VIDEO Ukraine Press Freedoms Curtailed Following Raids and Arrests of the Orthodox Union of Journalists

March 12, 2024 //Save the UOC Editor

The following press release was distributed to media today:

WASHINGTON DC – Following a coordinated raid on 11 different locations in and around Kyiv by the secret police (Security Service of Ukraine, SBU) and the confirmed arrests of four journalists affiliated with the Union of Orthodox Journalists (UOJ), international lawyer Robert Amsterdam has condemned the move as an attack on freedom of expression.

Amsterdam, whose firm Amsterdam & Partners LLP represents the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), says that the UOJ represents one of the very few Ukrainian news outlets reporting on the unlawful seizures and raids of church properties by the state church. During these raids, the secret police seized phones and laptops, and, according to the UOJ, those arrested could face charges with penalties of life imprisonment.

“Unquestionably, these raids, arrests, and threats against members of the media have been coordinated to generate enthusiasm for the recently revised Draft Bill 8371 to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church,” says Amsterdam. “Based on the information provided by our sources, these raids by the secret police are NOT evidence-based. They have been choreographed by the SBU to stir up fear and animosity and further divide a country at war, and must be condemned by international press freedom organizations.”

Amsterdam’s firm has previously published a white paper highlighting the violations of international human rights law contained in Draft Law 8371, and advocated for Ukraine to present the law before the Venice Commission for input. The ruling party in the Verkhovna Rada, however, has thus far kept the law hidden from EU institutions, and appears to be rushing forward to pass it into law, says Amsterdam.

Amsterdam points out that Ukraine already has preexisting legal instruments to prosecute those who collaborate with the enemy – as was the case with the purge of dozens of SBU officers who had ties to Russia. But these raids on journalists covering the UOC issues are aimed at expanding their repressive powers, says Amsterdam.

“There is absolutely no conceivable pretext making it necessary for Ukraine to ban an entire religion and erase the thousand-year-old home of Christianity – none whatsoever,” says Amsterdam. “This ongoing politically motivated attack against the UOC does no service to Ukraine’s interests and undermines the unity of the population at a critical time.”

Amsterdam indicated that he would be filing letters before numerous organizations and government bodies seeking censure against this media crackdown, and further to initiate consideration of sanctions against individual members of the Rada engaged in violating religious freedoms, including Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk.

More information is available on

###CategoriesPress Releases

Press Release: Ukraine’s Ruling Party Displays Shocking Political Opportunism by Pursuing Church Ban on Day of Tragedy

Press Release: Ukraine’s Decision to Spend $3.5 Million of US Taxpayer Funds on PR is Shameful, Says UOC Lawyer Robert Amsterdam

“Exposing Ukraine’s Secret Police and Mission to Exterminate Christianity”

Elon Musk Issues Grave Warning for America: “The Groundwork is Being Laid for Something Far Worse than 9/11”

By Cullen Linebarger Mar. 5, 2024

X Owner Elon Musk has a dire warning for America following the news of the Biden regime secretly flying hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, as TGP reported this morning.

The Regime claims 320,000 unvetted aliens have been flown across the country to “reduce” the number of crossings across the border. This, of course, is an outright lie.

It is unknown where these migrants are arriving from. Information from The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reveals the Regime claims the locations are kept hidden because “bad actors” could inflict harm on public safety, and the information could potentially create law enforcement vulnerabilities.

In a post on X this morning, Musk revealed the REAL reason behind the Biden regime’s scheme: importing and spreading around new voters who will reliably vote Democrat to ensure a permanent majority.

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Musk notes the Regime’s selfish desire is creating a severe national security threat based on the sheer number of illegal aliens alone. Due to this, he warns, “the groundwork is being laid for something far worse than 9/11.

This administration is both importing voters and creating a national security threat from unvetted illegal immigrants.

It is highly probable that the groundwork is being laid for something far worse than 9/11. Just a matter of time.

Thanks to the intentional border crisis created by Biden, crimes committed by illegal aliens against American citizens have skyrocketed. The recent murder of promising Georgia college student Laken Riley by an illegal alien is a particularly glaring example.

Moreover, terrorists have already slipped across the porous Southern border. One was even allowed to roam free for almost a year.

One can argue this is an act of treason on the part of the Biden regime under Article III, Section 3, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution. Without border security, enemies of America have free reign to kill our citizens in a variety of ways.

Musk is correct that something far worse than 9/11 looms on the horizon as long as Biden remains in office. The only question is when.


VIDEO Facing Catastrophic Consequences NY Times Now Outlines Construct of Ukraine as USA Proxy Province –  12 Secret Spy Bases, John Brennan – Biden Mole Willis’ Office “Brainchild” Behind Collusion

February 26, 2024 | Sundance

I find it very interesting this report surfaces in the New York Times and not The Washington Post first.  This material distinction showcases the motive for the outline is heavily domestic in nature; meaning, the core of domestic USA politics (specifically the White House) needs to admit that Ukraine is a proxy province in order to retrigger support for policy.

[Inside Baseball] – Watch the responses to this report from CNN (State Dept) carefully and watch the responses from WaPo (CIA/Intel). The more subtle and/or quiet the response(s), the more certain these influence institutions were collaborating on the material report to the New York Times.

The White House is admitting the CIA and larger IC apparatus, which includes the State Dept., has been heavily controlling all activity in Ukraine for the past decade.  The only reason to admit this now very publicly is because they are losing voter support.  THIS EXPLAINS WHY BIDEN IS CALLING FOR A WHITE HOUSE MEETING!! 

The US’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) maintains 12 secret bases in Ukraine along the border with Russia, and last Thursday CIA chief William Burns made his 10th secret visit to Ukraine since the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion.

The Times is now reporting the USA (State Dept.) was responsible for the coup in Ukraine (color revolution) and took control over political operations in 2014.   We have long suspected this; many have reported exactly this reality; however, this is the first time it has all been admitted.

(NYT) – The C.I.A.’s partnership in Ukraine can be traced back to two phone calls on the night of Feb. 24, 2014, eight years to the day before Russia’s full-scale invasion.

Millions of Ukrainians had just overrun the country’s pro-Kremlin government and the president, Viktor Yanukovych, and his spy chiefs had fled to Russia. In the tumult, a fragile pro-Western government quickly took power.

The government’s new spy chief, Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, arrived at the headquarters of the domestic intelligence agency and found a pile of smoldering documents in the courtyard. Inside, many of the computers had been wiped or were infected with Russian malware.

“It was empty. No lights. No leadership. Nobody was there,” Mr. Nalyvaichenko said in an interview.

He went to an office and called the C.I.A. station chief and the local head of MI6. It was near midnight but he summoned them to the building, asked for help in rebuilding the agency from the ground up, and proposed a three-way partnership. “That’s how it all started,” Mr. Nalyvaichenko said. (read more)

Source: The New York Times, based on more than 200 interviews with current and former officials in Ukraine, the United States and Europe.

The report tries to paint various Ukraine officials as the originators of the operation to use Ukraine as the tip of the spear against the Russia construct; however, it doesn’t take a deep weeds walker to realize that part of the narrative is needed to protect the U.S. foreign influence policy from public ridicule.

The White House needs support for their Ukraine proxy.  The public opposition to that continued policy agenda is a problem.  The politicians are caving to pressure from the people.  The IC needs to change the narrative urgently; thus the admission takes place.

NY Times: CIA Built 12 Secret Spy Bases in Ukraine Waging Shadow War Against Russia Since 2014 – John Brennan Caught in the Middle of It

By Jim Hoft Feb. 26, 2024

John Brennan promising to bring stability to Ukraine while at the same time constructing spy outposts in the country.

On Sunday, The New York Times published a rare US admission that US intelligence has not only been instrumental in Ukraine’s wartime decision-making but has established and financed high-tech command-and-control spy centers and was doing so long prior to the Feb. 24 Russian invasion of two years ago.

According to Zero Hedge, The New York Times admitted that the program was established a decade ago and spans three different American presidents. The Times says the CIA program to modernize Ukraine’s intelligence services has “transformed” the former Soviet state and its capabilities into “Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin today.”

Zero Hedge reported:

This means that with the disclosure of the longtime “closely guarded secret” the world just got a big step closer to WW3, given it means the CIA is largely responsible for the effectiveness of the recent spate of attacks which have included direct drone hits on key oil refineries and energy infrastructure.

“Without them [the CIA and elite commandoes it’s trained], there would have been no way for us to resist the Russians, or to beat them,” according to Ivan Bakanov, former head of the SBU, which is Ukraine’s domestic intelligence agency.

A main source of the NYT revelationsdisclosures which might come as no surprise to those never willing to so easily swallow the mainstream ‘official’ narrative of eventsis identified as a top intelligence commander named Gen. Serhii Dvoretskiy.

Clearly, Kiev and Washington now want the world to know of the deep intelligence relationship they tried to conceal for over the past decade.

Kanekoa the Great posted this viral report earlier today on X.

The New York Times disclosed yesterday that the CIA built “12 Secret Spy Bases” in Ukraine, waging a shadow war against Russia for the past decade.

After a U.S.-supported violent coup toppled Ukraine’s democratically elected government, CIA Director John Brennan visited Kyiv in April 2014.

Shortly after, the new Ukrainian government launched an “anti-terror operation” against its Russian-speaking citizens in Eastern Ukraine.

For eight years leading up to Russia’s invasion in 2022, Ukraine’s government, with help from the CIA, relentlessly bombed Eastern Ukraine.

Millions of innocent civilians were caught in the crossfire of a geopolitical chess match between Russia and the United States.

This is part of the story often ignored by the Western press.

Of course, at The Gateway Pundit reported, the US also had biolabs in Ukraine until recently.

Russian Defence Ministry briefing showing US-sponsored biolabs on Ukraininan territory. Photo : Russian Ministry of Defence

It wasn’t that long ago that Mitt Romney was threatening former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard for suggesting the US was funding biolabs in Ukraine.

Back in March 2022, RINO Senator Mitt Romney accused former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of spreading ‘treasonous lies’ for simply talking about the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

“There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release and spread deadly pathogens to US/world.” Gabbard Told FOX News earlier that week.

“We must take action now to prevent disaster. US/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/UN/EU must implement a ceasefire now around these labs until they’re secured and pathogens destroyed,” she added.


Tulsi Gabbard made her statement based on testimony from the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs in Eurasia, Victoria Nuland.

Victoria Nuland admitted during testimony before a US Senate committee the existence of biological research labs in Ukraine.

Less than 24 hours later, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that reports of biolabs in Ukraine were fake news propagated by Russia.

The Democrat-fake news-media complex then attacked anyone who brought up the biolabs in Ukraine.

Mitt Romney lashed out at Tulsi Gabbard, saying, “Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives.”

Then this happened– Russia released alleged captured documents from Ukraine exposing evidence of US Military Biolabs in Ukraine.

Russia made the accusations in front of the United Nations General Assembly.

Now this–

The Pentagon then finally admitted in a public statement that there are 46 US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

This is after months of lies and denials by Democrats, the Biden regime, and their fake news mainstream media!

The Pentagon FINALLY came clean.

The United States has also worked collaboratively to improve Ukraine’s biological safety, security, and disease surveillance for both human and animal health, providing support to 46 peaceful Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and disease diagnostic sites over the last two decades. The collaborative programs have focused on improving public health and agricultural safety measures at the nexus of nonproliferation.

Here is a screengrab from the US Department of Defense website.

The US intelligence services have been operating in Ukraine for years now.

Via DC Draino.

Meet the Experienced Democrat Operative the Biden Regime Placed In Fani Willis’s Office to Target President Trump – Operative Is Reportedly the “Brainchild” Behind the Collusion

By Cullen Linebarger Feb. 26, 2024

Credit: Russell Library screenshot

The Biden regime’s collusion with corrupt Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis runs even deeper than believed, with an experienced Democrat operative reportedly serving as the “brainchild” behind it.

Breitbart News today uncovered explosive information that the Regime planted the operative inside Willis’s office to target President Donald Trump.

Sources told Breitbart News that the Regime planting the operative presents a “strong argument” that they have interfered in the 2024 presidential election.

Breitbart reports the operative in question is Jeff DiSantis, who serves as the county’s Deputy District Attorney and has far more extensive professional experience than your usual county employee.

For example, DiSantis worked on Willis’s 2020 campaign and was the former Executive Director of the Democrat Party of Georgia with extensive knowledge of campaign finance law. He also served as the Deputy Director of Compliance for the DNC.

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Here is more from DiSantis’s official campaign bio, which illustrates the breadth of his experience in Democrat politics:

Jeff has also worked for candidates in 30 states running for a variety of offices, including President of the United States, United States Senator, Governor, United States Representative, Attorney General, District Attorney, and Mayor, as well as for a national political party committee.

He has served as a campaign manager, media consultant, pollster, press spokesman, research director, and policy advisor.

Sources told Breitbart that DiSantis is the “brainchild” behind the collusion:

DiSantis did this. He’s the one. He is the one pulling all the strings.

He was the one that walled her (Willis) off. He was in every important meeting. He is the brainchild behind this. That is the connection to the White House.

DiSantis is the one pulling the strings on this whole thing. Everybody heard Fani testify.

It’s no secret that she’s not smart. That is how she sounds and acts every day of the week.

The Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila previously reported Willis received two letters from Joe Biden’s White House Counsel amid its Trump witch hunt, providing incontrovertible evidence that the Regime coordinated with her office.

In August, she hit Trump and 18 others with garbage RICO and conspiracy charges for challenging the 2020 election results in Georgia.

Willis then visited the White House just DAYS after the Georgia grand jury recommended indictments, perhaps to receive further instructions from Regime officials.

Given Biden’s awful poll numbers, his most straightforward path to “victory” in November is seeing Trump convicted and thrown in jail. The lengths he and his handlers are going to disqualify Trump rivals similar efforts by third-world dictators to shove their opponents aside.


“This Is a Movement, People are Tired of the Overreach, And We’re Pushing Back!”  “Take Our Border Back”  700,000 vehicle Convoy

By Jim Hoft Jan. 28, 2024

Rep. Keith Self (R-TX) joined FOX Business Network this week to discuss the upcoming ‘Take Our Border Back” Convoy planned for later this week along the open US southern border in Texas, Arizona, and California.

Rep. Self, who represents Texas’s Third Congressional District, predicted that 700,000 vehicles may participate in the trucker convoy this coming week!

Rep. Keith Self: Well, the people that have organized this are the same people that went from California to DC with the truckers. I understand we’re going to be joined by Canadian truckers. So these people are committed to a peaceful demonstration that we’ve had enough. The American people have had enough. We’re demanding that the Biden administration do its job, enforce the laws on the books, and secure our border.

8 million people during the Biden administration. That’s more than the population of Ohio. This is the time for us to rise up as the American people and demand that our president do his job. This should be a peaceful movement of the American people joined by other nations if they want to come. This is the Canadian truckers. This is the German farmers. This is the French farmers. This is the Dutch farmers. This is a movement well beyond the United States that people are simply tired of the overreach of their federal government, and we’re pushing back. Now is the time.

Rep. Self will be speaking at Eagle Pass, Texas during the trucker “Take Our Border Back” rally and protest.

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VIDEO WEC “The Five Biggest Risks Facing the World in the Next 2 Years” – Davos Elites and Their Schemes for Control – Virtues of Freedom and Capitalism by Argentinian President Javier Milei

Here we Go….

The World Economic Forum Released “The Five Biggest Risks Facing the World in the Next 2 Years” 

1. Misinformation & Disinformation  

2. Extreme Weather Events

3. Societal Polarization 

4. Cyber Insecurity (Cyber Attack) 

5. Interstate armed conflict

“Environmental concerns dominate the top 5 risks over the next 10 years, including critical changes to Earth Systems.”


They released their playbook….

Pay especially close attention to the weather… 

They are telling you this is all surrounding the election. 

The Davos Elites and Their Schemes for Control

January 21, 2024 | Sundance | 

For his weekly monologue, U.K pundit Neil Oliver outlines the insufferable “parasite class” of those who assemble in Davos at the World Economic Forum, and their agenda for control which morphs depending on opportunity.  Indeed, the Davos/WEF favorite control narrative surrounds the ever-changing theoretical climate doom and the subsequent holy grail of a carbon trading exchange they envision.

At a certain point, the revolting peasants look around and realize there are more of us than them, and that’s the exact moment when things in the Western alliance will get very sketchy.  Factually, you can see in their words and espousals the Davos clan know this, so they construct all manner of instructions to their government beneficiaries in an effort to control the proles.  WATCH:

In case you missed it, the Dutch, Poland and German farmers are now being joined by the Romanians and the French.  Then again, why wouldn’t we miss it? After all, the Western media are avoiding any mention of the spreading discontent, lest the commoners start to organize an even wider pushback.

PARIS (Reuters) – France’s largest farm union FNSEA is considering nationwide protests in the coming weeks, a spokesperson said on Friday, potentially expanding action by farmers in the southwest who have blocked a highway and dumped manure on public buildings.

Like their German counterparts who held a massive demonstration over the weekend with tractors rumbling towards Berlin from every corner of the country, French farmers are mainly protesting against taxes and regulation.

The FSNEA will decide whether to organise nationwide action next Thursday after meeting local branch representatives and different farm sectors, the spokesperson said.

Hundreds of tractors and farmers from across southwest France have been protesting in the southwestern city of Toulouse this week, causing traffic jams.
On Friday they blocked the highway linking Toulouse to the Atlantic cost with a wall of hay.

Farmers cite a government tax on tractor fuel, cheap imports, water storage issues, excessive restrictions and red tape among their grievances.

FNSEA farmers have been turning around road signs at the entrance of towns and villages across the country – in 12,000 districts out of a total of 36,000 – to express their discontent in a campaign called “We are walking on our heads”.

The protests in the European Union’s biggest agricultural producer come at a time when President Emmanuel Macron is wary of farmers’ growing support for the far-right ahead of the European Parliament elections in June. (read more)

“We’d like to help, but we have a few problems of our own at the moment”….

Jan 18 (Reuters) – Romania’s government unveiled a first package of measures to aid farmers and truckers whose widening protests against high business costs have hit a border crossing with Ukraine and elsewhere in the country, local media reported on Thursday.

The more than week-long protests have blocked highways and snarled traffic in areas. Romanian farmers blocked a border crossing with Ukraine for a second time in as many days on Thursday.

The protests are against the high cost of diesel, insurance rates, European Union measures to protect the environment and pressures on the domestic market from imported Ukrainian agricultural goods. (more)

Then again, who needs farmers when the WEF plan is to leave the people of the West eating bugs.

Argentinian President Javier Milei on virtues of freedom and capitalism

Jan 18, 2024 #WorldEconomicForum#JavierMileiJavier Milei just left the World Economic Forum Speechless! Klaus Schwab walked out on this speech.

Javier Gerardo Milei is an Argentine politician and economist who has served as President of Argentina since December 2023. Milei has taught university courses in macroeconomics, economic growth, microeconomics, and mathematics for economists.

In a fiery and passionate speech, Argentinian President Javier Milei took the stage at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, and delivered a powerful message about the virtues of freedom and capitalism.

Milei, a libertarian economist and outspoken critic of government intervention, argued that the West is facing a serious threat from the rise of socialism, which he defined as “the intrusion of the state into the economy and the degradation of society.”

Milei called for a return to the principles of individual liberty and free markets, which he said are the keys to prosperity and progress. “The state is not the solution, the state is the problem itself,” he declared. “You are the true protagonist of this story. And rest assured that as from today, Argentina is your staunch unconditional ally.”

Milei’s speech was met with a mix of applause and boos from the audience, but it is sure to generate a lot of discussion and debate.

This is a real speech conducted by Javier Milei at the World Economic Forum. AI was used to translate Javier Milei post from Spanish to English and read in his voice.

You can find the original and AI versions in description and comments below LINKS!

Original Javier Milei Speech


VIDEO DC Court of Appeals Excoriate Prior Executive Privilege Ruling, and The Admitted Scheme of Special Counsel Jack Smith – Fani Willis’ Case Is So Tainted – Iowa, Win For Voters Loss For Lawyers – ‘Country you grew up in no longer exists’

Four Judges of DC Circuit Court of Appeals Excoriate Prior Executive Privilege Ruling, and The Admitted Scheme of Special Counsel Jack Smith

January 16, 2024 | Sundance |

In a 14-page opinion and ruling today [SEE pdf HERE] four judges from the DC Circuit Court of Appeals deconstruct the previous ruling from their own court as well as the DC judge beneath them that gave Special Counsel Jack Smith access to President Trump Twitter account data and then enforced a non-disclosure order.

There are multiple layers to this story, but the substantive part is the scheme and the construct of how the Lawfare took place.  There’s no way this was coincidental; I’ll explain why.

First, there are only 7 members on the full DC Circuit Court of Appeals.  When the Twitter case to gain access to President Trump communication came to the appellate level, somehow all three of the most left-wing judges were assigned to hear the appeal.

An “en banc” review would have included the full 7 members.  However, that review was made moot by the release of the information (a result of the appellate decision).  The release itself was done with the use of a non-disclosure order, hiding the ruling in secrecy and keeping President Trump from knowing about it.  Once the other four members of the DC CCA eventually found out about the case and the ramifications for ‘executive privilege’ their opinion lambasting their own court is released.

As noted from the panel, “the court here permitted a special prosecutor to avoid even the assertion of executive privilege by allowing a warrant for presidential communications from a third party and then imposing a nondisclosure order.”

The Circuit Court justices note that Jack Smith could have gone to the National Archives for the information as they held the same set of documents and information.  However, Smith didn’t want to go that route because the National Archives would inform President Trump as customary and provide him the ability to assert executive privilege over any of the 32 Direct Messages requested.

Jack Smith didn’t want President Trump to know the prosecution was looking through his Twitter metadata and personal communication, so they went to district court under seal to file their search warrants in secrecy; then banning Twitter (the third party) from telling President Trump about it.   The four justices from the DC Circuit Court of Appeals are furious the other three members of the court went along with this precedent setting usurpation of authority.

President Trump could not appeal any part of this process because he was unaware it was taking place.  In essence, a star-chamber of secrecy was established and the majority on DC Circuit Court of Appeals is not happy about it.

Jack Smith gained access after Twitter lost the 3-judge Circuit Court appeal decision. So, an en banc full 7-member ruling is essentially moot.  The information was released, and Smith had access without President Trump or the White House having any option to assert privilege.

…”While a Twitter account primarily consists of public tweets, it may also include some private material, such as direct messages between users, drafts, and personal metadata. In fact, the material produced by Twitter included several dozen direct messages written by a sitting President. The district court afforded no opportunity for the former President to invoke executive privilege before disclosure, and this court made no mention of the privilege concerns entangled in a third-party search of a President’s social media account. This approach directly contravenes the principles and procedures long used to adjudicate claims of executive privilege.”  [pdf HERE]

The ruling provides no remedy other than public scrutiny and perhaps fuel for Florida Judge Aileen Cannon who already has Special Counsel Jack Smith on his heels after several rulings in the Mar-a-Lago documents case.

What the publicity does is highlight to the world just how politically motivated all of this aforementioned action really is.  Lastly, what are the odds of the random 3-judge panel to approve it.  Even the DC Circuit Court itself seems to imply this was a structured outcome, which is even more infuriating to the majority within the court.

Fani Willis’ Case Is So Tainted By Self-Dealing and Impropriety That The Entire Case Must Be Dismissed Without Prejudice

By Paul Ingrassia Jan. 17, 2024 

The Fani Fish Rots From The Head Down, Requiring Intervention By The Governor’s Office

Startling revelations out of Fani Willis’ office suggesting an improper romantic relationship giving rise to an irremediable conflict of interest between Georgia’s District Attorney and the special prosecutor, Nathan Wade, should result in the entire case’s dismissal, without prejudice.

The allegations of impropriety between Willis and Wade, whom Willis’ team contracted in November of 2021, are legion, and include not only an inappropriate romantic relationship, but also serious allegations of self-dealing that involves Willis abusing her public office for lavish vacations, federal funding, and myriad other ethics violations.

The fiery allegations percolated to the surface after Mike Roman, one of the 17 co-defendants implicated in the Willis indictment, raised them in a January 8th court filing seeking to dismiss the grand jury indictment in toto as fatally defective and disqualify the district attorney’s office from further prosecuting the matter.

Roman’s explosive motion highlights improprieties that run the gauntlet from improper romantic relations to breaches of the District Attorney’s Loyalty Oath to egregious instances of self-dealing, most of which can be independently corroborated through adjacent court filings.  The misconduct is so severe and persistent that it likely imputes Fani Willis’ whole office.

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Fortunately, there is a remedy: under the Georgia State Constitution, Article V, Section III, Paragraph IV, “[t]he Attorney General shall … represent the state in the Supreme Court in all capital felonies and in all civil and criminal cases in any court when required by the Governor …”

Governor Brian Kemp has a constitutional duty to send AG Chris Carr into the District Attorney’s Office to clean up this mess and do so immediately or risk irreparable damage to public confidence in the integrity of the proceeding, and by extension, given President Trump’s involvement, America’s justice system overall.

This remains true, regardless of the veracity of Roman’s allegations, which are exhaustively described in his recent court filing, because of Fulton County’s own rules of professional misconduct regarding conflicts of interest.  The Fulton County Code of Ethics states that “no officer … shall, by his or her conduct give reasonable basis for the impression that any person can improperly influence him or her, or unduly enjoy his or her favor, in the performance of any official acts or actions.”

In other words, even the simple appearance of impropriety is sufficient to disqualify an officer from a proceeding whereby such misconduct could raise significant doubts about the integrity and fairness of the process at large.

Indeed, Wade regularly vowed to this standard himself: for example, according to the Marietta Daily Journal, in 2016, Wade stated publicly that “If there’s an appearance, just a mere appearance of impropriety, and there’s a request for recusal, just do it, because by not doing it, what you’re doing is hurting the county in the long run, you’re costing the taxpayers a lot of money.”

These statements he made in reference to Cobb County Superior Court judge Reuben Green who Wade ran against for his post multiple times.  Much like the conflicts Wade now faces, at the time Green was similarly accused of having conflicts of interest that drew ethics complaints.  Wade was probably correct to point out those violations at the time; however, equal protection requires the law be applied faithfully to all persons.  Now that Wade himself is in the hot seat on conflict issues, the chickens have come home to roost.

Facts Of Impropriety Include Shameless Self-Dealing, Inexperience, Failure To Disclose Financial Information, Romantic Dalliances, And Other Egregious Abuses Of A Government Office

Obviously, such doubts have been at the forefront ever since Willis first launched this investigation into President Trump’s conduct in the weeks before he was unceremoniously ousted from the presidency.  An overwhelming majority of Americans believe Fani Willis’ investigation has always been politically motivated, and the facts confirm this suspicion beyond a reasonable doubt.

So, what are the facts?  Willis appointed Wade to her legal team in late November 2021.  Wade had previously described himself as a “divorce lawyer” with “decades of experience” handling divorce cases.  As far as managing complex, high-profile criminal prosecutions, his resume was patently deficient – and the revelations that have since come to light only confirm that lack of experience.

Wade’s inexperience alone raises serious due process questions about the Special Prosecutor’s ability to run perhaps the most consequential criminal prosecution in American history, which implicates a President of the United States on fundamental questions of election integrity, among other constitutional issues.

Wade, having never prosecuted anything beyond petty misdemeanors before, is scandalously unqualified for a national criminal prosecution of such historic magnitude involving a President of the United States.  That Willis would appoint someone with so little experience, a fact that neither Wade nor Willis disputes, to a criminal prosecution of such significance, is absolutely staggering – and raises grave concerns about her own aptitude, let alone significant violations of fundamental procedural (and even substantive) due process rights.

A day after Willis appointed Wade to her team, Wade filed for divorce from his wife of more than 24 years, Joycelyn Wade. This past week, Politico reported that Wade’s divorce proceeding was unusually acrimonious, and even resulted in a contempt order lodged against Wade by the judge presiding over that case.  The contempt order resulted from Wade having “’inadequately responded’ to his wife’s discovery requests.”

Part of that discovery request involved an order requesting Wade “to turn over a host of financial documents, including all income statements since 2016.”  If Wade had refused to turn over such documents, the judge presiding over the case threatened him with contempt and sanctions, which ultimately were filed against Wade.

There are two points worth underscoring with this divorce proceeding. First, contempt orders are extremely rare for divorce proceedings.  This is because parties are typically given ample opportunities to reply in divorce proceedings, so it rarely gets to the point where a judge actually has to threaten disciplinary action, let alone order an official filing against a party for misconduct.

To do so, the violations must be so severe, so unconscionable, as to leave the court, having exhausted all other judicial remedies, no choice than to recommend disciplinary action.  In Wade’s case, his wife’s discovery request alleged that “Plaintiff ha[d] not produced one single document evidencing this income.”  The fact that Wade was subsequently hit with a contempt order by the judge would seem to confirm that fact.

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Separate from Roman’s own allegations, public court records show that Willis should have at least been aware of major issues concerning Wade’s character – made even more shocking by the fact that Wade himself was a divorce lawyer for decades, and thus, presumably, was keenly aware of how these proceedings worked.  Once those revelations came to light, Willis should have immediately fired Wade.

She also should have immediately recused herself for a dereliction of her oath of office and her constitutional duty to maintain the highest ethical standards possible, particularly on a case of such national-profile, by appointing a Special Prosecutor so flawed in manner of character and professional experience.

Second – and this is where things go beyond the pale – that same report said that Wade’s ex-wife claimed that she had absolutely no idea that he was assigned to work as the lead prosecutor on Trump’s case by Fani Willis’ office until he was forced by the court to disclose such financial disclosures because of the contempt order from his divorce proceeding.

In other words, Wade was covering up decisive information about his personal finances from his own ex-wife, who, she claimed, had been given “nearly nothing” in financial support.  Considering Wade’s lengthy, decades-long experience overseeing divorce cases, his professional misconduct here, so appallingly derelict, necessarily borders on criminality.

What makes the latter point so troubling?  Well, for starters, it ties into various other serious allegations of self-dealing and profiteering from abusing Willis’ government office.

For instance, less than two months after the divorce court granted Wade’s wife’s request to reopen discovery, Joycelyn Wade told the court “that her husband earned almost $700,000 for his work on the Trump case since May of 2022.”

This is corroborated by claims made in Roman’s motion to dismiss, which stipulated that “the special prosecutor has been paid an estimated $1,000,000.00 in legal fees” since Willis tapped Wade as special prosecutor (page 6 of the filing).  Arguably even more troubling is the fact that since Wade was appointed special prosecutor, he made various trips to Washington, DC, and even held meetings at Biden’s White House and with the January 6th Committee.

Since those facts came to light, House Judiciary Committee chair Jim Jordan “launched an investigation into Willis for accepting more than $14.6 million in grant funds from President Joe Biden’s Justice Department (DOJ) between 2020 and 2023,” according to Breitbart.  The same article stated “[t]he timeframe of the funds suggests the DOJ granted Willis federal funds to finance former President Donald Trump’s prosecution.”

The timetable runs in lockstep with the trips Wade made to Washington, DC, as recounted in the billing records detailed in the Mike Roman filing, on pages 13-15.  Hence, the old saying “if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck” would appear to ring true here: all the evidence would seem to point in the direction that Willis’ office was coordinating – perhaps even conspiring – with Biden’s Justice Department, receiving millions of dollars to prosecute their leading political opponent in Donald Trump.

Interestingly, Roman’s motion, which the media has struggled to discredit – and which the State of Georgia requested until February 2nd, nearly two weeks from now, to answer – strongly indicates the reports are well-founded.  Further support for this is found in the State’s unusually long, two-week period, until February 2nd, to respond to Roman’s motion to dismiss because it would ordinarily not spend that much time on a groundless filing that can be discredited out-of-hand.

But all that is still arguably just the tip of the iceberg.

Roman’s filing also alleges a romantic relationship between Willis and Wade.  Unfortunately, records of the divorce proceeding between Wade and his ex-wife were put under seal by a court order of questionable legality, soon after Wade was assigned to the case by Willis.  However, information obtained outside of court filings not only showed that Wade had been concealing important records pertaining to his spending habits and income from not only the public, but even from his own ex-wife.  Moreover, Fulton County public records have also confirmed that Willis did not obtain county approval, as is standard requirement, to appoint Wade as special prosecutor.  For his part, Wade has admitted his oath was not filed prior to starting work on this most consequential case.

To further add insult to injury, court records also show that Wade had been billing the District Attorney’s office “$250 per hour for his work prosecuting Donald Trump.”  The New York Post and other outlets reported that “John Floyd – regarded [as] the state’s foremost expert on Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) cases – was only billing $150 an hour in those same months.”

Floyd, who is white, has years of experience working as a high stakes criminal prosecutor and has the credentials, which include being a RICO treatise author and partner at a major Georgia law firm, to match the kind of work expected for a prosecution of this scale.  This puts Floyd in sharp contrast with Wade, who all records indicate was woefully unprepared, to say nothing of being morally and professionally compromised, to take on this line of work. Nevertheless, racial and romantic preferences would appear to supersede merit and experience for Fani Willis’ office: the glorified municipal traffic court judge has made millions on the grift, leaving his more experienced co-counsel out to dry.

What is more, Roman’s filing claimed that the self-dealing operation at the Fulton County District Attorney’s office extended beyond race-based salary increases, to lavish vacations to Napa Valley and the Caribbean, where Wade used some of his exorbitant kickbacks as Special Prosecutor to treat Willis on what seem to be romantic soirees to such exotic locales.

One may be able to rationalize a platonic “business trip,” for the purposes of this proceeding, between Willis and Wade to, say, Washington, D.C., or perhaps even New York City (although even those destinations should raise eyebrows).  But the fact that the two traveled to such tropical hideaways while working together on the same case and are attempting to pass it off as “non-romantic,” “business trips” rents the absolute outer limits of plausibility.  Any sober assessment of the facts would assume the two were on a romantic rendezvous.

Indeed, the evidence for an unprofessional relationship is rather overwhelming: extravagant getaways, being given the Special Prosecutor’s role despite having zero experience, divorce filings one day after being put on the case.  And, on top of everything else, there were the various trips back and forth to Washington, D.C., in addition to the asserted requests by Willis to lobby repeatedly for additional money from both Fulton County lawyers and Biden’s DOJ – presumably to help finance her expensive dalliances with Wade around the world.

How Governor Kemp And Attorney General Carr Can Remedy The Egregious Abuses Committed By Davis And Wade

Over the past week, public scrutiny on the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office has ramped up considerably – the allegations of impropriety are so bad that they just no longer can be swept under the carpet, even by mainstream left-leaning news outlets such as the Washington Post, which also reported on the story and struggled noticeably to maintain its typical partisan stance.  Willis, likely feeling intense public pressure, immediately played the race card by ascribing the blame for the attacks on her office to systemic racism, rather than the obvious explanation: rank incompetence.

“I hired one black man, another superstar, a great friend and a great lawyer … First thing they say: ‘oh she’s gonna play the race card now,” Willis said in remarks at the Big Bethel AME Church in Atlanta on Sunday, speaking about her alleged lover, Nathan Wade.  As she continued her race-hustling sermon, Willis’ gaslighting devolved into incoherent rambling: “But no God, isn’t it them that’s playing the race card when they only question one?”

Ultimately, should cooler heads prevail, the only acceptable outcome is that Willis, Wade, and their office’s racketeering scheme be put to a swift and consequential end.  The misconduct, self-dealing, and rank corruption out of Fani Willi’s entire office is simply too egregious to ignore. And what has been reported publicly likely only scratches the surface.

Stephen Gillers, a professor emeritus at New York University Law School, nobody’s idea of a bastion of conservatism, and expert of legal and judicial ethics stated point blank: “Willis was conflicted in the investigation and prosecution of this case,” and that “…the public and the state, as her client could not have the confidence in the independent judgment that her position required her to exercise.”

In short, Fani Willis must recuse herself, at the bare minimum, from this action – and let someone without all her baggage take the reins.

But given how deep the stain of self-dealing goes in this case, how massive the numerous conflicts of interest are here which affect the entire timeline of the prosecution, and run through all major players, tends in the direction of where all reasonable minds should inevitably arrive: the indictment needs to be dismissed.

Furthermore, the two lovebirds, Willis and Wade, need to be sternly disciplined by the Georgia Bar.  Simply removing them from the case and swapping in another District Attorney, or even allowing the Fulton County District Attorney’s office to remain on the case, will not suffice because the rot is far too deep, the collateral damage to innocent parties simply too great.  The conflict imputes to the whole office.

Therefore, the only just remedy is to dismiss the indictment without prejudice, reassign the investigation to another District Attorney, and let them start from scratch with a new special purpose grand jury and, depending on the outcome, a new regular grand jury to see if a new indictment can be returned.  Anything short of that would risk further undermining public confidence in a proceeding where public confidence is already at an all-time low.

Fortunately, as stated at the beginning of this article, Georgia’s Governor, Brian Kemp, could put an end to this charade immediately.  The Georgia State Constitution grants him the power to appoint his Attorney General, Christopher Carr, to intervene. Georgia’s Constitution requires that Carr, as Attorney General, “represent the state in the Supreme Court in all capital felonies and in all civil and criminal cases in any court when required by the Governor.”

Accordingly, Kemp can use his gubernatorial powers to force Carr’s intervention, in a case that, without special involvement directly from the governor’s office, likely will erode whatever crumbs of public confidence and integrity remains in Georgia’s justice system.

As it stands, the Fani Willis prosecution was always seen from its inception by half the country as a political hit job by a vindictive District Attorney, aided and abetted by an even more vindictive Justice Department.  Thus, it was arguably already tainted by irremediable impropriety on just that basis.  But now, in addition to the breach of public trust that comes with a politically motivated prosecution, are the massive conflicts of interest and professional improprieties that run the entire gauntlet for attorney misconduct, which have all come to light.

All the evidence – and the behavior by the District Attorney and Special Prosecutor in the days since the news broke – points, at the bare minimum, to the appearance of impropriety – which has spiraled beyond control.  If allowed to continue, such impropriety would likely be the final nail in the coffin for the possibility of fair and impartial justice in America.  Those are the incredible stakes involved in this case, which, if left unchecked, would define Brian Kemp’s legacy as the Governor who let justice die under his watch.

Paul Ingrassia is a Constitutional Scholar; a two-time Claremont Fellow, and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club and the Italian American Civil Rights League. He writes a widely read Substack that is regularly re-truthed by President Trump. Follow him on X @PaulIngrassiaSubstackTruth SocialInstagram, and Rumble.

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VIDEO House Judiciary Committee Launches Investigation into Fani Willis’s Love Interest and Legal Associate Nathan Wade – Banality of Evil in America?- American Imam Threatens All Jews – Power Grid fail?

Breaking: House Judiciary Committee Launches Investigation into Fani Willis’s Love Interest and Legal Associate Nathan Wade — On His Politically Motivated Prosecution of Donald Trump

By Jim Hoft Jan. 12, 2024

Atlanta DA Fani Willis with love interest and Attorney Nathan Wade – screengrab

The House Judiciary Committee launched an investigation into Fani Willis’s love interest and associate Nathan Wade on Friday.

House Judiciary Committee, led by Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent a comprehensive letter to Nathan Wade, scrutinizing the coordination between the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office (FCDAO) and other politically motivated investigations. This letter also raises questions about the potential misuse of federal funds.

Excerpts of the Letter to Nathan Wade:

“The Committee on the Judiciary continues to conduct oversight of politically motivated prosecutions by state and local officials. Based on recent reports, we believe that you possess documents and information about the coordination of the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office (FCDAO) with other politically motivated investigations and prosecutions and the potential misuse of federal funds. Accordingly, we ask for your cooperation with our oversight.

“On August 14, 2023, with your assistance, Fulton County District Attorney Fani T. Willis indicted a former President of the United States and current declared candidate for that office. According to a recent court filing, you have been paid more than $650,000—at the rate of $250 per hour—to serve as an ‘Attorney Consultant’ and later a ‘Special Assistant District Attorney’ in the unprecedented investigation and prosecution of the former President and other former federal officials. This filing also alleges that while receiving a substantial amount of money from Fulton County, you spent extravagantly on lavish vacations with your boss, Ms. Willis.

“Although Ms. Willis has so far refused to cooperate with our oversight of the FCDAO’s coordination with other politically motivated prosecutions, invoices that you submitted for payment by the FCDAO, and made public as part of this court filing, highlight this collusion. This new information appears to substantiate our concerns that Ms. Willis’s politicized prosecution, including the decision to convene a special purpose grand jury, was aided by partisan Democrats in Washington, D.C. For example:

  • In April 2022, you billed $6,000 for 24 hours of ‘[t]eam meeting; Conf w/Jan 6; Research legal issues to prep intev’ from April 18 to 22.
  • In May 2022, you billed $2,000 for eight hours of ‘travel to Athens; conf. with White House Counsel’ on May 23, 2022.
  • In that same invoice, you billed another $2,000 for eight hours of ‘team meeting; Conf w/Jan 6; SPGJ witness prep’ on May 31, 2022.
  • In September 2022, you billed $6,000 for 24 hours of ‘[w]itness [i]nterviews; conf call DC; team meeting’ from September 7 to 9.
  • In November 2022, you billed $2,000 for eight hours of ‘Jan 6 meeting and Atty conf.’ on November 16.
  • In that same invoice, you billed another $2,000 for eight hours of ‘[i]nterview with DC/White House’ on November 18.

“The FCDAO reportedly compensated you using a concoction of comingled funds, including monies confiscated or seized by the FCDAO and monies directed from Fulton County’s ‘general’ fund. The Committee has information that the FCDAO received approximately $14.6 million in grant funds from the Department of Justice between 2020 and 2023 and, given the enormous legal fees you have billed to the FCDAO, there are open questions about whether federal funds were used by the FCDAO to finance your prosecution. In fact, on one day—November 5, 2021—you billed taxpayers for 24 hours of legal work, attesting that you worked all day and night without break on a politically motivated prosecution.

“A recent news report corroborates your coordination with partisan Democrats, explaining that you and FCDAO staff ‘quietly met’ with the partisan January 6 Committee, which allowed you to review information they had gathered. Politico reported that the partisan January 6 Committee provided Ms. Willis’s prosecution a ‘boost’ as she prepared to convene a special grand jury and even ‘helped prosecutors prepare for interviews with key witnesses.’ The same article suggests that the partisan January 6 Committee provided you access to records it withheld from other law-enforcement entities and even other Members of Congress.

“The Committee has serious concerns about the degree of improper coordination among politicized actors—including the Biden White House—to investigate and prosecute President Biden’s chief political opponent. This new information released recently only reinforces the Committee’s concerns about politically motivated prosecutions by state and local officials. To advance our oversight, we ask that you please produce the following documents and information for the period of November 1, 2021, to the present:

1. All documents and communications in your possession between or among the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office, including yourself, and the U.S. Department of Justice and its components, including but not limited to Special Counsel Jack Smith, referring or relating to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office’s investigation of President Trump;

2. All documents and communications in your possession between or among the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office, including yourself, and the Executive Office of the President, including but not limited to the White House Counsel’s Office, referring or relating to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office’s investigation of President Trump;

3. All documents and communications in your possession between or among the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office, including yourself, and the partisan January 6 Select Committee referring or relating to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office’s investigation of President Trump;

4. All notes, memoranda, documents, or other material in your possession referring or relating to your meetings, conferences, phone calls, or other interactions with the U.S. Department of Justice, the Executive Office of the President, or the partisan January 6 Select Committee;

5. All invoices, including credit card statements and individualized reimbursement requests, submitted by you or your law partners to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office relating to its investigation of President Trump; and

6. All contracts and financial arrangements between you and the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office relating to its investigation of President Trump.”

On Wednesday Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) filed a criminal complaint against Fani Willis for her “improper” relationship with the top Trump prosecutor Nathan Wade.

Marjorie Taylor Greene called Fani Willis’ relationship with Nathan Wade an “illegal conflict of interest.”

Rep. Greene’s criminal referral was sent to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R) and Attorney General Chris Carr.

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On Monday, Fani Willis was subpoenaed to testify in the divorce proceedings of Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor she appointed to go after former President Donald Trump and his associates.

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According to a court filing obtained by The Wall Street Journal, Willis was served a subpoena at her Atlanta office for her testimony in the divorce case of Nathan Wade and his wife, Joycelyn Wade.

The nature of the questions Willis may face in the deposition remains undisclosed in the subpoena document.

Rep. Keith Self: The Banality of Evil in America?

By Rep. Keith Self Jan. 12, 2024

“The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal.” ― Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil

How could a nation as advanced as Germany at the turn of the last century, embrace or even tolerate the tyranny of National Socialism?  Why did German citizens, many of them sophisticated, so easily conform to and participate in the rabid antisemitic worldview of Adolf Hitler?

Can something similar happen again today in America?

History tends to focus on the sinister leaders of WWII: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, and Adolf Eichmann. These malevolent men were only part of the equation. The state- sponsored ghettos, concentration camps, and systematic murders of more than six million Jews would not have been possible without the tolerance and participation of the German people.

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Here is some background. Prior to WWII, the prospect of a once peaceful, productive people inflicting inhumanity on mankind again through obedience to a tyrannical government seemed implausible.

The shattered post-World War I German economy was ripe ground for a socialist government to offer attractive solutions to a struggling people. With hyperinflation, vast unemployment, and desperation among working class people, the Nazi Party funded public projects and work schemes might have seemed like a good idea. Throw in public animosity against a struggling democracy, and you had the beginnings of the Third Reich.

Once Germans came under the Nazi spell, demonizing the Jewish people by creating a climate of hostility towards them followed.

America and our allies at the time took a decisive stand against the evil spreading across Europe. This fact makes it all the more shocking that the poison of National Socialism is so prevalent in America today.

We are seeing in real time our own government lull Americans to sleep with mass welfare, bailouts, spiraling government spending, and healthcare mandates – all instituted by “experts”.

Progressives tested the theory of controlling American lives during the COVID-19 pandemic while also weaponizing the federal government against a certain segment of our population.  It proved so successful that corporate board members and everyday citizens are now submitting to, tolerating, and even participating in this wicked scheme.

While the silence of progressive politicians embracing the tyranny imposed on our liberty during the pandemic was stunning, radical Members of Congress promoting antisemitism is disgusting.  Their puppets are leftovers from Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movements masquerading as pro-Palestinians. They are following with their eyes wide shut; promulgating protests in support of Hamas while attempting to justify the horrific actions of October 7th.

Unfortunately, the potential for this horrible point in human history repeating itself no longer seems farfetched. Shockingly, while America was largely responsible for the demise of National Socialism after WWII, our government may now be a catalyst for the re-emergence of the banality of evil, where ordinary citizens yield to its tyranny. Can it happen here?

American Imam Threatens: All Jews Will be Killed by Muslims

By Guest Contributor Jan. 13, 2024

Imam Alhajie Jallow/Image courtesy of Memri

This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘We should retaliate with aggression’

A Muslim imam in Wisconsin has threatened that the eradication of the Jewish people is coming, and it will happen at the hands of Muslims.

“By Allah, all of [the Jews] will be killed by Muslims, they all will be executed by Muslims, they will all be killed,” was the threat from imam Alhajie Jallow, during an October 13, 2023, sermon at the Madinah Community Center in Madison, according to a report from the Middle East Media Research Institute.

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The organization monitors reports throughout that region of the world, and offers reports and analysis of what is appearing there.

MEMRI, which posted the video on its site, explained, “Imam Alhajie Jallow said in an October 13, 2023 Friday sermon at the Madinah Community Center in Madison, Wisconsin and posted on the center’s YouTube channel, that the Muslim ‘brothers’ in Gaza are heroes. He said that only Jihad could bring glory and victory to the Muslims, not contracts or agreements, and that every Muslim should be a soldier today.

He urged jihad multiple times: “The only thing that can bring glory to this Islamic nation is the Jihad, which is mentioned in the Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. The only thing that can bring honor and glory to this nation is Jihad.”

“Our brothers in Gaza are heroes! By Allah, they are warriors, heroes, they are men, just like the Companions. They do not fear death,” he said.

He accused Jews of being criminal.

“By Allah, all of them will be killed by Muslims. They all will be executed by Muslims. They will all be killed, this is a divine promise that will inevitably be fulfilled. This is a promise from Allah and it is going to happen. They will all be killed. They will all be killed, and on that day, the believers will rejoice in Allah’s victory.”

Tucker Carlson Episode 64 with Actor Dennis Quaid: What Happens if America’s Power Grid Fails? (Video)

By Margaret Flavin Jan. 13, 2024 3:40 pm406 Commen

Actor Dennis Quaid sits down with Tucker Carlson

On episode 64, Tucker Carlson sits down with actor Dennis Quaid to discuss the risk to America’s power grid, something the American government seems to be ignoring.

Tucker Carlson:So I mean, I could ask you a million questions, I want to get right to the project that’s coming up right now about our power grid that you did. Can you just give us a quick overview what this is and why did you do it?

Dennis Quaid:It’s called grid down, power up. And, it’s about an issue which concerned me really for quite some time. I, they did a little segment on 60 minutes about this, but basically, there is a 100% probability that our sun generating what they call a GMD, a, which is a solar storm that hits hard, hits our Earth, and, the magnetic field that we have around the Earth and can fry everything that is electric above the ground, including our entire grid.

Tucker: And this would happen organically. Naturally. And that’s just what the sun does.

Quaid: It has happened. There was a they call it a Carrington event, which happened in I think it was 1859. And at that time, basically we had telegraph lines as far as electricity goes, and it fried our entire telegraph system. It was set up, had to be replaced and-

Tucker: The entire thing?

Quaid:The entire thing. And so imagine what that would do now with a very large storm, which there’s a 100% chance of it happening. And that was a 100 year event. They call that one.

Tucker: And, and I’m not good at math, but-

Quaid: It’s trillions of dollars that it would take to to replace all that. Plus there wouldn’t we wouldn’t even get to spend those trillions of dollars because the, it would take out not only the electricity, but, you know, all of our entire infrastructure and our society runs our electricity. We don’t know how to live without it. Yeah, you turn on, there would be water in your tap there, you couldn’t get gas for your car because the the whole system is broken down. Everything that we rely upon would be gone. The food would melt in our refrigerators. There would be, and they predict within a year about 90% of the population would be dead from starvation, disease or, you know, people. And it gets back to the Stone age again.

Tucker: Killing each other?

Dennis: Yeah.

Tucker: Well that’s shocking, bit of information that.

Quaid: Really lifts your day doesn’t it.

Tucker: It does. I mean, I just sort of I’m adding that’s to the Armageddon file that’s growing.

Quaid: Nobody’s really talking about it. And in fact, President Trump actually, signed an executive order to, harden our grid to protect ourselves against an event like this happening. Obama, tried to get that going as well. And, it’s stuck in these regulatory agencies that, you know, and lobbyists because money needs to spend most of our, grid power companies are privately owned, and you can understand them not wanting to spend money on something that might occur. But this is definitely going to occur.

00:40) Grid Down, Power Up
(25:00) His Favorite Movie
(32:18) Dennis Quaid Sings a Song
(39:44) Election Worries



VIDEO Maricopa County GOP UNANIMOUSLY Pass Resolution Calling on AZ Legislature to Impeach AZ’s Frau Fraudulency AG for Persecuting Honest Election Officials – Crypto Currency Ban in USA – Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones

By Jordan Conradson Dec. 7, 2023

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes

The Maricopa County Republican Committee has unanimously adopted a resolution, calling on the Republican Controlled Arizona House and Senate to bring impeachment charges against the fraudulently elected and tyrannical Attorney General.

The Arizona Legislature reconvenes on January 8, 2024.

Recall that the 2022 election in Arizona was rigged and stolen when 60% of machines failed on election day in the state’s largest county. Trump-Endorsed Republican Arizona Attorney General Nominee Abe Hamadeh reportedly lost by 280 votes out of more than 2.5 million ballots.

Mayes is now targeting election officials who questioned her fraudulent election and are fighting for honest elections moving forward.

The Gateway Pundit recently reported that a grand jury indicted Republican Cochise County Supervisors Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd on felony charges of Interference with an Election Officer and Conspiracy — all because they wanted to ensure accuracy with a hand count audit of the stolen 2022 election before officially certifying.

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This is perfectly legal as ARS 16-622(A) gives Arizona County Supervisors discretion over canvassing election results, and ARS 16-602(B) requires County Supervisors to conduct a hand count audit of “at least two percent of the precincts in that county.”

Previously, former Secretary of State and questionably elected Governor Katie Hobbs sued Cochise County for not certifying her stolen election – where 60% of machines failed Republican Voters on election day in Maricopa County. Republican Cochise County Chairwoman Peggy Judd later voted to certify the election in Cochise under duress with Democrat Ann English. However, Tom Crosby, the third vote, refused to attend the coerced and corrupt certification meeting. Crosby is the only County Supervisor in Arizona who courageously did not vote to certify the rigged 2020 election.

Hobbs also threatened to jail Mohave County Supervisors if they did not vote to certify the stolen election.

Kris Mayes, who also stole her election by just 280 votes, is now weaponizing her legal authority to “quash any and all opposition,” said attorney Bryan Blehm, who is still fighting to overturn the rigged 2022 election on behalf of Kari Lake. The message is clear: “If you don’t agree with Kris Mayes’ interpretation of the law, then we will send you to jail,” Blehm continued with sarcasm. “She wants to do for Arizona, I think, what Joseph Stalin did for the Soviet Union.”

This is nothing more than a ploy to intimidate Counties into certifying future elections with massive fraud.

The resolution from Maricopa County Republicans references discrepancies in Pinal County’s election, where hundreds of misread votes were discovered in a recount, and “public records later determined that the Pinal County canvass report was never balanced” and compared to the number of ballots cast. If only they hand-counted the votes!

Additionally, as The Gateway Pundit reported, the Pinal County Elections Director seemingly fled the state after collecting a $25,000 bonus to run the election, despite the significant errors and her failure to disclose the issues. This came after a primary election disaster, where the elections department sent 63,000 incorrect ballots to Pinal County voters, and Pinal County ran out of Republican Primary ballots.

“Issues like those that occurred in Maricopa County and Pinal County raise significant questions about the legitimacy of Kris Mayes’ election as Attorney General in the 2022 General Election, which are still being litigated in the Arizona courts,” the resolution notes.

After citing a list of justifications, including Arizona Statute, for the Cochise County Supervisors’ delay in certifying the election, the resolution states, “Mayes is abusing her prosecutorial powers as the Arizona Attorney General in bringing charges against Cochise County Supervisors Peggy Judd and Tom Crosby and is engaging in a transparent attempt to intimidate all County Supervisors from exercising their duties and authority to ensure the Peoples’ future elections are fair, accurate, and transparent in all aspects.”

A Senate impeachment trial will be presided over by the Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court if a majority of the Arizona House votes to bring charges. According to sources, Rep. David Cook and House Speaker Ben Toma may hesitate to vote to bring charges against Kris Mayes. Contact David Cook and Ben Toma to demand a yes vote!

David Cook: 602-926-5162 | Ben Toma: 602-926-3298

According to the Arizona Supreme Court,

Impeachment is a political process designed to deal with public officials accused of committing high crimes, misdemeanors, or misconduct in office. The person is charged, tried and, if convicted, removed from office.

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over Senate impeachment trials, but renders no decision as to the guilt or innocence of the public official on trial. Formal charges for an impeachable offense are initiated by a majority vote of the Arizona House of Representatives. Conviction for the impeachable offense requires a two-thirds vote in the Senate. Upon conviction, a public officer is removed from office.  The role of the Supreme Court in the impeachment process is set forth in Article VIII, Part 2, § 1 of the Arizona Constitution.

Abe Hamadeh’s War Room account reposted the resolution and slammed Kris Mayes for “lashing out” at those who tried to question her stolen election.

.@krismayes is lashing out and must be held accountable for her abuse of power.

Her illegitimacy makes her dangerous.

She knows she lost. Arizonans rejected her.

Now, she’s punishing those who can prove it.

— Abe Hamadeh War Room (@AbeWarRoom) December 6, 2023

Read the full unanimously passed resolution below:


Because, of Course He Does – JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon Wants Crypto Currency Banned in USA

December 6, 2023 | Sundance | 

Having spent time doing the legwork, I have a completely different perspective on the issues.

If you choose to live in the world of pretending, or if you trust the expressed justifications and motives of the USG as outlined by the DC proletariat, this is not going to be a read that retains your comfort.  However, if you want to boil it all down to the real reasoning, read on.

Top line – JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon wants cryptocurrencies banned in the USA.

(Newsmax) – JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon on Wednesday suggested bitcoin currency should be banned.

Dimon was speaking during a Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee hearing on Capitol Hill.

“I’ve always been deeply opposed to crypto, bitcoin, etc.,” Dimon said in response to a question from Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. “The only true use case for it is criminals, drug traffickers … money laundering, tax avoidance because it is somewhat anonymous, not fully, and because you can move money instantaneously.  “If I was the government, I would close it down.” (read more)

Bottom line, the non-pretending reasoning.  The US Treasury has set the financial system on an almost unreversible path to a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency.  Crypto is a threat to the establishment of that objective.

The leftists and Marxists who now control the various institutions we associate with the United States Government, together with the DC UniParty apparatus that controls the Potemkin village we call congress, are in full alignment with the control objective.  What and who is their target for control? Us.

I’m going to be brutally honest and seemingly radical, but here is the Occam’s razor.

If you have ever wondered why Hillary Clinton could hold a reset button with a visit to Russia, expressing a direct interest in improved relations. Then, if you have ever wondered why Barack Obama would tell Russian President Medvedev he just needed to get through the 2012 election to have “more flexibility,” again expressing an interest in improved relations with Russia; then seemingly all of that is dispatched in 2016 to make Russia the #1 threat…. keep reading.

What happened?

How did the Obama administration go from all efforts to be on good relations with Russia 2009 through 2015, then suddenly pivot to the exact opposite with the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy, the Russian election interference nonsense, the expulsion of Russian diplomats in Dec/Jan 2017 and suddenly Vladimir Putin as the archvillain for the world?   Apparently, few have ever really asked how that happened.

Here’s the big picture, as seen through the prism of the EU and the non-pretenders in Eastern Europe.

The Marxists in the Obama admin needed a boogeyman in order to pull off their domestic heist and secure the “fundamental change.”  The CIA and State Dept were deployed to utilize Ukraine in 2014 to create the boogeyman, Russia.  Ukraine would be the stick to poke Russia.  The USA needed a proxy; they created one and made the participants rich.

Provoked, Russia fell into the trap and took control of Crimea as they perceived the NATO expansion and likely control of the Black Sea as a threat.  The Crimea move gave the CIA and State Dept the exact response they intended.

The Russia boogeyman was created.

But why?  Why would the effort of the U.S. Government be to provoke and create this crisis?

In the biggest of big pictures, the domestic fundamental change needed it.  We needed a reason to put walls around the U.S – not to keep Russia out, but to keep Americans locked in.  Conflict with Russia became the Obama version of Bush’s conflict with Iraq.  Putin now cast to play the role of Bin Laden.

The Patriot Act was never intended to stop foreign terrorists from attacking the USA.  The Patriot Act was intended to create the DHS surveillance system for domestic control.  It succeeded.   The Russian sanctions were never intended to sanction Russia (and they don’t).  The Western sanctions against Russia were intended to build walls around the U.S. financial system.

Ostracizing the world’s global trade currency, the dollar, from the global trade system was/is a necessary step in controlling domestic currency.  If there is a threat, the government needs to respond. That’s how the crisis is created and not wasted.

Yes, what I am saying is there was a longer and deeper play afoot, a ‘trillions at stake’ game by those who control money and power, using foreign threat as the justification for something that just would not be possible without it.  That’s why Trump was never allowed to breathe for a moment, whenever Russia or Vladimir Putin was mentioned.  The control forces needed Trump to be adversarial to Russia, regardless of whether the threat was real.  After all, it was supposed to be a willfully blind Hillary Clinton in place during this phase.

Conflict with Russia created the opportunity for the USA to create a sanctions regime that doesn’t truly sanction Russia, instead it controls the world of USA finance.  At the end of that control mechanism is a digital dollar, a Central Bank Digital Currency…. and by extension full control over U.S. citizen activity.  The Marxist holy grail.

That moment is closer than most can fathom, and that is exactly why the counterforce of a cryptocurrency, a rebellious mechanism for free people to exchange payment for goods and services, must be stopped by the same USG that is triggering the CBDC.   Crypto is a threat.  Jamie Dimon, along with all the major banks and financial institutions, is one key beneficiary that CBDC (a transactional player for fees therein) so long as JPMorgan stays on task.

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon opposes cryptocurrency.

Democrats, really Marxists, oppose cryptocurrency.

Republicans, really financial beneficiaries of the largesse, oppose crypto currency.

The narrative…. Only criminals, that means those who would be defined as domestic terrorists like pesky remnants of our nation who demand freedom and liberty, would support cryptocurrency.  Criminals, tax cheats, bad people support crypto.  Don’t be a bad person comrade citizen.  Insert vote, pull lever, get pellet, go back to sleep.  You will own nothing and be happy comrade.

Yes, that’s the bigger picture.

Can it be stopped?  I laugh, look in the mirror, think about the reality of how many people think this is an absurd conspiracy theory, and respond with…. How many people even know about the thing you are asking to oppose?

How many people would believe the Western sanctions against Russia were really the USG building a cage to keep us in.  How about we start there.  That’s my answer.

You can travel to Russia.  Wait, what?

Yes, you can travel to Russia without issue.  The Russians don’t care.  The process for getting an entry visa into Russia is the same now as it was five years ago.  Ask Russia for a VISA.  The paperwork has not changed.  Show your passport, give them pictures to create the visa (it’s a full page sticker added to your passport), show your hotel reservation printout, show your travel destination, drop off the paperwork, go back on your appointment date and get the visa.

It’s hard and takes longer from the USA, but it’s not impossible – it’s just easier from the EU.  It’s the booking of a flight into Russia (best done in the EU), the payment for a hotel given the sanctions, the stuff created by the USA that is the roadblock.  From the Russian side of the dynamic, nothing has changed – they don’t care.

How do I know?  The friendly people at the Russian consulate in Budapest walked me through the process.  So, find a way to pay for the hotel in Russia (there are many options), travel to the intermediary airport that has flights into Russia (like Istanbul, Barcelona, Budapest) go to the second smaller terminal in the major airport, hop in the flight and fly in.  Russians don’t care.  Go have a good time.  Leave the same way you came in.  [If by train or road, just have the VISA ready for review]

Scared about travel?   Why?

The same people who tell you where to be scared traveling as an American, are the same people who told you Trump was colluding with Russia.

Da comrade!



Hunter Biden received $250K wires originating in Beijing with beneficiary address listed as Joe Biden’s Delaware home – US Embassy Removes US Bioweapon Labs in Ukraine from the website

Money came from Hunter’s China backed business partners

By Brooke Singman Fox News September 26, 2023 5:05pm EDT

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden received wires that originated in Beijing for more than $250,000 from Chinese business partners during the summer of 2019 — wires that listed the Delaware home of Joe Biden as the beneficiary address for the funds, Fox News Digital has learned from a congressional committee.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., has been investigating the Biden family business dealings and President Biden’s alleged involvement in those ventures.


As part of the investigation, Comer subpoenaed financial records related to a specific bank account and received records of two wires originating from Beijing and linked to BHR Partners.

BHR Partners is a joint-venture between Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca and Chinese investment firm Bohai Capital. BHR Partners is a Beijing-backed private equity firm controlled by Bank of China Limited. Hunter Biden reportedly sat on the board of directors of BHR Partners.

Joe and Hunter Biden

Joe and Hunter Biden (AP Photo / Andrew Harnik / File)

The first wire transfer sent to Hunter Biden, dated July 26, 2019, was for $10,000 from an individual named Ms. Wang Xin. There is a Ms. Wang Xin listed on the website for BHR Partners. It is unclear if the wire came from that Wang Xin.

The second wire transfer sent to Hunter Biden, dated Aug. 2, 2019, was for $250,000 from Li Xiang Sheng — also known as Jonathan Li, the CEO of BHR Partners — and Ms. Tan Ling. The committee is trying to identify Ling’s role.

The beneficiary for the wires is listed as Robert Hunter Biden with the address “1209 Barley Mill Rd.” in Wilmington, Delaware. That address is the main residence for President Biden.

Comer and the House Oversight Committee have obtained bank records as part of their investigation, alleging that the Biden family and their business associates received millions of dollars from oligarchs in Russia, Ukraine, Romania and Kazakhstan during the Obama administration.

Fox News Digital has also learned that the committee has records that allegedly reveal that from 2014 to 2019 the Biden family and their associates received $24 million in foreign payments — $15 million to the Bidens and $9 million for their business associates, $4 million more than previously known.

Committee aides told Fox News Digital that beneficiary addresses are either the address listed to the recipient account or listed by the individual sending the wire. It is unclear, based on the wire records, who listed the address.

President Biden and son Hunter Biden are seen at the White House

President Biden and his son, Hunter Biden (Drew Angerer / Getty Images / File)

Hunter Biden spent time in 2017, 2018 and 2019 living at the Biden family home in Wilmington. It is unclear if he was living at the home at the time of the wire transfers in July and August 2019.

The wires were sent just several months after then-Vice President Joe Biden announced his 2020 presidential campaign. Joe Biden, in August 2019, said he “never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their business, period.”

As for Jonathan Li, according to testimony from Hunter Biden’s former business associate, Devon Archer, as part of the House Oversight Committee’s investigation, Joe Biden sat down for coffee in Beijing with the CEO of BHR. Archer also testified that Biden wrote a college recommendation letter for Li’s daughter to Georgetown. Archer said Hunter Biden put his father on speakerphone for at least one call with Li in addition to meeting for coffee.

Separately, Fox News Digital first reported in 2022 that Biden wrote a college recommendation letter for Li’s son to Brown University.


House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer

Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., arrives for a House Oversight Committee hearing, Sept. 13, 2023, in Washington, D.C. (Tom Williams / CQ-Roll Call Inc. via Getty Images)

“Bank records don’t lie, but President Joe Biden does,” Comer told Fox News Digital.

“In 2020, Joe Biden told Americans that his family never received money from China. We’ve already proved that to be a lie earlier this year, and now we know that two wires originating from Beijing listed Joe Biden’s Wilmington home as the beneficiary address when he was running for president of the United States. When Joe Biden was vice president, he spoke on the phone and had coffee with Jonathan Li in Beijing and later wrote a college letter of recommendation for his children,” Comer said.

“Joe Biden’s abuse of public office for his family’s financial gain threatens our national security. What did the Bidens do with this money from Beijing? Americans demand and deserve accountability for President Biden and the first family’s corruption. The Oversight Committee, along with the Judiciary and Ways and Means committees, will continue to follow the evidence and money to provide transparency and accountability.”

Despite Hunter Biden receiving more than a quarter of a million dollars in the summer of 2019 from BHR-linked individuals, in October 2019, then-attorney for Hunter Biden, George Mesires, explained Hunter’s role at the company by saying he “served only as a member of the board of directors, which he joined based on his interest in seeking ways to bring Chinese capital to international markets.”


“It was an unpaid position,” Mesires said on Oct. 13, 2019. “In October 2017, Hunter committed to invest approximately $420,000 USD (as of 10/12/2019) to acquire a 10% equity position in BHR, which he still holds. To date, Hunter has not received any compensation for being on BHR’s board of directors. He has not received any return on his investment; there have been no distributions to BHR shareholders since Hunter obtained his equity interest.”

Hunter resigned from the board of BHR at the end of October 2019.


The White House, attorneys for Hunter Biden and Mesires did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment. The White House maintains that the president was “never in business with his son.”

The subpoenaed financial records come amid House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry investigation against President Biden.

Brooke Singman is a Fox News Digital politics reporter. You can reach her at or @BrookeSingman on Twitter.

US Embassy removed all their Ukraine Bioweapon lab documents from the website

They removed all the PDF files from the embassy website here:

The good news is we have them still archived:

These labs are co-run by Fauci’s EcoHealth Alliance and rumor is Russia’s entire military operation right now is unofficially to either secure and/or destroy these labs and gather evidence.


VIDEO Tucker Carlson’s Episode 20: Hungary PM promotes family, nation, God – Glenn Beck Interviews President Trump – Tucker with Adam Carolla

Viktor Orbán is among the few, powerful voices for freedom in Europe

By WND Staff August 29, 2023

Viktor Orbán, prime minister of Hungary (Video screenshot)

Viktor Orbán, prime minister of Hungary (Video screenshot)

Tucker Interviews Viktor Orbán on Ukraine War: We Need “Peace Immediately. Call Back Trump. That’s the Only Way Out”

By Richard Abelson Aug. 30, 2023

Tucker Carlson Interviews Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at Buda castle Aug. 22

Tucker Carlson interviewed the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Budapest for the second time after his 2021 Fox News interview. Orbán said the Russian invasion of Ukraine “would not have been possible” under Donald Trump, who had “the best foreign policy of the recent several decades.”

Orbán called the claim that Ukraine is winning the war “a lie”:

“It’s not just a misunderstanding, it’s a lie. It’s impossible. Everybody who’s in politics and who understands the logic, the figures, the data – no way…”

“The poor Ukrainians die every day. Hundreds and thousands. My heart is with them. It’s a tragedy for Ukraine. But they will run out of soldiers before Russia. What finally will count is boots on the ground. And the Russians are far stronger,” Orbán said. “The strategy the West is supporting is bad engineering”.

Tucker Carlson noted the Biden Regime’s goal is “regime change in Russia, to kill Putin.” Orbán remarked that it’s “a difficult thing to understand the Russians, especially if you have an ocean between you and Russia.” When Westerners speak about politics, they focus on “freedom,” according to Orbán.

“The Russians will not kill their leader. They will never give up”

In Russia, the focus is on “how to keep the country together. It’s a very big country.” That emphasis “creates a military approach,” Orbán remarked, “security, buffer zones, geopolitical approaches. It’s legitimate to have that, because it’s their history. We have to understand that we cannot beat them as we do now. They will not kill their leader. They will never give up. They will keep together their country, and they will defend it.”

“If we finance more, they will invest more”, Orbán said. If the West sends more technical equipment, Russia will also produce more,” he said. Orbán called the idea Russian would get sick of Putin “a joke.”

Orbán recalled the period of instability between former Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Putin, when Europe was worried about “anarchy” in Russia. “Everybody was happy when after Yeltsin, Putin came in and started to control the military and Russian power as a leader… We forgot about how dangerous (it is) when there is no strong leadership in Russia. The interregnum is the worst case possible.”

“But that is our goal – at least of of the U.S. State Department,” Carlson commented.

“That’s a mistake,” Orbán observed. “If this is the goal, it’s a mistake.”

“It sounds very dangerous”, Tucker remarked.

“It’s more than dangerous,” Orbán said. “To sit in Washington, in the safe United States, is a different feeling than here in Budapest. Ukraine is next door. What’s going on there could have an immediate impact in Hungary. Washington is far away. Ukraine is close. That’s the Hungarian approach.”

At some point, “Ukraine is going to need more soldiers,” Tucker observed. “Where are they going to come form?”

“If West sends boots on the ground, that would mean war with Russsia”

“That’s the most risky question”, according to Orbán. “If any Western country would send boots on the ground, that would mean war between the West and Russsia, and we are in a Third World War.” That’s obvious “not just for me”, Orbán said, but to ”everybody on the street” in Hungary.

“All our ordinary citizens are aware we are living in a very dangerous moment. The Third World War is knocking on our door. We have to be very, very careful. That’s my message to America as well, at NATO summits: Be careful.”

Americans tend to think “they are bigger, therefore they are more clever,” Orbán joked.

Tucker Carslon also asked Orbán about the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage: “It seems very obvious the Biden Administration blew up Nord Stream, either directly or through proxies. How is Western Europe, and Germany in particular, not saying anything? We just crushed the German economy,” Carlson said.

When the Nord Stream attack happened, Hungary wanted to call it a terrorist attack, which was refused by the Germans, Orbán said. Apparently, “it was not a terrorist attack, it was something (else),“ he said. “That’s evidence of a lack of sovereignty.”

“You can do it with the Germans, but you can’t do it with this region”

“That’s the job of the Germans. I would not like to criticize them,” Orbán said. “What we Hungarians immediately made clear is, there is another pipeline, not just Nord Stream. There is South Stream (aka TurkStream), coming from Russia through Turkey, Bulgaria. Serbia, Hungary. Together with the Serbian Prime Minister and President, we made it very clear, if somebody would like to do the same thing with the Southern Corridor, we consider it reason for war, a terrorist attack… You can do it with the Germans, but you can’t do it with this region.” This warning was “not addressed to Moscow,” Orbán said, implying the warning was meant for the Obama-Biden cabal.

“If you were Joe Biden, what would your next move in the war in Ukraine be?,” Tucker asked.

“Peace, immediately,” Orbán said. “Call back Trump. That’s the only way out.”

“You can criticize him for many reasons,” Viktor Orbán said. But Donald Trump had “the best foreign policy of the recent several decades… He did not initiate any new wars. He treated the North Koreans nicely, Russia, even the Chinese. He delivered a policy which was the best for the Middle East: The Abraham Accords. That was a very good foreign policy.”

“Trump is the man who can save the Western world”

“And if (Trump) would have been the President,” the Russian invasion of Ukraine would not have been possible, Orbán said. “Trump is the man who can save the Western world”, and probably the whole world, Viktor Orbán claimed.

Carlson noted that at the Munich Security Conference Feb. 20, 2022, Vice President Kamala Harris invited Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to join NATO. Orbán noted that NATO states had rejected NATO membership for Ukraine at the Bucharest Conference 2008, at a time when Russia would have been too weak to prevent it. “That window of opportunity is not open anymore. We can’t afford to have that long a border between Russia and Ukraine, which belongs to NATO. That would mean immediate danger of war for all of us. That’s dangerous even for Washington. ”

Instead of trying to bring Ukraine into NATO, “we should do the opposite”, Orbán suggested. “We should make a deal with the Russians on a new security architecture to provide security and sovereignty for Ukraine, but not NATO membership.”

“If the United States wants  peace, there will be peace the next morning”

If Donald Trump were reelected, the United States “should admit, probably publicly, that the keys (to peace) are in your hand. If the United States would like peace, there will be peace the next morning. Because it’s obvious that the poor Ukrainians on their own are not competitive in this war. If there is no money and equipment from the West, and especially the United States, the war is over. The solution is in your hand. In the hand of your President – the present or the future one. The United States can do it. Nobody else. It’s not a solution for the Ukrainians. Of course it’s about Ukrainians, they must not be neglected, they must be involved, but the real factor is not Ukraine, it is the intention of the United States.”

Asked about Hungarian conservative and patriotic values, Orbán observed that Hunagry had a 1,100 year old history it was proud of, and lives its Catholic Christian values “not in an ideological way, but on the street every day.”

“I am not the favorite politician of the liberals, unfortunately”, Orbán joked. “But nobody’s perfect.” The West is currently split between people who think egoistically, and those who value “family, nation and God. And this means I have to serve.”

“’Liberal’ originally meant freedom”, Orbán said. “But now, in Europe, it means you are an enemy of freedom.”

“Hopefully Trump will come back, and the relationship US-Hungary will be good again”

Tucker noted the Biden Regime considers him Orbán “fascist” and asked Orbán if that worried him. “It’s dangerous”, Orbán said. “When the US administration does not like you, or considers you an enemy, it’s dangerous… If you (the USA) criticize somebody, you (meaning Hungary) have to be very cautious how to deal with that, And the Democrat administration does that regularly now. But we have to be clear this is not the voice of America, it is the voice of the administration. Not all Americans have the same approach as the government…  The previous President is a friend of Hungary on the basis of values, whole-heartedly, a real friend. So we don’t make the mistake of considering the United States equal to the administration. Hopefully, Trump will come back, and the relationship will be very good again.”

Tucker noted that the Biden administration unsuccessfully spent US tax dollars to campaign against Orbán in the previous election, as Gateway Pundit has reported. “Big money”, Orbán noted, which definitely goes against “all the principles we” subscribe to. Hungary is strong enough to resist economic pressure from the US, Orbán believes. Orbán is accused of being a “puppet of Putin”, Tucker noted, to which Orbán responded that Hungary’s “sad” historical relationship with Russia precludes any Hungarian leader being a “puppet of the Russians.”

“But of course I try to have a rational relationship with the Russians, especially on economy and energy. Without involving the Russian in a security architecture for Europe, we cannot provide a safe life to the citizens of Europe. But now everything is going against this, unfortunately. What NATO does is rather strange. If you look at the official position of NATO, it is exactly what I said: No involvement (in foreign wars), and we should do as much as we can for peace. That’s the official position of NATO… United States policy to support and finance the Ukrainians is not the policy of NATO.”

Tucker noted that NATO has expanded eastward and now shares 900 miles of border with Russia, which seems to be “provoking war” with Russia. “What is the point of NATO?” he asked.

“The point of NATO is to be stronger than Russia,” Orbán said. “The Russians are not strong enough to beat the Ukrainians right now. Russia is not able to threaten NATO.” Some leaders of NATO, Orbán said, “like your President had a strategy to crush the Russians. The strategy was that the Ukrainian soldiers will fight, and NATO member states will finance this fight by money and equipment… We Hungarians said very clearly, this strategy will never work. Now we have one and half years of war and it’s obvious this was a bad strategy. We have to stop it. We need a new strategy or we should (aim) for peace as soon as we can.“

“To use the justice system against political opponents is impossible in Hungary”

Finally, Tucker asked Orbán whether he had ever considered weaponizing the justice system against his political opponents in Hungary. “We have some bad chapters of our history, but that kind of civil war is not part of our culture,” Orbán said. “To do what’s going on… in your country, to use the justice system against political opponents, is impossible in Hungary. That’s what was done by the Communists. It’s a very Communist methodology.”

“Competition is okay,” Orbán said, “but it must be fair, and legally (unassailable), otherwise you can sacrifice the future of your country for your personal success, which is not acceptable. At least in Hungary.”

Tucker Carlson Interviews Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban

August 29, 2023 | Sundance 

Tucker Carlson traveled to Hungary, a current target of the U.S. State Dept, Samantha Power and the CIA for regime change {GO DEEP}, to interview Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. {Direct Rumble Link}

Hungary shares a common border with Ukraine and Prime Minister Orban has a nationalistic viewpoint that puts him at odds with the overall NATO and EU viewpoint. Thus, the U.S. Biden effort currently underway is to remove Viktor Orban from his position.  Tucker Carlson is essentially interviewing the #1 allied target of the EU/U.S and NATO.  This is an excellent non-pretending interview.  WATCH:

Ep. 20 Hungary shares a border with Ukraine


Why is eliminating Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban now the goal of the Biden administration.  Well, a reminder:

♦ Hungary warned citizens of the west about the New World Order, created through Ukraine.

♦ Hungary continued to purchase Russian oil and natural gas.  Zelenskyy and the Western alliance were furious.

♦ Hungary said they would continue energy purchases in Rubles if that is what Russia demanded.

The World Economic Forum and NATO/Western Alliance cannot permit a nation to stand on principles of nationalism.  Allowing a point of contrast that would showcase the weakness of globalism and multiculturalism is something the western control system just cannot permit.

As a result, Samantha Power, the U.S. State Dept (USAID) and the CIA, are collectively running an operation in Hungary, seeding the groundwork for the next color revolution.

Glenn Beck Interviews President Trump

August 30, 2023 | Sundance |

President Donald Trump called in to the Glenn Beck broadcast for an interview about current events.  The interview is in two segments on Rumble [HERE] and [HERE].

President Trump interview part 1


Part Two below:


Tucker Carlson Interview with Adam Carolla on Obama Gay Sex and Smoking Crack, Rising Risk of Trump Assassination and War with Russia Next Year

Caution language
