VIDEO Americans See Through the Soviet Show Trial – “Wrong! You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About!” -Potential Trump Assassination Efforts by FBI – DOJ: Special Counsel Transcript of Biden Inaccurate

By Victor Nieves Jun. 1, 2024 

It looks like the Soviet show trial is blowing up in the faces of the Democrat party as Donald Trump gets a massive wind in his sails following the guilty verdict.

The Gateway Pundit reported,

Trump’s approval rating has gone up following his sham guilty verdict in New York, according to a new poll.

It just goes to show that the vast majority of Americans know what the trial was all about and disapprove of the Democrats’ fascist tactics.

More backfire is coming, but this is a good start.

Townhall reports: “If the Democratic Party thought convicting former President Donald Trump was going to make his millions of supporters abandon him, they better think twice.

In fact, he got a six-point jump in approval after being found guilty of 34 counts for falsifying business records.”

Donald Trump also raised over $50m in just 24 hours following the conviction. The American people can see through this Soviet style show trial.

How a Faith-Based Company is Changing the Way Americans Protect Their Retirement

Despite the apparent beliefs of the Democrat party, Americans are not stupid. No one believes that Trump was given due process or a fair trial. This, like every other attempt to beat Trump into submission, has spectacularly blown up in the faces of the bewildered Democrats.

“Wrong! You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About!” – Megyn Kelly Schools a Triggered Dan Abrams on His Own Show During Explosive Debate Over Trump Guilty Verdict (VIDEO)

By Cullen Linebarger Jun. 1, 2024

Credit: NewsNation Youtube Screenshot

Liberal Newsnation anchor Dan Abrams got completely owned by former Fox News host Megyn Kelly while debating her on the disgraceful Trump guilty verdict Thursday night.

As the Gateway Pundit reported, the rigged New York City jury convicted President Trump on ALL 34 COUNTS in Alvin Bragg and corrupt Judge Juan Merchan’s lawfare case Thursday afternoon.

A giddy Merchan saluted the jury members for their “dedication and hard work” after one of American history’s greatest travesties of justice. The next step is the sentencing phase on July 11, where Merchan will have a chance to throw Trump behind bars.

Abrams invited Kelly onto his eponymous show, Dan Abrams Live, to allow her to weigh in on this despicable assault on America. The conversation soon blew up Abrams’s face when he decided to assert Trump was guilty of “wrongdoing” for paying $130,000 to Stormy Daniels to protect his 2016 Presidential campaign even if what Trump supposedly did was not technically illegal.

Pathological liar Michael Cohen was the person who paid off Daniels. Moreover, there is no evidence Trump actually ordered him to do so or even had an affair with her to begin with.

Kelly fired back by saying she did not know what kind of marriage Donald and Melania Trump have while citing Bill and Hillary’s open marriage in comparison. They continued sparring over whether paying off Daniels was an example of wrongdoing and immorality.

However, things went off the rails for Abrams when he asked Kelly whether Trump falsified business records. Kelly replied, “There’s nothing wrong” with paying hush money to protect an NDA.

Abrams argued that this would be different if campaign finance laws were involved, and he became enraged when Kelly pointed out that he was wrong and had no clue what he was talking about. She explained paying hush money “does not amount to a campaign contribution if it is the kind of payment that could ever be made outside of the campaign context.”

An ignorant Abrams, unaware he had just been schooled, closed by claiming the standard is sustainability (which it’s not).

WATCH (exchange begins at roughly the 2:50 mark):

ABRAMS: Okay, let me back up. You don’t think he falsified business records either?

KELLY: I don’t know that he did.

ABRAMS: What does that mean?! We just had a whole trial! We heard every detail of this! How can you not know?

KELLY: I don’t think he wrote down hush money payments to Stormy Daniels… I think someone at the Trump Organization wrote down legal expenses, and that made as much sense as anything else because hush money wasn’t an option.

He (Trump) was paying his lawyer who made the payment to Stormy Daniels and was I believe reimbursing him (Cohen) though he (Cohen) denied that on the stand. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. You paid your lawyer because they outlay money for you…You can easily classify that as a legal expense.

ABRAMS (scoffing): No matter what it’s for? Even if it’s illegal conduct?

KELLY: This wasn’t illegal. There’s nothing illegal about paying hush money for an NDA.

ABRAMS: There’s not, but when you’re doing it to protect your campaign, it is. That’s the difference.

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KELLY: What law are you citing, Dan?

ABRAMS: Campaign finance laws!

KELLY: Wrong! You don’t know what you’re talking about! You’re wrong!

ABRAMS: Explain to me then. Tell me what I’m getting wrong.

KELLY: It does not amount to a campaign contribution if it is the kind of payment that could ever be made outside of the campaign context.

ABRAMS: That’s not the standard. The standard is substantiality!

KELLY: It’s not.

ABRAMS: It is!

Kelly is right. As Gateway Pundit readers know, the prosecution completely failed to clearly define the so-called “criminal” act or any wrongdoing committed by Trump.

But the court convicted him anyway out of pure hatred.

Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump Jr Discuss New York Guilty Verdict and Potential Assassination Efforts by FBI

June 1, 2024 | Sundance

When people talk about normalizing things that were previously extreme and radical, they sometimes use the metaphor of the Overton Window.  Within this conversation between Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump Jr, the Overton Window doesn’t shift, it jumps.  The potential killing of President Trump is mentioned casually against the backdrop of a weaponized justice system.

More frequently than any other political pundit or political voice, Tucker Carlson mentions the likely killing of President Donald John Trump. I’m not sure why he does it, but I have heard the assassination theme from him in more than a dozen public statements.

Don Trump Jr notes the most recent occurrence of Tucker talking about “them” killing Trump after the NYC guilty verdict.  Don Jr agrees with the possibility, then talks about his new perspective on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The very disconcerting issue that circles the killing of Donald Trump is raised by Tucker Carlson at four separate points within this interview. WATCH:

caution strong language

Judicial Watch: Biden Justice Department Admits Special Counsel Transcript of Biden Interviews Is Inaccurate


Judicial Watch Filed New FOIA Request Today on Disturbing Development

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced that the White House admitted in a federal court that the transcript of President Joe Biden’s testimony to Special Counsel Robert Hur is not accurate and is missing “filler words (such as ‘um’ or ‘uh’)” and words that “may have been repeated when spoken (such as ‘I, I’ or ‘and, and’)” which were sometimes “only listed a single time in the transcripts.” In its new filing the Biden Justice Department makes the extraordinary assertions of executive privilege and privacy to hide the Biden audio. The agency makes the unprecedented assertion that because “AI” could be used to alter Biden’s words the material should be kept secret.  

The Justice Department filing, filed around 11:00 p.m. last night (Friday), reads in part: 

13. After the interview, SCO [Special Counsel Office] created written transcripts of the audio recording with the assistance of a trained professional court reporter – one transcript for each day of the interview. I have read the entirety of the written transcripts of the interview. As I listened to the audio recording, I compared it to the transcripts of the audio recording and specifically listened for differences between the transcripts and audio recording. In a few instances, the transcripts indicate that some words from the audio recording are indiscernible. In listening to the audio recording and reviewing the transcripts, I agree that in those instances the words are indiscernible. 

14. The interview transcripts are accurate transcriptions of the words of the interview contained in the audio recording, except for minor instances such as the use of filler words (such as “um” or “uh”) when speaking that are not always reflected on the transcripts, or when words may have been repeated when spoken (such as “I, I” or “and, and”) but sometimes was only listed a single time in the transcripts. Besides these exceedingly minor differences, based on my simul­taneous review of the transcripts while listening to the audio recording, the transcripts accurately capture the words spoken during the interview on the audio recording with no material differences between the audio recording and transcripts. None of the minor differences include any audible substantive exchanges – that is, based on my review, there is no material omission of words be­ tween the audio recording and transcripts. Special Counsel Hur and FBI personnel who attended the interview and compared the audio recording to the transcripts also informed me of their determination that the transcripts accurately reflect the words spoken on the audio recording aside from the minor instances I described above. Special Counsel Hur emphasized to me that it was important for purposes of his investigation that the interview transcripts be accurate. 

“Wow. Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuit forced the Biden team to admit what everyone suspected – that the transcript is not accurate and was changed in a way to help Biden,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “There is nothing ordinary about this, and the transcript inaccuracy issues seem to help Biden’s political campaign needs. We today initiated a new FOIA request on this Biden’s Nixonian tape scandal.”

On March 11, 2024, Judicial Watch filed its FOIA lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the Department of Justice failed to respond to a February 2024 FOIA request for records of all Special Counsel interviews of President Biden (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:24-cv-00700)). A redacted transcript of the Biden interview was released on April 15.

In April, the Justice Department told the court that it would not disclose the audio recordings of special counsel interviews with President Joe Biden in order to protect Biden’s “privacy” interests.

On February 5, 2024, Hur issued the “Report of the Special Counsel on the Investigation Into Unauthorized Removal, Retention, and Disclosure of Classified Documents Discovered at Locations Including the Penn Biden Center and the Delaware Private Residence of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.”

In the report, Hur called Biden a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” and declined to charge Biden with a “serious felony:”

We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him-by then a former president well into his eighties-of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.

Prior to the finalization of the report, the White House issued a letter to the Special Counsel’s office attacking the report’s “treatment of President Biden’s memory,” and added “there is ample evidence from your interview that the President did well in answering your questions …”

The Heritage Foundation and a CNN-led media coalition have recently been joined with Judicial Watch’s lawsuit.

Judicial Watch has several ongoing FOIA lawsuits about Biden’s document scandals and the related unprecedented partisan prosecutorial and judicial abuses of former President Donald J. Trump.

DON, SET, HUT! Watch Trump Make $1M Throw for Charity in 1992


VIDEO A Remarkable Upgrade: Harriet Hageman Swings Big Timber and Big Truth – Government Wants to Play God. What Does That Mean for Our Freedoms?

April 14, 2024 | Sundance 

From Liz Cheney to Harriet Hageman, a remarkable upgrade from voters in Wyoming.  Stunningly so.  I have alerts established for all things Hageman, because she presents as a stealth wolverine very quietly.  I like that.

Yes, you will hear me say it first…. this is my first opportunity to do so….  If there are reservations about Ben Carson for VP (personally I do not think there are any), then I would implore President Trump to consider Harriet Hageman as his VP running mate.  Yes, I would be good with taking a chance on Hageman as POTUS in ’28.  WATCH:

On May 31, 2022, Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) made an explosive announcement as an outcome of a whistleblower providing information to him and Jim Jordan about the FBI having a collaborative relationship with the Clinton/DNC law firm Perkins Coie.  {Go Deep} Specifically, the explosive element surrounds the FBI having a workspace within the DNC law firm that would have given Democrats an open portal into FBI databases for use in opposition research.

In this video former NSA Director Mike Rogers explains how he was notified of unlawful FBI extractions from the NSA database, what was happening with illegal search queries and what he did after the notification. WATCH:

Knowing that Perkins Coie and the FBI were working together on this targeting operation, makes everything else make sense.

However, the involvement of official government agencies like NSA Admiral Mike Rogers, creates a paper trail.  Search query logs, notifications to Mike Rogers, notifications to the FISA Court, notifications to FBI officials of the suspension of contractor access, and subsequent FISA court opinions like the 99-pages from Rosemary Collyer, all of it creates an internal trail of government documents that tell the story.

It’s those documents that become a risk to the people who operate within the system.  In this example of government documents, the trail outlines the targeting of Donald Trump and that was what he continued to ask the ODNI, DOJ and FBI to release.

Frustrated by the lack of action, in March 2022 Donald Trump filed a massive civil lawsuit against the Clinton campaign and everyone involved in this targeting operation. [SEE LAWSUIT HERE]  “Acting in concert, the Defendants maliciously conspired to weave a false narrative that their Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, was colluding with a hostile foreign sovereignty,” the president states.

“Under the guise of ‘opposition research,’ ‘data analytics,’ and other political stratagems, the Defendants nefariously sought to sway the public’s trust. They worked together with a single, self-serving purpose: to vilify Donald J. Trump,” says one segment of the lawsuit.

All of the claims within the filing are substantiated by documents outlining the history of the events.  I’m not sure any defendant is going to be successful getting themselves out of the target zone on the lawsuit.  The suit alleges “racketeering” and a “conspiracy to commit injurious falsehood,” among other claims.

The basis for the evidence against the entire crew?  That was likely part of the assembly of evidence, the declassified documents at the heart of the battle, that were targeted by the DOJ and FBI raid.

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The Government Wants to Play God. What Does That Mean for Our Freedoms?

By John & Nisha Whitehead April 03, 2024

The government wants to play god.

It wants the power to decide who lives or dies and whose rights are worthy of protection.

Abortion may still be front and center in the power struggle between the Left and the Right over who has the right to decide—the government or the individual—when it comes to bodily autonomy, the right to privacy, sexual freedom, the rights of the unborn, and property interests in one’s body, but there’s so much more at play.

In the 50-plus years since the U.S. Supreme Court issued its landmark ruling in Roe v. Wade, the government has come to believe that it not only has the power to determine who is deserving of constitutional rights in the eyes of the law but it also has the authority to deny those rights to an American citizen.

This is how the abortion debate has played into the police state’s hands: by laying the groundwork for discussions about who else may or may not be deserving of rights.

Despite the Supreme Court having overturned its earlier rulings recognizing abortion as a constitutional right under the Fourteenth Amendment, the government continues to play fast and loose with the lives of the citizenry all along the spectrum of life.

Take a good, hard look at the many ways in which Americans are being denied their rights under the Constitution.

American families who have their dogs shot, their homes trashed and their children terrorized or, worse, killed by errant SWAT team raids in the middle of the night are being denied their rights under the Constitution.

Disabled individuals who are being strip searched, handcuffed, arrested and “diagnosed” by police as dangerous or mentally unstable merely because they stutter and walk unevenly are being denied their rights under the Constitution.

School-aged children as young as 4-years-old who are leg shackled, handcuffed and strip searched for violating school zero tolerance policies by chewing a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun and playing an imaginary game of cops and robbers, or engaging in childish behavior such as crying or jumping are being denied their rights under the Constitution.

Unarmed citizens who are tasered or shot by police for daring to hesitate, stutter, move a muscle, flee or disagree in any way with a police order are being denied their rights under the Constitution.

Likewise, Americans—young and old alike—who are shot by police because they pointed a garden hose at a police officer, reached for their registration in their glove box, relied upon a cane to steady themselves, or were seen playing with air rifles or BB guns are being denied their rights under the Constitution.

Female motorists who are unlucky enough to be pulled over for a questionable traffic infraction only to be subjected by police to cavity searches by the side of the road are being denied their rights under the Constitution.

Male pedestrians and motorists alike who are being subjected to roadside strip searches and rectal probes by police based largely on the color of their skin are being denied their rights under the Constitution.

American citizens subjected to government surveillance whereby their phone calls are being listened in on, their mail and text messages read, their movements tracked and their transactions monitored are being denied their rights under the Constitution.

Homeowners who are being fined and arrested for raising chickens in their backyard, allowing the grass in their front yards to grow too long, and holding Bible studies in their homes are being denied their rights under the Constitution.

Decorated military veterans who are being arrested for criticizing the government on social media such as Facebook are being denied their rights under the Constitution.

Homeless individuals who are being harassed, arrested and run out of towns by laws that criminalize homelessness are being denied their rights under the Constitution.

Individuals whose DNA has been forcibly collected and entered into federal and state law enforcement databases whether or not they have been convicted of any crime are being denied their rights under the Constitution.

Drivers whose license plates are being scanned, uploaded to a police database and used to map their movements, whether or not they are suspected of any crime, are being denied their rights under the Constitution. The same goes for drivers who are being ticketed for running afoul of red light cameras without any real opportunity to defend themselves against such a charge are being denied their rights under the Constitution.

Protesters and activists who are being labeled domestic terrorists and extremists and accused of hate crimes for speaking freely are being denied their rights under the Constitution. Likewise, American citizens who being targeted for assassination by drone strikes abroad without having been charged, tried and convicted of treason are being denied their rights under the Constitution.

Hard-working Americans whose bank accounts, homes, cars electronics and cash are seized by police (operating according to asset forfeiture schemes that provide profit incentives for highway robbery) are being denied their rights under the Constitution.

So, what is the common denominator here?

These are all American citizens—endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, rights that no person or government can take away from them, among these the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness—and they are all being oppressed in one way or another by a government that has grown drunk on power, money and its own authority.

If the government—be it the President, Congress, the courts or any federal, state or local agent or agency—can decide that any person has no rights, then that person becomes less than a citizen, less than human, less than deserving of respect, dignity, civility and bodily integrity. He or she becomes an “it,” a faceless number that can be tallied and tracked, a quantifiable mass of cells that can be discarded without conscience, an expendable cost that can be written off without a second thought, or an animal that can be bought, sold, branded, chained, caged, bred, neutered and euthanized at will.

It’s a slippery slope that justifies all manner of violations in the name of national security, the interest of the state and the so-called greater good.

Yet those who founded this country believed that what we conceive of as our rights were given to us by God—we are created equal, according to the nation’s founding document, the Declaration of Independence—and that government cannot create, nor can it extinguish our God-given rights. To do so would be to anoint the government with god-like powers and elevate it above the citizenry.

Unfortunately, we have been dancing with this particular devil for quite some time now.

If we continue to wait for the government to restore our freedoms, respect our rights, rein in its abuses and restrain its agents from riding roughshod over our lives, our liberty and our happiness, then we will be waiting forever.

The highly politicized tug-of-war over abortion will not resolve the problem of a culture that values life based on a sliding scale.  Nor will it help us navigate the moral, ethical and scientific minefields that await us as technology and humanity move ever closer to a point of singularity.

Humanity is being propelled at warp speed into a whole new frontier when it comes to privacy, bodily autonomy, and what it means to be a human being. As such, we haven’t even begun to wrap our heads around how present-day legal debates over bodily autonomy, privacy, vaccine mandates, the death penalty, and abortion play into future discussions about singularity, artificial intelligence, cloning, and the privacy rights of the individual in the face of increasingly invasive, intrusive and unavoidable government technologies.

Yet here is what I know.

Life is an inalienable right.

By allowing the government to decide who or what is deserving of rights, it shifts the entire discussion from one in which we are “endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights” (that of life, liberty property and the pursuit of happiness) to one in which only those favored by the government get to enjoy such rights.

If all people are created equal, then all lives should be equally worthy of protection.

Likewise, as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, all freedoms hang together.

We must never stop working to protect life, preserve our freedoms and maintain some semblance of our humanity.

Freedom cannot be a piece-meal venture.


Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His most recent books are the best-selling Battlefield America: The War on the American People, the award-winning A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State, and a debut dystopian fiction novel, The Erik Blair Diaries. Whitehead can be contacted at Nisha Whitehead is the Executive Director of The Rutherford Institute. Information about The Rutherford Institute is available at


VIDEO Inside Baseball Stuff on FISA 702 Reauthorization, Stuff You Never See Explained – Surveillance bill, like herpes, it’ll be back – Pragmatic, Always Seeking Optimal Solutions

April 10, 2024 | Sundance |

Before getting into bigger picture analysis and intellectual discussion about FISA and the 702 reauthorizations, let me just reveal some inside DC crap that drives me nuts and at the same time will help y’all understand the nonsense.

First, the Intelligence Community (IC) tells congress, particularly the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, that all hell will break loose if they don’t reauthorize full electronic surveillance of Americans.  Congress is petrified of the IC.

Speaker Johnson and all of the key participants are totally siloed from understanding that 702 has nothing to do with incidental collection of American data whilst the honorable IC were doing foreign intercepts.   Johnson and most republicans believe the IC nonsense. They really do.

The politicians and their key staff cannot fathom how the FBI, DOJ, NSD, DHS and Contractors use this database to conduct political and “other” (think corporate espionage for sale) surveillance.  They really do think the IC is full of honorable rank-and-file.  They are inside a DC bubble.

Second, the IC argument is now something akin to we have let thousands of terrorists into the country through the southern border crisis.  They say:  “my god, we need to monitor the terrorists, and if you take away 702 the foreign terror cells will activate and start killing us all.  Do you want that blood on your hands?”   You cannot take away surveillance tools.

Third, FISA 702 reauthorization is used as a bargaining chip by people who don’t want to get caught up in the surveillance.

The DC conversations are something like, “ok, we’ll reauthorize it, but you cannot use it against us – and all the sex parties and perverted stuff we do when no one is around, you must promise to keep our secrets hidden“…  Yes, this is why the IC agree to accept a reauthorization that exempts congress.   The IC keep the blackmail, just promise not to use it.

We The People do not have any friends in DC on this issue.  The democrats will reauthorize 702 to continue exploiting surveillance authority – don’t forget over 10,000 log-in portals with access to the NSA database exist, including the workstation at Perkins Coie that ties into the NSA database {GO DEEP}.

President Trump finally opposes the FISA system – writ large – and THAT is progress.

More soon….

(An Accurate Depiction )House Speaker Mike Johnson 👇

WATCH: Tucker: Surveillance bill is dead but, like herpes, it’ll be back

‘It’s important to punish the people that pushed it,’ including one powerful Republican

By Tucker Carlson April 10, 2024

Pragmatic, Always Seeking Optimal Solutions

April 10, 2024 | Sundance | 

President Donald J Trump seeks optimal solutions for all challenges.  Internally he has his own set of standards and crystal-clear understanding of what he would want in any given situation; this is not difficult for a clear brain to accomplish.

However, in the world of multi-interests and larger group needs, in this case an entire nation of individuals and groups, President Trump knows that optimal solutions are best found closest to the work, closest to the source of the individual hearts.  Pragmatic leadership is often about optimal solutions. WATCH:

He/We will win.

They are increasingly desperate.  The need for control is a reaction to fear.   The next week to 10 days is critical.

I have much to share with our fellowship.  You will journey with me.

Tom Klingenstein releases Amazing Video, “Trump’s Virtues, Part II”


China, Blackrock, and Biden: EPA Rolls Out USA Auto Mandates Forcing EVs to Make Up Two Thirds of Passenger Vehicles, Who Benefits? – GA Judge Allows Appeal of his Willis ruling

March 20, 2024 | Sundance 

The backstory is so transparently corrupt it requires an explanation, so we’ll go down the full rabbit hole and explain how China knew – to a demonstrable certainty – their multi-billion dollar investment in Mexican EV plants would be useful.

 Always remember, there are trillions at stake.

First, who was installed in the Biden White House in charge of all personnel and staffing?  Catherine Russell. {SEE HERE} Who is Catherine Russell?  She’s the wife of Tom Donilon, a long-time aid and advisor to Joe Biden who served in the Obama White House.

After serving as Obama’s National Security Advisor (prior to Susan Rice), Tom Donilon then went on to become “Chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute {SEE HERE}.”  His job was literally to “leverage the firm’s expertise and generate proprietary research to provide insights on the global economy, markets, geopolitics and long-term asset allocation.” 

In essence, the Donilon family represented the interests of Blackrock in the White House.

Second, Tom Donilon’s brother, Mike Donilon is a Senior Advisor to Joe Biden {link} providing guidance on what policies should be implemented within the administration.  Mike Donilon guides the focus of spending, budgets, regulation and white house policy from his position of Senior Advisor to the President.

In June of 2022, Blackrock’s Tom Donilon was then appointed to be co-chair of U.S. Department of State’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board {SEE HERE}, in charge of U.S-China policy.  Can you see where this is going?

Blackrock, a massive multinational investment firm with assets in the tens-of-trillions, was essentially guiding/constructing the policymaking of the White House, through Tom Donilon, Mike Donilon and Catherine Russell (Tom’s wife).  Blackrock then took out massive investment stakes in China, including in the Chinese auto-making industry, with specific focus on EVs.  Tom Donilon, now shifting to the State Dept and guiding US-China policy, was the Blackrock government embed, ensuring policy that would keep their investments lucrative.

Pictured above BlackRock Investment Institute Chairman Tom Donilon (former National Security Advisor to President Obama), celebrating an international collaboration with China’s Chairman Xi Jinping

Next up, in late 2023 the Chinese auto firms carrying the Blackrock investment money, then made big announcements. “BUSINESS INSIDER – Three major Chinese EV companies are planning to build new factories in Mexico, sparking concern among US officials, according to a new report.  MG, BYD, and Chery are all looking at sites to build new factories in the country, according to unnamed sources cited by The Financial Times, and this investment is causing angst in Washington.”

The total investment in Mexican auto plants, specifically to build Electric Vehicles (EVs) for the USA market, exceeds $5 billion.  A very big investment considering that EV sales in the U.S. were not going so well.

So, think about it, what did Blackrock know about the USA EV market: (a) that defied current market conditions; and (b) that would support such a move by the Chinese auto manufacturers they financially supported?

Today, we get the answer:

(Politico) – The Biden administration is unleashing a flurry of regulatory actions that aims to shift the nation toward electric vehicles — with the biggest rule coming Wednesday to set strict limits on climate pollution from passenger cars.

The regulation being announced by EPA Administrator Michael Regan, as POLITICO’s E&E News reported last week, would slash greenhouse gases from cars and light trucks in half, while pushing to have electric vehicles make up about two-thirds of new passenger vehicle sales by 2032. (read more)

As noted in a second Politico article:

The final version of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Cars rule is the strictest federal climate regulation ever issued for passenger cars and trucks — even though it offers manufacturers a slightly slower phase-in of pollution limits than the EPA had first proposed last spring.

The agency estimated a year ago that the rule could lead to two-thirds of new cars and passenger trucks being electric in 2032. Wednesday’s version says automakers could build a mix of vehicles to comply with the rule, including fully battery-powered vehicles, plug-in hybrids that run on electricity and gasoline, and more efficient conventional engines.

EPA Administrator Michael Regan’s official rolled out the rule on Wednesday at a Washington event attended by carmakers, environmentalists and other groups.

President Joe Biden said the rule fulfills his promise to cut the nation’s carbon pollution in half by the end of the decade while promoting American workers. “Together, we’ve made historic progress. Hundreds of new expanded factories across the country. Hundreds of billions in private investment and thousands of good-paying union jobs,” Biden said in a statement. (read more)

Biden is a blithering idiot, a pretense, a false target.  Biden reads what people tell him to read; he’s not the origin of the feces he spouts.  Silver Spoon, “lunch bucket” Biden has no clue, and his Blackrock handlers keep him that way.  Biden can tell the U.S. auto manufacturers anything; he has [¹]no clue what the actual policy being constructed is all about.  The Biden family will be paid handsomely, either by the Blackrock group or by the Chinese -as is the background record.

So, let’s encapsulate things so far.  (1) The interests of Blackrock determined the White House key staff and policy makers. (2) The Donilon clan represented those Blackrock interests and worked inside both the White House and State Dept to create and maintain policy favorable to Blackrock’s Chinese EV position.  (3) China/Blackrock invest massively in Mexican EV production. (4) White House/EPA generate policy to support the Blackrock investment.

That’s how the three Chinese auto firms could be so sure of their decision in 2023 to invest in the Mexican Blackrock EV plan.  The one that President Donald Trump rightly says will create a “bloodbath” in the U.S auto industry.

It is not the politicians; they are functionaries.

What I am saying directly is that Blackrock is the origin of the policy, and Blackrock is the beneficiary of the policy.

This is what I mean when I keep saying, “there are trillions at stake,” and “it’s not the politicians we should be looking at.”

In 2008, it was the SEIU who were the foot soldiers for Barack Obama.  In 2009, SEIU President Andy Stern was the #1 visitor to the White House.  The SEIU needed to get rid of the healthcare liability inside their pension plan because the union was about to go broke.  That’s the origin of Obamacare.  In 2024 Biden is manipulating the UAW leadership into the same position, looking for election help.

But wait, it gets worse…

Blackrock is in control of policy.  Now look at where Blackrock investment has been pre-deployed, and that’s where you see Biden policy coming into play. Blackrock and JPMorgan set up the Ukraine reconstruction bank {SEE HERE}.  That’s the core of the Ukraine issue.  It’s not ideological, it’s financial.  Follow the money.

But wait, it gets even worse….

Have you followed my research on the Russian sanctions?

2022 – NEW YORK, March 24 (Reuters) – BlackRock Inc’s (BLK.N) chief executive, Larry Fink, said on Thursday that the Russia-Ukraine war could end up accelerating digital currencies as a tool to settle international transactions, as the conflict upends the globalization drive of the last three decades.

In a letter to the shareholders of the world’s largest asset manager, Fink said the war will push countries to reassess currency dependencies, and that BlackRock was studying digital currencies and stablecoins due to increased client interest.

A global digital payment system, thoughtfully designed, can enhance the settlement of international transactions while reducing the risk of money laundering and corruption”, he said.

[…] In the letter on Thursday, the chairman and CEO of the $10 trillion asset manager said the Russia-Ukraine crisis had put an end to the globalization forces at work over the past 30 years.

[…] “While companies’ and consumers’ balance sheets are strong today, giving them more of a cushion to weather these difficulties, a large-scale reorientation of supply chains will inherently be inflationary,” said Fink.

He said central banks were dealing with a dilemma they had not faced in decades, having to choose between living with high inflation or slowing economic activity to contain price pressures.  (read more)

Now do you see the source, origin and beneficiary of the global cleaving? 

The U.S. government didn’t construct the Russian sanctions, Blackrock did! 

Blackrock lays the foundation for the Dollar-Based U.S. Digital Currency (USCBDC) with the construction of Russian sanction policy.  How is that US-CBDC process facilitated in real terms?  With the five big US banks controlling the flow of the digital funding mechanism.

RELATIONSHIPS – Larry Fink (Blackrock) and Jamie Dimon (JPMorgan) created the Ukraine Reconstruction Bank.  Now, there are only two real threats to the creation of a US-CBDC as it currently appears.  Threat #1 is Donald Trump.  Threat #2 is the way people would work around the dollar based CBDC, unregulated crypto currency.

Who opposes crypto currency?

  “I’ve always been deeply opposed to crypto, bitcoin, etc.,” Dimon said in response to a question from Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. “The only true use case for it is criminals, drug traffickers … money laundering, tax avoidance because it is somewhat anonymous, not fully, and because you can move money instantaneously.  “If I was the government, I would close it down.” (read more)

Can you see it now?

I’ll have much more on this issue soon, but its critical people start to understand what is going on.

We will win this battle and eventually this war, or I’ll die fighting it.

They are trying to move fast, because people are catching on now.

We are on the right side of every issue; we cherish liberty and individual freedom.  Our opposition is built upon a foundation of fraud and lies.  The politicians are corrupt, and their arguments collapse when put in the sunlight; but they are not the root of the problem. [²] They are vessels.  That’s why the multinationals like Blackrock need the rules and referees (politicians) slanted in their favor.  That’s why they need censorship, deplatforming, and beyond everything else…. they must control information.

The key battle right now is an information war.

Support Our Fight Here

[¹] [²] Now do you see why they built him a stage..

Judge McAfee Grants Trump Team Ability to Expedite Appellate Review of Decision Allowing Fani Willis to Remain on Case

March 20, 2024 | Sundance | 

Atlanta Judge Scott McAfee ruled today that President Trump and eight other co-defendants in the Georgia election fraud case can proceed with an emergency appeal of his decision last week. That decision allowed lying Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to stay on the prosecution despite her affair with the special prosecutor she hired to oversee it; and despite the lies she told trying to hide it.


In a brief order issued Wednesday, Judge Scott McAfee granted the certificate of immediate review requested by President Trump. They are now expected to ask the Georgia Court of Appeals to take up the disqualification battle before the case goes to trial. (media)

VIDEO TikTok Ban Law is NOT About Banning TikTok, It’s About Information Control – China Building FBI Offices Inside USA – Atty To Defend FDNY Who Booed NYAG – SCOTUS will Crush the Government’s Plans to Regulate Speech – FB enemy of the People – 23 Dem States File to Restrict Speech

March 12, 2024 | Sundance |

I swear by all that I know to be righteous and accurate, the combined willpower of the UniParty in Washington DC is not targeting TikTok from the perspective of concern over data collection.  Instead, the DC system -which is to say the USIC- is using the auspices of TikTok to expand the reach of government censorship and control information.

This is a domestic information space battle, using the guise of TikTok as a baseline for justification.  How do we know? You only need to look at the mechanism of the law as it is written, the compliance section, and the definitions they are using to see they are not targeting data collection.  [pdf of HR7521 HERE]

If TikTok data collection was the issue, the law would be structured to ban foreign data collection.  That’s not what this is.  This is a law written to give the Executive Branch the power to define any platform as “foreign owned” by the service provider (even if domestic) and the substance of the content contained and/or distributed.  This has to be stopped.

[Source pdf, Page 8 – HR7521]

Read the law as written through the prism of “Information Control,” not the prism of data collection.  The law is designed to control information, not data collection.

As readers are well aware, the USIC is in alignment (I would say control) with almost all U.S-based social media platforms.  This is why/how DHS is operating in synergy with those same systems.  This is also the motive behind the mis-dis-mal-information definitions.  Ultimately, if you stand back and look at what is being done, you see the concern of the U.S. government is not data collection, its information control.

The TikTok ban, authorized by a duplicious Legislative branch, is expanding the ability of the Executive branch to control information.  Just as The Patriot Act was not about targeting terrorism, but really about domestic surveillance; so too is the TikTok ban not about foreign data collection, it’s about information control.

Again, read the law as written and you can clearly see this is a law created to authorize the agencies of the government to control information.  Silence is the same as consent in the face of oppression.  Do not be silent.

China is Now Building our FBI Offices Inside the U.S.?

By John Mills Mar. 13, 2024

The outrage over China’s covert police stations inside of America was quick and decisive.  In October 2020, eight were indicted, five in the United States, three in China.

Indicting someone in China may seem pointless, but it has worked in the past where China may have dealt with those named publicly by the U.S.  The Chinese police stations were part of “Fox Hunt”.

Operation Fox Hunt is the ongoing worldwide operation by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of China to hunt down dissidents and forcibly return them home for interrogation, imprisonment, and likely execution.

The pursuit phase of Fox Hunt reminded me of the early work in the Global War on Terror (GWOT) where we pursued Al-Qaeda operatives around the world and conducted rendition operations to black sites.

As NY AG Letitia James Launches the Globalist War on Beef, a Survival Company CEO Fights Back


It starts out with a righteous anger but can soon spin out of control.  We’re a nation of laws and constitutional framework with key tenets that can help get things right when they spin out of control (until recently).

The Chinese clone of GWOT has no boundaries.  It appears our Department of Justice is working to shut down the CCP Fox Hunt Operation, but are they?  Secretary of State Blinken just hosted the Chinese Director of Fox Hunt for a formal Dinner.

Why would he do that?  Is Blinken trying to curry favor for a position after regime change?  A disturbing assertion was brought to my attention.

Instead of us finding Chinese covert Fox Hunt Police Stations, is China now in the business of building our sensitive U.S. government facilities inside of America?  This is like the inverse of us rooting out their police stations.

Why bother establishing a police station when you can just build the sensitive facilities for the American Government and fill them with all kinds of bugs, taps, and monitoring devices.

A Construction Company that seeks Chinese Investors builds FBI Field Offices


Molasky Construction of Las Vegas, Nevada cites its success in building U.S. Government Facilities, including several FBI field offices.

For our special and secure U.S. Government Facilities we need trustworthy companies that can deliver the best construction and renovation to make sure no foreign threat fills that building and network connectivity with different tricks of the trade to see, hear, and read everything going on in that facility.

It’s important that everyone, especially the key personnel in a construction company working sensitive programs are trustworthy themselves.  From experience, getting an insider is the most effective way of break into an organization.

Why try a Mission Impossible break and enter when you can have someone on the inside do the work for you? Now why would one of the individuals of this company performing sensitive construction also be a big advocate for the EB-5 Immigration Program?

Nothing necessarily wrong with being an advocate of EB-5.  But EB-5 advocacy and building of sensitive Government facilities should be an immediate screaming alarm of incompatible activities.  The EB-5 program has been fraught with fraud and abuse.  The EB-5 advocate in Molasky seems to have a strong intersection with EB-5 applicants from China.

The EB-5 visa provides a method of obtaining a green card for foreign nationals who invest in a “new commercial enterprise”.  The EB-5 program came from Immigration Reform in 1990.

It may be established law, but the program on its surface reeks of malign individuals or countries using this to invest in American real estate and the gold mine of triple prizes is Green Card status and involvement in construction of sensitive U.S. Government facilities.

There is no Federal Program to oversee foreign activities in American real estate investments.  The Chinese know this loophole and that’s how they can buy up farmland next to sensitive U.S. facilities.

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The EB-5 program potentially puts them inside the sensitive buildings and facilities of interest.  If a Construction Company that builds sensitive Government facilities is also cheerleading EB-5, the National Counter-Intelligence Executive should be landing on them with both feet from a 10-foot springboard to figure out what’s going on.

The Saga of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow

Starting in 1969, a new U.S. Embassy in Moscow was started after extensive reciprocal negotiations with the Soviets.  The Soviets also wanted a new embassy building in Washington D.C.

The construction site and process in Moscow was a nightmare of poor oversight and a massive Soviet operation to put a bug in everything.  Time dragged on until 1988, when President Reagan made the decision to demolish much of it and start over.

The Soviets made it a priority to penetrate the construction effort and for some reason, securing the facility was not that important compared to the Soviet frenzy.  It can be argued that so what, we won the Cold War and the Soviets collapsed.  Well, the Soviets are back with a new name and security of a construction site must be taken seriously.

The Chinese approach things in a more sophisticated and less brutish manner than the KGB blatant frontal assault.  The CCP efforts seek to capture senior leaders of the other team through various influence operations.

This gets the CCP the prized insider that makes everything easier.  The CCP apparently has the White House and State Department, but this unbelievable intersection of building sensitive facilities for the FBI makes one wonder about the FBI itself.

Bulldoze the facility, start over, and end the EB-5 Visa Program insanity

 A construction group appears to be simultaneously building sensitive Government Facilities while lobbying for EB-5 investors from China.

If someone doesn’t see the Counterintelligence ramifications, I frankly don’t know what to say. It is a best practice (and likely a contract requirement) to keep foreign nationals away from, or at least properly report their involvement to the Federal program management office.

In the old days, we would bulldoze the building as untrusted and start over.  It is outrageous that this is happening inside the United States, but then it appears the cancer of Woke-ism and Communism is rotting the minds of those in power.

In November we start the process to bulldoze, start over, end the EB-5 program, and arrest those responsible.

New York Lawyers Step Up and Offer to Help FDNY Firefighters Targeted by Tyrant AG Letitia James

By Cristina Laila Mar. 13, 2024

Two New York lawyers have stepped up to help the firefighters being targeted for ruin by Marxist NY Attorney General Letitia James.

Last week a group of FDNY firefighters booed Letitia James as she gave a speech during a promotion ceremony.

After honoring FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh, Letitia James’s speech was effectively drowned out by LOUD pro-Trump chants in the crowd.


As NY AG Letitia James Launches the Globalist War on Beef, a Survival Company CEO Fights Back

According to leaked memos, any FDNY firefighter who booed Letitia James will be punished and face reeducation. The firefighters were asked to turn themselves in or risk being hunted down.

High-profile First Amendment lawyer Marc Randazza told the FDNY firefighters to contact him so he can put them in touch with New York lawyers.

“I will see to it that you have free representation,” Randazza said on X.

At least two Staten Island lawyers have stepped up and offered to help the firefighters for free.

The New York Post reported:

A pair of Staten Island lawyers offered Tuesday to represent any Big Apple firefighter for free if they get jammed up for booing state Attorney General Letitia James at last week’s raucous promotion ceremony.

Lawyers Mark Fonte and Louis Gelormino said the firefighters had the right to voice their support for Donald Trump and to lambast James, who has been prosecuting him — as FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanaugh threatens to discipline the jeering Bravest.

“If you are being ‘hunted down’ by FDNY brass for exercising your freedom of speech contact our office at once,” the men’s firm, F&G Legal Group, wrote in a letter to the Fire Department’s rank-and-file.

“We always answer the call. We stand ready to assist New York’s Bravest,” the letter said.

The firm has already sued the city over its COVID mandates and the location of some migrant shelters.

This time, they are rushing to the defense of firefighters after a cluster of smoke-eaters booed and jeered James during Thursday’s ceremony at the Christian Cultural Center in Brooklyn.

Supreme Court Case Monday will Crush the Government’s Plans to Regulate Speech via the Tiktok Bill

  • 03-14-24
Supreme Court Case Monday will Crush the Government's Plans to Regulate Speech via the Tiktok Bill

While the TikTok Ban shot through the House, is speeding through the Senate and may well become law in the next few weeks, many are concerned that it is a Trojan Horse, not protecting us from Chinese propaganda, but instead directly empowering the President to regulate internet speech.  See

Coincidentally, the Supreme Court is basically considering the same question on Monday.  Could we be so lucky, or is this divine intervention? – our Court has been a Godsend ratcheting back this corrupt administration and incompetent Congress.  

As SCOTUS looks to decide whether the government has the right to shut the mouths of ordinary citizens on the internet, we literally have a Tiktok bill looking to legitimize the government’s abuses – and SCOTUS justices see this (irrespective that it is not part of the record).  As our government is out of its head, SCOTUS will need to come in again to save our most basic right.

Only an authoritarian regime would place the right of government speech above the right of a citizen’s speech, yet here we are – Congress complicit with the President, looking to shut up the people.

The case to be heard Monday is MURTHY, SURGEON GEN. V. MISSOURI

The Court’s order granting certiorari provides:

The government respectfully suggests the following questions presented: (1) Whether respondents have Article III standing; (2) Whether the government’s challenged conduct transformed private social-media companies’ content-moderation decisions into state action and violated respondents’ First Amendment rights; and (3) Whether the terms and breadth of the preliminary injunction are proper.

From Petitioner’s Brief:

Respondents are two States and five individual users of social-media platforms who allege that the federal government transformed the private platforms’ content moderation decisions into state action and violated the First Amendment by communicating with the platforms about content moderation and responding to the platforms’ inquiries about matters of public health.  The district court issued a preliminary injunction that, as modified by the court of appeals, restricts speech by thousands of federal officials and employees concerning any content posted by anyone on any social-media platform.  (emphasis added).

I can’t help myself here — Boo Hoo, cry me a River – these attorneys are whining that Federal Officials’ speech was restricted, and the form of speech they complain about was literally the government’s ability to shut the mouths of ordinary citizens on the internet.These authoritarians define speech as the ability to curtail speech, and then argue the government’s right to curtail “speech” of the taxpayers and voters.  This is asinine.

Repondents, in their brief, argue:

Having trampled the free-speech rights of “millions” of Americans, J.A.71, Defendants now complain that this Court cannot stop them because the government must be allowed to speak freely.  This argument flips the First Amendment on its head.  “The Free Speech clause of the First Amendment constrains governmental actors and protects private actors.”  Pet.Br.22 (quoting Manhattan Cmty. Access Corp. v. Halleck, 139 S. Ct. 1921, 1926 (2019)).

Defendants would have this Court protect the government’s campaign to constrain private actors.  The government can speak freely on any topic it chooses, but it cannot pressure and coerce private companies to censor ordinary Americans.
This Court recently cautioned that “the government-speech doctrine” is susceptible to dangerous misuse,” and could allow “government [to] silence or muffle the expression of disfavored viewpoints.”  Matal v. Tam, 582 U.S. 218, 235 (2017).  That is what the government is doing here.

Fact stated at page 3 of the Respondents’ brief:

At 1:04 a.m. on January 23, 2021, the White House flagged an anti-vaccine tweet by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (“RFK Jr.”) and instructed Twitter to “get moving on the process for having it removed ASAP” . . . And then,” the White House added, “if we can keep an eye out for tweets that fall in this same ~genre that would be great.” 

This demand did not arise in a vacuum.  The Administration’s “transition and campaign teams” had already been using a “Partner Support Portal” with Twitter that “prioritized” such demands “automatically.”  Twitter urged the White House to use that Portal for censorship requests, because “[i]n a given day last week …, [Twitter] had more than four different people within the White House reaching out for issues.”

Thus began a campaign of “unrelenting pressure from the most powerful office in the world” to “bend [social-media platforms] to the government’s will.” 

This case should be a slam dunk – I cannot imagine this principled Court would destroy our First Amendment right so we can be confident a good hearing and decision are on the way.

Monday is a big day.

“Facebook Is the Enemy of the People – I Think Facebook Is an Equal Threat” – President Trump Rips Facebook after the House Bans TikTok (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Mar. 14, 2024

President Donald Trump sat down with Newsmax host Greg Kelly for an interview that aired Wednesday night.

During the discussion Trump was asked about banning TikTok in the United States.

President Trump immediately turned his attention to Facebook, a platform that openly censures and bans conservative voices.

Greg Kelly: One more thing from today’s news, TikTok. The Republicans just voted – the Republicans and Democrats just voted to ban it. You don’t think they should ban it right now?


President Trump: Well, I didn’t say anything other than you have to look at Facebook. Facebook is the enemy of the people. They did those lockboxes. They spent 500 million. You know, if you spent more than $5,600 or whatever the number is, if you spent a $100 more, they put you in prison for campaign violations. Right?

Zuckerberg or Zuckerbucks, whatever you want to call them, is spending, the number is crazy. He’s spending $500 million in the last election and nothing happens to him. And that money is being passed all over the place, especially under lockboxes or so called lockboxes because they’re not lockboxes. I call them open boxes. And I think that something has to be done with Facebook. And one thing I will say, I don’t want Facebook to get bigger because I think Facebook is an equal threat. And that includes with China. Because if China wants to know anything about what Facebook knows, they’re going to give them the information.

As NY AG Letitia James Launches the Globalist War on Beef, a Survival Company CEO Fights Back

23 States and District of Columbia File Amicus Briefs in Favor of Joe Biden and Government Censorship and Regulation of Speech in America – via the MO v. Biden Case

By Jim Hoft Mar. 14, 2024

Twenty-three Democrat run states and the District of Columbia, the home of our nation’s capital, filed amicus briefs in support of government censorship and banning of free speech in the United States.

These 23 states and the District of Columbia filed amicus briefs in support of the Biden administration in the SCOTUS case is Murthy, et al v. Missouri, et al, 23-411 (Missouri v. Biden) case.

The states essentially argue that they have an interest in collaborating with tech companies to “encourage” the public to behave themselves and “discourage” the public from believing alleged “disinformation” or engaging in online predatory behavior. The clear message is that they believe that the government has the right to shut down and censor speech.

The list of un-American states that support government censorship include:

As Americans Scramble to Protect Retirement Accounts With Physical Gold and Silver, A Faith-Based Company Shows Them How


New York
Washington, D.C.
New Jersey
New Mexico,
Rhode Island,

HOWEVER, a number of courageous states filed an Amicus Curiae brief in SUPPORT of Gateway Pundit and the Free Speech Respondents. These (16) heroic states include:

South Carolina,
South Dakota,
West Virginia,
and the Arizona Legislature

The “most important free speech case in a generation” Missouri v. Biden (Murthy v. Missouri), is set to be heard by the Supreme Court on Monday, March 18th.

Missouri v. Biden is the case filed by the courageous Attorneys General from Missouri and Louisiana against the Biden Administration for their violations of the First Amendment. Specifically, the case complains to the Court that the federal government violated the Constitution when it specifically directed social media companies to delete and censor comments, articles, accounts, memes and photos they disliked, and when the FBI’s corrupt agents, agents like Elvis Chan, engaged in a wholesale deplatforming of specific users, specific comments, and specific topics.

The government was purposefully censoring truthful information.

The scale of the censorship regime is massive.

The hearing on March 18th will be for oral arguments, which will likely last one day. The Justices would then decide the case, and if a majority agrees, they will issue an opinion on the last day of the Court’s term, typically in late June or early July. The Supreme Court agrees to hear very few cases each year, typically only 100-150 cases of over 7,000 that usually request review.

The Plaintiffs include three prominent doctors, a news website, a healthcare activist, and two states —had posts and stories removed or downgraded by the platforms.
Dr. Aaron Kheriaty
Dr. Martin Kulldorff
Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya
Jim Hoft
Jill Hines
The State of Missouri
The State of Louisiana


VIDEO Tucker Carlson, Bret Weinstein,Big Pharma, WHO, Dark Globalist Agenda – Pandemic Treaty Threatens Freedom of Expression – WEF Pushes Ban on Home Grown Food

Tucker Carlson and Bret Weinstein Discuss Big Pharma and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Dark Globalist Agenda

January 6, 2024 | Sundance 

In his latest episode, Tucker Carlson and Bret Weinstein discuss the long-term agenda of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Essentially, the WHO agenda ties into the larger “Western” control operation which encompasses finance and banking control (Central Bank Digital Currency) to connect with the WHO control agenda.  As Weinstein talks about travel and commerce being controlled by the WHO, under the auspices of “global health initiatives” or “public health emergency,” there is an element being built in parallel which connects how citizens will be permitted to spend money.

In the bigger picture, the Western global alliance is working systematically to control the behavior of all humans under the guise of “health.”  The key and operative word is “control.”  Outside the Western global alliance, in what I have called the ‘grey zone’, there is a battle waging against the control mechanisms.  This, in combination with the social foundation of freedom, is why various states like Russia have been deemed enemies of the West.  WATCH: 


At 16:00 of the video above, you will gain a much bigger understanding of my recent travel.  Yes. Yes. Yes.  Weinstein is exactly correct…. As he quickly skims on what the proverbial “West” is doing, it is the Eastern bloc of EU nations where the pushback is strongest.

The “powerful set of forces” he describes are the elements within and connected to the control officers (like the WEF) who triggered the Build Back Better agenda.  My research approach was to go into that BBB initiative and work my way outward and downstream.  Ultimately, that research approach is what led me to the forbidden zone.  I will have more on how this is all ultimately connected, but for now this interview is an excellent summary point.

This is an excellent interview.

Why the WHO Pandemic Treaty Threatens Freedom of Expression

By Guest Contributor Feb. 16, 2024

This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire

By Giorgio Mazzoli
Real Clear Wire

Despite the immense influence wielded by the United Nations, attention to its rumblings is typically rare outside the international crisis du jour. Breaking from this trend, the ongoing negotiation of a pandemic treaty at the World Health Organization has captured the global spotlight long before reaching its anticipated conclusion. Yet, despite this heightened attention, the public debate on how to head off future pandemic threats has largely overlooked the potential impact of the WHO Pandemic Agreement on fundamental freedoms, notably freedom of expression.

Underway since March 2023, the pandemic accord negotiations seek to establish legally binding rules to enhance international cooperation and to strengthen the role of the WHO in preventing, preparing for, and responding to future pandemics.

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To purportedly achieve these objectives, the draft text currently under consideration would commit parties to “tackle” such things as misleading information, misinformation, or disinformation, without offering a definition for these terms or specifying how this would be done. It would also require the “management” of so-called “infodemics,” defined as “too much information, false or misleading information, in digital and physical environments during a disease outbreak” causing “confusion” as well as “mistrust” in health authorities. These provisions cast a looming shadow of censorship that should alarm anyone who values open discourse and transparent governance.

Everyone agrees that life is precious and that states have an interest in protecting public health. But some of the most grave and systematic human rights abuses of the last century unfolded during public emergencies and we must be vigilant to protect hard-won rights – especially in times of crisis. And while the pandemic agreement proclaims recognition of respect for human rights as one of its general principles and its assurance of non-conflict with other international obligations, this falls short of resolving the inevitable concerns for freedom of expression raised by its text. Moreover, the recent dismissal by the WHO’s director-general of criticism regarding the pandemic agreement’s implications for sovereignty and personal freedoms as “a torrent of fake news, lies, and conspiracy theories” validates the fear that important debates might be stifled under the guise of protecting the public from information.

As a fundamental human right, freedom of expression cannot be forfeited on the pretext of a public health emergency, nor unjustly sacrificed in the face of the challenges of verifying information in a globalized, tech-driven world. It is unequivocally clear under international human rights law that although some restrictions may be lawful, they must always be implemented with the utmost restraint and in the least restrictive manner possible, including in times of emergency. The overbroad and ambiguous wording of the current draft can only be seen as a dangerous deviation from this established norm, potentially legitimizing the egregious free speech violations observed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

There is no right to be shielded from information that authorities may subjectively label as “misleading,” or simply “too much.” Conversely, the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas of all kinds is a core aspect of freedom of expression, protected under international law. As such, it should be safeguarded as the cornerstone of a truly open and resilient society, enabling much-needed scrutiny and accountability over critical public health decisions, as the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated.

With the May 2024 deadline for the agreement’s adoption swiftly approaching – a timeline that negotiators view with increasing skepticism – will member states heed the call to ensure that the public health imperative of effectively preventing and responding to pandemics does not come at a cost for our fundamental freedoms?

This article was originally published by RealClearPolitics and made available via RealClearWire.

Giorgio Mazzoli serves as Director of UN Advocacy for ADF International.

WEF Pushes Ban on Home-Grown Food to ‘Fight Climate Change’

Frank Bergman March 1, 2024 

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is calling on governments to ban the general public from growing their own food at home by arguing that they are causing “climate change.”

According to so-called “experts” behind a recent WEF study, researchers apparently discovered that the “carbon footprint” of home-grown food is “destroying the planet.”

As a result, the WEF and other globalist climate zealots are now demanding that governments intervene and ban individuals from growing their own food in order to “save the planet” from “global warming.”

The research indicated that resorting to garden-to-table produce causes a far greater carbon footprint than conventional agricultural practices, such as rural farms.

This research, conducted by WEF-funded scientists at the University of Michigan, was published in the journal Nature Cities.

The study looked at different types of urban farms to see how much carbon dioxide (CO2) was produced when growing food.

On average, a serving of food made from traditional farms creates 0.07 kilogram (kg) of CO2, according to the study.

However, the WEF-funded researchers claim that the impact on the environment is almost five times higher at 0.34kg per portion for individual city gardens.

The paper’s first author Jake Hawes said:

“The most significant contributor to carbon emissions on the urban agriculture sites we studied was the infrastructure used to grow the food, from raised beds to garden sheds to pathways, these constructions had a lot of carbon invested in their construction.”

The study recruited 73 urban agriculture sites around the world.

Those farms included some in Europe, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

The researchers say they conducted a comprehensive life cycle assessment on the site’s infrastructure, irrigation, and supplies.

Hawes and his teammates grouped urban agriculture sites into three categories: individual or family gardens, including allotments; collective gardens, such as community gardens; and larger, commercial-orientated urban farms.

The researchers also found other factors that they claimed are “hazardous” when it comes to impacting the alleged “climate crisis.”

Poorly managed compost and other synthetic inputs contribute to “global warming,” they warned.

They further advised that fruit was 8.6 times more “eco-friendly” when grown conventionally compared to in a city.

Vegetables, meanwhile, were 5.8 times better for the environment when left to the professionals, they claim.

Moreover, two-thirds of the “carbon footprint” of allotments is created by the garden itself, as per their data.

Nevertheless, they insist that people should be limited when it comes to keeping plants inside their homes, as well as growing food in their gardens.

Urban gardeners used to have no qualms about greening their indoor spaces.

Vegetables, meanwhile, were 5.8 times better for the environment when left to the professionals, they claim.

Moreover, two-thirds of the “carbon footprint” of allotments is created by the garden itself, as per their data.

Nevertheless, they insist that people should be limited when it comes to keeping plants inside their homes, as well as growing food in their gardens.

Urban gardeners used to have no qualms about greening their indoor spaces.

They cite “carbon emissions” from the trucks that transport plants, plastic pots, and synthetic fertilizers.

These, they said, are made from petroleum and the harvesting of soil components like peat can “tear up slow-forming habitats.”

Susan Pell, the director of the U.S. Botanic Garden in Washington, D.C., downplayed the narrative.

Pell argues that members of the general public should at least still be able to grow potted plants at home, even if they can’t buy them.

They just need to consider the “environmental harm of indoor gardening,” she claims.

The news comes amid a growing war against the food supply to supposedly fight “global warming.”

As Slay News reported, 14 major American cities have set a “target” to comply with the WEF’s green agenda goals by banning meat and dairy products by 2030.

The agreement also seeks to ban private car ownership and place other restrictions on public freedoms to meet the WEF’s “Net Zero” goals.

The U.S. cities have formed a coalition called the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group” (C40) which has established an “ambitious target” to meet the WEF’s goals by the year 2030.

To fulfill the “target,” the C40 Cities have pledged that their residents will comply with the following list of mandatory rules:

  • “0 kg [of] meat consumption”
  • “0 kg [of] dairy consumption”
  • “3 new clothing items per person per year”
  • “0 private vehicles” owned
  • “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person”

Earlier this week, New York’s anti-Trump Democrat Attorney General Letitia James advanced this agenda by filing a lawsuit against the world’s largest beef producer, as Slay News reported.

NY AG James is suing JBS USA over claims the company has failed to meet its so-called “Net Zero” pledge.

The get-Trump prosecutor accuses JBS of allegedly contributing to “global greenhouse gas emissions” as “families continue to face the daily impacts of the climate crisis.”

In an announcement, James blasted the agriculture industry and argued that beef production has the largest “greenhouse gas footprint” of any major food commodity.

James also claimed that animal agriculture accounts for 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Essentially, the taxpaying masses must stop eating meat and using natural fuels to meet the goals of the elite.

READ MORE – Bill Gates’ Plan to ‘Fight Climate Change’ by Blocking the Sun Begins

VIDEO Canadian Federal Court Rules Use of Emergency Powers to End Trucker Protests Was Unconstitutional – Tucker Carlson “Freedom” Speech in Canada

January 24, 2024 | Sundance |

Justin from Canada and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, used the invocation of the Canadian Emergency Powers Act to seize Truckers’ and their supporters bank accounts, block mortgages, eliminate loans and credit cards, seize personal assets and otherwise use financial mechanisms to target their political opposition.

Yesterday a federal judge in Canada ruled the use of the Emergency Powers Act was unconstitutional.

CANADA –  […] On Feb. 14, 2022, the federal government invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in its history, arguing at the time that the national security risks stemming from the protests justified its use.

The move allowed the federal government to enact wide-sweeping but temporary powers to help officials crack down on protesters’ access to funds, grant the RCMP jurisdiction to enforce local laws, designate critical infrastructure and services, and impose fines and imprisonment on participants who refused to leave the protest zone.

“I have concluded that the decision to issue the Proclamation does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness – justification, transparency and intelligibility – and was not justified in relation to the relevant factual and legal constraints that were required to be taken into consideration,” stated Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley.

Mosley added that “there can be only one reasonable interpretation” of the Emergencies Act and CSIS Act, and that he believes “the legal constraints on the discretion of the GIC to declare a public order emergency were not satisfied.”

Mosley also stated that, factoring for the definition of a “national emergency” under the Act, “there was no national emergency” to justify its use, and that “the decision to do so was therefore unreasonable” and beyond the powers of the law. (read more)

Tucker Carlson Gives “Freedom” Speech in Canada – Justin Not Happy with “Freedom” Propaganda

January 25, 2024 | Sundance |

Justin from Canada is oh not too happy with Tucker Carlson for traveling to Calgary (rebellious audience 4,000) and then stadium show for 8,000 rebels in Edmonton.  Apparently, Justin does not like it when Tucker comes to Canada.   WATCH:

[JUSTIN is Big Mad – Article Here]

VIDEO House Judiciary Committee Launches Investigation into Fani Willis’s Love Interest and Legal Associate Nathan Wade – Banality of Evil in America?- American Imam Threatens All Jews – Power Grid fail?

Breaking: House Judiciary Committee Launches Investigation into Fani Willis’s Love Interest and Legal Associate Nathan Wade — On His Politically Motivated Prosecution of Donald Trump

By Jim Hoft Jan. 12, 2024

Atlanta DA Fani Willis with love interest and Attorney Nathan Wade – screengrab

The House Judiciary Committee launched an investigation into Fani Willis’s love interest and associate Nathan Wade on Friday.

House Judiciary Committee, led by Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent a comprehensive letter to Nathan Wade, scrutinizing the coordination between the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office (FCDAO) and other politically motivated investigations. This letter also raises questions about the potential misuse of federal funds.

Excerpts of the Letter to Nathan Wade:

“The Committee on the Judiciary continues to conduct oversight of politically motivated prosecutions by state and local officials. Based on recent reports, we believe that you possess documents and information about the coordination of the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office (FCDAO) with other politically motivated investigations and prosecutions and the potential misuse of federal funds. Accordingly, we ask for your cooperation with our oversight.

“On August 14, 2023, with your assistance, Fulton County District Attorney Fani T. Willis indicted a former President of the United States and current declared candidate for that office. According to a recent court filing, you have been paid more than $650,000—at the rate of $250 per hour—to serve as an ‘Attorney Consultant’ and later a ‘Special Assistant District Attorney’ in the unprecedented investigation and prosecution of the former President and other former federal officials. This filing also alleges that while receiving a substantial amount of money from Fulton County, you spent extravagantly on lavish vacations with your boss, Ms. Willis.

“Although Ms. Willis has so far refused to cooperate with our oversight of the FCDAO’s coordination with other politically motivated prosecutions, invoices that you submitted for payment by the FCDAO, and made public as part of this court filing, highlight this collusion. This new information appears to substantiate our concerns that Ms. Willis’s politicized prosecution, including the decision to convene a special purpose grand jury, was aided by partisan Democrats in Washington, D.C. For example:

  • In April 2022, you billed $6,000 for 24 hours of ‘[t]eam meeting; Conf w/Jan 6; Research legal issues to prep intev’ from April 18 to 22.
  • In May 2022, you billed $2,000 for eight hours of ‘travel to Athens; conf. with White House Counsel’ on May 23, 2022.
  • In that same invoice, you billed another $2,000 for eight hours of ‘team meeting; Conf w/Jan 6; SPGJ witness prep’ on May 31, 2022.
  • In September 2022, you billed $6,000 for 24 hours of ‘[w]itness [i]nterviews; conf call DC; team meeting’ from September 7 to 9.
  • In November 2022, you billed $2,000 for eight hours of ‘Jan 6 meeting and Atty conf.’ on November 16.
  • In that same invoice, you billed another $2,000 for eight hours of ‘[i]nterview with DC/White House’ on November 18.

“The FCDAO reportedly compensated you using a concoction of comingled funds, including monies confiscated or seized by the FCDAO and monies directed from Fulton County’s ‘general’ fund. The Committee has information that the FCDAO received approximately $14.6 million in grant funds from the Department of Justice between 2020 and 2023 and, given the enormous legal fees you have billed to the FCDAO, there are open questions about whether federal funds were used by the FCDAO to finance your prosecution. In fact, on one day—November 5, 2021—you billed taxpayers for 24 hours of legal work, attesting that you worked all day and night without break on a politically motivated prosecution.

“A recent news report corroborates your coordination with partisan Democrats, explaining that you and FCDAO staff ‘quietly met’ with the partisan January 6 Committee, which allowed you to review information they had gathered. Politico reported that the partisan January 6 Committee provided Ms. Willis’s prosecution a ‘boost’ as she prepared to convene a special grand jury and even ‘helped prosecutors prepare for interviews with key witnesses.’ The same article suggests that the partisan January 6 Committee provided you access to records it withheld from other law-enforcement entities and even other Members of Congress.

“The Committee has serious concerns about the degree of improper coordination among politicized actors—including the Biden White House—to investigate and prosecute President Biden’s chief political opponent. This new information released recently only reinforces the Committee’s concerns about politically motivated prosecutions by state and local officials. To advance our oversight, we ask that you please produce the following documents and information for the period of November 1, 2021, to the present:

1. All documents and communications in your possession between or among the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office, including yourself, and the U.S. Department of Justice and its components, including but not limited to Special Counsel Jack Smith, referring or relating to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office’s investigation of President Trump;

2. All documents and communications in your possession between or among the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office, including yourself, and the Executive Office of the President, including but not limited to the White House Counsel’s Office, referring or relating to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office’s investigation of President Trump;

3. All documents and communications in your possession between or among the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office, including yourself, and the partisan January 6 Select Committee referring or relating to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office’s investigation of President Trump;

4. All notes, memoranda, documents, or other material in your possession referring or relating to your meetings, conferences, phone calls, or other interactions with the U.S. Department of Justice, the Executive Office of the President, or the partisan January 6 Select Committee;

5. All invoices, including credit card statements and individualized reimbursement requests, submitted by you or your law partners to the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office relating to its investigation of President Trump; and

6. All contracts and financial arrangements between you and the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office relating to its investigation of President Trump.”

On Wednesday Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) filed a criminal complaint against Fani Willis for her “improper” relationship with the top Trump prosecutor Nathan Wade.

Marjorie Taylor Greene called Fani Willis’ relationship with Nathan Wade an “illegal conflict of interest.”

Rep. Greene’s criminal referral was sent to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R) and Attorney General Chris Carr.

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On Monday, Fani Willis was subpoenaed to testify in the divorce proceedings of Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor she appointed to go after former President Donald Trump and his associates.

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According to a court filing obtained by The Wall Street Journal, Willis was served a subpoena at her Atlanta office for her testimony in the divorce case of Nathan Wade and his wife, Joycelyn Wade.

The nature of the questions Willis may face in the deposition remains undisclosed in the subpoena document.

Rep. Keith Self: The Banality of Evil in America?

By Rep. Keith Self Jan. 12, 2024

“The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal.” ― Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil

How could a nation as advanced as Germany at the turn of the last century, embrace or even tolerate the tyranny of National Socialism?  Why did German citizens, many of them sophisticated, so easily conform to and participate in the rabid antisemitic worldview of Adolf Hitler?

Can something similar happen again today in America?

History tends to focus on the sinister leaders of WWII: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, and Adolf Eichmann. These malevolent men were only part of the equation. The state- sponsored ghettos, concentration camps, and systematic murders of more than six million Jews would not have been possible without the tolerance and participation of the German people.

Skyrocketing Food Prices Are Prompting Many Americans to Stock Up on Long-Term Storage Beef

Here is some background. Prior to WWII, the prospect of a once peaceful, productive people inflicting inhumanity on mankind again through obedience to a tyrannical government seemed implausible.

The shattered post-World War I German economy was ripe ground for a socialist government to offer attractive solutions to a struggling people. With hyperinflation, vast unemployment, and desperation among working class people, the Nazi Party funded public projects and work schemes might have seemed like a good idea. Throw in public animosity against a struggling democracy, and you had the beginnings of the Third Reich.

Once Germans came under the Nazi spell, demonizing the Jewish people by creating a climate of hostility towards them followed.

America and our allies at the time took a decisive stand against the evil spreading across Europe. This fact makes it all the more shocking that the poison of National Socialism is so prevalent in America today.

We are seeing in real time our own government lull Americans to sleep with mass welfare, bailouts, spiraling government spending, and healthcare mandates – all instituted by “experts”.

Progressives tested the theory of controlling American lives during the COVID-19 pandemic while also weaponizing the federal government against a certain segment of our population.  It proved so successful that corporate board members and everyday citizens are now submitting to, tolerating, and even participating in this wicked scheme.

While the silence of progressive politicians embracing the tyranny imposed on our liberty during the pandemic was stunning, radical Members of Congress promoting antisemitism is disgusting.  Their puppets are leftovers from Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movements masquerading as pro-Palestinians. They are following with their eyes wide shut; promulgating protests in support of Hamas while attempting to justify the horrific actions of October 7th.

Unfortunately, the potential for this horrible point in human history repeating itself no longer seems farfetched. Shockingly, while America was largely responsible for the demise of National Socialism after WWII, our government may now be a catalyst for the re-emergence of the banality of evil, where ordinary citizens yield to its tyranny. Can it happen here?

American Imam Threatens: All Jews Will be Killed by Muslims

By Guest Contributor Jan. 13, 2024

Imam Alhajie Jallow/Image courtesy of Memri

This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘We should retaliate with aggression’

A Muslim imam in Wisconsin has threatened that the eradication of the Jewish people is coming, and it will happen at the hands of Muslims.

“By Allah, all of [the Jews] will be killed by Muslims, they all will be executed by Muslims, they will all be killed,” was the threat from imam Alhajie Jallow, during an October 13, 2023, sermon at the Madinah Community Center in Madison, according to a report from the Middle East Media Research Institute.

As Americans Scramble to Protect Retirement Accounts With Physical Gold and Silver, A Faith-Based Company Shows Them How

The organization monitors reports throughout that region of the world, and offers reports and analysis of what is appearing there.

MEMRI, which posted the video on its site, explained, “Imam Alhajie Jallow said in an October 13, 2023 Friday sermon at the Madinah Community Center in Madison, Wisconsin and posted on the center’s YouTube channel, that the Muslim ‘brothers’ in Gaza are heroes. He said that only Jihad could bring glory and victory to the Muslims, not contracts or agreements, and that every Muslim should be a soldier today.

He urged jihad multiple times: “The only thing that can bring glory to this Islamic nation is the Jihad, which is mentioned in the Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. The only thing that can bring honor and glory to this nation is Jihad.”

“Our brothers in Gaza are heroes! By Allah, they are warriors, heroes, they are men, just like the Companions. They do not fear death,” he said.

He accused Jews of being criminal.

“By Allah, all of them will be killed by Muslims. They all will be executed by Muslims. They will all be killed, this is a divine promise that will inevitably be fulfilled. This is a promise from Allah and it is going to happen. They will all be killed. They will all be killed, and on that day, the believers will rejoice in Allah’s victory.”

Tucker Carlson Episode 64 with Actor Dennis Quaid: What Happens if America’s Power Grid Fails? (Video)

By Margaret Flavin Jan. 13, 2024 3:40 pm406 Commen

Actor Dennis Quaid sits down with Tucker Carlson

On episode 64, Tucker Carlson sits down with actor Dennis Quaid to discuss the risk to America’s power grid, something the American government seems to be ignoring.

Tucker Carlson:So I mean, I could ask you a million questions, I want to get right to the project that’s coming up right now about our power grid that you did. Can you just give us a quick overview what this is and why did you do it?

Dennis Quaid:It’s called grid down, power up. And, it’s about an issue which concerned me really for quite some time. I, they did a little segment on 60 minutes about this, but basically, there is a 100% probability that our sun generating what they call a GMD, a, which is a solar storm that hits hard, hits our Earth, and, the magnetic field that we have around the Earth and can fry everything that is electric above the ground, including our entire grid.

Tucker: And this would happen organically. Naturally. And that’s just what the sun does.

Quaid: It has happened. There was a they call it a Carrington event, which happened in I think it was 1859. And at that time, basically we had telegraph lines as far as electricity goes, and it fried our entire telegraph system. It was set up, had to be replaced and-

Tucker: The entire thing?

Quaid:The entire thing. And so imagine what that would do now with a very large storm, which there’s a 100% chance of it happening. And that was a 100 year event. They call that one.

Tucker: And, and I’m not good at math, but-

Quaid: It’s trillions of dollars that it would take to to replace all that. Plus there wouldn’t we wouldn’t even get to spend those trillions of dollars because the, it would take out not only the electricity, but, you know, all of our entire infrastructure and our society runs our electricity. We don’t know how to live without it. Yeah, you turn on, there would be water in your tap there, you couldn’t get gas for your car because the the whole system is broken down. Everything that we rely upon would be gone. The food would melt in our refrigerators. There would be, and they predict within a year about 90% of the population would be dead from starvation, disease or, you know, people. And it gets back to the Stone age again.

Tucker: Killing each other?

Dennis: Yeah.

Tucker: Well that’s shocking, bit of information that.

Quaid: Really lifts your day doesn’t it.

Tucker: It does. I mean, I just sort of I’m adding that’s to the Armageddon file that’s growing.

Quaid: Nobody’s really talking about it. And in fact, President Trump actually, signed an executive order to, harden our grid to protect ourselves against an event like this happening. Obama, tried to get that going as well. And, it’s stuck in these regulatory agencies that, you know, and lobbyists because money needs to spend most of our, grid power companies are privately owned, and you can understand them not wanting to spend money on something that might occur. But this is definitely going to occur.

00:40) Grid Down, Power Up
(25:00) His Favorite Movie
(32:18) Dennis Quaid Sings a Song
(39:44) Election Worries



VIDEO David Axelrod: Keeping Trump Off Ballot “Would Rip Country Apart”… – Next Trump DefSec Would Be Loyal to America and Commander in Chief – VA Judge Keeps Trump On Ballot – Intellectual Froglegs – “J6: A True Timeline”

David Axelrod Says Keeping Trump Off Ballot “Would Rip Country Apart”…

December 30, 2023 | Sundance |

Former Obama top advisor, David Axelrod, appeared with the sanctimonious CNN crew to discuss the political efforts by Democrats in Maine to keep President Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot, and as a consequence try to stop people from voting for him.

“I have very, very strong reservations about all of this,” Axelrod said in an “Erin Burnett OutFront” interview on CNN. “I do think it would rip the country apart if he were actually prevented from running, because tens of millions of people want to vote for him.”  “I think if you’re going to beat Donald Trump, you’re going to probably have to do it at the polls,” he continued.

Keep in mind that only three months ago, this is the same David Axelrod who said Joe Biden should do the right thing for the Democrat Party and step aside from trying to win reelection.  WATCH:


As a random sidenote… Did you ever notice that CNN is dependent on Donald Trump for more than 70% of their total broadcast TV subject matter?  I check their overall TV coverage quickly a few times a week, and it’s funny, because without stories about President Trump CNN would literally lose about three quarters of their content.

8 out of 12 CNN videos are Trump-centric. This 70 to 75% ratio has been happening for years. It’s a little funny.

Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper Very Concerned Next Trump DefSec Would Be Loyal to America and Commander in Chief

December 30, 2023 | Sundance |

These guys keep providing me super timely and apropos fuel for my arguments about the structure of the next Trump administration.

Appearing on CNN, former Defense Secretary Mark Esper outlines his greatest concern that within our constitutionally provided civilian-led military structure, a President Trump Defense Secretary might actually be loyal to the Commander in Chief.

In his own words, Mark Esper views this possibility as a very serious problem.  I’m not kidding, WATCH (prompted):


Perhaps people might understand why I wrote:

[…] “Many people understandably freak out with a Def Sec with no experience in military.  However, the Def Sec is designed to be civilian led military; the President is the commander in chief.  The Def Sec executes military efforts to support the President.  This is the problem with having career military as Def Sec, they regard the institution as more important than the instructions they receive. [See Mark Milley and/or James Mattis and/or Alexander Vindman, they go rogue.]  The U.S. military needs to be managed now, brought to heel and Wokeism removed.” (MORE)

Mike Pompeo, Mark Esper and Mark Milley worked unilaterally, without President Trump’s authority, on at least one situation during the winter of 2019 when U.S. strikes took place. 👀  [Background Here] [Background Here]    President Trump made Esper, Milley and Pompeo hold a press conference without Trump supporting them; then President Trump remained silent on the issue for days. 

Virginia Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Intended to Keep Donald Trump from Virginia Ballot

December 31, 2023 | Sundance |

The leftist LAWFARE effort to use the federal and state court system to keep President Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot continues. However, in the most recent example, a Democrat appointed federal judge in Virginia has dispatched the effort.

(New York Post) – A federal judge in Virginia on Friday dismissed a lawsuit aimed at removing former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 primary ballot citing the insurrection clause of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment.

The complaint, filed by activists Roy Perry-Bey and Carlos Howard, alleged that Trump “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the US and should therefore be disqualified from seeking the office he once occupied.

Judge Leonie Brinkema of the Eastern District of Virginia, an appointee of former President Bill Clinton, found that the plaintiffs lacked standing to sue to get Trump, 77, off the state’s primary ballot.

“At least five additional federal courts have concluded that citizens attempting to disqualify individuals — including former President Trump — from participating in elections or from holding public office based on the January 6, 2021 attack on the United States Capitol lacked standing,” Brinkema wrote in her 13-page ruling.

“Plaintiffs have totally failed to demonstrate how their alleged injuries are traceable to the conduct of defendants,” the judge added. (read more)

No doubt the Lawfare effort will continue, as the predicate reason for the January 6th “insurrection” narrative continues to surface.

Behind the scenes names like Norm Eisen, Barry Berke, Mary McCord, Andrew Weissmann, David Laufman and Benjamin Wittes continue promoting the Lawfare approach.

Just as the DOJ and FBI were seeded with ideological lawyers intending to use the national security state and justice system to target their political opposition, the aligned private sector partners and activist groups continue the same effort from outside government.

Big Tech, social media companies, DHS, the DOJ and FBI are all deploying a comprehensive strategy to attack the foundation of our constitutional republic and replace it with a totalitarian dictatorship run by financial interests and collaborators inside government.   It is going to get a lot uglier before the final conflict is resolved.

Unfortunately, the professional Republican apparatus is a willful participant in the effort.  Just as the Tea Party was targeted by Eric Holder and Barack Obama, using weaponized government (DOJ/IRS) with the support and willful blindness of the Republican political apparatus, so too is the America-First movement under constant attack by the same ideologues.

The rRpublican politicians who remain in the primary race are not stupid, blind or naive.  They are active and financially rewarded participants in the overall effort.

Intellectual Froglegs – Year End Edition

December 30, 2023 | Sundance | 

Legend tells us that Alexander the Great gave his generals three final commands as he lay dying.  #1 Only the best doctors should carry his coffin.  #2 All of his wealth should be scattered during the funeral procession.  #3 His arm and hand should remain unwrapped, hanging from his coffin and highly visible.

When questioned about those instructions the 33-year-old King of Macedonia and conqueror of Achaemenid Persia explained his three reasons.  First, every soul should know that even the best doctors of Kings cannot defeat death.  Second, the riches we accumulate mean nothing, they remain of no value as we leave.  Third, and most importantly, our hands leave this life as empty they came in, with truest treasure being time.

Alexander’s final orders are an apt reminder to each live our best life.  The moments we create with our time are the value of life.

Comrades, the rebellious messenger Joe Dan Gorman has transmitted again in a coded frequency only receivable by patriots with a funny bone. The secret message uses humor thereby ensuring communists and leftists, aka ‘democrats’, are incapable of receiving or deciphering it.

The subversive end of year transmission comes from deep in the underground bunker of the Rebel Alliance. Pull out those super-secret decoder rings, smile and enjoy the broadcast moment before the deep state satellite interception trucks show up on your driveway…

RINO SEASON – New Intellectual Froglegs

Caution for Language

[Direct Rumble Link] – [Website Here]

EXCLUSIVE: Open.Ink Project Releases Their Latest Production — “J6: A True Timeline” on the Real Story Behind the J6 Protests that They Won’t Tell You

By Jim Hᴏft Dec. 31, 2023

Open.Ink project presents…

J6: a True Timeline

The Open.Ink Project is set to release its latest documentary, “J6: A True Timeline,” on January 1, 2024. This film aims to provide a thorough investigation into the events of January 6.

The Gateway Pundit posted the trailer for this important film here.

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J6: A True Timeline gives the audience a never-before-seen timestamped blueprint for the events of January 6, 2021, as they unfolded in real-time. No other film to date fills the gaps or tells the story chronologically the way this film does.

The film is also different from anything produced to date because a small group of protestors, some who are J6 defendants, have been the ones to collect hours of footage to help contextualize the events of the day. The film was funded and produced entirely through small donations and tens of thousands of volunteer man hours. The hope is that the film will provoke all Americans to be more curious about the true timeline of January 6.

The creator and producer of the documentary is AJ Fischer of InvestigateJ6. AJ is a J6 defendant who knows more than most about what transpired on the West side of the Capitol; circumstances that led to the declared riot and Capitol building entry. In January 2023, Fischer began to make the film a reality. He lined up funding for the project and hired professional producer Jason Rink to help. Rink is the Executive Producer for the project. Paul Escandon is both director and editor.

Fischer’s Less Lethal timeline was featured in an article written by Journalist Wendi Strauch Mahoney with UncoverDC.

“I then followed the facts, reviewed evidence from hundreds of J6 trials, as well as evidence from bodycam footage, radio communications, and police officer testimony. It became definitively clear the police disregarded protestor safety and well-established DC protest crowd clearing laws, said Fischer. “Law enforcement failed to give proper, required warnings prior to launching munitions. In some cases, police are heard admitting they were hurting and inciting innocent people.”

It became even more clear that there have been disparities between the way Congress investigated these illegal police actions when BLM protestors were involved,” Fischer continued. “Those same illegal police actions have been ignored or buried when J6 protestors were targeted by police. In fact, the objective observer will tell you the J6 Select Committee ignored the facts to push a certain political narrative.”

“J6 A True Timeline is a result of hours of investigation into the facts of J6. The purpose of this film is to set the record straight without favor to one side or another. January 6 is a dark day in American history, but not in the way it has been portrayed. The American people deserve the whole, uncut truth of what transpired minute by minute. In reality, J6 was a complex human event; one where a peaceful, joyous morning of First Amendment assembly became a riot for reasons that are much more nuanced than most want you to believe.”

The seeds of this documentary were planted as far back as January 2021, with Dave Sumrall and Daniel Goodwyn of, who provided much of the research for the film. Goodwyn, the archival producer of J6 A True Timeline, played a major role in researching and archiving media. Sumrall was J6 A True Timeline’s consulting producer, helping with production and key research.

According to J6 A True Timeline Executive Producer, Jason Rink,

“The small group of collaborators have collected one of the largest repositories of J6 footage in private hands. When the government continued to drag its feet on the release of footage, this group decided to take matters into their own hands. They went about the task of laying out every angle of body cam footage, security footage and footage filmed by citizens, and compiled it in a timeline using metadata and timecode. The result is a view of January 6 from almost every angle, simultaneously, providing a much different story than previously known. Over the past year the filmmakers worked to edit the footage into a concise but accurate documentary which allows people to see the events of the day as they unfolded.”

The creators hope the film will provoke all Americans to ask questions based on what they see and hear.

  • How did these protestors die and why?
  • How is the government misrepresenting “restricted area” to convict Americans?
  • How many protestors really knew they were entering restricted areas on the Capitol grounds?
  • Do Americans know the flexible fencing was placed on the Capitol grounds for the purpose of constructing the inaugural stage?
  • Do Americans know the Capitol police were told prior to Jan. 6 not to use munitions on the crowds.
  • Why was there so much chaos? Why did people riot?
  • Were the police prepared to handle the crowds that day? Why didn’t the police arrest individuals before the violence escalated?
  • What really happened at the “tunnel” on Jan. 6. and how did Roseanne Boyland die?
  • Why did Officer Byrd shoot Ashli Babbitt when she was flanked from behind by Metro police?
  • What were the communications between Mayor Bowser, members of Congress, Chief Sund, and Yogananda Pittman?
  • Why are police heard saying they were “set up?”
  • Why does former Capitol Police officer Tarik Johnson continue to say that former Assistant Chief of USCP Intelligence Yogananda Pittman is largely responsible for the chaos on Jan. 6, not former President Donald J. Trump.

These and many other questions remain unanswered and should provoke Americans to think more critically about why the day unfolded the way it did.

The goal of this film was not to editorialize but to chronologically recount the significant events of the day as they unfolded. Viewers will also see events in synchrony throughout the film. The creators also wanted to highlight the circumstances of the protestors who lost their lives. The Jan. 6 deaths have either been minimized, manipulated, misunderstood, or entirely overlooked by our government, the judicial system, and the mainstream media.

The mainstream media and our government have shown almost zero interest in truthful, unbiased reporting of Jan. 6, to the detriment of so many. Sumrall says that he and the other creators “have brought more evidence to light than the government or media ever did.” He has personally testified on behalf of Jers even while under threat of imprisonment. He, like many J6 defendants, has also been visited multiple times at his home where he has been interrogated by the FBI. He and others have invested thousands of dollars in expenses for research, travel, publicity, and awareness on behalf of J6 defendants, many of whom have already been sentenced to years in Federal prison.

Daniel Goodwyn, J6 A True Timeline archival producer, has worked tirelessly to document the events of the day. His and Sumrall’s work will be featured on Open.Ink in hopes of preserving their years of dedication to getting the truth of J6 to the American public. Goodwyn worked behind the scenes over a period of three years compiling original information, data, and footage for the StopHate website. Goodwyn is on the autistic spectrum. His superpower is his ability to research and collate massive amounts of data accurately. Goodwyn’s work is one of the main reasons such a large collection of video and audio has been compiled in the first place.

As with so many J6 defendants, Goodwyn was targeted unfairly by the Department of Justice. Goodwyn walked in an open door in the Capitol for under 40 seconds and walked back out. He never stole, broke, or touched a single object in the Capitol nor did he hurt anyone. For that, the government wanted 20-plus years in federal prison. He was sentenced to 60 days in federal prison but his jail time was applied to some of his prison sentence. Still on supervised release, Goodwyn is not able to move freely. He is also regularly submitted to drug testing.

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Fischer, also a defendant who has lost everything and who also potentially faces years in federal prison, speaks to why this film needed to be made. He is the defendant whose UncoverDC news story went viral because his infant son was placed on the Quiet Skies suspected terrorist watchlist:

“The idea for the film was simple. Those of us with our own unique perspective as eyewitnesses, investigators and as observers of the trials and the congressional j6 committee knew that the American public had been purposefully misled about the timeline of events on January 6th.”

“A narrative was created that pieced together events throughout the day to manufacture an explanation for the day that placed the blame directly at Trump’s feet that was not based in fact at all. It was clear that they cherry-picked footage and evidence to explain the story they wanted to tell and lay the groundwork for the prosecution and removal of President Trump from presidential contention.”

“We knew that the peaceful protest outside the Capitol was incited into a riot long before a single protestor entered the building,” Fischer continues. “We knew there was more to the 4 protester deaths than had been previously told. And we knew the American people knew none of these things.”

While not involved in the production or content of the film, Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, made it possible to showcase the film on Open.Ink as a part of its J6 Collection. Open.Ink will feature other historical collections that have been heavily censored by the mainstream media and the American government. The idea is to preserve important historical events in perpetuity. The creators of the film will continue to investigate J6 to help with legal defense and to ensure the American public knows the truth about January 6.

Open.Ink is a revolutionary platform designed to bring you the most comprehensive and curated information from open records, research, and archival writings.

Our mission is to provide an unparalleled experience for readers, writers, researchers; preserving important historical information that you may not find anywhere else.

Open.Ink‘s powerful indexed search engine is specifically trained to help you access curated content from diverse sources.

Our aim is to shed light on people and events of historical significance, ensuring the authenticity and relevance of the information presented.


GREAT NEWS Sen. Majority Predicts Donald J. Trump Will Win 2024 Election, Constructs Bill To Prevent Trump Exiting NATO Alliance, Includes in Recent NDAA – FBI Investigator of Trump Russia Collusion Sentenced – They’re going down

GREAT NEWS – Senate Majority Predicts Donald J. Trump Will Win 2024 Election – Constructs Bill To Prevent Trump Exiting NATO Alliance, Includes in Recent NDAA

December 15, 2023 | Sundance | 

[Some of you guys think I am downtrodden by recent events and outlines.  You could not be further from accurate; I’m living the best days of my life – ever.  ¹See after current article. ~ SD]

There is good news again within this story, but only if you fully comprehend what the institution of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) represents as an outcome of the Fourth Branch of Government, and what the Senate Foreign Relations Committee is in place to do.

The SSCI is the facilitating institution that collaborates with the intelligence state to facilitate the construct of the surveillance walls around us.  The SSCI is the mechanism that permits the Deep State to function without impediment.  The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is the mechanism for the Senate to enrich the members.  If you don’t grasp that reality, you cannot fathom the enemy we face, nor the ramifications of how the DC control system shows their outlook.

Within this story, you discover the CIA, NSA, DNI, DIA, DOJ-NSD, Pentagon and State Dept all believe President Donald J. Trump is going to win the 2024 election.  If they didn’t fear and anticipate his victory, the Senate would not be taking action to control the ramifications of his pending victory.  That’s the context. Smile.

WASHINGTON DC – Congress has approved legislation that would prevent any president from withdrawing the United States from NATO without approval from the Senate or an Act of Congress. 

The measure, spearheaded by Sens. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), was included in the annual National Defense Authorization Act, which passed out of the House on Thursday and is expected to be signed by President Biden. (read more)

¹People keep asking me what can be done to shift events and stop/block the trajectory of the control system that is collapsing our constitutional republic.

Let me share something that is apparently being missed by most.  I have spent the past several years deeply engaged with the people and systems you see espoused as defenders in the conservative-sided media.  All of the familiar names; all of them held in esteem as persons of significant influence that could ultimately change things.

Allow me to call the baby ugly. Your opinion of their ability is vastly overrated.

This perspective is driven in part by the incapacity of most to understand how the silo system of control inside the matrix of our governmental institutions works.

Everything is compartmentalized….  Everything.

Every aspect of what you know in totality is unknown to every participant who operates inside each compartment.

That’s a fancy way of saying, you know more than they do.

Yes, that’s correct.

The proverbial “they” have no grasp on the issues we face at the same level of understanding that you do.

Each individual works inside a compartment, a specifically constructed silo of information.  They have no concept of what is taking place in other compartments that ultimately connect to their stake-holding.

None of them have the big picture, because the system that operates in Washington DC does not permit it.

Maybe, m.a.y.b.e, a total of 50 elected representatives, across both chambers, including staff, have any idea how FISA 702 is currently weaponized or used.  [I am being exceptionally generous, in this one example.]  That’s just FISA-702.

If you were to take the issue of DHS surveillance and coordination with social media, that number would be significantly fewer; that’s just another example amid tens of thousands.

The private sector, the ordinary high information consuming American, has far more knowledge than the elected official that represents them.  The politicians and staff therein, just don’t put the same level of importance behind it that you do.  That’s the reality of the thing, and too few people grasp what I am talking about, even as you read this.

This is also why they hold oversight hearings but never seem to know the questions that need to be asked.  They don’t know what questions to ask because they don’t know the context or baseline of the bigger picture issue that needs the question.

Not to get too prickly with names, but when it comes to the larger constructs of how it all ties together and what it means; you… yes you… the person reading this…. knows more than Devin Nunes, the former House Intelligence Committee chairman and former Gang of Eight member.   And this reality is truer after you accept that Nunes is likely near the top of the modern pyramid for Deep State institutional knowledge.

You know more than Ron Johnson, Chuck Grassley, Mike Johnson, Mike Turner (current HPSCI chair) and Marco Rubio (current SSCI vice-chair).  Each of the aforementioned relies on officials, spokespeople from the institutions, to tell them (briefing) what they need to know. The compartmentalized control institutions only tell them what they pre-filter and determine those in oversight need to know.

The people in charge are not names we know.

The people in charge, don’t even know they are in charge. That’s a reflection of how many compartments exist.

The CIA director, NSA director, ODNI, FBI Director, etc are not in charge of the compartments they represent. They are simply functionaries -middle men- who operate in the space between where the compass points are directed, where the data originates, and oversight of that data that is ultimately filtered and delivered to the functionaries, who then brief the representatives…. who then create policy… albeit flawed policy…. based on a very specific, controlled, compartmented and skewed information flow.

Semi-related.  The backbone code of Twitter is old and not optimized.  That is what makes the data processing costly to handle and operate.

Twitter runs like the DMV.  Why?  Because Twitter has to remain DHS compatible.  Why does Twitter need to remain DHS compatible? Because private company Twitter/X has data processing interfaces with the DHS surveillance system.  Making sense now?

Asking elected representatives to deconstruct the network of compartmented surveillance is akin to asking stage actors to create a new stage performance. The problem is the actors only have access to one script…. and each actor only gets the lines they are individually responsible for repeating.

Sum it all up this way:

You, the person reading this, knows more about the problem than any name you can think of as a person of influence.

That’s the reality of it.

Start there.

Now, you tell me the solution.

Additionally, if you start your mental response by saying, “wait, I don’t believe it,” unbeknownst to you you’re actually affirming the scope of the problem.

I am not the least bit overwhelmed, downtrodden or dismayed by this problem.  Factually, as an outcome of my inherent disposition, I find joy in knowing/accepting the truth and then structuring my efforts accordingly.

I am incredibly thankful to a loving God and to you, while feeling optimistic and filled with abundant purpose.

This compartmented control system cannot sustain itself much longer, because it requires ever expanding control in order to maintain operation.

What to do about it becomes simple.  Ignore it.

Engage in living your best life.  If they put a roadblock in front of you, walk around it.  Go live.

If people enjoy life, I mean really embrace and enjoy their God given right to liberty and freedom, they will not accept control.  So, go live life and teach those around you to live their best life.  If you take your children to experience freedom, liberty, fun and fulfillment, they will not enjoy or accept isolation. It really is that simple.

Engage in deliberate fellowship whenever you can.  Share the joy of freedom and point out -loudly- how that experience is contingent upon the retention of freedom. Emphasis the obvious; embrace liberty and ignore the despondent requirements created by those who need isolation as a form of control.

People who enjoy freedom will not accept control.  So, spread it. Teach it.  Show your tribe what it looks like.

Fearlessly live your best life.

FBI Investigator of Trump-Russia Collusion Sentenced to 4 Years in Prison for Colluding with Russia

December 14, 2023 | Sundance |

The irony and hypocrisy is thick.  Charles McGonigal was an FBI counterintelligence official in charge of the FBI New York field office. McGonigal was tasked with investigating Russian collusion and Russian sanction violations.

McGonigal was sentenced to four-years in federal prison today for colluding with a Russian (Oleg Deripaska) to avoid sanctions.

As noted by Politico, “McGonigal, who lives in New York, was separately charged in federal court in Washington, D.C., with concealing at least $225,000 in cash he allegedly received from a former Albanian intelligence official while working for the FBI. He faces sentencing in that case on Feb. 16.

NEW YORK — A former top FBI counterintelligence official was ordered Thursday to spend over four years in prison for violating sanctions on Russia by going to work for a Russian oligarch seeking dirt on a wealthy rival after he finished his government career.

Charles McGonigal was sentenced to four years and two months in prison in Manhattan federal court by Judge Jennifer H. Rearden, who said McGonigal harmed national security by repeatedly flouting sanctions meant to put economic pressure on Russia to get results without military force. He was also fined $40,000. (read more)


“They’re Going Down! These People On Their High Perch!” – MUST SEE: Lara Logan Releases New J6 Video with GOP Lawmaker and Crime Fighter Clay Higgins who TELLS ALL (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft Dec. 14, 2023

Representative Clay Higgins (R-LA)

Investigative journalist Lara Logan released the latest episode in her much anticipated investigation into the January 6, 2021 “Fed-surrection” today on Truth in Media website.

In her latest episode, Logan brings on former Louisiana police officer and current US Congressman Clay Higgins to discuss the events that tragic day back in January 2021.

Representative Higgins is famous for confronting FBI Director Chris Wray back in November 2022 on the confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters INSIDE the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

In November 2023 Rep. Higgins confronted Chris Wray again about the FBI’s confidential human sources that were brought to the January 6, 2021 protests. But this time Clay Higgins brought a photo of the government assets boarding buses before the rally.

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) releases photo of alleged FBI “ghost buses” in Union Station on Jan. 6, 2021 during questioning of FBI Director Chris Wray on 11-15-2023.

On Thursday Lara opened the interview with a questions on the letter Rep. Benny Thompson sent to DHS following the January 6, 2021 protests. According to Rep. Clay Higgins this resulted in innocent Trump supporters being placed on the terrorist watch list. This practice still takes place today.

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Rep. Clay Higgins: was the beginning of a executive action by the TSA to use its authority to instruct America’s air marshals to track and follow Trump supporters that have been charged with no crime. They were guilty only of arriving by air into DC on January 4, 5th or 6th, and those manifest were turned over to the FBI. The FBI went through those manifests and every American that they identified, that the FBI identified as a Trump supporter that was on those manifests was added to the FBI’s suspected domestic terrorist watchlist… The TSA administrator used his authority to instruct the air marshals of America to track those Americans wherever they fly. Still today, it’s still happening.

The letter was signed by top Republican Rep. John Katko. He approved of this.

This has been going on since January 2021.

Rep. Higgins then makes this promise–

Rep. Clay Higgins: “I’m telling you, we’re in uncharted waters as it relates to the weaponization of our government against the American people. I am not frightened of these people. I’ve spent my life serving others, and I love my country. This thing is not going to just slip away. They’re not going to take us without a fight. I’m going to fight legally and peacefully and within the parameters of the constitution that I’ve sworn to serve. But they’re going down. These men and their high perch and their position of power and authority that are walking upon our entire history, our deepest core principles. They’re not going to get away with it.”

This was an exceptional video – only at Truth in Media.

Watch the entire episode here.
