individuals and groups, President Trump knows that optimal solutions are best found closest to the work, closest to the source of the individual hearts.  Pragmatic leadership is often about optimal solutions. WATCH:

He/We will win.

They are increasingly desperate.  The need for control is a reaction to fear.   The next week to 10 days is critical.

I have much to share with our fellowship.  You will journey with me.

Tom Klingenstein releases Amazing Video, “Trump’s Virtues, Part II”


VIDEO Ideology expressed by ex-justice on Supreme Court blasted as ‘bunk’ – Trump gets message through Hewitt “bait & shaping” -Here’s the bright side of a dark time

Accused of wanting ‘philosopher kings’ to be ruling

By Bob Unruh March 29, 2024

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer at the State of the Union address on Tuesday, March 1, 2022. (Video screenshot)

Ex-U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer at the State of the Union address on Tuesday, March 1, 2022.

Stephen Breyer, who sat on the U.S. Supreme Court for nearly three decades before resigning in 2022, has written a book, like so many others who come out of the Washington, D.C., swamp, and is on a tour promoting it.

As part of those interviews, he’s lashed out at the rest of the court for overturning the faulty and unconstitutional Roe v. Wade decision that created a “right” to abortion, and also promoted his personal ideology of a changeable U.S. Constitution.

And he’s getting blasted, in a house editorial at the Washington Examiner, for his warping of the nation’s foundation document.

“The learned justice says his method of judging is needed as a model for successors because ‘the world does change,’ so if the court doesn’t interpret the Constitution as evolvable, too, ‘we will have a Constitution that no one wants.’ Therefore, he says repeatedly, his method ‘involves purposes, consequences, values, and sometimes much more.’

“This sounds high-minded and reasonable, but it is bunk. Even worse, it is a power grab subject to no limiting principle, especially when he goes into an open-ended ‘much more’ phase. Breyer treats as paramount the jurist’s subjective assessment of ‘values and sometimes much more,’ as if he possesses Olympian wisdom about such matter above that of mere mortals. This would turn representative democracy into an elitist oligarchy, a rule by nine supposedly wise men and women, against America’s constitutional design that deliberately separates, disperses, and blends power in multitudinous ways intended to safeguard liberty.”

Breyer quit the court at a time when Joe Biden was able to push Ketanji Jackson, a far-left ideologue adored by leftists, onto the bench.

The Examiner noted that Breyer’s comments suggest he basically puts judges “above the law.”

Breyer’s writings claim to make a case for using “pragmatism,” or adjusting the Constitution to circumstances, rather than reading it as it was originally written.

“What Breyer’s suggestion amounts to is the anti-democratic idea that judges should be free to twist what the law says to suit their own prejudices — that is, they should be above the law rather than servants of it.”

The piece explained what America’s founders set up: “In a republic, applying ‘values’ and trying to create the right ‘consequences’ is the job not of judges but of the people’s elected representatives, or of the people themselves. The Constitution, as fundamental law enacted by the people, is supreme. Statutes written via representative procedures are next. The reason judges, ultimately Supreme Court justices, are final arbiters of what the law means is not because they possess superior moral or value-based perspicacity, but because they are supposed to be the most learned in parsing the words of laws to ensure they are applied faithfully. Jurists are supposed to be guided and humbly governed by the words of the law, not by willful masters over them.”

It continued, “Breyer’s ‘pragmatism’ … invites the mischief of judicial willfulness, unmoored from objective restraints, applied by nine people acting as philosopher kings.”

Hugh Hewitt Interviews President Trump on Current Events

April 5, 2024 | Sundance | 

Hugh Hewitt (Salem Media) is one of the key media control operatives on the right, fully controlled by the multinationals who organize controlled Republican politics, who attempts to manipulate political outcomes through the pressure of his platform.  Why any conservative would appear on the Hugh Hewitt broadcast is beyond my understanding.

In this interview, Hewitt starts shaping the conversation based on the editorial priorities handed to him by his benefactors.  However, that said, President Trump does a great job cutting through the majority of the Hewitt bait & shaping and he finds a way to explain his message despite Hewitt’s interventions.  


Hugh Hewitt, on behalf of the corporations and banking interests who organize their insurance policies, would love to influence the vice presidential selection.

WATCH: Tucker Carlson: Here’s the bright side of a dark time

People are starting to notice the lies

By Tucker Carlson April 6, 2024

Tucker Carlson (Video screenshot)

Tucker Carlson


VIDEO Allegations of Procedural Missteps Surface Against Special Counsel John Luman Smith, aka Jack Smith – Smith Lost More than a Legal Issue at SCOTUS – Lisa Monaco Says Outsiders Must be Kept Outside – President Trump’s Christmas Message

By Jim Hᴏft Dec. 24, 2023

There are new allegations surrounding the appointment process of John Luman Smith, also known as “Jack Smith.”

Recent scrutiny has surfaced on the appointment process of Special Counsel Jack Smith. Claims have come to light questioning the validity of his oath of office and the timing of his affidavit compliance.

A concerned reader approached The Gateway Pundit recently, challenging the legitimacy of Smith’s procedural conduct upon his appointment by Attorney General Merrick B. Garland involving his role as Special Counsel.

Critics argue that, unlike other department heads who have the authority to appoint inferior officers, the Attorney General may not have been vested with this power for appointments like that of Jack Smith, who was not Senate-confirmed for his office.

According to official documents, John Lumen Smith was appointed as Special Counsel by Attorney General Merrick B. Garland on November 18, 2022, as per Order No. 5559-2022.

This appointment was in response to the need for an independent special counsel to oversee “criminal investigations” related to former President Donald Trump, particularly considering Trump’s third run for the White House in 2024.

Former Ronald Reagan Attorney General Edwin Meese, along with Professors Gary Lawson and Steven Calabresi, submitted a petition to the Supreme Court last week seeking a writ of certiorari in response to Jack (John Lumen) Smith’s petition to expedite appeal of immunity ruling.

The former US Attorney General contends that Jack Smith, acting as Special Counsel, was not appropriately appointed. Consequently, they argue, all legal actions undertaken by Smith should be considered null and void.

The trio, in their petition to the Supreme Court, argue that since Smith was directly hired by the current Attorney General, Merrick Garland, the constitutional process of presidential nomination and full Senate confirmation was bypassed. They state that Smith’s various legal actions, performed under the guise of law, should only be carried out by individuals who have been duly appointed as federal officers to legitimately established federal offices.

The petition reads in part:

The illegality addressed in this brief started on November 18, 2022, when Attorney General Merrick Garland exceeded his statutory and constitutional authority by purporting to appoint Smith to serve as Special Counsel for the Department of Justice.

But none of those statutes, nor any other statutory or constitutional provisions, remotely authorized the appointment by the Attorney General of a private citizen to receive extraordinary criminal law enforcement power under the title of Special Counsel.

What federal statutes and the Constitution do not allow, however, is for the Attorney General to appoint a private citizen, who has never been confirmed by the Senate, as a substitute United States Attorney under the title “Special Counsel.”

Now this – A Gateway Pundit reader made fresh and alarming concerns regarding the appointment of Special Counsel John L. Smith (Jack Smith).

Under 5 U.S. Code § 3332, “An officer, within 30 days after the effective date of his appointment, shall file with the oath of office required by section 3331 of this title an affidavit that neither he nor anyone acting in his behalf has given, transferred, promised, or paid any consideration for or in the expectation or hope of receiving assistance in securing the appointment.”

Any federal position appointee must file an appointment affidavit (SF 61) within 30 days of assuming office. Documentation confirms that Smith signed the initial SF 61 on November 20, 2022. However, due to a missing witness signature, a corrective action was taken to re-administer the oath and execute a new SF 61—which occurred 298 days after the appointment, on September 14, 2023.

From: U.S. Department of Justice/ Justice Management Division/ Human Resources:


SUBJECT: Oath of Office, John L. Smith

Trending: “Joe Biden vs. Cornpop” -BEST BIDEN MEME EVER! Joe Biden Quotes Set to Cowboy Western Theme

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This memorandum serves as record that an appointment affidavit (SF 61) has been signed and executed for the appointment of John L. Smith, Special Counsel. On November 18, 2022, John L. Smith was appointed by Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to serve as the Special Counsel by Order No. 5559-2022.

DISCUSSION: Mr. Smith signed an SF 61 on November 20, 2022. Upon reviewing documentation, it was discovered that a witness signature was missing (more than likely as Mr. Smith was on boarded while overseas). JMD/Human Resources consulted with the JMD/Office of General Counsel (OGC) to ensure proper corrective action. OGC’s recommendation and advice was to readminister the oath of office and execute a new SF 61 to ensure procedural compliance.

A. Attorney General Order 5559-2022
B. SF 61, signed and executed on 9/14/2023
C. SF 61, signed on 11/20/2022

Source: U.S. Department of Justice

And there’s more – It should be noted that on June 8, 2023, Jack Smith issued a grand jury indictment against Trump on federal criminal charges related to his handling of classified documents, and on August 1, 2023, Trump was indicted on additional federal felony counts relating to attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election and his conduct during the Capitol event.

This took place prior to the completion of Mr. Smith’s oath.

It appears that Smith completed signing the “Oath of Office” as mandated by 5 U.S. Code § 3332 only on September 14, 2023. This requirement states that the oath should be filed within 30 days of assuming office, but in this case, it was filed 298 days later due to a missing witness signature.

Although the rectification occurred, the legal conundrum remains about whether actions taken prior to this date may be legally challenged.

The procedural misstep could potentially cast more doubt over the validity of Mr. Smith’s official actions, including the high-profile indictment against former President Trump. The oversight opens the possibility for jurisdictional challenges, questioning the authority under which Mr. Smith operated during the period between his appointment and the signing of the corrected appointment affidavit in September 2023.

Failure to take the oath is generally considered a failure to complete the appointment process, rendering the person’s actions as an officer potentially invalid.

Jack Smith’s SF 61

Adding to the complexity is the fact that Mr. Smith may have filed the indictment using the name “Jack Smith,” a deviation from his admitted legal name “John Luman Smith.”

Under New York Law, practicing law under a name differing from that under which one was admitted, without formal approval for a name change from the Appellate Division, is prohibited.

The Gateway Pundit has sought insight from legal experts on both the discrepancy in names and the delayed oath.

Regarding the name discrepancy, one lawyer opined, “Since John/Jack are related names I’d expect them to punt on this. Or allow him to remedy/cure quickly… The court will interpret Jack as a form of John and say where’s the harm? He’s signing for himself.”

However, on the oath of office matter, the same legal expert posited, “A court should take it seriously. They might dismiss it as ceremonial. But it’s a solid argument.”

The Hitman Is Exposed!… Former DNI Ratcliffe: Jack Smith Lost More than a Legal Issue at Supreme Court – This May Be His Bob Mueller Moment (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Dec. 24, 2023

Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe joined Maria Bartiromo this morning on Sunday Morning Futures.

During their conversation John Ratcliffe had the opportunity to weigh in on Jack Smith’s rejection this week by the Supreme Court.

This was brutal. The hitman is exposed!

John Ratcliffe: Stating the obvious, this was a big legal victory for President Trump and a big legal setback for Jack Smith. But I would argue that Jack Smith lost more than just a legal issue at the Supreme Court. He lost credibility. This may be his Mueller moment.

Your viewers remember when Special Counsel Bob Mueller struggled and stumbled to find an answer and ultimately couldn’t answer why he applied a different standard to Donald Trump than anyone else ever prosecuted or under investigation by the Department of Justice, meaning that Donald Trump had to conclusively prove his innocence rather than have a presumption of innocence as our bedrock standard.

Bob Mueller lost all credibility and he and his report drifted away. And I would submit that this is the Bob Mueller moment for Jack Smith because everyone remembers, Maria, that he stood before the American people when he indicted Donald Trump. And he said, we have one set of laws and they apply equally to everyone. Donald Trump will be treated the same as every other defendant. But when Donald Trump’s legal team came forward with a legal defense of presidential immunity that threatened a trial date taking place before the political election in 2020, Jack Smith did a 180 and he went to the Supreme Court and said, forget everything I told you. Now. Donald Trump is completely different.

This is extraordinary. We have to have an expedited review. You have to look at this immediately. And I think the Supreme Court, the way they rejected this unanimously with one sentence saying petition denied, I think reflects that they saw this for what we all saw, which is that the very same Justice Department that, you know, took six years to consider charges against a guy named Biden saying this was plenty fast. But when it comes to a guy named Trump, for some reason, we have to have this trial take place before the election.

Keep in mind, Maria, keep in mind that the speedy trial provisions of the 6th amendment are the defendants right, not the government’s. I think that this was nakedly partisan and overtly political, and it was revealed, told to the Supreme Court. That’s how Jack Smith is operating.

Sunday Talks – DAG Lisa Monaco Says the Quiet Part Out Loud – Within How Her DOJ is Operating, All Outsiders Must be Kept Outside

December 24, 2023 | Sundance |

Most will not see the forest through the trees.  I have shortened this longer interview with Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, to emphasize a point.

Monaco is one of the extreme control operatives from the Obama era who transferred intentionally into the Biden administration to continue control operations.  Monaco is literally one of the consequential DC administrators responsible for maintaining a well-honed and weaponized Dept of Justice.  That’s all she does; organizing and keeping the Main Justice targeting mechanism focused on their priority is her job.

In this interview segment, transcript provided below, DAG Lisa Monaco outlines the importance of keeping a corrupt system isolated so that only the corrupt officials within it have reign.  Of course, that’s not the exact context of her comments, but when combined with the actual reality of the effort – that’s the cornerstone of the non-pretending message.  WATCH:

[Transcript] – […] THOMAS: I’m going to ask a couple questions that I hope get to transparency, understanding the limits that you have to operate within. Can you assure the American public that Special Counsels Jack Smith and David Weiss, Robert Hur are operating without regard to anything but the facts and the law?

MONACO: Yes. And the reason I say that, Pierre, is, look, these are matters of the utmost importance and significance. Cases of that level of significance are — it’s exceptionally important that they are handled independently, confidentially and free of any outside or inappropriate influence. And that’s exactly why the attorney general appointed special counsels in the first place.

THOMAS: Just for the record, so the public can hear it from a top official at DOJ, has President Biden ever raised the classified documents investigation, the probe of Hunter Biden with you or the A.G., tried to influence you? Has he ever done that in regard to President Trump?

MONACO: No. And the attorney general’s been exceptionally clear on this point. (more)

Outcomes are determined by controlling inputs.

Want a specific outcome?  You must control all the inputs.

In this situation, “free of any outside influence” means retaining the silo of benefit.

She’s saying the quiet part, without people really understanding how the quiet part is constructed right in front of our faces.

President Trump Christmas Message

December 24, 2023 | Sundance |

President Trump releases his 2024 Christmas message. {Direct Rumble Link}

[…] “This holiday we give thanks for the many blessings God has bestowed upon us. We pray for the safety of our men and women in uniform at home and abroad, and we ask God to guide us, give us strength and watch over us in this pivotal year ahead. With His help, by this time next year, we will be well on our way to making America safer, stronger, greater and more prosperous than ever before.”

Donald Trumps Loving Christmas Message – December 24, 2023


Additionally, Donald J. Trump for President 2024 released a new television ad, titled “A Christmas To Remember.”

The ad—shown nationally as well as in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina — features Arkansas Governor Sarah Sanders recounting her time from the White House and Christmas Day in 2018 when President Trump visited U.S. troops in war-torn Iraq. [link]


VIDEO Tucker Carlson’s Episode 20: Hungary PM promotes family, nation, God – Glenn Beck Interviews President Trump – Tucker with Adam Carolla

Viktor Orbán is among the few, powerful voices for freedom in Europe

By WND Staff August 29, 2023

Viktor Orbán, prime minister of Hungary (Video screenshot)

Viktor Orbán, prime minister of Hungary (Video screenshot)

Tucker Interviews Viktor Orbán on Ukraine War: We Need “Peace Immediately. Call Back Trump. That’s the Only Way Out”

By Richard Abelson Aug. 30, 2023

Tucker Carlson Interviews Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at Buda castle Aug. 22

Tucker Carlson interviewed the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Budapest for the second time after his 2021 Fox News interview. Orbán said the Russian invasion of Ukraine “would not have been possible” under Donald Trump, who had “the best foreign policy of the recent several decades.”

Orbán called the claim that Ukraine is winning the war “a lie”:

“It’s not just a misunderstanding, it’s a lie. It’s impossible. Everybody who’s in politics and who understands the logic, the figures, the data – no way…”

“The poor Ukrainians die every day. Hundreds and thousands. My heart is with them. It’s a tragedy for Ukraine. But they will run out of soldiers before Russia. What finally will count is boots on the ground. And the Russians are far stronger,” Orbán said. “The strategy the West is supporting is bad engineering”.

Tucker Carlson noted the Biden Regime’s goal is “regime change in Russia, to kill Putin.” Orbán remarked that it’s “a difficult thing to understand the Russians, especially if you have an ocean between you and Russia.” When Westerners speak about politics, they focus on “freedom,” according to Orbán.

“The Russians will not kill their leader. They will never give up”

In Russia, the focus is on “how to keep the country together. It’s a very big country.” That emphasis “creates a military approach,” Orbán remarked, “security, buffer zones, geopolitical approaches. It’s legitimate to have that, because it’s their history. We have to understand that we cannot beat them as we do now. They will not kill their leader. They will never give up. They will keep together their country, and they will defend it.”

“If we finance more, they will invest more”, Orbán said. If the West sends more technical equipment, Russia will also produce more,” he said. Orbán called the idea Russian would get sick of Putin “a joke.”

Orbán recalled the period of instability between former Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Putin, when Europe was worried about “anarchy” in Russia. “Everybody was happy when after Yeltsin, Putin came in and started to control the military and Russian power as a leader… We forgot about how dangerous (it is) when there is no strong leadership in Russia. The interregnum is the worst case possible.”

“But that is our goal – at least of of the U.S. State Department,” Carlson commented.

“That’s a mistake,” Orbán observed. “If this is the goal, it’s a mistake.”

“It sounds very dangerous”, Tucker remarked.

“It’s more than dangerous,” Orbán said. “To sit in Washington, in the safe United States, is a different feeling than here in Budapest. Ukraine is next door. What’s going on there could have an immediate impact in Hungary. Washington is far away. Ukraine is close. That’s the Hungarian approach.”

At some point, “Ukraine is going to need more soldiers,” Tucker observed. “Where are they going to come form?”

“If West sends boots on the ground, that would mean war with Russsia”

“That’s the most risky question”, according to Orbán. “If any Western country would send boots on the ground, that would mean war between the West and Russsia, and we are in a Third World War.” That’s obvious “not just for me”, Orbán said, but to ”everybody on the street” in Hungary.

“All our ordinary citizens are aware we are living in a very dangerous moment. The Third World War is knocking on our door. We have to be very, very careful. That’s my message to America as well, at NATO summits: Be careful.”

Americans tend to think “they are bigger, therefore they are more clever,” Orbán joked.

Tucker Carslon also asked Orbán about the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage: “It seems very obvious the Biden Administration blew up Nord Stream, either directly or through proxies. How is Western Europe, and Germany in particular, not saying anything? We just crushed the German economy,” Carlson said.

When the Nord Stream attack happened, Hungary wanted to call it a terrorist attack, which was refused by the Germans, Orbán said. Apparently, “it was not a terrorist attack, it was something (else),“ he said. “That’s evidence of a lack of sovereignty.”

“You can do it with the Germans, but you can’t do it with this region”

“That’s the job of the Germans. I would not like to criticize them,” Orbán said. “What we Hungarians immediately made clear is, there is another pipeline, not just Nord Stream. There is South Stream (aka TurkStream), coming from Russia through Turkey, Bulgaria. Serbia, Hungary. Together with the Serbian Prime Minister and President, we made it very clear, if somebody would like to do the same thing with the Southern Corridor, we consider it reason for war, a terrorist attack… You can do it with the Germans, but you can’t do it with this region.” This warning was “not addressed to Moscow,” Orbán said, implying the warning was meant for the Obama-Biden cabal.

“If you were Joe Biden, what would your next move in the war in Ukraine be?,” Tucker asked.

“Peace, immediately,” Orbán said. “Call back Trump. That’s the only way out.”

“You can criticize him for many reasons,” Viktor Orbán said. But Donald Trump had “the best foreign policy of the recent several decades… He did not initiate any new wars. He treated the North Koreans nicely, Russia, even the Chinese. He delivered a policy which was the best for the Middle East: The Abraham Accords. That was a very good foreign policy.”

“Trump is the man who can save the Western world”

“And if (Trump) would have been the President,” the Russian invasion of Ukraine would not have been possible, Orbán said. “Trump is the man who can save the Western world”, and probably the whole world, Viktor Orbán claimed.

Carlson noted that at the Munich Security Conference Feb. 20, 2022, Vice President Kamala Harris invited Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to join NATO. Orbán noted that NATO states had rejected NATO membership for Ukraine at the Bucharest Conference 2008, at a time when Russia would have been too weak to prevent it. “That window of opportunity is not open anymore. We can’t afford to have that long a border between Russia and Ukraine, which belongs to NATO. That would mean immediate danger of war for all of us. That’s dangerous even for Washington. ”

Instead of trying to bring Ukraine into NATO, “we should do the opposite”, Orbán suggested. “We should make a deal with the Russians on a new security architecture to provide security and sovereignty for Ukraine, but not NATO membership.”

“If the United States wants  peace, there will be peace the next morning”

If Donald Trump were reelected, the United States “should admit, probably publicly, that the keys (to peace) are in your hand. If the United States would like peace, there will be peace the next morning. Because it’s obvious that the poor Ukrainians on their own are not competitive in this war. If there is no money and equipment from the West, and especially the United States, the war is over. The solution is in your hand. In the hand of your President – the present or the future one. The United States can do it. Nobody else. It’s not a solution for the Ukrainians. Of course it’s about Ukrainians, they must not be neglected, they must be involved, but the real factor is not Ukraine, it is the intention of the United States.”

Asked about Hungarian conservative and patriotic values, Orbán observed that Hunagry had a 1,100 year old history it was proud of, and lives its Catholic Christian values “not in an ideological way, but on the street every day.”

“I am not the favorite politician of the liberals, unfortunately”, Orbán joked. “But nobody’s perfect.” The West is currently split between people who think egoistically, and those who value “family, nation and God. And this means I have to serve.”

“’Liberal’ originally meant freedom”, Orbán said. “But now, in Europe, it means you are an enemy of freedom.”

“Hopefully Trump will come back, and the relationship US-Hungary will be good again”

Tucker noted the Biden Regime considers him Orbán “fascist” and asked Orbán if that worried him. “It’s dangerous”, Orbán said. “When the US administration does not like you, or considers you an enemy, it’s dangerous… If you (the USA) criticize somebody, you (meaning Hungary) have to be very cautious how to deal with that, And the Democrat administration does that regularly now. But we have to be clear this is not the voice of America, it is the voice of the administration. Not all Americans have the same approach as the government…  The previous President is a friend of Hungary on the basis of values, whole-heartedly, a real friend. So we don’t make the mistake of considering the United States equal to the administration. Hopefully, Trump will come back, and the relationship will be very good again.”

Tucker noted that the Biden administration unsuccessfully spent US tax dollars to campaign against Orbán in the previous election, as Gateway Pundit has reported. “Big money”, Orbán noted, which definitely goes against “all the principles we” subscribe to. Hungary is strong enough to resist economic pressure from the US, Orbán believes. Orbán is accused of being a “puppet of Putin”, Tucker noted, to which Orbán responded that Hungary’s “sad” historical relationship with Russia precludes any Hungarian leader being a “puppet of the Russians.”

“But of course I try to have a rational relationship with the Russians, especially on economy and energy. Without involving the Russian in a security architecture for Europe, we cannot provide a safe life to the citizens of Europe. But now everything is going against this, unfortunately. What NATO does is rather strange. If you look at the official position of NATO, it is exactly what I said: No involvement (in foreign wars), and we should do as much as we can for peace. That’s the official position of NATO… United States policy to support and finance the Ukrainians is not the policy of NATO.”

Tucker noted that NATO has expanded eastward and now shares 900 miles of border with Russia, which seems to be “provoking war” with Russia. “What is the point of NATO?” he asked.

“The point of NATO is to be stronger than Russia,” Orbán said. “The Russians are not strong enough to beat the Ukrainians right now. Russia is not able to threaten NATO.” Some leaders of NATO, Orbán said, “like your President had a strategy to crush the Russians. The strategy was that the Ukrainian soldiers will fight, and NATO member states will finance this fight by money and equipment… We Hungarians said very clearly, this strategy will never work. Now we have one and half years of war and it’s obvious this was a bad strategy. We have to stop it. We need a new strategy or we should (aim) for peace as soon as we can.“

“To use the justice system against political opponents is impossible in Hungary”

Finally, Tucker asked Orbán whether he had ever considered weaponizing the justice system against his political opponents in Hungary. “We have some bad chapters of our history, but that kind of civil war is not part of our culture,” Orbán said. “To do what’s going on… in your country, to use the justice system against political opponents, is impossible in Hungary. That’s what was done by the Communists. It’s a very Communist methodology.”

“Competition is okay,” Orbán said, “but it must be fair, and legally (unassailable), otherwise you can sacrifice the future of your country for your personal success, which is not acceptable. At least in Hungary.”

Tucker Carlson Interviews Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban

August 29, 2023 | Sundance 

Tucker Carlson traveled to Hungary, a current target of the U.S. State Dept, Samantha Power and the CIA for regime change {GO DEEP}, to interview Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. {Direct Rumble Link}

Hungary shares a common border with Ukraine and Prime Minister Orban has a nationalistic viewpoint that puts him at odds with the overall NATO and EU viewpoint. Thus, the U.S. Biden effort currently underway is to remove Viktor Orban from his position.  Tucker Carlson is essentially interviewing the #1 allied target of the EU/U.S and NATO.  This is an excellent non-pretending interview.  WATCH:

Ep. 20 Hungary shares a border with Ukraine


Why is eliminating Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban now the goal of the Biden administration.  Well, a reminder:

♦ Hungary warned citizens of the west about the New World Order, created through Ukraine.

♦ Hungary continued to purchase Russian oil and natural gas.  Zelenskyy and the Western alliance were furious.

♦ Hungary said they would continue energy purchases in Rubles if that is what Russia demanded.

The World Economic Forum and NATO/Western Alliance cannot permit a nation to stand on principles of nationalism.  Allowing a point of contrast that would showcase the weakness of globalism and multiculturalism is something the western control system just cannot permit.

As a result, Samantha Power, the U.S. State Dept (USAID) and the CIA, are collectively running an operation in Hungary, seeding the groundwork for the next color revolution.

Glenn Beck Interviews President Trump

August 30, 2023 | Sundance |

President Donald Trump called in to the Glenn Beck broadcast for an interview about current events.  The interview is in two segments on Rumble [HERE] and [HERE].

President Trump interview part 1


Part Two below:


Tucker Carlson Interview with Adam Carolla on Obama Gay Sex and Smoking Crack, Rising Risk of Trump Assassination and War with Russia Next Year

Caution language


VIDEO Atlanta Residents Go Wild and Scream “Free Trump” – Third Time In History Our Nation’s Destiney Is Tied To One Man – Fani Willis Campaign Director

Atlanta Residents Go Wild and Scream “Free Trump” As His Motorcade Rolls Through Urban Neighborhoods (VIDEO)

By Anthony Scott Aug. 25, 2023

As Trump’s motorcade left the Fulton County Jail, his motorcade was met by hundreds of Atlanta residents lining up the street to catch of glimpse of the 45th president.

Videos on Twitter show residents of Atlanta ecstatic that Trump’s motorcade was driving through their neglected neighborhoods.

Many of the residents were heard on video shouting, “Free Trump.”

WATCH: caution language

Democrats would want you to believe that the urban parts of Atlanta are chanting “lock him up” however the exact opposite is occurring and residents are gleefully shouting “free Trump.”

Before Trump was booked his supporters also lined up in the streets.


Per USA News:

Roads between the Atlanta airport and the Fulton County Jail were blocked off as former President Donald Trump arrived in a motorcade to turn himself in on charges related to his efforts to remain in power after his 2020 election loss, giving the scene something of a presidential aura.

But Trump was going to do something no other president has ever done — surrender for booking on criminal charges and have a mug shot taken.

As word spread that Trump was on his way, demonstrators near the main entrance on the Rice Street side of the jail lined security barricades two to three deep. There were more Trump supporters than opponents braving the intense Georgia summer heat, but both groups were outnumbered by media. The crowd, which began gathering in the morning, had grown as the hour of Trump’s booking approached.

MUST SEE… Steve Bannon Defines This Historic Moment: “For Only The Third Time In History, The Nation’s Destiny Is Tied To One Man – Donald Trump” (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Aug. 25, 2023

Steve Bannon delivered the most important monologue of his life on Friday morning following the arrest of President Donald John Trump on Thursday night by a rogue District Attorney.

Steve captured the moment like no one else can.

Steve Bannon: President Trump as I say, my theory of this case is quite simple.

Only twice in this providential entity we call the United States of America, this nation against all odds that was created and built upon the shoulders of the most extraordinary collection of individuals in mankind’s history that did this. Over, I don’t know, hundreds of years. Really, essentially, yes, our leaders at certain times, like during the Revolution and other periods, were incredibly well educated men of the enlightenment. Back in the Revolution, incredibly educated, you could tell this by the documents. Then you had in the Civil War someone like Lincoln, who was self educated, right?

Remember Lincoln for most of his life really had the plays and sonnets of Shakespeare, the King James version of the Bible and I think Plutarch’s lives of the Noble Romans and Greeks were really what he was able to self educate himself. I think later Euclid’s Geometry and others as he got more intense in his thirties and forties to really stop being a laborer and become a lawyer. Extraordinary individuals. Only twice in this Republic’s history has the fate of the individual been inextricably linked with the destiny of this Republic.

And that’s where we are today. And that’s one of the reasons the left goes out of the way, they go out of the way, saying, “This is a cult of Trump.” This is a cult of nothing. There’s no cult of Trump about this.

If you can pull back up for a moment, that photo, what they call the mug shot, and just look at that. At first, when it first came up, I actually thought it was a painting. I mean, think of the pressure somebody’s under and delivering the moment. This is about the ability to grab the moment. That is what leaders do. They grab the moment when it happens. This is you saw on the stage the other night, Ron DeSantis and all you simps out there, and I said this now for a long time, and everybody that abandoned Trump and went there is just you need to have the right stuff. Part of the ‘right stuff’ is knowing how to own the room. And you own the room by you step into the moment and you grab it by the throat.

You either have that or you don’t. Ron DeSantis just doesn’t have it. He’s not going to be president of the United States. So everything around that and all the Murdochs, and this is why I’m on the Murdochs and what they’re trying to do here, because it’s self evident to people that know him. Yet they’ve spent now billions of dollars in TV time to try to promote him to thwart Trump. Why? Because Trump cannot be controlled. Think about it for a second. Just step back, pull the camera back for a minute. Two impeachments, four indictments, now almost what, 700 years in prison, 90 some indictments.

You see them cackling on MSNBC in the New York Times newsrooms. They want him to serve that time.

Don’t doubt for a second. They want him to die in prison.

I want you to put that in a context of the sweep of American history. Think about that for a second. What was Donald Trump’s crime? And Donald Trump to them has an unforgivable crime that he should die in prison. And as Nicolle Wallace was cackling the other day on the show, when she’s so happy about the conditions inside of the Fulton County Jail, about how horrific it is, they want him to suffer like that. They want him to die like that. This is why Tucker Carlson look, Tucker Carlson is a very smart guy. Tucker Carlson tucker Carlson is also a guy. If you watch his show, tucker’s not into clickbait. Tucker’s not throwing stuff. He’s not a wise guy, as Trump would say. He’s not a wise guy. Tucker asked very important questions that can lead to other things.

The two most important parts of Tucker’s interview tonight was about Trump’s potential assassination of Trump, or violence against Trump, and then ended about a civil war of which Sarah Palin then reinforced last night. That’s what they’re trying to bait us into. Remember, they want the death of Trump. They want his memory to be expunged. They want him to become a non-person. Was this not what Rupert Murdoch told people that we have that have told people the famous story? He wanted Trump to become a non-person? Back in January of 2021 did the war room in this audience, the core audiences at the time, did you believe that when everybody abandoned him on the 20 January, when the Air Force One took off for the last time to go back to Florida. And around the war room on Capitol Hill, you had hundreds of troops that were deployed, National Guard that were deployed, full up armored, and all the Republicans ran and left and hid and abandoned.

We didn’t. Why? Why was that? Very simple. What Trump represents is a taking the country to the next level. Remember these figures that they like General Washington and Lincoln, they go, oh, they united the country. No, they did not unite the country until their actions were complete. They were quite divisive. We say how could General Washington be divisive? Only a relative handful of people actually fought in the revolution. Remember, the Declaration of Independence is incredible. It is a divinely inspired document, but it is just a document. It inspires people. It laid out the argument for the founding of the country and the breaking off of the empire. But it took eight years of a quite brutal war that at any time we could have lost and folded in, or we wouldn’t be an independent country. That was Washington.

And you don’t think he was divisive? How many people signed up for the Continental Army, how many people showed up for the militias? How many times did he become within an inch of losing it all? But to keep that small embattled army intact, which was the point of the exercise, he was quite divisive at the time until he won. And then he brought the country together and then the foundational elements of the Constitution and his presidency in his second term, and most importantly, walking away at the end of the second term – laid the whole foundational element from the French and Indian War all the way to that divisive and then unity.

Unity through victory.

Lincoln, same thing. Lincoln was a minority president even as the popular vote> If you add up the popular vote with the four candidates with Lincoln, I think Lincoln got 41% of the vote. Popular vote. Popular vote overwhelmingly won the electoral vote but the popular vote, I think there are five states. There are five states he did not receive a vote. Not an electoral vote. A vote. And then the trial of fire of this country in a civil war of which so many times it could have cratered. And only and remember, he puts out a controversial memo, one they still refer to to his cabinet in August of 1864 when it looks like they’re going to be defeated by his former general, McClellan, who’s run against him as a peace Democrat to bring the country together. What did McClellan want to do? He wanted to unite the country. They want to bring the country together. They want to bring the country to bear. They want the country unified. And Lincoln tells his cabinet, hey, you know, it’s looking pretty grim because it doesn’t look like we’re going to take this one. So I want to have a plan that we have to figure out how to finish this conflict before we turn it over in March. And quite frankly, the way it’s actually written, people actually question was he going to turn it over in March of 1865? That’s the controversy about the memo to the Cabinet… It was only the fall of Atlanta by General Sherman and then the troops, the overwhelming support of Lincoln by the Union Army that swept him to a massive victory note in history. He didn’t even run as a Republican. It was so controversial. They ran as a unity party. I think it was called the New Union Party. He had a Democrat as his running mate. They got rid of Hannibal Hamlin in Maine, the Republican, and put Johnson on. Remember East Tennessee, those Appalachian folks down there never loved the aristocracy in the South. That was it. The second time Lincoln wins and through victory then brings the country together.

This is Trump – only the third time in history inextricably linked in an individual’s fate with the destiny of the country.

And now it’s more obvious than ever. And why is that? Because Trump understood that the elites in this country had become globalist and they had put the interest of international entities, international capital markets, and international players above the American citizens and the nation itself. That’s his unforgivable crime.

In their eyes, he needs death in prison. You don’t think if you went to Morning Joe this morning, you went to all those people, Joy Ann Reed, they want to serve all 700 years and have his memory totally expunged as a black mark in American history. It is exactly the opposite.

And that’s why I have said from day one, there’s nothing to compromise about. There is no coming together. Just like in the Revolution and the Civil War, one side is going to win and one side is going to lose. And the side that wins will then do what they do. And that side is going to be us. As sure as the turning of the Earth, it will be us, because it can’t be any other way. And remember, this only stops when we say it stops.

Always remember that. Only when you decide that it’s over, is it over. And that’s what they hate and they can’t take it. They don’t have the grit, they don’t have the toughness. They determination. They don’t have, wait for it, the right stuff.

Is Trump perfect? No, he is far from perfect. He is a quite imperfect vessel. He is a quite imperfect instrument. And his imperfections actually are strengths, because this is not about a cult or looking for a messiah. We have a Messiah. We have one today. We don’t need another. We need an instrument. And Trump is that instrument. Think about it for a second. Not just when he came down the escalator in 2015. He had absolutely no incentive when he went back to Mar-a-Lago to do this again. And in fact, if he had just built his business and gone his way, they would have celebrated and none of this would have happened. None of the indictments would have happened. None of the shutting down of his businesses would have happened. None of the trying to put his kids and his family and everybody in a bankruptcy would have happened. None of that would happen. He made a conscious decision to come back and do it again.

And this is why his fate is inextricably linked with the destiny of this republic.

Because, trust me, at the end of this fight, we’re going to be one thing or the other. We’re either going to be the republic that was bequeathed to us, a constitutional republic by the rule of law that was bequeathed to us, are we’re going to be something quite different.

Sheer brilliance. Thank you, Steve. Thank you for defining this moment in history.

Why they hate Trump

Dave Brat Calls On The GOP Congress To Not Allow McCarthy To Cut ANY Deal With The Democrats

Call The Democrats What They Are, Communists (Ep. 2075) – 08/25/2023

Kari Lake: “There Are No Good Guys In The Corporate Media”

Nancy Mace: Joe Biden “Definitely” Took More than $50 Million – Probably Most Corrupt President in US History

Gabe Sterling Brags About Expanding Voter Drop Boxes and Hiring ACLU Election Workers in Georgia

Fani Willis Campaign Director’s Connection to Team Biden and Anti-Trump Tweets Revealed – Locks Social Media Account

By Cullen Linebarger Aug. 25, 2023

Credit: @JHDeuce

Is this a smoking gun proving collusion between the Fulton County prosecutors’ office and the Biden regime?

As Cristina Laila previously reported, Willis hit President Trump and 18 others with RICO and conspiracy charges for daring to challenge the 2020 election.

A Fulton County grand jury last Monday returned a 41-count indictment which included RICO and conspiracy charges against President Trump.

Now, a possible link between the White House and Team Willis may have been uncovered. Natalie Winters, the co-host and producer for Steve Bannon’s The War Room on Thursday dropped a bombshell, revealing that Fani Willis’ campaign director, Jeremy Halbert Harris, worked for the Joe Biden campaign in Georgia during the 2020 presidential election cycle. He is also a deranged Trump hater and posted multiple tweets bashing the 45th President.

Winters notes that he has been trying to take Trump out since 2017.

Stockpiling Critical Medications Has Never Been More Important

Fani Willis’s Campaign Director became Joe Biden’s Coordinated Campaign Director for Georgia in 2020.

Nothing to see here.

— Natalie Winters (@nataliegwinters) August 24, 2023

He’s been trying to take Trump out since 2017.

— Natalie Winters (@nataliegwinters) August 24, 2023

Here is a better look:

This is one of the tweets Halbert Harris deleted:

It seems that Halbert-Harris panicked after Winters exposed his connections to Biden and his disgusting anti-Trump posts. He quickly locked his X (formerly Twitter) account in a possible attempt obfuscate the truth.


BREAKING: Fani Willis Campaign Director locks twitter account after I exposed his anti-Trump posts and affiliation with Biden campaign.


— Natalie Winters (@nataliegwinters) August 25, 2023

While Democrats will assert that a campaign director has little involvement in her investigation, there is no doubt Willis and Holber-Harris consistently communicate with each other. What are the odds that they have discussed the garbage Trump indictment?

One social media user correctly noted that this information uncovered by Winters should be made available to the Trump defense team.

Please make this information available to Trump’s defense team. It can and should be obtained.

— Biff Gruffly (@BitingNews) August 25, 2023

Such a move could also help House Republicans’ investigation into Willis to conclusively prove to the public that she is a politically motivated prosecutor.

President Trump Talks to Assembled Media Pool After Booking in Fulton County

August 24, 2023 | Sundance |

I will have more to say later. But for now, when I get angry… I generally get quiet.   There is a level of anger that follows cold anger, it is a rage, and it is prudent to pray.  I am having a very difficult time praying today.  I think we all sense something very different has just taken place.

We are standing in a very different place than we were before, and yet we have not moved.



VIDEO How Smith Is Twisting Our Election Process – GA State Sen Calls for Emergency Session To Impeach Willis.”- Demand To Indict – CIA Sued on Laptop – Trump Discusses GA Case

How Jack Smith Is Twisting Our Election Process

By Jenny Beth Martin

If Special Counsel Jack Smith has his way, election integrity as we know it will be a thing of the past, and all election results in the future will be suspect. 

I’ve got a particular interest in election integrity. As the leader of Tea Party Patriots Action, I’ve spent the better part of the last two and a half years traveling the country, training tens of thousands of citizens for work as election officials and poll workers.

Our work has been necessitated by the doubts raised about election integrity in recent election cycles. Poll after poll demonstrates Americans’ distrust of our elections. Our hope is that we can help reestablish the public confidence in elections necessary for them to function as they must — to allow the electorate to exercise its right to choose our leaders.

Our Founders recognized that the legitimacy of government itself derived “from the consent of the governed,” in Thomas Jefferson’s memorable phrase. Their concept of choosing government leaders by means of elections open to a larger public, so novel at the time, has been embraced worldwide, in name if not in fact. Even dictators seeking to burnish their claims to legitimacy now go through the motions of holding elections. 

Our Founders, of course, understood something dictators don’t — our Founders understood the importance of free speech and vigorous debate as the means to determine truth, an essential underpinning of the concept of a free election. Jefferson, for instance, wrote that “research and free inquiry are the only effectual agents against error. Give a free rein to them, they will support the true religion by bringing every false one to their tribunal, to the test of their investigation. They are the natural enemies of error, and of error only…”

“Research and free inquiry” are “the natural enemies of error.” It’s a shame Smith appears to be unfamiliar with Jefferson’s writings on the subject.

Ending the use of free speech and vigorous debate to contest and challenge the results of elections will be the inevitable result of this political persecution of Trump. If Smith is successful, political leaders in the future will be so scared of potential criminal charges being brought against them for exercising their lawful, civil right to challenge election results that they will simply keep their mouths shut and let questionable election results go unchallenged.

You know what kind of governments don’t allow questions to be raised or challenges to be launched against election results? Authoritarian and totalitarian governments, like the governments of Nicolae Ceausescu in Romania, or Saddam Hussein in Iraq, or Kim Jong Un in North Korea — or like the government of Ugandan dictator Idi Amin, who is reputed to have once said, “There is freedom of speech, but I cannot guarantee freedom after speech.”

That’s really what it’s all about, isn’t it? Freedom after speech?

There must be provisions for elections and election results to be challenged. Even if they are never or rarely used, their presence, and the mere possibility that they can be used, if deemed necessary, provides a sense of legitimacy to the elections they safeguard. And without that security, there is a break between the government and the consent of the governed, a chasm so great that it calls into question the very legitimacy of the government itself.

Smith clearly believes we don’t need such safeguards.

Like tens of millions of other law-abiding American citizens, Trump believes the 2020 election was rigged. He believes the loosening of laws and regulations by courts instead of legislatures, regarding mail-in ballots and extended and expanded early access to voting sites; widespread use of unattended and insecure ballot drop boxes; irregularities in the counting, transporting, and storing of ballots; illegal registering of voters who should not have registered or voted; illegal ballot harvesting; and a host of other irregularities related to voting all combined to corrupt the results of the election and allow the Dominant Media wrongly to assert that Biden had won.

Trump complained, he criticized, he declared his belief that the election results were wrong. He spoke loudly and firmly, in private and in public. He called close friends and distant allies to talk about the search for evidence and his concern for the Republic, and he held discussions with supporters outside the government who believed they had pertinent information to share.

In other words, he exercised his right to free speech.

Trump did more than speak — he took action to prevent the “Biden has won” narrative from firmly establishing itself. He worked officials in his own executive branch and he lobbied officials in various state governments, all in the effort to find proof that the election had been tainted and have other government officials take appropriate action to remedy the situation. 

In other words, he petitioned the government for redress of grievances. 

Did Trump give up his First Amendment rights when he became president? Of course not.

Yet now the government — controlled by his chief political rival, the man whom the narrative says beat Trump, and who will stand for reelection against Trump — has chosen to attempt to criminalize Trump’s refusal to meekly accept the results of what Trump believed (and believes) to be a rigged election by charging Trump with crimes that have never been charged before.

Imagine if Smith’s view of the law had been in vogue in previous years. Hillary Clinton could have been charged for her repeated assertions — as recently as the month before the 2020 election! — that her 2016 loss to Trump “was not on the level”; Stacey Abrams could have been charged for her repeated and longstanding refusal to accept the results of her 2018 loss in the race for governor of Georgia. 

Or perhaps former California Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer could be charged for challenging the results of the 2004 election — as, come to think of it, could current Mississippi Democrat U.S. Representative Bennie Thompson, who, coincidentally, happened to serve as chairman of the last Congress’ House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack.

And let’s not forget former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who challenged the legitimacy of the 2016 election — “Our election was hijacked,” she tweeted in May of 2017.

Were Clinton, and Abrams, and Boxer, and Thompson, and Pelosi wrong to challenge the elections they did? Smith would have you believe so.

By attacking Trump’s right to contest an election, Smith assaults the fundamental rights each of us hold as citizens of our constitutional republic. Worse, he attacks the foundation of election integrity — our right to question, to argue, to debate, to challenge the results, and the processes and procedures that got us there.

We cannot allow Smith to twist our election process into a charade that does not allow for challenges of election results. Without the ability to challenge questionable results, the electorate will lose faith in the integrity of not just one election, but the election process itself. Smith’s charges must be defeated, for the good of our republic.

Jenny Beth Martin is Honorary Chairman of Tea Party Patriots Action.

Image: Pix4Free


by Summer Lane August 17, 2023

Georgia State Sen. Colton Moore (R) is officially calling for an emergency legislative session in the Peach State to “review the actions of Fani Willis.”

He wrote on X, “America is under attack. I’m not going to sit back and watch as radical left prosecutors politically TARGET political opponents.”

Sen. Moore’s call to action comes just days after Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis indicted President Donald Trump on 41 counts related to an investigation surrounding his phone calls to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in 2020.

In a letter written to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R), Sen. Moore stated, “in our opinion an emergency exists in the affairs of the state, requiring a special session to be convened under that section, for all purposes, to include, without limitation, the review and response to the actions of Fani Willis.”

Questions have arisen among conservatives on whether DA Willis allegedly brought this case to strategically kneecap President Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign. According to the Trump campaign, Willis allegedly endorsed and fundraised for a Democrat in 2021 in Georgia.

Further, the Fulton County court mysteriously uploaded and then deleted a docket report that included potential charges against the president on Monday afternoon before an official indictment had even come down, RSBN reported.

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., initially responded, “This is OUTRAGEOUS government conduct and is a very legitimate basis to deem the entire Grand Jury process tainted & corrupted. MOTION TO DISMISS!!!”

Per RSBN, DA Willis has asked for a proposed trial date for President Trump in the Georgia case, along with 18 other defendants, for March 4, 2023, the day before Super Tuesday in the primary election.

Summer Lane is the Associate Editor for Right Side Broadcasting Network. She reports on the unprecedented America First agenda and President Donald Trump. She is a producer at the Counter Culture Mom Show. Summer is also the #1 bestselling author of 30 books, including the hit Collapse Series.

Georgia State Senator Moves to Impeach DA Fani Willis for Political Bias in Indictments Against President Trump Based on So-Called Speech Crimes

By Cristina Laila Aug. 17, 2023

Democrats are criminalizing speech in America.

Marxist Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis hit President Trump and 18 others with RICO and conspiracy charges for daring to challenge the 2020 election.

A Fulton County grand jury on Monday returned a 41-count indictment which included RICO and conspiracy charges against Trump.

There are 30 unindicted co-conspirators.

Trump’s lawyers Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, John Eastman and others were also indicted.

Fani Willis criminalized the First Amendment.

Trump was charged for asking his supporters to watch One America News and RSBN in a series of tweets.

The entire process has been abusive.

The Fulton County Clerk posted Trump’s charges online BEFORE the grand jury had deliberated.

On Thursday, Georgia State Senator Colton Moore said enough is enough and moved to impeach Fani Willis.

“As a Georgia State Senator, I am officially calling for an emergency session to review the actions of Fani Willis.” Senator Colton Moore said.

“America is under attack. I’m not going to sit back and watch as radical left prosecutors politically TARGET political opponents.” he added.

As a Georgia State Senator, I am officially calling for an emergency session to review the actions of Fani Willis.

America is under attack. I’m not going to sit back and watch as radical left prosecutors politically TARGET political opponents.

— Sen. Colton Moore (@realColtonMoore) August 17, 2023

Georgia’s Governor, Brian Kemp, signed a bill in May that will allow for the removal of elected district attorneys from office.

The newly enacted law (Senate Bill 92) establishes a statewide Prosecuting Attorneys Statewide Qualifications Commission vested with the power to investigate complaints against district attorneys and, if warranted, remove them from office.

The grounds for discipline, removal, or involuntary retirement of a district attorney or solicitor-general listed in the bill, include:

  • mental or physical incapacity interfering with the performance of his or her duties which is, or is likely to become, permanent;
  • willful misconduct in office;
  • with respect to district attorneys, willful and persistent failure to carry out duties pursuant to Code Section 15-18-6;
  • with respect to solicitors-general, willful and persistent failure to carry out duties pursuant to Code Section 15-18-66;
  • conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude;
  • conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice which brings the office into disrepute; or
  • knowingly authorizing or permitting an assistant district attorney or assistant solicitor-general to commit any act constituting grounds for removal under paragraphs (1) through (6) of this subsection.

NEWT GINGRICH: I Am Told Someone From DC Called Fani Willis on Friday and Demanded She Indict Trump on Monday to Cover Up Weiss “Screw Up” (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila Aug. 17, 2023

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich told Charlie Kirk a reliable source told him Fulton County DA Fani Willis got a phone call from DC on Friday demanding she indict Trump on Monday to cover up for the Weiss-Hunter Biden “screw up.”

Marxist Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis hit President Trump and 18 others with RICO and conspiracy charges for daring to challenge the 2020 election.

A Fulton County grand jury on Monday returned a 41-count indictment which included RICO and conspiracy charges against Trump.

The grand jury was supposed to meet to listen to witness testimony on Tuesday, however, 10 witnesses testified on Monday and the grand jury returned a 41-count indictment that evening.

The entire process has been abusive.

The Fulton County Clerk posted Trump’s charges online BEFORE the grand jury had deliberated.

Newt Gingrich said the person who called Fani Willis demanded she bring the grand jurors in on Monday afternoon and indict Trump later that evening.

“I am told by a reliable source that Friday evening that somebody from Washington called the District Attorney from Atlanta and said ‘you have to indict on Monday – we have to cover up all the mistakes we just made with Weiss,’ and she said apparently, ‘my jurors aren’t coming back until Tuesday,’ and they said ‘you didn’t hear me, you have to indict on Monday,’ and she said, ‘They’re not going to be here before noon…this means it’s going to be 8 or 9 or 10 o’clock at night!’” Newt told Charlie Kirk.

Charlie Kirk asked Newt Gingrich who made the phone call to Fani Willis.

“We don’t know,” Newt Gingrich said. “And I’m telling you upfront, this is hearsay, but it’s from a person who has remarkably good sources.”

“I totally believe it though because that would explain why they leaked and they messed up on the clerk documents, why [Fani Willis] was exhausted and why they had the 11 pm press conference!” Charlie Kirk said.


On Friday US Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that US Attorney for Delaware David Weiss was appointed Special Counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation.

Weiss asked for special counsel status in the Hunter Biden case after Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal blew up.

Garland refused to answer any questions after the Weiss screw up.

If what Newt Gingrich said is true, later that night someone from DC put the order in for Trump to be indicted the following Monday to distract from the Hunter Biden Crime family corruption and the DOJ cover-up operation.

This is a pattern with the Biden Regime.

Every time Joe and Hunter Biden’s crimes make headlines, Jack Smith or Marxist DAs indict Trump.

Judicial Watch Sues CIA for Records about Its Role in Intel Letter Attacking Hunter Laptop Story Just Before Election

hunter biden

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the CIA for all communications of the spy agency’s Prepublication Classification Review Board (PCRB) regarding an October 19, 2020, email request to review and “clear” a letter signed by 51 former intelligence community officials characterizing the Hunter Biden laptop story as having “all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign” (Judicial Watch v. Central Intelligence Agency (No. 1:23-cv-01844)).

In October 2020, in the run-up to the presidential election, the New York Post reported that Hunter Biden’s laptop, which was abandoned at a Delaware computer shop, contained embarrassing and possibly incriminating information about the Biden family. In a May 10, 2023, report the House Judiciary Committee revealed that on October 19, 2020, three days before the second presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Democrat candidate Joe Biden, then-Acting CIA Director Michael Morell sent the PCRB the finalized letter for review, calling it a “rush job,” and quickly secured its approval.

Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit after the CIA failed to respond to a May 11, 2023, FOIA request for:

Records and communications of the Prepublication Classification Review Board, Central Intelligence Agency, including emails, email chains, email attachments, text messages, cables, voice recordings, correspondence, statements, letters, memoranda, reports, presentations, notes, or other form of record, regarding an October 19, 2020, email request to review and “clear” a letter involving the Hunter Biden laptop story potentially having Russian involvement or being a Russian disinformation plot.

In a May 16, 2023, letter to CIA Director William Burns, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Michael R. Turner stated that the committees were conducting oversight of the October 2020 “Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails” signed by 51 former intelligence community officials.

Jordan and Turner wrote: “

The CIA has documents responsive to our requests and necessary to our oversight. On October 19, 2020, at 6:34 a.m., Morell submitted the statement to the CIA’s Prepublication Classification Review Board (PCRB), instructing it was “a rush job, as it needs to get out as soon as possible.” The PCRB staff responded at 7:11 a.m. that it had received the statement, and cleared it for publication at 12:44 p.m. on the same day. Morell speculated that the quick turn-around from the PCRB was because “[t]hey are probably afraid I’m coming back” as CIA director. On May 9, 2023, the CIA produced to the Committees two emails: Morell’s email to the PCRB early on October 19, 2023, and the PCRB’s response at 12:44 p.m. However, the Committees have reason to believe additional documents remain in the possession of the CIA.

The Committees have received evidence that the CIA, or at least an employee of the CIA, may have helped to solicit signatories for the statement about Hunter Biden. According to former CIA employee David Cariens, he spoke with the PCRB in October 2020 regarding the review of his memoir and during that call a CIA employee “asked” him if he would sign the statement. As Cariens explained:

When the person in charge of reviewing the book called to say it was approved with no changes, I was told about the draft letter. The person asked me if I would be willing to sign. . . . After hearing the letter’s contents, and the qualifiers in it such as, “We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement . . .’ I agreed to sign.

If accurate, this information raises fundamental concerns about the role of the CIA in helping to falsely discredit allegations about the Biden family in the weeks before the 2020 presidential election.

A House Judiciary Committee report details the testimony of former CIA officer Marc Polymeropoulos criticized the CIA’s handling of the letter:

Q. Does what [Former CIA official David Cariens] described there, that interaction with the [Prepublication Classification Review Board], sound like a quid pro quo to you?

A. I can’t comment on this. This is—to me, this is something that the [Prepublication Classification Review Board] in my experience would never engage in something like that. They are just straightforward back and forth in terms of approval. The idea they would have a comment on any other thing that they were working on, that to me is not even close to what I’ve experienced with them.

Q. Does that concern you?

A. If it’s true, it would concern me, for sure. But I just—I have a hard time believing that occurred. If it did, that’s incredibly unprofessional.

Congressional testimony also confirms that the Biden campaign was behind the creation of the infamous Hunter laptop letter promoted by the CIA.

“The Deep State CIA, it seems, engaged in election interference and a political operation against the American people to help Joe Biden and hurt Trump,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And now the CIA is ignoring FOIA law to cover up its role in the scandal, censoring and suppressing the Hunter Biden/Joe Biden laptop story just before the presidential election.”

Judicial Watch has multiple federal lawsuits focused on Biden family corruption:

In July, Judicial Watch sued the DOJ for records from the Office of the Attorney General and Office of the Deputy Attorney General regarding the Internal Revenue Service investigation of Hunter Biden.

In June 2023, Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice for a copy of the FBI FD-1023 form that describes “an alleged criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions.” Judicial Watch also asked for communications about the FD-1023.

In May 2023, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA lawsuit against the National Archives for Biden family records and communications regarding travel and finance transactions, as well as communications between the Bidens and several known business associates.

On October 14, 2022, Judicial Watch sued DOJ for all records in the possession of FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten regarding an August 6, 2020, briefing provided to members of the U.S. Senate. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) raised concerns that the briefing was intended to undermine the senators’ investigation of Hunter Biden.

Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against the U.S. State Department on April 20, 2022, for messages sent through the SMART (State Messaging and Archive Retrieval Toolkit) system that mention Hunter Biden.

In December 2020, State Department records obtained through a Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit showed that former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie “Masha” Yovanovitch had specifically warned in 2017 about corruption allegations against Burisma Holdings.

In October 2020, Judicial Watch forced the release of State Department records that included a briefing checklist of a February 22, 2019, meeting in Kyiv between then-U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch and Sally Painter, co-founder and chief operating officer of Blue Star Strategies, a Democratic lobbying firm which was hired by Burisma Holdings to combat corruption allegations. At the time of the meeting, Hunter Biden was serving on the board of directors for Burisma Holdings.


President Trump Discusses the Georgia Case and the State of the Economy With Larry Kudlow

August 17, 2023 | Sundance |

President Trump sat down for an extensive interview with former National Economic Council Chairman Larry Kudlow from Fox Business News. {Direct Rumble Link}

Within the interview President Trump first starts talking about the Fulton County, Georgia, prosecution by Fani Willis, then shifts to discuss the current state of the economy and the outcomes of Bidenomics.  WATCH: 

Part 2 below:


Fortunately, we do not have to guess which candidate has the right path.  We have President Trump’s actual economic policy results to look at and see how the expansion of the economy was creating the type of growth that would sustain Social Security and Medicare.  This was/is MAGAnomics at work.

…. Make America Great Again!

We know it works, because we have the results to cite.

It was the Fourth Quarter of 2019…..

Right before the pandemic would hit a few months later…. Despite two years of doomsayer predictions from Wall Street’s professional punditry, all of them saying Trump’s 2017 steel and aluminum tariffs on China, Canada and the EU would create massive inflation, it just wasn’t happening!

Overall year-over-year inflation was hovering around 1.7 percent [Table-A BLS]; yup, that was our inflation rate.  The rate in the latter half of 2019 was firmed up with less month-over-month fluctuation, and the rate basically remained consistent.   [See Below]  The U.S. economy was on a smooth glide path, strong, stable and Main Street was growing with MAGAnomics at work.

A couple of important points.  First, unleashing the energy sector to drive down overall costs to consumers and industry outputs was a key part of President Trump’s America-First MAGAnomic initiative.  Lower energy prices help the worker economy, middle class and average American more than any other sector.

Which brings us to the second important point.  Notice how food prices had very low year-over-year inflation, 0.5 percent.  That is a combination of two key issues: low energy costs, and the fracturing of Big Ag hold on the farm production and the export dynamic:

(BLS) […] The index for food at home declined for the third month in a row, falling 0.2 percent. The index for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs decreased 0.7 percent in August as the index for eggs fell 2.6 percent. The index for fruits and vegetables, which rose in July, fell 0.5 percent in August; the index for fresh fruits declined 1.4 percent, but the index for fresh vegetables rose 0.4 percent. The index for cereals and bakery products fell 0.3 percent in August after rising 0.3 percent in July. (link)

For the previous twenty years food prices had been increasingly controlled by Big Ag, and not by normal supply and demand.   The commodity market became a ‘controlled market’. U.S. food outputs (farm production) was controlled and exported to keep the U.S. consumer paying optimal prices.

President Trump’s trade reset was disrupting this process.  As farm products were less exported the cost of the food in our supermarket became reconnected to a ‘more normal’ supply and demand cycle.  Food prices dropped and our pantry costs were lowered.

The Commerce Dept. then announced that retail sales climbed by 0.4 percent in August 2019, twice as high as the 0.2 percent analysts had predicted. The result highlighted retail sales strength of more than 4 percent year-over-year.   These excellent results came on the heels of blowout data in July, when households boosted purchases of cars and clothing.

The better-than-expected number stemmed largely from a 1.8 percent jump in spending vehicles. Online sales, meanwhile, also continued to climb, rising 1.6 percent. That’s similar to July 2019, when Amazon held its two-day, blowout Prime Day sale. (link)

Despite the efforts to remove and impeach President Trump, it did not look like middle-class America was overly concerned about the noise coming from the pundits.   Likely that’s because blue-collar wages were higher, Main Street inflation was lower, and overall consumer confidence was strong.  Yes, MAGAnomics was working.

Additionally, remember all those MSM hours and newspaper column inches where the professional financial pundits were claiming Trump’s tariffs were going to cause massive increases in prices of consumer goods?

Well, exactly the opposite happened [BLS report] Import prices were continuing to drop:

[Table 1 – BLS report link]

This was a really interesting dynamic that no-one in the professional punditry would dare explain.

Donald Trump’s tariffs were targeted to specific sectors of imported products.  [Steel, Aluminum, and a host of smaller sectors etc.]  However, when the EU and China respond by devaluing their currency, that approach hit all products imported, not just the tariff goods.

Because the EU and China were driving up the value of the dollar, everything we were importing became cheaper.   Not just imports from Europe and China, but actually imports from everywhere.   All imports were entering the U.S. at substantially lower prices.

This meant when we imported products, we were also importing deflation.

This price result is exactly the opposite of what the economic experts and Wall Street pundits predicted back in 2017 and 2018 when they were pushing the rapid price increase narrative.

Because all the export dependent economies were reacting with such urgency to retain their access to the U.S. market, aggregate import prices were actually lower than they were when the Trump tariffs began:

[…]  Prices for imports from China edged down 0.1 percent in August following decreases of 0.2 percent in both July and June. Import prices from China have not advanced on a monthly basis since ticking up 0.1 percent in May 2018. The price index for imports from China fell 1.6 percent for the year ended in August.

[…]  Import prices from the European Union fell 0.2 percent in August and 0.3 percent over the past 12 months.

[Page #4 – BLS Report, pdf] – BLS press release.

So yes, we know President Trump can save Social Security and Medicare by expanding the economy with his America First economic policy.  We do not need to guess if it is possible or listen to pundits theorize about his approach being some random ‘catch phrase’ disconnected from reality.  Yes folks, we have the receipts.

This was MAGAnomics at work, and this is entirely what created the middle-class MAGA coalition.  No other Republican candidate has this economic policy in their outlook because all other candidates are purchased by the Wall Street multinationals.

America First MAGAnomics is unique to President Trump because he is the only one independent enough to implement them.

That’s just the reality of the situation.  They hate him for it… 

Author’s note as said in 2016: “If I absolutely did not believe this economic model was doable, I would never expand the concept and place advocacy upon it. I am an absolute believer that we can, as a nation, reignite a solid manufacturing base and generate an expanding middle class.”  Yes, I bet on Trump, and he was right.    

Steve Scalise: Americans Are Disgusted with Trump Indictments!


GA State Senator makes his move to take down Fani Willis…

VIDEO President Trump Protecting Constitutional Prayer in School

January 16, 2020 by sundance

Earlier today President Trump held an oval office event focused on protecting every student’s constitutional right to pray in school. The president is updating Federal guidance regarding protected prayer and religious expression in public schools (not updated since 2003).  The new guidance makes clear that students can read religious texts or pray during recess and other non-instructional periods, organize prayer groups, and express their religious beliefs in their assignments.  [Video and Transcript Below]

The president also answered questions from the attending press pool:


[Transcript] – THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you very much. A couple of things happened today that are very exciting. The USMCA passed the Senate. It’s one of the biggest trade bills ever made.

And then, yesterday, as you know, China passed, and that’s something that is extraordinary. And it’s going to have tremendous far-reaching effects, including our relationship, long term, with China, our farmers and manufacturers and bankers, and everybody. It’s jobs. It’s jobs like we’ve never seen before, and that’s going to be something very special. And USMCA today, which just passed by a very comfortable vote — a very high vote — we are very proud to have that.

So we’ve done two of the biggest trade deals. They are the two biggest trade deals in the world ever done. And we’re honored to have done them in a short period of time.

We are gathered in the Oval Office for the National Religious Freedom Day — something very important and very special, and special to me and the people that are gathered around me.

This afternoon, we’re proudly announcing historic steps to protect the First Amendment right to pray in public schools. So you have the right to pray. And that’s a very important and powerful right. There’s nothing more important than that, I would say.

We’re joined by the Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos; Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen; and students and advocates from across America. And advocates they were. They’ve been calling and writing by the thousands. And you’re representing that large group of people.

In a sacred principle of our Republic that government must never stand between the people and God. Yet, in public schools around the country, authorities are stopping students and teachers from praying, sharing their faith, or following their religious beliefs. It is totally unacceptable. You see it on the football field. You see it so many times where they’re stopped from praying. And we are doing something to stop that.

Tragically, there is a growing totalitarian impulse on the far-left that seeks to punish, restrict, and even prohibit religious expression. Something that, if you go back 10 years or 15 years or 20 years, it was un-thought of that a thing like that could even happen — that anybody would even think of something like that happening.

That is why, today, my administration is issuing strong new guidance to protect religious liberty in our public schools. The right of students and teachers to freely exercise their faith will always be protected, including the right to pray.

So we call this the “Right to Pray.” Is that a good idea? Good? Right? You like that, right? (Laughter.)

Nine federal agencies are also proposing new rules to roll back discriminatory regulations. So we have rules to roll back discriminatory regulations on religious service organizations. And earlier this afternoon, my White House released a new memo to make sure federal funding is never used to violate the First Amendment — which is a very big deal.

With us today is Hannah Allen, a high school freshman from Texas. Hannah, would you tell us what happened at your school with respect to you and prayer? Hannah?

MS. ALLEN: Thank you, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, darling. Right here.

MS. ALLEN: So, me and a group of students from our school wanted to pray for our former classmate’s brother who had got hurt in an accident.

After the prayer, our principal told us, “Don’t do that again.” So the next day, parents had called and complained. He told us that we could pray, but he said we had to hide in the gym or behind a curtain, or somewhere away from everyone else.

And I know that if this can happen in a small town in Texas, it can happen anywhere across America, and that’s not right. No one should feel ashamed of their faith, especially in school or anywhere.


MS. ALLEN: And —

THE PRESIDENT: So what ultimately happened? How was that resolved?

MS. ALLEN: So we got with First Liberty. They’ve been amazing. They supported us the whole way. And they sent the school a letter, and the school complied with the letter, and they changed the — yeah.

THE PRESIDENT: And now you’re able to do that?

MS. ALLEN: We are.

THE PRESIDENT: Good. Well, now it’s going to be much easier yet. Okay? All right? Thank you, darling. That was beautiful. Thank you very much.

We’re also joined by Marilyn Rhames, a former teacher and the founder of Teachers Who Pray. Marilyn, if you could, let us know — where is —

MS. RHAMES: I’m right here.

THE PRESIDENT: Good. Thank you very much. Maybe you give us a little bit about what happened?

MS. RHAMES: Yes. So, thank you. I’m Marilyn Rhames. I’m the founder and president of Teachers Who Pray. And I founded Teachers Who Pray because I, as a teacher, believe in the beauty of every child and the unlimited potential that resides within. However, the students that I was getting weren’t set up for success because they were so significantly behind grade level. And I taught in Chicago public schools for 14 years. And during that time, we were losing students every year to gun violence. And one year, it was like 30, 32 students getting killed.

And I was overwhelmed with the heaviness of the work, so I thought about quitting, and I decided not to. I was going to fight. And I was going to pray and uplift my spirit so that I can do the job that I knew God had called me to do.

So I began praying with other teachers in the building who were like-minded, and we really supported each other, built community, built more hope, built more joy in the work despite it being so difficult. And we grew. Like, right now, there’s over 150 chapters of Teachers Who Pray because teachers need that spiritual support and guidance.

And today, I believe it’s super important because there is a myth out there that what Teachers Who Pray does and other organizations do for teachers, spiritual wealth is not legal. And it absolutely is.

And I’m here to tell teachers that we need to pray for your faith. We need to pray. We need to buckle and just do what we have to do for our kids because they need us and they’re depending on us. And if we’re not strong, we can’t make them strong. So that’s why I’m here.

THE PRESIDENT: That was really beautifully said. Thank you very much. That was beautiful. Thanks, Marilyn.

So, while I’m President, which will be hopefully for five years — and, I don’t know, maybe we’ll work on, with the media, we’ll work on a major extension of that. Right? (Laughter.) But we will not let anyone push God from the public square. We will uphold religious liberty for all.

And I want to thank you all, and God bless you all for being here. It’s a great time in our country. We’re doing things that nobody thought was possible.

I’d like to ask, if I might, Secretary DeVos and Deputy Attorney General Rosen to say a few words about our actions, if you don’t mind. Please.

SECRETARY DEVOS: Thank you, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT: Go ahead, Betsy. Please.

SECRETARY DEVOS: Thank you for your leadership, your courage, and your friendship to people of faith, especially our nation’s children. Too many misinterpret a separation of church and state as an invitation for government to separate people from their faith.

In reality, our Constitution doesn’t exist to protect us from religion; it exists to protect religion from government. The First Amendment affirms our free exercise of religion, and we don’t forfeit that first freedom to anyone or in any place, especially in public schools.

After all, it’s been noted that as long as there are final exams in schools, there will be always be prayer in schools. (Laughter.)

Thanks to your leadership, Mr. President, today we remind schools of the law with respect to religious expression — something that hasn’t been done in more than 15 years. And where there are violations, we now make clear that the law requires states to establish a clear process for students like Hannah and Michael —

MR. MCLEOD: William.

SECRETARY DEVOS: William — parents and teachers like Marilyn to report them.

It also notes that the law directs states to tell us about any and all complaints as well.

This administration and you is, and always will be, committed to ensuring all believers have the freedom to learn, to pursue our passions, to use our talents, and to live in accordance with the unique purpose that God has called us each to do.

If we embrace that freedom, our faith will be a light no darkness can overcome. Thank you again, Mr. President —

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much.

SECRETARY DEVOS: — for your leadership.

THE PRESIDENT: Beautiful. Thank you, Betsy, very much.


DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL ROSEN: Well, thank you. Thank you, Mr. President. And thank you for your leadership on this really critical issue. There are — the fundamental freedom that you’ve been supporting for Americans to practice their faith is so important and is so appreciated by millions and millions of Americans.

And at the Department of Justice, we remain firmly committed to enforcing Americans’ constitutional rights, including this one. So that’s part of why I’m very honored and privileged to be a part of today’s announcement on the new guidance document about prayer in school.

I think sometimes people don’t appreciate that there are many, many Americans who feel called to pray during the day, and our First Amendment to our Constitution protects that. And sometimes I think there’s a confusion about this issue as to whether it’s trying to force people to pray who don’t want to, but that’s not what this is about. This is about protecting the rights of those who do to have the liberty to do that on school grounds. And that is protected —


DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL ROSEN: — by the First Amendment.

So today’s guidance reaffirms and clarifies and spells out for Americans what that freedom is with regards to prayer and religious expression. And I really think that the courage of people of faith, such as the folks we have here today, is really a reminder of how important our constitutional liberties are and of the great action that your administration is taking to ensure that they remain legally protected.

So again, Mr. President, I thank you —

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Jeff. Good job.

DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL ROSEN: — and the Secretary DeVos and the whole administration for the efforts to make this happen.

THE PRESIDENT: Very good job. Thank you very much, Jeff.

Paula, would you like to say something? Go ahead.

PASTOR WHITE: Yes, sir. It’s such an honor to stand here with you, President Trump, and with this amazing team. And the policy and everyone who had made this — this is a huge thing. So we said it is a constitutional right, a First Amendment right. And, President, you continue to be such a fighter for people’s freedoms, for their liberties. As you often say, “We worship God, not government.”

Perceived and perception has often been — people have been bullied, harassed, stopped from practicing their faith. You have so many people that have walked out here, very brave, with horrific stories of being persecuted because they simply wanted to pray. And prayers, we know, makes a huge difference. So thank you for standing for all —

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Paula.

PASTOR WHITE: — religious liberties.

THE PRESIDENT: That’s great. Thank you very much.

Would anybody like to say anything? Go ahead.

MR. MCLEOD: Can I tell my story?

THE PRESIDENT: Yes, go ahead. (Laughter.) Go ahead.

MR. MCLEOD: So it all started when I walked in the classroom. I was — it was Ash Wednesday and I had my ashes on my forehead, and all the kids in the classroom was like, “Is that dirt on your forehead?” Because they don’t know, because they aren’t Catholic and they were all Mormon.


MR. MCLEOD: So — because I was like — they’re — that was like — I was like the only Catholic in that school. So then the teacher came up and was like, “It’s unacceptable. Wipe it off.” And I told her four times, and she didn’t listen and she made me wipe it off in front of all the kids.


MR. MCLEOD: That’s my story. So, thank you, Mr. President.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, it’s not going to be happening anymore. Okay?

MR. MCLEOD: Thank you, Mr. President.


MR. MCLEOD: I just don’t want anyone to feel like that.

THE PRESIDENT: That’s a beautiful — it’s a beautiful story. Well told, because it sets such a good plate out there for people. I mean, you hear a story like that, it’s such a shocking — Jeff, that’s a shocking story, right? You were the only Catholic in the school?

MR. MCLEOD: (Nods head.) Well, I think there’s one more.

THE PRESIDENT: But they didn’t have any idea. It was just — and the teacher did not treat you properly, right?

MR. MCLEOD: (Nods head.)

THE PRESIDENT: Okay. We’re changing that. Okay? Great job. That was beautiful.

Come here. Give me that hand.

Anybody over here? Anybody? Sure.

MR. WINDEBANK: Mr. President, thank you so much for the opportunity to be in the Oval Office. So much history has taken place here. It’s surreal. Thank you, sir.


MR. WINDEBANK: My name is Chase Windebank. I started a small group of students praying in high school during a free period. And by my senior year, it had grown to a community of 90 students. It was so encouraging. But later in senior year, the administration wound up banning us from praying during school hours — not even during lunch.

And so I remember thinking I didn’t want to file a lawsuit at all, but after many meetings unsuccessful with the administration, I wound up realizing it was the only way to secure future students’ rights to pray. And so thank you, sir, that now I get to have the opportunity to tell students to live out their faith in big and small ways —

THE PRESIDENT: That’s right. That’s right.

MR. WINDEBANK: — in the future. And you guys are making sure that the Founding Fathers are living on in our nation. So thank you, sir, very much.

THE PRESIDENT: Beautiful. Thank you very much. That’s very nice.

MR. WINDEBANK: Thank you, sir.


MS. HIJAZ: I pray five times day. Oh, my name is Malak Hijaz. I pray five times a day and I have to pray at lunch. And I would bring the hijab to cover my hair and kids would make fun of me, harass me, and attack me. And I would tell the principal, and the principal actually blamed everything on me. At the end, me and my mom complained so many times, and I didn’t have a good education at the end. So, yeah, everything was blamed on me.

THE PRESIDENT: And we’re going to take care of that, right?

MS. HIJAZ: Yeah.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, darling.

MS. HIJAZ: Thank you.

THE PRESIDENT: Beautiful. Thank you very much.

MS. HOBLIN: Mr. President?

THE PRESIDENT: Okay, we’ll I want to thank everybody for being here.

Did I hear somebody else? Yes, please. Go ahead.

MS. HOBLIN: Hi, my name is Ariana Hoblin. I’m a high school student in South Florida. And in my middle school, I was the only Jewish person and I was very open with my religion. I would announce when I would have Shabbat plans, which is a day of prayer and rest.

And when we started our Holocaust unit, it ended with everybody being nice to me because I spoke out about it. And I wanted to inform people and I wanted to help people learn. And the students started to write swastikas on my belongings, on my arms. I was pushed and shoved in the hallway.

They even went so far as to take my face and put it on Anne Frank’s body. And it was sent around to three different schools. And I was terrified to say I was Jewish. And that should never be in anyone’s mind. Anyone in school should be able to say, “I am what whatever religion I am. And I practice this and I believe this.”

And it’s been three or four years since middle school. I’m a junior in high school and I have continuously fought for anyone to have the right to exercise their constitutional rights in school.

And I just want to thank you so much for everything you’ve done, and for Israel and for everything that you’ve truly done for all of us.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you very much. So beautiful. Thank you. It’s working out better now? Or is it sort of similar?

MS. HOBLIN: Yes, my high school is extremely supportive of me. I go to Wellington High School.


MS. HOBLIN: And they’ve helped me be a leader in the Jewish community now.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, this is going to help too.

MS. HOBLIN: Thank you.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much.

MR. KENNEDY: Mr. President?

THE PRESIDENT: Yes, please.

MR. KENNEDY: Coach Kennedy.


MR. KENNEDY: We talked a few times. I coach up in Bremerton High School —


MR. KENNEDY: — in Bremerton, Washington. And I was fired for praying after football games.


MR. KENNEDY: And it’s just so nice to have First Liberty representing me and having a President that has the guts to stand up for us. So, I appreciate you, sir.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Coach.

MR. KENNEDY: Oorah. (Laughter.)

THE PRESIDENT: Good coach, too. He’s a good coach.

MR. KENNEDY: Thank you.

MS. CHANEY: Mr. President?

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all very much.


MS. CHANEY: My name is Emily Chaney. I’m a sophomore at East Ridge High School. And I started a prayer locker at my school, and it really helped a lot of people who had different prayer requests. Just —

THE PRESIDENT: Where do you come from with that beautiful accent? (Laughter.) I love the accent. Where do you come from?

MS. CHANEY: Pikeville, Kentucky.

THE PRESIDENT: Kentucky. Oh, we love Kentucky. (Laughter.) We love Kentucky.

MS. CHANEY: I started a prayer locker at my school and it helped a lot of kids who have many different prayer requests just to let them know that someone was there for them and cared for them. And Americans United for Separation of Church and State sent a letter to our board of education that the prayer lockers needed to be taken down.

And whenever my teacher told me my school was notified that I had to take my prayer locker down, I was heartbroke, because I had like 10 prayer requests a day. And that was — I just feel like it really helped move in our community, in our schools. And I just — I’m just so thankful for you and all you’ve done for our country.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much.

MS. CHANEY: Thank you.

THE PRESIDENT: Say hello to everybody in Kentucky for me, okay? (Laughter.) And beyond. And beyond Kentucky.

MS. CHANEY: Thank you.

THE PRESIDENT: Okay? We’re all set?

DR. RICHBURG: Mr. President?

THE PRESIDENT: Yes, please.

DR. RICHBURG: I come from a heritage and from a faith persuasion that every day of my life, from childhood to now, was grounded in faith. And it is my belief that, had we not had that freedom to exercise that faith, we would not be where we are today.

And so, for that reason, we look at this moment as epic, and an opportunity to return to where we have one time been — the opportunity to freely express ourselves and to share with others, who might feel the same way, how far we’ve been brought and how far we must come through faith.

THE PRESIDENT: Beautiful. So nicely stated. Thank you very much.

You were going to say something?

MR. BUEHRER: Yes, Mr. President, I wanted to thank you. Eric Buehrer, with Gateways to Better Education. And these guidelines haven’t been updated and reissued since 2003.


MR. BUEHRER: And when we saw that and contacted the Department of Education, we were so gratified of the response from Secretary DeVos and others on your staff that said, “Yes, we need to address this and update these.” Other administrations should have done it every two years, and it hadn’t been done.

So thank you so much for stepping up and really supporting religious freedom in schools.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, we covered a lot of territory in here, as you know, because, you’re right, it’s been many years since they were updated.

MR. BUEHRER: It has.

THE PRESIDENT: So I think it’s very important.

Well, thank you all very much. Go ahead.

Q Yeah, Mr. President, tell me a little bit about what many folks, especially folks of faith, view as a cultural war out there. Prayer, a lot of things going on in society — what are your views on this cultural war that we hear so much about?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, it is a cultural war, and you have two sides. And you have a side that believes so strongly in prayer, and they’re being restricted, and it’s getting worse and worse. And I think we’ve made a big impact. And we’re loosening up a lot, and I want to loosen it up totally.

But you do have — you have things happening today that 10 or 15 years ago would have been unthinkable, what’s happening. Taking the word “God” down, taking the word “Christmas” out. You know, I think we’ve turned that one around very good. I think we’ve turned both of them around very good. But we’re not going to let it happen. We’re never going to let that happen. And we’re fighting it hard. You know better than anybody, we’re fighting it very hard. And we’re opening it up, and we’re opening up again.

So stories like you hear — but so many other stories — hopefully, in the future, you’re not going to be hearing too much about that. Okay? Thank you. Good question.

Q Mr. President, what is your response to Lev Parnas, who says that your efforts in Ukraine were all about 2020 — that you just wanted Joe Biden out? What’s your response to that?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I don’t know him. I don’t know Parnas, other than I guess I had pictures taken, which I do with thousands of people, including people today that I didn’t meet. But — just met them. I don’t know him at all. Don’t know what he’s about. Don’t know where he comes from. Know nothing about him.

I can only tell you: This thing is a big hoax. It’s a big hoax. We call it — this is the current hoax. We’ve gone through the Russian witch hunt. We’ve gone through a lot of them — from probably before I came down the escalator, but certainly since I came down the escalator. You take a look at what’s happened.

Q But he says that —

THE PRESIDENT: And, in the meantime, our country —

Q He says that you know what you were —

THE PRESIDENT: It doesn’t matter what he says. He’s trying to probably make a deal for himself.

Q But he says that you knew what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, that you knew what he was doing —

THE PRESIDENT: I don’t even know who this man is, other than I guess he attended fundraisers, so I take a picture with him. I’m in a room; I take pictures with people. I take thousands and thousands of pictures with people all the time — thousands — during the course of the year. And, oftentimes, I’ll be taking a picture with somebody. I’ll say, “I wonder what newspaper that one is going to appear in.”

No, I don’t know him. Perhaps he’s a fine man; perhaps he’s not. I know nothing about him. But I can tell you this —

Q He described a situation that was more than just taking pictures, Mr. President. He says that —

THE PRESIDENT: I don’t know him. I don’t believe I’ve ever spoken with him.

Q — he was with Giuliani when you were on the phone with Giuliani. And he said that there was a —

THE PRESIDENT: I don’t believe I’ve ever spoken to him. I meet thousands of people —

Q — that there was a pressure campaign on the President of Ukraine.

THE PRESIDENT: I meet thousands and thousands of people, as President. I take thousands of pictures. And I do — and I do it openly and I do it gladly. And then, if I have a picture where I’m standing with somebody at a fundraiser — like, I believe I saw a picture with this — this man. But I don’t know him. I had never had a conversation that I remember with him.

Certainly —

Q So when he said Mulvaney knew about this —

THE PRESIDENT: Let me just tell you: You just have to take a look at the polls.

Q — that Bolton knew about this —

THE PRESIDENT: Quiet. You just have to take a look at the pictures. You just have to take a look at the polls. You see I don’t need anybody’s help. We’re doing phenomenally well. The economy is the best it’s ever been in — we have never had an economy like this in history. We just made the two best trade deals in the history of our country. We are doing well.

I don’t need the help of a man I never met before, other than perhaps taking a picture at a fundraiser or something, if that’s where it was taken.

Q He makes it sound like this was just about taking out Joe Biden.

THE PRESIDENT: So — go ahead.

Q Are you still going to Davos? And if you are, what’s the message you want to send being —

THE PRESIDENT: I will probably be going to Davos. I’ve been invited. We have tremendous world leaders, and we also have the great business leaders. And we want those business leaders all to come to the United States. Some of the businesses left the United States because they were disgusted with what happened. And now they’re all coming back.

We are booming. Our country is the hottest country anywhere in the world. There’s nothing even close. Every world leader sees me and they say, “What have you done? This is the most incredible thing that we’ve ever seen.”

I understand the stock market, today, broke 29,000. When I came in, it was a fraction of that. It was a number that, frankly, would have gone and it would have been cut in half had the other person or the other party won. The number would have been cut in half.

We are doing so well. And I want to get more. We have tremendous room for growth in our country, in terms of the economy. We have tremendous, powerful room for growth.

So I’m going to be going to Davos. I’ll be meeting the biggest business leaders in the world; getting them to come here. I’ll also be meeting with foreign leaders. Okay?

Q Mr. President, you’ve been talking about prayer and faith today. What’s your message to the millions of Catholics in the United States? Why should they vote for you in the upcoming election — Catholics?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I have a great relationship with Catholics. I’ve done so much for Catholics. You take look at the abortion issue. You take a look at many of these — you have Mexico City; you take a look at so many of the different issues. My relationship with Catholics and the Catholic Church has been very, very good, as you know very well.

Jeff, go ahead.

Q Mr. President, Rudy Giuliani wrote a letter to Zelensky requesting a private meeting, and he said it was in his capacity as private counsel to President Donald J. Trump — this was before the inauguration. Did you authorize him to write that letter? And what was your understanding of what the meeting was supposed to be about?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I don’t know anything about the letter. But certainly Rudy is one of the great crime fighters in the history of our country. He’s certainly probably the best over the last 50 years. He was also the greatest mayor in the history of the city of New York. I think Rudy was truly an outstanding mayor.

As an example, his endorsement of Bloomberg — he got Bloomberg elected. He wouldn’t have even been mayor. But Rudy was the greatest crime fighter. And Rudy is somebody that, frankly, having him on my side was a great honor for me, and it has been a great honor for me.

Rudy Giuliani — Rudy Giuliani did a phenomenal job over a long period of time in fighting crime. And frankly, he’s a very legitimate guy, a very straight shooter. I didn’t know about his specific letter, but if he wrote a letter, it wouldn’t have been a big deal. Rudy was always in — it was very important to Rudy that I be a great President, and that’s okay with me. It was very important to a lot of people, because our country was going to hell and now our country is on a path that we haven’t seen in decades and decades. We’ve never done better.

Go ahead.

Q What was —

THE PRESIDENT: No, no. Not you. Go ahead.

Q The trial is starting next week. What’s your view on how long it should take and what witnesses you —

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think it should go very quickly. It’s a hoax. It’s a hoax. Everybody knows that. It’s a —

Q And witnesses? What about those?

THE PRESIDENT: It’s a complete hoax — the whole thing with Ukraine. So you have a perfect phone call. This is a call fortunate- — it was actually two phone calls. You people don’t report that. There were two calls. They were both perfect calls. In fact, probably among the nicest calls I’ve ever met — made to foreign leaders.

Now, so you have these perfect calls, and everybody says it now. Before they knew they were so good — because, fortunately, they were transcribed — you had other people saying terrible things about the calls. You had a fake whistleblower that wrote a report that bore no relationship to what was said. Everything was false.

You have now the Ukrainian President and the Foreign Minister of Ukraine saying there was nothing done wrong. In fact, they said there was absolutely no pressure whatsoever. Everything was perfect. And they impeach. It’s totally partisan. We had 195 to nothing, Republican votes. I guess we got a Democrat actually came over to the Republican side. We had 195 to nothing.

This is a hoax. It’s a sham. I did the biggest deal ever done in the history of our country yesterday in terms of trade — and probably other things too, if you think about it: the deal with China. And that was the second story to a total hoax.

Today we just had passed the USMCA. It’s going to take the place of NAFTA, which was a terrible deal. And the USMCA will probably be second to this witch-hunt hoax, which hopefully everyone knows is not going anywhere. There was nothing done wrong. This was a perfect phone call. Think of it: The President of the United States, who’s led the greatest growth — the greatest — the greatest economic revival of any country anywhere in the world is the United States, as big as it is. We’re doing better than any other country, by far.

Our unemployment numbers are the best they’ve been in over 50 years. African American, Asian American, Hispanic American unemployment, the best in the history of our country. And I’ve got to go through a hoax, a phony hoax, put out by the Democrats so they can try and win an election that hopefully they’re not going to win.

It was put out for purposes of winning an election. Our country is doing great. Our country has never done better. So they figure the only thing they can do — they failed on the Mueller report; that was a bomb. After two and a half years, they failed. Now they said, “What can we do?” And they pick up a phone call that was perfect. But they didn’t know it was perfect. They only found out later. They made up a phone call.

What they did — look, what they did — you have a corrupt person — he’s a corrupt politician named Adam Schiff, and he made up a phone call. He went out — you’ll hear about this as you grow older. (Laughter.) He went out and he said things that — “He said quid pro quo eight times.” It was no times. He said, “Don’t call me; I’ll call you.” That’s a mob statement. I never said that.

Fortunately, I released the transcript of the call. The transcript was perfectly accurate. And now everybody agrees because it went through a lot and they said, “Well, could you add one word here?” Our lieutenant colonel said, “Well, I think they should add…” — they added the word. Everything — everyone agrees the transcript is perfecto, done by total professionals, right?

But I released that after they had done these fraudulent acts. And you get impeached on this.

We have the greatest economy in the history of our country. We have the highest job numbers. Today, it was just announced, we have more people working in the United States than ever before in the history of our country — almost 160 million people. We’re doing an incredible job.

And for absolutely no reason —

Q Mr. President, during that call, you said Marie Yovanovitch was “going to go through some things.”

THE PRESIDENT: — and for absolutely no reason, I got impeached.

Q Can you address that?

THE PRESIDENT: It’s a disgrace and it’s a hoax. Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you.

[End Transcript]

President Trump Delivers Remarks on Constitutional Prayer in School (W/ Presser) – Video and Transcript…