VIDEO Bygones Be Bygones – It’s All Fixable

Bygones Be Bygones – Very Interesting Day Amid Republicans on Capitol Hill as Magnamimous Trump Visits

June 13, 2024 | Sundance 

A very interesting day is described by everyone in Washington DC, as President Trump strategically attends both House and Senate Republican conferences.   Magnanimous Trump arrived to heal wounds, appeal for unity and build a larger support network ahead of the Republican National Convention.

It would appear the Dr. Phil approach was attempted as promised.  According to media reports, in the upper chamber President Trump even spoke warmly with Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and the 16 Wall Street DeceptiCons who are insistent upon his permanent removal from politics.

(Politico) – “Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and former President Donald Trump set aside their years-long cold war during a private meeting with Republicans Thursday, a gathering McConnell described as “really positive.” (more)

Not surprisingly, Senator Rand Paul refused to endorse President Trump, preferring to talk positively about Robert Kennedy Jr. so far.

Factually, regardless of what any of them say, the Brutus delegation within the Senate will be sharpening their scorpion tails quietly and wait for the most vulnerable opportunity to strike. All sixteen DeceptiCons, soon to be led in 2025 by Senator John Thune, will sting viciously and simultaneously. This is the one political constant in an ever-changing universe.

[…] Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) said Trump’s message was “all positive” when talking to the conference and centered on keeping Republicans unified headed into the fall elections. Tuberville sat next to Trump antagonist Romney (R-Utah) but said the former president didn’t take aim at the senators who have not endorsed him — nor did they criticize him.

“I haven’t seen that Republican group as strongly united on all of those policy issues in a long, long time,” Rounds said. (read more)

It does not matter how much President Trump appeals to their best nature; the sixteen Republican DeceptiCon senators hate him with the intensity of a white-hot supernova.  They want to see President Trump destroyed by any means necessary, and John Thune has promised them he can deliver.

Over on the House side, Magnanimous Trump even tried to smooth things over with the two remaining Republican representatives who voted to impeach him.

(POLITICO) – […] Donald Trump made a small peace offering Thursday to the remaining House Republicans who voted to impeach him after the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, according to three members in the room.

[…] There are two GOP members left in the chamber who voted for that impeachment: Reps. Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.) and David Valadao (R-Calif.). Trump seemed to be referring to Valadao, who had skipped the meeting. Newhouse had attended but dismissed Trump’s comments when reporters asked if he read them as a dig at him, saying “he didn’t mention me at all.” (read more)


It’s All Fixable

June 13, 2024 | Sundance

When President Obama famously told incoming President Trump the largest foreign policy concern was the potential for near-term military conflict with North Korea, Trump curiously asked Obama, “Well, have you talked to Kim Jong-un?

President Trump has never revealed how Obama responded to that question; however, given the nature of the circumstances, what we know about DC and the background involved, we can assume the Obama reply was akin to the lightbringer telling Trump, “Things just are not done that way.”

We know what happened next; President Trump engaged directly with Chairman Kim, met with him several times and even crossed into the demilitarized zone as a physical expression of a new approach.

This was only one example of President Trump’s policy doctrine, which ran completely counter to the traditions of the professional administrative state. This was/is part of the reason why DC hated Trump.

The bureaucracy of DC exists to sustain the career influence and affluence of a group of people who would never survive in the private sector. Their weak work ethic, selfish worldview, insufferably annoying character traits, flawed logic, silly outlooks and disconnected opinions, created in a bubble that has no relationship to reality, are only useful within their echo-chambered system.

President Trump has a skillset of commonsense accomplishment that runs completely counter to the mindset of the administrative state.  President Trump thinks like you and me; Trump finds optimal solutions. Washington DC simply cannot fathom successful policy outcomes that do not come from their creation. Trump succeeded with a doctrine that was entirely unfamiliar to the DC bureaucracy. {GO DEEP}  It is absolutely critical that we never forget this.

It is important to remind ourselves of what is possible in a positive way, because everything discussed about our challenges is framed from the perspective of a flawed and corrupt DC system.   From the traditional perspective, the challenge seems overwhelming, but that’s really a misnomer.

Here’s the key – The DC challenges are not overwhelming when you take a non-traditional approach toward finding solutions.

Consider the issue of SSI supplemental benefits and budgets. Yes, from the traditional perspective the financial drain on the system can collapse the federal budget. However, if we double the size of the economy and/or modify import tariffs, we can increase tax revenue and resolve the SSI budget problem.  The problem for DC is that no one knows how to double the economy or leverage tariffs to expand the domestic pie.  President Trump does.

Again, we mistakenly view our problems through the prism of how they were created.

This paralysis by analysis is emphasized by tradition, by DC punditry and by the media complex who exist to talk about the problems.  But thankfully, President Trump views our problems through the prism of how to solve them.  President Trump doesn’t look backward, he looks forward; it is a very unique and effective approach.

We look at the problem as if we individually are given an elephant to eat.  President Trump looks at the problem as if there needs to be more of us with forks.  It is, essentially, the feed a man a fish or teach a man to fish conversation.  Which one creates the larger economic pie?

Despite the naysayers, backbiters and backseat drivers, we must continually remind ourselves that Trump’s optimal solution approach works.  We have the history of the Trump Doctrine (2017 through 2020) to review as a reminder.  It just works.

So, with that in mind…. here’s a little back-and-forth that might help break the funk and remind us to smile.

[Via Unseen] – “If Trump wins, he will be handed a country in basically a depression for a majority of its people, on the brink or actually in ww3, a wide open border and a 5th column of millions of anti-American military aged men within that border, a deteriorating military, a nation so in debt it will struggle to raise capital, a country with fragile supply lines for most of the goods it needs, a divided population with half brainwashed by the media to hate the concepts the country was founded on, and a government staffed with people who will be actively fighting everything he does. Pray for our country because regardless of who wins, it’s going to be a long, hard fight to keep this country together, let alone make it great again.” (link)

My quick ‘elevator‘ reply – “Which is exactly why Donald J Trump is the best man for the hardest job of this era. Trump will end the wars in Ukraine and Gaza within a week. Restart U.S. energy independence. Tariff China and EU, pull out of NATO, eliminate Green New Deal and then…. (2+2) along with the immediate closure of the southern border, Trump will collapse the infrastructure of Chinese EV’s in Mexico…. Then he’ll call MbS, have a Big Mac and Diet Coke and plan for day two.” (link)

Now, granted I am being a little brief and big picture in retort, but the substance of what I am sharing is completely doable.  All is not lost. It is entirely possible to reverse course and Make America Great Again.

[Anne Hyatt] – “While I like that plan, fingers crossed, I don’t see how he can end the War in Gaza.” (link)

Again, THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX – “Did you follow the Trump doctrine in ’17 through ’20?

After talking to MbS, Trump will call Egypt’s President al-Sisi, and tell all regional players that fighting immediately stops and Sisi is now leading the reconciliation effort.  Likely Hamas will balk. POTUS Trump will then tell Qatar to kick out the Hamas/MB leaders (“Drive them out” 2.0) or they will face economic sanctions. Erdogan will be told to stick a sock in it, and he’d better not give a home base to Hamas again. Trump will tell Hamas leadership they need to live in Gaza; like actually live in the region they presumably lead. Trump will tell Sisi to make part of the deal a regional rule that all Gaza political leadership must live in Gaza. Syria, Jordan and Kuwait will think Trump is nuts but keep quiet because Trump might be willing to prove he’s nuts,…. and eventually everyone will call Fattah Abel al-Sisi to find out the date for the peace summit.

After lunch, Trump calls Putin because that one is easier. (link)

♦President Trump’s foreign policy approach brought North and South Korea together away from the table of conflict. ♦President Trump’s foreign policy approach brought Serbia and Kosovo together away from the table of conflict. ♦President Trump’s foreign policy rallied the Gulf Cooperation Council to stop Qatar’s support for Islamic extremists via the Muslim Brotherhood. ♦President Trump’s foreign policy brought Turkey and the Kurdish forces together away from war and conflict. ♦President Trump’s foreign policy created a ceasefire to stop the bloodshed in Syria. President Trump mediated a cessation of hostilities between India & Pakistan in the Kashmir region. ♦President Trump’s foreign policy brought Israel and the UAE together… and then Bahrain… and then Sudan in the Abraham Accords.

President Trump executes a clear foreign policy, a unique doctrine of sorts, where national security is achieved by leveraging U.S. economic power. It is a fundamental shift in approaching both allies and adversaries – summarized within the oft repeated phrase: “economic security is national security.”

The Trump Doctrine, using economics to achieve national security objectives, was/is a fundamental paradigm shift. Modern U.S. history provided no easy reference for the effective outcome, and fearing irrelevance, Washington DC was furious at how effective he was.

President Trump is the one guy who can do it again.

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VIDEO DEEP DIVE: Dishonorable Judge Beryl Howell EXPOSED IN DETAIL! – Obama Judge Forbid Rudy Giuliani From Defending Himself – Biden Judicial Nominee on Board of Group With Ties to Terrorists and Cop Killers – Letitia James Admits Her Guilt in Denying Trump Due Process 

DEEP DIVE: Dishonorable Judge Beryl Howell EXPOSED IN DETAIL! Why the January 6th Judge That Presided Over Rudy Giuliani’s Trial MUST BE IMPEACHED “Trump-Hating Judge Shredded The Constitution”

By Cara Castronuova Dec. 17, 2023

Judge Beryl Howell had the time of her life presiding over the trial of Rudy Giuliani.

Sitting perched above Courtroom Number 26 of the E. Barrett Prettyman Courthouse in Washington D.C., the Trump-hating Obama appointee looked on last week as an unhinged, bias and corrupted jury ordered Giuliani pay $148 million dollars to former Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shane Moss.

If this ridiculous judgement is not the final proof needed for lawmakers to understand that a D.C. jury is beyond rehabilitation and a D.C. judge is NOT fit to reasonably judge Conservatives or Trump supporters, I do not know what is.

The Dishonorable Beryl Howell smirks from the bench.

(*Please read our deep dive into the unethical and unconstitutional actions of Beryl Howell regarding January 6th defendants by scrolling down in this article. SHE MUST BE IMPEACHED.)

Earlier last week, the Dishonorable Judge Howell giggled with adoration in her eyes for Ruby Freeman as the former Georgia election worker took the stand and proclaimed she wanted to offer Howell one of the special “ginger-mint candies” she brought to court.

Why Shelf-Stable Beef Will Be an Extremely Valuable Commodity in the Near Future

It was nauseating to witness.

Sources say Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss settling with One America News Network for millions of dollars. They also raised hundreds of thousands of dollars apiece on Give Send Go.

Howell also lavished in scolding Mr. Giuliani and his attorney Joseph Sibley after Giuliani spoke to reporters outside the courtroom. The plaintiff’s side of the courtroom was packed with what looked like a team of perhaps fifteen lawyers and personnel, in stark contrast to Defendant Giuliani’s side.

Rudy Giuliani calmly watches as the Judicial Branch of the Government that he once so honorably served is weaponized against him.


The man that many know as “America’s Mayor” and one of the top prosecutors in American history sat on the other side of the courtroom with his sole attorney Joseph Sibley. Giuliani watched on as the Judicial system that he once so honorably served was weaponized against him in the form of the Dishonorable Judge Howell and a tarnished jury that was approved by the Court- despite their obvious bias. Giuliani has been crippled in legal expenses since January of 2020. Besides using the Department of Justice to raze their political opponents, it has now become obvious that the civil court system (overseen by the same partisan judges as the criminal court) is also a useful weapon the left is utilizing to destroy and bankrupt Trump and his associates.

Rudy Giuliani has become the target of unfathomable political persecution because of his unwavering allegiance to President Trump.


Judge Beryl Howell is an unfit judge that has stretched the law to accommodate a political agenda. This in-depth article will list facts as to why Judge Beryl Howell must be investigated by the Congress, and why her hand in desecrating the Constitutional Due Process rights of January 6th defendants justifies calls by activist groups for her impeachment.

The sinister Dishonorable Judge Beryl Howell.

As reported by Christina Leila of The Gateway Pundit, Jack Smith and Obama-appointed Judge Beryl Howell are now attempting to cover up the fact that they both suggested Trump was a ‘flight risk’ to justify the nondisclosure order on X/Twitter. Smith had asked Howell for a secret search warrant for Trump’s X/Twitter account @RealDonaldTrump.

Jim Hoft also reported that the radical and lawless Judge Howell is overseeing a case against Trump in Washington D.C. and how the judge went on an unhinged toxic Trump-hating rant in a public speech.

How is this ethical, or even legal?

Furthermore, Elise Stefanik (R-NY) just filed an ethics compliant charging Howell with election interference based on a speech Howell gave last month at the Women’s White Collar Defense Association awards dinner. Read more HERE.

See Stefanik’s full statement on X:

Please contact Rep. Elise Stefanik HERE and encourage her to continue to push for an investigation of Howell.

Earlier this year, the Dishonorable Judge Howell found Giuliani liable for defamation of the two election workers when he reported on their behavior on election night as they counted ballots. This decision was not based on the actual merits of the election worker’s case, but rather because Giuliani did not turn in discovery fast enough to the judge’s liking. He was found in “Default Judgment” and therefore liable for defamation of the characters of Freeman and Moss.


The left continues to empower and enable partisan Judges’ diabolical behavior. Howell received a “Champion Award” by the ‘Women’s White Collar Defense Association’. Her acceptance speech was nothing short of election interference.

According to sources, the discovery information the judge requested was not available to Giuliani at the time, partially due to the fact that his electronics and personal records had been confiscated by the FBI and Feds.

“This court does not appear to have any qualms about what implications this case has on free speech in America,” said John Tabacco of Newsmax. “Opinions and observing and reporting what we see is a necessary first Amendment Protection in a democracy. The effect of this will be that news commentators and analysts will be afraid to share their opinion and what they observe to their audiences.”


(*This is a detailed deep dive with the intent of making sure this information is on the record and available for readers that are interested, and also for the benefit of multiple Congressmen and Congresswomen that read The Gateway Pundit.)

This is the Oath of Office for Federal Judges that Beryl Howell has broke multiple times:

“I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as [a United States District Judge or United States Magistrate Judge] under the Constitution(link is external) and laws of the United States. So help me God.”

Here are the Codes of Conduct for United States Judges. Please take the time to read through them and see for yourself how Judge Beryl Howell has fragrantly broken the codes and must be removed from power. The codes specifically states Canon 5: A Judge Should Refrain from Political Activity. This article and others published on The Gateway Pundit show that Howell has not refrained from political activity or speech- in fact she has acted as a political activist from the bench for the left and the party that put her in power.

Judge Beryl Howell.   


According to social justice advocacy group Condemned USA, Beryl Howell, then serving as Chief Judge of the District Court, violated multiple Canons by deciding cases with bias, prejudice, and discriminatory treatment based on partisan politics.

Articles of Impeachment were drawn up by the advocacy group “Condemned USA” and presented to Congress.

According to the Condemned USA website and drafted Articles of Impeachment:

“After over a year of observation, research, and working closely with sitting Congressional Staff, Condemned USA has built articles of impeachment to be brought against radicalized DC Judge, Beryl Howell for misusing her position of power to impose her own perverted justice against the people of the United States of America.

Wherefore, Beryl Howell by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office and
disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.”


Here is a bullet-point summary of the Howell’s unethical and illegal violations that we will discuss in detail in this article:

  1. Judge Beryl Howell has gone out of her way to tarnish and influence the D.C. jury pool, as will be proven below. The judge is know for making nasty prejudicial statements during her time as Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (March 16, 2016 – March 16, 2023). These statements pertained to President Trump and January 6th defendants, effectively tarnished the D.C. Jury pool beyond repair. If anyone should be sued for defamation, it is Judge Beryl Howell by the January6 6th defendants. Her words have made it impossible for them to get a fair trial- causing irreparable damage to their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
  2. Most egregiously and relatively unknown to the public, this judge single-handedly and UNCONSTITUTIONALLY changed bail reform laws to keep January 6th defendants in jail PRE-TRIAL DETENTION- creating a new set of qualifying “factors” that pertain to the pre-trial detention of January 6th defendants AND NO OTHER CRIMINAL DEFENDANT.  This is a clear violation of the “Equal Protection” Clause of the United States Constitution, and the Supreme Court must correct this abhorrent violation of Due Process created by a sitting Judge when she was Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.
  3. Judge Howell publicly campaigned for the prosecutors of the U.S. Department of Justice to ramp up prosecutions of January 6th Defendants.
  4. Howell overturned the decisions of at least 14 magistrate judges in order to keep January 6th Defendants in uncontitutional pre-trial detention in a staggering display of authoritarianism and the undermining of her fellow judges. How can over 14 judges from jurisdictions all around the country all be wrong?
  5. Howell  blocked January 6th defense attorneys from making certain legal defenses on behalf of their clients and according to legal experts, she has outright encouraged prosecutors to charge defendants more harshly.
  6. Judge Howell violated Constitutional Due Process by destroying the essential attorney-client privilege.
  7. As Chief Judge, Judge Howell resisted granting change of venue to January 6th Defendants, President Trump and Rudy Giuliani, despite overwhelming evidence she is privy to that establishes a fair trail under a D.C. jury is impossible for the Defendants.
  8. Judge Howell violated multiple Canons by not recusing herself after admitting she was personally affected by events of January 6, 2021.
  9. Judge Howell violated Due Process by destroying the essential attorney-client privilege in a case involving President Donald Trump.

Please contact Rep. Jim Jordan of the Judiciary Committee HERE and encourage him to continue to push for an investigation of Howell. (Please share the information with him and link to article).


Judge Howell’s words have done a great disservice to the due process right’s of January 6th defendants. She has used her platform as Chief Judge of the D.C. Federal Court to defame and slandered their names and reputations of all January 6th defendants BEFORE their trails.

“A mere 22 days after January 6, 2021, before any cases had gone to trial, Howell pre-judged the events and guilt or innocence of individual Defendants in violation of the Canons and Due Process,” said Treniss Evans of Condemned USA.

Here are some examples of her statements, all of which break her oath to the Constitution and and the Code of Conduct for D.C. Judges.

“This was not a peaceful protest. Hundreds of people came to Washington, DC, to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power,” Howell said well before most January 6th defendants were found guilty and any evidence was produced.

“The rioters attacking the Capitol on Jan. 6 were not mere trespassers engaging in protected First Amendment conduct or protests. They were not merely disorderly, as countless videos show the mob that attacked the Capitol was violent. Everyone participating in the mob contributed to that violence.”

“This was no mere trespass.”

“The damage to the reputation of our democracy, which is usually held up around the world … that reputation suffered because of Jan. 6.”

“The rioters attacking the Capitol on Jan. 6 were not mere trespassers engaging in protected First Amendment conduct or protests. They were not merely disorderly, as countless videos show the mob that attacked the Capitol was violent. Everyone participating in the mob contributed to that violence.”

These early statements made by Howell tarnished the jury pool, influenced the other judges beneath her, and enabled/empowered the prosecutors to overcharge defendants and overstep the normal boundaries of the court.

Please contact Rep. Elise Stefanik HERE and encourage her to continue to push for an investigation of Howell. (Please share the information with her and link to article).

Judge Beryl Howell.


The “Chrestman 6” factors are a set of new rules that Judge Beryl Howell single-handedly created to keep January 6th defendants in jail pre-trial. She illegally created new laws to bypass a real law passed by Congress and signed into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. That law is the notable Bail Reform Act of 1984. The name “Crestman” comes from January 6th Defendant William Chrestman, a Proud Boy that peacefully entered the Capitol on January 6th and committed no act of violence. The “Chrestman Six” factors were first used by Howell at his bail hearing and became the norm thereafter for other judges keep January 6th defendant behind bars, effectively treating them as “non-citizens” and places in a special category that receives less due process rights than other American Citizens.

According to Articles of Impeachment prepared by a J6 defendant’s rights advocacy group Condemned USA:

“Judge Howell violated multiple Canons, the Bail Reform Act, and the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 and also exceeded the authority of her office by concocting an entirely new set of rules applicable only to January 6 prosecutions, bail hearings, and sentencing proceedings, starting with her decisions in the “Chrestman 6” case.”

In layman’s terms, Howell literally defied the Bail Reform Act that applies to ALL FEDERAL DEFENDANTS and created a whole new set of rules that ONLY APPLY TO JANUARY 6th DEFENDANTS! This is an abhorrent violation of the Due Process and Equal Protection clauses of the Constitution. It is the job of Congress to make laws, and they did with the Bail Reform Act of 1984 – which clearly states that bail shall be granted to any defendant that is 1) not likely to flee or 2) pose a danger to another person or property.

Because almost 100 percent of January 6th defendants meet these qualifications and were granted bail by magistrate judges, Howell created an entire new set of factors that could keep a January 6th defendant in jail pre-trial. These new rules have been dubbed the “Crestman 6” factors, and have kept hundreds of January 6th defendants in pre-trial detention that they otherwise would not qualify for under the Bail Reform Act of 1984.

Specifically, the Bail Reform Act of 1984 permits the federal courts to base pretrial release decisions on (1) the risk of pretrial flight the defendant poses, and (2) the potential threat the defendant poses to the community or to specific individuals including the likelihood that the defendant would commit new crimes while on release.

“The DC District Court set aside all relevant court precedent to conjure up new rules that would adversely affect all January 6th Defendants—and President Donald J. Trump,” said top January 6th defense attorney Joseph McBride. “The illegal detention and subsequent mistreatment of January 6th Defendants is a stellar example of this fact.”

McBride continued: “The Bail Reform Act of 1984 is the law of the land when deciding whether an accused person will go home or be remanded during the pendency of their trial.  Under it, people can only be remanded if they are dangerous or a flight risk. The essence of the Act is simple: flight risks must be remanded to ensure their appearance in court, while dangerous persons must be remanded to ensure the community’s safety. The threshold for dangerousness is high: think El Chapo, not MAGA Grandma.

As such, any fair application of the Bail Reform Act would have resulted in 99% of all January 6th Defendants being released on their recognizance after arrest.  This is why the first cohort of January Sixers, whose bail hearings were heard in their home jurisdictions, were released on their own recognizance.  Simply put, they were neither a flight risk nor dangerous under the meaning of the Act.

Washington, however, wanted to send a message, which is why, in each case, it appealed the local magistrate’s decision and removed the hearing to DC, where 100% of the decisions to release were overturned. Innocent men were thrown into the Gulag.

Question: How could this happen if the local and DC federal judge were applying the same law? Answer: DC Judges dispensed with the Bail Reform Act and made their own ‘law’. Beryl Howell, for instance, made up the Chrestman analysis because the Bail Reform Act was insufficiently punitive.This is how Howell single-handedly locked up dozens of innocent men. She incarcerated them not for being a flight risk or dangerous—but because they dared to support President Donald J. Trump.”

Below is a list of the new “rules” that Howell conjured up to only affect January 6th defendants. The considerations that can keep a J6 Defendant in pre-trial detention include whether a defendant:

  1. has been charged with felony or misdemeanor offenses
  2. engaged in prior planning before arriving at the Capitol
  3. carried or used a dangerous weapon during the riot
  4. coordinated with other participants before, during, or after the riot
  5. assumed either a formal or a de facto leadership role in the assault by encouraging other rioters’
  6. the nature of “the defendant’s words and movements during the riot,” including whether he “damaged
    federal property,” “threatened or confronted federal officials or law enforcement, or otherwise promoted or celebrated
    efforts to disrupt the certification of the electoral vote count during the riot.”

For every single other defendant in the United States of America, the only two factors that can keep someone in pretrial detention are:

  1. they are a flight risk.
  2. they pose a serious danger threat to the community (and this must be proven, which is generally very difficult).

Thanks to the Dishonorable Judge Howell, there are now two sets of rules in America- one set for January 6th Defendants and Trump Supporters, and another set for everyone else.

“How is this happening in America?” asked Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “Why hasn’t this been taken to the Supreme Court? Will the GOP House actually do their job in 2024 and start investigating? As of right now they have DONE NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE THE DUE PROCES VIOLATIONS OF JANUARY 6TH DEFENDANTS and the overreach of these partisan judges.This Trump-hating Judge Howell has shredded the Constitution. They need to subpoena her immediately.”

Please contact Rep. Jim Jordan of the Judiciary Committee HERE and encourage him to continue to push for an investigation of Howell. (Please share the information with him and link to article).

Judge Beryl Howell.


According to Articles of Impeachment drawn up for Congress’ use by advocacy group Condemned USA:

“Beryl Howell, then serving as Chief Judge of the District Court, violated multiple Canons by deciding cases with bias, prejudice, and discriminatory treatment based on partisan politics. Specifically, Howell over-ruled at least fourteen. Magistrate Judges (identified so far) from around the country who made decisions to release Defendants in prosecutions related to events on January 6, 2021, from detention while awaiting trial.

Pre-conviction bail is not to be punishment nor a means of moral condemnation. Federal Judges cannot keep charged persons incarcerated out of dislike or disapproval. Bail is limited to ensuring that a Defendant will appear for trial and while awaiting trial will not be a danger to himself or the community. Congress requires Judges to consider any arrangements or circumstances that can be devised to minimize risks and deny bail only if no reasonable condition can achieve the requirements for release on bail.

Yet Chief Judge Howell over-turned at least fourteen Magistrate Judges from different parts of the nation who had decided that individual Defendants should be released on bail pending trial, particularly under the presumption of innocence ahead of trial. Other Magistrates have also explained to Defendants that they would have released them on bail, but they considered it futile to do so because Chief Judge Howell would simply over-rule them and order detention without bail. One Defendant offered to surround his house, where he would be in home detention, with surveillance cameras controlled by Pre-Trial Services or the like and be deprived of use of phone or computer except with his attorney preparing for trial. He was denied.

Over-turning fourteen Magistrates outside of Washington, D.C. reveals Howell’s bias and prejudgment steeped in the society and politics of D.C., and vindictiveness toward those disliked.”

Please contact Rep. Jim Jordan of the Judiciary Committee HERE and encourage him to continue to push for an investigation of Howell. (Please share the information with him and link to article).


In Article 2 of Condemned USA’s Impeachment papers:

“Judge Howell violated multiple Canons and the Constitutional architecture of the Federal Government’s three Branches of Government by publicly campaigning for the prosecutors of the U.S.Department of Justice to change their approach in indictments of and handling of prosecutions related to January 6, 2021.

Howell repeatedly and very publicly attempted to change public perceptions of January 6, 2021, and to direct and dictate the prosecution decisions of the U.S. Department of Justice. Howell both seeking to define the terms of prosecutions brought before the Judiciary and also presiding over the resulting criminal court cases has violated her role as a Federal judge as a neutral arbiter required by Due Process.

Howell abused her authority by seeking to manipulate public perception and – while pretending to be just suggesting despite the heavy, weighty hand of a Federal judge – directing prosecutors from a different Branch of the U.S. Government to alter their charging decisions and sentencing recommendations to her liking. Howell abused her office not merely to decide cases over which she presided consistent with Due Process but to attempt to change how January 6, 2021, was viewed politically and publicly far beyond the E. Barrett Prettyman Federal Courthouse. Howell’s concern that “there continues to be a theme that what happened on Jan. 6 was a protest gone wrong by some people.” is a violation and abuse of her judicial role. It is not a Judge’s role to manage public relations, nor cure a “theme” in public discussion, particularly when the U.S. House of Representatives’ Select Committee to Investigate the Attack on the U.S. Capitol was already busily spinning the topic with many hearings on national television. Howell did not have the authority nor was there any need for a Federal judge to tell the public and elected officials what to think beyond her courtroom, particularly months or years before any reliable evidence was admitted into an actual trial.

Furthermore, Howell’s concern that “there continues to be a theme that what happened on Jan. 6 was a protest gone wrong by some people” depends upon the unconstitutional concept that everyone in the vicinity shares collectivist guilt. Only by Howell judging Defendants as a collective, not individually, could Howell claim a “theme.” And no evidence had yet been presented in any trial. Howell voiced a purely political opinion based on pre-judgment. Howell chastised the DOJ for not charging all Defendants more severely, uniformly, while long-term, veteran prosecutor James Pearce, with decades of experience with politically charged cases, tried to explain to Howell that “the Government pursues charges it can prove beyond a reasonable doubt.” What if some Defendants clearly engaged in serious misconduct, while there isn’t proof regarding others? Howell demanded that the DoJ charge everyone much more severely across the board, regardless of the evidence, quality of evidence, and circumstances in each individual case.”

Please contact Rep. Elise Stefanik HERE and encourage her to continue to push for an investigation of Howell. (Please share the information with her and link to article).


According to Condemned USA’s Articles of Impeachment:

“Howell also set a precedent that the rest of the District Court followed erroneously and illogically claiming that no official such as even then President Donald Trump can transform what is unlawful into what is lawful.”

Howell has prevented January 6th Defendants from making this defense, which would also imply that the defendants cannot use the defense that the Capitol Police allowed them in- therefore making their behavior lawful.

“Howell has deprived Defendants of their Due Process rights to put on a defense and call witnesses in their defense with a plainly irrational argument,” says legal expert Treniss Evans of Condemned USA.

Judge Howell violated Constitutional Due Process by destroying the essential attorney-client privilege. As but one example of many such instances by the Chief Judge and other District Judges of late, Howell shocked the legal and political world on March 2023, by ordering Donald Trump’s attorney Evan Corcoran to testify against Corcoran’s client Trump before a Grand Jury concerning Jack Smith’s investigation into classified documents allegedly locked in storage at Mar-a-Lago.



As Chief Judge, Judge Howell resisted granting change of venue to January 6th Defendants, President Trump and Rudy Giuliani, despite overwhelming evidence she is privy to that establishes a fair trail under a D.C. jury is impossible for the Defendants.

According to Condemned USA:

“Howell has resisted change of venue of cases after the public is widely convinced that the Federal courts of D.C. are biased and cannot (will not) give Defendants like those from January 6, 2021, events a fair trial. When there is no valid reason, despite a little inconvenience in service of Due Process and public confidence in the Judiciary, the intense resistance to a change of venue becomes perceived proof in the public’s eye that the District Court is in fact biased. The more insistently Judges desperately cling to cases despite questions about perceived bias and partiality, the more strongly bias appears.”



According to Condemned USA:

“Judge Howell violated multiple Canons by judging on the basis of personal knowledge having been personally affected by events of January 6, 2021.

‘While specifically referring to seeing National Guardsmen at the Capitol after the fact from the window of her Chambers office, this means that she could see also the entire events at the Capitol from her courthouse office window on January 6, 2021. If she could see the National Guard on Capitol Hill the day after, she could see the entire events all of January 6, 2021, including upon returning to her chambers from the courtroom for any lunch or break or at the end of the day. (If the courthouse were closed, this begs the question what caused its closure decided before that day? And if it were closed, then  Howell was personally and directly affected by events of January 6th. Howell is therefore ineligible to sit as a judge on cases for which she is a witness, even if not called to testify.”

Please contact Rep. Jim Jordan of the Judiciary Committee HERE and encourage him to continue to push for an investigation of Howell. (Please share the information with him and link to article).


According to Articles of Impeachment drafted by Condemned USA for Congress:

“Judge Howell violated Constitutional Due Process by destroying the essential attorney-client privilege. As but one example of many such instances by the Chief Judge and other District Judges of late, Howell shocked the legal and political world on March 17, 2023, by ordering Donald Trump’s attorney Evan Corcoran to testify against Corcoran’s client Trump before a Grand Jury concerning Jack Smith’s investigation into classified documents allegedly locked in storage at Mar-a-Lago. Calling Trump’s attorney before the Grand Jury is the worst possible intrusion because only the prosecution speaks to or provides evidence to the Grand Jury and targets are not present and do not have their counsel in the room with them and are unable to object. Corcoran being called as a witness would change his status from being able to act as attorney, requiring a different attorney to object.)

Recently judges and prosecutors have suddenly brought the attorney-client privilege under attack, often under the pretext of the “crime/fraud exception.” The “crime/fraud exception” applies only where the attorney is involved in an on-going or future crime or fraud. There can never be any breach of the privilege concerning the client discussing with his attorney what happened in the past. Only when an attorney is helping a client plan or commit a crime – in the future (near or far) – can the privilege be breached. The privilege cannot be breached in a fishing expedition that confidential discussions between attorney and client “may have been part of an attempt to plan a crime.” Courts cannot breach the privilege to look for a reason to breach the privilege. An attorney no longer acting as an attorney but as a crime participant must be independently established before the privilege is breached. A creative sales pitch as to why maybe there might be some evidence of a crime within privileged information turns the privilege on its head. Furthermore, only those privileged materials closely related to planning or implementing a future or on-going crime can be examined. The exception does not allow widespread examination of all communications or documents, only those tightly related to a crime or fraud in which the attorney abandons his role as an attorney.

Where the “crime/fraud exception” is established, only information tightly focused on those circumstances can be examined. Howell’s ruling shreds the protections of the Fourth Amendment and Due Process, because it allows prosecutors to go looking for something to justify after the fact their decision to go looking in privileged communications and documents. And then Howell allows that excuse to be used for a widespread, free-wheeling fishing expedition into privileged information and conversations.”

“Judge Howell must be investigated and removed from office,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “If We the People petition for these corrupt judges to be investigated, it is up to the Congress to oblige.”

Please contact Rep. Elise Stefanik HERE and encourage her to continue to push for an investigation of Howell. (Please share the information with her and link to article).

Please contact Rep. Jim Jordan of the Judiciary Committee HERE and encourage him to continue to push for an investigation of Howell. (Please share the information with him and link to article).


And remember, in the end God wins.

Cara is an Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion and Television Personality. She is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution. You can watch her on Newsmax at 10PM EST every Saturday night, 11:30PM EST on Sundays and 6:00AM EST on “Wiseguys”. You can follow her on Twitter or Instagram  @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights.  You can contact Cara at if you have any tips.

“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.

Obama Judge Forbid Rudy Giuliani From Defending Himself Against Charges – Rudy Giuliani Speaks Out on War Room (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Dec. 16, 2023

On Friday a Washington DC jury ruled that Rudy Giuliani owed plaintiffs Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss $148 million in their lawsuit against him. The two Georgia election workers alleged defamation after Rudy previously claimed the two women contributed to voter fraud in Georgia’s 2020 election.

At the time of the 2020 election, the two women made little money. Shaye Moss’s annual salary was reportedly about $35,000 as an interim supervisor at the elections department. However, one document from the plaintiff’s exhibits showed that Moss’s pre-tax income was $259,000 during at least one of the years since the 2020 election. Freeman and Moss were elevated to the level of heroes in the mainstream media after the election and by Joe Biden earlier this year when he awarded them both Presidential Citizens Medals for their “exemplary contributions to our democracy surrounding January 6, 2021.”

The Gateway Pundit reported on the shocking news that the DC jury awarded Ruby and Shaye $100 million more than their attorneys asked for. The $148 million total will be split between the mother and daughter.

On Friday night, Giuliani told The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson, “My next steps are going to be to appeal it.” He continued, “It is going to take a while because there’s so much to appeal.”

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This morning Mayor Giuliani joined Steve Bannon on The War Room. Rudy told Steve that Obama-nominated Judge Beryl Howell forbid Rudy from defending himself in her courtroom. How is this allowed in America?

There’s more. The women are represented by top east coast lawyers.

Rudy Giuliani: The case was brought in DC rather than in Georgia. The case was brought by an associate of Hunter Biden and a person who represented Burisma, the crooked oil company that paid the bribes to the Bidens. So it was obviously a Biden case. These two so called poor woman had about a $10 million legal group.

Rudy on Obama-appointed Judge Beryl Howell.

Rudy Giuliani: I can tell you that this is an absurd verdict of $148,000,000. And the case was even more absurd than the verdict because it wasn’t a case that anybody would recognize who is an American or English lawyer. I never put on a defense. I was never allowed to put on a defense. The judge found me guilty, liable based on failure to turn over several documents after turning over thousands, none of which have a bearing on liability, but maybe on the ability to pay.

I’ve never heard of a case like that where a judge finds liability based on the failure to turn over tangentially relevant documents. But that’s who the judge is. The judge is Beryl Howell. She was the chief judge. She’s the judge who intervened because she felt that January 6 defendants weren’t getting enough time in jail, which was unethical, unusual, and displayed a great bias. She’s made comments making it clear that she considers Donald Trump and those around him a danger to the republic, including me. Recently, she made a speech right in the middle of this case, I think, or right shortly before betraying her biases.

And all throughout the case, she didn’t conduct a trial. She conducted an inquisition to cut out every defense that I had. First, I couldn’t defend myself on whether I had committed libel or not, wasn’t allowed to put in the videotapes of them doing what I said they did, which I could have demonstrated to the jury. I couldn’t call witnesses who would support what I said. I couldn’t put documents on and reports from credible sources that said that fraud took place there. How am I going to defend myself? Then she decides we’re going to have a trial just on damages. So once again, I want to put these things in to show that I didn’t damage them. I put in no evidence I wasn’t allowed to. And when I said I would take the stand, she said to be very careful because she had already ruled that I was lying based on documents I didn’t turn over, that she never saw, and that she could hold me in contempt. And I know she has a propensity to put Trump people in jail, even for longer periods of time than the prosecutors recommend. And she was sending me a clear signal that if she didn’t agree with what I said, I might very well go into jail.

Watch the entire video below.

REPORT: Biden Judicial Nominee Sits on Board of Group With Ties to Terrorists and Cop Killers

By Mike LaChance Dec. 16, 2023

Adeel Abdullah Mangi is a Biden judicial nominee to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.

He sits on the board of a group with direct ties to cop killers and domestic terrorists. Is the Biden administration just trolling America at this point? Is this person really fit to be a judiciary nominee?

There is a direct connection from this man to the Weather Underground. Did Obama make this recommendation?

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

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‘Historic’ Biden Judicial Nominee Sits on Board of Group Founded by Cop-Killing Domestic Terrorist

President Joe Biden’s latest judicial nominee, whom the White House is hailing as “historic” due to his Muslim faith, serves on the advisory board of a left-wing group with extensive ties to convicted cop killers, the Washington Free Beacon has found.

Adeel Abdullah Mangi, whom Biden tapped to serve on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, is an advisory board member of Alliance of Families for Justice. The organization, which works to end “mass incarceration,” was formed in 2016 with Weather Underground member Kathy Boudin as a founding director. Boudin pleaded guilty to the murder of two police officers and a security guard during an armored truck robbery in 1981. The FBI named Weather Underground a domestic terrorist organization following a string of bombings and robberies in the 1970s and ‘80s.

The Alliance of Families for Justice, where Mangi has served since 2019, organized an event in 2021 to urge the release of six Black Panther and Black Liberation Army members serving life in prison for murdering police officers. The Alliance referred to the cop killers—including Black Panther members Mumia Abu-Jamal, H. Rap Brown, and others—as “freedom fighters” and claimed they were illegally targeted by the FBI.

Mangi also served on an advisory board for a group at Rutgers University which marked the 20th anniversary of 9/11 by inviting convicted terrorists to speak. He was questioned about this by Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana just last week. Watch:

What are we doing as a country? How is this man even being considered?


COMMUNISM: NY Attorney General Letitia James Admits Her Guilt in Denying Trump Due Process — Says Judge Found Donald Trump Guilty “Before This Trial Even Began” (VIDEO)

By Jim Hᴏft Dec. 17, 2023

Illustration by The Gateway Pundit

In her latest video, New York Attorney General Letitia James admitted her guilt in compromising former President Donald Trump’s right to due process. This comes after she claimed that Judge Arthur Engoron had found Trump guilty of “significant financial fraud” even before the current trial began.

Attorney General Letitia James is seeking $250 million in ‘damages’ when there is no victim in this fraud case and she is also seeking to ban Trump and his sons from operating any businesses in New York. She accused Trump of inflating his assets and defrauding lenders and insurance companies.

Last month, The Gateway Pundit reported that a Deutsche Bank executive who worked to approve at least one of Trump’s loans testified that it is “atypical, but not entirely unusual” to reduce a client’s asset values and still approve a loan.

This type of lending is typical in high net-worth, high-profile clients like Donald Trump. Anyone with basic knowledge of banking, lending, portfolio and credit risk management knows this.

“A Deutsche Bank AG executive gave testimony that could bolster Donald Trump’s defense in his civil fraud trial, telling a New York judge that prospective clients can get loans even after reporting a net worth far higher than the lender’s own calculations,” Bloomberg reported.

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Williams testified that Trump’s stated assets are merely an opinion and a difference of opinion in asset values does not disqualify the potential borrower from a loan.

“It’s just a difference of opinion,” Williams said.

In an interview with FOX News, Trump’s attorney, Halina Habba, said that the Deutsche Bank AG executive told the court that Letitia James’ complaint has no merit.

“After hearing Deutsche Bank say that they still consider the Trump Organization a great client – that they paid their loans off early, and nobody was not paid – their statements of financial condition were actually undervalued. And hearing that from experts who are on the Nobel Committee Executive Committee, recommendations saying that the accounting records were perfect, and those mistakes that may or may not have been on were not mistakes at all; they were called subjective valuations, which every real estate developer has. They were absolutely fine, and there was absolutely no fault at all. And frankly, they even went further and said the New York attorney general’s complaint had no merit; there was absolutely no violations of any accounting principles,” said Habba.

In a statement released on Truth Social, the former president lambasted the New York State Attorney General’s trial as “corrupt” and “Biden directed,” claiming to have already provided conclusive testimony. Trump announced that he would not testify in his scheduled testimony in New York last week.

Trump stated that numerous “world-renowned experts” and “highly respected” professionals from the banking, insurance, and real estate sectors had confirmed the legality of his and his company’s financial dealings.

Trump said in a fiery statement:

As everyone knows, I have very successfully & conclusively testified in the corrupt, Biden-directed, New York State Attorney General’s rigged trial against me.

World renowned experts, highly respected bank & insurance executives, real estate professionals, as well as others, both honest & credible, have stated, clearly & unequivocally, that I, & my very successful company, did nothing wrong!

My financial statements were conservative, liquid, & “extraordinary.”

A top professor from NYU Stern said, “If Mr. Trump were my student, he would get an ‘A’ on his financial statements. I’ve never seen a statement that provided so much detail, & is so transparent, as these statements.”

Plus, they all have an ironclad disclaimer clause stating that the users must do their own due diligence & analysis – no reliance! The only fraud committed was by the highly partisan & out of control judge, & racist A.G. (who promised that, “I will get Trump”).

They claimed that Mar-a-Lago was worth only $18,000,000, when it is worth 50 to 100 times that amount, in order to illegally reduce my values & make a fake case against me. They did this on other properties, as well, & wouldn’t give me a jury. Likewise, the A.G. thugs do not want to acknowledge that I have paid almost 300 million dollars in New York City & State taxes during the years in question. Importantly, I won at the Appellate Division, which effectively ended most of the case, but the biased judge refused to accept their order, an unheard of first!

Based on the above, and the fact that our unassailable final expert witness has been so strong and irrefutable in his testimony, which will conclude on Tuesday, & that I have already testified to everything & have nothing more to say other than that this is a complete & total election interference (Biden campaign!) witch hunt, that will do nothing but keep businesses out of New York, I will not be testifying on Monday. MAGA!

In a video statement released on Friday, Letitia James admitted that Judge Engoron had already determined Trump engaged in “significant financial fraud” prior to the commencement of the current trial.

“Before this trial even began, the judge ruled in our favor and found that Donald Trump did engage in years of significant financial fraud,” the “corrupt” Attorney General admitted. “We uncovered throughout this trial, we revealed the full extent of that fraud. We introduced extensive evidence and questioned more than two dozen witnesses.”


Donald Trump engaged in years of incredible financial fraud to enrich himself and his family.

During 11 weeks of trial, we showed the true extent of that fraud and all the ways he unjustly benefitted from it.

No matter how powerful you think you are, no one is above the law.

— NY AG James (@NewYorkStateAG) December 15, 2023

David Freiheit, a Canadian lawyer and former political candidate for the People’s Party of Canada, also known as Viva Frei on social media, lambasted “corrupt” Letitia James and “nipple” Judge Engoron.

“‘Before this trial even began, the judge ruled in our favor.’ You know what that’s called? That’s called communism. That is called an absolute judicial injustice. She should be impeached. The judge should be impeached. The entire [case] should be thrown out. And my goodness, anybody sitting there saying that Trump is guilty needs to have their head examined because this has been the most egregious injustice,” said Frei.

“Attorney General Leticia James is corrupt as the day is long, and Judge Engron, New York nipple Judge Engron is as corrupt as the day is long. And they’ve just said it out loud for everyone to hear,” he added.


According to far-left Salon, citing the New York Times, legal experts have expressed concerns that Judge Arthur Engoron, presiding over former President Donald Trump’s New York fraud trial, may have overstepped his authority. These experts suggest that Judge Engoron might have erred in his decision to order the dissolution of some of Trump’s New York companies.

Judge Arthur Engoron ruled before the start of the trial that Trump fraudulently inflated his net worth and ordered some of his New York companies be dissolved. But legal experts told the outlet that Engoron “may have lacked the authority to dissolve the companies.”

An appeals court last week stayed the judge’s punishment while it reviews the order.

“President Trump very much appreciates the court’s consideration and ruling,” Trump attorney Christopher Kise said after the appellate court took up the case, adding that it would help “pave the way for a much needed, and deliberative, review of the trial court’s many errors.”

Last month, Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (NY) filed a judicial ethics complaint against NY Judge Arthur Engoron over his ‘bizarre behavior’ in Trump’s non-jury civil fraud case.

“Judge Engoron’s bizarre and biased behavior is making New York’s judicial system a laughingstock. Former Southern District of New York federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, who has at times criticized President Trump, recently stated that he views the “whole New York justice system” as “fraudulent.”” Stefanik wrote.

“Americans are sick and tired of the blatant corruption by radical Leftist judges in NY. All New Yorkers must speak out against the dangerous weaponized lawfare against President Trump,” she added.

In her complaint, the congresswoman wrote:

“I write today to express my serious concerns about the inappropriate bias and judicial intemperance shown by Judge Arthur F. Engoron in New York’s lawsuit against President Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization. This judge’s bizarre behavior has no place in our judicial system, where Judge Engoron is not honoring the defendant’s rights to due process and a fair trial.

These serious concerns are exacerbated by the fact that the defendant is the leading candidate for President of the United States, and it appears the judicial system is being politicized to affect the outcome of the campaign. Simply put, Judge Engoron has displayed a clear judicial bias against the defendant throughout the case, breaking several rules in the New York Code of Judicial Conduct.”


VIDEO Biden Worried About ‘Extreme’ SCOTUS, New Term Begins – Speaker Johnson with Sean Hannity – Biden Impeachment Inquiry, Bringing Hunter Biden in to Testify -Tucker’s Ominous Warning, National Alarm

 Martin Walsh October 11, 2023

The Supreme Court is back for a new term and the court will hear a growing list of cases that could transform the nation — and President Joe Biden is already complaining.

During an interview with ProPublica, Biden claimed that the “extreme” Supreme Court, dominated by justices nominated by former President Donald Trump, can’t be relied upon to uphold the rule of law.

“I worry because I know that if the other team, the Maga Republicans, win, they don’t want to uphold the rule of law,” Biden said. “I do think at the end of the day, this court, which has been one of the most extreme courts, I still think in the basic fundamentals of rule of law, that they would sustain the rule of law.”

The Supreme Court has been a thorn in the side of Biden’s administration, frequently ruling against his agenda. But the nation’s highest court appears poised to do even more damage to Biden’s plans to move the country to the far left.

For instance, Biden’s plans to tax ‘the rich’ could soon be axed after the high court ruled earlier this year that Biden’s $430 billion-plus student loan forgiveness was unconstitutional. Biden repeatedly has claimed that he supports the idea of taxing the “wealthiest of the wealthy.”

For example, the case Moore v. United States could greatest influence on Biden, despite the fact that the court will hear cases this fall involving the right to bear arms, the authority of federal agencies, and whether the phrase “Trump too small” can be trademarked.

That debate centers on Biden’s frequently expressed desire for a wealth tax and whether it could be implemented.

Meanwhile, the Court will hear a number of cases this fall that offer promising chances to restrain the federal administrative state.

The court has agreed to rule on cases that contest the constitutionality of an agency funding scheme that is exempt from the congressional appropriations process and regular congressional oversight, as well as the practice of federal courts extending judicial deference to agency interpretations of the laws they are tasked with enforcing.

The court also agreed to hear a case that could bring back the jury trial to a class of civil cases that are currently handled solely by judges who work for administrative agencies. One of the most important cases of the upcoming term may be SEC v. Jarkesy because it may reinstate the right to a jury trial in administrative civil cases, the Daily Signal reported.

The Supreme Court has also burned Biden and Democrats with a number of recent decisions.

The U.S. Supreme Court handed Trump a 2024 election victory and refused to hear a challenge from a long-shot GOP presidential contender who sought to prevent Trump’s name from appearing on the ballot under a provision of the 14th Amendment.

Last month, the Biden administration just got stung with yet another unanimous ruling from the Supreme Court, which of course, included his nominee, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson. In a 9-0 ruling, the Supreme Court found on Friday that some individuals convicted of gun crimes may receive reduced prison sentences. In those cases, gun-related offenses can be served concurrently.

The Biden administration was not happy back in June when the Supreme Court struck down race-based admission standards for colleges and universities.

Not long ago, the nation’s highest court ruled against states that passed strict gun laws.

The court also threw out Biden’s plan to forgive student loans because it violated the Constitution.

In a crushing blow to unions, a stronghold of the Democrat Party, the Supreme Court also recently ruled that companies can sue unions for financial damage from strikes.

Speaker Johnson Sits Down with Sean Hannity

“I’m Looking at That – Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures” – Speaker Mike Johnson Discusses Biden Impeachment Inquiry and Bringing Hunter Biden in to Testify

By Jim Hoft Oct. 29, 2023

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

Johnson discusses his plans for supporting Israel, his hopes to empower the GOP committee chairmen, and the potential subpoena of Hunter Biden.

Speaker Johnson says they are looking at bringing in Hunter to testify.

On Israel – Separate funding for Israel from Ukraine funding

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Speaker Mike Johnson: we are going to move a standalone Israel funding bill this week in the House. I know our colleagues, our Republican colleagues in the Senate have a similar measure. We believe that that is a pressing and urgent need. There are lots of things going on around the world that we have to address, and we will. But right now, what’s happening in Israel takes the immediate attention, and I think we’ve got to separate that and get it through.

On the Biden Impeachment Inquiry

Maria Bartiromo: What about the investigations into the potential Biden family influence paddling, potential bribery? Are you going to allocate the financial resources and human capital needed to do an in depth investigation? And will an impeachment inquiry turn into an official impeachment?

Speaker Johnson: you know, I worked on the committees of jurisdiction. A judiciary is one of those. I think our chairman have done an exceptional job. You’ve spoken to all of them. Jamie Comer and Jim Jordan and Jason Smith on Oversight and Judiciary and Ways and Means. They’ve continued those investigations even while we were going through the tumult of the Speaker’s race. They were still working methodically through that. I’m encouraging that. I think we have a constitutional responsibility to follow this truth where it leads. We’re the rule of law team. We don’t use this for political partisan games like the Democrats have done and did against Donald Trump twice. We are going to follow the law and follow the Constitution, and I think you and I have a suspicion of where that may lead, but we’re going to let the evidence speak for itself. And I look forward to rolling that out over the coming days and weeks and letting the American people see exactly why we’re taking the next steps and where it’s headed.

On a Subpoena for Hunter Biden

Speaker Mike Johnson: I’m looking at that. I think that desperate times call for desperate measures, and that perhaps is overdue. We’ve not made a full decision yet. I’m counseling with the attorneys involved on all of this to see what the contours of. I’m an attorney myself, so I speak the language. We’re trying to move forward on some of this very aggressively. I think the American people are owed these answers, and I think our suspicions about all this, the evidence that we’ve gathered so far, as you know, is affirming what many of us feared may be the worst. And as Jamie Comer likes to say, bank records don’t lie. We already have a lot of this evidence. The dots are being connected, and we’ll see where it leads.

Via Sunday Morning Futures.

Tucker’s Ominous Warning Stirs National Alarm


The First Time Congress Voted to Impeach a Sitting President

 By Michael Schwarz  September 17, 2023

On Feb. 24, 1868, for the first time ever, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to impeach a sitting president.

Ironically, the Southern Democrat whom House Republicans charged with “high crimes and misdemeanors” had remained loyal to the Union during the Civil War.

Andrew Johnson of Tennessee had served as President Abraham Lincoln’s running mate during the 1864 election. After Lincoln’s second inauguration on March 4, 1865, Johnson became vice president.

Six weeks later — on the morning of April 15, 1865 — Lincoln died of a gunshot wound inflicted the previous evening by the pro-Southern assassin John Wilkes Booth. Suddenly, Johnson ascended to the presidency.

Johnson’s impeachment less than three years later had its roots in the same issues that caused the Civil War. Indeed, slavery and secession haunted the nation for many years to come.


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The immediate issues that prompted House Republicans to take the unprecedented step of impeaching a president had both constitutional and political elements about them. In the end, the constitutional elements prevailed, resulting in Johnson’s acquittal.

At the core of Johnson’s impeachment lay the complicated question of Reconstruction. How could Americans reunite after four horrific years of bloody conflict?

In fact, Reconstruction involved several interrelated questions. How, when and on what terms could the states of the former Confederacy return to the Union? How and on what terms would four million people transition from slavery to freedom? And who would decide?

That last question — who would decide — brought Johnson into direct conflict with congressional Republicans.

The Republican Party was born in 1854 for the sole purpose of using the federal government to restrict the spread of slavery into the western territories. Lincoln became a Republican for this very reason.

Abolitionists and others with strong anti-slavery sentiments thus gravitated toward the Republican Party. These staunch opponents of slavery and friends to the rights of freedmen became known as “Radical Republicans.”

Democrats, on the other hand, had been content to see slavery spread as long as the people voted for it. Above all, the states themselves must decide.

A self-made man who bragged of his humble origins, Johnson had no great love for slaveholders. But he also had no love for the slaves themselves. Every good Democrat knew that America must remain a white man’s democracy.

Johnson, therefore, wanted to reunite the states immediately and thus restore the Union “as it was,” minus slavery. He had no interest in civil rights for former slaves.


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Radical Republicans, on the other hand, believed that the Civil War must result in Lincoln’s “new birth of freedom.” That meant equality for everyone under the law, backed by the power of the federal government.

At first, Johnson held the advantage. The Congress elected in November 1864 did not meet until December 1865. During this period of “Presidential Reconstruction,” former Confederates received leniency. Southern states adopted “Black Codes” that relegated former slaves to permanent second-class citizenship. Johnson approved.

When the new Congress met in December, Radical Republicans went on the offensive. Republican Rep. Thaddeus Stevens of Pennsylvania set the terms of the debate in a fiery Dec. 18, 1865, speech.

“Dead men cannot raise themselves. Dead States cannot restore their existence ‘as it was,’” Stevens thundered. “Congress alone can do it.”

Republicans passed civil rights legislation. Johnson vetoed everything.

Republicans responded by adopting the Fourteenth Amendment, which guaranteed equal protection under the law, and the Fifteenth Amendment, which extended voting rights to all adult male citizens regardless of color. Then, Republicans made ratification of these amendments a condition of readmission to the Union.

Johnson, however, remained a thorn in Republicans’ sides. The president functioned as commander-in-chief and executed the laws. Thus, his attitude toward ongoing Union military occupation of the South mattered a great deal.

Republicans took the first step toward attempting to remove Johnson in March 1867, when they passed the Tenure of Office Act over Johnson’s veto. A year later, this act became the centerpiece of impeachment.

The Tenure of Office Act required Senate approval before the president could remove a Cabinet official. It was meant to keep Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton in office. A Lincoln appointee, Stanton sided with the Radical Republicans on Reconstruction-related issues.

When Johnson defied the Tenure of Office Act by first suspending and then firing Stanton, Republicans responded with impeachment.

House Republicans brought eleven articles of impeachment in all. Most pertained to the Tenure of Office Act, though the 11th and final article raised much broader concerns.

Introduced by Stevens, the 11th impeachment article accused Johnson of delivering a speech declaring “in substance that the Thirty-Ninth Congress of the United States was not a Congress of the United States authorized by the Constitution to exercise legislative power under the same” and thus “also thereby denying and intending to deny the power of the said Thirty-Ninth Congress to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States,” etc.

In other words, Johnson had argued publicly that Congress had no right to legislate or to propose constitutional amendments because it did not yet represent all the returning states.

Johnson’s trial in the Senate began on March 5, 1868, and continued through April 20. Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase presided.

Officials printed 1,000 tickets daily for those who wanted to attend the spectacle. Washington, D.C., luminaries gobbled up nearly all of them.

Radical Republicans in the Senate shared their House colleagues’ disdain for Johnson.

The president “is the impersonation of the tyrannical slave power. In him it lives again,” Republican Sen. Charles Sumner of Massachusetts said.

Indeed, Johnson’s “attempt to substitute himself for Congress in the work of reconstruction was sheer usurpation.” And the presidential veto “was turned into a weapon against Congress.”

On May 16, the Senate voted 35-19 to convict Johnson on the 11th impeachment article. This tally fell one vote short of the required two-thirds majority.

Votes on two additional articles occurred 10 days later and produced the same result. Republicans chose not to pursue votes on the remaining eight articles.

Johnson stayed in office for another 10 months but did not seek re-election.

The impeachment of Johnson left a complicated legacy.

On one hand, Radical Republicans had every reason for wanting to rid themselves of the obstructionist president.

Modern scholars largely agree that the Senate reached the right conclusion. Acquittal, they say, preserved the integrity of the presidency.

This conclusion, however, overlooks Johnson’s promiscuous use of the veto power. Sumner and other Republicans had every right to complain about this. Indeed, the Founders never intended that presidents should use the veto for political disagreements — only for clear constitutional violations.

Furthermore, Republicans wanted to remove Johnson for the sake of the former slaves, whose civil rights Johnson opposed.

On the other hand, Republicans used patently unconstitutional means.

For one thing, Congress cannot enlarge its own authority under the Constitution. The Tenure of Office Act purported to do exactly that.

Likewise, the 11th impeachment article, however accurate its description of the president’s sentiments, charged Johnson with making a hostile speech. Surely no public official should ever be removed on such grounds.

Thus, Radical Republicans had the right political arguments but the wrong constitutional approach.

In the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, the constitutional side prevailed.

VIDEO Tucker Carlson’s Episode 20: Hungary PM promotes family, nation, God – Glenn Beck Interviews President Trump – Tucker with Adam Carolla

Viktor Orbán is among the few, powerful voices for freedom in Europe

By WND Staff August 29, 2023

Viktor Orbán, prime minister of Hungary (Video screenshot)

Viktor Orbán, prime minister of Hungary (Video screenshot)

Tucker Interviews Viktor Orbán on Ukraine War: We Need “Peace Immediately. Call Back Trump. That’s the Only Way Out”

By Richard Abelson Aug. 30, 2023

Tucker Carlson Interviews Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at Buda castle Aug. 22

Tucker Carlson interviewed the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Budapest for the second time after his 2021 Fox News interview. Orbán said the Russian invasion of Ukraine “would not have been possible” under Donald Trump, who had “the best foreign policy of the recent several decades.”

Orbán called the claim that Ukraine is winning the war “a lie”:

“It’s not just a misunderstanding, it’s a lie. It’s impossible. Everybody who’s in politics and who understands the logic, the figures, the data – no way…”

“The poor Ukrainians die every day. Hundreds and thousands. My heart is with them. It’s a tragedy for Ukraine. But they will run out of soldiers before Russia. What finally will count is boots on the ground. And the Russians are far stronger,” Orbán said. “The strategy the West is supporting is bad engineering”.

Tucker Carlson noted the Biden Regime’s goal is “regime change in Russia, to kill Putin.” Orbán remarked that it’s “a difficult thing to understand the Russians, especially if you have an ocean between you and Russia.” When Westerners speak about politics, they focus on “freedom,” according to Orbán.

“The Russians will not kill their leader. They will never give up”

In Russia, the focus is on “how to keep the country together. It’s a very big country.” That emphasis “creates a military approach,” Orbán remarked, “security, buffer zones, geopolitical approaches. It’s legitimate to have that, because it’s their history. We have to understand that we cannot beat them as we do now. They will not kill their leader. They will never give up. They will keep together their country, and they will defend it.”

“If we finance more, they will invest more”, Orbán said. If the West sends more technical equipment, Russia will also produce more,” he said. Orbán called the idea Russian would get sick of Putin “a joke.”

Orbán recalled the period of instability between former Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Putin, when Europe was worried about “anarchy” in Russia. “Everybody was happy when after Yeltsin, Putin came in and started to control the military and Russian power as a leader… We forgot about how dangerous (it is) when there is no strong leadership in Russia. The interregnum is the worst case possible.”

“But that is our goal – at least of of the U.S. State Department,” Carlson commented.

“That’s a mistake,” Orbán observed. “If this is the goal, it’s a mistake.”

“It sounds very dangerous”, Tucker remarked.

“It’s more than dangerous,” Orbán said. “To sit in Washington, in the safe United States, is a different feeling than here in Budapest. Ukraine is next door. What’s going on there could have an immediate impact in Hungary. Washington is far away. Ukraine is close. That’s the Hungarian approach.”

At some point, “Ukraine is going to need more soldiers,” Tucker observed. “Where are they going to come form?”

“If West sends boots on the ground, that would mean war with Russsia”

“That’s the most risky question”, according to Orbán. “If any Western country would send boots on the ground, that would mean war between the West and Russsia, and we are in a Third World War.” That’s obvious “not just for me”, Orbán said, but to ”everybody on the street” in Hungary.

“All our ordinary citizens are aware we are living in a very dangerous moment. The Third World War is knocking on our door. We have to be very, very careful. That’s my message to America as well, at NATO summits: Be careful.”

Americans tend to think “they are bigger, therefore they are more clever,” Orbán joked.

Tucker Carslon also asked Orbán about the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage: “It seems very obvious the Biden Administration blew up Nord Stream, either directly or through proxies. How is Western Europe, and Germany in particular, not saying anything? We just crushed the German economy,” Carlson said.

When the Nord Stream attack happened, Hungary wanted to call it a terrorist attack, which was refused by the Germans, Orbán said. Apparently, “it was not a terrorist attack, it was something (else),“ he said. “That’s evidence of a lack of sovereignty.”

“You can do it with the Germans, but you can’t do it with this region”

“That’s the job of the Germans. I would not like to criticize them,” Orbán said. “What we Hungarians immediately made clear is, there is another pipeline, not just Nord Stream. There is South Stream (aka TurkStream), coming from Russia through Turkey, Bulgaria. Serbia, Hungary. Together with the Serbian Prime Minister and President, we made it very clear, if somebody would like to do the same thing with the Southern Corridor, we consider it reason for war, a terrorist attack… You can do it with the Germans, but you can’t do it with this region.” This warning was “not addressed to Moscow,” Orbán said, implying the warning was meant for the Obama-Biden cabal.

“If you were Joe Biden, what would your next move in the war in Ukraine be?,” Tucker asked.

“Peace, immediately,” Orbán said. “Call back Trump. That’s the only way out.”

“You can criticize him for many reasons,” Viktor Orbán said. But Donald Trump had “the best foreign policy of the recent several decades… He did not initiate any new wars. He treated the North Koreans nicely, Russia, even the Chinese. He delivered a policy which was the best for the Middle East: The Abraham Accords. That was a very good foreign policy.”

“Trump is the man who can save the Western world”

“And if (Trump) would have been the President,” the Russian invasion of Ukraine would not have been possible, Orbán said. “Trump is the man who can save the Western world”, and probably the whole world, Viktor Orbán claimed.

Carlson noted that at the Munich Security Conference Feb. 20, 2022, Vice President Kamala Harris invited Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to join NATO. Orbán noted that NATO states had rejected NATO membership for Ukraine at the Bucharest Conference 2008, at a time when Russia would have been too weak to prevent it. “That window of opportunity is not open anymore. We can’t afford to have that long a border between Russia and Ukraine, which belongs to NATO. That would mean immediate danger of war for all of us. That’s dangerous even for Washington. ”

Instead of trying to bring Ukraine into NATO, “we should do the opposite”, Orbán suggested. “We should make a deal with the Russians on a new security architecture to provide security and sovereignty for Ukraine, but not NATO membership.”

“If the United States wants  peace, there will be peace the next morning”

If Donald Trump were reelected, the United States “should admit, probably publicly, that the keys (to peace) are in your hand. If the United States would like peace, there will be peace the next morning. Because it’s obvious that the poor Ukrainians on their own are not competitive in this war. If there is no money and equipment from the West, and especially the United States, the war is over. The solution is in your hand. In the hand of your President – the present or the future one. The United States can do it. Nobody else. It’s not a solution for the Ukrainians. Of course it’s about Ukrainians, they must not be neglected, they must be involved, but the real factor is not Ukraine, it is the intention of the United States.”

Asked about Hungarian conservative and patriotic values, Orbán observed that Hunagry had a 1,100 year old history it was proud of, and lives its Catholic Christian values “not in an ideological way, but on the street every day.”

“I am not the favorite politician of the liberals, unfortunately”, Orbán joked. “But nobody’s perfect.” The West is currently split between people who think egoistically, and those who value “family, nation and God. And this means I have to serve.”

“’Liberal’ originally meant freedom”, Orbán said. “But now, in Europe, it means you are an enemy of freedom.”

“Hopefully Trump will come back, and the relationship US-Hungary will be good again”

Tucker noted the Biden Regime considers him Orbán “fascist” and asked Orbán if that worried him. “It’s dangerous”, Orbán said. “When the US administration does not like you, or considers you an enemy, it’s dangerous… If you (the USA) criticize somebody, you (meaning Hungary) have to be very cautious how to deal with that, And the Democrat administration does that regularly now. But we have to be clear this is not the voice of America, it is the voice of the administration. Not all Americans have the same approach as the government…  The previous President is a friend of Hungary on the basis of values, whole-heartedly, a real friend. So we don’t make the mistake of considering the United States equal to the administration. Hopefully, Trump will come back, and the relationship will be very good again.”

Tucker noted that the Biden administration unsuccessfully spent US tax dollars to campaign against Orbán in the previous election, as Gateway Pundit has reported. “Big money”, Orbán noted, which definitely goes against “all the principles we” subscribe to. Hungary is strong enough to resist economic pressure from the US, Orbán believes. Orbán is accused of being a “puppet of Putin”, Tucker noted, to which Orbán responded that Hungary’s “sad” historical relationship with Russia precludes any Hungarian leader being a “puppet of the Russians.”

“But of course I try to have a rational relationship with the Russians, especially on economy and energy. Without involving the Russian in a security architecture for Europe, we cannot provide a safe life to the citizens of Europe. But now everything is going against this, unfortunately. What NATO does is rather strange. If you look at the official position of NATO, it is exactly what I said: No involvement (in foreign wars), and we should do as much as we can for peace. That’s the official position of NATO… United States policy to support and finance the Ukrainians is not the policy of NATO.”

Tucker noted that NATO has expanded eastward and now shares 900 miles of border with Russia, which seems to be “provoking war” with Russia. “What is the point of NATO?” he asked.

“The point of NATO is to be stronger than Russia,” Orbán said. “The Russians are not strong enough to beat the Ukrainians right now. Russia is not able to threaten NATO.” Some leaders of NATO, Orbán said, “like your President had a strategy to crush the Russians. The strategy was that the Ukrainian soldiers will fight, and NATO member states will finance this fight by money and equipment… We Hungarians said very clearly, this strategy will never work. Now we have one and half years of war and it’s obvious this was a bad strategy. We have to stop it. We need a new strategy or we should (aim) for peace as soon as we can.“

“To use the justice system against political opponents is impossible in Hungary”

Finally, Tucker asked Orbán whether he had ever considered weaponizing the justice system against his political opponents in Hungary. “We have some bad chapters of our history, but that kind of civil war is not part of our culture,” Orbán said. “To do what’s going on… in your country, to use the justice system against political opponents, is impossible in Hungary. That’s what was done by the Communists. It’s a very Communist methodology.”

“Competition is okay,” Orbán said, “but it must be fair, and legally (unassailable), otherwise you can sacrifice the future of your country for your personal success, which is not acceptable. At least in Hungary.”

Tucker Carlson Interviews Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban

August 29, 2023 | Sundance 

Tucker Carlson traveled to Hungary, a current target of the U.S. State Dept, Samantha Power and the CIA for regime change {GO DEEP}, to interview Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. {Direct Rumble Link}

Hungary shares a common border with Ukraine and Prime Minister Orban has a nationalistic viewpoint that puts him at odds with the overall NATO and EU viewpoint. Thus, the U.S. Biden effort currently underway is to remove Viktor Orban from his position.  Tucker Carlson is essentially interviewing the #1 allied target of the EU/U.S and NATO.  This is an excellent non-pretending interview.  WATCH:

Ep. 20 Hungary shares a border with Ukraine


Why is eliminating Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban now the goal of the Biden administration.  Well, a reminder:

♦ Hungary warned citizens of the west about the New World Order, created through Ukraine.

♦ Hungary continued to purchase Russian oil and natural gas.  Zelenskyy and the Western alliance were furious.

♦ Hungary said they would continue energy purchases in Rubles if that is what Russia demanded.

The World Economic Forum and NATO/Western Alliance cannot permit a nation to stand on principles of nationalism.  Allowing a point of contrast that would showcase the weakness of globalism and multiculturalism is something the western control system just cannot permit.

As a result, Samantha Power, the U.S. State Dept (USAID) and the CIA, are collectively running an operation in Hungary, seeding the groundwork for the next color revolution.

Glenn Beck Interviews President Trump

August 30, 2023 | Sundance |

President Donald Trump called in to the Glenn Beck broadcast for an interview about current events.  The interview is in two segments on Rumble [HERE] and [HERE].

President Trump interview part 1


Part Two below:


Tucker Carlson Interview with Adam Carolla on Obama Gay Sex and Smoking Crack, Rising Risk of Trump Assassination and War with Russia Next Year

Caution language


VIDEO Judge Chutkan, Hunter Biden Same Law Firm – Tucker interviews Devon Archer, Tony Bobilinski – Message from Rush Limbaugh – Kash Patel – Alan Dershowitz – Steven Sund

Judge Overseeing Trump’s J6 Case Previously Donated to Obama Campaign and Worked at Same Law Office as Hunter Biden

By Anthony Scott Aug. 2, 2023

As The Gateway Pundit reported on Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan who was appointed by Obama will be the judge overseeing Trump “January 6th” case in DC.

Chutkan has a long history of ruling against conservatives and according to NBC “She is the only federal judge in Washington, D.C., who has sentenced Jan. 6 defendants to sentences longer than the government had requested.”

A quick look into Chutkan’s political donation records reveals she donated over $3,000 dollars to Barack Obama from 2008-2012.

Here are some of her donation records according to Open Secret:

Dr. McCullough on New Studies: “The COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign Has Generated a Tidal Wave of New Patients”

Former Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs for the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Monica Crowley, pointed out on Twitter that Chutkan also worked at the same law office as Hunter Biden.


The judge in the Trump J6 case – an Obama appointee and donor – worked at the same law firm as Hunter Biden.

This is the level of contempt they have for the Constitution, the rule of law – and YOU.

— Monica Crowley (@MonicaCrowley) August 2, 2023

According to Open Secrets, Hunter Biden worked as an attorney for Boies Schiller & Flexner LLP from 2009-2014.

Chutkan also worked as attorney at Boies, Schiller & Flexner, and became a partner in 2007.

She left the law firm in 2014 after being appointed by Obama as the United States district judge for the US District Court for the District of Columbia.

It’s worth noting that both Hunter Biden and judge Chutkan both left the law firm in 2014.

Hunter Biden’s work history per Open Secret:

Chutkan’s work history according to answers on her Senate judicial nominee questionnaire:

The swamp just got swampier.

Judge Presiding Over Jack Smith’s Case Previously Recused Self Over Connections To Democratic Leader

Tucker Carlson Interviews Devon Archer about Hunter and Joe Biden Selling Influence to Foreign Businesses

August 2, 2023 | Sundance |

Tucker Carlson sad down with Hunter Biden business partner Devon Archer following Mr. Archer’s testimony to a House Oversight Committee. {Direct Rumble Link}.  The first part of that interview was broadcast by Tucker Carlson via Twitter.

Within this part of the interview Tucker Carlson asks Devon Archer about the overall business model Archer and Biden formed in Burisma and what was the specific set of skills that Hunter brought to the enterprise.  As noted by Mr. Archer, the relationship and purpose of Hunter Biden was entirely about access to government systems that could benefit the businesses who hired their firm.  They were selling influence as a business model and Joe Biden was part of the process.  WATCH:

Tucker Carlson Sits Down With Ex- Hunter Biden Biz Partner Devon Archer for EXPLOSIVE Interview


There are many people rightly demanding Joe Biden be impeached for selling his office and influence, as exhibited in the examples of Hunter Biden.  However, I would temper any expectations in that direction by noting this “influence selling” is the currency of the entire system.  Democrats and Republicans both have family members and businesses based on this system.

Additionally, as we have written in these pages for many years, the entire purpose of the House and Senate Foreign Relations Committee is to sell political policy influence to foreign governments.  Seats on committees are assigned to politicians based on their status within the hierarchy.  The example of Hunter Biden and Devon Archer via Burisma is one of hundreds of similarly constructed mechanisms.

Joe Biden will never be impeached for selling his office to foreign governments.  It will never happen.  Senator Joe Biden was Chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee for exactly this reason.

Tony Bobilinski Interview With Tucker Carlson

Alan Dershowitz Says It’s Unlikely Jack Smith’s Jan. 6 Indictment Against Trump Will ‘Survive’

A Message From Rush Limbaugh

August 2, 2023 | Sundance | 

Wow, does this message from Rush Limbaugh ring true today. {Direct Rumble LinkWATCH:

Rush Knew

God Bless Him – We all miss Rush Limbaugh.

Before Donald Trump entered politics there was no home for people voting on the issues of a national economic agenda. Both Democrat and Republican candidates had essentially the same worldview on national economic policy because they are all getting money from the same multinational corporate trough.  However, President Trump changed that dynamic by presenting an alternative national economic policy called America-First.

For decades middle America was begging the McConnell’s, Ryans, Boehners, Romney’s, McCain’s, Bushes, et al, to make America-Fist economic policies their priority.  All of our shouts for help fell upon deaf political ears plugged by corporate donations and influence.  Our communities were literally collapsing around us (see rust belt), and yet no national politician would do anything of consequence.

By the time Donald Trump arrived decades of frustration exploded in an eruption of massive applause because he was articulating the central economic issue that was being ignored by the professional political class.  The America-First agenda is the restoration agenda.  From Trump’s national economic policy, the middle-class erosion stopped. Economic security, specifically U.S. employment stability and wage rates, goes hand in glove with border security and immigration controls.

MAGAnomics is the core of the great MAGA republican coalition, a working-class coalition that cuts through all other distinctions and divisions.  It is not republican because of political affiliation, it is “MAGA republican” only because the republican party was the political vehicle selected by Donald Trump to install the policy.

This reality creates a problem for the DC professional political class and the corporate media. Because MAGAnomics is the fundamentally binding principle there is no way to fracture the Trump supporter coalition.

I am a “MAGA republican” by default of my wanting a national economic agenda that looks out for the economic interests of American’s first.

Donald Trump is the irreplaceable Great MAGA King because Donald Trump is the only one who holds that same outlook.

It ‘seems’ chaotic and mad because it has been created to appear that way.  There are more of us than them; they just control the systems that allow us to connect, share messages and recognize the scale of our assembly.

And here we are… divided by a network of seemingly intoxicating systems; many purposefully driven by the modern dynamic of social media, steering a tribal outcome we are only now just beginning to fathom.

Ultimately the collective weight of progressive leftism is putting us is isolation. There are many historic references to this disconcerting sentiment to review with hindsight. However, ultimately the feeling of isolation first begins with a rejection of God.  Defeat it by embracing Him.

Our nation needs more people like you, right now. Don’t wait… engage life, get optimistic however you need to do it. Then let that part of you shine right now… This is how we fight. Hold up that flag; give the starter smile… rally to the standard you create and spread fellowship again.

Once restored, fight these bast^^^s!

The only insurrection was election interference…

EXCLUSIVE: Capitol Police Chief Called Jan 6 Events ‘A Cover Up’ in Tucker Carlson Interview HIDDEN By Fox News.

Aug 3, 2023

Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund told then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson that events surrounding the January 6th riots at the U.S. Capitol appear to have been a “cover up,” in never-seen-before footage published exclusively by The National Pulse. 

In the hour-long interview, Sund laments the behaviors of then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as well as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, who he says had intelligence to suggest problems on Capitol Hill, which they failed to communicate with Sund and his cops on the ground. 

“If I was allowed to do my job as the chief we wouldn’t be here, this didn’t have to happen,” Sund begins, around 19 minutes into the conversation, during which he describes himself as “pissed off” about being “lambasted in public” over the events. Sund has written a bookCourage Under Fire, about his experiences. 

Having served as a police officer for over 30 years, including taking over as Chief of the United States Capitol Police in 2019, Sund explains the events leading up to January 6th, including prior to the incident at the Capitol itself, and the aftermath, appeared to be a “cover up.” 

“Everything appears to be a cover up,” says the decorated police chief, explaining that most things to do with his department were political, specifically because he reported to politicians including then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. 

“Like I said, I’m not a conspiracy theorist,” Sund explains, “…but when you look at the information and intelligence they had, the military had, it’s all watered down. I’m not getting intelligence, I’m denied any support from National Guard in advance. I’m denied National Guard while we’re under attack, for 71 minutes…” 

The full interview has thus far been hidden from the public at the behest of Rupert Murdoch’s increasingly left-wing Fox News channel, which unceremoniously fired its prime time host Tucker Carlson allegedly as part of a private settlement with Dominion Voting Systems. 

“It sounds like they were hiding the intelligence,” Carlson quizzed, to which Sund stunningly responds: “Could there possibly be actually… they kind of wanted something to happen? It’s not a far stretch to begin to think that. It’s sad when you start putting everything together and thinking about the way this played out… what was their end goal?” 

The next portion of the interview, featuring a stunning conversation about Capitol riot “orchestrator” Ray Epps, will be released on on Thursday morning. 

Sign up to the Pulse+ today to support radically independent journalism. 


Fmr Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund blasts bureaucracy that favored ‘optics’ over response on Jan 6

Tucker Carlson Reveals Details of Interview With January 6th Capitol Police Chief Stev

Steven Sund: former capital police chief

Former Capitol Police Chief: Alexandra Pelosi prioritized footage over safety

Tucker Carlson: Capitol Hill Police Chief Says J6 Crowd Filled with Federal Agents

Ex-Capitol Police Chief: I’ve Never Seen A Protest Turn That Violent That Quickly

Former Capitol Police Chief explains the chain of communication to Pelosi


One of History’s Greatest Senators Puts Today’s Republican Frauds to Shame – “There Must Be a Reckoning”

 By Paul Petrick  July 30, 2023

Contrary to popular belief, the biggest fraud in American politics is not Rep. George Santos. Nor is it the not-so-Native American Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Nor is it Sen. Richard “Stolen Valor” Blumenthal.

It is not even President Joe Biden, whose fabulism stretches so far back that Johnny Carson joked about it.

The biggest frauds in American politics are the 27 “Republican” members of Congress who voted for the obscene $1.66 trillion omnibus spending bill last December, 16 of whom still “serve.”

In stark contrast to their example is the memory of Sen. Robert A. Taft, who died 70 years ago on July 31.

Among the few outstanding American statesmen and the fewer whose greatness was contemporaneously acknowledged, Taft’s destiny seemed preordained. First in his class in high school, college (Yale) and law school (Harvard), Taft was the scion of a great American political dynasty and the son of the only man to hold the offices of U.S. president and chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Teacher Throws Fit After Christian School Stands Firm and Fires Her for Bragging About Attending Drag Show

Leaving no branch of government unmastered by his family, Taft scaled the legislative ladder. In the Ohio Legislature, he led efforts to reform the state’s antiquated tax code, opposed prohibition and the Ku Klux Klan, and rose to become speaker of the lower house before graduating to the state Senate.

But it was as a U.S. senator that Taft became one for the ages.

Elected in 1938, Taft immediately became renowned for his intelligence, parliamentary skill, and principled opposition to government intervention at home and abroad.

Impervious to interest groups, Taft never broke an agreement, especially with his constituents. He was always the man they voted for. Taft eschewed political deception and courageously adhered to his principles, garnering universal respect.

Senate chronicler Allen Drury called Taft one of the Senate’s “strongest and ablest men” and modeled on Taft the virtuous lawmakers in his Pulitzer Prize-winning novel “Advise and Consent” (1959).

Fresh off winning the 1948 World Series, liberal baseball owner Bill Veeck was asked to run against Taft in 1950. Veeck declined out of his admiration for the senator, describing him as “one guy who knew how to say no, a rare talent in politics.”

And John F. Kennedy, who served briefly with Taft on the Senate Labor Committee, included him as the final senator profiled in his Pulitzer Prize-winning history “Profiles in Courage” (1956).

Highlighted by Kennedy was Taft’s principled opposition to the Nuremberg trials as an ex post facto expression of revenge by the victorious Allies. Taft’s stance netted no votes and may have even cost him the 1948 GOP presidential nomination, but such was Taft’s adamantine integrity. His opposition to the internment of Japanese-Americans also won him few plaudits.

Yet seven decades after his death, Taft’s legacy looms large.


Scaros: Choosing an Ideal Primary Opponent to Challenge McConnell

Making the most of the few years of Republican control of the Senate during his tenure, Taft expertly won such bipartisan support for his crowning legislative achievement that when it was vetoed by President Harry Truman, Congress overrode the veto. Today, the Taft-Hartley Act remains the basic federal labor law. A key provision allows states to adopt the “right to work” laws that are in force in a majority of states, including such labor union strongholds as West Virginia and, until this year, Michigan.

But nowhere has Taftian thinking been more relevant than where it has been most sorely missed — post-Cold War American foreign policy.

Taft opposed American participation in the UN and NATO and counseled against American involvement in land wars in both Asia and Europe. If the reasons for Taft’s foreign policy views were not obvious then, they are now.

One purported admirer of Taft’s was Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, who went so far as to occupy Taft’s Capitol Hill offices and trade desks with Sen. Al Franken on the Senate floor so he could have the one that belonged to Taft. Unfortunately, that is where the similarities end.

Not only did Portman vote for the omnibus bill on his way out the door, but voters could not keep track of his vacillating positions. During his career in Congress, Portman supported a federal definition of marriage, then took the position that marriage should be defined by the states, then re-endorsed a federal definition of marriage, albeit a different definition than the one he started with.

It is safe to assume that there will be no Capitol Hill monuments to Portman like the monument and carillon that stand in Taft’s honor.

Not long after his death, a Senate committee named Taft one of the five greatest senators in history. Seventy years later, that assessment still holds.

President Donald Trump Op-Ed, “There Must Be a Reckoning”

July 31, 2023 | Sundance 

President Donald J Trump has distilled the issues, events and consequences into an op-ed published in Newsweek [Article Here].  As President Trump notes toward the end of his discussion, “there must be a reckoning.”

“The report by Special Counsel John Durham makes clear beyond a shred of doubt that the Russia Hoax was the most atrocious weaponization of our government in American history. It was a crime like no other.

Seven years ago, I ran for office taking on all the most corrupt forces and entrenched interests in our nation’s capital. My agenda was an existential threat to a Washington establishment that got rich and powerful bleeding America dry.

I vowed to stop mass illegal immigration, terminate globalist trade deals, end the sellout of our country to Communist China, stand up to the permanent bureaucracy and the corporate media, and break the neocon addiction to endless foreign wars.

In response, an unelected cabal in the senior ranks of our government, in concert with their chosen candidate, Hillary Clinton, and their allies in the media, launched the de-facto coup attempt known as the Russia Hoax.

Their goal was to prevent my election, and failing that, to throw me out of office or sabotage my presidency, undercut my agenda in Congress, block my domestic reforms, and interfere with my foreign policy.

For nearly three years, they carried out a massive disinformation campaign and lawless persecution based on the monstrous lie that I was a traitor to my country.

These Deep State plotters spied on my campaign. They forged false evidence to get illegal surveillance warrants and smear innocent people through leaks to the media. They offered $1 million for a fictitious dossier written by a foreign spy to try to frame me with treason. They shattered countless lives.

The Durham Report proves that the key figures involved knew from the start that the Russia Collusion conspiracy theory was a lie. The FBI launched their witch hunt without a scrap of legitimate evidence—and when they came upon exonerating information time after time, they covered it up and kept the hoax going forward.

The sickness was driven from the very top. FBI Director James Comey constantly pressured agents for more surveillance and warrants, demanding to know over and over “Where is the FISA, where is the FISA?”

Barack Obama and Joe Biden were in on it, too. They were briefed in August 2016 on reports that Clinton planned to “vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian Security Services.”

They knew the truth, yet they put our country through hell.

As savage and cruel as the Russia Hoax was for me, my family, my staff, and so many innocent bystanders, the real victims were the American People.

The destruction this hoax caused to America is almost incalculable. It subverted our democracy, it threatened our security, and it endangered our freedom.

At a critical moment when we should have been reducing tensions with Russia, the Russia Hoax stoked mass hysteria that helped drive Russia straight into the arms of China.

Instead of having a better relationship with Russia as I worked to build, we now have a proxy war with Russia, fueled in part by the lingering fumes of Russiagate delirium. Ukraine has been utterly devastated. Untold numbers of people have been killed. And we could very well end up in World War III.

As the Twitter Files have proven, the Radical Left establishment also used the Russia Hoax to attack freedom of speech. They built a sprawling domestic censorship regime under the guise of combatting so-called “Russian disinformation”—which they quickly defined to include any content they did not like.

The intelligence community, the media, and the Silicon Valley tech companies then deployed this very pretext, “Russian disinformation,” to censor the Biden corruption scandal in 2020—censorship orchestrated, as we now know, by the Biden campaign.

In one poll last year, 79 percent of Americans following the story about Hunter Biden’s sordid laptop said truthful coverage of that wrongly censored story would have changed the outcome of the election. Our country is now paying a very steep price.

Perhaps most dangerous of all, the Russia Hoax normalized the weaponization of law enforcement against the Left’s political enemies. The Radical Democrats and their media partners now cheer as Biden’s DOJ demands the FBI investigate parents at school board meetings, deploys heavily armed teams to arrest pro-life activists, and pursues an all-out persecution of Joe Biden’s leading opponent for the presidency.

These corrupted agencies have interfered in every election since 2016—and they are interfering in the 2024 election before our very eyes.

There must be a reckoning. Accountability now lies in the hands of the voters. The Durham Report has made the stakes abundantly clear, and now the choice is ours: either the Deep State destroys America, or we destroy the Deep State.”

President Donald J Trump


VIDEO Not So Fast, Hunter Sweetheart Deal REJECTED, Conditions Of Release – 8 gigs of Docs Showing Chinese Govt Takeover Plans

DOJ Plea Deal With Hunter Biden Falls Apart as Federal Judge Infers DOJ Motive to Structure Immunity for Future Charges as DOJ Admits Ongoing Investigation

July 26, 2023 | Sundance |

There was a lot going on in the Delaware federal court today.  One of the topline issues was an admission by federal prosecutors that an additional investigation of Hunter Biden is ongoing, as the tax evasion and federal gun charge deal was brokered.

At the core, we see U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika noting the terms of the current DOJ plea deal appeared structured to provide immunity to Hunter Biden for any future crimes identified in the ongoing investigation on other matters; so, Noreika asked the DOJ directly.  In essence, Judge Noreika called out the DOJ and directly asked them if this was their intent.

When Judge Noreika questioned the prosecution about this immunity implication, the US attorneys said future immunity was not part of this agreement.  At that point the Hunter Biden defense team then acted surprised, saying if this is the accurate position of the DOJ then any plea deal is “null and void.

After those statements, Judge Noreika seemingly dispatched the deal, telling both the DOJ and Biden defense, “I think having you guys talk more makes sense.”

Here’s the non-pretending version.  The corrupt U.S. attorney’s office organized, coordinated and colluded with the Hunter Biden team to structure a deal that would provide cover for Hunter Biden for any further crimes.  This is corrupt as hell.  The judge sniffed this motive and asked the DOJ directly.  The DOJ could not make that admission for obvious reasons and denied this intent. Thus, the Hunter defense team then had to say without the previously agreed future immunity, the deal was off.

JUST IN: Judge Slaps Hunter With Unprecedented Release Rules – He’s Furious!

OPINION:  This article contains commentary which may reflect the author’s opinion

Hunter Biden’s release conditions were just announced. Judge Maryellen Noreika approved the terms, which severely restrict Biden’s way of life and carry the threat of instant imprisonment should any of them be broken.

When Judge Noreika rejected Biden’s plea agreement earlier this morning, the course of his legal tale took a dramatic turn, and Hunter ultimately pleaded not guilty. This is when Biden’s restrictions were announced. The strict regulations reflect the seriousness of the accusations Biden is facing as well as the difficulties he will encounter in court.

The court order has extensive and specific conditions. The criteria’ requirements are as follows:

  • No possession of firearms: This provision, though a standard requirement in many legal situations, further underscores the severity of Biden’s case.
  • Prohibition on using or possessing any controlled substances: This includes substances such as marijuana unless specifically prescribed by a doctor. This mandate reflects the court’s concern about substance abuse issues.
  • Full federal supervision: Biden will be under the watchful eye of federal authorities, marking an unprecedented level of scrutiny for the son of a sitting president.
  • Total abstinence from alcohol: This absolute ban on alcohol use appears to address concerns about Biden’s previous struggles with substance addiction.
  • Seek active employment: This provision, while somewhat unusual, signifies the court’s insistence that Biden lead a constructive, law-abiding life.
  • Regular testing for prohibited substances: This condition provides a mechanism for the court to enforce the substance use restrictions.
  • Participation in substance abuse therapy: This requirement, while addressing Biden’s past issues with addiction, could also serve as a therapeutic route for recovery.

These restrictions aren’t just suggestions, though. Any violation of these rules will result in harsh sanctions and maybe immediate repercussions. They consist of:

  • Immediate issuance of an arrest warrant: This immediate consequence would place Biden back in custody, a stark turnaround for the son of the President.
  • Revocation of release: Violation of any condition could result in Biden’s release being revoked, signifying a return to detention.
  • Forfeiture of bond: If violated, Biden risks losing any bond posted, reflecting the financial repercussions of non-compliance.
  • Prosecution for contempt of court: This additional legal trouble could further complicate Biden’s already intricate legal saga.

News broke earlier amid rumors that the intended plea deal had been reinstated but with a considerably smaller scope after initially appearing to be null and void. Hunter ultimately entered a not-guilty plea when Judge Noreika rejected the agreement, shocking everyone in the courtroom.

One Teaspoon Every Night Burns Body Fat Like Never Before, You Will Fit In Your Pants Again!

It was made very clear to the defense and prosecution teams that the judge could neither accept nor reject Hunter Biden’s guilty plea due to the case’s current complexities. A plea deal that was supposed to be back on track was effectively put on hold by this refusal.

Due to allegations of tax evasion from 2014 to 2019 as well as unlawful drug use and handgun possession, Hunter Biden has found himself in the eye of several judicial storms.

#BREAKING: The new “Conditions of Release” for Hunter Biden have just hit the docket, signed by Judge Maryellen Noreika, who shelved Hunter’s plea deal today If Hunter does NOT comply with any part of the order, he could be immediately arrested HUNTER IS REQUIRED TO:

1) NOT possess a firearm

2) NOT use or possess any controlled substances (including marijuana) unless prescribed

3) Submit to full federal supervision

4) NO use of alcohol AT ALL

5) Seek active employment

6) Submit to testing for prohibited substances

7) Participate in substance abuse therapy


1) Immediate issuance of an arrest warrant

2) Revocation of release

3) Forfeiture of bond


Project Veritas Dumps 8gigs of Documents Showing Chinese Govt State-Owned Business Plans

By Ben Wetmore Jul. 26, 2023

Today, Project Veritas released 8 gigabytes of data showing the current plans of the Chinese government in their latest ‘five year plan.’ These plans include expanding efforts in business, agriculture, weapons, military, high-end technology

The stated Chinese goal is to become the sole global superpower.

Project Veritas CEO Hannah Giles told the Gateway Pundit:

“These are the business plans the Chinese government is utilizing to grow their technological and military infrastructure. Project Veritas released these internal Chinese Communist Party plans to the public because transparency is the greatest weapon in pursuit of the truth.”

Project Veritas CEO Hannah Giles

The 8 Gigabytes of data is available here.

As Central Banks Stockpile Gold, a Christian Company Helps Americans Get Ahead of the “Retirement Bubble”

The Chinese government has recently been caught:


Hunter Biden Business Associate to Testify as Witness that VP Joe Biden Was on Phone Calls Organizing Influence Needs – 4 Times China Got Its Money’s worth From Joe Biden

July 24, 2023 | Sundance 

Devon Archer was a good friend and business associate of Hunter Biden. According to reports from the New York Post, Archer is now scheduled to deliver witness testimony that he was present during approximately two dozen phone calls where Joe Biden was organizing business operations with his son Hunter Biden.

Joe Biden has previously denied any involvement with the business affairs of Hunter Biden. The business of Hunter Biden essentially boils down to Hunter selling various business executives on the ability of his father to use his political position to influence government action. Devon Archer was part of the conversations and a witness to the phone calls between various executives, Hunter and Joe.

(Via New York Post) – […] Hunter Biden would dial in his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, on speakerphone into meetings with his overseas business partners, according to testimony expected before Congress this week from Devon Archer, the first son’s former best friend.

Archer, 48, who is facing jail for his role in a $60 million bond fraud, is scheduled to testify to the House Oversight Committee about meetings he witnessed that were attended by Joe Biden either in person or via speakerphone when Hunter would call his father and introduce him to foreign business partners or prospective investors.

“We are looking forward very much to hearing from Devon Archer about all the times he has witnessed Joe Biden meeting with Hunter Biden’s overseas business partners when he was vice president, including on speakerphone,” said Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the committee chairman.

One such meeting was in Dubai late in the evening of Friday, Dec. 4, 2015, after a board meeting of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, which was paying Hunter $83,000 a month as a director.

Archer, who also was a director, is expected to testify that, after dinner with the Burisma board at the Burj Al Arab Hotel, he and Hunter traveled six miles north to the Four Seasons Resort Dubai at Jumeirah Beach to have a drink with one of Hunter’s friends. (read more)

In the big picture, setting aside impeachment or other political fallout, there’s very little likelihood Joe Biden could ever win reelection.   Beyond the issues of increased visibility on the bribery, corruption and influence peddling aspects, the issue of Biden’s cognitive decline and physical inability, represent the proverbial cherry on the cake.

It is an intellectually honest position to say Joe Biden is extremely unlikely to be the DNC club nominee in 2024.  The issue for that part of the political discussion then centers around how he would exit – or be exited.

Failing health would be the most transparently obvious justification to remove Biden that affords him and the corrupt circle around him the ability to avoid the scrutiny for the illegal conduct.  However, there are quite a few alternate possibilities depending on the willful acquiescence (or refusal) of the Biden syndicate.

The corporations, multinationals, billionaires and global elite institutions who determine the illusion of choice in the U.S. election system, have likely already assembled the narrative process for Biden’s removal and we simply await deployment.  Under the guise of Biden health issues, there is no rush for removal.

California Governor Gavin Newsom appears to have been positioned as the beneficiary of the club support, we just have to wait and watch for the rollout.

In my opinion, if the plan is generally something close to this outline, the timing of the triggering is more likely contingent upon the removal of Donald Trump from the right side of the illusion construct.

Something like a Newsom -vs- DeSantis 2024 race has always presented as the best option for those who control the illusion of choice, of course that structure is dependent on the removal of Donald Trump.  So far, DeSantis is unable to fulfill his requirement to achieve the desired club outcome; the Sea Island billionaires are not pleased with the inability of the DeSantis handlers to effectively manage this process.

It certainly looks like the outcome for Joe Biden is in a holding pattern as those who need to pull the trigger for his removal are waiting to see what Lawfare and the DC system can do to support the DeSantis side of the objective.   If they lose DeSantis completely, can Sea Island replace with a Tim Scott or similar; would this be their better play.

There are a lot of variables in the background, but the Joe Biden removal process itself all points in one direction: toward a foregone conclusion.

Hillary and Bill were guilty of selling political influence for financial gain, the FBI protected them, they rode off into the sunset.

Hunter and Joe are guilty of selling political influence for financial gain, the FBI have been protecting them, we wait their departure.

There’s a pattern to this.

Four Times China Got Its Money’s worth From Joe Biden

China Bought Joe Biden At Bargain Prices.

A good deal does not come with the cheapest price and the price of buying a Biden is never cheap. What defines a good deal is the results compared to the price.

The Bidens were a great deal for China. They got their money’s worth many times over for what they spent. Specifically, there are four times that owning Joe Biden has benefitted China. China spent an estimated $31 million dollars for a majority share of Joe Biden Unlimited.

1.  The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity

The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity launch event is a prime example of owning Joe Biden pays dividends. Taiwan was excluded from the event, but look who Biden did invite  in his own words:

We’re launching today with countries from across the Indo-Pacific — Australia, Brunei, India — and, by the way, Mr. Prime Minister, thank you for being here as well — Prime Minister of India — the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, and New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

And we’re here today for one simple purpose: The future of the 21st century economy is going to be largely written in the Indo-Pacific — in our region.

Taiwan is a major economic force and they were not invited, but Malaysia was invited. Why was Taiwan not invited? Because it benefitted China for Taiwan to be isolated.

2. Ending the “China Initiative”

President Trump created the China Initiative in order to track down Chinese spies who were stealing technology from the United States. This, by itself, would justify spending $31 million dollars. Joe Biden killed this off as a sign of fealty to the Communist China government.

Attorney General William Barr declared several years ago:

“In the last year, the Department has made incredible strides in countering the systemic efforts by the PRC to enhance its economic and military strength at America’s expense. While much work remains to be done, the Department is committed to holding to account those who would steal, or otherwise illicitly obtain, the U.S. intellectual capital that will propel the future.”

FBI Director Christopher Wray agreed:

“The Chinese Communist Party’s theft of sensitive information and technology isn’t a rumor or a baseless accusation.  It’s very real, and it’s part of a coordinated campaign by the Chinese government, which the China Initiative is helping to disrupt. The FBI opens a new China-related counterintelligence case nearly every 10 hours and we’ll continue our aggressive efforts to counter China’s criminal activity.”

Brahma Chellaney wrote the following for The Hill back on June 6, 2022:

Despite the FBI director publicly warning that Chinese spying in the U.S. has reached unparalleled levels, Biden has effectively disbanded the “China Initiative,” which was intended to empower the Justice Department to combat Beijing’s vast espionage campaign.

From PJ Media

3.  That Chinese Spy Balloon

U.S. officials were watching the Chinese spy balloon the moment it lifted off from their mainland. We had plenty of time to shoot it down over the Aleutian Islands. Joe “decided” to let the balloon run its course over the entire COTUS (Continental United States). He waited until it hovered over our military bases — while sending data back to China in real time — before allowing it to be shot down over the Atlantic Ocean.

4. Chinese Fentanyl

Many people believe Joe Biden leaves the southern border open to welcome millions of future potential Democrat voters. Some believe it’s all part of the World Economic Forum’s plan to move third-word countries into the U.S. and Europe. I agree with both of those hypotheses. I also think Biden keeps it open because his masters in China make billions of dollars every year on the drug, which also kills roughly 80,000 American per year. That’s a win-win for China.

Again, Brahma Chellaney writing for The Hill hits a grand slam:

The president, however, has been fixated since taking office on the weaker of America’s two main foes, Russia, while letting China escape scot-free for covering up the COVID-19 virus’s origins and for detaining more than a million Muslims in internment camps. Indeed, the Biden administration labels only Russia as an adversary, while calling China merely a competitor.

Auctions for oil may be way down, but the bidding for Joe Biden is still going strong.

The Four Times China Got Its Money’s Worth From Joe Biden


VIDEO Burisma Case in Ukraine and Hunter Biden Case in U.S. Forged Using the Same Scheme – June 7 Letter

The Burisma Case in Ukraine and the Hunter Biden Case in the U.S. Were Forged Using the Same Scheme

By Jim Hoft Jun. 26, 2023


In order to get Hunter Biden out from under attack the Biden family successfully adopted the Ukrainian experience: as a result, the Ukrainian Burisma case and the American Hunter case are closed under the same scheme – by changing the charges, striking a deal with the investigation, pressuring judicial authorities and fictitious conduct of criminal investigations.

The intensified activity of the Oversight and Accountability Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, led by James Comer, and the emergence of more and more evidence of corruption schemes involving the president’s family seem to have forced Biden to act unconventionally.

Earlier this week, Hunter Biden, in particular, cut a deal with the investigation and agreed to plead guilty in the federal case opened as a result of a years-long investigation into his tax fraud. It would first appear that justice had been served and the guilty party will be punished. But upon closer examination, it becomes apparent that instead of a huge sentence on dozens of episodes involving influence peddling, money laundering and pure corruption in Ukraine, Romania, China and Myanmar, Hunter Biden, and with him his father, will actually get away with it.

Dr. Peter McCullough: Understand Spike Shedding Before It’s Too Late

Under the influence of the elder Biden, the U.S. Judicial System, the FBI and the Department of Justice repeated the technology he successfully tested in Ukraine: there a top manager of Burisma, where Hunter Biden was a board member, was caught trying to give the largest bribe in Europe in cash at $6 million, but instead of imprisonment he got 1 year probation and was freed.

Let us repeat – 1 year on probation for the most serious criminal offense for which the punishment in Ukraine is imprisonment for up to 8 years with confiscation of property. This clever combination of substitution of charges, quick organization of the trial, signing a deal with the investigation and no less quick closing of the case is certainly not a know-how of the Biden family, but in fact it was used at this level for the first time.

Let’s talk about it in more detail.

Who Wrote the Letter? – US Attorney Weiss Signed June 7 Letter Claiming He Had Been Granted “Ultimate Authority” Over Hunter Biden Case

By Cristina Laila Jun. 26, 2023

US Attorney from Delaware David Weiss signed a June 7 letter claiming he had been granted “ultimate authority” over the Hunter Biden case.

“Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss told the House Judiciary Committee he had “been granted ultimate authority” over prosecutorial decisions related to the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden in a June 7, 2023, letter obtained by The Federalist. However, Weiss’s letter to Congress — and Attorney General Merrick Garland’s earlier testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee that Weiss had “full authority” to charge Hunter Biden — directly conflicts with statements Weiss made to senior members of the team investigating the Biden son.” – The Federalist reported.

Who told Weiss to sign the letter?

New whistleblower evidence, including multiple contemporaneous e-mails from IRS investigators, strongly suggests that Weiss lied to Congress in that letter.

So who told Weiss to sign that letter, and who actually wrote it for him and made him send it?

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) June 26, 2023

Beef Company CEO: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat”

This contradicts what an IRS whistleblower heard David Weiss say during one of his in-person meetings with the prosecutor.

Mark Lytle, an attorney for IRS whis told Fox News host Martha MacCallum that US Attorney David Weiss, the Trump-appointed Delaware prosecutor assigned to Hunter Biden’s case, said he had no power to bring charges against Hunter Biden.

Whistleblower Gary Shapely said David Weiss disclosed this to him on one of his in-person meetings with the US Attorney.

“United States Attorney Weiss was present for the meeting. He surprised us by telling us on the charges, quote, ‘I’m not the deciding official on whether charges are filed,’ unquote.”

US Attorney General Merrick Garland however has insisted David Weiss had full authority to bring charges against Hunter Biden.

In March Garland said under oath that Weiss had full authority to charge Hunter Biden.

“The U.S. Attorney in Delaware has been advised that he has full authority … to bring cases in other jurisdictions if he feels it’s necessary,” Garland said.

“Weiss said he tried to go to the DC US Attorney’s office and they wouldn’t approve it. And he was trying to go charge it elsewhere in California – and he was trying to seek special counsel authority and that got denied and so this was a shocker to the agents who were present,” Mark Lytle told Fox News.

Merrick Garland last Friday said during a press conference that Weiss had full authority to make a decision to prosecute in any district he wanted to.

“As I said at the outset, Mr. Weiss was appointed by President Trump as the U.S. Attorney in Delaware and assigned this matter during the previous administration and would be permitted to continue his investigation and to make a decision to prosecute any way in which he wanted to and in any district in which he wanted to,” Garland said on Friday.


BREAKING: Garland avoids key question and issues non-denial of allegations that Hunter (and Joe) Biden prosecution obstructed by Biden political

— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) June 23, 2023

Who is telling the truth?

House Speaker McCarthy on Monday appeared on Fox & Friends and said House Republicans will start an impeachment inquiry on Merrick Garland if what Weiss said is true.

“By July 6, because of the allegations from the IRS, because of the whistleblowers and the DOJ – Garland, what he is saying, and what David Weiss are saying privately are two different things, and if it comes true what the IRS whistleblowers are saying, we’re going to start impeachment inquiries on the Attorney General,” McCarthy said.

Sunday Talks – Miranda Devine and Peter Schweizer Discuss the Details of Biden’s Bribery Operation and the DOJ Coverup

June 26, 2023 | Sundance | 

New York Post columnist Miranda Devine and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer appear with Maria Bartiromo to review the whistleblower evidence against Hunter and Joe Biden.

The House Ways and Means Committee has evidence from the IRS investigators turned whistleblowers, not only about the Hunter Biden criminal conduct, but also about how the DOJ ran a coverup operations to protect Joe and Hunter Biden from criminal accountability surrounding bribery and government corruption.

Schweizer also notes there is another AT&T phone number from the Hunter Biden laptop material that connects to Joe Biden.  WATCH: 



Sunday Talks – Byron Donalds and Nancy Mace Discuss The Biden Bribery and Money Laundering Evidence

June 25, 2023 | Sundance 

Byron Donalds (R, FL) and Nancy Mace (U, SC) appear with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the Biden bribery and money laundering evidence. {Direct Rumble Link}

Within the interview both members contrast the DOJ political indictment against Donald Trump with the DOJ and FBI effort to hide Hunter Biden and Joe Biden criminal activity. WATCH: 

This whole segment is 



James O’Keefe on the Roseanne Barr Podcast
