VIDEO Inside Baseball Stuff on FISA 702 Reauthorization, Stuff You Never See Explained – Surveillance bill, like herpes, it’ll be back – Pragmatic, Always Seeking Optimal Solutions

April 10, 2024 | Sundance |

Before getting into bigger picture analysis and intellectual discussion about FISA and the 702 reauthorizations, let me just reveal some inside DC crap that drives me nuts and at the same time will help y’all understand the nonsense.

First, the Intelligence Community (IC) tells congress, particularly the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, that all hell will break loose if they don’t reauthorize full electronic surveillance of Americans.  Congress is petrified of the IC.

Speaker Johnson and all of the key participants are totally siloed from understanding that 702 has nothing to do with incidental collection of American data whilst the honorable IC were doing foreign intercepts.   Johnson and most republicans believe the IC nonsense. They really do.

The politicians and their key staff cannot fathom how the FBI, DOJ, NSD, DHS and Contractors use this database to conduct political and “other” (think corporate espionage for sale) surveillance.  They really do think the IC is full of honorable rank-and-file.  They are inside a DC bubble.

Second, the IC argument is now something akin to we have let thousands of terrorists into the country through the southern border crisis.  They say:  “my god, we need to monitor the terrorists, and if you take away 702 the foreign terror cells will activate and start killing us all.  Do you want that blood on your hands?”   You cannot take away surveillance tools.

Third, FISA 702 reauthorization is used as a bargaining chip by people who don’t want to get caught up in the surveillance.

The DC conversations are something like, “ok, we’ll reauthorize it, but you cannot use it against us – and all the sex parties and perverted stuff we do when no one is around, you must promise to keep our secrets hidden“…  Yes, this is why the IC agree to accept a reauthorization that exempts congress.   The IC keep the blackmail, just promise not to use it.

We The People do not have any friends in DC on this issue.  The democrats will reauthorize 702 to continue exploiting surveillance authority – don’t forget over 10,000 log-in portals with access to the NSA database exist, including the workstation at Perkins Coie that ties into the NSA database {GO DEEP}.

President Trump finally opposes the FISA system – writ large – and THAT is progress.

More soon….

(An Accurate Depiction )House Speaker Mike Johnson 👇

WATCH: Tucker: Surveillance bill is dead but, like herpes, it’ll be back

‘It’s important to punish the people that pushed it,’ including one powerful Republican

By Tucker Carlson April 10, 2024

Pragmatic, Always Seeking Optimal Solutions

April 10, 2024 | Sundance | 

President Donald J Trump seeks optimal solutions for all challenges.  Internally he has his own set of standards and crystal-clear understanding of what he would want in any given situation; this is not difficult for a clear brain to accomplish.

However, in the world of multi-interests and larger group needs, in this case an entire nation of individuals and groups, President Trump knows that optimal solutions are best found closest to the work, closest to the source of the individual hearts.  Pragmatic leadership is often about optimal solutions. WATCH:

He/We will win.

They are increasingly desperate.  The need for control is a reaction to fear.   The next week to 10 days is critical.

I have much to share with our fellowship.  You will journey with me.

Tom Klingenstein releases Amazing Video, “Trump’s Virtues, Part II”


VIDEO AG John Ashcroft and Constitutional Coalition File amicus brief – FBI Boasts: “We can put anyone in jail” – Ashli Babbit file – Why Are We Respecting Anti American Behavior? – Patriots Do Not Flinch

Some may view some language offensive

The Constitutional Coalition and former Attorney General John Ashcroft filed an amicus curiae (Friend of the Court) in the United States Supreme Court in the case United States v. Trump.  The appeal to the Supreme Court concerns the question of presidential immunity. More specifically, whether a subsequent president may criminally prosecute his (or her) predecessor, and current political rival, for official acts the previous president took while in office.  This amicus brief was not filed on behalf of either party – Special Counsel Jack Smith (hired by Attorney General Merrick Garland to prosecute former President Trump) nor on behalf of former President Trump.  Rather, this amicus brief was filed to defend the constitutional principle that a President of the United States, as the Nation’s chief executive, must have immunity from criminal prosecution for those official acts the President takes during the President’s term in office.  Otherwise, the President’s fear of a subsequent political rival bringing a criminal prosecution after the President leaves office will impair the President’s ability to make those decisions necessary to protect our national interest and discharge the duties of the office of Chief Executive.

This does not mean the President is “above the law” or is unaccountable.  Quite to the contrary.  The Founders adopted a very specific method for holding the President accountable.  That method is in Article One of the Impeachment Clause of the Constitution, which provides that, after impeached by the House and conviction by the Senate, the President may be subject to criminal prosecution.  The Constitutional principle at issue in United States v. Trump transcends Donald J. Trump individual and the immediate passions surrounding the 2024 Presidential Election.  How the Supreme Court decides this case could shift the balance in the Separation of Powers between the three branches of our government.  And, how the Supreme Court decides this constitutional issue will determine how future presidents fulfill their duty to act as the Nation’s Chief Executive.

The amicus brief former Attorney General Ashcroft and the Constitutional Coalition filed provides a historical context to this appeal that will assist the Supreme Court in answering this question. It is not hyperbole to suggest that United States v. Trump is of a constitutional magnitude equivalent to Chief Justice John Marshall’s decision for the Court in Marbury v. Madison.,-13,728

BREAKING: Undercover Video: CIA Officer/Former FBI Boasts: We “Can Put Anyone in Jail.. Set Them Up” – FBI “Did What We Wanted” with Alex Jones “Took His Money Away”

By Cristina Laila Apr. 9, 2024

A CIA Officer/former FBI official is on an undercover video boasting about using the might of the federal government to ‘jail anyone’ by ‘setting them up.’

Gavin O’Blennis, a Contracting Officer for the CIA told an undercover journalist with Sound Investigations that the FBI “can put anyone in jail…set ’em up!”

“We call it a nudge,” O’Blennis said, adding the FBI can put “problematic” right-wing journalists like Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones in jail.

O’Blennis said of Infowars founder Alex Jones: The FBI “took his money away,” and ‘chopped his legs off.’

Gavin O’Blennis said at least 20 undercover FBI agents were at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

“I thought you said that there were FBI agents in the crowd at January 6?” the undercover journalist asked O’Blennis.

He replied, “There are. There always are when there’s a big protest in DC. Just in case it gets out of hand like that…I mean, I’m talking they maybe had 20. You needed 1,000 to get rid of that crowd.”

He also said the FBI uses “embellished” news and “fake social media” to “really get people mad.”


FBI Quietly Releases Unclassified File on Ashli Babbitt… During the Solar Eclipse

By Anthony Scott Apr. 9, 2024

While most Americans were dialed in on the solar eclipse, the FBI quietly released unclassified documents regarding Ashli Babbitt, the Air Force veteran whom a Capitol Police officer killed on January 6th.

On April 8th, the FBI released a highly redacted 69-page file on details of Ashli Babbitt’s death, military background, and testimonies on Babbitt’s character.

On page three of the file, it was written, “BABBITT is deceased, and therefore, this case is not being nominated to TSDB.”

TSDB stands for “the terrorist screening data.

The TSDB “contains biographic and biometric identifying information (e.g., name, date of birth, photographs, iris scans, and/or fingerprints) of known and suspected terrorists.”

The fact the FBI even mentioned the TSDB goes to show the FBI viewed Americans inside of the Capitol as “terrorists” rather than American citizens who were simply frustrated with the way the 2020 election was conducted.

The file oddly made no mention of Capitol Police Officer Lt. Michael Byrd but instead generally stated Babbitt was “shot by police.”

The Gateway Pundit was the first publication to correctly identify Michael Byrd as Ashli Babbitt’s cold-blooded killer.

Later in the file, the FBI provides a brief overview of Babbitt’s personal information, such as her fingerprints, DMV records, and details regarding her military service.

Several pages were redacted that contained “anonymous tips” made by unnamed individuals through the FBI’s tip line.


One page of the file was an interview of an individual whose name was redacted.

The individual described Babbitt as a very outgoing and loving person who loved her family and country.

In the same interview, the person stated Ashli would “never go after someone physically.”

The Gateway Pundit previously reported Judicial Watch filed a $30 million wrongful death lawsuit against the U.S. government for the death of Babbitt.


Greg Gutfeld On ‘Death To America’ Chants in Michigan: Why Are We Respecting Anti-American Behavior? (VIDEO)

By Mike LaChance Apr. 9, 2024

It has been widely reported that there were chants of ‘death to America’ at a recent event in Michigan. It’s the sort of thing we’re used to hearing from Iran but not in our own country.

During The Five on FOX News this week, Greg Gutfeld talked about this issue and where he sees this going. He suggests that the problem is going to get worse as left-leaning cities will be come mini-Gazas throughout the country.

He also asks why we are putting up with it.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

I get the impression with the “Death To America” stuff that we are on a slow roll toward our own little Gazas. These little islands of unrest in the country. These were places that were sacrificed to leftism. Leftisms, where laws were discarded. Identity and division became the currency. Look at Minneapolis since George Floyd. It’s never been the same. It’s all these enclaves.

We were supposed to be a melting pot. But that requires melting. And instead what we are seeing is a hardening. It is a hardening. And we are always accused of xenophobia if we exalt our country’s awesomeness or make fun of another country’s customs. Fair enough. I get it. But it’s a two-way street. If you come here and reject assimilation, free speech, cooperation with people different than you.

Those are our values and if you reject them, you are xenophobic, you are anti-American. It’s not illegal, I guess. But why are we respecting it and why are we encouraging it? Leftism encourages this sort of behavior. It’s time for the adults to enter the room and basically change the conversation or these cities are gone.

Watch the video below:

Americans are very tolerant people but everyone is losing their patience with the radical left.

Patriots Do Not Flinch

April 9, 2024 | Sundance |


Some may view some language offensive

We are patriots engaged in a battle of consequence!

We are the workforce.

We are also digital warriors, meme creators, artists, researchers, autists and ordinarily invisible people now considered dissidents in our own country.

We are the backbone of industry, the people who keep it all functioning, the builders, diggers and blue-collar workforce that keeps everything functioning.

We are the people they will never fully control.  We speak in languages they do not understand, and we absorb targeted ridicule as fuel.

We are the movers of goods, the truckers, the farmers, the nameless people behind the skilled trades that keep what they call American society moving.

We are the people who grow the food, pick the food, transport the food, stock the food, cook the food and facilitate the life they live.

We are a visible, yet disregarded, insurgent force within their sphere of life that is never considered, yet we control the outcomes of every moment they value.

We pick up the trash, answer the phones, run cables to their devices, mow their lawns, solve their problems, control the flow of essential services and keep our heads below the radar.

We are the majority.

We are a self-reliant, freedom loving, normally peaceful and God-fearing assembly.

We drive them to their destination; we are comfortably out of mind until needed, and yet we are irreplaceable for the things they require.

We are armed with tools, hammers, pens, rulers, mice, pickup trucks, laptops, post-it notes, stickers and alternate forms of messaging that circumvent the control mechanisms deployed to create our silence.

We are inside every facility, every institution, every meeting, every moment of their existence – and we notice everything.

We have eyes of mice and ears of elephants.  We are there when they do not expect, and we melt away before they notice our appearance.

We are smart, strategic, highly intelligent and carry a brutally obvious and pragmatic common sense that finds optimal solutions to everything.

We identify our tribe immediately and without conversation.

We see what they hide, we hear what they whisper, we decipher their codes, and we understand the complexity they create in their effort to conceal.

We control the physical world that operates around every element of society, and we value real and tangible assets.

We do not sit around pontificating eloquently about philosophic nuances; we get sh^t done.

We are the people who facilitate their ability to take us for granted, and we do so without issue, resentment or desire for recognition.

We are optimistic, affable, kind, generous, friendly, loyal, warm and quietly spiritual in purpose.

We are polite, considerate and slow to anger.

We prefer to be left alone.  However, pushed entirely far enough, decisions are reached.  Right now, we are tenuously staring with deepened gaze.

We are increasingly pi^^d off…. Big Time!

In every town, village and hamlet we are encountering the same conversation.  On every porch, in every shop, at every event, the topic is the same.

Right now, we are taking this fury to the platforms of visibility where we hope to influence outcomes.  But if that effort fails, and/or if the command-and-control authorities make the mistake of thinking they can shut down our visibility, destroy our leadership and therefore control the dissent, there will be no quarter provided in the aftermath.

The two biggest mistakes they can make right now is not understanding why we have begun to bow our heads.

First, our heads are not bowed because we are subservient, cowering or accepting the current effort to control us….

….We are praying!

Their second mistake would be to ignore that we are not praying for us

….We are praying for those who trespass against us!

They may not like what follows, “Amen!

We are resolute and of common purpose.

We are what they fear!

Fuel the Rebellion ]


VIDEO Ideology expressed by ex-justice on Supreme Court blasted as ‘bunk’ – Trump gets message through Hewitt “bait & shaping” -Here’s the bright side of a dark time

Accused of wanting ‘philosopher kings’ to be ruling

By Bob Unruh March 29, 2024

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer at the State of the Union address on Tuesday, March 1, 2022. (Video screenshot)

Ex-U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer at the State of the Union address on Tuesday, March 1, 2022.

Stephen Breyer, who sat on the U.S. Supreme Court for nearly three decades before resigning in 2022, has written a book, like so many others who come out of the Washington, D.C., swamp, and is on a tour promoting it.

As part of those interviews, he’s lashed out at the rest of the court for overturning the faulty and unconstitutional Roe v. Wade decision that created a “right” to abortion, and also promoted his personal ideology of a changeable U.S. Constitution.

And he’s getting blasted, in a house editorial at the Washington Examiner, for his warping of the nation’s foundation document.

“The learned justice says his method of judging is needed as a model for successors because ‘the world does change,’ so if the court doesn’t interpret the Constitution as evolvable, too, ‘we will have a Constitution that no one wants.’ Therefore, he says repeatedly, his method ‘involves purposes, consequences, values, and sometimes much more.’

“This sounds high-minded and reasonable, but it is bunk. Even worse, it is a power grab subject to no limiting principle, especially when he goes into an open-ended ‘much more’ phase. Breyer treats as paramount the jurist’s subjective assessment of ‘values and sometimes much more,’ as if he possesses Olympian wisdom about such matter above that of mere mortals. This would turn representative democracy into an elitist oligarchy, a rule by nine supposedly wise men and women, against America’s constitutional design that deliberately separates, disperses, and blends power in multitudinous ways intended to safeguard liberty.”

Breyer quit the court at a time when Joe Biden was able to push Ketanji Jackson, a far-left ideologue adored by leftists, onto the bench.

The Examiner noted that Breyer’s comments suggest he basically puts judges “above the law.”

Breyer’s writings claim to make a case for using “pragmatism,” or adjusting the Constitution to circumstances, rather than reading it as it was originally written.

“What Breyer’s suggestion amounts to is the anti-democratic idea that judges should be free to twist what the law says to suit their own prejudices — that is, they should be above the law rather than servants of it.”

The piece explained what America’s founders set up: “In a republic, applying ‘values’ and trying to create the right ‘consequences’ is the job not of judges but of the people’s elected representatives, or of the people themselves. The Constitution, as fundamental law enacted by the people, is supreme. Statutes written via representative procedures are next. The reason judges, ultimately Supreme Court justices, are final arbiters of what the law means is not because they possess superior moral or value-based perspicacity, but because they are supposed to be the most learned in parsing the words of laws to ensure they are applied faithfully. Jurists are supposed to be guided and humbly governed by the words of the law, not by willful masters over them.”

It continued, “Breyer’s ‘pragmatism’ … invites the mischief of judicial willfulness, unmoored from objective restraints, applied by nine people acting as philosopher kings.”

Hugh Hewitt Interviews President Trump on Current Events

April 5, 2024 | Sundance | 

Hugh Hewitt (Salem Media) is one of the key media control operatives on the right, fully controlled by the multinationals who organize controlled Republican politics, who attempts to manipulate political outcomes through the pressure of his platform.  Why any conservative would appear on the Hugh Hewitt broadcast is beyond my understanding.

In this interview, Hewitt starts shaping the conversation based on the editorial priorities handed to him by his benefactors.  However, that said, President Trump does a great job cutting through the majority of the Hewitt bait & shaping and he finds a way to explain his message despite Hewitt’s interventions.  


Hugh Hewitt, on behalf of the corporations and banking interests who organize their insurance policies, would love to influence the vice presidential selection.

WATCH: Tucker Carlson: Here’s the bright side of a dark time

People are starting to notice the lies

By Tucker Carlson April 6, 2024

Tucker Carlson (Video screenshot)

Tucker Carlson


VIDEO Tucker Carlson Interviews Cardinal Müller, West Is Falling, Solution- Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on Biden’s Scandalous Proclamation – Fulton County (GA) Elections Board Supervisor Voted Against Certifying 2020 Election

March 31, 2024 | Sundance

Wow, talk about a strange convergence of conversations.  As we discuss the global financial cleaving, Cardinal Gerhard Müller talks about how the West is diminishing God and faith, but faith is growing outside the western control zone.

Is the Christian faith connected more closely to the social fabric of nationalism, and is globalism an outcome of disconnected faith from national value?  Cardinal Müller doesn’t draw that socioeconomic relationship directly; however, what he describes is completely in alignment with the proposition. WATCH:

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Issues Statement Criticizing Joe Biden’s Scandalous Proclamation of March 31 as ‘Transgender Visibility Day’

By Jim Hᴏft Mar. 31, 2024

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, has publicly criticized Joe Biden’s recent proclamation designating March 31 as “Transgender Visibility Day,” especially noting its coincidence with Easter this year, calling it as “unprecedented and scandalous.”

Viganò, known for his vocal stance on issues concerning Catholic doctrine and morality, expressed his disapproval in a statement released early this morning.

Drawing upon the etymological roots of the word “Apocalypse,” Viganò interprets the current sociopolitical climate as a stark revelation of the battle between good and evil. He sees the proclamation as a direct affront to divine law and a source of grave offense to believers worldwide.

The Archbishop did not mince words as he called into question Biden’s legitimacy, citing “fraudulent and manipulative action” in the 2020 Presidential Election.

He further urged American citizens and government representatives to acknowledge the “total unworthiness” of Joe Biden to hold office.

Read his full statement below:

The word Apocalipse, in Greek, means unveiling, revelation. This revelation, in Sacred Scripture, concerns first and foremost the objective reality of Good and Evil, that is, the collective awareness of the ongoing war between God and Satan, between the children of Light and the children of darkness.

The unprecedented and scandalous proclamation of March 31 as “Transgender Visibility Day” by self-styled U.S. President Joe Biden — who dares to declare himself a Catholic — constitutes a most serious offense to God and to millions of Catholics and Christians in America and around the world, before which it is impossible not to react with due firmness.

I urge American citizens and their representatives in government to recognize the total unworthiness of Joe Biden to hold an institutional position, which it is well known that he used fraudulent and manipulative action to achieve in the 2020 Presidential Election. I ask my Brethren in the Episcopate and priests to recognize that Joe Biden has incurred latæ sententiæ excommunication, and as such must be expelled from the churches and not admitted to Communion. I call on Catholics and all Christians to pray that, on this solemn Easter Day, the Risen Lord will have mercy on the United States of America and put an end to the onslaught of the infernal forces unleashed today more than ever before.

All humanity is awakening from a slumber that has lasted far too long:

-the lives of the innocent are threatened by abortion, euthanasia, manipulation, and abuse;

-the health of citizens is deliberately compromised by experimental serums revealed to be a biological weapon of population decimation;

-the total moral corruption of the top echelons of civil authority, enslaved to criminal lobbies in a global coup is now evident;

-the increasingly arrogant display of Satan worship by the media and the world of culture and entertainment show us a world awash in execrable perversions that cry out to Heaven for vengeance;

-the mad provocation of a world conflict claims lives in order to bury the horrendous sexual and financial scandals of a power that is now the enemy of its citizens.

Luciferian hatred of God and our Lord Jesus Christ can no longer be hidden or denied. This is the revelation unveiled before us, which the servants of darkness provocatively mock by celebrating perversions and vices on the very holy Day when we honor the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Christians are progressively banished from civil society and considered a threat to the subversive project of the New World Order, while a minority of the vicious and perverted claim to erect their deviations as the universal norm. Here is the “visibility” of Biden and the woke ideology, celebrating a macabre mad dance to the abyss.

Arise, children of Light: stand up and raise your voices, for in the face of these crimes silence becomes complicity. Arise, Christians: rise up to avert the scourges that loom over the nations because of usurped and perverted power. God calls you to be His witnesses, to fight for Good, and to denounce the conspiracy of an authority openly subservient to Satan.

Trending: DEVELOPING: Oklahoma Bridge Shut Down After Being Struck by Barge (VIDEO)

May the Risen Christ, triumphant over death and sin, inflame you with faith, charity, and holy courage at this crucial stage of Human History. Surrexit Dominus vere: alleluia, alleluia!

Fulton County (GA) Elections Board Supervisor Voted Against Certifying 2020 Election Because Signature Verifications Were NOT Performed on 147,000 Ballots! (VIDEO)

By Guest Contributor Apr. 2, 2024 

This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission and edited by The Gateway Pundit.

How could this ever happen in America?

A Fulton County, Georgia Elections Board member voted not to certify the 2020 Election results in the county because signature verifications were not performed.

The lying left and Corrupt Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger hid the fact that signature verifications were not performed in Fulton County (where Atlanta is located) on 147,000 ballots in the 2020 Election, yet they certified a Joe Biden “win” by 12,000 votes.

Per Kanekoa The Great on Twitter/X:

Mark Wingate, a Fulton County Elections Board member, testifies that he voted against certifying the 2020 election because the county did not verify the signatures on 147,000 mail-in ballots.

“I asked what did we do for signature verification? And the comment I got back frankly floored me, ‘We didn’t do any.’”

Additionally, the county could not provide any chain of custody documentation or surveillance footage for mail-in ballots or ballot drop boxes.

“I and other board members had requested that we obtain the chain of custody documentation from the department and none of that was ever delivered.”

“There was never any surveillance tape, an inch of footage delivered to the board.”

He also says there were problems with the voter registration rolls that still exist in Fulton County.

Wingate’s testimony was part of the disbarment hearing for Former United States Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Clark, who is among the 19 defendants facing various charges, including racketeering, by Fani Willis for investigating the 2020 election in Fulton County. previously reported that at least 148,000 ballots were questioned in Fulton County following the 2020 Election. These ballots were identified as without creases (indicating they were never received in an envelope in the mail) and had several other issues as well.

The ballots have been hung up in the courts since the 2020 Election.

Rasmussen Reports shared an affidavit where an individual in Georgia claimed that NO SIGNATURE VERIFICATION was performed for 148,000 ballots in Georgia in the 2020 Election.

This information was backed up by CannCon, who shared the video from a recent court case in Georgia where the Fulton County employees claimed that they didn’t use the system put in place to verify signatures on the envelopes that mail-in ballots were received in.

The county, therefore, did not use voter signature records to verify signatures on these envelopes.

Trending: LSU Women’s Team Leaves Court before National Anthem – BUT COACH LATER EXPLAINS – Iowa Trounces Them Anyway in NCAA Tourney as Caitlin Clark Scores 41 and Hits 9 3-Pointers! — UPDATED

It will take forever to check these.

The judge realizes the election in Georgia in 2020 never should have been certified.

Every day we find more information on the stolen 2020 Election. It should never have been certified. President Trump and others are being sued for claiming that the 2020 Election in Georgia was corrupt and stolen.  They were right.

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VIDEO Fangs Out Targeting of US Citizen Donald Trump – Liberal Heads Are About to Explode – scariest, most important criminal case

New York State Targets U.S. Citizen Donald Trump with Unprecedented Lawfare Maneuver, Effectively to Place Him Under a Personal Consent Decree

March 22, 2024 | Sundance |

The Eighth Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishments, but also mentions “excessive fines” and bail. The “excessive fines” clause surfaces (among other places) in cases of civil and criminal forfeiture. [TEXT and SOURCE]

In New York state, Attorney General Letitia James, in coordination with New York Judge Arthur Engoron, are seeking to continue the targeting of President Donald Trump with a series of financial judgements, penalties and control mechanisms intended to isolate the leading 2024 Republican presidential candidate from his wealth.

As if something akin to the John Galt character in Atlas Shrugged was coming to life, no American individual has ever faced this level of intentional weaponization of power. If the state appellate court does not intervene, I predict a federal judge will have to get involved.  The reason is simple; the State of New York is clearly violating the 8th Amendment, and despite the compromised judiciary, the scale of overreach is even beyond the ability of the pretending judicial system to overlook it.

Perhaps, oddly, despite my intense anger toward these creatures of corruption, I fear not for the final outcome. I fully accept that a righteous and loving God has favor upon Mr. Trump, and there is a protection around him. It is a feeling, a sense about things, that is difficult to explain beyond, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.”

NEW YORK – The New York attorney general’s office has filed judgments in Westchester County, the first indication that the state is preparing to try to seize Donald Trump’s golf course and private estate north of Manhattan, known as Seven Springs.

State lawyers entered the judgments with the clerk’s office in Westchester County on March 6, just one week after Judge Arthur Engoron made official his $464 million decision against Trump, his sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, and the Trump Organization.

[…] Trump now has four days to satisfy the judgment or sway an appeals court to allow him to post a smaller amount or defer posting the payment until after the appeal.

[…] The attorney general’s office on Wednesday said that it’s common for large companies to post billion-dollar bonds and suggested Trump should have posted real estate with the court.

“The suggestion is both impractical and unjust. The Attorney General cites no New York case law to support this contention. In any event, from the perspective of risk, the Attorney General’s proposal of a ‘court-appointed officer’ to ‘hold real estate’ is functionally equivalent to what Supreme Court has already imposed through the requirement of a court-appointed monitor to oversee Defendants’ business operations,” Trump’s lawyers wrote.

[…] “By demanding an undertaking in the full amount of the judgment in order to appeal, the Attorney General and Supreme Court have sought to impose a patently unreasonable, unjust, and unconstitutional (under both the Federal and New York State Constitutions) bond condition,” they wrote.

[…] Thursday, Engoron expanded the role of the monitor overseeing the Trump Organization to include more expansive oversight of Trump’s real estate business’ internal financial practices.

[…] “The Trump Organization shall inform the monitor, in advance, of any efforts to secure surety bonds, including any financial disclosures requested or required, any information provided in response to such requests, any representations made by Trump Organization in connection with securing such bonds any personal guarantees made by any of the defendants, and any obligations of the Trump Organization required by the surety,” the judge ordered.

Engoron laid out a timeline of certain steps the Trumps must take within the next month, including providing the monitor, retired Judge Barbara Jones, with full access to its day-to-day financial operations. (more)

Keep in mind, the original civil charge against President Trump revolves around inverting a state statute intended to protect the consumer from predatory lending.  To construct her case, AG James had to reverse the statute and make President Trump a predatory borrower, despite the lenders saying they had no issue with the paperwork used by President Trump to secure reconciled bank loans.

All the banks and lenders did their own due diligence on the financing in question.  All operational loans and business loans were paid back.  There were no defaults or banking interests adversely impacted. There are no victims of what the State calls “fraud,” yet activist judge Engoron ruled against Donald Trump and triggered a fine of nearly half a billion dollars.

Additionally, New York Attorney General Latisha James campaigned for office with promises to target the Trump Organization and Donald Trump himself.  This is transparent and malicious Lawfare in the extreme, and every member of the legal profession, sans ideological leftists/communists, calls it exactly that.



JUST IN…President Trump: “I currently have almost $500 Million in CASH” For Bail….Liberal Heads Are About to Explode

By Patty McMurray Mar. 22, 2024

On February 16, President Donald J. Trump was ordered to pay $454 million in fines after the clown Judge Engoron found President Trump guilty of fraudulently inflating his assets to boost his net worth.

The Left, including the Trump-hating NBC host Katy Tur, have been absolutely jubilant over the unfair judgment against President Trump. In the video below, Tur, who is supposed to be an unbiased journalist, can’t stop smiling while she reports on the judgment against President Trump that every sane person around the world is calling ridiculous.

The fee Manhattan Judge Arthur Engoron ordered President Trump to pay (with no jury involved) included about $355 million in disgorgement and more than $98 million in prejudgment interest at a 9% annual rate. Additionally, the judge banned President Trump from business in NYC for three years as an officer or director and from applying for loans from any NY chartered or registered financial institution.

As NY AG Letitia James Launches the Globalist War on Beef, a Survival Company CEO Fights Back

AG Letitia James, who campaigned on “getting Trump,” has threatened to seize President Trump’s prized NY properties, including his Westchester golf course and Seven Springs estate, as he scrambled to secure the insane $464 million bond payment.

In a Truth Social post only one hour ago, President Trump lashed out at the “often overturned political hack judge (Engoron) on the rigged and corrupt AG case, where I have done nothing wrong.”

President Trump began, “Through hard work, talent, and luck, I currently have almost five hundred million dollars in cash, a substantial amount of which I intended to use in my campaign for President.”


On President Trump’s campaign page, President Trump who reminds Americans he “did nothing wrong,”  asks his supporters to DONATE to his campaign and help him raise the money he will need to win in the upcoming Nov. 2024 election. The Left is using every tactic in the book to destroy him and his chances of taking back America from those who want to make America into something we will no longer recognize; he will need the financial support of his followers now more than ever.

The Left thinks that if they bury me with enough witch hunts and intimidate my family and associates that I’ll eventually throw up my hands and give up on our America First movement.

Let me be as clear as possible:


As the never-ending witch hunts heat up, please make a contribution to defend the MAGA movement.

Shark Tank host and billionaire investor warns about the chilling effect the insane ruling against President Trump will have on both American and foreign investors, who will refuse to do business in America over fear of our weaponized court system who clearly has the ability to enact retribution against their enemies.


WATCH: Tucker Carlson: The scariest, most important criminal case you’ve never heard of

Biden administration is trying to send 82-year veteran to prison for life

By Around the Web March 22, 2024


VIDEO Alright, Alright, Alright – Left’s Lawfare Will Destroy America – Wayne Allyn Root’s Speech – Victor Davis Hanson – AZ Not Out Of Woods

Alright, Alright, Alright: Carlson and Peterson Agree on the Foundational Principle, STOP PRETENDING, SPEAK TRUTH

January 29, 2024 | Sundance | 

They don’t say it the same way as me, because they are far more articulate and eloquent, but boy howdy have Carlson and Peterson come to the same conclusion.

Four years ago, you heard me say it loud, “Stop Pretending and Live Your Best Life.”  The first time I realized this was the best and truest hope for our restoration was after holding years of empirical, undeniable research in my hands and finding nothing but willfully blind, isolated and siloed deaf ears in DC.  What Tucker Carlson describes below is the disconnect between the people and those who hold power.

In this joint discussion about the future and possibility within this year 2024, both Jordan Peterson and Tucker Carlson take the first part of that framework, “stop pretending”, and turn the phrase into “speak truth.”  Yes, yes, yes, THIS.  When I have been asked for the past several years about what needs to be done, what can we do, my answer to every voice, influential and comfortably invisible alike, has been ‘STOP PRETENDING’ – just stop pretending.  WATCH:

Stop pretending the gaslighting narrative is real.  Just stop pretending.  Stop ignoring the lies, and start confronting the liars directly. Look at the other voice, regardless of who they are, stare boldly directly into their eyes and speak the truth of the thing. Just stop pretending.  If we all stop pretending, the narrative engineers will find no one to purchase their bulls**t anymore.  At the same time, speak the truest thing as loudly as you can to confront those who use pretense as a shield to retain comfort and influence.

EXAMPLE:  Mary McCord sits at the epicenter of every single Lawfare machination deployed against President Trump.  This is a demonstrably true and factual reality.  Yet, how many allied voices do we see publicly making her known and as a consequence uncomfortable?  No one. Why?  Why isn’t every person of influence talking about the true thing?  Why hide behind “they” and “them” or some bland, undefined, esoteric blame-casting toward an irrelevant institution.  We may not know the name of every person, but we know the name of the one single thread that unites all of the effort, Mary McCord.  Why is it so hard for allies to factually identify her and the corrupt behavior she is engaged in?

I no longer stare at the absence with a side eye of suspicion, I now glare knowingly and angrily at the face behind the willful omission.  “You know, and I know you know,” is what that stare represents.  None of those popular and influential allies on our side can ever answer the question about their silence.  None of them can.  Why?

The second aspect, “living your best life”, is a natural outcome of living the truth of the thing without apology.

Fearless adherence to the undeniable truth, and a ferocious rejection of the demanded obtuse labeling like, “disinformation, misinformation or malinformation.”   Horsepucky on that nonsense, there’s true and not true; that’s it. Full effen’ stop.

Living your best life is living in the truest place physically, emotionally and spiritually.  A faithful adherence to the purest truth, the gospel of faith.  Fellowship strengthens this critical bonding and reminds us we are not alone.

No manipulative construct can stop you from living your best life; the choice is always yours even if it means you do not participate.  Not pretending is an expression of strength; it is the one single action that everyone can participate in with individual purpose and intensity.  We cannot pretend and simultaneously live our best life.   We can only live our best life if we stop pretending.

We are not fleas looking into a furnace.  We are an assembly of unique and strong individuals with the ability to choose, act, express freewill – and/or ultimately, we can choose to be acted upon. There are more of us than them!

There are many conservative ushers, many paid for their job in the business theater of politics who would prefer we do not question our seating assignment – let alone challenge the scripted performance we are told to watch on the stage. Understanding this facet is going to become increasingly important, as the specific people who control the mechanisms of power become ever more exposed.

A comment by Gemstone aligns with a current communication question I am seeking to solve. I also remind myself that when I find difficulty in solution, you guys – the smartest and most aware group of our nation – always have exceptional insight that can help me. Here’s the comment:

…”Sundance, When I attempt to inform the not so informed around me with the information that I read every morning on your pages I receive looks of “no way”, “seriously”, and “why is this the first time that I am hearing about this corruption”. I don’t know how people can be so ill informed. Well, we know as it is easier for Americans to keep this corruption at arm’s length until if finally slaps them upside the head.”… [link]

My questions:

♦ What is the average knowledge of the scale of government corruption within your network (family, friends, community)?

♦ Has their perception, perhaps as well as your own, become more awakened in the past few years?  Why?

♦ What communication tools do you think are needed, or would be of value, in order for more people to understand what you are aware of?

Trust me when I say this discussion, while extremely important now, is going to become even more important in the next several months.

I am distinctly aware, perhaps uniquely aware of the information control actions that will take place in 2024.

They will be very intense and very targeted.

In 2020, they locked down voters to create the mechanism of control (ballots). In 2024, I can already see the control approach looming; they will lock down voices. Very specific voices.

If you are a regular reader of this site, you are generally a person who engages in intellectual discussion on daily events and more than likely a root cause thinker. Meaning, you are able to grasp events at their actual cause and not at their highly discussed outcome or consequence.

The challenge is getting those who understand the big picture dynamics to stop being comfortable and sticking their heads in the sand about “motive”. Most people are still clinging to beliefs around a principle of ‘rule of law’ that applies to national leadership writ large.   We need to change that thinking quickly – or we will be left explaining ‘what happened’ far too late.

There is also a major issue with conservative “ushers” guiding the audience into a state of tactical numbness.  A willful blindness within part of the American electorate, a chosen refusal to acknowledge the implications of the unAmerican and unconstititional actions we are seeing on a daily basis.

It can no longer be presumed to be a matter of, “I can’t see what’s happening”, because a whole lot of normal Americans really are clean and articulate.  “I can’t see it”, just doesn’t cut it.

It’s more along the lines of, “I see what’s happening, but it’s scary and complicated and confusing, and if I admit that I see it, I will become responsible in a way that I am not if I keep pretending; I can’t see it or hear it, or maybe I don’t understand it.”

Why don’t we dare say what is so? Are we a bit afraid that if we give up the willful blindness we will perhaps start screaming and not be able to stop? Do we think we have so little courage? Do we really believe that we have no resources to bring to the battle – or nothing more to contribute to the turning of the battle?

There are patriots who some might say resemble one of those slightly mad orchestra conductors who keep yelling, “More trumpet! More TRUMPET!”  Many of you are such slightly mad orchestra leaders.  Do not be alarmed by some of the strange looks you are getting these days.

My questions:

♦ What is the average knowledge of government corruption within your network (family, friends, community)?

♦ Has their perception, perhaps as well as your own, become more awakened in the past several years?

♦ What communication tools do you think are needed, or would be of value, in order for more people to understand what you are aware of?

Trust me when I say this discussion, while extremely important now, is going to become even more important in the next several months.

If you are going to enter this battle, believe me – no one is going to get to avoid this one; you are going to need to fight like the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s ark, and brother, it’s starting to rain! 

The Left’s Lawfare Will Destroy American Republic

By Paul Ingrassia Jan. 30, 2024

The idea that a rogue judge can exploit a rarely-used statute intended to prosecute real-life cases of fraud in order to bring down the leading presidential candidate should outrage all Americans, regardless of party affiliation.

New York’s anti-fraud statute in question, Executive Law 63(12), will be front and center in Judge Engoron’s decision this week.  The statute is one of the most severe anti-fraud statutes in the country because it notably does not require a showing of intent to deceive to prove fraud.

That said, however, the few instances of case law on the books since the late 1950s, when the statute was first adopted, show how courts have interpreted the statute.

In every single case save one, courts have only ever found fraud where actual victims suffered from provable harms as a result of the fraud.  (The lone exception was a business that wrote college admissions essays for students, in which the victim was “the integrity of the educational process.”)

In the Trump case, by sharp contrast, not only were there no victims – there was no fraud.  This is most blatantly seen by the fact that Trump’s lender, Deutsch Bank, never so much as complained – let alone, even noticed – that it had been defrauded of the asserted $168 million that Letitia James absolutely insists it had lost in an otherwise very profitable business relationship with the Trump organization.

No matter how rich and powerful the lending organization, any bank that was supposedly defrauded nearly two hundred million dollars would notice and would have brought a lawsuit years before Letitia James developed a savior complex for big banks.

That New York State would pursue multiple investigations at the same time against the same man who also happens to be the presidential frontrunner reeks of banana republicanism.

It is not like Donald Trump is some private businessman, and this case transpired in the normal course of business.  He is the current frontrunner to be the next President of the United States.

This is all part of a multipronged hatchet job against a man considered to be a threat to the ruling elites, many of whom – like Reid Hoffman and Norm Eisen – are some of the biggest financial backers of these lawsuits.

For Judge Engoron to pretend like he is administering the rule of law fairly and faithfully is an affront to everything our justice system once stood for.  This is not due process; what is unfolding in his courtroom is nothing short of a vindictive power grab by a despotic judge, so clearly envious of Trump’s success in politics and business.

If Engoron orders for President Trump’s business empire to be dissolved, a step notably beyond what even Letitia James advised, then he will destroy the prospect of doing business in New York State for good, and likely throughout the country — a devastating outcome, that nobody should desire, given that it would surely bring the American Dream to an end.

Do New Yorkers understand what is at stake?  Have they totally abandoned belief in capitalism, free enterprise, the American Dream?  Do they realize their city will fail without visionary men doing business like Donald Trump?

There is no chance, after this chilling precedent, that any business would ever want to step foot in New York State again, a state that is already being bled dry by Albany of what little enterprising talent it has left between draconian taxes, regulations, DEI-requirements, and incubating a climate of rampant lawlessness.

Trump did not harm anyone, nor did he deceive anyone in his business dealings – the only crime he ever committed was running for President and speaking the truth. Full disclosure: both those things happen to be rights protected under the Constitution.

But Judges Engoron and Kaplan, and Attorney General James — aided by her lapdog D.A. Alvin Bragg — are letting their all-consuming hate for a single man literally destroy the country.

No sane society would let any one of them occupy their positions of authority – they have completely abandoned the Constitution and rule of law and must pay the price for the irreversible havoc they have wrought.

A sane court system would never in a million years lodge an $83 million damages award upon a washed-up, octogenarian sex columnist for defamation arising from an alleged rape in which the claimant could not even recall the most basic details, such as the year it took place, and waited nearly thirty years before filing a lawsuit once it became politically expedient to do so.

It is interesting that the recent change in New York State law that allowed E. Jean Carroll to bring her lawsuit beyond the normal statute of limitations was done by a rabid anti-Trump state legislator.

Trending: National File Posts Contents of Ashley Biden’s Diary – Website Crashes

It is also interesting that the same financial backer of the Carroll lawsuit, Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn, is a major Democratic donor, who also happens to be bankrolling Nikki Haley’s sorry excuse for a campaign at the same time.

These are not coincidences: this is clearcut election interference, brought to you by the same forces that orchestrated the covid lockdowns, the George Floyd-riots, and the myriad attendant rule changes to election law in the lead-up to 2020 election that made Biden’s heist, somehow both the most unpopular president in American history despite being the “president” to receive the most number of votes ever, inevitable.

A system of “justice” that values E. Jean Carroll’s reputation at $83 million, would, under normal circumstances, trigger immediate calls for tort reform.  In what universe is E. Jean Carroll’s life and work, who is now in her eighties — and thus has little of both remaining — even close to being valued at $83 million?

Her allegations are completely without merit, which is the reason why she delayed filing a lawsuit for thirty years until she found the political and financial support she needed from the Left.

But such an egregious figure is typical for a system that would also value Mar-a-Lago at $18 million.  The rot in the New York judicial system is deep, emblematic of the rot afflicting our society’s justice system writ large, but there the rule of law is being flouted in a particularly flagrant display.

These judges, district attorneys, and special prosecutors run roughshod over every last judicial norm because they think they can get away with it. They sneer at the rest of us with scornful derision because they think we will not stand up for our rights.

Let the clown show that Leftists has made of the New York justice system be an omen for what can and will happen to the rest of the nation without a powerful response by those on the Right who wish to preserve our Constitution and the rule of law in their true, original meanings.

Government of the people, by the people, for the people has become government of the lawyer, by the lawyer, for the lawyer – and in New York, that recipe now threatens to destroy what remnants of a once free and just country remain.

Paul Ingrassia is a Constitutional Scholar; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights LeagueHe writes a widely read Substack that is regularly posted on Truth Social by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassiaSubstackTruth SocialInstagram, and Rumble.

Victor Davis Hanson Slams the ‘Baffling’ Ruling in the E. Jean Carroll Case Against Trump

By Mike LaChance Jan. 29, 2024

Conservative historian and scholar Victor Davis Hanson recently wrote about the E. Jean Carroll ruling against Trump, taking special aim at changes in New York law that took place prior to the case and pointing out that this is just one piece of the endless lawfare the left is aiming at Trump.

Hanson calls the case ‘baffling’ and notes the inconsistencies in Carroll’s story.

Hanson put his thoughts in a lengthy post on Twitter/X:

The civil suit serves as a mere preview of four additional leftwing criminal prosecutions, leftwing judges, and leftwing juries to come—all on charges that would never had been filed if Trump either had not run for president or been a liberal progressive.

Yet here we are.

The E. Jean Carroll case is the most baffling of all five. She, the alleged victim, did not remember even the year in which the purported sexual assault took place, nearly three decades ago. Observers have pointed out dozens of inconsistencies in her story.

It was never clear what were the preliminaries that supposedly (Trump denies meeting her) led both, allegedly, willingly to retreat together to a department store dressing room, where during normal business hours the alleged violence took place.

Moreover, the sexual assault complaint came forward decades post facto—and only after Trump was running for and then president.

Hanson gets into the background of how we got here:

Before The Next Crisis Hits – Prepare With A Medical Emergency Kit (Includes Ivermectin and Z-Pak)

In 2022, a new law (“The Adult Survivors Act”) was passed in the New York legislature. It also post facto established a twelve-month window (beginning six months from the signing of bill) that permitted survivors of long ago alleged sexual assaults suddenly to sue the accused long-ago perpetrator—regardless of the previous statute of limitations.

That unexpected opening suddenly gave Carroll’s prior unsuccessful efforts a rebirth. And she quickly refiled with the help of arch-Trump hating billionaire Hoffman.

Wayne Allyn Root opening speech for President Trump in Vegas brings down the house!

caution for language

Just because @AZGOP Chairman @JeffDeWitAZ has resigned doesn’t mean things are ok in Arizona.



While President Trump is his own get out the vote (GOTV) machine, we still need to have exceptional GOTV efforts to overcome the expected margin of cheating in key states like Arizona. Like

@Peoples_Pundit often says, “Democrats are going to Democrat”. I have been paying very close attention and keeping receipts for years, and as you all know, 2 of the key states are Arizona and Pennsylvania, where

@TPUSA is currently contacting voters by using an app that was built and maintained by

@JeffDeWitAZ… Yes, the same guy who resigned as chair of the AZ GOP this week after he was exposed on audio for trying to bribe

@KariLake to stay out of politics and not run for the US Senate. The app that was designed is called “Early Vote Action”. It was designed by a company called Superfeed Technologies Inc, and the CEO of SuperFeed Technologies is Jeff Dewitt. Early Vote Action is collecting voter data that will be key in helping Republicans get out the vote….if it’s not leaked, sold, or composed by the highest bidder. A leak of that data could jeopardize Republican wins down ballot all over the country. If this data gets into the hands of the wrong person, like a David Becker or a Marc Elias, they could literally destroy President Trump GOTV efforts and his ground game.

@TylerBowyer, knowing what we now know about Jeff DeWitt, do you think it’s wise for TPUSA to be sharing voter outreach data with a guy who’s clearly going to use it to help defeat President Trump if he can make money doing so? DeWitt’s actions have shown that he’s not aligned with America First. It’s imperative that

@ScottPresler and Early Vote Action users STOP using that app and find an alternative to it for the sake of data integrity. I am exposing this so that we can get MAGA victories. I appreciate the work TPUSA is trying to do to collect this information, but it will do more harm than good if it remains tied to Jeff DeWitt, who is the CEO of Superfeed Technologies Inc, the group that designed the app used by TPUSA and

@AZGOP. If Jeff DeWitt is willing to bribe Kari Lake so she doesn’t run for the US Senate, what’s to say he won’t try to also engage in a bribe to give sensitive and strategic voter data in key states to the Democrats or anti-MAGA PACs? This is why your door knocking data shouldn’t be shared with anyone. It can ruin a campaign overnight. Especially if someone gets access to the data for undecided voters in a key state. Cc:





VIDEO Canadian Federal Court Rules Use of Emergency Powers to End Trucker Protests Was Unconstitutional – Tucker Carlson “Freedom” Speech in Canada

January 24, 2024 | Sundance |

Justin from Canada and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, used the invocation of the Canadian Emergency Powers Act to seize Truckers’ and their supporters bank accounts, block mortgages, eliminate loans and credit cards, seize personal assets and otherwise use financial mechanisms to target their political opposition.

Yesterday a federal judge in Canada ruled the use of the Emergency Powers Act was unconstitutional.

CANADA –  […] On Feb. 14, 2022, the federal government invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in its history, arguing at the time that the national security risks stemming from the protests justified its use.

The move allowed the federal government to enact wide-sweeping but temporary powers to help officials crack down on protesters’ access to funds, grant the RCMP jurisdiction to enforce local laws, designate critical infrastructure and services, and impose fines and imprisonment on participants who refused to leave the protest zone.

“I have concluded that the decision to issue the Proclamation does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness – justification, transparency and intelligibility – and was not justified in relation to the relevant factual and legal constraints that were required to be taken into consideration,” stated Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley.

Mosley added that “there can be only one reasonable interpretation” of the Emergencies Act and CSIS Act, and that he believes “the legal constraints on the discretion of the GIC to declare a public order emergency were not satisfied.”

Mosley also stated that, factoring for the definition of a “national emergency” under the Act, “there was no national emergency” to justify its use, and that “the decision to do so was therefore unreasonable” and beyond the powers of the law. (read more)

Tucker Carlson Gives “Freedom” Speech in Canada – Justin Not Happy with “Freedom” Propaganda

January 25, 2024 | Sundance |

Justin from Canada is oh not too happy with Tucker Carlson for traveling to Calgary (rebellious audience 4,000) and then stadium show for 8,000 rebels in Edmonton.  Apparently, Justin does not like it when Tucker comes to Canada.   WATCH:

[JUSTIN is Big Mad – Article Here]

AUDIO Recording of Arizona Republican Chair Jeff DeWit Making Bribe Offer to Kari Lake to Stay Out of Senate Race


January 23, 2024 | Sundance 

The Daily Mail is reporting on a story where Arizona Republican Chairman Jeff DeWit is caught on tape offering a bribe to Kari Lake on behalf of “people back east.”

The voices “back east” surrounding republican Senate races are not exactly a surprise. Yeah, it’s obviously Mitch McConnell and the multinational corporate benefactors from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce who fund the UniParty construct. Apparently, the conversation was Jeff DeWit, 51, chair of the Arizona Republican Party, asking Kari Lake, a close ally of Donald Trump, to name her price to stay out of politics for two years. LISTEN:

(Via Daily Mail) – […] ‘So the ask I got today from back east was: “Is there any companies out there or something that could just put her on the payroll to keep her out?’

Lake reacts with indignation.

‘This is about defeating Trump and I think that’s a bad, bad thing for our country,’ she said.

Later, DeWit, who was chief operating officer on the Trump’s 2020 campaign frames it differently.

‘Just say, is there a number at which….’ he begins.

Lake cut in: ‘I can be bought? That’s what it’s about.’

‘You can take a pause for a couple of years. You can go right back to what you’re doing.’

Lake repeatedly rebuffs him and says she wouldn’t do it for a billion dollars.

‘This is not about money, it’s about our country,’ she says. (MORE)

Quit pretending this is a surprise….

This is just Mitch McConnell crap.

Most casual political observers have absolutely no idea how McConnell works.  However, for over a decade CTH has been trying –mostly failing– to awaken the base of common sense voters.  In 2010, 2011 and 2012 the #1 priority for McConnell was to destroy the threat represented by the Tea Party.  In 2022 we were seeing an exact replay of the same McConnell intents and purposes, only this time the target was President Trump’s MAGA movement.

It is a motive and agenda all wrapped up in the senate power structure.  McConnell does not fear being in the minority; the color of the flag atop the spire of the UniParty senate does not matter to those underneath it.  McConnell maneuvers with just as much power in the minority as he does in the majority; factually, he makes more money selling his DeceptiCon caucus votes to Chuck Schumer (on behalf of Wall Street) than he does in the majority where he is forced to purchase them.  The entire thing is a rigged-game.

To remind ourselves how Minority and Majority Senator McConnell took down the threat of the Tea Party revisit these old articles CNN Part I and CNN Part II  both showcase how McConnell works.   Then do some research on how McConnell worked with Haley Barbour in Mississippi [SEE HERE].

For those who follow the deep weeds of politics, McConnnell’s schemes are brutally transparent.

Good for Kari Lake to stand firm and tell them to get stuffed.


VIDEO Specific Intel China Interfered in 2020 Election to Help Biden – Not Missing 2020 Video – Neil Oliver Christmas Message

Former DNI John Ratcliffe: We Collected Specific Intel of a Plan by China to Interfere in 2020 Election to Help Joe Biden – They Will Do It Again in 2024 (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Dec. 25, 2023

Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe joined Maria Bartiromo this morning on Sunday Morning Futures.

During their conversation John Ratcliffe discussed China’s meddling with the 2020 presidential election.

Ratcliffe made it clear that Russia, China and Iran wanted a Biden presidency and they all have grown stronger since Joe Biden took control of the White House.

Maria Bartiromo: Former Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe was breaking news with me last month on FOX Business’s Mornings with Maria on China interfering in US elections. Now a new declassified report is out from the National Intelligence Council which confirms exactly what John Radcliffe told me there, revealing the extent of the CCP’s operation happening under President Biden’s watch. The report writes this, quote, “We assess that these directives gave PRC influence actors more freedom to operate ahead of the midterms than the presidential election in 2020, probably because PRC officials believe that Beijing was under less scrutiny during the midterms and because they did not expect the current administration to retaliate as severely as they feared they would in 2020.” Joining me right now with reaction is former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe…

… I’ve got the intelligence community assessment in front of me right now. Is China getting ready to interfere in our elections in 2024?

John Ratcliffe: Very clearly they are, Maria. But what the report also tells you is what you outlined there, which is that the intelligence community has to grudgingly walk back the erroneous assessment that in 2020, China was sitting on the sidelines.

Look, I was very vocal that we had collected specific intelligence of a specific plan or campaign by China to interfere in 2020 for the specific purpose of helping Joe Biden become president and – to harm President Trump in his reelection efforts.

And what this report acknowledges is that that’s exactly what happened. And they had to walk it back because the independent ombudsman came forward and said, look, there were analysts for China that were suppressing intelligence deliberately because they feared it would help President Trump. And so now you have Joe Biden’s own Director of the NSA and head of cyber command, acknowledging that China is going to intensify those efforts in 2024, that our greatest geopolitical foe has and will continue to want Joe Biden to be the president for the next four years because, stating the obvious, he’s been very good to China. China wanted him in the first place because Donald Trump had been so tough in terms of trade and tariff sanctions against China.

China correctly believed that Joe Biden would be more pro-China and frankly thought that he would be weaker as a Commander in Chief. And clearly, those things have played out.

Maria Bartiromo: And now we know that during their cakewalk in the park, when Joe Biden met with Xi Jinping in San Francisco, Xi Jinping was very clear to Joe Biden, telling him, yes, we are taking Taiwan, and we are expecting you’re not going to do anything about it. Your thoughts on what was said during that meeting in the park?

John Ratcliffe: …You know, the same Joe Biden and the administration that won’t confront China on Covid wouldn’t confront China on the spy balloon. All of these are the reasons why Joe Biden is, in many ways, the dream candidate for China to continue for the next four years. They’ve advanced so much, they’ve undermined us in the Middle east. They’ve gained footholds further in the Asian Pacific regions. Everything has gone well for China from their foreign policy standpoint, and it’s gone poorly for us…

… And so what, Maria, they’re going to do and what the acknowledgement is, is they’re going to intensify their efforts, meaning they’re going to deploy cyberweapons to try and influence election infrastructure. It means they’re going to engage in social media influence campaign to influence American voters, and they’re going to do the things that they can to help Joe Biden continue to be president because it is good for China if he is.

Via Midnight Rider.

Why Shelf-Stable Beef Will Be an Extremely Valuable Commodity in the Near Future

Neil Oliver Christmas Message

December 25, 2023 | Sundance |

U.K Pundit Neil Oliver uses his weekly monologue to remind us of the humanity behind the Christmas message.  For the greatest hope within the birth of Jesus Christ, a child’s birth that represents all hope, the purest hope.

…”people feel the cold, and not just the cold of winter. But the cold of an antihuman ideology that would take everything from us, including each other, including everything that makes Christmas so important.  In all circumstances it is possible, vital, to remember the light; to remember that light and warmth are real.  We can resist in simple and fundamental ways, like keeping lights lit and fires warm wherever it is possible – by keeping Christmas.  Here’s the thing, day follows night; winter follows summer and autumn; but winter, even the darkest winter, knows that the spring is coming… that the spring, always comes!”


General Milley Lied – Knew Chinese Spy Balloon Was Collecting Data Over US but Lied About It

Here’s the Video of Trump Calling for Peace on Jan 6 that Twitter Took Down 5 Minutes After He Posted It


VIDEO Allegations of Procedural Missteps Surface Against Special Counsel John Luman Smith, aka Jack Smith – Smith Lost More than a Legal Issue at SCOTUS – Lisa Monaco Says Outsiders Must be Kept Outside – President Trump’s Christmas Message

By Jim Hᴏft Dec. 24, 2023

There are new allegations surrounding the appointment process of John Luman Smith, also known as “Jack Smith.”

Recent scrutiny has surfaced on the appointment process of Special Counsel Jack Smith. Claims have come to light questioning the validity of his oath of office and the timing of his affidavit compliance.

A concerned reader approached The Gateway Pundit recently, challenging the legitimacy of Smith’s procedural conduct upon his appointment by Attorney General Merrick B. Garland involving his role as Special Counsel.

Critics argue that, unlike other department heads who have the authority to appoint inferior officers, the Attorney General may not have been vested with this power for appointments like that of Jack Smith, who was not Senate-confirmed for his office.

According to official documents, John Lumen Smith was appointed as Special Counsel by Attorney General Merrick B. Garland on November 18, 2022, as per Order No. 5559-2022.

This appointment was in response to the need for an independent special counsel to oversee “criminal investigations” related to former President Donald Trump, particularly considering Trump’s third run for the White House in 2024.

Former Ronald Reagan Attorney General Edwin Meese, along with Professors Gary Lawson and Steven Calabresi, submitted a petition to the Supreme Court last week seeking a writ of certiorari in response to Jack (John Lumen) Smith’s petition to expedite appeal of immunity ruling.

The former US Attorney General contends that Jack Smith, acting as Special Counsel, was not appropriately appointed. Consequently, they argue, all legal actions undertaken by Smith should be considered null and void.

The trio, in their petition to the Supreme Court, argue that since Smith was directly hired by the current Attorney General, Merrick Garland, the constitutional process of presidential nomination and full Senate confirmation was bypassed. They state that Smith’s various legal actions, performed under the guise of law, should only be carried out by individuals who have been duly appointed as federal officers to legitimately established federal offices.

The petition reads in part:

The illegality addressed in this brief started on November 18, 2022, when Attorney General Merrick Garland exceeded his statutory and constitutional authority by purporting to appoint Smith to serve as Special Counsel for the Department of Justice.

But none of those statutes, nor any other statutory or constitutional provisions, remotely authorized the appointment by the Attorney General of a private citizen to receive extraordinary criminal law enforcement power under the title of Special Counsel.

What federal statutes and the Constitution do not allow, however, is for the Attorney General to appoint a private citizen, who has never been confirmed by the Senate, as a substitute United States Attorney under the title “Special Counsel.”

Now this – A Gateway Pundit reader made fresh and alarming concerns regarding the appointment of Special Counsel John L. Smith (Jack Smith).

Under 5 U.S. Code § 3332, “An officer, within 30 days after the effective date of his appointment, shall file with the oath of office required by section 3331 of this title an affidavit that neither he nor anyone acting in his behalf has given, transferred, promised, or paid any consideration for or in the expectation or hope of receiving assistance in securing the appointment.”

Any federal position appointee must file an appointment affidavit (SF 61) within 30 days of assuming office. Documentation confirms that Smith signed the initial SF 61 on November 20, 2022. However, due to a missing witness signature, a corrective action was taken to re-administer the oath and execute a new SF 61—which occurred 298 days after the appointment, on September 14, 2023.

From: U.S. Department of Justice/ Justice Management Division/ Human Resources:


SUBJECT: Oath of Office, John L. Smith

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This memorandum serves as record that an appointment affidavit (SF 61) has been signed and executed for the appointment of John L. Smith, Special Counsel. On November 18, 2022, John L. Smith was appointed by Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to serve as the Special Counsel by Order No. 5559-2022.

DISCUSSION: Mr. Smith signed an SF 61 on November 20, 2022. Upon reviewing documentation, it was discovered that a witness signature was missing (more than likely as Mr. Smith was on boarded while overseas). JMD/Human Resources consulted with the JMD/Office of General Counsel (OGC) to ensure proper corrective action. OGC’s recommendation and advice was to readminister the oath of office and execute a new SF 61 to ensure procedural compliance.

A. Attorney General Order 5559-2022
B. SF 61, signed and executed on 9/14/2023
C. SF 61, signed on 11/20/2022

Source: U.S. Department of Justice

And there’s more – It should be noted that on June 8, 2023, Jack Smith issued a grand jury indictment against Trump on federal criminal charges related to his handling of classified documents, and on August 1, 2023, Trump was indicted on additional federal felony counts relating to attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election and his conduct during the Capitol event.

This took place prior to the completion of Mr. Smith’s oath.

It appears that Smith completed signing the “Oath of Office” as mandated by 5 U.S. Code § 3332 only on September 14, 2023. This requirement states that the oath should be filed within 30 days of assuming office, but in this case, it was filed 298 days later due to a missing witness signature.

Although the rectification occurred, the legal conundrum remains about whether actions taken prior to this date may be legally challenged.

The procedural misstep could potentially cast more doubt over the validity of Mr. Smith’s official actions, including the high-profile indictment against former President Trump. The oversight opens the possibility for jurisdictional challenges, questioning the authority under which Mr. Smith operated during the period between his appointment and the signing of the corrected appointment affidavit in September 2023.

Failure to take the oath is generally considered a failure to complete the appointment process, rendering the person’s actions as an officer potentially invalid.

Jack Smith’s SF 61

Adding to the complexity is the fact that Mr. Smith may have filed the indictment using the name “Jack Smith,” a deviation from his admitted legal name “John Luman Smith.”

Under New York Law, practicing law under a name differing from that under which one was admitted, without formal approval for a name change from the Appellate Division, is prohibited.

The Gateway Pundit has sought insight from legal experts on both the discrepancy in names and the delayed oath.

Regarding the name discrepancy, one lawyer opined, “Since John/Jack are related names I’d expect them to punt on this. Or allow him to remedy/cure quickly… The court will interpret Jack as a form of John and say where’s the harm? He’s signing for himself.”

However, on the oath of office matter, the same legal expert posited, “A court should take it seriously. They might dismiss it as ceremonial. But it’s a solid argument.”

The Hitman Is Exposed!… Former DNI Ratcliffe: Jack Smith Lost More than a Legal Issue at Supreme Court – This May Be His Bob Mueller Moment (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Dec. 24, 2023

Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe joined Maria Bartiromo this morning on Sunday Morning Futures.

During their conversation John Ratcliffe had the opportunity to weigh in on Jack Smith’s rejection this week by the Supreme Court.

This was brutal. The hitman is exposed!

John Ratcliffe: Stating the obvious, this was a big legal victory for President Trump and a big legal setback for Jack Smith. But I would argue that Jack Smith lost more than just a legal issue at the Supreme Court. He lost credibility. This may be his Mueller moment.

Your viewers remember when Special Counsel Bob Mueller struggled and stumbled to find an answer and ultimately couldn’t answer why he applied a different standard to Donald Trump than anyone else ever prosecuted or under investigation by the Department of Justice, meaning that Donald Trump had to conclusively prove his innocence rather than have a presumption of innocence as our bedrock standard.

Bob Mueller lost all credibility and he and his report drifted away. And I would submit that this is the Bob Mueller moment for Jack Smith because everyone remembers, Maria, that he stood before the American people when he indicted Donald Trump. And he said, we have one set of laws and they apply equally to everyone. Donald Trump will be treated the same as every other defendant. But when Donald Trump’s legal team came forward with a legal defense of presidential immunity that threatened a trial date taking place before the political election in 2020, Jack Smith did a 180 and he went to the Supreme Court and said, forget everything I told you. Now. Donald Trump is completely different.

This is extraordinary. We have to have an expedited review. You have to look at this immediately. And I think the Supreme Court, the way they rejected this unanimously with one sentence saying petition denied, I think reflects that they saw this for what we all saw, which is that the very same Justice Department that, you know, took six years to consider charges against a guy named Biden saying this was plenty fast. But when it comes to a guy named Trump, for some reason, we have to have this trial take place before the election.

Keep in mind, Maria, keep in mind that the speedy trial provisions of the 6th amendment are the defendants right, not the government’s. I think that this was nakedly partisan and overtly political, and it was revealed, told to the Supreme Court. That’s how Jack Smith is operating.

Sunday Talks – DAG Lisa Monaco Says the Quiet Part Out Loud – Within How Her DOJ is Operating, All Outsiders Must be Kept Outside

December 24, 2023 | Sundance |

Most will not see the forest through the trees.  I have shortened this longer interview with Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, to emphasize a point.

Monaco is one of the extreme control operatives from the Obama era who transferred intentionally into the Biden administration to continue control operations.  Monaco is literally one of the consequential DC administrators responsible for maintaining a well-honed and weaponized Dept of Justice.  That’s all she does; organizing and keeping the Main Justice targeting mechanism focused on their priority is her job.

In this interview segment, transcript provided below, DAG Lisa Monaco outlines the importance of keeping a corrupt system isolated so that only the corrupt officials within it have reign.  Of course, that’s not the exact context of her comments, but when combined with the actual reality of the effort – that’s the cornerstone of the non-pretending message.  WATCH:

[Transcript] – […] THOMAS: I’m going to ask a couple questions that I hope get to transparency, understanding the limits that you have to operate within. Can you assure the American public that Special Counsels Jack Smith and David Weiss, Robert Hur are operating without regard to anything but the facts and the law?

MONACO: Yes. And the reason I say that, Pierre, is, look, these are matters of the utmost importance and significance. Cases of that level of significance are — it’s exceptionally important that they are handled independently, confidentially and free of any outside or inappropriate influence. And that’s exactly why the attorney general appointed special counsels in the first place.

THOMAS: Just for the record, so the public can hear it from a top official at DOJ, has President Biden ever raised the classified documents investigation, the probe of Hunter Biden with you or the A.G., tried to influence you? Has he ever done that in regard to President Trump?

MONACO: No. And the attorney general’s been exceptionally clear on this point. (more)

Outcomes are determined by controlling inputs.

Want a specific outcome?  You must control all the inputs.

In this situation, “free of any outside influence” means retaining the silo of benefit.

She’s saying the quiet part, without people really understanding how the quiet part is constructed right in front of our faces.

President Trump Christmas Message

December 24, 2023 | Sundance |

President Trump releases his 2024 Christmas message. {Direct Rumble Link}

[…] “This holiday we give thanks for the many blessings God has bestowed upon us. We pray for the safety of our men and women in uniform at home and abroad, and we ask God to guide us, give us strength and watch over us in this pivotal year ahead. With His help, by this time next year, we will be well on our way to making America safer, stronger, greater and more prosperous than ever before.”

Donald Trumps Loving Christmas Message – December 24, 2023


Additionally, Donald J. Trump for President 2024 released a new television ad, titled “A Christmas To Remember.”

The ad—shown nationally as well as in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina — features Arkansas Governor Sarah Sanders recounting her time from the White House and Christmas Day in 2018 when President Trump visited U.S. troops in war-torn Iraq. [link]
